Title: EGGNOG Dreamed 12/28/03 Posted 1/14/04 Author: FatCat (feedback to FatCat33047@yahoo.com) Website: Please visit the wonderful home Donnilee has created to house my stories at her site http://donnilee.tripod.com. Just follow my name to find my stories. While you are there, take a peek at Donnilee's great stories and those of the other authors that she has at her site. Thank you Donni! Rating: NC17 Category: MSR Classification: V, RST Keywords: First Time, Baby Fic, Desire, Fantasy, Reality Spoilers: No Requiem, Season 8 or Season 9 in this world, but you will find bits and pieces of the entire Mulder/Scully dynamic and a what if for Per Manum Archive: As you wish, but please keep my name and site address attached so I know where to visit. Summary: What if the IVF had worked? How do you think our two heroes would have handled the pregnancy? Disclaimer: They aren't mine nor anyone's but CC, Fox, 1013. Mulder and Scully belong exclusively to DD & GA. These works are used without permission, no infringement intended. Author's Notes: And most of all, a big THANK YOU to Donni for her beta work and incredible support for my work. XXXXX DL's Country Store Cardinal Forest, MD December 31, 2000 2:57 PM The silence in the store has become overwhelming. I look down at my partner and try to repress a sigh. Dana Scully is no longer just my work partner and best friend; she is soon to be the mother of my child. That's the problem. Except for one sweet but passionless kiss on New Year's Eve last year, we've never been intimate. 'Not for lack of wanting,' I think. At least on my part, the desire is there, and that is what's killing me. Scully doesn't want me, or at least until today I didn't think she did. Oh, I know she loves me. She wouldn't have asked me to be the sperm donor for the IVF if she didn't love me, as a friend. Scully is a very loving woman. Contrary to her reputation, she feels things very passionately. She is practically euphoric about the baby. She has taken on this Madonna-like glow lately. She's even more beautiful than before, and that's another problem. She may be 'great with child', but that hasn't kept every man who comes in contact with her from being turned on by her beauty. It's disgusting. Even Skinner can barely keep his hands off her. The Gunmen? Pathetic! What's really surprising is that most of our fellow agents are being very supportive. They admire Scully, and now that she's chosen a path that makes her appear to be a little more emotionally accessible, they've rallied around in support. However, the very worst part of this whole experience is that until today, no one except the doctor, Scully and I knew that this is my baby. I'm supposed to stand back and smile at my partner but keep my hands to myself. I can't beam and pass around the latest sonogram pictures; I can't stand at the water cooler and swap stories about cravings. I can't even touch her belly unless we're at her apartment or at mine. I can't show any feelings for her over and above those of a concerned partner, and it's killing me. Then again, hey, maybe the guy holding the gun by the front door will put me out of my misery. How the hell do we get into these situations, anyway? XXXXX Mulder is upset and I don't blame him. I am furious myself. If I hadn't given in to my latest craving, we would have been home by now instead of being held as hostages in a bungled robbery attempt. I'm squirming on the itchy hay bale that I am using as a seat. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why did I leave my purse with my gun and cell phone in the car? I peek up at Mulder again just in time to see him try to repress another sigh. How in the hell are we going to get out of this one? I glance over to make sure that the other hostages are holding up all right, and see that the little girl in the corner with her father is in obvious distress. She probably needs to go to the bathroom as badly as I do. I decide to go for it. "Hey, Santa! We need to go to the bathroom." I can see the relief in the eyes of the little girl's father. "Shut up, Red, and stay where you are," the guy in the bad Santa suit responds. "Sorry, but no can do. Unless you've missed it, I'm pregnant and when I say I gotta go, I gotta GO!" I raise my hand to Mulder, requesting a helping hand up and he pulls me to my feet. He leans in to me and puts his arm around me to steady me before letting me go. "I said, Sit Down!" the Santa wannabe bellows, pointing his gun at me. "Hey, Earl," Mulder says in a placating voice. "It is Earl, isn't it? Dana's nine months pregnant. She's not joking about the bathroom. Come on. You can check it out for yourself. There's no way out of the room except through the door." "Yeah? What about the window?" Earl responds to Mulder's easy tone and respectful words. "That window is too small for a child to get through, let alone a woman in her condition, Earl. What's she going to do? Climb through and call for help?" The last was said directly to me. He is trying to tell me something, but I can't figure out what. I look at him trying to communicate with my glance that I don't understand what he means but he just smiles. "Maybe Dana can take little Cathy into the restroom too?" he asks reasonably. Earl starts to say no, but Cathy whispers, "Pwease, Santa?" 'There must be some human part left in him,' I think as he motions with his gun for the two of us to follow his accomplice, Daryl, to the back of the store. Daryl steps in and checks out the escape routes. He comes out giggling. "I ain't never been in a girls' bathroom before," he says with glee. "All you got is a setter stall in there. No room for us pointers." He laughs uproariously at his own joke and then pushes me toward the door. "I'll be right out here so don't try nothin'," he growls. I let Cathy use the stall first, praying that I can hold off long enough to not embarrass myself. I stare at my reflection in the mirror. I look pretty good for a woman who is almost nine months pregnant. The winter-white wool suit I rented for the party looks very festive. The emerald, silk blouse beneath it is one of my few splurges on maternity wear. I run my hands through my hair and then drop them to my sides. My right hand comes in contact with something hard in my coat pocket. I slide my hand into my pocket and grin. Mulder! When he helped me up, he slipped his cell phone into my pocket. That's what he meant about 'calling for help'. I wait until Cathy is done and help her wash her hands. I tell her that she can go on back out with her father. I watch from the doorway until she is safely in her father's arms and glare at Daryl. "Get on out here," he growls. "I'm not done," I say as I close the door in his face. I wait to make sure he doesn't come in the room with me before I step into the stall and slide the lock into place. I check the volume on the phone so that it won't alert Dumb, Dumber and Really Stupid about what I am doing. I situate myself on the toilet and dial 911. I quietly identify myself and ask to be patched through to the police outside the store. I flush the toilet to disguise the sound of my voice and I give them the details of our situation, telling them that Mulder is a trained negotiator with the FBI. I let them know that I will not be able to communicate with them further. Captain Murray suggests that Mulder try to defuse the situation until the SWAT Team gets there and into position. "Hey! What's taking so long, Red?" Daryl yells as he pounds on the door and opens it a crack. I quickly hide the phone and yell back the first thing that I think he can relate to, "Hemorrhoids!" He slams the door and I retrieve the phone from my pocket, pressing it to my ear. I flush the toilet again. I can hear the Captain laughing, desperately trying to bring himself back under control. "I'm sorry, Agent Scully. I had a flashback to my wife's last pregnancy." "I've got to go, Captain," I croak in embarrassment. I hang up the phone and slide it back in my pocket. I finish my original goal and peek outside the stall to make sure I am still alone. I wash my hands and wrap the cell phone up in the paper I finished using. I shove it down as far as I can in the trash receptacle and decide that I need to wash my hands again. I step out of the bathroom and as I suspected, Daryl went in to check that I hadn't opened the window or found a way to communicate with the police. I waddle back over towards Mulder and the ludicrousness of the situation makes me start to giggle. Mulder is standing at the edge of a life-sized crèche. D.L., the store owner, has put away the life size statues already, but the manger and the pseudo stable are still there. When I sit back down it will look like we are a live nativity scene, Joseph and Mary, awaiting the arrival of Jesus. This is all my brothers' fault. XXXXX The three stooges are getting antsy. Their foiled robbery attempt is quickly degenerating into a Mexican Stand Off. They brought sawed-off shotguns with them, but now they have my Sig Saur and I am terrified that they will shoot one of us accidentally. My weapon has a hair-trigger, that's one of the reasons I never flip off the safety unless I'm prepared to shoot. They are playing with it and flipping the safety off and on as if it's a toy. One small squeeze could turn this idiocy into tragedy. I watch Scully as she exits the restroom giving Daryl a glare. Her gaze slides around the room, making sure of the position of the other two perps and then back to mine. I am amazed as she starts to giggle as she walks towards me. Her eyes sweep the area where we are being held and I realize what she is thinking. We are in the corner across from the front door in a partially dismantled manger scene. She looks like a modern-day Mary. Does that make me Joseph? She gives me a slight nod and I know that she has gotten through to the police. It is time for me to try to talk these guys down and defuse this situation before it becomes deadly. "Earl, can I call you Earl?" I ask. The leader nods and I continue to talk about anything I could think of. 'Play by the rule book, Mulder,' I think. 