*WHEN HARRIET MET JOHNSON* Sequel to "The Foot-to-Johnson Ratio" By Jacquie LaVa MSR, Some Humor, some angst - NC-17 Spoilers, Disclaimers: No Spoilers. Summary: There's intimacy, and then there's intimacy... as Mulder and Scully both discover! "When Harriet Met Johnson" Don't be nervous. Don't be nervous. Oh hell... I was nervous. It was stupid in the extreme, to be nervous. I mean, we'd just seen each other naked, for Christ's sake. On the damn floor of our office no less - in the middle of the day with all the lights on. To say we'd gone beyond typical intimacy was the understatement of the decade. And we'd held each other close, murmuring our love as our heartbeats calmed and the reality of what we'd done set in. And for once it was right and good - for once there was no regret. No guilt and no recriminations. Stop being nervous. I thought back on the day, the way it started. Sooner or later I would have to deal with the way it would end, but for now... Jesus. When I woke up this morning my thoughts centered around a very nice anticipatory treat: knowing that in an hour or so I'd be seeing Scully. Of course I get this treat every day, but lately the change in our relationship had made that treat even nicer. Between cases, no acre of paperwork to mess with and no scheduled reports, we had planned nothing more strenuous than straightening up and leaving early. We had a date the next evening, dinner and maybe a show. Again, nice - normal. This past month or so there had been kisses, embraces, hand-holding from time to time. So far the kisses were gentle and a bit hesitant, but that was all right. The embraces were careful but close enough to feel her body and for her to feel mine. Quality time together, relaxing time interspersed with more conversing and more touching. It was the 'after-dinner-and-show' aspect of tomorrow that I was anticipating, but certainly not with any sort of gut-wrenching anxiety. I just knew our time was closing in on us and I also felt we were almost there, just about ready. Slow, yes... I suppose we were moving at a snail's pace. Don't get me wrong. Dana Scully is a passionate woman; I've always sensed that. And I'm your normal horny male, for want of a better description. But over the years we'd both been hurt, burned, whatever you wanted to call it. We'd allowed our unsatisfactory relationships to stunt us. By the time we both realized how much we cared for each other, the habits we'd formed were ingrained and damned hard to break. But we'd been trying, we wanted it so badly - and we had been winning, in small bits and moments. Compared to other couples, I suppose you could call us old-fashioned... but I liked it. Scully liked it. And then, two weeks ago, she was late one morning and I was worried. When she finally showed up I was so happy to see her there - smiling and holding a bag of bagels - I hauled off and kissed her, hard. Kissed her long. Kissed her wet, kissed her until the bulge growing in my slacks became painful. I let her go and we both stood there staring at each other, mouths hanging open... then I muttered some sort of an excuse and ran for the door, figuring the best thing I could do was find a sink and splash cold water on most of my body. Little did I know that my hurried stride up to the second floor men's room would be observed by someone who couldn't help but notice that bulge in my slacks. At the time I never saw her, I was too intent on making it to my destination and cooling off. But this woman - I'm still not sure which one - saw me. And she spread the news to other women in the building. Now, I'm not completely obtuse. I know women stare at me. Women come on to me. Most of the time I can hear them, see them on the perimeter of my consciousness. I pretty much ignore them; long ago I decided Dana Scully was the woman for me, regardless of whether or not it ever went further than friendship. Yes, I'm your normal horny male person, but as I said before, I was also emotionally stunted. Having Scully in any capacity was, and will always remain, more important to me than worrying whether or not some woman somewhere may want to strike up a conversation, flirtation or general planking session with me. Well, that was before Scully and I finally began moving forward. Now, if asked to step back, to retreat and return to a more platonic time, well... I'd be in actual pain, I think. Yes, I would still love her, madly and endlessly. I would want her in my life no matter what the restrictions might be. But how lucky I felt that we'd made a choice and that choice was to let love happen and progress. Slowly... comfortably. Well, comfortable is good, right? Until this morning. Until a conversation