Title: Dressed by Armani Author: Caroline Rating: NC17 eventually! Spoilers: Not really Disclaimer: Mine in a parallel universe, but in this one owned by Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and the Fox Network. Used for the amusement of myself, and hopefully others, but not for profit, and no copyright infringement intended, honest! Summary: When Mulder poses for a GQ calendar, Scully realises how many women are after 'her' man, and decides its time to take some action. Dedicated: To Clair, with thanks for her friendship and encouragement. Feedback: Sure.........Peter_Caroline@hotmail.com xxxxxxxxxx Part I The story so far: I can't believe the day I've had, its really been a stinker, and for me to say that, considering my life on the x-files, man its been a bad one, and its all Mulder's fault! Well, maybe thats harsh, I want to blame him, but if I'm the one acting like a jealous fool, is that really his fault? I mean, I don't want to feel like this, hes my partner, my best friend, I have no right to these feelings, but rights or no rights, my heart thinks of him as 'mine'. Property of Dana Scully, and I want to post little 'keep away from my Mulder' signs all around him, along with an electric fence to keep the salivating hoards at bay. These feelings are'nt new to me, the same thing happens everytime another woman looks his way, so it happens alot. Its worse sometimes more than others, when the woman really turns his head, or is just his type, or has a prior relationship with him, his exs Phoebe and Diana come to mind. I feel my heart constrict, my breathing quicken and the same sick sinking feeling starts in the pit of my stomach, jealousy pure and unadulterated. It hurts too, I mean Mulder has had his moments of possessiveness, but with him I'm sure its more to do with the x-files than it is a personal thing. Sometimes he makes me feel he wants more, he tried to kiss me once, in his hallway and I saw it in his eyes. He did kiss me last New Years, but he has'nt tried since, which kinda forces me to conclude that in his case, any possessiveness is because he wants my time and attention focused on the work. Not because he wants me for himself, and thats the crucial difference. When I get possessive, its because I want him, Mulder the man, and has nothing to do with our quest for answers. I want my partner, I've known it forever, since the first moment I saw him, but in the years since then, all seven of them, its grown into so much more. I love him, I'm in love with him, I need him like I need air to breathe and water to drink, hes become elemental to me, a prerequisite for my existence, man am I in trouble! I do believe Mulder loves me, just not in the way a man 'loves' a woman. He loves me as his best friend, because he needs me and my contribution to our work, because I balance him out, save him from himself, because I am loyal and he can trust me. He flirts with me sure, throws innuendo my way on a constant basis, but thats Mulder, giant flirt extraordinaire. I only wish he did mean half the things he says, or made good on half of the remarks, anyway back to the cause of my bad day. I suppose I should start at the beginning, which would be a full two months ago, Mulder and I had been called to Skinner's office, reemed out about our expense reports - again, and then Skinner said....... "Before you go Agent Mulder......I have some news for you" We looked at each other and then back at Skinner, who I swearè was smirking. "Sir?" Mulder looked confused "Agent Mulder, have you heard of GQ magazine?" "Oh course, why do you ask?" "Well, the publication approached the Director some time ago about doing a calendar featuring 'the studs' of the FBI." Mulder looked more confused, Skinner continued. "Profits from the sale of the calendar, would go to charity, so the Director agreed the proposal. Basically, eleven field offices, and FBI headquarters each had to pick one male agent, who would then become the photo for a month of the calendar. Congratulations Mulder........or should I say 'Mr July'." Skinner was positively grinning like an idiot from ear to ear, Mulder looked astonished, and I dread to think what expression I was wearing at this point. "Sir, you mean you want me to pose for a calendar? As in a calendar going on sale to the general public?" "You got picked Mulder, seems you were voted the most desirable male working at HQ." "Voted how?" that was me, Mulder was speechless. "You did'nt vote Agent Scully?" Mulder turned to look at me, his expression unreadable. "I did'nt know anything about it sir?" "Funny, I thought all the female employees had been briefed. There was a vote Agent Scully, every female employee had to nominate a male co-worker for the job, guess you two were out of town for that one. Mulder got 75% of the vote by the way, he won by a landslide." Great I thought, thats a nice statistic to have in my brain, 75% of the women in this building would like to get it on with my partner..........just great. I could feel my hackles rising. Mulder had sunk down into a chair and seemed somewhere between smug and stunned. "Sir, I don't really think this is good idea........" Skinner cut him off. "Not open for discussion Mulder, this comes from the top, the project is the Director's baby, good for the image of the Bureau, and considering how shaky the ground under the X-Files division can be, I would'nt rock the boat if I were you. Besides Mulder, what man does'nt want to be on the cover of a GQ calendar?" "The cover?" Mulder and I spoke in unison. "I thought I was July?" "Both actually, although the cover decision was made by the GQ photographer, who is coming to meet with you today as a matter of fact". Skinner looked at his watch, "make sure you are in your office at 2pm Agent Mulder, she'll meet you there. That will be all." As we left the fourth floor and headed back to the basement, I snuck glances at my partner, trying to gauge his reaction to the news. I was having problems with the idea already. It was bad enough to have proof that he was being lusted after by every bimbo in sight, now it seemed the entire country would be doing it. The idea of women in every corner of the US, hanging him on the wall and fantasising, was appalling, and I was having trouble breathing. "Scully" His voice brought me out of my reverie. "Yeah Mulder" "Does this seem as surreal to you as it does to me?" "Why is it surreal Mulder, you know you're hot" Damn, did I really just say that? He latched onto that one. "You think I'm hot Scully, does that mean if you had been here to nominate someone, you would have picked me?" Great, how was I going to get out of this, I didn't want to have this conversation, but I couldn't lie to him, always got caught. However Mulder is well aware of his attractiveness to women, because I've seen him use it to his advantage more than once, so I said... "I think I would have abstained Mulder." He'd looked wounded, I'd managed to hurt him trying to avoid the question. "So you don't think I'm hot?" "I did'nt say that, I just would'nt have voted, this is work, I don't entertain those kinds of thoughts at work." What was that I was saying about not lying to him, I just told him a whopper, I entertain those kind of thoughts about him all the time, at work, at home, on the road, he'd see through me for sure, I could feel the blush on my face. "You're lying Scully, look its okay, you don't have to spare my feelings, if there is someone else you would have nominated its okay, you can tell me." Great, so now he looks hurt