'Your entire world is in this room.' XXXXX I settle on the bale of hay again and try to get comfortable. The baby is so low that I am afraid I am going to have to go to the bathroom again before long. My back is hurting, my feet ache, and my patience is running thin. I try to think of something other than the physical discomfort I am in. What were my brothers thinking? Bill swore that he would behave himself if Mulder and I came to Mom's New Year's Eve Open House. Tara was going to be there and Matty too, so I believed him. I didn't think he would try anything with them there to keep him under control. And Charlie! I definitely will kill Charlie for encouraging Bill like he did. Poor Mulder. I've been such a blind fool. I've been so happy with the pregnancy, I've thought of nothing but myself for months. I am carrying Mulder's baby. I have been so wrapped up in my own thoughts and feelings that I have ignored the fact that this baby is a life-altering gift for him too. One of my fondest wishes has come true. If only Mulder could love the baby and me as much as I love him, but he doesn't. He's been very supportive, but very proper and distant all during the pregnancy. He occasionally will touch the baby when we're at one of our apartments, but usually, he's the perfect professional partner. I didn't realize before today that all my posturing is a cover to protect me. All I have thought about was me, me, me ... and of course the baby. I tried to be professional during office hours. I tried not to give into my feelings, but when some of my fellow agents began to warm up to me and started showing their support of my decision to have a child outside marriage, I became this huge walking hormone. I laughed, I cried and I enjoyed every minute of it. I didn't realize that Mulder felt left out. We decided initially not to tell anyone that he is the other half of the equation so that we could keep working together as long as possible. We had already discussed the entire scenario and I, well, we decided that I will not return to field agent status until the baby is at least three years old. Consequently, there is a new agent assigned to X-Files. Mulder's future partner is a tall, luscious blonde. She looks more like one of the stars in his video collection than a veteran agent with the FBI. However, she is a good agent and her record proves it. She's smart and has a great sense of humor. I liked her right up until the first day that she made a pass at Mulder. Mulder, the dog, threw it right back at her and since then they've been, if not friends, working associates. I wanted to cry, and I did. Alone, at night, in my lonely apartment. Maybe that's why Charlie went along with Bill. He must have realized that I'd been crying the last time he called. Who knows? Maybe the whole set-up was Charlie's idea. Damn these hormones. I can't concentrate worth a damn. No wonder they assigned Mulder another partner. Maybe she can keep him safe. I rub my forehead. My own thoughts are giving me a headache. XXXXX My thoughts are running rampant as I calmly talk to the robbers, trying to further defuse the situation. Scully looks like she has a headache. I reach down and massage the muscles in her neck. I know it will help relieve the pain. I wonder if she really loves me. I wonder when this is going to be over. I wonder if the baby will have her nose or mine. This is all Bill Scully's fault. So this guy actually likes watching the cooking channel? Who would have guessed it? XXXXX Mulder is standing by my side now, rubbing my neck casually with one hand, and talking to the perp about Emeril LaGasse's show on the Food Network. How does he do that? Know when I need him? He's been so distant throughout this entire pregnancy, and yet, notices a detail like the fact that I have a headache. Yeah, distant to me, but he sure has warmed up to Ms. Perky Breasts, Special Agent Avery Denton. I try to fight back the tears I feel swelling up in my eyes at the thought of Mulder and another woman, but I'm only partially successful. One tear slides down my cheek and I know that Mulder sees it. His hand lifts from my shoulder and grazes my cheek, brushing away the tear before it can fall on my silk blouse. My eyes lift up and catch him watching me. I smile at him and he smiles back, reassuring me everything will be all right. Maybe he did mean the things he told my brothers earlier. Maybe he does love me. Or was it just for show? XXXXX What the hell is the hold up with the SWAT Team? I've got these guys as loose as they're going to get. They need to contact them from outside and get them to surrender. I glance down and see that Scully is fighting tears. One has made its way down her cheek and I automatically catch it before it splashes on her silk blouse. She's beautiful in this emerald green color. I don't want anything to ruin it. She's been distant and introspective since she found out that the IVF worked. I know she's happy to be pregnant. For both her and the baby's safety, I agreed not to reveal my participation. I didn't realize how hard it would be to stick to our original plan. I've tried not to let on how much it bothers me that it has to be a secret, but I wish she wouldn't cut herself off from me. She's been opening up to others since she started showing. Our agreement and her attitude have kept me at arms' length. We don't talk, we don't hang out, we don't even banter any more. Maybe that's why I was so pathetically happy when Avery started teasing me and flung the first of many innuendos at me. It felt like old times with Scully, but she'll never replace Scully, not as a partner, and not as a friend. I wonder if Scully really meant what she told her brothers. I am the man that she loves? How? Like a brother? A partner? A ... lover? Thank God! There's the phone. The negotiator must be on site. Let's get this show on the road. Scully doesn't need this stress. XXXXX Despite the gentle rumble of Mulder's beautiful voice, my thoughts are a complete jumble. Usually when he's talking, I can focus and center my thoughts. Right now, I'm so upset I can't concentrate. Fears about Avery replacing me in Mulder's life mix with the fear that I am going to have to use the bathroom again. Throw in a conversation about food that is making me nauseous and I am just about ready to go postal. Wait, wrong branch of the Federal Government. This isn't like me. Not like Dana Scully at all. It's absolutely nothing like Special Agent Doctor Dana Scully in the least. I need to organize my thoughts. I need to think about this whole day as if I were making a final report on an X-File for Skinner. That's what I'll do. As a last report before my maternity leave starts, I'll recap the entire debacle. XXXXX Last week I accepted my mother's invitation to her New Year's Eve Open House after receiving multiple assurances and invitations from Bill and Charlie. They both said they would behave and treat Mulder with respect. Ha! Three days ago I made the mistake of inviting Mulder to go while at the office and little Ms. Size-five-and-can-still-see-her-feet Denton piped up and asked Mulder to a party she was invited to as an alternative. Mulder said he would think about my invitation and dropped the subject. Two days ago, Mulder agreed to go with me, for at least a short while, to Mom's. He was sure that Billy was lying and that he and Charlie were going to 'make him disappear' sometime during the party. I assured him that I would protect him. Yesterday I overheard Avery Denton try to dare Mulder into attending the party her friends were having. I have to give her credit. She found his hot buttons right away and knew how to press them, but he declined her invitation and later confirmed the time to pick me up. This morning, Mulder arrived at my place with bagels, cream cheese and dill pickles. I had just run out of my favorite brand and knew I was going to have to have more before the day was over. How does he do that? I wonder if the Gunmen have a camera in my refrigerator. At noon we left for Mom's house. At 1:00 PM we arrived. At 1:30 PM I was ready to leave. Mom was glad to see me, of course, and she had a huge pile of baby things she had picked up on her annual shopping spree on the day after Christmas. I am surprised that she waited until three weeks before my due date to start shopping. She was thrilled to see Mulder and made him feel right at home. For a while, I thought everything was going to be all right. Charlie and family arrived right after we did and everything was still agreeable, if a little strained. Bill and Tara arrived around 1:10 PM. Matty has grown so much I didn't believe it was possible. He wanted me to pick him up like I always do, but Mulder stepped in and swung him up in the air like an airplane, preventing a no-nap tantrum. Right behind Billy stood a man I had never met before. I didn't think much about it. Mom has always opened her home to everyone that is alone during the holidays. I call it her stray-puppy propensity. I'm sure that's why she included Mulder for the first few years of our partnership. By 1:15 PM I was in the middle of a knock-down, drag-out fight with William Andrew Scully, Jr. and his accomplice Charles Patrick Scully. The poor sap they had talked into coming with them was so humiliated that he left. My brothers, Bill and Charlie, had invited him to meet their pregnant, unmarried sister. It seems that the man had casually mentioned to Charlie that he would never be able to have a family like him or Bill did because he had mumps when he was in his twenties. They put one and one together and came up with three. I was in the middle of a huge screaming match with Billy and Charlie when IT happened. Mulder reentered the room with his coat on, and laid his hand gently on my shoulder. I turned to tell him that I would only be a minute, when Bill's words stopped me in my tracks. "Get the hell out of here, Mulder. This is family business. You don't belong here. She's finally chosen to get away from you and your craziness. Can't you leave her alone?" If I hadn't been looking at Mulder at that very instant, I would have missed the pain that flashed across his face. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. I could tell he was trying to keep from saying something that would hurt me. Even now, he was trying to protect me. I turned back to Bill, ready to chew him a new one when Mulder's quiet words stopped me. "I have tried to leave her alone, Bill, but I can't. I love her and I love the child she's carrying. I don't care that she doesn't love me, I will always be there for her." He cleared his throat and looked back down at me as I turned to him. "I'm going to leave, Scully. I don't think all this stress is good for you or the baby." He turned to say goodbye to my Mother and I spun back to glare at Charlie and Bill. I could tell that they were surprised by his words. "Wait, Mulder, I'm coming with you," I said over my shoulder. I glared at my brothers again. "I will never forget this," I spat. "I might eventually forgive you, but I will never forget how you hurt the one man in this world that I love." Tears had begun to fall down my cheeks. I said, "Mulder is the father of my baby, and he has every right ..." "What?" Bill bellowed. "That asshole knocked you up and hasn't married you?" I looked at him as if he were a bug under my shoe. "No, Bill, Mulder was the donor for an IVF. He did it because I asked him to. He was my choice, Bill. My choice to be the father of my child, because I love and respect him, and I couldn't even think of anyone else I would want to ask. "I asked for his sperm, not his hand in marriage. Despite that, he's been here for me anyway, every step of the way. WE agreed that we would not tell the world that he is the father in order to keep both me and the baby safe, AND so we could KEEP working together. My choice again. He did it for ME, Bill. 