in a rest room, overheard by Scully, led us to this moment in our respective lives: driving to my place, with Scully in the lead. The shadowed back of her head was visible as she hit the red lights and the stop signs, eased onto the expressway, took the appropriate exits. The direct result of eavesdropping on her part - and I was so glad she'd done it. Because we could have gone on for weeks longer, kissing gently and embracing tenderly, holding hands like teenagers at the prom. And it was wonderful, of course it was! - but it wasn't nearly enough, and we both knew it. For if it had been, Scully would never have felt the compulsion to listen in on a more-or-less private conversation. She would never have returned to the office blushing six ways to Sunday and spurring me to ferret out the details of her bathroom stall experience - and we wouldn't have ended up on the office floor, previewing the consummation of our love with a bit of oral trade-off. And I wouldn't be a nervous wreck right now. But it was good-nervous, if there is such a thing. It's that tight yet fluttery feeling in your chest, right behind the diaphragm. It's the drop in your stomach, like free-falling; the rush of awareness stronger than adrenaline and more addictive than caffeine. It clenches at you, makes your hair stand on end and your skin twitter. It's the most incredible feeling and if you're extremely lucky you'll feel it often in your life, and with the right person. After what Scully and I had done together in our office, you'd have thought the edge would have been shaved off that feeling. Wrong-o. If anything, the feeling got stronger with every mile of pavement our cars ate up as we drove to my place. I had been drained in a way I'd never experienced before, yet I felt like a virgin on his way to a secret assignation in some motel room. Insecure... about myself, the way I would make love to Scully. In a way, what we'd already done was far more intimate than actual intercourse. I'd tasted the essence of her, in turn had her engulf me with her amazing mouth - and the orgasms we'd shared had been life-altering. And yet, this was different. We would connect our bodies, I would enter her, thrust inside her, touch deeply within her, all the way to her core. I might not last long enough to satisfy her, perhaps I'd sweat too much and she'd find it distasteful. Maybe I'd grunt; oh shit I hoped I wouldn't grunt! Might as well be a rutting hog, to grunt during sex. A moan, groan, gasp - even a shout was all right. Grunting, no. I was afraid in the throes of my ecstasy, that I'd grunt. Lovely - here I am following the woman of my dreams back to my apartment, and all I can think of is passion-filled grunting. Then to top it off, as I pulled into my parking garage right after Scully, all I could think of was that I'd forgotten to trim my toenails that morning. Christ, I was losing it here! I slapped the steering wheel in frustration. How could I forget something that important? I could just see it now; I'd run a hoary and ragged nail up her slender leg and leave a divot in her baby-soft skin. Idiot, idiot... Don't be nervous. I watched Scully open her car door but she didn't emerge immediately; like me she sat very still in the driver's seat. Was she nervous, too? Anxious about anything, worried a little? I couldn't imagine it; she's so pulled-together. Even when emotion is eating at her Scully keeps her cool. It's an admirable trait and I knew it to be genuine. I fake it a lot, that with-it persona, with my deadpan face and my nonchalant voice. Took me years to perfect it but I'm glad I did, for it has come to my rescue many times over the years. I've had some shitty relationships; let a few women in my past walk all over me. Let them damage me, use me, all in the name of what I in my utter ignorance sought to label "love". Never again. Thank God, never again... So fucking nervous. I looked across my front seat, out the passenger window and met Scully's eyes as she turned her head and glanced my way. I saw the same anxiety in her eyes that I was feeling, and that made me toss a sheepish grin at her. She returned it with a little half-smile of her own as she swung her legs out of her car and stood. Her trench coat was open and I hid another grin when I saw she hadn't been as accurate in buttoning up her blouse as she'd led me to believe, back in the office when I'd hurried into my clothes and she'd proceeded at a much more sedate pace. And she'd had the nerve to give me grief about putting my damn boxers on the wrong way... Scully took two steps toward my car and I reached over and opened the door for her. She slid into the passenger seat and closed the door