TITLE: LORDS OF MAGIC 9: THE DROW AUTHOR: DONNILEE E-MAIL: DONNILEE@SNET.NET RATING: NC-17 CATEGORY: MSR SPOILERS: NOT A ONE. SUMMARY: Mulder and Scully find themselves on a magical world no one ever knew existed. They must fight for their lives and the lives of others if they are to ever make it back home again. DISCLAIMER: All characters used from the show, The X-Files, are the property of Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions, and Fox Broadcasting. No copyright infringement intended. No money made here. DISCLAIMER 2: All references to elements of the game, The Lords of Magic, belong to the creators of the computer game, Sierra Games. No copyright infringement intended. I have not just stolen characters as I have in the X-Files. This time I've stolen an entire universe! Just showing that I'm an equal opportunity thief! THANKS: To my beta readers, Cratkinson, FatCat, and XochiLuvr, who keep me from making major boo-boos and looking stupid. I really appreciate it. Go team! Thanks so much. This one has been beta read to death! Any errors herein are mine alone. DEDICATION: I would like to dedicate this story to my late grandmother, Blanche (blan-shee) Claire Wright Green Taylor, better known as 'Tot'. She was Mahopac, Native American, and was probably the first person to excite my imagination, as she was a storyteller to end all storytellers. And yes, she was married more than once! LOL. She entertained my sister and me for hours by reciting epic poems and stories, filled with adventure and happy endings. She couldn't read well and she couldn't spell for shit, but she had what counted most; an unlimited supply of unconditional love and an imagination without limits. She died over a decade ago, in her own bed, at home, at the age of 84. I still miss her. So thanks to my Gramma Tot, for making me believe imagination can take you far. XXXXXXXXXX PART 1 (PG-13) ASTARTE PALACE ELVEN TERRITORY They were all gone finally, back to their respective territories, carrying missives and battle plans for the leaders. It took a full day to clean up the camps, deconstruct the food tent and get things back to semi-normal. We never seemed to get a break, though. The attack on Scully came from a very unlikely source. We met with Ashante and Anzwen for breakfast as usual on the second day following the departure of the summit participants. Scully and Ashante planned to meet afterwards, travel far out into the meadows surrounding the city and have a look at those books. Foamrider had stayed on at Ashante's behest and was going to help out. The pretty Dryad that usually served our breakfast didn't enter that day. It was a novice enchantress. I recognized her immediately and kicked myself. I'd meant to ask who she was the day of the battle at Atmos and forgot all about it. She had long dark brown hair and a sweet face that was marred by a smile that was phony and did not reach her eyes. I went on high alert, but no one else seemed alarmed. Ashante looked up at her as she set the tray down on a stand and proceeded to dispense the plates of food. "Liessa, where is Idrin?" Idrin was the Dryad. The Elf smiled. "Oh, My Lady, she said she felt ill and asked me to dispense your plates this morning." Ashante looked concerned. "Dryads rarely get sick," she pronounced with finality, suspicion rising in her eyes. The Elf smiled and flushed slightly. I wondered if I was imagining it but her skin seemed to darken under the surface. I tensed and Ashante's eyes darted to me. The girl said, "Confidentially, My Lady, I think she may be with child. THAT kind of sick." Ashante relaxed. "Oh, I suppose it's possible. She's older but not out of child-bearing age." "No, and I hear tell her mate, Camring, is a randy one," she said in a confidential whisper. Ashante smiled and said, "Very well, tell her to meet me in an hour in my chambers. I'll check her out." "Very well, My Lady," Liessa said. She bowed and began to exit the room. I looked over at Scully just as she was about to shovel a large forkful of eggs into her mouth. It flashed green in my vision. Was I losing my mind? Without thought, my hand shot out and knocked the fork from her grasp, sending eggs flying everywhere. "Mulder!" Scully cried out. "What did you do that for?" I didn't answer but turned to look at the Elf that had stopped half-way to the door. Her grin dropped but I'd seen it flash on her face. When her eyes met mine, it disappeared quickly and she looked panicked. She sprinted for the door. I took off after her and wasn't going to quite make it. I leaped and threw myself against the open door, slamming it shut. I grabbed the Elf from behind and wrapped an arm around her body, easily hauling her up against my chest. She was only about five feet tall and I effortlessly lifted her off the floor, even though she was struggling to get free. Everyone was on their feet now, watching, not sure what to do. I hollered, "Don't eat it, Scully. Something's wrong with it!" She glanced at her plate and then back at me. Liessa hissed, "Let go of me you savage!" I was waiting for Anzwen and Ashante to yell at me but neither did. I dragged the recalcitrant Elf to the table and fisted myfree hand in her hair. Scully stepped aside. I forcefully bent her over Scully's plate until her face was about two inches away. "Eat it!" I growled in her ear. "I've already eaten!" she shouted. "Eat it!" I roared. I glanced at the others. Dorian, Foamrider, Ashante and Anzwen simply stood, watching silently, not interfering. "NO! What's the matter with you? I can't eat the Savior's food!" she said, playing innocent. "Why not? What's wrong with it?" "Nothing! I simply carried in the plates." "I ate some of mine, Mulder," Ashante said. I glanced at her, having a dart of doubt. "EAT. IT!" I demanded, roaring in her ear. Her hand shook as she picked up Scully's fork and carefully scooped up a piece of bacon and popped it in her mouth. Nothing happened. "The eggs," I growled. She began to struggle again. "Are you insane? What's this all about?" "You know exactly what it's about. Eat the eggs." She swallowed and stabbed a piece of egg. Her head turned to the side and she smiled triumphantly at me. She popped it into her mouth. I let her stand but still kept my arm around her waist. Nothing happened. I realized she was holding it in her mouth. I said, "Swallow it." Now her eyes went wide. I didn't miss the fleeting look of doubt and fear. "SWALLOW IT!" I screamed in her ear. She flinched and swallowed. Nothing happened for about fifteen seconds. Just as everyone relaxed and let out the breaths they had been holding, she gagged. I let go of her and she staggered backwards, her hands going to her throat. I glanced up and saw looks of horror on Anzwen and Ashante's faces. "Liessa!" she shouted. Anzwen grabbed her arm. "Let her go." "I have to try to and save her!" Ashante shouted. I looked sadly at Ashante, somehow knowing. "It's too late, Ashante." "NO!" she cried. "It can't be!" Liessa's eyes rolled back in her head, her tongue stuck out and she gagged again, a horrible retching sound. She looked panicked and said, "He said ... it wouldn't ... hurt me." Then she collapsed. We stood in shock as her brown hair faded and turned to stark white, her fine Elven features flattened out and became broader, and her skin began to darken. Ashante began sobbing and Anzwen took her in his arms. I reached for Scully but she turned and walked to the girl instead. Whatever magic had enchanted her was now fading. She began to smoke. Scully grabbed her water mug, tossed it in the air. The water volume tripled and then splashed down on the dead Elf. She steamed for a moment but did not go up in smoke. Scully kneeled down and quickly went through her pockets, coming out with another black book from inside her tunic. She stepped back, watching the water steam and evaporate. She grabbed a cloth napkin and wrapped the book in it. When the water was gone, the Elf smoked again and then burst into flames. "Oh, Goddess, no!" Ashante cried out, clearly distraught. "She was like a daughter to me!" I looked at Dorian and Foamrider. "You better find Idrin," I said. They nodded and quickly left the room in search of the missing Dryad. Scully finally stepped into my arms and I held her quietly. Ashante got herself under control at last and wiped her tears on her sleeve. "I'm sorry," she hiccupped. "Don't worry about it. I'm sorry too," I said softly. "Why didn't I see it? I should have felt it. I should have seen through the illusion. Why? Why couldn't I SEE it?" she wailed. "They corrupted her and made her Drow!" Anzwen gathered her up. "You weren't meant to, darling. Mulder saw it." We all sat back down. "I wouldn't eat any of this, just to be on the safe side. It was probably only Scully's, maybe mine, but you never know." Scully said, "You saved my life again." I smiled over at her and Anzwen said, "That is your purpose, I believe. You are so connected that you see things others don't. I believe the Goddess has gifted you with an extra sense, Mulder, one that allows you to sense any danger to Scully." They nodded. Foamrider and Dorian appeared, striding back into the room with grim expression. When Ashante looked at him hopefully, he subtly shook his head. "I'm sorry," he whispered. She burst into tears again. Foamrider said, "I'll visit the kitchen and get someone to clean this up and bring us something else." Anzwen said, "Save the plates and food. I want them examined." Foamrider nodded and did his bidding without a word. Dorian looked at Anzwen and said, "I'll take care of Idrin. I'll take her to Camring." Anzwen nodded. "Tell him we will have a full ceremony for her burial." He nodded and left the room. 'Gee, what a way to start a day,' I thought. XXXXXXXXXXX ASTARTE MEADOW - FAR EAST ELVEN TERRITORY TWO HOURS LATER I looked at Ashante's face. She was still stricken but marching on like a good soldier. I glanced at Scully and then Foamrider. They both wore looks of concern. "Scully, maybe we should do this another day," I suggested quietly. Ashante raised her head to look at us. "No, no day will be better than today. We have to just keep going. We're running out of time." Scully frowned. "One day won't make a difference. You've had an awful shock today. Why don't you take some time and rest. You'll still grieve, but it's really fresh right now." Ashante was shaking her head. "Give yourself a break, Ashante," Foamrider said. "You lost not only Liessa but Idrin as well." Her lip quivered slightly. "No, let's begin. I need to do something." She paused. "Those bastards!" she shouted. Her eyes pooled with tears. "Corrupting my Liessa!" The four of us waited patiently while she regained her composure. She finally took a deep breath. Her voice was low and calm, and all the more menacing for it. "I want them dead." She paused. "I've never actually said that before, you know that?" Foamrider said, "Ashante, my friend, you need some time." "No! We don't have any time. What I meant was that I never liked the Drow, but I've always felt more pity towards them than malice. Even these latest events I blamed on the hell spawn. I blamed it all on Balgoth. I wanted to believe that they were helpless victims, pawns for the demons, unable to help themselves." Foamrider said, "That's perfectly natural. They were your kin, Ashante. You need not feel guilty for feeling compassion. It is one of the things that make you the grand dame that you are." Ashante blinked rapidly, touched by the words. Foamrider stepped toward her, towering over her and enfolded her in an embrace. "What else have they done? Who else could they have corrupted?" Ashante wondered aloud as she leaned on the Amazon priestess for support. Foamrider rocked her gently like a mother would rock a child. "They couldn't have gotten to many others. Many would be seen. They only needed one to try and rid the world of the Saviors. If there are others, we will find them," Foamrider said gently. "Your adepts are all so angry right now. They are on the warpath, going house to house, casting 'dispel illusion'. If there are others hiding amongst us, they will find them." Ashante sniffled and pulled out of the embrace slowly. "I'm sorry. Truly though, I think this will help me. I can't just sit around. I need to feel useful right now." Scully nodded and said, "I understand. Let's get started then." The bag with the four books lay on the ground. We backed away from it. We had decided to have them cast protection spells on both of us. We would open the books together. As always, I would have her back. When they suggested that the ladies go out to the field alone so as to reduce the risk of harm to anyone else should something go wrong, I had just shook my head firmly. Anzwen took one look at me and knew that the idea was unacceptable to me. Foamrider didn't even try. She knew what happened the last time she tried to keep us apart. I simply said, "Where Scully goes, I go. End of story." After what had just happened at breakfast, no one was going to argue with me. He'd held my gaze but then nodded once. "You haven't been wrong yet, Mulder. I'll not question you at this late date." Ashante had gazed at me, looking like she was about to protest. I saw Foamrider shake her head very