TITLE : Decisions AUTHOR : Brigitte Xbri@gmx.net RATING : NC-17 CATEGORY : MSR SPOILERS : The End/The Beginning, TF/OS and some minor references to earlier episodes ARCHIVE : Yes, please let me know DISCLAIMER : They don't belong to me, unfortunately. Just borrowed them to play FEEDBACK : Oh yes, please let me know, what you think SUMMARY : Scully can't take it anymore, she has to come to a decision. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know, you over there don't have to deal with Fowley anymore, but in Europe we still have to suffer. Thanks to Teresa, Hannah and Shell for their great beta and their support XXXXXXXXX It is so peaceful and calm here. I'm sitting on the wooden bank under the old oak tree as I've done many years ago. A soft breeze is pulling on the branches and the colored leaves above me are whispering slightly. The golden sunset is tinting the surroundings in a warm light and I'm glad that I have brought along my sweater, because it's getting chilly in the evening. I just love fall days here in New England. I enjoy spending hours and hours outside, just taking in the wonderful play of colors and gathering the last warming sunbeams. Soon it'll get dark and I'll have to go back to the house. Like the last three days I'll spend the evening sitting on the comfy couch near the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket, reading in one of the books, I purchased some time ago, but never have had the time to look at. Yes, I have to admit, I'm possibly avoiding issues too hard to deal with by hiding here in my aunt's lodge, where I've spent wonderful days when I was a child. But I need some time. I need time to be alone. To think about this mess, so I can get some things straight. I've been so tired. Tired of these fights, of his doubts and his selfishness. So I gladly accepted my aunt's offer to spend my vacation here in her beautiful house. If I had stayed at home, he wouldn't have let me alone. He'd call me again and again, just to engage me in an insignificant conversation about nothing. When he cannot be around me, he at least has to listen to my voice. Remembering my last trip to Maine, a smile escapes my lips. I didn't count his calls, but I even wasn't allowed to take one of my relaxing bubble baths without the phone ringing. Right now I just can't bear to be near him nor to hear his voice, so I decided to take some time off. I won't forget Mulder's surprised look when I asked for a week of vacation after we had handed our report to AD Kersh. Actually, Spender had given up and wanted us to get back to the X-Files, but right in this moment I didn't care about it. I just wanted to get away, as fast and as far as possible. After Kersh granted me this week, I turned and left his office. In the hallway I heard Mulder following me. He grasped me by the shoulder and turned me around, so I had to face him. "What is this about Scully? You can't leave now. I'm sure we'll get back to the X-files soon and..." "Mulder, let go of me." I interrupted him and I almost regretted it when I saw his face pale. His lips trembled and I could see he was at a loss of words. He only could stare at me. "Please, Mulder. I need some time for myself. I just have to think and clear some things in my head up. "It's because of Diana, I suppose?" I almost couldn't hold back a groan when I heard him say her name. "It's not only about her. We're on a turning point now. As you say it's possible that we get reassigned to the X- Files. Right now, I'm not quite sure whether I want to come back. You know, the X-Files have become a part of my life. I got entangled myself and I really would like to go on. I want to get answers and I want to search for the truth, but I have to take care of myself now. I'm tired. Tired of fighting, of laying obvious proof before you, just to be doubted again." "You'll leave?" "No, Mulder, you have to believe me. I'll spend some days in New England, in my aunt's lodge. I need some time away from all this to find a way to handle what has happened lately. I'll be back next week. Please, try to understand." Mulder was looking at me with an anguished face, so I almost wanted to give in. Gathering all my strength, I grasped his hand and squeezed it slightly. Ignoring the painful wrenching of my heart, I turned away and left him standing in the hallway. Shivering by the cool of the evening and troubled by my memories, I get up and walk back to the lodge. I light a fire and warm some soup for supper. I've been here now for three days and I'm really enjoying the break. Until now I've been able to keep myself busy. I'm spending my time doing some shopping, some gardening. The sunny autumn weather is inviting, and I take my time to explore the surroundings. First above all, I'm sleeping a lot. It seems that I just need it. Looking at my face in the mirror I can see that the dark shadows under my eyes are disappearing. I've even got some color on my cheeks and I really feel rested. But today I can't defer it anymore. I have to face what has been troubling me for some time now. Finally I'm here for this reason. I put some of my favorite CDs in the player and sit down on the couch, tugging my knees under. Listening to the piano recital I feel the emotions wash over me. I miss him. Miss him so much. I don't think that he's aware of my feelings, of my insecurities. I've been in love with him for a long time. I can't exactly spot the day when I recognized that I love him. But now I can't deny anymore that I love him with all my heart. >From the beginning I knew that he's a very special man. Oh no, it's not just his good looks, although I won't deny that I really like what I see. And I certainly noticed all these appreciative, lustful stares from women we've met working on a case or even in the Hoover building. It's rather his caring and soft heart he uses to hide behind his jokes and innuendoes. His readiness to stand up for others when they need help. His loyalty, his honesty and his strength in his beliefs. I've really thought that our partnership is running deep. We're friends, best friends. We've lived so much together that I always had been sure nothing could threaten the unique bond between us. Till now, I was convinced that he's trusting me unconditionally. After all we've gone through. After all what I've lost on this search for the truth. No, I'd never blame him for anything I've had to endure. It has been my own decision, my choice to stay with him and to go on. Although I'm very aware he'll always blame himself. I can't make him stop feeling responsible for what happened to me and my family. It seems we both have to carry quite a bundle of guilt. I can clearly remember the day when all started to change. The Gibson Praise case. All the agents working on that case were gathered in the briefing room and we were listening to Spender's performance. As so often, Mulder was able to discover more than us, and he was submitting his theory to us when she suddenly began to speak. Oh silly me. My first thought was, how good it would be to have some female support and company in this boy's club. How could I be so naive and ignorant? I had not seen or heard of Agent Fowley before, but it soon was quite clear to me that something was going on between her and Mulder. But I felt offended when I got to know that they had worked on the X-Files together in the beginning. Offended, because he had never mentioned her. He almost never talked about the time before we had been brought together. He'd never told me that he'd worked with someone else on the X-Files. Now at least I know why he kept this hidden. Oh and I was devastated, when Frohike revealed that Fowley had been Mulder's 'Chickadee'. His 'Chickadee'...whatever this means. Actually I rather don't want to know. Even when this had been years ago, I can say, that there still is something left of this time. Yes, I just have to admit, I'm jealous. I'm raging with jealousy and it takes all my strength to hide it. When I saw them in the hospital where Gibson had been tested, holding hands, smiling at each other, I felt as if my heart would break. I felt sick and battered and I just couldn't face him right at that moment. I didn't wanted him to see me in that condition, because he certainly would have wanted to know what had been bothering me. Making him come to the office, I confess, was on the one hand a chance to get him away from her. On the other hand, I hoped to be able to regain my composure by the time he'd arrive at the office. But for Christ's sake who does this woman think she is to doubt me in front of everyone in Skinner's office, without knowing anything about the results I had in my hands? Results, that for the first time meant proof. I had the pictures of Gibson's Computer Tomography , the EEG and the neurological tests. Just like that she cuts me down, without letting out that she's interested in the X-files herself. Mulder just nodded at her interjection and when I saw how he looked at her, I felt as if he just had punched me in my guts. My goodness, what was it with Mulder these days. We finally had proof. Gibson Praise could be the key to everything in the X-Files. But Diana Fowley just swept it away with a few words. I can still hear her voice: 'How do you quantify the spiritual? It can't be done.' Yada, yada, yada...and Mulder, this eloquent, brilliant partner of mine, didn't come up with one single reason why we should grant this assassin, who had tried to shoot Gibson, immunity from prosecution. Why it would be so important to make him talk. Mulder, who is never able to shut up, not even when he's riding us in deep shit, just kept quiet and obviously forgot all about the truth and our search. I really felt the need to throw up right in Skinner's office. Fortunately Skinner dismissed us after that and made Mulder stay, so I had the chance to save me to the lavatory, where I retched and vomited painfully until my anger subsided. It was pretty hard to work with her on this case and I almost couldn't stand to be in the same room with her. But I really never wanted her to be shot. As much as I dislike her, I was perplexed by the news that she had been injured in the line of duty. When Mulder and I arrived on the crime scene she was about being loaded onto an ambulance. She was unconscious, and to my shame I have to admit that I was relieved when I saw Mulder's quite careless reaction to her injury. Well, I can say, he was concerned. He briefly held her hand, but he didn't wanted to go to the hospital. He seemed to be more interested to know what had happened to Gibson. We didn't see Fowley again until our return from our adventure in Antarctica. Sometimes I wonder whether Mulder would also have gone after Fowley, if it had been her that had been taken. But I'll never ask him this question. Maybe because I'm afraid of his answer. This incident in Fort Marlene, the Center for High risk decontamination and quarantine, is still bothering me. I was so angry. They treated us like fools. All this quarantine crap just to get their hands on Cassandra Spender. From the beginning it was obvious, that this all was feigned and Diana obviously enjoyed her power. She knew, that I knew. Walking in without an overall exposed her. She knew that neither Cassandra Spender, nor Mulder or I was infected. I was furious back then and Mulder's reaction to calm me down just made me more upset. He really tried to make fun of it, to lighten my mood. Every word of our dispute is still haunting me. I angrily said to him: "Mulder, this stinks, and not just because I think that woman is a...well, I think you know what I think that woman is." He just replied sarcastically, " No. Actually, you hide your feelings very well." Now this really was great. I was raging. I was accusing Fowley of foul play. I was green with jealousy. And he just told me that I was hiding my feelings well. That really must have been the understatement of the year. Sometimes I wonder whether all this turmoil is just spinning in my head and on the outside I seemed to be quiet and reasonable. Fowley's appearance seems to have changed our professional and our personal live. Mulder and I have a very special relationship. It is built on trust, respect, the common fight to find the truth, even on love and some strange kind of dependence. As much as I hate it to admit, I can't imagine my life without him. He's become the center of my universe. The sun I'm turning around. I need him. I need his proximity, his hovering over me, his calls at any time, his innuendoes and his jokes. As annoying as it sometimes is, I love our banter and our late night discussion about the strangest theories. I'm so afraid I'll lose this. I don't want to share the X-files, our search, and I don't want to share him. Finally, I can feel hot tears in my eyes and I realize that I've never before been as honest with myself as I am now. Far way from him I'm able to let go at last. I'm shaking now and I can't stifle the sobs coming from deep inside of me. I've kept all those emotions bottled up and hidden in a secret place. Now they all want to be freed. They struggle to the surface of my conscious and seem to overwhelm me. I can't fight them and I fall down on the couch, cuddled like a baby, crying and sobbing until merciful exhaustion makes me fall asleep. End of part one XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX From: "Brigitte" Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 14:29:37 +0100 Subject: xfc: Decisions (2 of 4) Source: xfc ------=_NextPart_000_02E1_01BF5789.4B559820 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Decisions ( 2 of 4 ) by Xbri@xmx.net see part one for disclaimer Three days. It's only three days that she's away. Three fucking days and I already miss her. Miss her like crazy and I just don't get anything done. During the day I'm sitting in the office, surfing the net and jumping from one adult webpage to the other. But it's just no fun when Scully isn't around to remind me that I'd better be working on some, as I think, rather unimportant expense report instead of enjoying the 'Playboy' website. I'm bored endless. I miss her eloquence, her challenge and her spirit of contradiction. I'd like to tease her with some of my silly insinuations and she'd look at me with her incredible blue eyes, wiggle her eyebrow and dismiss me with an amused smile playing on her luscious, red lips. So I leave work early, try to get some diversion by going for a run and end up sitting with the guys over pizza and beer, discussing some weird new articles about artificial intelligence. When Frohike asked me one evening whether they'd be blessed by the arrival of that hot red-haired partner of mine, I just shrugged my shoulders and turned away, not bothering to give him an answer. None of them mentioned Scully again and it seems to me that they know more. I've spotted their hidden glances, full of pity. I know that Scully has been here without me. Some days ago she obviously came to the boys, asking for help to pull up anything on Diana. None of them told me what they have been talking about and what Scully actually was interested in. She called me then to come over, because she had found something she wanted to tell me. No, I don't want to remember this short but fatal conversation. It's still in my mind as if it had been yesterday. Does she really think that Diana is playing me for a fool? I'll never forget Scully's eyes when I answered her, that I know Diana and she doesn't. Suddenly all the brightness in her eyes extinguished and they turned opaque and lifeless. Hell this gave me the creeps, but instead of listening to her I just had to go on to doubt her. Nothing she came up with reached me, I just didn't wanted to hear it. Maybe I was just being stubborn. I don't like to be wrong. Actually, as suspicious as I am, and thanks to my studies in psychology, I think I'm quite a good judge of men. When I first got out of the academy and had just discovered the existence of the X-Files, Diana and I met and we found out that we were both interested in these kinds of cases. We worked together for some time. We became friends and somehow, after awhile, we even got involved. We spent a lot of time together, and I'd like to think that this meant as much to her as it meant to me at that time. I must say, that Diana surprised me when she abruptly left for another job in Europe. I couldn't understand how she could just leave like that. Obviously, the work with the X-Files, the search for the truth, and our relationship wasn't as important to her as it was to me. We separated as friends. And although we lost contact, I just can't imagine that she'd turn against me. That she'd be able to betray the bond we once shared. Maybe this is the reason why I just don't want to listen to Scully. I don't want to learn that this really meant nothing to Diana. But still, all I can think of right now are Scully's eyes...the hurt and loss I could see in them because of me. I tried to save as much as possible and when I said she'd make this personal I got devastated by her answer. Every word of hers is still engraved in my memory and there hardly isn't a day I don't replay this scene in my head. 'Because it is personal, Mulder. Because without the FBI personal interest is all that I have. And if you take that away then there is no reason for me to continue.' For the first time she walked out on me and without hesitation she left me standing there. I still can feel the panic that threatened to overwhelm me. I had to struggle to breathe, my heart was beating wildly and I just couldn't do anything to hold her back. I think I've never seen her hurt as much before. No flukeman, no liver eating mutant, not even when she was fighting cancer, inflicted by the consortium, caused her to consider to leave the FBI. It seems I've really managed to make her give up. Not only the search for the truth, that has also become her search, after all she and her family had to go through. I'm aware that to find out who is behind this conspiracy and to hold them responsible for their inexcusable behavior has become one of her missions in life. Now I'm afraid she just wants to abandon all we've fought for. She's also giving up on me. We always had disputes, even some fights discussing some of my rather unusual, weird theories. I just love to provoke her and to push her buttons. But since Diana's appearance all is getting out of hand. Sometimes Scully isn't herself anymore and I don't know how to handle this. We used to be friends, we used to talk about the cases, even about the controversial conclusions we came to more than once. But we never doubted each other. Lately it always becomes a matter of trust when we don't agree on something. I should have known better than to keep Scully in the dark about Diana and our earlier partnership in the X-Files. Damn, I'm a trained psychologist and I should have been aware that Scully would be hurt discovering the truth this way. But as for Scully I'm just a man. Maybe I'm a psychologist, maybe I'm a federal agent, but I'm lost when it comes to this woman. My mind is zipped, I risk to loose my common sense and I have to struggle with raging hormones. Since the very beginning I'm trying to hide how deeply she's affected me. Even before we'd met, I was very impressed by her articles and thesis she'd written. Soon after our first cases I knew that we'd have a very efficient and successful partnership. Her analytical and scientific mind mingled with my risky and rather weird theories makes us a unique team. I admire her brilliance, her eloquence, her strength. Yes, Scully is the strongest person I've ever met. Her strength is built on her convictions, her faith and finally in her trust in the good of humanity. Although we've met with evil more than once, I know she'll never give in and she's ready to fight it until the end. I'm such a jerk. Doesn't this sound pathetic? Why am I trying to fool myself? Just because I'm afraid, if she knew my most hidden secrets, she'd leave me immediately? Honestly, let's forget about admiration and high esteem, I'm craving for her. I've been lusting for her incredible body for years now. Sometimes it's almost killing me to spend day after day with her. To feel her body heat, when she's sitting beside me in the car, or even worse in a plane, where I'm often in trouble to hide the obvious reaction of my hungry body to her proximity. To spend nights on boring stakeouts with nothing more to do than to smell her infatuating scent. To listen to her low, sexy voice, that sends shivers through my body. To secretly watch her every move and to fight the overwhelming urge to crush her in my arms, to devour her irresistible mouth, and allow my hands to rove over her body. Forgotten is all decency and thoughts of tenderness. The cave man inside of me just wants to stake his claim and make her mine. Sometimes I can hardly wait to drop her at her apartment, so I can get home to satisfy my urgent need. I think I'd be grateful that I've never injured my right hand on an assignment. Lucky me that on that undercover case even Haley's watchdog grabbed my left hand to test my integrity by braking a finger. Yes, I'd be in deep trouble if I couldn't use my right hand to take care of some rather urgent and painful tension. Apparently, I don't get tired of imagining fantasies. All of them include my wonderful partner, and I have them neatly stored in my well organized brain. There are at least thousand and one fantasies, and the collection is growing day by day. Usually I'm spread on my couch and just have to choose from all the pictures hidden in my mind. Scully sitting on my desk in the office. Scully covered with a layer of sweat and breathing hard after jogging. Scully in nothing but her underwear, turning around to make me have a look at some mosquito bites. Scully under the shower in some center for high risk decontamination and quarantine. It's just like a fucking slide show. Damn, thanks to my eidetic memory. Sometimes it's a curse. I don't know what Scully would do if she knew about this. I'm sure from time to time she's aware of my arousal. Sometimes it's difficult to hide the obvious bulge in my lap. But she'd never lose her professional attitude and she pretends to ignore it. More than once I told myself that this had to end. That I'd stop to think about my partner all the time. But what can I do? Since I know Scully there is no other woman for me. Of course I'm aware of the more than obvious and pretty clear-cut offers I've got by some woman we've met. But none of them will ever be able to cope with my Scully. My Scully. This sounds so good. I'm sure she'd kick my ass for good, when she'd hear me call her that. She's a hell of a woman. I love her, love her more than I've ever imagined possible. Honestly I've never thought that I'd be able to feel love again. For years I've built strong walls around me to keep everybody on distance. I couldn't dare to get diverted from my search. Fool as I was I really thought, if I was able to suppress my feelings. If I won't let anyone near me, I'd never be hurt again. But I forgot how empty and shallow life without feeling would be. Scully brought me back to life. She's broken down this wall. First there were just tiny cracks, but after some time she tore this wall down brick by brick. Now I'm standing here defenseless and at her mercy. All I can do is hide my vulnerability behind my jokes and innuendoes. She knows how much I depend on her and how much I need her, at least I hope so. These days I'm not quite sure. Not long ago I told her that I owe her everything and that she keeps me honest. I'm sure she trusted me then. We've gone through so much together. We've gone through her remission from cancer and after our return from Antarctica our life was getting a bit calmer. We were both grateful to be alive and somehow we felt closer than ever before. Then all changed with Diana's appearance. If I just could turn back time. I'd tell Scully about the past. How Diana and I worked together on the X-Files. That we were together for some time, but it never really worked. Actually, we both were too involved in our jobs. Although I enjoyed to spend time together my most important goal was to find out more about the X-Files and in the end to find Samantha. Diana was eager to make her way and when she got the offer to work in Europe she left without thinking twice. Maybe I'm wondering what brought her back. But actually it doesn't mean much to me. I'm more concerned about Scully and me. Will we ever get over this? It's all my fault. I'm such a selfish bastard. Just because I don't want to face some unpleasant issues, I really try to hide my head in the sand. And I run the risk of losing everything. I know, that Scully is thinking about leaving me, even if she promised me to come back. She's fooling herself if she doesn't see how far away she already is. But I just can't let this happen. I don't want to lose her. I need her. I won't let her slip away just like that. Desperation is suddenly flowing through my veins and I know I have to try all to get her back. Even if she begged me to leave her alone, I just can't stay here and wait. I'm suddenly aware that if I'll wait until she'll come home, she'll have made up her mind and I won't be able to keep her from leaving. I'd never have a chance to tell her how sorry I am. Sorry that I didn't listen to her. That I doubted her and that I betrayed us. I have to get to her. End of part Two XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX From: "Brigitte" Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 14:29:44 +0100 Subject: xfc: Decisions (3 of 4) Source: xfc ------=_NextPart_000_02ED_01BF5789.4F7D21C0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Decisions ( 3 of 4 ) by Xbri@gmx.net see part one for disclaimer Stretching out my body, I feel my head is pounding, my muscles are cramped and my body is aching. I must have fallen asleep on the couch last evening and now I'm shivering. After the fire had burnt out, the blanket obviously wasn't warm enough to keep me from the chilliness of the living room. I try to blink my swollen eyes open and the dazzling light of a new bright and sunny day makes me wince. At least I've spent some hours in a deep and dreamless sleep, without scary nightmares, or what I even fear more, without disturbing and exciting dreams, featuring me and my partner in heat of passion. Lately my nights have been rather restless. As I'd wake up, my hands would wander over the tingling skin of my body. They'd cup my breasts and start to circle my nipples in slow motion. I'd feel the wetness pooling between my legs and soon my hand would creep down my belly to make it's way to my hot and pulsing center. Still lingering in my dreamworld, it wouldn't take much to pretend it's him touching me, pleasuring me with his hands, his mouth and his body. It's all but easy to face your clueless partner after such a night full of erotic and exciting dreams. In the morning I feel aroused and I'm haunted the whole day by the incredible pictures of Mulder and me, our bodies entangled, wet and sweaty and I can hear our moans and sighs uttered in sheer need for release. Struggling to get rid of the blanket, I get up and shake my head which seems to be wrapped in a soft layer of cotton. My breakdown and the tears have taken away the raging fury and the deep deception. The pain which feels as if someone is stabbing me with a knife, ripping my chest open, is finally gone. I feel numb, exhausted and hopeless. The more I think about this mess, the more I feel lost, and suddenly I'm not sure whether this really was a good idea to run away. Maybe we should have talked. But although or maybe just because we're often able to communicate without a word, we both failed in our communications skills. We're not used talking, really talking. It's time to work this out. I just don't want to give up on us this easily. I decide to take a shower and to call Mulder. The long and hot shower brings back some of my confidence and refreshes my vital spirits. I'm brewing coffee and start to prepare breakfast when a knocking on the door startles me from my thoughts. I open the door and I can't believe my eyes. "Scully...I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be here. You asked me to give you some time and space, but...I..." He's standing before me shrugging his shoulders, his hands deep in the pockets of his tight black jeans. I stare at him in disbelief. He's wearing a white T-shirt and his black leather jacket. His tired face and the dark shadows under his eyes tell me that he even slept less these days than he does usually. His dark hair is disheveled, because he was running his hands through it as he usually does when he's tired. I barely can take my eyes off him. "Come on in, Mulder. I've just made some coffee and I'm about to prepare breakfast. You hungry?" "I'm starving. Maybe I missed some meals lately." He grins in embarrassment. He closes the door behind him, follows me in the kitchen and throws his jacket over a chair. While I prepare omelets with bacon and mushrooms, he slices the bread and sets the table. He watches every move I make and this starts to unnerve me. "Mulder, did my Mom tell you where I am?" "Good guess. I went to see her early this morning and asked her to tell me where I'd find you. I really had to use my famous gift of persuasion. But I think she noticed how much this means to me. She finally gave in and...here I am." He looks at me, trying to find out what I'm thinking and whether I'm mad at him because he didn't leave me alone. "Mulder, sit down and eat. Don't look at me as if you was afraid I'd shoot you again." With these words I give him a small, reassuring smile and put the plates on the table. "Let's eat first and then we can talk. I'm glad you're here. Actually I considered calling you today. It seems you just forestalled my intention." He looks at me in disbelief and I can see relief wash over his face. With a groan he sits down at the table. He really must be hungry. I watch him wolfing down his meal and several slices of bread with appreciative grunts. Enthralled, I sip on my coffee and shove my omelet from one side to the other. A lump in my throat is choking me, and I just can't swallow a bite. Finally my heartbeat is returning to a normal rhythm and my breathing is slowing down. In a deadly grip I steady my shaking hands on my cup. My heart is aching. It's so good to see him again, to be near him. An invisible force seems to pull me to him. I wish nothing more than to have him throw me in his arms, so that I can feel safe and sheltered as so many times before. Pretending, nothing had happened at all. With a sigh I come back to reality. "Scully, you don't want yours?" "No, you can have it." I push my plate over and in fascination I watch him devouring it. "How come, Mulder? Didn't you have the time to eat these days?" He only shrugs his shoulders and answers me with a grin between two bites. "I must have forgotten. There was no one there to remind me." For a moment we're sitting at the table, both lost in our own thoughts. When he has finished we clear the table and go over into the living room. We sit down on the couch, on the opposite ends and face each other. I tug my legs under and nervously smooth a strain of hair behind my ear. It's not a large couch and to feel his body as near to me makes me fidgety. It's not that but easy to get this started and I can say Mulder doesn't feel better than me. Literally, I can see the wheels turning in his head. "Umm...You look good Scully. Quite rested and relaxed. I think you did good to get away for some days. I'm sor..." "Mulder, it's okay. I'm glad that you're here now. Maybe it's even better to have this conversation here far away from where all began. You know some kind of neutral zone." "Frankly, I just couldn't have stayed at home for another moment. I was afraid that if I waited a day longer you'd decide to leave the bureau and to leave me. Maybe you'd have come back as you promised, but I know you, Scully. When you'd have made up your mind, there would be no way to hold you back. And I just don't want to give up like that. I don't want to regret that I even didn't try to hold you back, to save what we have." "Until this moment I really wasn't convinced whether you'd want to go on working with me." He's looking at me with an expression of surprise on his face and asks me," You can't be serious?" "Oh yes, I am, Mulder. Why do you think I'm here? Would it be necessary for me to take time off and to hide here, if there wasn't a reason? Sometimes I'm really afraid there is nothing left to save. We even can't discuss a case anymore without a fight and it always ends as a matter of trust. I'm tired of this game and I can't go on like that. I'm a scientist and I don't intend to give up what I believe in. I have to find proof and I have to look for every possible scientific explanation. I'd understand if you'd work with someone more open to your theories, especially since Diana is back and she seems to be very interested to get back at your side." "Scully, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Diana before." "Well, maybe that would have been helpful. It felt pretty odd to ask the guys about her, but I just couldn't ask you. They told me she had been your partner when you had discovered the X-Files and that you had been involved with her. Possibly this was another reason, besides that I don't trust her, why I always felt uncomfortable about her. I really couldn't figure out what her come back meant or still means to you and what an impact this would have on our relationship. But it hurts to see how we seem to fall apart, how we're risking everything, the trust and the faith in each other." Mulder is sitting there motionless. His hands are spread on his thighs and I can say he's quite shocked by my statement. It's been a long time since I have opened up to him like that and allowed him a glimpse in my inner sanctuary. But now having said this aloud, nothing will stop me from telling him the whole truth. I have known for some time that this had to come and now it's the moment to spit it out. Deep inside I must have been aware of these feelings which suddenly turn up to the surface. "You have to know, Mulder, that if she'll come back to the X-Files I will leave. Remember you asked me once if I wanted you to make a choice. It won't be your choice. I can't and won't work with her, because I don't trust her." "Scully, what makes you think that I want her to work with us? I've worked with her earlier and actually I'm not very thrilled to do it again." With a shy smile he continues. " Well, although it would be easier for me to come through with some of my weird theories." Now it's for me to look at him in astonishment. "But I..." He interrupts my words. "I'd met Diana when I just got out of the Academy. We had some similar interests. She had a background in paranormal and when I discovered the X-Files I asked her for some advice and so we worked together for some time." Unconsciously his hands are sliding up and down his thighs now; he really must be nervous. "We both were very enthusiastic about the cases. We spent a lot of time together and so we became friends. My life was pretty lonely and I enjoyed her company. Well, one evening we were going through some details. Suddenly we were kissing and we slept together. That's how we became involved. I can remember days I really felt happy. I had found a challenging job, which allowed me to follow my search for Samantha and I was able to work with an exciting woman. We shared more time together than before and frankly, when she got that offer to go to Europe, actually I was surprised that she'd accepted. Although we never had discussed the future, I felt as if she'd betrayed me. On the other hand I had to understand that she just had to take this offer to get on with her career. It wasn't easy to see how fast she moved on." "But why didn't you tell me that you knew her? What were you thinking?" Mulder shrugs his shoulders. "Apparently not very much. Actually I didn't expect her to stay. I thought this was just an accident that we worked together on the "Gibson Praise case." Then it was too late, you had got the information from the guys and I really didn't know how to tell you about all this. I was aware that you were hurting, but I was afraid I'd just make it worse. And you know what happened whenever we tried to talk. It didn't take long before one of us would walk away in a fury." "Mmm...I think we both have really messed up this time." We're sitting there for a time in silence and suddenly the green eyed monster in me is starting to pester me. I can see them, working together, laughing, kiss...no, no, no. I won't go there. I'm jealous, I'm really jealous of his past. What did I expect. Jesus, he's a grown man. I can't hold back a sigh. "What Scully?" I just have to know, even if I'm afraid of the answer. "Did you love her?" "I thought, I did. But now I'm aware that I wasn't in love with her. I loved her company, the feeling of not being alone anymore, but this isn't love." He leans over to me and wraps my hand in his. His long, perfect fingers are smoothing over the back of my hand. Then he begins to make tiny circle on every knuckle of my hand. It's driving me crazy. I almost can't take this. The skin on my hand is on fire and waves of heat are rolling through my arm to my center. My breath is shallow and I can feel my heartbeat racing. "Mulder?" "I know what love is, Scully. Now that I've met the love of my life." His hands softly cradle my face. His thumb are caressing my trembling lips and I hold my breath as I watch him coming nearer. I crave for the touch of his mouth, his incredible sinful lips. There is nothing I want more in this moment than to feel them on me. I want to lap at his lips, letting my tongue trail over them from one side to the other and back. Just to kiss him with more fervor, parting his lips to finally probe and taste his mouth. Suddenly something is holding me back. I try to refrain from thinking these intrusive thoughts, to surrender to the sweet and soft longing that is obfuscating my consciousness, but something is bothering me. Something is definitely bringing me back to reality, although I can't tell what it is. I know, it's not him. He's the one I've been in love with for such a long time and there is no one on this Earth I want to be with more than this man for the rest of my life. I've been dreaming of our first real kiss for ages now. So, it must be something he just said. "Mulder wait...wait." I prop my hands against his chest and try to draw back, but his strong arms are holding me close, so I just can't get away. "Mulder, what did you say?" He begins to peck sweet little kisses all over my face. "I..." smack, "...just..." smack, "...said..." smack, "...you..." smack, "...are..." smack, "...the love..." smack, "...of..." smack, "...my life." He looks into my eyes and asks me, " Why, is this a problem for you Scully?" "No...no that's not a problem. Actually, I'd be thrilled to hear you say this, but...what makes you so sure? Is there a difference between the relationship you have had with Diana and the one we have? What tells you that we won't end the same way as you two did back then? You just can't deny that there are bunches of similarities." "Always the skeptic, Scully." He grins at me, but then his smile disappears. "You have to believe me, never in my life I've felt something like that before. You mean the world to me. Every moment I can't be with you is a lost moment and I don't want to waste more time denying it. Every time you're not near me I'm counting the minutes until I'll see you again." He shakes his head and gives me a sly smile. "Why do you think I always had to come around to make you take a look at some weird casefile or I just had to call you to hear your voice?" His fingers are smoothing over the skin of my upper arms, sending shivers through my body. "The thought of you leaving me is unbearable. I've been in love with you for such a long time, maybe from the very beginning. I always was afraid you'd just wanted me just as a friend, so I've tried all to fight these feelings. But now I've nothing left to lose. As you said three days ago we're on a turning point and I just can't or won't hide it anymore. Scully, I love you. You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with." "Muld..." "Listen, Scully, maybe this is just a one-way street. Maybe you don't share these feelings and you just consider me as your friend, that's ok with me. I'll learn to live with that. But please, don't give up on us, don't leave me. I need you." I can't help staring at him. My heart is aching and tears are filling my eyes. How can he not know? And I'd always thought I was an open book to him and he could read me easily. With a moan I grab his head, lace my finger in his hair and claim his mouth. I can't hold back anymore. "I love you, Mulder, love you so much." I utter between wet and hot kisses, when I have to let go of his mouth to get some air. End of part three XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX From: "Brigitte" Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 14:29:54 +0100 Subject: xfc: Decisions (4 of 4) Source: xfc ------=_NextPart_000_02F9_01BF5789.55517100 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Decisions ( 4 of 4 ) by Xbri@gmx.net See part one for disclaimer I'm attacking Mulder's mouth with mine, devouring him, lapping, nibbling and biting on his lips. All the tension, accumulated for some time now, is finally getting to me and is making me lose all my reserve. My tongue is tracing his lips, sliding from one corner of the mouth to the other, pushing and begging for entrance. With a groan, he opens his mouth and our tongues are finally meeting, dueling in long passionate strokes. Mulder is panting. I can feel him shivering and without letting go of his delicious mouth I get on my knees and straddle him. My body is humming and my heartbeat is drumming in my ears. Hot waves of lust are rolling through me and come back to my very center. I can't help grinding my throbbing crotch against him shamelessly. He answers my movement by bucking upwards, rubbing his impressive bulge against my aching core. When I release his mouth because I have to draw breath I take a look at him. He's gorgeous. His head is arched back, laying on the back of the couch. Eyes closed, his mouth slightly open, he's breathing hard. His face is flushed and I can see his racing heartbeat, pulsating in the veins on his neck. With a fierce grip his hands are seizing my hips as if he needs support. Seeing him like that, spread under me, shuddering and totally aroused, surrendering to my assault I'm beyond reason. I just have to taste him and I know exactly where I want to start to make one of my fantasies come true. Slowly I lower my mouth and place a soft kiss on the sensitive skin of his neck, in this hollow just below his Adam's apple. My tongue slides out playfully to learn the taste of his skin. I can't hold back a moan. "Mmm...Mulder, you taste so good." My hands are eagerly tearing on the neck of his T-shirt to get access to more of his skin. When my teeth graze on his collar bone he gasps and his lower body jerks upwards, so I have to steady myself on his shoulders with a firm grip. My mouth creeps higher. I swirl my tongue around his Adam's apple and slowly make my way up to suckle and nibble on his chin. Then tracing his jaw I get to my next favorite spot, that mole on his cheek. I can't remember how often I've dreamt about this and now I'm not willing to let out one single fantasy. I flick my tongue over his mole and place tiny kisses on his cheek trailing on along his jaw until I reach his earlobe where I begin to trace the ridge of the cartilage with my mouth. Again my impudent tongue slips out to explore and to take in every particular point. Mulder seems to come back to himself and I can feel his hands let go of my hipbones. They trace the waistband of my jeans to roam over my back, up and down, clutching me to his body. He grabs the hem of my T-shirt, tugging and tearing until his fingers find a way to touch skin. His strong fingers crawl over my back, in turns kneading and grasping, to just soothe my prickling skin with featherlight strokes. Now it's me, loosing myself in the incredible sensations his hands are provoking just by their touch. I can't suppress a groan escaping my throat and I just have to close my eyes to shut out everything. There is nothing but his touch, his fingers setting the skin on my back on fire. I arch my upper body back and forth, rocking my wet, hot center against his hard length. Suddenly Mulder sits up, presses his face between my breasts and I can't help grabbing his head to get him even closer. I hide my face in his dark, silky hair inhaling his unique, male scent and I'm trembling all over. I just love this mixture of sandalwood, cedar and pure Mulder essence. Mulder makes me bend back, steadying me with his arms around my waist and then his mouth is wandering from the valley between my breasts until it finally settles down on the peak of my left breast. Mulder opens his mouth wide and begins to nibble on the already hard nubbin through the fabric of my T-shirt and the bra. I cry out when hot, burning jolts of lust are pulsing through my body. Immediately Mulder cups my other breast with his hand and then begins to tweak and pull the sensitive bud. Now I'm moaning incessantly and I start to lose control over my body. I can't remember that I've ever been as aroused and unleashed as that before. We're both still dressed, but I can feel how close I am. All I can think of is that we have to get rid of what is between us. All I want is to feel him. I want to feel his hot, sweaty skin on mine. I need to feel him, on me, around me, inside me. "Mulder...please...I can't...please...stop." "Sculleee..." he almost whines and again he hides his face between my breast. He's breathing hard and I can tell he's as desperate as I am, trying to get back some control. I peel myself from his embrace, give him a slight push, so he's again leaning on the back of the couch. His beautiful face is covered with beads of perspiration and strands of his hair are sticking to his forehead. His mouth is open slightly and his tongue slides out to moisten his lips. He looks at me with dark, almost black eyes dimmed with arousal when I sit back on his thighs. My voice is rough and husky. "Mulder, I want to feel you." With shaking hands I fumble at his T-shirt to tug it out of the waistband of his jeans. My fingers slide under the fabric, brushing softly over his abdomen and circling his belly button. He gasps through clenched teeth at my teasing touch. "More...I want more, Mulder." He lifts his arms up, so I can pull the garment over his head and now I stare at his glorious body. He's...well, my mouth goes dry and I have to swallow hard. Of course I've seen him naked before. I know that he has an incredible body, but mostly when I've got to see him I was sick with worry and I just wasn't in the mood to really enjoy the view. But now not only I can look at him abundantly, but I'm also allowed to touch him. To finally touch him as a lover does and not as a doctor, as I've done more times than I want to remember right now. I lower my hands on his belly and brush tenderly over the abdominal muscles. Provokingly slow, my fingers creep higher, play with the silky chest hair for a moment to finally circle his nipples with my forefinger. As I run the nail of my forefingers over them, they immediately get hard. A grunt escapes Mulder's throat and his hands are clenching in the fabric of the couch. When he arches back I bring my mouth down on his chest and start to lick and bite his nipples by turns, until he's moaning constantly. I'm still sitting in his lap and he desperately pushes his huge erection against my crotch. With every push he makes a low, husky sound that sends shivers through my body. I can tell that he's as far gone as I was a moment ago. With some regret I sit up and watch him calming down. I just love to drive him crazy and it seems I'm on my way to get what I want. He forces his eyes open and looks at me with raw lust. "Wow, Scully...you're a wicked woman." "You ain't seen nothing yet, Agent Mulder." And with that I tear my T-shirt over my head and throw it to the floor. I can't hide a smile when I see his reaction. He's staring at me and takes a deep breath. With a teasing smile on my lips I bring my hands to the front clasp of my bra, but he stops me. "Don't, let me do this, please." And his hands cover my breasts, stroking and squeezing them in agonizing slow motion. "You're so beautiful, Scully. You don't know what you're doing to me. You're driving me wild. I want to touch you, to feel you, to pleasure and to worship your body. You don't know how much I've wanted this." "Oh yes, I do." I only sigh and I press my aching breasts into his molded hands. Mulder flips open the clasp of my bra, slips the straps over my shoulders and throws the piece of lace on the floor next to my T-shirt. For a moment he just stares at me in astonishment. Then he lifts both his hands, cups my breasts and starts to knead and squeeze them. I arch back at his touch. My hands, looking for something to hold on grasp behind me and I steady myself on his knees. He fondles and cuddles my breasts with his strong, beautiful hands and when he begins to circle my nipples with his digits, I throw my head back and can't hold back a whimper. "I...give me...your mouth, Mulder." I'm pleading now. With a devilish smile his mouth approaches my breast and then his hot, wet tongue is flicking over my sensitive nipple. He's lapping and licking on it with eagerness. I'm writhing and bucking and just when I think I can't stand it anymore he opens his mouth wide and starts to suckle and to bite hard, driving me insane with desire and wantonness. Mulder is unleashed. To watch him in his frenzy and wildness is increasing my own arousal infinitely. His hands are kneading my breasts, pushing, pulling, rubbing and his devouring mouth is everywhere now, leaving marks of his assault. His head is trashing from one side to the other and he's making low and husky sounds. I want him, I want him so much and I can't wait another minute, another second. I grab his head to stop him and without a word I lower my lips to place a tender, almost chaste kiss to his forehead. My trembling fingers find the button of my jeans. I get up from his lap to unbutton the fly and strip off my soaked jeans and panties. His eyes are roaming over my body, from head to toe and back, focusing more attention to some parts of my body than to others. Without taking his eyes of me he begins to tear of his remaining clothes, throwing them on the pile already on the floor. With one swift move his arms are around my waist and I find myself again sitting in his lap. Thighs spread, my knees beside his hips it takes just a slight push of my hips and I can feel his long, thick erection throbbing and twitching right between my slickened folds. I grind my hips into his hardness and we both can't hold back a moan. I'd like to touch his cock, to feel the soft, hot skin in my hand, to trace the pulsating veins with the tips of my fingers. I want to brush my fingers over the sensitive head, spreading the first drops of pre-cum. I need to taste him, to lave him, to learn every fold and rise of his irresistible manhood, to close my lips around the bluish head, taking him in as deep as possible, bobbing up and down until he screams and gushes into my mouth. But this just has to wait. I'm shivering with want and anticipation. My aching center is burning and I can feel the wetness between my legs. Now it's certainly not the time for subtlety and soft, tender seduction. I want him, I want to feel him inside of me, I want to become us one. Our eyes lock and I see the same raw need and urge in his face. I raise my hips, so that the tip of his penis is just slightly touching my dripping opening. Mulder falls back. He's shaking and panting and I know that it takes all his force to restrain from bucking his hips up and pushing his steel-hard cock into me. "Scully, please...now...take me." That's all what it takes to undo me, there is no holding back. I thrust myself down until his shaft is buried in me to the hilt. I can't hold back a whimper when I feel his huge cock entering me, stretching my internal muscles and filling me completely. "Don't move, Scully." He utters with a low voice, hoarse with arousal. He grabs me by the hips to prevent me from moving and he's concentrating hard, gasping for air. I hold still for a moment, enjoying to feel him deep in me, the head of his penis pushing against my cervix. My groin is throbbing and pulsating with heat and I can feel my own wetness, the juices of my arousal dripping down and slickening Mulder's crotch. I prop my hands beside Mulder's head on the back of the couch and I start to move. Deliberately I lift myself up and we both moan when I forcefully thrust down again, so that his cock again is buried deep inside of me. This is just too good and I start to ride him hard. Mulder counters each of my thrusts, jerking upwards and pounding into me. We increase our speed and I know this won't last very long. My body is craving for release and I can't hold back. "Mulder...can't wait...I'm so close." "Go with it...I'm right here." Mulder's hand slips between our bodies and finds my clit and with every move I make I'm grinding my over sensitive bundle of nerves against his hand. We both get frenzied now. I'm slamming up and down on him, our bodies slapping together in a frantic pace. I feel the orgasm building, flashes of fire are spurting through my center, rolling through my body and I feel my internal walls convulse. Bucking hard against him I surrender completely and panting his name I fall over the edge, loosing myself in the overwhelming sensations and emotions that are carrying me away. Struggling to get back, I force my eyes open to watch Mulder loose it. His head is lolled back, his mouth wide open and gasping for air, he's pounding up into me forcefully. "Mulder, come for me...let go...please, come for me" I urge him on and with two, three thrusts he goes rigid and crying out he comes hard, spilling within me. He's shaking and growling under me and I rotate my hips riding the orgasm out with him, lacing my fingers in his beautiful, dark and silky hair. We both calm down, our breath getting regular again, our heartbeat returning to a normal pace. His arms are around me and he crushes me against his body, spreading sweet, tiny kisses all over my shoulder, my neck and my face. "Scully, this was..." he murmurs between his kisses. "Nice?" I tease him. "Nice? Are you kidding? If this was nice then I'd really like to find out what you mean by hot, steamy and wild sex." He gives me one of his incredible smiles that make my knees go weak and my heartbeat race. "Ok, Mulder. Just wait and I'll show you. I have a lot of time, because I don't have to be back to work until next Monday. I affirm, this will finally be the moment you won't doubt my suggestions." I can't hide a happy smirk, when he groans and he kisses me fervently. Finis