'Do you think you would have been man enough to make that kind of sacrifice for Tara or Matty? I don't think so. You're too busy playing with your ships and your guns and you, Charlie, with your submarines. Macho shit heads, both of you. He did it for me because he cares about me! What the hell have you two done for me recently besides criticize Mulder for every choice I've made? You would have known they were MY choices if you'd ever bothered to ask, but you didn't, did you? You both were told that I was diagnosed as barren after my cancer. Yet, you two didn't care enough to even ask how I got pregnant, or with whom. You were too concerned with how bad it looked for your little sister to be an unwed mother. How could you two think so little of me?" "Dana! Dad would be so ashamed of you! Choosing to get pregnant outside marriage and with that man ..." Bill sputtered. "No, Bill. Dad would be proud of both Mulder and me. It's you two that he would be disappointed in for not supporting me and my choices. Dad didn't always agree with my decisions, but he always had faith in me, something you two have never had. Mulder has ALWAYS had faith and respect for me. You might want to try it sometime." I turned and left the house. "Dana, wait!" My mother called to me as I entered Mulder's car. She handed me my coat and reached in to hug me. "Dana, stay. We can work this out." "No, Mom. I'm sorry I caused a scene at your party, but I can't stay. I need to go home with Mulder." My mother's sad expression told me she understood and suddenly I had to ask. "Mom? Are you ashamed of me?" "No, Dear. I would never have chosen for you to have a baby without being in love and married first, but one out of two isn't bad. Take care of her, Fox." She turned and went back into the house. Suddenly I didn't envy my brothers one bit. Mulder silently turned the car around and headed back to Georgetown. I was suddenly shy and couldn't think of anything to say except, "I'm sorry." He just bobbed his head jerkily and concentrated on the road. Neither of us said anything until we were half way home. "Eggnog!" I shouted. "What?" Mulder jumped. "Pull off here, Mulder. I want some of the homemade eggnog that DL's sells. It was one of the main reasons I agreed to go to Mom's today and I had to leave before I even got one cup." "You put yourself and me through all that for eggnog?" he said incredulously as he maneuvered the car down the off ramp and into the drive of DL's Country Store. "Well ... yeah," I replied. "But I had no idea that Bill and Charlie would pull a fool trick like that with their buddy, Mulder. They told me they would be nice to you and I foolishly believed them." I felt the tears welling up in my eyes again. Mulder saw them and melted. "All right, you wait right here and I'll go get the eggnog." "No, that's fine, Mulder. I know exactly what I want and a few minutes of walking will feel good right now." That was my code for 'bathroom break'. That's when we walked into the middle of a robbery in progress and here we've been ever since. I feel Mulder's hand squeeze my shoulder and I automatically smile up at him. XXXXX It is almost over. Earl and his two accomplices, Daryl and Darrell, were ready to give up. They know they are going to do time, but I promised to testify for them. I would. These guys are too stupid to be criminals. They need to be helped. Hopefully, the system will find a way to do that without destroying what little good they still have in them. Just a few more minutes of concentration on this situation and I can think about Scully and the baby and me. Scully told her brothers that I'm the baby's father and that she loves me. Maybe we've had some miscommunication going here. Maybe she does want me to be part of their lives. Maybe she hasn't been trying to shut me out. We need to talk. XXXXX Dana Scully's Apartment Georgetown December 31, 2000 3:45 PM What a difference a couple of hours can make. Two hours ago we were being held at gunpoint by three of the most inept criminals I have ever met. They had only tried to rob the store for food, beer and enough money to rent a hotel room for the night. They had lost everything in a car fire the day after Christmas. They had stolen the clothes that they were wearing and were hungry. How sad. Mulder brought me home and while I took a short nap, he watched the football game and ordered Chinese food. He even set dishes out at the table in the dining room. Maybe we are just going to let the whole thing blow over again without talking. I don't want that to happen. We need to talk and we need to do it before I go into labor with this baby. XXXXX By the time we got home, Scully was exhausted. I got her to lie down for a short nap and flipped between the ball game and the Sci-Fi channel for about an hour. I had ordered Chinese food and decided to set the dishes out at the dining room table because she seems to be more comfortable in a straight back chair now. I woke her up and she had just enough time to use the bathroom before it was delivered. So here we are, done eating, and I'm sitting here waiting. I'll probably be back to channel surfing in a few minutes if she doesn't kick me out. She doesn't seem to want to talk about what happened today, but I can't let it go. I need to know where I stand with her. I need to let her know how much I want to be with her and the baby. XXXXX "Mulder," I said finally. "When we were at the store today, I had a thought." "Yeah?" he seems surprised by my opening statement. "I was thinking that you and I probably looked like a modern-day Mary and Joseph in that crèche." He smiles at me and replies, "I thought that's what you were smiling about when you came back from the bathroom. Either that or you were really glad you got to go." His teasing voice washes over me and gives me chills. "Well, that too," I shot back. "But really, Mulder, you do remind me of Joseph." I now had his whole, incredulous attention. "Continue." "Well, Joseph believed Mary when she said she was given a child by God. He loved her and believed her enough to stand by her at a time when virginity in a wife was imperative. You believe, Mulder. You believe in me and you are the most loving and giving person I've ever known. Not many men would agree to an IVF if they weren't already involved with the woman romantically. You've given me one of the two things I've wanted most in my entire life." "Only one?" he whispers. He lifts his hand to touch my hair. "Well, possibly two," I whisper back, suddenly feeling shy. "What's the second thing that you want most in this world, Scully?" His velvet growl is raising goose bumps on my entire body. "Actually the baby is the second thing. The first thing I want more than anything in the world is ..." I take a deep breath and catch his hand in both of mine. His eyes become dreamy and unfocused. "The first thing is your love, Mulder. I want you to be in love with me as much as I am in love with you. Did you mean what you said at my mom's earlier?" A long silence falls over the room. He stares at me as if I have suddenly grown another head. I can't stand it. My hormones take over and I burst into tears. With a speed I didn't know I still had, I jump up from the table, shoving my chair over on its side, and turn to run into my bedroom. I've bared my heart to my partner, my best friend, and he didn't respond. XXXXX I've just had the most incredible waking dream. I thought I heard Scully tell me that the one thing she wants most in the world is for me to be in love with her as much as she loves me. I am basking in the glory of that particular fantasy when I feel her hand pull from mine at almost the same instant I hear her chair fall over. Shit! It's not a fantasy! It's real and I didn't respond. I snake my arm out and grab her before she can get past me. I have to be careful. I don't want to hurt the baby. "Scully! Wait! Yes, I meant it, every word. I love you too! I thought I was dreaming again! Scully, Baby, I love you so much." I pull her down on my lap sideways and wrap my arm around her back resting my hand on her hip. Brushing the hair from her face, I lift her chin and look deeply into her eyes before I speak again. "I love you, Dana Scully. I love both of you." I lower my hand to the swell of our child as she sits on my lap. Her feet dangle inches above the floor and her shoes drop off her feet with a plop. She stares at me for a moment, as if trying to read the truth in my eyes. What she sees must appease her because she sinks down onto my chest and snuggles her nose into the crook of my neck. I finally feel completely happy for the first time in my entire life. I realize that I am stroking her from the top of her head, down her arm to her thigh as far down as I can reach and back. She's still wearing most of the clothes she wore to the party, the emerald green silk blouse and the skirt to the suit. As I bring my hand back up her body I realize three things. Scully is making the most incredible sound, almost a purring noise as I caress her. When I stroke back up her leg, my hand easily slips under her skirt and just before I decide that I have gone far enough, my fingers come in contact with a lacy band of elastic about mid-thigh. Scully is wearing stockings. The third, and most damning realization of all, is that I've got a hard-on the size of the Washington Monument just from our words and feeling her here in my arms. Of course, the mere hint of Scully in thigh-highs or, Fuck Me, a garter belt and stockings, and I'm shaking with need. I'm one sick bastard. XXXXX 'He called me Baby,' I think as I snuggle into his arms. I am sitting on his lap, completely enclosed within his embrace. I am enveloped in warmth that makes me feel completely safe and happy for the first time in a very long time. I begin to hum in satisfaction as his hand strokes me. Mulder loves me! I smile against his shoulder as I feel his hand slide to a halt under my skirt. His long, elegant fingers slide up and then across the top of my stocking until he touches the skin of my thigh. He begins to move his fingertips in slow circles across the top of my stocking to my skin and then halting for a fraction of a second at the very beginning of the nylon, only to start the entire process again. It is the most intimate moment we had ever shared. In light of the fact that I am now 37 weeks along with his baby, that is a pitiful statement to make. Even though his fingertips are touching a part of my thigh that I've probably exposed to him and the entire world before when I wore shorts or a