slightly. Ashante had sighed deeply and said, "Nor shall I." Now, here we stood. Scully backed up to my chest and I wrapped my arms firmly around her waist. I widened my stance and cradled her body against mine. Her hands rested on my forearms and I rested my chin on the top of her head. We fit together like two puzzle pieces. They smiled. Ashante said, "I'll go first." She stepped up about four feet in front of us and raised her staff. "Watchtower Guardians of the Sun, I call upon thee to seal and protect the two that act as one, are male and female, are not of this world, and belong to none. Grace them with your everlasting sunlight that they may block any aspects of death magic that try to enter them." She went on muttering, and a sunbeam came down, filtered through her staff and then was directed at us. We were enshrouded in blinding light and I closed my eyes, seeing the burn of my retinas on the back of my eyelids. When she was done, Foamrider stepped forward and held up her staff. She cast a Regeneration spell on us. It was a long, intricate spell that supposedly would continue to heal us if we were to take any damage. If we were wounded in any way, or touched by death magic, the spell would trigger and begin repairing the damage immediately. When she was done, she said, "It's the only spell I know that directly counters death magic." Ashante cast another shield spell and Foamrider followed it with some sort of protection spell I couldn't understand. Finally, they stepped back. I looked down at our skin and we were glowing. A shimmering veil of yellow and blue wove together over the entire surface of our bodies. They proceeded to cast protection spells on themselves. When they were finished, I dropped my hands from Scully's waist and slid them down her arms and grasped her wrists gently. We stepped toward the sack together. Carefully, we sat down. I sat on my ass, with my legs extended to the sides. Scully sat cross-legged in the cradle of my body. She carefully opened the sack and drew out one of the books. It was the spell book found on the assassin that had attacked us at the Symmet graveyard. She snapped open the leather pouch and carefully grasped it, pulling it out. She removed the cloth covering and requested, "Hold the cloth over it, Mulder." I reached around her and took hold of the edges, shading the book with the black cloth cover. I stared at the title. It was in a language I could not read or understand, a sort of hieroglyph. She ran her fingers over it slowly as a blind person would to read Braille and I peeked at the side of her face. Her lips were moving. Then she said, "Naricon." I looked at Ashante and she gasped. "You know the name?" I asked, my voice sounding oddly muffled. I supposed it must be the spells on us. She nodded. "He was the top death assassin in Skulldown. Second only to the head of the assassin's guild. My God, you killed Naricon," she said, sounding awed. "Maybe," I said. "This doesn't mean it was him necessarily." Foamrider was shaking her head. "Yes, it does. They wouldn't carry another's book." I nodded grimly. Apparently killing this particular assassin was a momentous thing. Having no history really, and not having lived with a fear of Drow assassins, I had no frame of reference. I shrugged and said, "He was going to kill Scully. He had to die." Ashante and Foamrider glanced at one another with a knowing look. Foamrider said, "I'll bet that threw them into some chaos. If Balgoth sent his top assassin to kill Scully, that tells us two things. One is that they know how important you are. Two is that we have not made a mistake in believing in you. We returned our attention to the book. Scully carefully opened the book. Black markings lined the page and she began running her fingers over the letters. "I don't know why but I know what this says. I've never seen this language." Ashante looked nervous but excited. "If it's written in Drow, it's a bastardized form of Elvish," she proclaimed. Scully nodded. "By order of the Great Master of the Opening Abyss, you are ordered to eliminate one Dana Scully, a Human, residing with the Elves. She is small of frame, a bit over five feet tall, has flaming red hair and blue eyes, and rides a female unicorn. You will know her as she is of a race that does not reside on Urak. She is the female of the two that act as one, that is not of this world and belongs to none. She will be in the company of her male half. He has brown hair, green eyes, six feet tall, rides a male unicorn. Beware, they may look like Elves, but they are much more deadly. I send my most deadly to eliminate their most deadly. Don't fail me, -- Balgoth" She turned the page: "By order of the Great Master of the Opening Abyss, you are ordered, if possible and after having eliminated one,Scully, Human, to eliminate her mate and protector, Fox Mulder, as described. Kill the woman first. Without her, his purpose crumbles and we will be victorious." I felt my blood boil with rage and I tamped it down, reminding myself that I had already killed the motherfucker. Ashante and Foamrider were silent and solemn as they listened. She turned the page, her fingers running more rapidly over the black ink than before. "When you have accomplished your mission, return to Skulldown. Do not attempt to eliminate anyone else. I will need you for other jobs." Her hands moved to the second page and her fingers began their dance over the page. "Carry this book with you at all times. As long as it is on your person, daylight cannot touch you. Should you find yourself in an impossible situation, save your life first. Utter these power words." She hesitated and her fingers ran over it again and again. Her hand jerked and she said, "Do you have a piece of paper?" Ashante shook her head. "No, but what's wrong." "I won't say the word. It's almost gibberish, but I can tell it is still active. It's all consonants though." Ashante's eyes widened. "A power word. Not something we use in Elven magic. No. Don't utter it. I've a feeling I know what it is." Scully looked at her questioningly. "I'd bet it teleports you to Skulldown. Not only is that the assassin's orders, so to speak. I think the book is spelled to be a portable teleport stone." "Meaning if I say this word, I'll be teleported?" she said skeptically. Ashante nodded. "I think so. I can't be certain." "Don't even think about risking it," I said. She nodded. "That's the end of that one. Who is the Great Master of the Opening Abyss?" Ashante frowned. "Golgoth, the God of Death." Foamrider said. "Now that we know they use power words, be very careful. Interpret the text in your head first, before you utter anything. There could be words embedded in the text. They won't, however, be normal words. They are constructs like the one you have there, difficult to pronounce and not an everyday word. That's one thing in your favor. They should be easy to spot. You don't, however, want to slip up and utter one while trying to sound it out." "No, that would suck big time," Scully said with understatement. They laughed lightly, but I could tell they were nervous. "Proceed with caution, Scully," Foamrider warned. The next was similar. Apparently, an assassin had been sent before Naricon and had failed. His name had been Quilree. The Knights had killed him before we ever reached Symmet. Our battle with the death shades left little doubt that they had known we were traveling to Symmet. I wondered how all these spies from all these races seemed to travel unseen and know so much. It was almost like that feeling of assuming that the office back home was always bugged. I swallowed hard. This second one had also ended in a power word instruction. "I could write them down if you wish," she offered. Ashante and Foamrider both shook their heads and said, "No." She took out the one that was found on Liessa and began to read, "Phaer." Ashante said, "It's another name. Perhaps the one Liessa took when she became a Drow. It means 'honored' in Drow." She looked like she was going to be sick. This time Scully was going slower, interpreting in her head before speaking, just as she had been instructed. I felt her tense and whispered, "What is it?" "Oh my God," she said softly. "What?" Ashante asked, sounding close to frantic. "After the assassination order, this one is different. Ashante, I can't utter this. It's a spell to enchant the user to look like someone else." "Yes, she turned Drow, just like the others, she had to be enchanted to look like her old self." "No," Scully said, shaking her head. "It doesn't work that way. They have to cast the spell in front of the person they want to look like. It requires them to immobilize the person through a binding spell first." She paused. "They have to be alive! It borrows their life force to create the illusion. If the person they are 'copying' for lack of a better word, dies, the illusion fails!" "Are you saying she's still alive? That wasn't my Liessa?" she exclaimed. Scully nodded. "Oh Goddess, I have to tell Anzwen, get the troops out looking for her!" she babbled. She stepped forward and back as though unsure where to start. Scully said, "Hold on." Foamrider took Ashante's hand in hers to steady her. The woman was nearly vibrating with anxiety. I'd never seen her so rattled. She was shifting her weight from foot to foot. After another minute or so, Scully looked up and closed the book. "We'll deal with the Grimoire later," she announced. She stood up, and quickly repackaged the books, stuffing them into the sack. She looked up at the tree line about fifty yards away and hollered, "Shadar!" His shriek echoed back to us and then he appeared soaring toward us. He was never far away, but was surprisingly good at being inconspicuous. He was growing quickly and was already twice the size of a large dog. He landed in front of her without fanfare; his wings back beating to slow his descent. Ashante asked in a quivering voice, "What did it say?" Scully spoke aloud so that we would all hear and she wouldn't have to repeat herself. "Shadar. Go find Anzwen, Dorian, and Joachim immediately. Tell them to make haste to us. We will wait here." He bobbed his head in acknowledgement. He took a couple of clumsy strides to the side and launched himself into the air. Scully looked up into all our anxious faces. "I think I know where she is," she announced. "You're sure she's alive?" Ashante asked. Scully hesitated. "I can't lie to you, Ashante. I don't know the answer, but I think I know where she is. She WAS alive when that spell was cast." "Where?" "Somewhere east of Sahanna Village. It describes a bridge that leads out to a small island." Ashante looked at Foamrider. She shrugged. "It might be Tafania Island, but there is no bridge." "What's out there?" I asked. "Nothing," Foamrider said. "Absolutely nothing." XXXXXXXXXX PART 2 (NC-17) TAFANIA ISLAND AMAZON TERRITORY Medini had appeared with the men atop her Camelus. I wondered why she was still here but didn't question it. It was decided Anzwen would return to the city. Dorian would stay with us this time. Joachim, Medini, and Dorian would accompany us to the island. On the way, Scully filled us in on the rest of what she had read in the black book. "The place was prepared ahead of time by necromancers. There were directions and everything on where to stash the prisoner." "There's no bridge out to Tafania Island," Foamrider insisted again. "Should I send Nella for a Corsair to meet us on the shore?" Medini asked. "Not yet," Foamrider said. I suggested, "Could there be a bridge you don't know about?" Foamrider almost looked insulted but then said, "Anything is possible." Ashante said, "Could their magic be that powerful that they could make it invisible to the naked eye?" Foamrider snapped her head around to look at her. "I hadn't even thought of that." Ashante shrugged. "They've obviously proven that they are masters at illusion magic, something none of us have ever practiced." "Because it's deceitful," Foamrider spat. "The only ones that rival them with illusion magic are the Dwarves." I said, "I thought the Knights were the best at that." She shook her head. "No, they are the best at enchantment. There's a difference." Ashante just raised her eyebrows. "Let's be cautious. Remember who we're dealing with." Foamrider sighed, "No fear of that." We reached the eastern shore of Crestfall, east of the village in a half a day. It was nearly dusk. Our eyes scanned the shoreline, seeing nothing. Foamrider pointed out over the waves. "You see that brown speck out there?" We nodded. "That's Tafania Island." "Why is there nothing out there?" Scully asked. Foamrider said, "It's a tiny island, maybe only ... five hundred feet square. There was never any point to putting anything out there. As far as we knew it was simply a nesting ground for gullwinds and that's about it. We figured we'd leave it to the gullwinds." Scully dismounted and walked down to the beach. I slid off Jadian's back and followed at a discreet distance. No one questioned me. Scully studied the shoreline. Her lips pursed and her eyes squinted. She turned and began to follow the shoreline southeast. We weren't far over the border into Crestfall, and an isolated island would be a good place to stash a prisoner. She stopped and raised her staff. What appeared to be a heavy rain cloud appeared over our heads. As it did, we could see the shimmering outline of a bridge. It was clear, as though looking through a glass. I heard gasps and realized our entire party had followed us down the beach. "Holy Aphrodite!" Foamrider exclaimed. Scully dropped her staff and the cloud disappeared. Now you could see nothing. She turned and said, "I wouldn't trust it. I get a bad feeling about it, like if I step onto it, it's going to collapse and dump me in the water or something." "I'll call for a Corsair," Medini suggested again. Scully vetoed her. "No, wait. We don't have that much time. I have an idea." She turned and headed back up the beach to where we had a better view of the island. She waved to Foamrider. "I need your help." Foamrider dismounted her mount and approached her, standing beside her. "What would you have me do?" "I need you to direct the waves from the bottom of the ocean floor to converge toward each other from either side of the beach instead of rolling towards us." Foamrider's eyebrows went up. "How far out?" "Let's try about ten feet at first." Foamrider smiled. "You got it." She raised her sapphire blue staff made of entirely blue crystal and began chanting a spell. We all watched in awe as the waves reversed direction and began crashing into each other instead of rolling toward the beach. Scully said. "Start at the bottom and work up." Foamrider nodded but kept chanting. Scully pulled out the emerald staff given to her by Duvanab. Before we knew it, wet sand and soil erupted from the center of the crashing waves, piling on top of itself and forming a small platform out from the beach about four feet wide. Problem was that it was all spiked up, like she'd thrown stalagmites down along the path. The wand was a wand of hell spikes, I remembered now. They were meant as a weapon and I could easily see how they would cripple and disable a foe. Without a word, Ashante stepped forward and stood on Scully's left side. She began chanting and the spikes smoothed out to make a flat surface. My God, they were creating a sandbar before our very eyes. The three women stepped forward together, Scully in the center. We watched in amazement, as a crash of two waves would collide, a burst of hell spikes would erupt from the center of the waves, and was immediately flattened. They did this over and over again, ten new feet of sand bar appearing with each cycle. The rest of us mounted quickly. Brenneka followed Jadian dutifully, as did Zalika and Foamrider's warhorse mount. We advanced well behind the women, making sure we would be free of flying debris. It was a laborious task, but within about a half an hour, the sandbar butted up to the beach of the tiny island. There was about twenty feet of sandy beach, which ended with a ring of trees that circled the island. We all dismounted and headed through the trees. Medini and Foamrider led the procession this time. They had been to the island via Corsair to check on the nesting of gullwinds, and so knew the layout of the island. About twenty feet of trees, dotted overhead with gigantic nests of twigs and leaves and mud, ended to show a level, dirt clearing about ten feet across. We saw it immediately. There was a grate in the middle of the clearing, surrounded by a wooden square erected on the dirt. The wire mesh was fine, and we could see hinges on one side. It was crudely locked with a metal dowel through interlocking metal tubes. Guess they never figured on anyone finding this. They only worried about someone getting out. I slid off Jadian and said, "Medini and I go first." No one questioned me. She dismounted and moved to the opposite side of the grate. I pulled out the metal dowel and we stuck our fingers into the mesh to grasp it. Joachim and Dorian drew their swords as a precaution. "On three," I instructed. "One, two, three!" She heaved at the same time I did, muscles in her uncovered arms rippling with strength and effort. We both grunted but the wire mesh lifted. We shoved at the same time and it flipped open, revealing the metal rungs of a ladder. Only one could go down at once. She drew one of her daggers, as did I. We looked at each other. "I'll go first," I said. She nodded. I grasped the dagger between my teeth and moved closer to the edge of the hole. Scully said, "Be careful." I nodded to her and swung a leg down into the darkness. It was pitch black and I descended a good twenty feet until I felt a floor under my feet. I grasped my dagger in my left hand and looked around. I could tell by the change in air flow that I had exited the tube above my head. I was in a larger room and it was colder down here. It was also dark. I stuck my arms out straight, trying to feel for a wall and didn't feel one. Well, I wasn't in a narrow hallway at least. I unsheathed my long sword. The faint blue glow that surrounded it -- the Storm Giants magic -- was bright down here in the utter darkness and I was glad for it now. It revealed a small room about twenty feet square. The walls were dirt but reinforced with wooden struts every couple of feet. There was a thick beam above my head supporting the earth that made up the ceiling. I called out. "Come on down." I heard her boots on the metal rungs moments later and she was quickly at the bottom. Joachim followed, and then the mages descended. "Where is she?" Ashante whispered. "This is obviously a prison cell. I began circling the wall, holding up my sword to give myself light. "Maybe there's a hidden door or something. You guys check the floor." They immediately began to look around. Both Foamrider and Ashante produced glowing balls of light, Ashante's yellow, Foamrider's blue, and held them out on their palms, shedding light over the ground. Ashante said, "God, this is horrible! How do Dwarves live underground all the time? No sunlight, no warmth. This is an Elf's biggest nightmare." A minute later I saw it, about chest height, a small white tube sticking out of the wall. I bent down and put my eye to the end of the tube. It was only about a quarter inch in diameter. I couldn't see anything. Then I heard a grunt. I bent quickly and put my cheek up to the tube, I could feel air blow out onto my cheek. "I think I found her!" I shouted. They crowded around me and I looked at the wall. It was solid dirt. "Oh my God, I think she's buried in the wall." "Holy Mother Goddess!" Ashante whispered in horror. I sheathed my weapon, Foamrider and Ashante holding up their globes of light. Joachim, Medini and I began to scoop dirt with our bare hands. Medini was the tallest, so she started above. I took the area around the tube and Joachim knelt down and began to dig around my knees. About six inches in, I felt something more solid. I dug quickly and could see white. I dug frantically and exposed a cheek. In seconds I had dirt peeled away from her head. Her face was snow white, her eyes closed, and her lips pursed around the small white tube, which I could see now was made of some kind of bone. Ashante cried out, "Liessa! Can you hear me, darling?" Scully muscled her way in and felt for a pulse. I backed off, giving her room to work while the other two were now digging as best they could around her body. Scully ripped the tube out of her mouth and plastered herself to the wall, turning her head and laying her mouth over the girl's without hesitation and pinching her nose. She was breathing into her lungs. I knew instantly that the woman was barely breathing. Her lips were turning blue. She'd been breathing a minute ago. 'Had she stopped?' I wondered. Behind me I could hear Ashante suppressing sobs and chanting, "No, no, no, no!" Then suddenly Scully pulled back and the girl coughed, choked and sucked in a gigantic breath. Ashante almost rushed her, but Foamrider held her back. Scully backed up and just said, "Get her out of there now!" It took about two more minutes before I could wedge my hands behind the tightly packed dirt that was like clay and get any leverage. When I did, I spread my legs and pulled hard. The girl popped out of the wall like a ball out of cannon and I staggered backwards. Medini and Joachim steadied me and I lay the girl gently down onto the ground. Ashante was about to kneel over her when Scully said, "Let's get her out of here first. She's breathing, she has a pulse. We need her out of this hole!" Medini bent down and scooped the girl up like she was a rag doll. Liessa was even smaller than Scully, barely five feet tall, and skinny as a rail. I scurried up the ladder and laid down on my belly, hanging my head and arms into the hole. Medini was climbing the ladder with the girl slung over one shoulder and holding the rungs with the other. When she reached the roof where the tube began, she carefully lifted the girl off her shoulder and braced herself with her back against the dirt tube, her legs on the ladder. She handed her straight up and I caught her under the arms and hauled with all my strength. She was small but she was also dead weight. She couldn't weigh more than ninety pounds though. I carried her to the small patch of grass next to the trees and laid her down on the cloak Dorian spread there. I watched them emerge from the hole one by one. Scully, Ashante and Foamrider rushed to her and fell to their knees. Scully began a cursory exam of her for obvious wounds, running her hands down her body. She ripped open the flimsy sheet-like shirt she had on that hung to her knees. Her body was bone white. Foamrider was pulling crystals out of a pouch at her waist and laying them on the girl; one on her throat, one on her sternum, one on her stomach, one on each leg and each arm. Ashante was drawing warmth and sunlight into a little spotlight that flooded the area they were working on. It was amazing to watch them work together. We'd just witnessed it when they created that sandbar we could all cross. It didn't make this any less fascinating. Scully rammed her staff into the ground, bent it at an angle and soon there was a steady stream of air flowing in to the girl's mouth from the staff, as she tipped the girl's head back and opened her jaw. She was an enchantress now, but she was still Dr. Scully. I smiled in spite of the situation. God, I loved this woman. She was checking her pupils. When she was done she began vigorously rubbing her limbs with her bare hands. Ashante buried the end of her staff in the ground as well. It continued to shine its sunbeam down on the nearly frozen girl. She was clearly hypothermic although I didn't know if the same laws of physics applied here. The crystals began to pulse and glow and I watched in astonishment as they began to lose their color as it leeched into the girl. When Foamrider was done, they were all clear. She scooped them up and put them in another pouch at her waist. She then began to help Scully rub the girl. Another five minutes or so and the girl had color in her body. She was breathing evenly and Foamrider's magic had cleared away all the dirt and debris from her body. She was gaunt and I could count every rib. I said, "Do we have a robe for her or something?" Ashante leaped up and went to Zalika. She pulled a woven yellow tunic from her saddlebag. They carefully dressed the girl and then Medini appeared with a thick robe that fastened in the front, with fur of some sort on all the edges and a big fur collar. They gently rolled her and put her arms through the arm holes. It was enormous on her and she looked like a child. The robe was obviously Medini's. Ashante looked up at her with tears in her eyes. "Thank you, I'll get it back to you." Medini waved her hand negligently. "Let her keep it for a blanket. I can get another one." Ashante nodded, her gratitude obvious. She cupped the girl's cheeks and bent over, peering into her face. Scully still sat on the girl's opposite side and Foamrider still knelt at her feet. Ashante closed her eyes and hummed some sort of tuneless chant. The girl jerked slightly and finally her eyes opened. They were the brightest green I'd ever seen. She screamed and tried to sit up. Ashante grasped her shoulders. "It's all right. It's me, Ashante. It's all right, child." Liessa cringed but then looked around in wonder. She blinked several times and turned back to Ashante. "Oh Goddess! Thank you!" Ashante folded her in an embrace and carefully leaned her back down. "You're safe now, my child. Rest. We will take you back to Astarte." "But she's there, the Drow!" Ashante shook her head. "No, darling. Mulder killed her, or actually made her kill herself." The girl didn't ask for further explanation but she sunk back to the ground and began weeping silently. "You need to sleep darling. I'm going to put you under, all right? Don't be afraid. We'll take good care of you now." Even after all she'd been through, the girl closed her eyes and relaxed in perfect trust of her mistress. Scully and Foamrider stepped away as she cast a short spell and the girl went to sleep. Ashante stood and motioned to Zalika who approached her and bobbed her head, nickering softly. She sprang onto her back and said, "One of you hand her up to me." Medini went and picked her up in a baby carry. For Medini she posed as much problem as picking up a fork. She carefully handed her to Ashante, who arranged the girl sideways on the front of her saddle and wrapped her arms around her. She was limp and rested her head on Ashante's shoulder. Ashante smiled down at her tenderly. Medini said, "I think we should spend the night at Sahanna. I want to get off this island, but it's half a day's ride back to Astarte or to Crestfall. It's already dark and I don't think we should risk running into the Drow trying to get to either one. It will only take a couple hours to get to Sahanna." We all agreed and mounted up, following her and Foamrider off the island and back to the village. XXXXXXXXXX SAHANNA VILLAGE AMAZON TERRITORY This guesthouse was becoming familiar. It would be the third time we'd stayed here. We stabled our mounts and Ashante and Foamrider went to stay with the head warrior in the village. Medini was in the other room in this house. After we were ready for bed, I slipped out into the kitchen to get a glass of water and nearly ran smack into Joachim, who was supposed to be bunking in the small barracks near the village gates with Dorian. "Hello," I said softly. He jumped and whirled around at my voice. He'd been standing in the dark near the table in the center of the room. "Oh geez, you scared me." "An Elven captain caught off his guard? What could that be all about?" I teased. He grunted. "I just wanted to make sure everyone was all right." I snorted. "You don't have to pretend with me," I said. "I see the way you look at her." He cleared his throat and then mumbled, "It's entirely your fault, you know?" I laughed then. I couldn't help it. "Still contemplating?" I inquired. His eyes met mine as I lit a candle and its soft glow invaded the kitchen. I waved at a chair and he sat down. I sat at the opposite end of the table and took a slug of water from my glass. "The night of your handfasting," he said. "What about it?" I asked casually. "We were guarding the door ... together," he haltingly added. I smiled. "Uh oh. Do I need to be embarrassed?" I joked. He grinned. "No, but it was quite an auditory show," he admitted. I felt a slight blush go up my neck but said nothing. "There was a lot of mana flying around the Temple that night, I'll tell you that," he said. "Get your systems humming?" I teased. He coughed behind his hand. "Uh, yeah, in more ways than one." I smiled. "You've been with her already, haven't you?" He looked up sheepishly and nodded. He blushed a lovely shade of pink and I chuckled low. "Good for you." "She's amazing," he whispered. "Was that the last time?" I asked. He shook his head. "No, we've managed to sneak away a couple of times. I have my own house now and she's made excuses to need to consult with me. She made an excuse to Foamrider to stay on in Astarte." "You were taking this opportunity tonight to sneak in here," I said without a hint of scolding. He nodded. "Yeah, I was going to." "Don't stop on my account. Your secret's safe with us, Joachim. Don't let me stop you." "I don't think I could do anything now that I know you know I'm here," he said honestly. I stood and put my mug in the sink. "Get in there. I'd wager once you see her, it won't be a problem," I teased. "Stars!" he cursed softly. I chuckled and began to exit the room. Over my shoulder I said, "Have a good time." I didn't hear if he responded because I was down the hall and into our room in seconds. XXXXXXXXXX NC-17 PORTION XXXXXXXXXX I entered to find Scully laid out nude in the middle of the bed like a game show contestant's wet dream. 'Show him what he's won, Johnny!' I thought, amusing the hell out of myself. I growled and pounced on the bed. She nearly giggled and I reveled in the sound. She was yanking at my breeches, which were the only thing I still had on and soon they were tangled around my ankles. I bent over and ripped them off, tossing them dramatically over my shoulder. I placed my hand on her flat tummy. There was a small pooch there around her navel, but I didn't know if it was bigger than before or not. "It's too early for me to show," she said. I rubbed it languidly anyway and she sighed. She reached for my hand and guided it to her center, spreading her legs open. I hummed and sunk my fingers gently inside her. She was already wet and she moaned as I twirled them around a bit, getting the feel of the territory, so to speak. She was pulling at my shoulders and I said, "Slow down." "No, I want you now," she demanded. I chuckled and slid between her legs. My cock was fully erect and had no trouble complying with her request. I nudged her opening and said, "Open for me." She reached down and gently spread her pink lips apart as I watched, perched on my elbows and leaning up on one hip. I moaned gently. She was wide open and defenseless. I slid into her quickly and pressed deep. "Oh yeah!" she groaned. I began to thrust gently and she locked her ankles behind my low back and began to pull me into her. "Faster!" she grunted. I braced myself fully on my elbows and began to pound into her tight pussy. Even now that we were having sex regularly, she was always as snug as our first time. It was amazing. "Feels so good, Scully. Always feels so good," I mumbled. I felt my balls rumble with every thrust and her juices were flowing out of her and making my entrance slick and effortless. She was like a velvet glove. My pelvis smacked against her wide-open groin and I could feel a heat rising in her pelvis around me. I enjoyed the little whimpering grunts she was giving me. Hearing the slap of my balls on her ass just added to the music. I bent down and slurped her nipple into my mouth, suckling hard. She arched into me, lifting her hips in time with my thrusts. I felt her groin grow tighter. Her breathing was shallow and her nipples hard as pebbles. Her fleshy canal tightened even further and she cried out and began to climax. Her walls sputtered around my engorged shaft. "Mulder! I'm coming! Mulder! Oh God! Mulder! Oh yeah!" she shouted. I let go of my control and felt myself shower her cervix with my orgasm. I jerked uncontrollably and felt my cock twitch as it emptied deep inside. We both groaned and collapsed. XXXXXXXXXX END NC-17 PORTION XXXXXXXXXX Morning came early and we woke up, having had only about five- and-a-half hours of sleep. We bathed and saddled up nonetheless, eager to be home. Once we were home and gave a full accounting to Anzwen of all that had happened, we retired to the field where all this started. We had turned Liessa over to the adepts of the Temple. She would need more healing but she would make a full recovery. We were all glad that this time there had been a happy ending. Anzwen had suggested that Foamrider send a Corsair to check the island prison and make sure that there weren't other prisoners from other races there. We had been so involved with Liessa that the thought had not occurred to us at the time. The four of us rode out into the meadow. Ashante and Foamrider cast the protective spells again. We resumed our former positions and Scully finally extracted the Grimoire. This book was three times as thick as the others and larger in height and width as well. She read the cover. "Jhul Book of Shadows." I looked at the Elf and Amazon. Foamrider had an odd look on her face. Ashante said, "Jhul is a name. I don't know of this Drow, but it must be a necromancer. It means 'Charmed One'." "It's a book of spells, quite a few," she commented, as she thumbed through it and I held the cloth over it. We knew they were spelled to withstand sunlight, but figured it couldn't hurt. We didn't want the things disintegrating in our hands. "Don't verbalize them, but can you tell me what they are each for?" Ashante asked. Scully nodded and flipped back to the front. She read the first page of each spell and was usually able to determine the title of the spell and what it was supposed to accomplish. This time Ashante had brought some paper, a quill and ink. Their paper looked much like papyrus but was a very flexible like cloth and extremely thin. I wasn't sure how they made it or what it was made of. I didn't bother to ask. Scully went through the book, "Elf Illusion, Amazon Illusion, Dwarf Illusion, Knight Illusion, Storm Giant, Fire Giant and Barbarian Illusions are all in here. I think we should send messages to the other races to be careful and check their own people. Drow may have infiltrated their ranks. That could be a bloody disaster," she stated. "I think Anzwen's suggestion may have been more important than we originally thought. "This one explains the ritual sacrifice and how to create a death shade. God, that's disgusting." Comments like this floated out of her mouth for nearly an hour as she carefully read the book and dictated the names and purposes of the spells to Ashante. She also added if there were any special ingredients needed. A few of the more advanced spells needed ingredients other than mana. Among them was kale. We needed to inform the Barbarians to check out all their kale harvesters for imposters. All in all it was a productive afternoon. We hadn't learned much that would help us defeat the Drow, but we had learned a few things that might save lives if we got the word out fast enough. Medini sent her gullwind home to request five others to report to her for duty. About fours later, Nella and her companions descended the steps of the palace where Medini was waiting with the rest of us. Ashante carefully rolled her messages and put them in the little leather tubes around their necks. Medini gave them instructions where to go. Nella had seen all the leaders on our trips with the envoy. Medini gave her a name and face, and Nella would pass it on to the others who hadn't seen their targets. They took off in a flurry of flapping wings and were gone from the horizon in minutes. That done, we decided we'd done enough for one day. Ashante went to visit Liessa in the infirmary and find out if she could tell us any more about the Drow or what had happened to her. Anzwen had held a funeral for Idrin yesterday, not wanting to delay. Ashante was disappointed she had missed it but was glad Liessa was alive. Anzwen had assured her that her adept, Elvara, had conducted a marvelously touching ceremony. We took a nap. I was exhausted and so was Scully. I woke up to find her gone and I heard a soft moan from the door of bathroom. I leapt out of bed nude and ran to the door. "Are you all right?" I asked. She was reclining in the water. "Yes, I just felt something move in my stomach. It was weird." I smiled and slid into the warm bubbling water of the tub with her. I put my hands on her tummy and felt a flutter. I laughed and leaned in to kiss her. She looked at me and said, "Something's changed, Mulder." "What?" "I don't know. I feel different. When I felt that movement, I could swear," she trailed off on the last word. "Swear what?" "I don't know." "Tell me," I demanded gently. "I need to have Ashante check me out again." "You're worrying me, Scully," I said bluntly. She smiled. "I thought I heard something in my head." I scrunched my brows in question. "What do you mean? From the baby?" "Not exactly, it was like I heard ... two heartbeats," she said finally. "Two?" She held up a hand. "Don't freak out yet. It could be just my imagination." "You haven't been wrong about anything else since we got here. You knew you were pregnant the moment you conceived, practically. On earth it would have been almost a two month wait before you were sure." She stared at me and said, "I'll have her take a look again." "Let's go now," I said. "No, let her have some peace, Mulder. She's had a rough few days. We only have a few more before this campaign starts." I looked at her and must have seemed worried. She smiled softly. "Would it be a bad thing?" she asked. I shook my head. "No, it would be a great thing." She smiled wider. "Especially if this is my one shot." "I don't believe that." Her smiled slid off her face. "I have to consider that after this, if we make it back to earth, I might be barren again." I nodded, knowing she was right, but not wanting to accept it. "It's possible. It's equally possible you won't be." She nodded. "Go with the flow, remember?" she chided. I nodded and hugged her to me, feeling the water bubble gently around us. "I love you, Scully. Jesus, you take my breath away sometimes." She smiled widely again and leaned in, rubbing her nose against mine. It was a tender gesture that gave me a lump in my throat. "I love you too, Mulder," she whispered. Then she kissed me and I didn't know anything else for the next twenty minutes. XXXXXXXXXX THREE DAYS LATER Scully and I traveled to the Dwarven temple by teleporter. We asked permission to use their temple to go to each territory and check to be sure the armies were assembled and ready and to give them a time to strike so that we would all hit the borders of Skulldown at relatively the same time, one after the other. They agreed and we were slightly sick to our stomachs after each trip for a few minutes, but managed to check on all the armies in one day. Tomorrow was the big day. We left for Cyneraayt. The day after that, we were to attack. XXXXXXXXXX ASTARTE ELVEN TERRITORY LATER THAT NIGHT That night, Ashante examined Scully again. I was with her this time, watching, while Scully squeezed all the blood out of my hand with her tight grip. It belied her nervousness that was not showing on her face. Ashante did a pelvic but also used a clear and yellow crystal on her tummy and a spell to ascertain what was inside; an Elven ultrasound if you will. When she was finished, she looked up. "There are two. One is about three weeks more developed than the other." "That's impossible!" Scully denied immediately. Ashante smiled. "Maybe where you come from." I smirked. "Haven't you realized yet, Scully? This place is full of extreme possibilities." XXXXXXXXXX PART 3 (NC-17) CYNERAAYT FIRE GIANT TERRITORY The city of Cyneraayt rose before us like a giant stone behemoth. The walls were a hundred feet high and easily thirty feet thick. Their city was surrounded by a moat as well, only this one was filled not with water, but bubbling lava. "Don't want to fall in there," I commented idly as we traveled across the lowered drawbridge, remembering our first trip into this country. "No, you don't," Scully said in response to my stating the obvious. We were met by a group of Giants including Darjon and Loopkar. King Raul stood out in front. He was roughly the size of Darjon, standing a bit over ten feet tall, but a bit slimmer than his head Fire warrior. He inclined his head. "We greet you," he said. "I've been looking forward to meeting you," he said to Scully and I. We inclined our heads, mimicking his gesture. "Join me for dinner. Tomorrow is a big day." Grooms appeared and led our nervous mounts away. We talked to them soothingly, assuring them they were safe here. They didn't like the heat or the fire or the fact that everything around here was red. Scully had to scold Shadar as he breathed on every torch we passed and turned the flame into icicles. Fortunately for us, the Fire Giants had a sense a humor. He was told to stay outside and near Brenneka. He didn't like it but did as he was told. We entered the stone palace that was as much of a fortress as the city itself and were led to a gigantic dining hall. Everything was of a size for Giants, but they'd erected a smaller table about our size and lined it with a proportional bench. It was placed to the right of the king's table where he held court at the end. We'd never had the occasion to meet or dine in Atmos, other than in the courtyard before the battle with the Drow, so this Giant to Elf furniture ratio thing hadn't come up before. King Raul said, "I asked Darjon to take measure of your furniture when he visited so that we could prepare for your coming to visit. Then when I got the battle plans, I realized we might not get the chance, but you might need to stay here before the charge, so I had them build some tables, chairs and beds in your size." "That was most kind of you," Anzwen commented. "We appreciate it." "It was the least I could do," he said in his basso voice, which literally reverberated off my chest. We had a pleasant dinner and were directed to our quarters. Each chamber had not only a bed, but also a table with four chairs. We all dragged our chairs into Ashante and Anzwen's room to have a brief meeting before we retired for the evening. The morning would be spent traveling and getting into position for our attack. The attack was to begin when the sun was directly overhead, or their equivalent of high noon. We reviewed our plans quickly, finding no glaring flaws. I winked at Joachim as he retreated behind Medini, carrying his chair. Although the Amazons were attacking from the south by water, Medini had insisted on staying with the Elves. Her argument had been that if they needed to send messages for any reason, her gullwind was the fastest and best equipped to do that. Although everyone had their marching orders, people still deferred to Anzwen as the master of this campaign. Anzwen caught my wink smiled at me questioningly. The door closed and Scully and I were left alone with Ashante and Anzwen. "What was that all about?" "You don't know?" I asked, genuinely surprised. He shook his head. Ashante said, "What did you want to talk to us about?" she asked. Anzwen interrupted, "Wait a minute. What do I need to know about Joachim?" I smiled. "Nothing," I said. He frowned at me. "He's one of my captains now, Mulder. If something's going on with him, I want to know." I licked my lips, torn between my oath of secrecy to Joachim and my need to be open and honest with Anzwen. I'd promised his relationship with Medini would be our secret. It wasn't mine to tell. I'd promised his secret was safe with me. "It's nothing bad, Anzwen, I promise. I promised him to keep his confidence and I don't want to break it." He looked towards the door as he contemplated my remarks. "Does it have something to do with Medini? Does he have a problem working with her? I know it's unusual for us to take an Amazon into the ranks, but he's always been flexible." I grinned from ear to ear now, unable to stop myself. "No, he has NO problems with Medini." I saw understanding dawn on Ashante's face. "Holy Goddess! You're not saying they are," she bit off the end of her sentence. I smiled and shrugged. Anzwen was frowning. "I don't believe it," he declared. I pressed my lips together and looked up at him. "Why don't you ask him?" I said finally. Ashante looked shocked but not disgusted. I couldn't interpret the look on Anzwen's face. He was clearly stunned, but I couldn't tell if it bothered him or not as the implications sank in. Ashante asked, "Are you saying he's falling for an Amazon? Romantically?" I cleared my throat. "Uh, I think he already fell," I said blandly. "You didn't hear it from me, okay?" Ashante said, "No, we guessed. I was wondering myself. Do you know how far it's gone?" I stared at her a moment. "I'm not going to answer that," I said firmly. She nodded. Anzwen was still looking at me with his mouth hanging open. Scully addressed him. "Is that such a bad thing?" He shut his mouth and swallowed. "I don't know. I've never heard of such a thing. Not in my lifetime. I'd be willing to bet it has never happened. The races don't mix." I said, "That may be changing." He nodded, still considering. "Should I talk to him?" he asked. I shrugged. "I don't think he needs any help if that's what you mean," I joked. Ashante let out a burst of nervous laughter. Scully was grinning. "I personally think it's great. I'm not blind to the problems it could cause though," Ashante added. Anzwen looked down. "The Elves are generally accepting of the new and strange, but interracial romance, I don't know." He looked up at me and met my gaze. I said, "I think they'd take their cue from YOU," I said gently. He swallowed and then nodded curtly. He understood what I was saying. If he accepted it, his people would too. "Who knows?" he asked. "Just me and Scully until now, as far as I know. I don't believe they've told anyone." "What about the Amazons?" Scully asked. Ashante shrugged. "I don't know, but something tells me they wouldn't be as upset. They need men. That's a fact. If they were willing to look outside of their race, they might have a better chance of increasing their population. It might be a discussion to have with Imatra and Foamrider later. I never thought of it, but if they extended the offer, they might be surprised at who would answer the call." Anzwen said idly, "It would be interesting to see what the children would look like." He was trying to act like he wasn't fascinated by the idea, but I could tell the gears in his head were turning. Scully asked. "Do you have any children? You've never mentioned any." Anzwen looked at Ashante. She sighed. "We decided to postpone it. Ruling a kingdom is grueling. We were only crowned leaders two decades ago when Anzwen's father died. Elves live to be 200 years old. Time-wise, twenty years isn't a lot." Anzwen said, "We want children. We want a family, but then the tensions started to grow, politics took over, and now the war with the Drow is upon us. We did discuss it lately, and decided we would wait until this war is over. If the Drow succeed, I want no child of mine brought into this world," he said. We nodded in understanding. Ashante said, "It's also made me realize just how precious life is to all of us. It can be gone in the blink of an eye." We knew she was thinking of Idrin. "If we survive this war, I am going to stop taking contraceptives," she stated and then looked to Anzwen a bit fearfully. He smiled and nodded. "I love you Ashante, you know that. I've always said it should be whenever YOU are ready. It's always been your decision." "I know you want an heir," she said quietly. "Yes, I do. You also know I would never push you." "I'm ready, but I want this war behind us." "I agree." Scully said, "I feel like we're intruding now. Let's go to bed, Mulder. It may be the last time we sleep for a long time." I nodded and stood up. I looked at Anzwen. "If you talk to Joachim, go easy on him." Anzwen's brows shot up. "He's a man in love," I said. "Don't forget how that feels when you talk to him." Anzwen smiled and nodded. "I won't. Again though, it's a talk for another day, when all this is behind us." "Good night," I said, and followed Scully out of the room. XXXXXXXXXX We stripped and slipped into the bed. It was scaled down but still so huge I felt I was swimming in it. The pillows were gigantic as well. We laughed as we rolled around a bit, finally meeting in the middle. "Are you too tired?" I asked. "You're insatiable. You do know that, don't you?" she asked me with a straight face. XXXXXXXXXX NC-17 PORTION XXXXXXXXXX My cock was hard in an instant, just from the 'all-business' look on her face. I nodded, suppressing the smile that wanted to spread across my face. "I haven't heard any complaints," I managed to get out with a straight face. She yanked me to her and kissed me. It was deep and hungry and desperate. Our mirth was gone in an instant. We both knew, without saying that we might not live through tomorrow. We both hoped for the best. However, if this was our last night together, I wasn't going to waste it. We fondled one another for a few minutes. Not that I didn't enjoy foreplay for the sake of it, but it took very little to get us both ready these days. We responded to each other's touch instantly. I flipped her face down on the bed and she wrapped her arms around the pillow that was nearly as big as she was. I straddled the backs of her legs and grasped her hips, lifting her ass into the air. She moaned when she felt the swollen head of my cock tease her outer lips. I rubbed up and down, teasing her clitoris until she was pushing back trying to impale herself on my shaft. I braced myself and slid deeply inside her. "God, so tight," I moaned. I could feel the warm dribble of fluids as they seeped out of her. I pulled back and gave a hard thrust, feeling her open to my invading shaft. I could never get enough of that feeling. She hissed with pleasure. "So deep this way," she muttered. I thrust for a few minutes and her moans began filling the room. I sped up, passionately burying myself inside her. I bent at the waist and reached around, fingering her clitoris and circling it with two fingers. She let out a long howl as she orgasmed. I bellowed and shot my load of hot cum inside her, emptying everything. I slowly slid out of her and watched as a little of it leaked out of her. She sighed and collapsed to the bed. I went to the bathroom and returned with a piece of chamois-like material they'd left on a low stool in there. We couldn't even begin to reach the sink easily. I cleaned us up the best I could and then spooned up behind her. "I love you, Scully," I whispered in her ear. "I love you too, Mulder. I'm scared," she admitted. I buried my nose in the hair at the back of her head. "Me too. You're my life. You know that don't you?" I heard her sniffle lightly before she said, "And you are mine." XXXXXXXXXX SKULLDOWN DROW TERRITORY THE NEXT DAY - NOON Balgoth looked up at the pounding on his door. "Enter!" he bellowed. An assassin he didn't recognize entered the room, bowing low. "Master, we have trouble." "What is it?" he asked. "Large party of Dwarves and Knights approaching from the west and northwest." Balgoth smiled. "How many?" "It appears to be ... their entire armies, Master." "That's impossible!" The assassin bowed again. "How many?" "Our spies tell us approximately a thousand mounted Dwarves, maybe five hundred axe throwers. We're not sure about the infantry. They didn't count before they came back to report but they said at least a couple hundred." Balgoth's smile was gone now. "And the Knights?" "About the same, Master, give or take." Balgoth scowled at the hapless assassin. He wondered if those numbers could be right. If they were, it would mean that the majority of both armies were approaching. "It won't be an easy fight, but we still outnumber them. Find Micar and Talab. Tell them to assemble a thousand troops apiece and head out. Ride out to meet them before they get too far into our territory." "Yes, Master," the assassin said obediently, bowing again. "Oh, and tell them each to take a necromancer with them." "Yes, Master. Consider it done, Master." He turned on his heel and scurried out of the room. This didn't bode well. What in all the holy rings of hell were they thinking? They couldn't hope to defeat Skulldown with a force of that size. Perhaps they only meant to make a punitive blow? Well, they would pay for their stupidity with their lives. XXXXXXXXXX Balgoth was still confident when he heard of the Amazons landing on the south shore. He dispatched Irae and another set of troops consisting of 750 death warriors and 250 javelin throwers. Spies were showing up on his door at an hourly rate, returning from the borders with disturbing news. When he heard of the Barbarians and the Fire Giants, he finally started to get worried. He called all his necromancers together and ordered them to the Sacrifice Altar. He commanded them to use all their prisoners, everyone they had in cells and dungeons. He wanted as many death shades as they could produce in as short amount of time. They would worry about replenishing their stockpile of captives later. Of course, he knew performing that many sacrifice rituals would drain many of the necromancers and turn them into liches. He couldn't care about that now. How had he not seen this? How had his spies not known of this collaboration? For that was what it was. It had to be. For that to happen, they must have met. Someone had screwed up big time. If they'd known about a meeting of the races, they might have been able to wipe out the leadership of all the races with one massive attack. He growled out loud as the thought of that lost opportunity came to him. He'd sent more troops out to the borders to meet the Fire Giants and Barbarians. Another knock sounded on the door. "WHAT?" he bellowed. The nervous spy entered, bowed and said, "Northeast corner of Skulldown, Master." He stared at hapless spy. "Who's left for Golgoth's sake?" "The Storm Giants, Master." He took several deep breaths to calm himself. His plans were coming apart. He didn't dare summon Golgoth. He wouldn't fail. He would send these troops, they would defeat these lesser, puny armies and then their territories would be left vulnerable. "Tell Driz to take troops up there to head them off, whatever we have left. The necromancers are making sacrifices as we speak. When they are finished, I'm splitting them up to go reanimate the fallen on the borders." "Yes, Master." The spy fled his chambers, relieved to escape with his life. Balgoth stared at the closed doors. Who was left? Out loud he said, "Where are the fucking Elves?" XXXXXXXXXX Xun, the head necromancer knocked twice and entered the chamber to find Balgoth standing in front of his large desk in deep contemplation. "Have you done what I said?" Balgoth asked calmly. Xun answered, "Yes, Master. Shades are being sent to the lines as they are created." "How many more to go?" "About a hundred or so." "How many have you dispatched?" "About ten or so to each conflict, maybe sixty or seventy in all." Balgoth nodded. "Are we in trouble, Xun?" he asked. His necromancer's name meant demon. It was appropriate. Like him, he was a minion of Golgoth and had demon blood flowing in his veins. "We might be. It's too soon to tell." One thing he liked about Xun was his constitutional inability to panic. His inability to show rage was an asset, but it ignited Balgoth's own anger on many occasions. "Any reports?" "No, we sent the spies back out to observe the conflicts and report back. None have returned yet, but it's too early. Give them another couple of hours." "Where are the Elves?" he asked, his anger bubbling out of his lips now. Xun raised his eyebrows. "I don't know. Safely behind the rest of them, I'd imagine." "Fucking cowards," he spat out, spittle flying. Xun flinched and ducked a piece of phlegm but said nothing. He was unruffled as always. "Let's not panic yet." "Who said I was panicking?" Balgoth hissed with heat. Xun merely raised a snow-white eyebrow. "I'll report back in an hour." With that, he turned on his heel and left. He heard Balgoth's fist slam into his desk and his roar of frustration. He muttered under his breath, "This is all your fault, you overblown ego maniac." He knew something Balgoth did not. Telling him now would only make him act rashly as he was prone to do. Balgoth didn't know it yet, but the Saviors had survived. He'd seen it in his visions. XXXXXXXXXX SKULLDOWN NORTHERN BORDER The Fire Giants and Storm Giants struck at the same time, clashing with the troops that met them. Every race was encountering the same thing; a wave of mounted death warriors, a wave of javelin throwers, followed by a wave of footman wielding halberds, and then a wave of death shades. Much to their surprise and delight, they outnumbered their foe. This was not to say they weren't taking heavy losses, but in the end, the few remaining Drow had retreated inland toward the underground city. They regrouped and pressed inland behind them. XXXXXXXXXX Meanwhile, the Elves broke through the lines of warring Giants and plunged into Skulldown, galloping straight for the Temple. The archers and staffmen would catch up to them and be the backup troops to assault those that got away, or flank the entrenched Elven riders when they caught up. A fierce battle waged outside the Temple. Scully and Ashante were mostly busy parting the clouds and drawing sun. Rows of riders fanned out with enchantresses in between doing the same thing, creating rings of sunlight around the Temple. It worked well. They'd decided not to breach the walls of the Temple yet. As the death shades emerged, the sun killed them instantly. They hadn't been spelled for protection from daylight as they planned to travel under the cover of Skulldown's cloud cover. What we didn't know was that there were still prisoners inside. The screeching of death shades drew a few of the necromancers outside. They withstood the sun better, immediately casting defensive spells. Then the blood started to spill. Groups of ten Elven riders, one company under a captain, would peel off and go after one mage as he emerged. This spread out the troops a bit more than we'd have liked, but just when things were looking shaky, the archers and footmen showed up. The place was showered with arrows. Often they didn't kill the necromancers, but they slowed them down just long enough for an Elven rider to behead them and cut them down. Scully and I rode close to Joachim's company as Ashante and Anzwen rode with Dorian's, leading the charges and barking orders to the troops. Three Drow attacked our flanks, going straight for Scully. I whirled and swung, beheading one almost instantly. The other two hesitated. It was their death warrant. I spurred Jadian into a lunge. I swung at the second Drow and Jadian gored the third through the heart. In a sudden lull, we realized the troops were milling around, looking furtively for other foes and finding none. Ashante and Scully dropped their staffs, nearly exhausted, and the other enchantresses did as well. Darkness fell and the wind rose. We could hear wails from inside the Temple. I looked at Joachim, Medini close by his side. "We have to go in," I said. He nodded. Anzwen hollered to be heard above the din and the wind. "Regroup, reform your companies. If you've less than six riders, join with the company next to you. Archers and infantry join with your appointed captains!" The shuffling began. We had lost only two riders, but I saw quite a few dead littering the ground. I shouted, "Any archers or footmen that can ride, grab a riderless mount!" More scrambling took place. The archers carried short swords for hand-to-hand combat, and the footman carried daggers. Many of them now dropped their staffs and grabbed a riderless horse, planning to use their daggers instead. Several horses were dead as well. Anzwen trotted up on Percy. Percy was snorting and stomping, obviously unsettled by the atmosphere. Most of us were. "Ashante and I will go in with Dorian's company." "How about a signal if you need help?" "I'll try to send someone out if we need help." "You shouldn't both go in," I argued. Ashante and Anzwen looked at each other. "He's right," Ashante said. "I'll go. They'll need the magic." Anzwen frowned. "Not this time. If we die, we're going to die together," he said firmly. "I left a will leaving Dorian in charge if both of us perish." She stared at him for a couple more seconds and then nodded. I could see tears pooling in her eyes. Anzwen turned to the reassembled crowd. "If we don't come out within a half hour or send word, we're gone." He paused. "If we're gone, obey Mulder and Scully as though they were Ashante and me. Dorian will take my place." I was humbled by the nods I saw all around. Dorian scanned the crowd. He was the head of Elven warrior guild. "If I do not return," he began. All his men were riveted on him. "Joachim will be the new Elven General." A few gasps were heard at that. I glanced at Joachim and he looked stricken. "I'm the newest captain, Dorian!" Dorian just held his gaze. "Perhaps so. You're also the best Elven rider in the army. I selfishly kept you in my company because you were the best. You should have been promoted a long time ago." Nothing else was said. I watched Medini reach out and grasp his hand across the space that separated their mounts. Their legs were nearly touching. Nobody seemed to notice. They turned and dismounted. Anzwen, Ashante, Dorian and seven of Dorian's remaining riders, along with three of Anzwen's remaining bodyguard marched toward the doors of the Altar of Sacrifice. It looked like a volcano, black, ugly, and misshapen, rising into the sky hundreds of feet above our heads. They were gone fifteen minutes and it was the longest minutes of our lives. We heard screams, some Elf-like, some other- worldly. Finally, they began to emerge. They looked ragged and tired, but they were alive. A few had cuts and bruises. The enchantresses raced to help them. A couple had serious wounds, one of which was Anzwen. Scully slid off Brenneka immediately. Ashante was supporting him with his arm slung over her shoulder. I followed and helped her guide him away from the steps of the temple. A soldier appeared and threw a blanket down. He tumbled down onto it. Ashante was chanting immediately. Scully was examining. He had a sucking chest wound that was turning black. He was gasping and arching his back in pain. Scully looked up at the sky and simply said, "Help me." She returned her attention to Anzwen, ripping open the pouch at her neck. She took out a handful of blue crystals and began placing them around his wound. He gurgled and hissed in pain but tried to lie still so they wouldn't roll off. Ashante was casting every healing spell she knew; I was sure, and crying at the same time, unashamed. No one asked questions. There would be time for that later. I dismounted and stood behind Scully. He peered up at me with glazed eyes. "Fight, Anzwen. Don't give up. I'm not ready to lead this crowd." Ashante said, "A damned lich got him." Behind me, Dorian said, "He died for it too." I didn't have to ask who had killed him. A cough of understanding was his only response. "What can I do?" I asked. Scully said, "Pray!" I began silent prayers to every deity I'd ever known of, including the ones on this planet. The soldiers gathered behind me and began prayer, chanting out loud, "Goddess hear our call, save our Beloved! Goddess hear our call, save our Beloved." Their voices were melodious as they rose into the clouds, giving me a shiver down my spine. They worked tirelessly for about ten minutes. It seemed like a lot longer. Shadar appeared, screeching overhead and I backed out of the way as he landed near Scully. He lifted a leg. Attached to it was a leather scroll tube. Scully pulled it off his leg and ripped it open. She read quickly and dropped it, picked up her staff and straddled Anzwen's legs standing up. She began to mutter under her breath. A few seconds later, the clouds split wide open, roiling back, and sun poured down on the area. She aimed her staff at his chest. Ashante had moved to his head and was cradling it in her lap, having done all she could do. The sun hit her staff and instead of being redirected as everyone expected, water poured out of her staff and splashed onto his chest. He heaved in a deep breath. A couple of crystals rolled off. The water was a bright, brilliant blue, and it poured into the gaping black wound. He began to convulse but the black was fading and turning pink. The charred, curled skin at the edges straightened out and began to reach across the wound. When the black disappeared, skin began to grow like time lapsed photography until the wound was closed, leaving only a bright pink round scar that covered most of his ribcage. He was panting softly. Scully stepped away and staggered. I caught her easily and held her up. Joachim reached down near my feet and picked up the scroll that Scully had dropped. His eyes scanned it. "It's water language," he said and handed it to Medini. She scanned it and lifted her head. "It's a written spell from Foamrider. It simply says, 'Use this for Anzwen.' Then the spell is written out. I don't even know some of these words." I picked up the leather tube as Medini handed me the scroll. I carefully rolled it up and put it back in the tube and tucked it into one of the pouches at Scully's waist. She straightened. "I'm okay now." Ashante was still weeping silently, but kissing Anzwen all over his face. She helped him sit up. His hair was wet from the splashed water and he looked pale but alive and healthy. He pulled the shredded sides of his tunic together and then shrugged, seeing it was a total loss. He smiled up at Scully. "Thank you." "Thank Foamrider," she said, in her inevitable humility. Ashante looked at her. "What was that?" "A very special spell that only a few adepts know," Scully said. Ashante scrunched her brow. "It draws moisture from the clouds but destroys them in the process. It saturates the water with mana. Basically it was a spray of almost pure mana." "Jesus," I whispered. Ashante smiled tremulously. "I owe you big time." Scully smiled. "No you don't. Let's just get out of here." Ashante stood and helped Anzwen to his feet. He twisted his torso and stretched his hands above his head. He hunched his shoulders and let them drop. "I can't believe it, but I feel fine." Ashante could have blinded us with her smile. They crushed each other in an embrace and cheers went up. Soldiers filed by, quickly kissing Scully on the cheek and ruffling her hair in gratitude. For once, I wasn't jealous. She deserved every bit of gratitude. She finally looked down at Shadar who was squatting at her feet, his nose resting on the ground. He looked completely dejected. "Shadar," she said softly. He looked up. "You went to Foamrider on your own, didn't you?" He made an odd humming noise interspersed with grunts. Scully said, "He says he could feel my anguish and my certainty that we were going to lose Anzwen. He didn't want me to be so devastated and sad. He felt my pain. He knew Foamrider could help." I huffed out a breath of emotion and reached out, rubbing his head between his horns. I swear he purred, his eyes rolling back in his head in pleasure. We chuckled. "I'm surprised he didn't go to Zephyr." More grunts and humming. Scully said, "He says storm sorcerer's great for war magic, not so good with healing." We both smiled now. Scully threw her arms open in invitation. He looked delighted as he stood up on his hind legs and spread his wings. Scully wrapped her arms around his neck. She had to reach up to do so. He was taller than me now. She hugged him ferociously and he purred and did that odd bobbing thing on his legs, his wings flapping back and forth. "You were wonderful!" Scully exclaimed. He snorted and you could see his frozen breath spray out of his nostrils. "Uh, Scully, careful." She laughed and released him. No more time to dawdle. "We have to get going," she said. Everyone was already mounted, waiting for us. "What now?" I asked as I boarded Jadian's back. Anzwen said, "On to the city." A final unearthly roar was heard and I spun as a body hurtled through the crowd at me. He looked different from the other necromancers I'd seen but I didn't know why. I heard the panicked cry of one of the Elves. "LICH!" Before I knew I was moving I was whirling in a circle, my long sword in one hand, my dagger in the other. My sword sliced off the arm at the elbow that reached for me. He bellowed, although in pain or rage I wasn't sure. I heard thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk. He was being pelted with arrows from the archers. He rushed me again and I dodged. As he plunged by me, the arm he had left glancing off my chain mail, I whirled again and struck. I drove my dagger into the wrist of his remaining arm, effectively holding him in place as he tried to pull back. I swung my long sword with all my strength as I kicked one leg up into his chest. Two things happened at once. My dagger came loose from his wrist and my long sword sizzled, sparked, and cut cleanly through his neck, relieving his body of its head. He was smoking before he hit the ground and I leaped back. The others had already backed away. He fell forward and his head rolled a couple feet and came to a stop. His back was riddled with arrows. We watched in silence as he burst into flames and was ashes in a matter of seconds. I was heaving heavy breaths as I sheathed my weapons. There was silence for several moments and I turned and said, "Are you sure that fucking Temple is empty now?" I saw a few sheepish smiles and Dorian assigned ten Elves and himself to enter the Temple and make a last sweep. Scully looked down at the pile of ashes and saw a book there, unburned. She knelt and ran her fingers over it without picking it up. She looked up at Ashante. "Xun Book of Shadows," she advised. Ashante said, "Blessed Goddess!" "What?" I asked. She smiled at me. "You just killed the head necromancer of Skulldown, Mulder." "He was a lich," I said dumbly. She nodded. "Which means they've made a lot of sacrifices today if he gave himself to the cause." "Were we able to save any of the prisoners?" I asked. She shook her head sadly. "We were too late." XXXXXXXXXX PART 4 (R) SKULLDOWN CITY DROW TERRITORY We reassembled our troops in an orderly fashion. The lich attack and the secondary sweep of the Temple had caused us a delay. We were now behind schedule to meet up with the rest of the races and surround the city of Skulldown. Once assembled, I asked them to wait and moved myself into the center of the assembled army. Once there, I pulled out the book given to me by Troen. "Crowd close," I told them. As many as could gathered close to me until we were packed like sardines. I swallowed and held the book out in front of me. I opened the cover, holding the edges firmly. A beige flash rippled out from the book and traveled over the assembled crowd. I heard gasps and whinnies from the mounts. When the rippling disappeared I said, "Let's ride!" We headed out at a breakneck gallop for the city of Skulldown. The day was not over. The spell not only made us swift, but it didn't sap our energy or the energy of our mounts. Hundreds of soldiers rode as one unit even at that pace and left miles behind them in a matter of minutes. A quick count had told me that Dorian had lost three more riders and was now down to four of his original company of nine. One bodyguard was missing as well, leaving Anzwen with only two. They joined with Dorian bringing his company up to seven. On the way to the city, they told us of fighting several death shades inside. Ashante and the warriors were able to cut down three necromancers but then they came upon a lich. It struck out of nowhere and hit Anzwen. He'd gone done with one blow. The lich had been strong. He had taken out three riders and a bodyguard before they'd killed him. Dorian had killed that one in a rage, but apparently Xun had been hiding. Killing Mulder was his last ditch attempt to foil our plans. It showed desperation on the part of the Drow and was a good sign. We didn't take it for granted though that victory was ours. There was still a stronghold city to conquer and we honestly didn't have any idea how many Drow troops were left. "Hope we don't run into too many of them," I said in the understatement of the decade. An hour later we were approaching the city. There was nothing to see but a few signposts stuck in the ground, with multi- colored feathers on them to indicate the way. We had descended into a valley. When we reached the bottom it was perfectly flat. We rode a couple of miles in. We could see the entrance to the city, a huge stone building that stood over the entrance to the underground. You could see for a couple of miles in all directions. When we looked across the flatlands, we couldn't help but smile. To the south, the Amazons were seen. To the southwest, the Barbarians, to the west, the Dwarves, to the northeast, the Knights. I swung around to look north and was not disappointed. The Fire Giants were approaching from the northwest and the Storm Giants were coming from directly north. It was obviousthey'd all suffered losses, but they all still had sizeablearmies that became more distinct as their shapes grew closer. When we ringed the city entrance in a circle easily two miles around, we entered the building, mounts and all, Anzwen leading the charge. The building was enormous. I guessed about thirty acres under roof. I was a giant room ringed with doorways. We dismounted, leaving our mounts in the building with a token force from each army. Many had to remain outside. There simply wasn't enough room. There were six doors and a gigantic trap door in the middle of the floor. Each race took a door bearing a symbol of their race, which led to stairs going down into the underground city. There wasn't one for the Elves. Rumors were all they had to go on as to the lay out of the underground city. Lore said that the entrances led to six separate areas. The rumor was that centuries ago the Drow's original plan had been to take over and convert all the races, bringing them here to live, each with their own area. That had never materialized, but maybe that had been the plan if they had succeeded in this war. It didn't bode well that they had not planned on having the Elves here. Those that didn't become Drow would have been eliminated. Genocide at its finest. I was fairly confident we'd wiped out the majority of the Drow. Ashante was fairly certain most of the necromancers had been killed at the Temple. They had obviously gathered to feverishly produce more troops. A bad tactical move at best, putting them all in one place. If they were wiped out, the chances of running into any more animated skeletons, liches or death shades was slim. We'd yet to see a vampire, but that didn't mean they weren't here. If they were, the most likely place would be underground, here in the city. Quick looks into the doorways showed that higher ceilings were built into the areas for the Giants. Many things had been taken into consideration. I shuddered to think of a Drow the size of Giant. We, of course, followed the Elves down the hatch in the center of the floor. The Dwarves had plunged in with enthusiasm. Underground was one thing they shared with the Drow and they weren't frightened of it. The other races didn't like it but weren't really frightened. The Elves, however, loathed enclosed spaces, especially the underground where the sun could not shine. The trepidation was nearly palpable in the air as we descended the long, wide staircase into the bowels of the earth. We fanned out and did sweeps of every room and hallway we encountered. With surprising ease we cut down most of the remaining Drow we ran into. Anzwen said they were spies. They weren't full assassins and weren't trained killers, more trained in self-defense. They were trained to be inconspicuous, slide in, observe and slide out without being seen. They were easy marks. The further we went, however, the greater the foes. Without much surprise, we ran into our first vampires. They flew at us with unbelievable speed. If we could cut them down before they could get a hold of us bodily, it was all right. We lost a couple of soldiers that weren't quick enough and were snared by the creatures before we could cut them down. Fortunately, we outnumbered anything we seemed to run into. I was surprised we weren't meeting more resistance. Ashante said, "I don't think they have a resistance. I think our strategy worked. By staggering the attacks slightly, he foolishly divided his troops and spread them too thin. We cut them down at the borders. There is nothing left." "Don't let your guard down," I warned. Anzwen said, "No, don't let your guard down, but I think she's right. He should have pulled everyone back to the city. Together, we would have had trouble taking them on their home territory. He not only spread his troops too thin, but he left his Temple unprotected for the most part. Not very wise for a supposedly vicious foe. Balgoth is known to be one of the best war strategists that ever lived. "Panic," I said simply. "Or arrogance," I added. Anzwen nodded. "I think so. He heard of an attack on his borders and sent troops without checking with his other spies. As the reports came in, he sent troops, never imagining that we could all coordinate and strike at once." Scully nodded. "By the time he realized it, it was too late. They were engaged and he couldn't call them back." "Exactly, so he took his chances and sent the rest of his people out to the borders, never thinking we could break through to the city." We came to another huge room that was ringed with doors. "Shit," I muttered. "We haven't found him yet, though. Should we split up?" I asked as the warriors filed into the room behind us. "Probably not a good idea," Joachim said. Medini said, "If we split, I'd only split in half. We outnumber them, but that's our strength. That lich at the temple took down four of you and he was horribly outnumbered. Those vampires have gotten some us too." Anzwen nodded. A crash was heard behind one of the doors. "That's our cue." He advanced on the door with his soldiers close behind him. He threw the door open and leaped out of the way. Nothing happened. He peered inside but it was pitch dark. Ashante created a glowing globe and chucked it through the doorway. It lit up the room and then we could see the shadows along the wall. The Elves charged the door, bursting into the room. Their sun enchanted swords sliced through the death shades that seemed to materialize out of nowhere. Scully