after herself, then turned to stare at me. Her gaze was wide and open, a touch sheepish as well, and a smidge shy. I put out a hand and she slipped hers into it; for a minute we sat there with our fingers linked, just staring at each other. I knew what she was thinking; couldn't help but wonder if those thoughts had run amok in her mind all the way here, same as mine. Another milestone to hurdle, now that we'd gotten the blowjobs out of the way... well, that's more or less what I was thinking. Scully's thoughts were of course much more politely worded. "It's easy, Mulder... like riding a bike after years of walking. And I think it's normal for us to be somewhat hesitant, even after the way we, um, the oral, ah, our encounter in the office." She fumbled to a stop and presented me with one hell of a blush on her beautiful face. Well, since I was red-faced as well... I nodded and swallowed, content to just sit in the car for a moment and hold her hand. I squeezed her small fingers and felt hers tighten around mine. I trailed my free hand over her temple and down one soft cheek, marveling anew at the utter perfection of her skin. Knowing that deep inside her body, where I most needed to be, Scully had to be so much softer. I lifted her hand to my lips and kissed her knuckles as I murmured, "I know. It's asinine to be nervous, worried, whatever - after what we've already shared. But I am, Scully, and I'm not sure why. I guess I don't want to disappoint you." At her confused look, I hastened to add, "Well, we were pretty focused in on certain... areas, and you didn't really notice my knobby knees. Or my skinny calves -" Her interruption was punctuated with a relieved chuckle. "Mulder, jeez! As if I'd even care about things like that! I thought I already told you," she leaned in and let her words trail heat over my ear, "Harriet loves Johnson. Harriet loves you... I love you. Your knobby knees and skinny calves can get together with my appendix scar and the sebaceous cyst I have between my shoulder blades, and they can all have a party - after we tumble each other into bed, and make that last puzzle piece fit. Okay?" Awww, Scully... I met her smile with an abashed one of my own and I caught her close to me; hugged her tightly. And couldn't resist a little tease of my own. "You have a sebaceous cyst? Ick. On second thought, maybe Johnson needs some persuading." Scully gave me an equally-tight hug, then eased back a little to look into my face. "Johnson should be glad to be hanging out with my cyst, Mulder. It's nicely-rounded. Your kneecaps, on the other hand..." She dropped a hand to said knee, and cupped its definitive knobbiness, "These are some sorry specimens. Harriet could possibly run screaming into the night based on the sighting of one, much less two. That is, if she could run. Luckily for you she's attached to me, and I happen to think your kneecaps are very cute." As if to prove it she wriggled out of my arms, enough to bend a little and press a smiling kiss to my wool-covered knob. When she glanced up again, I was more than happy to let her see my heart, floating in my eyes along with some suspicious kind of moisture that I'd deny forever could possibly be the start of tears. We gazed for a few minutes, unblinking, her hand still on my knee and my arms now loosely about her waist. It was nice, here in the cool and dim garage. We had all afternoon and evening; we had all night tonight. Tomorrow night, and the next day and on, and on. We had all the time we'd ever need to let our senses and our hearts lead our bodies into that last, final puzzle. There's only one 'first time' intimacy, only once that Tab A slips into Slot B, and it's all fresh and shiny-new. Regardless of what level of sexual knowledge came before, this was special. It deserved two participants that weren't jumping out of their own skins with nerves. Maybe just slowing down a bit... "Scully? You mind if we just sit here a while, maybe hold on to each other a little? Some small talk; I think it would be nice. That okay with you?" She nodded, smiled at me and pressed her palm on my knee. "I'd like that. I have such fond memories of sitting with you in the car, talking. Breathing the same air, feeling your warmth -" Now Scully was snuggled closer in my embrace, "Glad I can claim that warmth for myself - glad to have the right." I kissed her forehead, trailed my lips to her ear and kissed her there, too. "You always had the right, Scully. I think you may have been born with the right." We leaned in, got close, held on. We kissed and talked, spoke of mundane things, keeping it light. I played with her fingers, took turns kissing each small pad, made her laugh when I licked her palm. She retaliated by wiping my saliva on my own nose. Then she kissed it off, stole it back. Indian giver... We kissed at length, deeper, sweeter. There was sadness in our past together and we refused to dwell on it. There were a hundred reasons why it might be a mistake to become romantically involved, why we should stay on the well-worn expressway; yet for once we were taking the road less traveled. And as we kissed more and talked less, as our hands began to wander farther and our fingers pressed beneath places mostly clothed... whatever nervousness I'd felt dissipated into thin air. I had no idea how long we sat in the car, but I do know when we were ready to walk into my apartment, we walked hand in hand, relaxed and easy. I unlocked the door and she pushed it open. I locked the door behind us and she snapped on a lamp. When she tugged at her coat I was there to help her off with it, and she was kind enough to return the gesture. The sofa was closer but we wanted a comfy mattress. I led her in and she turned down the bed while I lit a few candles. We looked at each other at the same time, grinned foolishly in tandem, she at my strung-out shirttails and I at her off-kilter blouse buttons. God, we were a pair... Better believe it. "Nervous"? "Nope. You?" "Uh-uh. I want this, Mulder. More importantly, though," she rose on tiptoe and whispered in my ear, "Harriet wants it. And I think it's about time I gave her what she wants." I ran my hands over Scully's back and slowly pulled her blouse from the waistband of her skirt, moving beneath the loose silk and filling my hands with her warm breasts, delighting in the remembrance of her lack of underwear. All rolled up in the pocket of my coat... I pressed my cheek into her neck and spoke to her skin. "How about I give Harriet what I want, first? She might really like it, y'know. Sound like a plan?" "Oh, yeah. Sounds like a great plan." Well, that made me a happy boy... "Then lie back, baby - and let me have at you." She snickered up at me as she raised her hips for me to slip off her skirt. "Isn't that supposed to be, 'Move over, Rover... and let Johnson take over?'" I sighed at her play of words on the true lyrics. "No, it's not. Try 'Let Jimi take over'..." I had most of my clothes off by the time I'd finished correcting her, and Scully immediately propped herself up on her elbows and made a point to stare at my groin, partially-covered in the boxers I'd crammed on upside down. And she had the utter nerve to gesture with her index finger, as she commented, "Jimi, huh? Well, I sure don't see any 'purple haze', Mulder." She watched my eyes narrow with indignation and her baby blues filled with laughter. Okay, them's fightin' words... and my retort made her chuckle even harder. "Oh, there's purple, Scully... you should know that. Purple, right on the tip." I reached out and placed my palm over her nose and mouth, pushing her back on the mattress as she chuckled against my hand. I followed her body down and pressed every inch of me into her sweet cradle, boxers and all. She felt so good. I slipped a hand between us and twitched at my bothersome underwear, until I'd managed to get rid of it - and suddenly silly-time was over. In the midst of verbal sparring and my usual goof-banter, we'd gone from play to puzzle-piecing. "Take off my blouse, Mulder. And then I'm going to divest you of your shirt." That was Scully's voice, lowered and husky beyond anything I'd ever heard issue from her throat. Her eyes glittered up at me, darkened blue like a sky-storm. From the waist down we were both nude, but we'd left our tops on. I was flush against her, my penis nestled into her silky hair, and just-right-there. Move an inch or less and I'd slip on in, easy as a hot knife through butter. Oh, Jesus... how right it felt. How badly I needed to thrust - and how desperately I wanted nothing more than to prolong the moment, take it way past itself, until we were both so crazed and aching that our bodies just about bled with sensual demand. Because once I entered the unknown, once she made a place for me within her body... that 'first-time' would be going, then gone. I wasn't ready for it to be even a tiny bit gone. I'd waited all my life for this - it seemed as if I'd been born waiting for the ease of her, the wet hot of her - only her. "Scully... don't move. Wanna make it last forever; one hell of a build-up, you're so wet, I can feel how wet..." I was babbling in an attempt to keep myself from piercing her too soon. I knew once I did, once I was inside, no force on earth could stop me from pumping like a madman, taking all she had to give me and giving it right back to her. And it was exactly what I wanted and needed - but a few minutes more like this, two more groups of sixty seconds, torturing both of us... I wanted that even more. And, well... I'm greedy. More. Always it would be more with this woman. I shifted most of my weight to one elbow, and with minimal fumbling got the rest of her blouse unbuttoned and her lovely breasts exposed. Soft, creamy and beyond tempting... I leaned in and caught a small nipple between my lips, nuzzling her slowly, tasting again the sweetness of her skin. Her moaning sigh and the tremble of her fingers sifting through my hair told me how I was affecting her, but as I previously mentioned, I'm greedy. I wanted the words, too. In between nibbles, I made my desires known. "Tell me. How it feels. What you want. Talk to me, Scully..." The breath exploded from her lungs in another shaky moan when I punctuated my words with little bites and tugs. Her hand tightened against my scalp and her legs coiled around me. I pressed down carefully and was rewarded with a low growl. "Mulder, God... I can't... I'm not good at talking, not at a time like this. Please, just..." I raised my head and watched the flush spread over her cheeks as she asked me please. I swear I could hear it in my head... She couldn't say the words but it was all there for me to read, in her eyes. She wanted to say it, this I knew. But as brilliantly articulate as Scully was when she talked science; as easy as it was for her to bind me to her, heart and soul, with words of friendship and of caring... love was a different matter. Because it was more important than any talk of oddball cases and autopsy details; than bickering over what to order on our pizza or what film to watch on a mid-week evening. It meant everything to us. And sometimes silence spoke volumes over vowels and syllables. I still wanted her to tell me, though... "Tell me. Please, what?" I let my lips graze over her, both of us now trembling. Scully pushed up into me again and it took every ounce of control I had not to thrust. I was torturing both of us but I figured the explosion would be more than worth the build-up. I moved my hips and rubbed myself against her, and heard the hiss of her breath; she raised up from the pillow and her teeth fastened on my bottom lip. She bit down and I felt that bite all the way south, to my balls. She released me and her voice was a scratchy purr in my ear. "You tell me, first. Tell me, Mulder... how's it feel?" Her hands gripped me, low on my hips, curving over each cheek. Heat poured from her skin, scalding me. Her drenched curls tickled against my swollen flesh, her thighs cradled me, her legs were wound around mine. Red hair spilled across my pillow, blue eyes blazed at me. Every inch of her screamed out to me, that here was a beautiful and passionate woman who wanted me, loved me. God... how did it feel? There were no words. And suddenly I understood how Scully might be feeling. How could you put into words something that incredible? I stared down at the sheer feast of her - and wondered what in hell I was waiting for. Words, that was it. But there were all sorts of words, and sometimes the most powerful ones were the non-verbal. The ones you felt, far down within your heart. Everything I needed to know was contained in Scully's body language, radiating out from her generous heart. And yet, I was certain if I began talking, maybe she'd follow my lead... "It feels fucking amazing, baby. Better than anything I've ever felt, love you more than life, Scully, all of you, so much..." I bent my head and pressed my face between her breasts, finally slipping inside her - at last allowing Johnson to meet Harriet. Inside, where it was tight and so very hot, melting over me, piercing through me. I plunged and we both gasped; Scully clenched around me and her arms were strong as they held me, closer than our skins. And then, those words, moaned into my shoulder, words I'd begged to hear. "Don't stop, never stop, never leave me, wanted you inside me, waited so long it's been so long..." Low, rough and choppy, what she said humbled me, healed me, made me so strong I felt I could move mountains. I fisted both hands in her hair, locked eyes with her, melded souls with her... and found my true identity as I loved Dana Scully, and in turn let myself be loved, by her. It had to last a lifetime, I needed to thrust forever, make us both climb peak after peak, didn't ever want to come down, come out, come... not yet. Just a little longer, this first meeting of flesh, deeper, harder, faster, slower... Now pounding, then shallow thrusts, easy and tender... then long, luxurious, to-the hilt moves that stole our breath and made us ache. Circling, stabbing, penetrating - God, it was perfect. She matched my every move, stayed right with me, clinging tightly. Nothing had ever felt so right; no one had ever given to me the way she did. Nobody ever would, she was it for me, the end of my searching and the beginning of my future. Mine, forever - "Mine." I growled it into her mouth as I kissed her. "Mine, you're mine, Scully..." As if she didn't understand or acknowledge what we'd discovered here, in this bed. She gasped it right back at me as I drove both of us up and up, until she cried out and shuddered and convulsed. Until she came apart in my arms and the sound of my name on her tongue was enough to shove me right over the edge with her. Hotter than a flash fire, I let it engulf me, falling into her, spilling myself inside her, bathing her, cleansing us both. *************** The room had darkened to dim twilight when I awoke. I ached all over in muscle groups that hadn't seen action in years. I was exhausted, dehydrated, felt like I'd been on a three-day drunk... and I was so idiotically happy that I could have shouted aloud. That wouldn't have been the best idea, since Scully was curled in my arms, still deeply asleep, warm body tangled with mine and damp lips pressed into my neck. We'd fallen into a state of complete unconsciousness almost immediately, able to accomplish little more than a few tender kisses and shared whispers of love. In the dim room I could make out the curve of her body as it nestled against mine, the way her leg rested over my thighs and the fling of her arm across my chest. Boneless and soft in my arms, limp and damp and smelling like heaven. Her hair teased at my chin and I let it tickle me, unwilling to move one sore muscle to readjust either of us. If I never had to move again it would be just fine with me. To think we could have meandered through several more weeks, days or hours never knowing this feeling. Still stepping carefully around each other, keeping it light and gentle; keeping it vanilla when both of us lusted for the richest and choicest chocolate. Crazy in love with Scully... it made me smile inside and out, to think of it. All my life I'd wanted love; the love of my sister, forever lost to me. The love of parents who never quite knew what to do with me and consequently lost me, years ago. The love of a good woman, a strong and nurturing life-mate who would be everything to me. A few times in my past I thought I'd found her, only to have my youthful ideals crushed and ground underfoot. I spent years thinking I'd never meet her and then more years loving in silence, when she finally came into my life and in my eagerness to have her with me in any form I let a partnership and friendship rule my heart. Now love was in charge... and I liked it; loved it, would never live another day without it. This was a vow I could easily make, as I lay in my damp bed with the woman I cherished asleep next to me. I was roused from my happy musings by a small hand that slid over my abdomen and curled around my penis. My sigh was accompanied by a resurgence of renewed strength and vigor to an organ that I would have sworn two minutes ago was dead to the world for at least several more hours. A soft caress and a sleep-laden voice made me tighten even more. "Hey, Johnson... Harriet wants an audience with you." I looked down at the tousled head on my shoulder just as Scully raised her face to mine and grinned drowsily at me. I turned on my side and cupped her curvy little cheeks, snuggling her closer, her hand trapped between us. Face to face on the same pillow, I searched her eyes for any tiny speck of regret and found only acceptance and love in those baby blues of hers. I cleared my throat, easing words past the lump of emotion clogging my vocal chords. "You have Johnson's unending attention, baby. I feel I can speak for him since Harriet just about wore him down to a nubbin." "A nubbin? My, how you malign your boy, Mulder. I'll have you know that here in my hand Johnson makes for much more than just a nubbin. More like a rod. A warm, thick, pulsing rod..." My entire body clenched up at her words. Calling my penis a 'rod' was compliment enough... but embellish it with 'warm' and 'thick' - and pulsing, no less - well, suffice to say Johnson was grinning from nut to nut. And suddenly I wasn't exhausted and sore; suddenly my muscles felt great. I rolled my woman underneath me, thrilled at the notion that she was indeed my woman - and as I kissed her, as I pressed our respective body parts together, felt them merge together, let them take the lead... Johnson found himself reacquainted with Harriet, big-time. Oh, yeah... life was so damned good. End