and hes trying to be nice, guilt trip here I come. "Mulder, if I had nominated someone, it would have been you." He'd smiled a brilliant smile at me and I felt better, wonder why he even cares what I think, I'm not his type, he does'nt need me to think hes hot, not with the evidence in hand, men and their egos, lord help me. "Thanks Scully, I still can't believe this, I mean, how can this be?" We'd reached the elevator at this point and once inside I snorted and gave him the eyebrow. "What? Spit it out Scully." "Mulder...........you don't have to be humble around me, you know exactly why you got chosen, you own a mirror Mulder." He'd shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. "Come off it Mulder, Mr Innuendo, Mr Big Time Flirt, you know how attractive you are to the opposite sex, hell how can you be surprised, you look like you stepped off the cover of GQ right now!" We had reached our office by this point, and further discussion was halted by a feminine voice agreeing with my last statement. "I would have to agree with her Agent Mulder, I think your co-workers made an excellent decision, as did I when I chose you for the cover." Mulder and I turned to face our visitor, who was shamelessly giving Mulder the eye, she looked him up and down, smiled and held out a perfectly manicured hand for him to shake. Mulder took her hand and said......"and you are?" "Serena Rutherford, its nice to finally meet you." Serena was exactly what I refer to when I say 'Mulder's type', tall, slender, long, thick chestnut hair and a large bust. She was beautiful enough to be a model, let alone a photographer and I wondered simaltaneously if she had been and why Mulder had'nt let go of her hand yet. I'd stood there as they smiled at each other and then I coughed loudly to remind them of my presense in the room. Mulder dropped her hand and looking like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar he said. "Sorry Scully.......Serena.....this is my partner Dana Scully." She'd smiled at me then, and held out her hand once more. "Pleasure to meet you also Agent Scully, what a lucky woman to be partnered with such an attractive man." Mulder looked like the cat that got the canary at this, and my spiteful 'I wish I was Mulder's type'side could'nt resist the challenge to wipe the smile from his face, he was way too pleased that Serena was so taken with him. "Personally I think I have the patience of a saint that I've put up with him for seven years." Whoopee, I'd accomplished two goals with that barb, Mulder's smile disappeared, and Serena had been suitably informed of how long standing our partnership was, yeah thats right lady, seven years with Mulder, score one for me. I could see her file that piece of information, but all she'd said was... "You two must be close." I was about to answer in the affirmative when Mulder beat me to it. "She's my best friend Serena, and my saviour, if I did'nt have her for a partner I would certainly be dead by now, more than once." He gave me his slow, lopsided smile and the patented puppy dog eyes, his warm regard washed over me and I smiled back at him communicating how touched I was by his statement with my eyes. There was a silence in the room as Mulder and I gazed at each other, yes thats right, we did gaze at each other I remember now. I said "ditto" and then it was Serena who coughed to remind us she was there, shame about that. "Well Agent Mulder, down to business, I simply need to arrange a mutually convenient time for a photo shoot, and get your measurements." "His measurements?" Okay, so maybe I jumped on that one abit quick, so shoot me. Serena answered my question but remained focused on Mulder. "Yes, so we can arrange for appropriate clothing in the correct size." She'd pulled an electronic organisor out of her purse and looked expectantly at Mulder, who took a few seconds to register her request before grabbing his day planner. He must have been a little flustered, because Mulder never uses the day planner. In our line of work we most often took off whenever a new case came up, plus with his eidetic memory he did'nt need it anyway. He'd made a show of scanning it, before he threw the ball into her court by saying.... "Shoot.......what's good for you?" Bastard, flirt with her in front of me why don't you. "Well I kept the day after tomorrow free if that works for you, or else it would need to be Friday of next week." "I'll take the first offer, what measurements do you need?" I swear he waggled his eyebrows at her then, and I'd fumed silently, oh he would pay, he would pay. Serena pulled a form from her purse now and asked him to fill it in. Whilst he was occupied with that task I had asked her what I wanted to know, namely exactly what was going to happen at this photo shoot. "Well, we'll have a selection of several outfits for him, a hairdresser, makeup artist, fashion editor. We'll try out a few different looks and shoot them, and thats really all it will involve. Once I have the proofs ready, the editorial staff at the magazine will agree on the final shot we use, and the calendar will go to printing. We should have it ready to go on sale in a couple of months. I'll be sending free copies to the agents appearing in the calendar of course." Mulder had completed his form and handed it back to Serena. She'd smiled at him, and then at me and proceeded to give Mulder her business card. "If you have any questions, call me, if not, I'll see you at that address at 10.30am day after tomorrow Agent Mulder. Agent Scully, it was a pleasure to meet you, please feel free to accompany Agent Mulder if you wish, having a familiar face around often helps people to relax during a shoot." And with that, the gorgeous Ms Rutherford had left. Mulder was sat on the edge of his desk and appeared to be waiting for me to say something. "Yes Mulder" "You'll come?" As if I was going to let him go alone to see that woman, no way, someone had to keep an eye on him, and her. Alright, so the truth was I needed to supervise this, I knew if I was'nt there, I would be imagining all sorts of things, none of them good news for Dana Scully. "As if I would miss your modelling debut Mulder....fat chance." "Great, thanks Scully, I could'nt do it without you." The day of the photo shoot, Mulder picked me up and we drove to the address on Serena Rutherford's card together. I was more nervous than Mulder, but I sure as hell was'nt showing it. I had worn my best navy suit, and my nicest heels, I'd taken more care than usual with my make up and hair, crazy behaviour I know, but I could imagine what the staff of GQ looked like, and I needed to feel good. Mulder spent the drive drumming his fingers on the steering wheel everytime the car was stationary, with him its a sure sign of nervous energy, although when I'd asked him how he was feeling he was totally glib about the whole thing. Once we arrived, we'd made our way to the reception desk and Mulder had introduced himself, badge and all. The receptionist was another of Mulder's fantasy women come to life, and I began to feel extremely terratorial immediately. She gave us directions to the studio and we found Serena there, surrounded by beautiful people, guess my hunch about the staff here was right I'd thought. When she'd seen us she waved us over and began the introductions, I was happy when she included me in them and told them who I was. The group was composed entirely of women save for the fashion editor who was male. I watched each of the women rake their eyes over my partner with marked