leaped forward but something told me not to go in there. I grabbed her shoulder and held her back, feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The room looked large and the Elves grouped in the center, putting their backs to one another and fighting the shades that came at them from the walls. It was impossible to see how big it was in there, but it was obviously a good-sized room. Scully was looking at me strangely. I said, "We should watch their backs." She frowned. "Mulder, they need our help!" she exclaimed. The last of the Elves had entered the room. I don't even think they realized we weren't with them. I felt a breeze brush my back and whirled, swinging with the sword I had held at my side. It contacted with flesh before I saw it. A bellow split the air and the most enormous Drow I'd ever seen was suddenly in view. He jumped back and crouched in a fighting stance. The door to the other room slammed shut, cutting off our aid from there. I realized he'd done it with his mind. Holy shit. He was enormous. His skin was jet black and he stood nearly seven feet tall. His bulk was overwhelming, his arms and legs like tree trunks. I shivered when I looked into his eyes. They were flaming red. He was shaven bald with tattoos on his face. His body was easily twice as wide as mine. I held my sword up, ready to swing and drew my dagger from my right hip with my left hand. I knew Scully was behind me, but I couldn't spare her a glance. Something told me this was what all this had been leading up to. He lunged and I swung, missing completely. His baritone laughter rang and echoed off the walls. His voice was low and a sibilant hiss. "We finally meet; the infamous Saviors. You've caused me a lot of trouble." "That's our job," I said, proud that my voice hadn't trembled like my insides were. He actually laughed. "Ah, and it has a sense of humor too. I think I'll kill you first, then I can have fun with your little Elfling bride there." "Over my dead body," I growled, feeling the anger rise up in me and wash away the fear. I was suddenly calm and loose. It must have showed on my face because he tilted his head to peer at me. "Oh, it will be," he said. He swung a broadsword and I easily danced out of the way. We circled around one another and he began to swing and lunge. I parried, blocked, spun, and side-stepped out of the way. My sword sparked and sizzled every time it met with his. He looked surprised at first but then got used to it. He started casting spells. Streaks of fire and electricity shot at me. Scully countered them all with some sort of spell that threw them back at him. He was hurt and grunted when his own magic hit him but it was far from putting him down. I was starting to get tired when Scully yelled, "The disks!" She launched a bolt of energy from her staff that hit him directly in the chest. He staggered backwards, giving me just enough time to open the pouch and pull out the Chaos disk. I pressed the button and tossed it in between us. The blades rose up and began whirling around me. I lunged just as he regained his balance. My blade connected with his forearm. It sparked with lightening and threw a flash of sunlight, and sizzled with the heat my gauntlets were pouring into my blade. He bellowed, yanking his arms back as the blades of the Chaos disk shredded the skin around the cut from my blade. I could hear pounding on the doors, bodies being thrown against them. People were trying to get in. We had no idea if they were friends or foes. God, I hoped they weren't foes. This one was all we could handle right now. He muttered a spell and the room was pitched into utter blackness. All I could see was the glow of his red eyes and I had no doubt that he could see me. I backed up to the wall and heard his sword whistling through the air. I dove to the side and did a somersault. Next thing I knew, the chamber was lit with an eerie red glow. Scully was holding the fire rock in her left hand, her staff gripped firmly in her right. The rock was putting off enough light for me to see by, thank God. His reach was longer than mine. I put my dagger in my belt, pulling the other disk out and put it in my teeth. I redrew my dagger and we danced again. He'd nearly cornered me against the wall and my dodge was short. His blade glanced off my chest, ringing on the mithral. I grunted as it nearly knocked the wind out of me. I threw myself to the side as he swung again. I realized he was driving me toward Scully, hoping my blades would injure her. He bellowed as the earth under his feet spiked up, stabbing him through his boots and into his thigh muscles. She had used the hell spikes wand. I glanced at her to see her holding her staff between her legs and wielding the staff of hell spikes. It gave me time to gain my feet. I saw the blades slowing down and bit the button, spitting it out just in time. It fell, hit the ground and bounced up, a new set of blades whirling around me. I drew him away from Scully as she circled aroundbehind him. She needed to stay away from me. He lunged once at me and then turned abruptly, lunging for Scully. In a move I'd never seen her use before, she crouched and leaped into the air, rising a good four feet off the floor. He'd aimed low and his blade sliced through the air beneath her feet. I roared and charged his back. I heard her staff clatter to the ground. He spun to counter me and that's when Scully dropped the staff of hell spikes and pulled the Gnosis wand from her belt and aimed it him. I could tell she wasn't absolutely sure, but she shouted, "BALGOTH!" A stream of brown color waved out of the wand and collided with his head. He roared, flailing for a moment or two, and then dropped his weapon, paralyzed. "KILL HIM!" she screamed. I leaped at him, the blades shredding his back as I pulled back and drove my sword straight into his back next to his spine. I hoped demons were organized like most other bipedal creatures. I was right and my heated blade sank into his skin and straight through his heart. Flashes of sunlight, sparks of lightening and sizzling skin burst out of him. He couldn't move, but he could scream. He did. So loud it nearly broke my eardrums. I dropped my sword and went down to my knees, covering my ears as blood spurted like a fountain, hitting the ceiling and spraying everywhere, dripping down the walls. Scully went to her knees too as he fell. She covered one ear, pressing the other to the wall, but stoically held onto the Gnosis wand. I felt the ground shake under me as he landed. It felt like an earthquake. I hoped the whole place didn't come down on our heads. He gave one last death roar, convulsed and went limp in a pool of blood. Finally, the magic that had kept the doors shut opened all at once. His death had killed the magic. Dwarves, Elves, Knights, Giants, Barbarians and Amazons poured into the room and looked around in a daze. He gave one last gurgle and blood poured out his mouth as he lay on his stomach, his head turned at an awkward angle. All was silent. Ashante approached him, not getting too close. She scanned the assembled crowd. "Balgoth is dead!" Cheers went up all around. I regained my feet and my eyes immediately sought out Scully. She was crumpled against the wall in a heap. I screamed, "Scccuuulllyyy!" I staggered to her, feeling the bruising on my ribs from Balgoth's glancing blow. My ears were ringing and I felt dizzy. I fell to my knees next to her and pulled her head into my lap. I cupped her face. "Scully, please!" Ashante and Foamrider were there immediately. They didn't even try to take her head from my lap. They just knelt on either side of her and went to work. I belatedly realized tears were running down my face. I could hear comments all around us. "She killed him." "I don't believe it." "That sword sticking out of his back didn't come from her." "He killed him." Anzwen's voice broke in above the din. "They BOTH killed him. Now quiet!" Silence fell while the two most powerful mages worked. Slowly Duvanab, Katelanna, Siobhan, Zephyr, and Loopkar all came forward. They each cast their spells and then moved away. Foamrider pulled out her crystals again and held her blue crystal wand to Scully's forehead. "What's happening?" I cried out. Ashante laid a comforting hand on my forearm. I was still cupping her face. "The backlash of the magic hurt her internally." "No!" I sobbed. She squeezed my forearm. "Look at me!" she commanded. I raised my eyes to hers. "She can't die," I said, sounding pitiful even to myself. I didn't care if I looked like a pussy. I heard a few sniffles in the crowd as well. "She's not going to die!" she said firmly. Although, I wasn't sure if it was she or me she was trying to convince. Finally, Foamrider sat back, removing her wand. "I've done what I can," she said. "What does that mean?" I asked angrily. "What about that spell you gave her for Anzwen?" "That only works outside," she said. "Please Scully, come back to me!" I sobbed, leaning down and kissing her forehead. Katelanna stepped forward again and knelt down. She reached up and pried the Gnosis wand from Scully's hand. She closed her eyes and hummed for a few seconds. Then she opened them and touched the wand to her chest. She began to chant. It sounded like gibberish to me, even with the translator. A full minute went by and then she jerked suddenly. A wave of brown streaks left Scully's body and shot up, hitting the wand and knocking Katelanna backwards. She jerked again and dropped the wand. She was dazed and moaned as though in incredible pain, grasping her head. Kellerite helped her to sit up again. Scully coughed and I sucked in a deep breath. "Yes! Scully, I'm here! Come back to me! PLLEEAASSSEEE!" I wailed. She choked and sputtered. Ashante and Foamrider rolled her onto her side. A brown substance coughed out of her mouth in a spray and soaked into the dirt next to her head. Foamrider pulled a flask from her belt and used the blue liquid inside to rinse the brown puke from her face. Scully flopped over onto her back again, her head once again landing in my lap. She opened her eyes and they locked with mine. "Mulder," she croaked. I was crying a steady stream now. "I'm here, Scully. I thought you left me," I said. "I can't leave you alone, Mulder," she whispered. "You need a keeper," she croaked. Chuckles and laughter were heard all around. Foamrider said, "Can you sit up enough to rinse your mouth with this?" Scully didn't answer but began struggling to sit up. "I've got you," I said, and easily lifted her up slowly. Foamrider cupped her chin as she poured the liquid into her mouth. "Gargle and spit it out." Scully did as told. "Mulder, are you hurt?" she asked. The woman had just come back from the dead and she was asking if I was hurt! "I'm fine, Scully. A few bruises," I amended when she turned her head and gave me a dirty look. She didn't like the phrase, 'I'm fine,' any better than I did. She swallowed and looked at Katelanna. "Thank you." Katelanna nodded wearily. She tried to get to her feet and staggered. Kellerite steadied her. Foamrider stood up and walked to her slowly. Katelanna's eyes were suspicious, despite all we'd been through. Foamrider said, "Your magic saved her." Katelanna blinked slowly and said, "It almost killed her, too." Foamrider nodded. She asked, "You took the backlash out of her and into you, didn't you?" Katelanna nodded and nearly fell over. Kellerite steadied her again. "I reversed the spell in the wand and used it draw the magic back into it instead of out." Foamrider swished the liquid in her canteen and held it out to Katelanna. "Drink this." "What is it?" she asked. There was no suspicion in her voice now, just curiosity. Foamrider smiled. "Pure blue crystal healing water." Katelanna actually looked choked up as she reached out slowly for the flask. "You offer this to ME?" she asked quietly. Foamrider nodded. "You saved the Savior. I think we've had enough suffering for one day. If you don't get healing, how long will you be sick and dizzy?" she inquired. "Days probably," she whispered. "Could it kill you?" "It might," she croaked. "Drink," Foamrider instructed again. She clasped the flask like it was pure gold and tipped it up to her lips. She gulped it greedily until there was nothing left and then wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. She handed the flask back to Foamrider and said, "We aren't used to having to say thank you," she began. Foamrider just smiled. "I think some things need to change around here, for all of us." Katelanna nodded. "Thank you. I feel better already." I helped Scully to her feet and asked, "What happened with the rest of you?" Anzwen said, "It seems all those sections led back to here. That room we were in is some kind of headquarters. His desk and personal belongings are in there. He wasn't though. Seems he drew us in there to get you two alone and then locked us all in. We tried to break in when we heard him out here but we couldn't break the doors down." "Are they all dead now?" I asked. "We think so," he answered. I swallowed. "Damn it! Where is it? We NEED to find that portal." I smashed my clenched fist against my leg. Anzwen smiled, but it was touched with sadness. "Mulder." "Yeah." "We found it," he said quietly. THE END.