short skirt, I am aroused by his touch. I am wiggling a little, trying to ease the tingling I am beginning to feel between my legs, when I feel 'IT'. His erection is long and hard and definitely standing at attention. He wants me! XXXXX Scully stops humming when she moves over on my lap far enough to feel my hard-on. Shit! Now she is going to get up and I still haven't kissed her. She pulls back to look in my eyes and I can see both fear and arousal warring there. She wants me too! We both lean in and our lips meet for our first romantic kiss. XXXXX As soon as we begin kissing, the real world falls away. I know Mulder is a good kisser. Our New Year's Eve kiss last year had been wonderful, even if it was more platonic than passionate. Now, though, I am in heaven. He kisses and nibbles and sucks and teases and drinks from my lips and I do my best to return the pleasure. We are involved in an especially passionate tongue duel when I realize that I am getting light-headed. I need oxygen. I pull away and stare into his eyes, gasping for breath. My breasts are aching. I want him to touch them. Hell, I want him to latch onto them and kiss them with all the intensity and passion he has been lavishing on my lips and tongue. I suddenly realize that I am now straddling his lap. My sex is straining towards his erection, but our child isn't cooperating. "Mulder!" I groan. This isn't going to work. I am huge. How can I let him see me like this for the very first time we are going to be together? XXXXX Scully just kissed the very life out of me. I am starting to pass out when I realize that we both need to back off and breathe. I run my tongue over her lips and give her one quick kiss as I lean back. We sit here panting and staring at one another. She is beautiful. Her face is rosy and the flush of sexual excitement that flows from her neck down and disappears at the neckline of her blouse intrigues me. I want to lay her blouse open and let my lips follow the trail of her blush. I want to slip the silk down her arms and look at her for a year before I unhook her bra and slowly slide her it off her and worship her breasts. Her breasts have changed. I knew they were larger, but I had no idea how much they had grown. Scully's breasts were always perfect for her small frame, round and full and perky. Now they're ... lush. I've seen women on my tapes with breasts this exciting, but I don't think any of them were real. Scully is real. She's beautiful. My hands itch to touch her there. My mouth waters in anticipation of kissing and licking and suckling her beautifully enhanced breasts. Somehow she has moved to straddle my legs. I have fantasized about sex with Scully in a chair. Ever since the baby began to show, I've wanted to take Scully on my lap and slide my cock into her. That way I could see her eyes and kiss her lips, and cup her breasts and stroke the swell of our unborn child as I made love to her. "Mulder," she groans in dismay. I have to laugh. She is rubbing against my thighs and I know that she wants the same thing I want, but our child sits between us and there is no way we can connect. "Scully?" I growl. "Bedroom." She gasps and stares at me like a deer caught in headlights. I pull her close enough to touch my forehead to hers. "Do you want to continue this in the bedroom?" I am amazed that I am able to put an entire sentence together. I can see that she is worried about her body. I smile at her, hoping that she will understand my desire for her just as she is. It must work because she whispers, "Yes." Scully is woman of few words at times and I am delighted to hear the one word that I long for. 'Yes.' Yes, she wants to make love with me. Yes, she loves me. Yes, she wants to go to the bedroom. Yes, she's depending on me to make it happen. Suddenly I am energized. I am holding the woman I love and she wants me. "Hold on, Baby." I clasp my hands under her ass and rise from the chair. She wraps her legs around my waist as best as she can as I am heading for the bedroom. She cannot clasp her hands around my neck with the bulk of the baby between us. She clings to my upper arms and I groan when I feel her moan of approval as the muscles in my upper body and arms flex. Thank God all that time I've spent at the gym working out instead of hanging around my apartment brooding and jacking off, is finally going to pay off. XXXXX Mulder just carried me into my bedroom and set me down as if I were as light as a feather. I've been feeling particularly large lately, elephantine actually. I'd snapped at my mother the other day when she suggested a very cute wallpaper border with baby animals and their mothers marching along it. I said something awful like not wanting to decorate his/her room with fat-bearing mammal pictures just before I burst into tears. My mother laughed and we decided to make up over a lovely piece of pie. The feeling has not gone away until now. I am huge and fearful that I will never again regain my previous figure. His manly display of physical prowess makes me feel feminine and dainty and treasured, and oh so loved. Obviously he wants me, too. The bulge in his slacks is huge. It's leaning towards the left, but I swear, if it were straight up and down, it would be long enough to touch his belt. My mouth is watering and I know what to do about it. XXXXX I am staring at Scully as she looks me up and down from her seat on the edge of the bed. I know she likes what she sees. She smiles up at me with a devilish gleam in her eyes and I feel my cock twitch. "Take your clothes off Mulder," she orders. I don't have to hear it twice. I strip off my shirt and undershirt, kick off my shoes and socks and make quick work of unbuckling my belt and loosing my pants. I am standing in front of her in the pair of silk boxers that Marty from Accounting gave me for Christmas. They are almost tasteful in their Playboy Bunny print, confetti and ribbons splashed around a huge red Happy New Year with the tuxedoed rabbit leaning against it emblazoned across the ass. I am embarrassed by her giggling perusal of my shorts. I can feel my erection deflating slightly. "Where ...?" She clears her throat before beginning again. "Where did you get those boxers, Mulder?" I grin and shrug, wondering if I should tell her the truth. I decide to go for it. "I got them from Marty in Accounting," I said. "Ooooohhhh! An admirer?" she teases and then starts to frown. "Marty? The short, cute blonde? Martha something?" she says and glares at me. "No. Marty Gregg, the tall, linebacker-looking guy with the perpetual five o'clock shadow," I say smirking. "Do I have to have a talk with him after the holidays?" she says half seriously. She stares at them long enough for my cock to begin feeling the heat again. "C'mere," she says as she slides up on her knees on the bed. I step forward immediately. I'll do anything to get her hands back on me as quickly as possible. She places her hands on my shoulders before sliding them down my chest, my abs, and lingering on my waistband. She smiles up at me with the most angelic look on her face, just before she unbuttons the front tab and rips the shorts right off my body with her strong, doctor's hands. They wind up in shreds on the floor. I am shocked by the violence of her act. "Scully?" I swallow hard as I catch the feral gleam in her eyes. "I don't care who got them for you, Mulder. You are mine and I don't want you accepting gifts from other admirers. Do you understand?" I understand how she feels. I'd been having the same feelings ever since she started showing. I hate watching other men touch her, open doors for her, steady her when she stands up with a hand to her elbow. I want to rip them away, knock them to the ground and tell them that she is mine. Mine. My woman. My child. MINE! "That goes both ways, Scully," I growl. We stare at each other for a few seconds and she nods. We are in complete accord, once again. I think I have regained control of the situation until her hand snakes out and grasps my cock. She pushes me back a little, guiding me with pressure on my rod as she reaches over and grabs two pillows, throwing them on the floor. I think she wants me to kneel on them but she slides from the bed and places them under her knees as she settles in front of me. "Come closer, Mulder," she purrs. "Scully!" I groan as her lips close over the tip of my cock. I didn't expect this! "Scully, isn't it uncomfortable for you down there?" I babble. She lets my cock slip from her lips with a resounding, pop. "No, actually, this is quite comfortable," she says, smiling up at me and then resumes the best blowjob I've ever had. Her tongue flicks the tip of my cock as she moves back again. "But, I'll let you know when I need to stand up," she says cheekily. "Uh, sure," I respond, and feel a laugh bubble up in my chest. God, Scully wants to fellatate me. What was I complaining about? I spread my legs a little more to stabilize my position and threw back my head, reveling in the sheer pleasure of her warm, loving mouth on my cock. Fantasies that had haunted me for the prior nine months flashed through my mind; Scully wearing nothing but a garter belt and stockings, on her knees at the edge of the bed, her laughing eyes teasing and taunting me to make her my own, her breasts and baby belly waiting for my touch. That was at the top of the list. After that, the one on my couch took over with me on my back with Scully riding me. Our child nestled in her ever expanding womb, her beautiful breasts rising and falling with the rhythm of our lovemaking, my hands cupping them, thumbs stroking over her enlarged nipples as she tells me she loves me, was another one. One after another they flash across the canvas of my mind while Scully's hands and lips and sweet, sweet mouth make love to me. That thought brings me to a halt, at least mentally. I don't think I could lose this erection if both Scully brothers and the entire Halleluiah Chorus were to burst into the room. Scully is making love to me, but what was I doing for Scully? As much as I love the feeling of her mouth on me and, like any guy, dream of it often, I want to make love WITH her. She still has all her clothes on, and I suddenly realize what is happening here. My Scully is worried that I won't find her body ... sexy. Holy Shit! I have to stop her before she sucks all my brains out through my cock. XXXXX Mmmmm. Mulder smells so good. He tastes good. His cock is long and thick and as much as it pleases me to be worshiping it this way, I can't help thinking how wonderful it would have been to have sex with him before I started feeling like a ... well, a beached whale. I want to give him pleasure and maybe it will be enough until after the baby is born. XXXXX "Scully, stop." I touch her hair to get her attention. Then, when she looks up, I slide my hands under her arms and lift her to her feet. I wrap my arms around her and hug her as tight as I can. "I love you Scully. I love what you were doing," I say, and then hesitate. "But? I hear a 'but' in there. What is it, Mulder? Do you want to wait until the baby is born? Until after I can have sex again?" She has the saddest look in her eyes I have ever seen. "No, Scully. Wait. There is a 'but' coming, but not the one you're thinking about." I run my hand through my hair in frustration as her face seems to crumble before me. I do NOT want to make my Scully cry. "Baby, I want to make love to you, with you. Not just let you make love to me. I want to be inside you. I love what you were doing with your mouth, but I ... I need to connect with you." I stop to see if she understands what I mean. A small smile begins to grace her lips. "You want me?" "God, Yes!" I say with relief. "I want to see you, all of you. I ... want to touch you all over." I kiss her with all the built up passion I have felt over the last few months. "I know we have to be gentle," I say against her lips. I draw back and look down at her. She is standing there with her eyes shut and her beautiful lips still slightly pursed from our kiss. I brush my lips over hers again and ask, "May I undress you?" Her eyes pop open and the look of unease is back. 