appreciation. So when she introduced me I confess I not only shook their hands forcefully, but I remember putting my hands on my hips, under my suit jacket afterwards so that they would all see I was armed. That's right ladies, no touchy, never mess with a Scully woman packing heat. I hoped my 'back off' message got through loud and clear, this one girls is all mine. Not exactly accurate, but damnit, sending out the signal was second nature to me now and I did'nt care. Mulder seemed to sense what I was doing, because he smiled at me and squeezed my hand and leaned in too whisper in my ear.. "Don't worry Scully, I'm not about to quit the Bureau for a career in fashion." "Oh but think of all the babes you would meet Mulder" Thats right Dana, make out you could care less, that'll throw him off. Mulder though had simply smiled at me again and then let himself be dragged off to 'wardrobe' as I was shown where to get myself some coffee and where to sit during the shoot. It was probably about a half hour before I saw Mulder again. I had been flipping through some past issues of GQ, and not paying alot of attention to what was going on. So when he was suddenly next to me saying 'Boo' in my ear, he'd made me jump. I looked up him and I hate to say it but I 'gasped' at what I saw. Now bear in mind, that although I love this man and am therefore somewhat biased, I swear I have NEVER seen a man look as good as Mulder did stood in front of me then. His soft chestnut coloured hair had been gelled up with a wet look gel and was spiky and perfect. He was wearing an almost black Armani suit that fit so well it could have been made for him, and underneath a crisp, snow white dress shirt that was completely unbuttoned. His feet were bare, his hazel eyes sparkling. I could see his bare chest with its light sprinkling of hair, his sculptured abdomen. My eyes were drawn to the line of hair that ran from his belly button down into his pants, the 'treasure trail' as I liked to call it, I swallowed the moan that wanted to escape my mouth and dragged my reluctant eyes back up the length of his torso. Mulder always seems to have a light tan, even in the winter and his skin glowed against the white of the shirt, I wanted to shower every exposed inch with soft wet kisses before I dragged him off somewhere and fucked his brains out. I had to get a grip fast. When I met his eyes he seemed somewhat stunned at my reaction, I am normally so good at concealing the effect he has on me. My gasp had definately been audible though and there was no way he could have missed the way my eyes had travelled over his body, so I came clean somewhat. "Mulder........you look amazing." The wattage of his smile was worth the concession. "Good enough to pull this calendar thing off Scully?" "Hell yes" "You really think I look.......'hot' Scully?" I'd smiled up at him, I loved it when Mulder seemed to need reassurance, which was'nt often. "I do" Serena had dragged Mulder off, as I sat stunned and breathless, wishing with every fibre of my being that Mulder would some day feel for me what I was feeling for him. I'd watched the entire photo shoot in a haze of lust and desire, my most basal self had complete control and I ached with want. When they'd finished, and Mulder had changed back into his own clothes and come to collect me, I had regained most of my control. Although I knew it would take me awhile to completely recover my composure around him, which I had to do for the sake of our partnership. Now, two months later, I was right back where I started, because today, everywhere I turned, was the image of Mulder.......dressed by Armani! I should have been anticipating this.......I should, Skinner had told us that Mulder had been chosen for the calendar by 75% of the female employees at the Hoover building....guess I tried to forget that information. But now, in every cubicle, of every secretary, hangs that image of my partner bare chested and gorgeous. Hes standing in the photograph, head slightly at an angle so hes looking out from under his long eyelashes. Hes smiling a pouty smile, his full lower lip on perfect display, hands in the pocket of his pants he looks playful........as if he just got laid but good! The desks and offices of every female agent seem to be similarly adorned and the worst of it is.........the calendar is for NEXT year! Its November right now, a full couple of months before that calendar becomes current, and Mulder's image represents the month of JULY! But because he graces the cover also, up the damn thing goes.......and everywhere I turn I am assaulted by him. By the object of my fantasies, my dreams and hopes, my wants and desires. By my best friend, the most important person in my life, my partner......by what I may never have. Its torture to be unable to escape these feelings of lust, to be powerless in the face of my love and my need for him. Dana Scully is good at control, I am good at restraining these feelings and emotions that today are crashing through me unchecked, uncaged by his image which is everywhere and I am at the end of my rope! So here I am, in the midst of a bad day, overwhelmingly confronted by the facts, which despite me being I scientist I always so carefully ignore, I am,jealous, horny, terratorial, unfufilled, lonely, desperate and empty. I am sick and tired of feeling this way and pretending I do not. It feels like the universe is screaming his name at me today, and I am screaming back "I know, I know" at the top of my lungs until my voice is gone and I can scream no more. I have to do something about this. I can no longer live with the pressure of pretending. I can't take the stress of wondering if I am going to lose him to another woman, every time I see someone glance his way. I have to know for certain, whether I can make Mulder want me as I want him, or if there is no hope for us. For if there is no hope, I feel I have to end this partnership before I go insane. For seven years its been enough that we had, what we have, but not anymore. I don't want to walk away from Mulder, I don't think I can, and yet I can't live like this. So look out Agent Mulder.........because Agent Scully is about to stake her claim, and what she wants........she intends to get! cont..in part II Part II Five days after the calendar launch Scully plans her seduction: I can hardly believe that I'm actually going to try this, me Dana Scully, currently known as either the 'Ice Queen' or 'Mrs Spooky', am going to seduce my partner, or die from embarassment trying. I've reached that point of critical mass when I either explode from the tension or find someway to relieve it, someone to relieve it. Last time things got almost this bad, I ran from him, trying to find an absolution in a stranger, one Ed Jerse. My walk on the wild side almost got me killed and I could'nt follow through when it came down to the wire. Sure I got naked and into bed with Ed, but at the crucial juncture my heart overuled my physical desires and that was that. Since then its been obvious to me that Mulder was the only one I ever wanted to be with, I've tried denial, suppression, reasoning, logic, all to no avail and now even the terror of rejection, of losing what I already have is failing me. The last wall has crumbled this time, so here I am, heart on my sleeve about to jump into the abyss with only the hope that he might want this too, to sustain me. About to become the luckiest woman alive, or lose everything of value in my life. I want to take him completely by surprise, I want to shock him