'Scully, Scully, Scully,' I think sadly. "Scully, I love you," I say as I pop open the button on the skirt of her suit. "I want you," I continue, as I slide it and the half-slip she is wearing down her body. She is wearing stockings, but they are thigh-highs. No garter belt, no sexy thong, just some silky bikini panties. She is watching my face carefully as I undress her. I can feel her stare. I glance into her eyes and smile. "I've wanted to do this for so long ... so long," I murmur. "Mulder, I ..." "Shhhh," I urge as I sit down on the bed and draw her panties down, my eyes never leaving hers, then I pull her over to sit down next to me. "I have fantasized about this for months," I admit. I slide a button open on her shirt and kiss her neck. "You are so beautiful, Scully, but you've become almost incandescent lately. It has hurt to watch you blossom and not be able to touch you." I suckle on her earlobe for a few seconds until I feel her shiver. "I've read all the books," I tell her, as I flip open another button and expose the fine bones of her clavicle. I let my tongue and lips worship there for a several minutes. "I've watched our child grow inside you and burned with the need to touch you," I continue. I pop open another button and the lacy top of her bra is now exposed. I let my fingers slide across her velvet skin, delving into the small gap at the center and back up and across the top of her bra. I lean down and place a long kiss on the swell of each of her breasts. I can feel her heart beat increase under my lips. "I even rented several videos and watched how women change during pregnancy." I flip the front fastener of her bra open and press my lips to the red marks left by the fabric on her snowy white skin. "I bought one." I grin up at her. She gives me one of her Scully- stares as her eyebrow rises to new heights. I lower my glance to my hands as they peel her bra back. "It was from the Discovery Channel, Scully," I assure her as I stare at the parts of her breasts that are exposed. They are much larger than I expected. The pink of the nipples are bigger than a silver dollar and a dark rose color. I have seen Scully's breasts before, more than once. We were forced to shower together, once, by Diana. I never did get to thank her for the opportunity, though, I know she did it for spite. She was naked when I peeled her out of the pod in the ship in the Antarctic. Though we were in a life and death situation, I'm still a guy with an eidetic memory. Her perfect breasts and the red of her pubic hair registered both times and were filed away to enjoy at a later time, when we weren't about to die. I slide the last two buttons open. Her belly comes into view and I kiss down it as far as I can without getting off the bed. "Beautiful," I whisper. I lift her right hand and unbutton the cuff of her shirt. "I bought the video because one of the women was a small redhead." I kiss the inside of her wrist and set her hand back down on the swell of her stomach. "I watched her as she went through each of the stages of her pregnancy and pretended it was you." I smile at her as she lifts her other hand up so that I can reach it easily. I slip the button through the hole, kissing her again, right over her pulse point. Her heartbeat is racing now. I slide off the bed and kneel in front of her. She leans back, using her arms to support her back. Her shirt and bra are still blocking my view of most of her body. "Her husband was a tall man with brown hair," I say as I smile up at her again. "Remind you of anyone?" I lean forward and kiss her belly button. It used to be an inny, but is now an outie. She sucks in her breath and holds it. "I dreamt of you, Scully. Both of you and of our child that you carry." I rise up on my knees and smirk when I realize that I am almost as tall as she is sitting down. "I would watch you all day, every time you weren't looking and I would check off the difference in your appearance from day to day." I lean forward and push her shirt from her shoulders, catching her bra straps and pulling them down as I slide her shirt off her arms. She is now completely bare before me. "But nothing I read, nothing I watched, nothing I could imagine, approaches the reality of being here with you." I reach a shaking hand out to touch her. Her sharp intake of breath startles me and I snatch my hand back. I look into her eyes, grinning foolishly. "Can I touch you?" I whisper. "Yes," she whispers back. "Does it, will it h ... hurt?" I stammer. She smiles and reaches out for my hand. "It will feel good if you touch me. Just don't get too rough." "Scully! I'd never ..." I begin before catching the gleam in her eye. My fingers twitch just before they come in contact with her breast. XXXXX Mulder has got to be the sexiest man alive. He has seduced me with only his voice and his words and a few well-placed kisses. If he touches my clit, I know that I will have an orgasm. However, none of this stops me from teasing him. I have to admit, I am a little uncomfortable about undressing in front of him. Okay, not uncomfortable, scared. Let's face it, the thought of baring my body to this gorgeous man for the very first time while doing my best impression of a cross between a pregnant zebra and a hippopotamus is not only scary, it's terrifying. I am certain that he will ultimately be repulsed by my current shape, until I hear his words. This is Mulder's baby and he obviously has made an effort to research exactly what's been happening for the entire nine months. I feel like a fool for not including him all along. After all, I went through about five months of hell, so horny that I thought I would die if I didn't have his hands on me. I don't know how many times I almost attacked him right there in our office. I wanted to throw him down on his desk and ride him like the stud that I dreamed he was. Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, my sense of decorum prevailed. Now, Mulder is going to touch our child and my breasts with his hands as he has touched my heart with his words. We are going to make love. Is it wise? No. Even if we were an old married couple, sex at this point in my pregnancy would probably be over. I've read the literature. Do I want it? Oh, yes! Are we going to do it? Hell, yeah! With that thought, I completely turn off my brain and let my body take over. I want Mulder and I'm going to have him. After his soliloquy and the way he's been touching me, there is no way I am willing to stop. No one better interrupt us now, not for any esoteric excuse or for a valid reason. I am an armed agent of the Federal Government, and I know how to use a gun. My last rational thought before I allow myself to slide into the sensuality of Mulder's touch is a reckless, 'Bring it on, Baby!' XXXXX "Gorgeous," I whisper. "God, Scully, you are so beautiful." My hands reach for her on their own accord. I need to touch her like I need my next breath. Her normally alabaster skin is lined with pink stretch marks. I read about them. The skin is unable to cope with the rapid expansion and thus the marks. I have also read that they will go away, but never completely. She will always be marked with slivers of silver, evidence that my child was there in her body. I know she feels fearful that these pink and red lines make her less attractive, but she doesn't understand. "You have stretch marks," I say as I let my fingers slide down and across her stomach. "Mulder, I ..." "Shhhh," I say as I place my fingertips on her lips. "I read about them and some of the women in the video I have had them." I lean forward and kiss the ones that I had previously touched. "I didn't know if you would get them, didn't know if your skin type was one that would get them." I kiss every one I can reach on her stomach and then move up to the ones on the sides of her breasts. Her breathing is erratic. I don't know if she is going to cry or pass out from lack of oxygen. "Breathe, Scully," I tease. She blushes and nods. "They are beautiful, like the rest of you," I reassure her as my lips and tongue trace them towards her navel. She growls deep in her throat, shakes her head and cries out, "Mulder! Don't lie to me. I know they look hideous." She moves to get up. I look up at her quickly, placing my hand on her knee to stop her from rising. She really does think the stretch marks on her stomach make her ugly. "Well, while your skin is no longer like a polished piece of alabaster, I don't think they're ugly." I am sincere and she seems willing to listen to me at least. "They just are," I try to explain. "They are part of you, like your freckles or your scars or your dimples." I reach up and kiss her belly again as I see our child surge under her skin. "Honestly," I say and then hesitate. Telling her this is a risk. She's going to think I am lying to her, but it's the truth. "Scully, when I tried to imagine you as your body grew and our child developed, one of the things I wondered about was the stretch marks. One of the women in the video said that she wore her stretch marks like a red badge of courage. I didn't understand that statement until later on in the show." I lean back to make sure she is looking directly into my eyes as I tell her the next part. "I think you, all women, are the stronger of the two sexes. I don't think I could voluntarily seek out something that was sure to bring me the kind of discomfort you've gone through for the past several months. The nausea and vomiting at first were enough to put me off. You sought this out, knowing that at the end of this road is pain, not just discomfort, but hours of unimaginable pain. You've accepted it so easily, Scully. You deserve your hash marks for signing up for this one." Her smile eases my terror at revealing the next part. "But more importantly, these," I say, sliding my fingers down the pink and red pathways forever imprinted on her skin. "These prove you chose me to have this child with. I know, I know," I say to hurry and stop her from speaking. "I know that we didn't make this child in the old-fashioned way. I never got to make love to you. But when I couldn't sleep at night, the thought that part of me was inside you and that our child is the result of it would soothe me." Tears stream down her face now and she grasps my hand in one of hers as she places the palm of her other hand against my cheek. "They prove that you loved me enough to ask for my help making our child, and I was inside you, that you were mine in some small way for at least a short time," I conclude. Shit, now I had tears in my eyes. XXXXX "Oh, Mulder. I've been such a fool," I sob. "From the first moment I began contemplating becoming pregnant, I needed you near me, but I closed you out. I fooled myself into believing that you were only helping me as a favor to a friend, but I was wrong. I love you, Mulder, and there have been days I thought I wouldn't, I couldn't survive, days I berated myself for getting into this alone. I see now that I wasn't strong when I masked my need for you. I was foolish and cruel. I didn't think I would ever hurt you like the other women in your life, but I did. Didn't I?" I can't go on. I am crying so hard that I've got the hiccups and have to stop. Mulder jumps to his feet and runs to get me a bottle of water. He has been buying me pure glacier water from the Arctic since we found out that the baby was a reality. I take a drink and try to calm down. The hiccups make the baby wake up and decide to go for a spin in his/her cramped quarters. My back begins to ache and I press against the middle of it with my free hand. "I've tried to keep you at a distance so that I wouldn't depend on you too much. But I do, Mulder. I do. Your strength, your humor, your commitment, everything that you so freely give has supported me and kept me strong. "Pregnancy is a major undertaking and you are right. It does hurt. It will hurt. It will hurt like hell, but I'd do it for another nine, well, three months, if I was assured that I would get a strong, healthy baby out of it." My tears have slowed by this time, but the ache in my back and in my heart is still there. "I love you. Make love to me, Mulder." XXXXX I stand there gaping at her for a moment. She has finally, finally dropped her defenses and told me that she loves me and needs me as much as I do her. She said so before, but until now, I still had my doubts. She is offering her heart and soul and body to me and I am almost afraid to accept. She holds out her hand to me and I realize that I am as big a fool as she says she is. If I had gone to her at anytime in the last few months, chances are that she would have accepted my love and we would have been together during the entire time of her pregnancy. "Scully," I groan as I crawl up on the bed behind her, stopping for a long, satisfying kiss on the way there. I stack up the pillows against the headboard and help her move to lay down propped up on her side so that I can massage her back while I finish telling her how I feel. "I've done a lot of talking and very little loving tonight, Scully," I continue as I massage the tight muscles of her back. "I've had a lot of words build up during the last few months. I've missed you, missed my best friend." She groans in pleasure as I work the final kink out of her back, at least for now. She rolls over and scoots up slightly on the pile of pillows. Her lovely, full breasts beckon, so I lower my lips to them and begin to fulfill every fantasy I've had for years. I have been given permission to kiss and lick and suckle the very luscious breasts of my Scully. I don't think it can get better until I feel her hands on my body. No matter how good my imagination is when I think about everything I want to do to her, I wasn't able to imagine the feel of her strong but soft hands on my body. Scully is not one to 'lie back and think of England'. She's touching me everywhere she can reach. Her hands stroke through my hair and her nails scrape my scalp lightly, just the way I like it. She stretches down and kisses every part of me she can reach and I groan. Holy hell, she's going to make me come before I even get to taste her, let alone actually get inside her. XXXXX Mulder is quiet for a few minutes; well, at least he's not talking. His vocalizations are all softly moaned versions of my name. He alternates between kissing my breasts and kissing my lips. I can't believe what a good kisser he is. His beautiful lips that have spewed some of the most insane theories I have ever heard in my life are now pressed against my belly as he's telling our child how much he loves me and how lucky he/she is. His hands are stroking my belly and breasts and on down towards my sex. 'God? Don't take me now,' I pray silently. 'Not yet, not before I make love to Mulder.' As he moves down my body and begins to make love to me with his mouth and hands, I know that my prayer is worthless. How can I ever leave this earth as long as this man is here, willing to love me? 'Lord, let me live forever with this man,' I plead as I spiral away, little pieces of my body and soul spinning away, out of control. I have to look down to make sure I am really here in one piece, that Mulder is really there between my thighs. As I meet his eyes, he smiles the most beatific smile I have ever seen on his face. It's not his teasing grin, or his goofy smile of pleasure. It transforms his face from the handsome man that I have called friend and partner for years to the face of a man who has achieved his heart's desire. 'I'll have to see about raising the bar just a little, Mulder,' I think as I pull him up to kiss me again. XXXXX I am making love to Scully. I am making love to Dana Scully. I am making love to my Dana Scully. My Scully. I've always been a man that loves oral sex. Most men will tell you that they enjoy a receiving a blow job, many will even admit that they enjoy giving it occasionally. I guess my oral fixation has led me to my opinion. I have enjoyed cunnilingus in the past, but I have now reached the pinnacle of happiness. My nirvana is between Dana Scully's legs. All the time I am licking and stroking and touching and kissing, Scully is making the most exotic, soft little noises. Little moans and grunts, dainty and sexy as hell, increase my pleasure to the point that I find myself rubbing against the sheets in an unconscious effort to release the exquisite pressure in my cock. I clench the muscles in my gut and fight against my orgasm. I still my hips and concentrate on Scully's pleasure. Her sighs of pleasure escalate but even when she comes, she is quiet. Small sobs and gasps accompany the quaking in her vaginal walls. I would think that it was not a satisfying experience if it hadn't lasted so long. Strong waves of pleasure continued for at least a minute. I continue to gently lick and suckle her, hoping to extend her pleasure. Only her small moans and the pressure of her foot pushing against me stops me. I crawl up the bed to wrap my body around hers. I rest my head on the pillow next to her. She turns to me and opens her eyes, and I see ... heaven. The love shining from her eyes makes me want to jump up and shout, throw the window open and scream to the world that I have made Dana Scully happy. I made my beautiful Scully come! She loves me and wants me. At the same time that part of me that is screaming to the masses (read that: all the men in the world), the rest of me is trying to accept that the love in her eyes is for me, Fox Mulder, poster boy for the dysfunctional relationship. She must see the doubt and pain in my eyes because she turns towards me, propping her belly on my chest and wrapping her arms around me. She pulls my head down to her breast and says something I will never forget. XXXXX Mulder has just given me the very best orgasm of my life. Now he's wrapped around me, and I can see that he is torn by the experience. Oh, don't get me wrong. I can tell he's happy, almost bursting at the seams with sheer male pride and possessiveness. I can feel the alpha male vibes rolling off him. At the same time, I can see his insecurities trying to take over, trying to ruin my orgasmic high, trying to undermine our love before we have a chance to enjoy it. I must nip this in the bud. I pull his head down to my breast. "Mulder," I say. "I mean this in the best way possible." I pull back so that I can look into his upturned eyes. "STOP IT!" I roar. He jumps and tries to pull back, obviously thinking that his head is too heavy on my breast, but I hold him in place. "Stop thinking. I can see all the doubts and fears trying to take over. I know that we are a product of all our past experiences and relationships, but for this once, I want you to forget it. "What you and I have is beyond anything either one of us has experienced before. Everything previous to us was a dress rehearsal, a try out of sorts. Those relationships didn't work. This one will. We'll make it work." The apprehension in his eyes fades. "You think we can do this, Scully?" he asks. "Yeah, I do, Mulder," I confirm. "Why? Why do you think I can keep from destroying this relationship like I have all the others before?" He frowns. "Mulder, I said stop it and I mean it. Those other relationships failed because they weren't us. They weren't with the right person. I couldn't commit to Daniel or Jack or Ethan because they weren't you. Things happened, words were said that wouldn't have been, hell, haven't been said to you. I'm sure if you think back through all your past relationships, you'll find the same thing is true." He snuggles against my breast, sliding his hand from my belly up to cup my other breast. "I've never had a relationship with a woman like you, Scully. I think you're right. The dynamics of my previous relationships were totally different." He looks back up at me. "But I'm still me, Scully. I'm not perfect." I snort and begin to laugh. He looks affronted for a moment and then starts laughing with me. "Okay, I guess that wasn't exactly earth-shaking news, but you know what I mean." "Yes, I do, Mulder," I respond. "And you know that I'm not the easiest person in the world to know. We need to work on our relationship and we don't have years or even months to do it before we'll have a baby to throw into the mix. I think our years of partnership will help us get through this." He nods and kisses me. "I agree." "You are my best friend, Mulder, and I love you. Now, make love to me." "Scully, I thought that's what we just did." "Well, for foreplay, that was an exceptional beginning, but I need you inside me, Mulder. I don't want to have our child before we even experience intercourse." XXXXX Scully wants me to make love to her. My mind shuffles through all the literature I read to find the best way to go about this as my body responds to her invitation. My cock is hard again and my fingers itch to touch her, everywhere. My mind wants to keep talking, but she has other ideas. She has removed several of the pillows under her and used a couple to prop her baby belly as she lays on her side, away from me. She is pushing her beautiful, heart shaped ass into my crotch and my cock becomes inexplicably harder. How can she do this to me at almost 40? "Tell what you want, Scully," I say as I caress her derriere. "I want you to touch me, love me just like this." "This is okay for the baby and you?" My left hand slides under her neck and down to cup her breast. "Yes," she hisses as I gently pinch her nipple. "Too much?" I ask. "No, just a surprise." "Damn, I love you, Scully." "And I, you, Mulder." Those are the last words we say for a long time. Our joining is not a lurid, hot, passionate marathon as I have previously fantasized. It is slow and emotional, intensely satisfying. We can save the sexual gymnastics for about two months from now, that is if either one of us is capable of doing anything but taking care of our new baby and sleeping. Scully's wet, tight vagina is everything I have ever imagined it to be. What I haven't taken into consideration is the emotional impact of our lovemaking. That is what it is, lovemaking. It isn't hot monkey sex, it isn't even especially erotic to anyone outside the two of us. To Scully and me, however, it is everything. It is our first kiss, our first date, our first petting session, our first time and it is the culmination of every moment of our relationship. Everything has led to this moment, this beautiful moment, when Scully and I are making love to each other for the first time. As my hips rock into her and she pushes back into me, my hands and lips explore her body. I am touching every inch of her skin that I can reach, as if trying to claim it somehow or mark it as mine. I linger the most over our child. He/she is quiet for the moment. It feels as if he/she is watching and approving our actions. "I love you, love you, love you," I groan as I feel her walls begin to quake and clench against my cock. I stroke into her several more times, harder, faster and then join her in release. It is gentle, it is sweet, and it is totally satisfying. It is perfect. I find myself crying into her hair as I caress her and worship her body. Every muscle in my body feels weak and incapable of movement for several moments. She holds my hand between her breasts and every few moments, she kisses it. The gentle contact of her lips tells me more about the depth of her love than a full- page advertisement in the Washington Post could have. XXXXX As soon as I am done basking in the afterglow of our love making, I'm going to be really upset. I have been a fool. I am a woman who has had several lovers, at least three of whom I considered marrying. I've had hotter sex before. I've even had hot sex with someone I thought I loved. But I have never experienced anything that compares to the earth- shaking occurrence I just shared with Mulder. Every notion I've ever had about making love has been shattered. What we just had was more than sex, more than lovemaking. It was a melding of our very souls. Yet, even as I think these thoughts, I know that they are inadequate to describe what has happened. Did our souls meld, or were they always that way and we just blew away the curtain of fate and revealed that fact to ourselves? I am tired of thinking. I want to feel. I want to feel Mulder next to me, behind me, and in me for the rest of my life. I don't ever want to leave this bed and this man again. I'll make that my life's goal, right after I go to the bathroom again. XXXXX She turns and gives me a kiss on the lips before she pushes herself up into a sitting position, preparing to get up. "Scully, don't get up! What can I get you?" I ask as I try to sit up and stop her. "Mulder, I don't think you can provide what I need right now." I know I must look dejected because she laughs and explains, "I need to use the bathroom, okay?" I grin foolishly. I knew that. "Do you want a drink of water while I'm up?" she asks. "No thanks, I'm good," I mumble. I turn over to wait for her. Moments later I rouse as I feel a warm, wet cloth skim over my cock and balls and wipe through my pubic hair. Unwelcome, unexpected tears flood my eyes. I have never been loved so thoroughly in my entire life. I start to roll over to face her but she stops me. "Don't move, Mulder. I want to snuggle up to your back." "Scully?" I know I sound incredulous as I try to picture Scully getting close to me right now. "All right, smarty. Get comfortable in the middle of the bed." "Don't you want to stay up to watch the new century begin?" "No, I don't think I could stay up that late. Just move over." "Anything for you, pumpkin," I taunt, as I grin at her. "You're damn straight, poopy head," she retorts. I move back to the middle and settle down on my side with my back to Scully. She wiggles and squirms, and scoots until she is comfortable. She has wrapped her body around mine, her baby belly propped against my mid-back. She has her cheek against the top of my head and her arm and leg are thrown over me. I have never felt so enveloped in love in my life. Just before I fall asleep I hear her say, "I want to marry you, Mulder." For once, my insecurities don't rear up and try to take over. I am loved and I love. Marriage sounds like a very good idea. What a way to start a new century. My last words before I fall asleep are, "Hell, yes!" XXXXX Dana Scully's Apartment Georgetown, D.C. December 31, 2000 8:25 PM This has to be the very best dream I have ever had. How do I know I'm dreaming? Because I am on my honeymoon and Scully is standing before me naked, under a waterfall in Hawaii. I've never been to Hawaii. I've never stood naked under a waterfall with Scully before. Hell, I've not even showered with her. Well, okay, that one time in the decontamination showers. However, even sleeping I know that Scully and I have never and probably never will make love under a waterfall in Hawaii. The feel of the warm water against my back is so realistic that it rouses me from my dream. I struggle to stay asleep, knowing that I'm never going to get this opportunity again, but reality wins. I'm awake, but the damned feeling of being soaking wet all over the back of me remains. I try to pull away from Scully but she holds me tightly. I manage to push my hand around my side and my fingers come in contact with moisture between our bodies. Houston, we have a problem. XXXXX Mulder trying to squirm away from me, wakes me up. I hold tighter to him, I don't want him to move. I am comfortable for the first time since I began to show. The incessant ache in my back is actually at an acceptable level in this position, but he is insistent. Finally, his movements bring me up to the level of awareness I was fighting against. Two thoughts hit me consecutively. I want to spend the rest of my life sleeping with Fox Mulder. I am almost 37 years old and I just wet the bed. This last thought wipes any lingering vestiges of sleep from my mind and I roll away from Mulder enough to confirm my suspicions. Yes, we are wet, and yes, it is from me. "Scully?" Mulder's voice is a little shaky. "Tell me that's not what I think it is." "What do you think it is?" I ask, smiling against his back. "Well, as gross as it sounds, I'm kinda hoping that you're a lot kinkier than I expected and that this is some sort of sex play that involves golden showers," he says in a deadpan voice. I suppress a giggle and ask in a serious voice, "And if that's not it?" "Scully?" he gulps. "Did your water just break?" A mild cramping in my uterus gives way to a full-blown contraction. I am surprised by the strength of it. I have my hand on Mulder's upper arm and as the pain builds, I gasp, "Mmmmnnn." "Ow, Scully, ow. I'll take that as a yes." He jumps up quickly, throws back the covers, and turns on the lights. The bed is wet and there are small streaks of blood smeared on the sheets. "Oh, my God! You're bleeding!" He is now wearing his panic face. "Mulder," I am finally able to say as the contraction eases. "What time is it?" "Time? I don't know." He rushes over to my side of the bed to help me as I try to roll to my feet. "It's 10:10. Careful, Scully! Should you be on your feet?" he asks. "Yes, I'm fine." "Scully!" He looks as if I have slapped his face. I stand up and put my arms around him as best I can. "I'm really fine, Mulder. My membrane did rupture and I did have a contraction. The blood is probably from my mucus plug. It's nothing I haven't been looking forward to for months now." He holds me tightly. I can feel his body quiver with fear for a moment and then it is as if he is a different man. He stands taller and clears his throat. "I'm sorry, Scully. It just scared me for a moment. What do you want me to do?" His panic face is gone. I smile up at him and realize that he is going to be okay. We both are. My next contraction is at 10:17 PM. This child is impatient, like his/her father. I decide to call my doctor, Mary McBride, and ask her opinion on what we should do. We have been walking around the bedroom naked for the entire seven minutes and this contraction is significantly stronger than the first. Mary has known me since medical school and after I describe my stats, agrees with me that I am probably in actual labor and should get to the hospital right away. XXXXX I never thought that the first time I showered with Scully was going to be the day she delivered our child. She insists on a shower before she goes to the hospital and I insist that she not try it alone. We actually are in there for several contractions. The combination of standing up with her arms around my neck and the warm water hitting her on her back greatly eases the pain she feels with each contraction. I finally insist that we get out when her contractions are down to five minutes apart. The hospital is not far away, but I don't want to take any chances. After all, it is New Year's Eve and you can't tell how bad the roads are going to be. XXXXX Georgetown Hospital December 31, 2000 11:05 PM We are taken right into a birthing suite and I am asked to leave while they settled Scully in. I try to talk them out of it, but finally Scully asks me to go out and call everyone on the list that she has prepared. That's my Scully. Her bag was packed, a list made and here it is only three weeks early. I make it through the calls. Thank God I don't have to call Bill and Charlie. They are still at Maggie's house. Maggie assures me that she will be right there. I am glad and sorry at the same time. If Maggie is coming, can Bill and Charlie be far behind? One of the big surprises on her list is the names of the Gunmen and Skinner. I call and leave a message on Skinner's phone. Who would have figured he'd be out on a date on New Year's Eve? All of the guys are shocked to hear that Scully is in labor early. Frohike hints that it is probably all my fault, but I am in no mood to fight. I want to get back to Scully. XXXXX The time that Mulder is gone is the hardest of my pregnancy. When we were together, the contractions were hard, but manageable. Without him, I feel like I am in freefall and they take over and completely consume me. I need to focus. By the time he gets back into the room, I am almost eight centimeters dilated and deeply into transition. My doctor, Mary McBride, is here already and the room teems with other hospital personnel. Mulder is the only one I want near me. "Where the hell have you been?" I pant as he walks in the door. "I was calling people like you told me to do." "Mulder," I whimper. "It hurts." "Oh, Baby, it's okay. You have to breathe through it. Did you intend to use Lamaze?" I give him a glare, ready to snap his head off like a twig and realize that he didn't know the answer to that because I have excluded him from the entire process until now. Tears well up in my eyes. He thinks it is the beginning of another contraction and moves closer, picking up my hand to give me his support. "Yes, I am, and I'm so sorry. I wanted you to be my coach, but we were so far apart when it was time to pick someone and it's all my fault I didn't ask you to be there. IknowyouwantedmetobutIwassoscared ... " I gasp this last out all together as another contraction begins. "Breathe, Scully. Cleansing breath! And breathe!" Suddenly everything is all right. Mulder knows what to do. He is so sweet. He must have read up on Lamaze as well. He's got my back, as always. Minutes pass, and we work the contractions together. With Mulder here, my concentration focuses and I am now on top of the pain. I am amazed at how much easier everything is just because we're together. I hear my mother at the door and motion for her to come in. I am her only daughter left and I am not going to exclude her from this birth, even if I do now have Mulder. I can tell mom is upset because the baby is early. I hear her asking Mary if this is a serious complication, or just an impatient child. I hold my breath and pray that she does not tell my mother why my labor began when it did. I have my suspicions and it isn't something that I want my old friend Mary to discuss with my mother, let alone Mulder or my brothers. "Maggie, this is not uncommon in pregnancies for women of Dana's age," she begins. I can see my mother relax as her words sink in. She has known Mary almost as long as I have and feels confident that she wouldn't lie to her. "Many sexually active women go into premature labor especially when they are either an older or a very young woman." My mother nods as she talks until the words 'sexually active women' actually sinks in. I can feel her stare and my blush as Mary warms to the subject and continues discussing her research on oxytocin. Mary was as big a geek in school as I was and still has the same passion for research that she displayed before. "Really?" my mother urges. "So, you are saying that having sex really can initiate early labor and delivery?" I look at Mulder and see that he is as white as a ghost. "Oh, yes. It's not just an old wives' tale any longer, Maggie. Both the prostaglandin in the sperm and penetration, act upon the cervix independently to stimulate dilation and uterine contractions." "How fascinating." My mother is almost bursting with laughter at the sight of Mulder's face. XXXXX "Scully," he whispers. "I did this to you?" Another contraction hits and I have to work my way through it before I can answer. "We did this, Mulder. We started this together and we're finishing this together. Don't worry. I think I was already having contractions and thought that they were a back ache." With my words, he finally begins to breathe naturally. I squeeze his hand and lift my chin to beckon him closer. When he is near enough, I raise my lips and kiss him, just as the hardest contraction of all hits. XXXXX Time is no longer a constant. For inordinately long periods of time, the pain holds Scully in its thrall as a horrific contraction wracks her body. Then it speeds up to only a heart beat before the next one starts. She is amazingly calm through all this. My hand is a little worse for wear; her grip is strong at times. But most times, she clings to my hand and uses our interlocked fingers as her focal point, pushing as directed by Mary. She refuses all pain medication as an anathema. She protects our child with all the quiet strength of a lioness. God, I love this woman. She is so brave. She is so strong. I know I couldn't do this. Time does its little dance again and suddenly someone is asking me if I want to cut the cord and we are holding our baby boy, William Fox Mulder. I try to talk her out of the Fox part, but she insists. In light of her Herculean effort through these last hours of incredible pain and effort, I can't say no to anything she asks. I am absurdly grateful to Bill and Charlie. If they hadn't pushed Scully into acknowledging our love, my son's name wouldn't have been Mulder until I scraped up the courage to approach her myself. Mrs. Scully has been with us for the entire birth. I am thankful that she was able to be here. I am surprised that she accepts my presence so readily, and she did, in fact, give me as much loving support as she gave Scully even though she was supposed to be Scully's coach. She has gone out of the room to talk to the friends and family waiting for news about the baby. I am holding my future in my arms. Our tears of joy mingle and christen the top of William's head. XXXXX Mulder and I are sitting on the bed together. The baby is nursing at my breast and Mulder is holding us both. I am tired but elated. I did it. We did it. Mulder was with me all the way through the labor and I'm not worried about raising this little boy without a father anymore. No one knows that Mulder is the father of my child except for my immediate family and Mary. We need to take our time and discuss what we're going to do. I have tears of joy falling on top of William's head and I realize that Mulder is crying too. I look up at him and he looks at me with all the love in his heart written all over his face. Suddenly, a camera flash goes off and we realize that there is a stranger standing in the doorway of our room, taking pictures. Mulder jumps up and tries to push the photographer out of the room. However, when he opens the door farther, there is a horde of strangers standing there, poised to push into our room. They are yelling questions so fast and loud that I can't make out what they're talking about. Cameras flash pictures randomly over the heads of the crowd. Mulder manages to push them back through the door and gets it shut as the nurses descend to clear the area. I can hear Walter Skinner's commanding voice take control and the noise subsides as it moves back down the hall. Mulder comes back with a stunned look on his face. XXXXX I push the photographer towards the door and as I open it I am shocked to see the crowd of strangers standing there. They shout questions and flash pictures indiscriminately. My one thought is to get them out of the room and away from the door before they scare the baby. I push forward enough to close the door behind me and they start screaming questions at me again and finally I am able to make out what they were saying. William Fox Mulder was the very first baby born in the new millennium in the entire country and apparently they want our pictures to be spread on the front page of every major newspaper in the world. So much for keeping a low profile while we work things out. Eventually, Walter Skinner and hospital security gets all the reporters out of the hall into the waiting room. I return to the room and Scully giggles at the stunned look on my face. Scully and I are now free to deal with her family and the Gunmen. Maggie Scully must still run a tight ship. Both Bill and Charlie arrive and congratulate their sister, shaking my hand before they go. They both fall head-over-heals in love with William at first sight and that proves that they're not all bad in my book. The Gunmen are a mixed bag of emotions. Both Byers and Langly are scared stiff of the small bundle in Scully's arms. Frohike, however, swoops in and surprises us all. He is an old hand with babies and our son is his newest conquest. William snuggles in as Frohike holds him easily. I can't help feeling a little jealous at his casual skill. For some mysterious reason, an inebriated Avery Denton is here and is acting like she is the scorned wife and I have been unfaithful to her. This doesn't help Bill and Charlie's attitude, nor does it endear me to A.D. Skinner, apparently. I now have strict orders to report to him in two weeks to finalize selection of my new partner. Apparently Avery has requested a transfer. Good. Next time, I want a short, bald man as a partner, someone who makes Frohike look like a prince. Georgetown Hospital is a great place to have a baby. The birthing rooms are huge so that they can accommodate both a hospital bed/delivery table and a regular queen sized bed with room for the isolette, too. That way, new fathers like me can spend the night with their new family. The delivery bed/table has been removed and Scully has been up and taken another shower. We have fed the baby twice already. Now, we are snuggling together after undressing him and checking out all his parts. Our son weighed in at six pounds ten ounces and is 19 inches long. He has Scully's blue eyes, but she tells me that they may change colors later on. He is the ideal blend of Scully and me. All I care about is that he is healthy, and that he has her nose. We put the baby back in the isolette next to the bed, deciding that he is, indeed, perfect. We have been talking and kissing and watching our son sleep. Now, we are ready to join him. Scully is tired and sore from all the work of labor, but nothing is bothering her too much. I once again have feeling in my fingers on my left hand. I am drowsy, happy, and ready to join my family in sleep when I hear Scully muttering. "What? Scully? What did you say?" " ... didn't get any." "What, Baby? What didn't you get?" "Eggnog. I still didn't get any Eggnog. What's a New Year's Eve without eggnog?" she mumbles. "I'll buy you a gallon tomorrow," I promise. "'So'k. Get the priest and the rabbi too." THE END.