and render him speechless, I need him to know that I'm sure of what I want, and how much effort I have gone to. I want him to see me as the woman I am inside, not the image I've been projecting all these years, so I'm setting him up! I've done my research, I needed an appropriate venue, and I have found the perfect place. A new club just opened in downtown DC, very large, very exclusive and strictly for those over 25. Not many people know this about me but I love to dance, I never have the time these days, but during med school I could club hop with the best of them. The atmosphere in a great club is intoxicating, the pulsing beat of the music, the warmth of the bodies, alcohol flowing to losen the inhibitions. Makes you feel a million miles away from the eb and flow of your daily life. So I called the owner of the club, who just happens to be married to an old friend of mine, and I told him straight of my predicament and my plan. Tony is a good guy, was full of encouragement and made arrangements that will get Mulder and I in without fail. He told me he would speak to the guys on the door, give them Mulder's name and tell them to let the FBI guy straight through. Meanwhile, I got the Gunmen involved too.....yes thats right, I even confessed to the three stooges what I had in mind. Apart from me, they are the closest friends Mulder has, and they know him well. Actually I felt much better after I spoke to them three days ago. I had to get another opinion of whether I was wasting my time trying, I had been tying myself up in knots wondering, and they all gave me the green light. I honestly hope they are correct when they tell me Mulder wants me. They all seemed to agree that he's waiting for a sign from me that I'm ready for more out of our relationship. I want to believe that..........I need to believe that, so I'm trusting them to be right, although with their track record on the romance front..........no I want to believe......I want to believe. Anyway, they are going to send Mulder an e-mail today, with instructions to meet Byers at this club tonight at 9pm. All the message will say, is thats its important he be there, and that they have information for him. Mulder should buy this, he knows how paranoid those guys are, and hopefully he will just assume that they are using a club to meet to avoid audio surveillance. They do meet him in crowded public places at times, usually when they are flushing their lair for bugs. Like I said, the guys are paranoid, but in this case it works for me! They will also tell him to give his name to the guys on the door and not to wait in line, lets hope Mulder will follow these directions. I have been shopping for this occassion, and I've maxed my credit card to do it. The dress however, was worth the cost, Mulder has never seen me in anything like it, it fits me like a glove and makes the most of what curves I have. Being such a small person, I am lucky that I'm all in proportion, I know Mulder likes them busty, but my strapless push-up bra will have to surfice for now. The dress is a dark scarlet red with thin spaghetti straps and it molds to my body until it reaches my waist. At that point it flares slightly and drops to just below my knees in the back, just above my knees in the front. Its made in a gorgeous kind of chiffon fabric which flows and dances when you move. The fact that the fabric has a matt texture brings a warmth to my pale skin and compliments the auburn colour of my hair. I bought great shoes too, they match the shade of the dress exactly, their high and strappy and make my calfs look great. I won't straighten my hair, Mulder has told me often he prefers its soft natural waves, so I had it trimmed instead and its the perfect length to allow it to do that. I'm all set at home aswell, I have Mulder's favourite Merlot ready and waiting in my kitchen. My bedroom is stocked with candles and his favourite CD is loaded in the machine. My nerves feel raw and I know I've been distracted all morning, which hes already commented on more than once. You'll know soon enough I think to myself but out loud I just apologised and told him I had a slight headache. My computer beeps at this point and pulls me from my plans, I look to see a new e-mail has arrived and contain my smile at Frohike's words...... *Dear Scully, Langley has just e-mailed Mulder with the message to meet Byers tonight at the hot spot you arranged. Directions to go to the lower level bar have been enclosed. Knock him dead red, but don't forget I'm always happy to fill in for Mulder if you need me too!! We would wish you good luck, but take it from us........you won't need it. Frohike* Well thats that then, my plans are in motion, now I just have to keep my nerve and follow this through, as I glance over at Mulder, busy working on a report, shirt sleeves rolled up, glasses on, a rush of desire stirs within me, its all I need to push me on. Five o'clock comes around eventually, and I am outta here. Mulder is still at his desk, leaning back in his chair, feet upon the desk reading over what looks like a very old case file. He probably knows the contents of all these files by memory after all these years, his memory is after all, staggering and photographic and yet he does this frequently. When I questionned him about it he said he only re-reads the cases that did'nt have the closure he would have liked. That his sorry obsessed mind liked to recover them for anything he had previously missed that might precipitate a solution. In my experience of his genius, thats not likely, but thats my partner. Mulder is nothing if not single minded. Whenever he does anything, he does it with a passionate and wholehearted intensity, the like of which I have never encountered in another person. It frequently gets us both into trouble, and yet I admire him for his ability to be so focused, even when it frustrates me beyond belief. Its his passion that makes him so magnetic, it defines him, if I had to pick only one word to discribe him, passionate is it! I shake my head as these thoughts run through me, the words Mulder and passion are making me hot under the collar, and hopefully theres time for these thoughts later, right now, I need to prepare. "Night Mulder" He looks up from the file, checks his watch and then smiles at me. "Night Scully, got plans for your Friday night huh?" Guess me actually leaving on time does look suspicious, and he'll find out soon enough. "Sort of, see you Mulder." He looks almost wistful. "Yeah.....see you Scully." I am out the door without a backward glance, and after fighting my way home in traffic, I finally get into my apartment by six and head straight for the shower. Two hours later I am ready to get this show on the road. I stand in front of the full length mirror on my closet door, and stare at the reflection I see. The woman almost does'nt look like me for when do I ever dress this way. The combination of my hair, my dress and shoes and my pale skin should certainly be enough to make me stand out in a crowd. Which is the whole point, Mulder has to 'see' me. I applied a little more make up than I usually wear, a darker lipstick, some kohl pencil around my eyes, but for once I did'nt cover up the mole on my upper lip, or the freckles that dust my nose. I do this for Mulder also, because he prefers to see the imperfections in my complexion, and tonight everything about me has to appeal to him if my plan is going to work. The only jewellery I am wearing is my cross, I don't have any earrings that seem right with this outfit, and naked lobes are easier to nibble on anyway. I'm definately planning ahead are'nt I? I hear a honk from the street and peering through the blinds I see my ride has arrived, in fact it looks like all three of the Gunmen are taking me to my destination, lucky me. I grab my trenchcoat to cover myself up, its is November afterall and this show is strictly for Mulder. I get into the front of the van to whistles of approval however, despite the fact that they can only see my face and my shoes, I take this as a good sign, take a deep breath and tell Byers to 'drive'. We arrived at the club by 8.40pm, 20 minutes before I expect Mulder to show, and when is Mulder ever on time for anything? I am relieved to see Tony, the club's owner is actually waiting at the door for me, so I bid the Gunmen farewell and thank them again for all their help. Three mischievious grins send me on my way and Tony escorts me into the club. "Dana.........wow, you look so beautiful!" Tony is full of praise as he hands my trenchcoat to the girl at the coat check. I give him a little twirl and what Mulder would call 'a full Scully-smile' and begin to pray that I can pull this off. "Really Tony, I mean you really think Mulder will like it...... I mean me......I mean.......well frankly, do I look hot enough?" Tony takes my hand and raises it to his lips.... "You look really hot Dana........this guy Mulder.....I hope hes worth it." "He is to me Tony, he's everything to me." "Go get him then Dana.......go after what you want." "Its about time I did" I say, "he's only been my partner for the last seven years!" Tony smiles, and leads me into the club proper, its amazing, ultra modern, all chrome and glass. Its on three levels with a large atrium running down the centre, ending on the ground level in a huge dance floor. Its early, but the club is new and there is quite a crowd here already. There is a cocktail bar on the the third floor, two bars on the second floor along with lots of seating, booths and tables, and along with the cavernous dance floor, the ground level also has another bar. How do I know all this, well I did come to the opening with Tony's wife, and old college friend of mine called Megan. I had almost invited Mulder to come with me that night but he was headed out of town for the weekend to deal with some matter relating to his mother's estate. I knew though that night that I would love to bring Mulder here, and it was the only venue that seemed right for this night, so here I am. "All set Dana?" "Ready as I'll ever be, do the guys at the bar know what's going on?" "They know I will point Mulder out to them once he arrives, and then they will send a drink to him from you and point in your direction." "And they know I'm going to be right up there?" I point to the second level balcony, over looking the dance floor and exactly opposite the ground floor bar. From wherever Mulder is at that bar, he will be able to look up and see me standing there.......and I'm going for effect here, so I want to be above him. "Yes......they know, and the way you look tonight, no way he can miss you!" "How do they know what I look like?" "Lets go show them" Once I've introduced myself to the bar staff, and had more encouragement bestowed upon me, along with a glass of champagne, I check my watch, its 8.55pm, so I grab Tony and we head for the second floor. I don't think I've ever been as nervous, or as excited as I am feeling right now. I'm getting appreciative glances from many of the guys here and that pleases me no end. I may not be Mulder's 'type', but I know I look good tonight and I think its time Mulder swapped all those busty brunettes for a fiesty natural redhead who loves him unconditionally. Its 9.05pm now and as I scan the room below, especially those entering the club from the lobby I see him and my breath catches in my throat. It looks like Mulder came straight from work, because he is still in his navy Hugo Boss suit and blue shirt and tie. Suits me fine though, I love his G-man clothes, he always wears the best, and he wears them well. He's standing just in from the lobby, looking for the bar and so I point him out to Tony. "See the tall, dark and handsome man in the navy suit?" "Yeah......thats Mulder?" "Thats Mulder." "Good looking guy.......I'll tell the guys, best of luck Dana." Tony disappears to let the bar guys know who to send the drink too and I resume watching Mulder as his eyes scan the place and he makes his way through the crowd and over to one end of the bar. The bar is busy so Mulder just hangs ten and watches the dance floor, he won't move from that spot because he's supposed to meet Byers there. I see Tony behind the bar now and hes giving one of the bartenders instructions. As I take my place, glass in hand on the balcony opposite him, I see the bartender call Mulder by name and hand him a beer. My heart is pounding in my chest as I watch the bartender point up in my direction and as Mulder's eyes follow it feels like time slows down. As his eyes meet mine and I raise my glass to him, his mouth goes slack and his eyes become like saucers in his face. I think I just rendered Agent Fox Mulder of the freakin FBI, what I can best describe as 'gobsmacked'. He's starring at me with an expression that I can't quite recognise and now he's moving to the staircase and climbing up here to join me. I feel sick in my stomach so I take another sip of champagne, put my most enigmatic smile upon my countenance and wait.......... He's only 20 feet away now........15..........10.....5..... "Scully!" "Mulder" His eyes travel over my entire body, drinking in my appearance as if he has never laid eyes on me before. I suddenly feel warm all over, as if his gaze was electricity and the atoms of my body are reacting to it. He shakes his head and I think the man is speechless....... I hope thats a good sign, I decide it is so I speak for him. "I see you got my message Mulder......the one I had Byers send you." I'll let him know right now that I arranged this whole thing, he needs to understand how sure I am of exactly what I am doing..... with Mulder there is no room for doubt. "You set me up Scully?" "And now I have you right where I want you" He's smiling a full toothy grin, but I know hes confused. "Why..did you.......I mean, you set this up because......is this a date Scully?" "If you want it to be" "Is that what YOU want it to be?" Thats Mulder.........but hell, this is my game and I'll play. "It is" Mulder's eyes travel all over me again, and again I feel the heat all over....everywhere. "Me too........well now that you have me here, what do you plan on doing with me?" Innuendo and yet I detect shyness.......only Mulder could combine those two. "You'll find out Agent Mulder, for now, I want to dance with you, I seem to remember you dance rather well Mulder, and its been along time." He knows aswell as I do the last time we danced was probably at a Cher concert whilst wrapping up a case, I see the memory in his hazel eyes, which are looking at me again with that expression I can't name. I hold out my hand for his, and lead him back down the stairs to the dance floor, his fingers twine with mine and his grip is tight. My nervousness has for some reason vanished now that his hand is in mine, instead I feel elation and anticipation, excitement....... I feel like a kid, I feel alive. The song thats currently playing I don't know and so I lead Mulder around the room to the farthest corner where we can stand at the edge of the dance floor comfortably, because its less crowded right here. To my delight, Mulder comes and stand behind me, close enough that I can feel the heat coming off his body and he lets go of my hand to brush my hair behind my ear as he leans in to speak to me. I can't contain the shiver that runs through me at his touch, but I don't want too, tonight I'll let him see exactly what he does to me. "Scully.........I don't have the words to tell you how beautiful you look." "Try...." Okay so I'm teasing him, a good seductress must establish the effect she is having before she moves forward, a scientist needs proof, Dana needs to hear the words to get the courage to take this all the way. "The dress is perfect, it suits you, it shows off your figure to perfection and makes your skin glow. I love your hair when its left in these soft waves that curl around your face and your neck, its so soft Scully, and so shiny, and such an amazing colour, like a sunset. Your eyes are shining, I love your eyes, no one has eyes like yours, your eyes are so vocal Scully, they tell me so many things. You look too beautiful to be real Scully........ am I imagining you....or are you really real?" Wow, oh wow, who knew Mulder was a romantic? My eyes are full of tears as I turn now to face him, for someone who had no words..........did Mulder really just say all that too me......me, I search his eyes to find the truth behind the words and he stares back at me knowing what I am doing. I see his sincerity in his calm regard, he means it all. I am reminded of how much I love him as my heart swells in my chest and hammers almost painfully, I feel an urge to kiss him, but I hear the start of a familiar song and instead put down my glass, take his beer from his hand and drag him with me out onto the floor. He steps close and takes my other hand, pulling me too him and we begin to dance to the strains 'Crocodile Rock' and Elton John. They play a set of about 30 mins worth of 70's and 80's dance tunes, Mulder and I dance to them all, we are laughing and spinning and smiling and having more fun than I remember having the last year or so. The only words we have spoken are 'I remember this one' or 'have'nt heard that in a long time', but our glances at each other have been long and lingering, and I keep hearing the Gunmen in my head. "Don't worry Scully......he wants you too, but he needs a sign, he would never risk the rejection, go for it." Well, I have never seen Mulder look at me the way he is looking tonight, and I am beginning to have faith that he has been waiting for this as much as I have, can it really be true? The music has slowed down, and a ballad is being played, I notice that the dance floor is almost all couples and I step closer to Mulder and wrap my arms around him. He does'nt pull back, in fact he enfolds me in his embrace, resting his head on the top of mine, a familiar gesture from our past, yet different at the same time. We move together slowly as the song plays, 'Breathe' by Faith Hill... ....I've always loved this one, I always thought of Mulder. That song merges into another one I love, from the Notting Hill soundtrack 'When you say nothing' and I feel Mulder's hand under my face, tilting it up so I look into his eyes. "Are you playing with me Scully.......or do you want this?" I'm confused.........it must show because he presses me further into his body with his free hand and I feel....oh God.....I can feel his erection pushing into my stomach. "Its dangerous to play with me Scully, so you'd best understand what you are doing to me here." Oh Mulder.......only you could be set up the way I set you up, see me dressed this way, only for you, and still wonder if somehow I was'nt serious in my intent. I know he has to hear me say it, and I feel no fear as I do. "I'm not playing Mulder, I want this, I want you, I did all this, for you." He lowers his head and as his mouth captures mine I feel like a lightening rod in a storm. His lips are soft and yet firm and insistent, I'm supposed to be seducing him and so I open my mouth allowing him entrance. I half feel, half hear a small moan escape him and I feel joy as our tongues begin exploring and tasting and duelling. I dreamed so often what it would be like to kiss him this way, and yet the actuality is so much sweeter. Its my new favourite thing in the world I decide, I don't care whose watching, or where we are, all I care about is tasting his kiss, taking his lower lip in between mine and sucking on it as I have a thousand times before inside my head. He pulls away from me, the man needs oxygen as I know I do, and yet although my lungs are grateful my heart is not. He takes my face between his strong hands and plants a kiss on the tip of my nose. We are both breathing shallowly, and I am about to say something about something, when Mulder reaches down for my hand and descreetly pulls it in between our bodies. He looks me in the eyes, and I know I see desire there, his voice is low and scratchy as he says... "Feel it Scully......this is what you do to me, what you always do to me....." He places my hand over his erection again, and this time its me who moans, and I squeak out.... "always do?" "if you only knew how many erections I have had to hide from you over the years Scully, you have no idea." I am stunned at this revelation, and hopeful and I want him so bad, that I have to get him out of here fast. I'll thank Tony and everyone else........some other time.......but right now... "Take me home Mulder......please." "Are you sure, really sure you want to take this step Scully, once this line is crossed, there is no going back for me" His face is so earnest, but I know in my heart what I want, and now that I can see its what he wants, I know its okay. I know all at once that our partnership will only be enriched by this. Nothing could destroy our friendship, nothing ever has, and nothing ever will, certainly not love. I just need to hear him say it, that this is not just about sex, so again I take the first step..... "Mulder, there is one thing I know above all others, one thing I hold to be true above all else......I love you Mulder, and I want to show you, with my body, how much." I look into his eyes and see them fill with tears, its like I just gave him the holy grail, the expression of wonder on his face. He kisses me again, so tenderly and so softly and as he breaks the kiss he whispers into my ear, his words sound like a prayer or a benediction.... "I love you more than life........more than truth.....more than words can say.......I will love you beyond death....and more than you will ever know........let me show you Scully..... ....please let me show you.........." The tears are flowing silently down my cheeks, after all the pain I have known, the joy I feel now is that much more profound. So before I can wake up from the dream that is this evening, I lead him from the dance floor, to the coat check, to the taxi stand and once inside the cab en route to my apartment, snuggled in his warm embrace, I look into his beloved face and tell him once more.... "Take me home Mulder". cont in part III... Part III Making love should always be like this: I'm standing at my apartment door and I can't work this stupid key because my hands are trembling. I think my whole body is shaking, I planned on seducing Mulder this evening, I planned to tell him I loved him. I did'nt plan on hearing his declaration of his love for me! I did'nt allow myself to dream that far, and now here I stand, Mulder behind me waiting for me to open this dumb door, and my whole body is reacting to his love, and I can't work this key........ "Want me to do that?" His voice is thick with desire, its not helping my shaking so I wordlessly hand the key to him. His deft fingers work magic on the lock and the door swings open and we go inside. He locks the door behind us and before I can entertain another thought he reaches for me and his mouth is on mine once more. His kisses are bruising, crushing my mouth beneath his and I never want it to end because the pleasure is so intense. I have never lost myself in just kissing before, it never felt this good, so I just lace my fingers through his thick dark hair and hang on for the ride. Somehow hes removed his coat and mine and I feel his hands under my buttocks as he lifts me into the air. I wrap my legs tightly around his body to allow him to carry me into my darkened bedroom, but not for one minute do I let up my assault on his mouth. How will I ever get enough of this, he tastes delicious, addictive, I can never have enough of this. We arrive in my bedroom and he deposits me gently on my feet, standing back to look at me, silent wonder on his face. I kick off my shoes and move to my nightstand to grab the lighter I placed there earlier tonight. I light candle after candle, until the entire room is bathed in soft, flickering light, and then I turn to face him again. "Scully.........one last chance to stop this" Nothing can stop this I think, nothing and nobody, this is meant to be and we've both wasted enough time. "Make love to me Mulder......I want you to take what's yours" To emphasise my point, I reach behind me and lower the zipper on my dress, allowing it to fall away from my body and pool at my feet. I stand before him now in only a black strapless pushup bra and a matching thong, I was'nt wearing stockings anyway. He makes a sound in the back of his throat that sounds suspiciously like a growl but he remains frozen inplace watching me. Armed with the knowledge that this brilliant and beautiful man loves me as I love him fills me with a confidence I have never known in the bedroom. I walk to him and when I am close enough I reach up and undo his tie. Once I have discarded that, I start to remove his shirt, he is watching me intently, but remains motionless. His pants are next to go, he steps out of them for me and I remove his shoes and socks leaving him in only black boxer briefs which are being tented impressively. I start to giggle, I can't help it, I am flooded with a sense of joy at what is happening between us and the fact that our underwear matches just seems so appropriate somehow. I meet his gaze which is confused and as I glance first at his boxers, and then down at my bra, he gets what I find so funny and starts to laugh with me. "Oh Scully......." he gasps out......."come here......" He grabs me and lifts me effortlessly in his arms, I forget most of the time how strong he is, and he nestles me down upon my bed and scoots down to remove the thong. Joy clashes with intense arousal for dominance over my emotions, and as I lie bared before him and his hands begin exploring I stop giggling and moan softly instead. My bra joins the thong on the floor somewhere and I am naked in front of him. His mouth is trailing kisses down from my temple, across my breast bone and lower as he takes one puckered nipple in his mouth. I'm moaning louder now and he nips at the harden nub, pinching it causing a jolt of sensation that feels too good to describe. His hand works the other breast and then he switches sides whilst all I can do is run my fingers through his hair again. His mouth is moving lower, butterfly kisses across my abdomen until he reaches the small bullet scar that reminds us both of a dark time. He told me once he would have killed Peyton if I had died, as he gently kisses that scar now, I understand as I did'nt then, that he was actually serious when he said it. "I love you..." He whispers as he kisses the scar again and then continues his voyage of discovery, lower and lower until he is exactly where I want him most. I am already so wet for him, I can feel it running down my thighs, he is delighted to discover this I might add, because he stops for only a moment and raises his eyes to mine with a smug smile on his lips before he lowers his mouth again and starts to lap gently. I feel him push my legs further apart and settle himself between them as he puts that oral fixation of his to the best possible use. I confess I have fantasized about him doing this do me on more occassions than I care to remember. But the reality..oh god the reality of it....as he plunges first one, then two long fingers inside me, whilst his tongue concentrates solely on stimulating my bundle of nerves. He finds that magic spot on the inside wall and I am suddenly so close to release I cry out for more..... "Mulder.......oh please Mulder.......make it happen..please.." I am squirming beneath him and he holds me firmly in place with his free hand, continuing to push me ever closer to the brink, and as he sends me over and colours flash behind my closed eyes I scream......yes scream his name at the top of my lungs, hope the neighbours are enjoying the show! "MULDER........OH MULDER!" I come back to myself to find him kissing me once more, hungry kisses, and I flip him over onto his back to mount an exploration of my own. I am straddling his body and I stop kissing him to take in the sight of an aroused Mulder before me. This Mulder is more gorgeous even than the image of him on the calendar, in Armani, this Mulder, is almost naked, every inch of him tanned and sculptured, muscles rippling beneath his golden skin, but what makes him even more perfect is the love and adoration written all over his face, and directed at only me. I am the luckiest woman alive, and he is mine. I must have spoken that aloud because I hear him say it back to me.. "Yours Scully, only yours" Its my turn to see him now, and I tug his boxers down impatient to claim what I want. His erection no longer confined, stands proud before me and the moment my hand touches him he gasps my name. "Jesus..Scully" His skin is soft and smooth, veins pulsing with life, his shaft is long and thick, and I can't wait any longer to take him in my mouth. I know I'm about to shock the hell out of him, even more so than I've already done tonight by setting all this in motion. I'm going to shock him because I love giving head, I love the feel of rendering a man so helpless with just my mouth and my little hands. Plus I have virtually no gag reflex, so I can take all of him, as he will soon find out. His hands are balled into fists and clutching at the comforter, I am sucking on him hard and swirling my tongue around the head of his shaft, before plunging him further into my mouth and then repeating the process. I keep this up until he is gasping and then I open my throat and take him in all the way. "Oh God........Scully.......oh god help me...." He is trying so hard not to thrust into my throat, but I want to push him further towards the brink so I increase the suction and he bucks his hips under my assault, completely unable to control it. I know he is close to coming, but I want that to happen inside me our first time so I gently retract and make my way up his body, showering it with soft wet kisses. Once I reach his mouth, I pause to suck very gently on that lower lip of his that I adore so much, before smiling down into his face at the expression of awe and amazement he is wearing. Guess I managed to shock him and I like it, so I up the ante... "Next time I do that, I'm not stopping until you come in my mouth screaming my name......" His eyes glaze over and he flips me onto my back... "I can't wait any longer Scully......." "Do it Mulder........do it now" He pushes my legs apart with his knee and suddenly he is right there, poised at my entrance and as he pushes his way inside he says one word, the same one is echoed in my brain. "Mine" Its been along time for me, there has been no one since he came into my life seven years ago, so I feel a mixture of pain and pleasure as he stretches me, muscles unused for so long straining to accomodate his invasion. "Are you okay" I can see the concern on his face, hes deathly afraid of hurting me and I guess some discomfort showed on my face, I hurry to reassure him. "Its been awhile.......but its good, you feel so good." "Scully.....I've dreamed of this for so long, I can't believe how amazing it feels to be here..inside you." "Its okay to move Mulder....." He begins to thrust so slowly and tenderly, each stroke feels more pleasurable than the last as my body remembers what making love is. Soon I feel nothing but pleasure and this slow pace is'nt enough for me. "Harder Mulder......please, take me harder..." He complies instantly and there are no more words as our mouths meet to communicate another way. My legs wrap around his waist and I meet him thrust for thrust, the pleasure is dizzying now, I have never felt this good in my life. The combination of what his body is doing to me and the knowledge thats its Mulder, the man I love with everything I have inside me, my orgasm is building with frightening speed. He changes his angle somehow and my clit is being crushed between us with every move he makes, my name is on his lips "Scully..oh Scully" and the sound of his voice sends me over the edge as I come harder than I have ever come before in all my 37 years. I am undoubtably giving my neighbours yet another moment of entertainment because I scream again, his name and other words as I am washed away in a sea of extasy and a feeling of fulfillment that sends tears scudding down my face as my body stops shuddering from its release. Mulder is moving gently within me, prolonging the sensations but allowing me to return to him before seeking his own release. He knows the tears are tears of joy, for I see the wetness in his own hazel eyes, I am overwhelmed by this experience, by Mulder.. "I am so in love with you" I tell him "come for me Mulder..I need to see you come for me" He smiles so tenderly at me and begins to thrust again with force and purpose. I am touching him everywhere, his back his face, I can't stop my fingers from wanting to be everywhere at once, but my eyes I don't tear from his, I am fixated on his face and the love and happiness I see there. Mulder has had so little true happiness in his life, so little real love, and yet he has more love to give than anyone. To know that I am the cause of this joy I see before me, to know I can bring him this happiness, I am humbled and determined to bring it too his life in every way I can. I am complete now that I am with him, partnered with him in all aspects of our lives, no walls remaining, no separation. His mouth is on mine again, and his thrusts are faster and harder than ever, he is whispering to me now.....telling me what he is feeling...... "Scully I'm so close...oh god this is better than I ever knew it could be.....I've never felt this way before Scully..it could only be this good with you...only with you......" "Don't hold back....let it go Mulder......I need to feel you lose it baby.....please......" He is pounding me into the mattress with ever harder strokes, and incredibly I feel another orgasm come out of nowhere and carry me off again.... "Now Mulder..oh god now......" As I am spasming wildly around him, he loses his control and calling out my name he spills his seed into my body and collapses spent, his weight feeling wonderful as his face is buried in my neck. We are both gasping lung fulls of air, our breathing and our heart rates rapid. "I'm crushing you..." comes a mumbled voice. "I like it....stay..." We remain joined and just as we are for a long while, finally he shifts away and the loss of him from my body is so noticeable, like I am missing a part of me. He settles to one side and lying on his stomach, one arm draped across my torso he lifts his head to look at me. He is smiling as wide and full a smile as I have ever seen, one I am determined will grace that face alot more often from this moment forward. "So I take it you're glad?" I ask "Glad?" "That I set you up" "I think elated would be a better term" We kiss, slow wet and lingering, as he breaks the kiss I can tell he wants to ask me something but is'nt sure he should. "Whatever it is you want to know....its okay to ask Mulder." He pauses as if to consider what to say first. "How long have you loved me?" "Years.....I think I admitted it to myself after I shot you." He nods, remembering that time. "I knew when you were gone, the realisation I might never see you again brought the reality of what I felt for you with it." "Seems we've been hiding from each other a long time huh?" "Too long Scully........why now Scully, what made you finally take this step with me?" "Armani" He looks wonderfully bemused right now, so I explain it to him. "You can thank Armani, that image of you Mulder, all these women drooling all over this image of you, wanting you, wanting what I considered to be mine, what I had thought of as mine for so long. It forced me to think about what I would do if you were with another woman. I would die of jealousy Mulder....I had to do something, I had to act, before someone else did." "Never happen Scully" Now I look confused..... "There could never be anyone else Scully, there has'nt been anyone else since you came back from your abduction, since I understood that I loved you. And there never will be anyone else, there is only you for me." "I love you Mulder" "I love you more......" We are laughing now, and it sounds so good, there will be plenty of laughter in our lives now, I am sure of it. "What about the Bureau?" I ask "What about it, everyone there already thinks we are involved, even Skinner, I say we carry on as normal, and let the fact that we only book one hotel room from now on speak for itself!" "That will never work Mulder......it goes against Bureau policy and you know it." "Since when did we ever care about Bureau policy Agent Scully?" He kisses me again ending this discussion, and I am content to worry about our work another time, we can iron out the details later, we'll make it work somehow, we always have. For now all I can concentrate on is Mulder's resurrected erection and a promise I made earlier, which I intend to honor right now. As I move to take him in my mouth once more, he groans and twines his fingers in my hair, and I am lost in bringing him pleasure and the entire world consists of only us, loving each other. After he comes and I swallow every last drop he falls asleep exhausted and I contentedly watch him, sprawled naked and beautiful across my bed. I sneak across to my dresser and rummage through the top drawer for my camera. No one else will see the photo I take of him now, this one, is just for me, my lover in all his glory. There may be many women with his Armani clad image in their posession, but only I will ever see him this way, undressed by Dana Scully...... You can feed the author at peter_caroline@hotmail.com XFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXFXF