TITLE: SECOND SKIN SATIN AUTHOR: KIM BERGLUND E-MAIL: xveritas@user.rose.com RATING: NC-17 ADULT CONTENT: SEXUAL SCENES. This isn't rated NC-17 because as a writer I don't believe in censorship and ratings fall under that umbrella. As writers we should be promoting creativity and imagination and decrying censorship of any kind. I feel the word ADULT is sufficiently descriptive to inform individuals of the possible need for a choice. Comments are welcome, lawsuits are not. Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are the property of Ten Thirteen Productions. A Get Spanked Production in cooperation with Rosie Passanisi. Without whose help a version of this story would've been written anyway...just without the endless nagging and interference, excitement and laughter. This is for Rosie. XXXXXXXXXXXXX Fox Mulder's attention kept straying to Dana Scully as she moved from room to room. She was unsettled, restless, and his curiosity was killing him. Mulder was sprawled on the couch making a pretense of watching TV. He shifted, his legs relaxed in a wide vee. He hit the remote again. Homicide....CNN. She'd come over to discuss the Pender case dressed in her jogging sweats, carrying a knapsack. Whatever she was up to she'd planned it in advance. He could hear her now rustling around in the bedroom. He heard something hit the floor and heard her curse. Mulder grinned. Whatever was on her mind, he was about to find out. At ten o'clock on a Friday night Dana Scully strode determinedly into the room dressed for work: conservative navy suit, cream blouse, black pumps. "Scully, has there been some shift in the Space-Time Continuum I'm not aware of?" Mulder was surprised when she didn't answer. She just walked to the couch and handed him a small white envelope, her fingers brushing his. She smiled secretively then walked out of his apartment. Staring at the closed door, Mulder tapped the envelope on his knee. He knew Dana Scully very well. They'd been partners, best friends. And now? He lifted the envelope to his nose and drew in a breath. Scully's scent was clinging to it the way he sometimes fantasized she'd cling to him. In the deepest part of the night when he was caught between sleep and dreams, when his skin was cold with loneliness and his heart ached to be held close to someone, close to her, he dreamed of her arms around him. When he reached out, there was no one there. They had moved beyond simply being friends and partners, Mulder knew. They were attuned on a deeper more elemental level that neither one examined too closely. Not even death had been able to sever their bond. It was as spooky as any X-File. They'd both been to the edge of the abyss and heard the other calling them back. It had kept them both alive and at times had been their sole reason for going forward. Mulder knew it was only a matter of time before they took the next step. Once it hadn't even been a consideration. Somewhere along the line it had evolved into an anticipation; a fine tension that threaded its way through their daily lives until they could barely remember a time when it wasn't a part of their existence. An unspoken inevitable consummation of their conjoined souls. He knew her. Knew how she'd react in most situations. But this? This was too strange. What the hell was she up to? She'd written on the envelope: Special Agent Mulder. Mulder opened it gently, suspiciously, treating it as he would a piece of evidence. The note was in her handwriting, the black ink stark against the heavy cream bond paper. 413 Larkspur Lane. That was it. No time, no idea what he was walking into. Nothing else to go on. He smiled to himself. Obviously she expected him to live up to being a Special Agent. It was a measure of the trust they had for one another. Rising from the couch, Mulder clicked off the TV. He tugged at the hem of his Georgetown sweatshirt. She'd been dressed for work. He headed for his closet and grabbed the suit he'd hung up hours before. He changed quickly and checked himself out in the bathroom mirror as he straightened his tie. He especially liked this one. Skinner had taken one look at the conservative black tie with the grey X's and turned a dangerous shade of red. He ran a hand down his cheek and under his chin, hearing the rough sandpaper sound echo across the tiles. He turned away and hurried through to the living room. He didn't want to waste any time. Scully was waiting for him. He was sure of it. He could feel it. He could feel her waiting, thinking about him. In the glow of the fish tank, he slipped his holster onto his belt, checked his firearm and settled it in place. Locking the apartment door behind him, Mulder headed for the street. He crossed to the Ford Taurus, unlocked it, got in and started the engine. Pulling away from the curb, he drove automatically, his mind on Scully. Finally, Mulder pulled up across from 413 Larkspur Lane. He'd had to stop twice to ask directions from cab drivers. Thank God in D.C. cabs were as abundant as crooked politicians. As he exited the car Mulder took note of the blinking red neon sign above the arched stone doorway, setback in the entrance to an alley. Club LaCroix. Mulder's mind was clicking over as he walked across the deserted street to the bar. Wasn't his birthday. Wasn't Scully's. Wasn't Skinner's kind of place. The Lone Gunmen couldn't get through the door with Mac Tens. No relation to the Pender case. Mulder was still trying to figure it out, to figure out Scully while he paid the ten dollar cover and forced his way through the gyrating crowd to the bar. The discordant rock and dance music assaulted his ears, the smoke stung his eyes, the sweat and high class perfume had him wrinkling his nose. The heat made his throat ache for a cold beer but the desperation permeating the club had his curiosity overriding his thirst. The millennium was approaching with all the subtlety of a meteor hurtling towards the blue planet. The desperate ones in Club LaCroix were hurtling towards each other guided by hormones, biological clocks, and the innate human drive to connect with someone at any cost. Mulder shrugged. Or it could simply be a matter of Friday night horniness. But that didn't explain Scully's actions. Or did it? A guy could dream. Even a down to earth, practical, logical guy like himself. Mulder took up a position with his back leaning against the semi-circular bar, on the edge of the hardwood dance floor. His eyes scanned the crowd looking for Scully. A hip swinging bottle blonde in a tight black miniskirt appeared in front of him with a tray. She gave him a searing once-over then handed him a bottle of Heineken. "I didn't order--" Mulder watched her jerk her head at the upper level. "She did. Too bad, you're hot." Eyeing him hungrily, she sashayed away but Mulder barely noticed. Scully stood at a waist high railing observing him. He could see her from her ankles up. She was still wearing her suit but she too had a beer in her hand. She lifted it to salute him, closing her lips around the mouth, tilting her creamy throat for a long, hard swallow. He mirrored her action never taking his eyes from hers. Lowering the bottle Scully licked a wayward drop of beer from her lips then ran a palm along the neck of the Heineken. Mulder held his breath as she pressed her hand to the base of her throat and slowly, tormentingly, eased her fingers along the vee of her blouse, spreading droplets of condensation onto her skin. Mulder gasped, a sheen of perspiration breaking out all over his body. He squeezed his eyes shut, wondering wildly if he'd open them to find himself back on his couch with his latest video playing. The crowd and the music were a distant thunder. He could feel the fire licking at his body, his blood beginning to heat in his veins. His fingers tightened reflexively around his beer. He opened his eyes. He didn't go to her. She didn't want him to. For whatever reason, she wanted to play it like this, from a distance. He'd go along, even if it killed him. Mulder sucked hot air deep into his lungs and watched longingly as Scully twisted to set the beer on the table beside her. She looked back at him then started to shrug out of her suit jacket. Bending over she shimmied her chest to extricate herself causing the cream silk blouse to shift under the strain. Mulder moaned as a purple lace covered curve was exposed. Then it was gone. Hidden from sight as Scully draped the jacket over a chair. Mulder shifted slightly, turning to face her, leaning his right elbow on the bar. He groaned as he moved. Thank God he was wearing the loose dress pants and not his jeans. His eyes widened and he shot a look up at Scully. Her luscious red mouth was curved upward in a knowing smile. She knew. That's why she'd wanted him to dress for work. What else could she have up her sleeve? This was a meat market sure, but it was still a public place. Too damned public. His cell phone beeped but Mulder caught it only because the DJ was announcing a song dedication. Paradise By The Dashboard Light for G- Man. He yanked it out of his suit pocket, his startled gaze looked for Scully but she'd turned her back on him. He hit the button. "Yeah," Mulder yelled, plugging a finger in his other ear, holding the bottle at an awkward angle. "It's me. Having a hard night, G-Man?" His heart lurched in his chest at the sound of Scully's breathy voice. He pressed the cell phone closer to his ear. He couldn't afford to miss a word. "Hard enough. You?" She laughed. "Hard's not quite--" Mulder cursed as the music blasted through the room at high volume. He could only hear a word here and there. "........wet and slick--" "Scully, I can't hear you." As if he'd willed it, suddenly the room went dark and silent. Instantly Mulder's eyes sought her out as his hand dropped the beer bottle, sending it crashing as he instinctively reached for his weapon. "Scully!" Mulder stood in total darkness, listening to his heartbeat and her breathing, his hand on his gun. Then the backup generator lights kicked in, illuminating the club enough that he could see her. She was still there. She was okay. He let out a tense breath. A rumble rose from the crowd. Mulder heard the DJ shouting about a power outage. As his eyes adjusted to the dimness, Mulder could just make her out in the faint light. "You okay?" "Yeah, you?" Mulder took a breath of relief and blew it out. "Fine. Did you plan this, Scully?" "I have an electrical engineering degree, I didn't tell you?" He smiled. "You and the little green men. Scully, you wanna move this party somewhere more private?" People were nervously talking now. He could hear her perfectly but Mulder found himself whispering to her. "What party is that, Mulder?" "Scully, what are you wearing?" "The usual." "Under the usual." "Oh....you mean this?" Mulder's head jerked up. She was facing him. In the dim glow he could see her cell phone raised to her mouth. Mulder watched her reach up with her free hand and slide it under her breast. Her hand seemed to linger there forever as his heart rate increased. He couldn't tell if her fingers were squeezing or caressing or simply showing him the way. He groaned as she slid her fingers around her breast and pulled back the edge of her blouse. There it was again, a flash of purple and cream that hit Mulder harder than the beer ever could. He heard her whisper in his ear above his pounding heart. "It's just a little satin, Mulder. A little lace. The technical name is Merrywidow." "A teddy?" "You look kinda tense. Why don't you come up and see me some time, Mulder." The power surged, lights flashing, the music screaming back in burying Mulder's reply. He thought he heard Meatloaf wailing in the background. He knew the feeling. He pocketed the cell phone and headed for the stairs, for Scully. Feeling a tug, Mulder looked down to see elegant hands link through his arm, guiding him the few feet onto the dance floor. Looking at her face he was shaken for a moment. She was just a stranger. A tall slender brunette who might have been Phoebe or Kristen. She smiled provocatively pressing her breasts against his arm. As she leaned into him, putting her arms around his waist, he felt enveloped in a cloud of sex and Chanel. He started to pull away. "I'm Candace and you're Fox." Her voice was husky and full of wicked promises. His lips pursed as he cocked his head to one side. Scully. She'd been talking to Scully. "I've heard you might be persuaded to dance." "I already have a partner." "Really?" Candace pressed her hips tight against him. Oh God, he didn't need this. His body craved the soft contact but his mind wanted Scully, he needed Scully. His hands fell to her hips to keep her still. He turned his head to see Scully's watchful gaze focused on them. He dragged his attention back to the woman who was saying something in his ear. "Dana said this was my dance." "Did she?" Mulder tensed. "Then I guess we'd better dance." His body joined hers but his mind was racing. Scully'd brought him here tonight for a reason. Was this it? As crazy as it seemed, he thought so. Was she waiting for him to choose this Phoebe woman, this distraction? He realized they were moving to the music or his body was moving to her music. Her hands were gliding possessively over him in areas no one had touched lately but him. He hoped Scully was getting a good view. His body was responding but his mind was not as easy. Did Scully think this was what he really wanted or was she afraid of what she really wanted? Did she honestly believe he'd follow this woman out of here on a leash? He moved again to keep Scully in his sights. As always, she was the key. If he kept her under the microscope maybe she'd reveal to him what she was truly thinking. Mulder's hand settled into the small of Candace's back and he watched Scully closely to see her reaction. Her arms folded protectively across her chest as she gazed down, watching them intently. Mulder smiled. It was such a typical Scully stance. He kept Candace as a veil between them. His hands might be on this woman Scully'd thrown in his path but his eyes, his mind, his heart were on Scully. Over Candace's shoulder his eyes connected with Scully's and even from this distance their link was strong. Like her business suit, the railing was another shield she'd put between them, and her position there made him think of her on the deck of a boat. She seemed to be waiting. But waiting for what? Is she afraid I'll make the choice and come to her? If he hadn't been observing her so closely, if he didn't know her so well, he would have missed it. He saw Scully uncross her arms and spread them open, placing her hands on the railing, leaning forward in what looked to him like anticipation. Her movements were unconscious. But it was all he needed. He kissed the woman lightly on the cheek and whispered in her ear. "Thank you, Candace." "But the dance isn't over." Candace frowned, still holding on to him. Mulder pulled away, his eyes still locked onto Scully's. "It's just beginning." His smile was hopeful, tense but determined. And he made sure Scully saw it. He took off moving rapidly towards the stairs, determinedly taking them two at a time. He came up behind Scully and pinned her lightly to the railing. His arms reached out on either side of her, his hands resting on the top of the railing. Strangely enough it was quieter up here. But he could still feel the beat. "Patrick Swayze move over." "Oh, it's you." "You were expecting Constance?" "Candace." "Whatever." "Why'd you stop dancing with her, Mulder?" "Why'd you pick her, Scully?" "She's tall and leggy, she looks like she's out of one of those videos that aren't yours." Their bodies were so close, barely touching. Mulder could feel Scully's heat. Breathing deeply he allowed himself to be overwhelmed by her scent. He couldn't identify it but he'd know it anywhere. He felt like he was standing on a precipice with a hot desert wind at his back. His desire to be cleansed in cool waters was a raw need, like a bullet wound numbing and on fire at the same time. He shook his head to clear it and settled his chin on the top of Scully's head. She closed her eyes as his breath ruffled her hair. He was so close but not close enough. Opening her eyes she saw their hands side by side on the railing. She loved his hands. They were very much like the whole Mulder, lean and beautiful. Sometimes tender, sometimes deadly. She remembered the cool glide of them on the back of her neck in a cold storage room in Alaska, the gentle sanctuary cupping her cross in a quiet hospital room, the unsteady fierceness as he faced Krycek in a rage of drugs and vengeance. Scully slid her hands over his, her heart constricting as Mulder's fingers linked tightly with hers. They stayed that way for a long moment. Scully had awoken that morning, alone. As she did every morning. But today had been different. She was tired of holding Mulder, loving Mulder, only in her dreams. She thought she'd chosen Club LaCroix to be different, to be a little kinky. But maybe she'd decided to launch her seduction in public because she was afraid. Afraid to step over that line with him, afraid not to. She was afraid of not being sexy enough, tall enough, experienced enough. Afraid. "We can still turn back." Scully shifted in the lee of his arms to face him, considering his words. It wasn't what he wanted. She could tell by the tautness of his face, the tight control in his arms. But he'd do anything for her, she knew. No matter how great his need or his fear. "There's been no turning back for us Mulder, not since Bellefleur." Fragments of their first case poured over her; that cocksure facade that hid a haunted man, the darkened room lit by candles where he began to let her in, the rainsoaked cemetery that was their dual rebirth. This was no time to be tentative, to let the demons take hold. She'd done that too many times in countless moments in cars and motels. Taking a firm grip on Mulder's tie, Scully tugged. Pulling his head down to hers, she reached for her future. Her breath caught in her throat as his green eyes flashed fire before his lids drooped, the shadow of his long lashes tugging at an unfulfilled desire deep inside her. Scully kissed him gently below each eye. His shuddery breath bathed her cheek and she sighed. She felt the heavy weight of his hand descend on her shoulder. She pulled back slightly not letting go of his tie. His face filled her world and she drank him in, every pore, every curve, every shadow and stray hair. "Scully...." The raw need in his voice rocked her to her soul, intensifying her ache for him. Mulder's heat spread from his hand to her shoulder, shooting down her body. Scully was only aware of Mulder, of his touch, of his heat, the intensity of his eyes. His thumb was rubbing rhythmically through the silk at her shoulder. She felt herself melting, losing her sense of balance and reality as she slid deeper into Mulder's eyes, into his soul. Scully eased her hand from his tie and cupped his cheek, the five o'clock shadow rasped against her sensitive palm and sent a shiver through her. His head turned into her, nuzzling. Keeping her gaze locked on his, Scully slowly caressed his full bottom lip with her thumb. Mulder's tongue darted out and licked her. He watched her as her breath caught and tangled in her throat. Scully moaned, biting her lip, watching helplessly as he drew her thumb into his mouth and suckled. Trembling, she felt herself becoming wet with wanting him. Mulder was pushing her closer to the edge of sanity with every brush of his tongue, every nip of his teeth. Scully couldn't believe the effect Mulder was having on her. Usually she ignored the dangerous delirium that hovered unspoken at the edge of their world. Somehow that made this all the more powerful. There was a sharp glitter in his eyes that told her he knew her reaction and it was turning him on even more. Hazily Scully wondered, just who was seducing who? Slowly she pulled her thumb out of his mouth and ran it once again over his lower lip. Her lids drooped as she examined her glistening creation. She leaned up and licked away the evidence, her hand coming to rest on the hard muscles of his chest. She could feel him shivering at her touch. "Scully?" "Hmm." "You're being wicked." "I'm trying, Mulder." He kissed her then, his tongue lazily tracing the lushness of her lips before sliding down into the wet warmth of her inviting mouth. In and out, he stroked her tongue with his until he felt dizzy from the sweet taste, in and out. He heard the low purr in the back of her throat, tightening his fist in the silk of her blouse as he felt it vibrate through him like a declaration of love. Reluctantly, Scully pulled away gasping for air. She tasted Mulder on her lips and tongue and wanted more of him. Sinking her teeth gently into his earlobe, Scully sucked and nibbled. She felt a cool draft as Mulder inched her skirt up, his large hand splayed against her upper thigh. She moved into him, rotating her hips in a lazy dance more instinctive and primeval than anything she'd ever experienced. Reaching up she brushed a lock of hair back off his sweat beaded forehead. "I want you, Mulder. Take me home." "Oh God." As Mulder smoothed her skirt down with shaking fingers, he suddenly realized with startling awareness she wasn't wearing any nylons. The silkiness under his fingertips was pure Scully. He grabbed her jacket and settled her into it. He felt like a fever was raging through him, twisting him up inside, leaving him hard and fatigued at the same time. The enigmatic Dr. Scully was giving him a case of malaria, but she was the only cure. The sweetest catch-22 he'd ever encountered. Mulder clutched her hand, their sweat mingling, and together they pushed their way out of Club LaCroix. They hurried to the car and Mulder unlocked the door for Scully. She snapped on her seatbelt. Getting in he did the same, wasting no time in turning the Taurus towards his apartment. The car was like a haven, Mulder thought. A dark and private sanctuary where the only sound was their labored breathing, the shifting rustle of too tight clothes. Rigid, Mulder sat with his hands gripping the steering wheel. He could smell her, still taste her on his tongue, feel her heat as she sat next to him. "Are you okay, Mulder?" she whispered. "What the hell are we doing, Scully?" He found himself whispering back, almost as if they thought they were being bugged. "What we want to do. What we need to do. We've only been waiting, Mulder but waiting for what? For our lives to be normal? For Skinner to perform some sort of blessing?" He heard the urgency in her voice, the decisiveness, but he controlled himself and kept his gaze straight ahead. "Why won't you look at me?" He shrugged. "I'm trying not to run us off the road, Scully. D.C. cops frown on vehicular manslaughter." "You don't want to be wicked, Mulder?" He made the mistake of looking at her. At her red mouth curving seductively, her blue eyes appearing dark and huge in her pale face. Her cheeks looked a little flushed. Knowing he was the cause flooded him with immense pleasure. She graced him with one of her knockout angel smiles and Mulder's last doubt dissolved. "Yeah, oh yeah - I want to be wicked." A stab of painful delight tore through her at the goofy yet sensual grin Mulder shot at her. She loved the way his mole teased her, the sparkle in his eyes, the little dip under his nose that begged her tongue to sample its salty tang. Oh God, this car was moving way too slow. "I want you, Mulder. I need you. I can't wait. I need to feel you inside me." His head jerked, the Taurus swerved as car horns blasted around them. Scully chuckled low in her throat. This was getting fun again now that she had a tiny bit of control back. "You're not playing fair, Scully." He gave her a heated look then pressed his foot down hard on the accelerator. Fuck the D.C. cops. "I'm not playing, Mulder." His quick breath thrilled her, giving her an almost physical rush. She shifted to the edge of her seat to get as close to him as she could. Her seatbelt loose enough to allow movement, but confining enough to count as pedestrian bondage. "It's too hot in here." She leaned forward and tore off her blazer throwing it into the backseat. She knew he was watching her out of the corner of his eye. The car hit a red light and Mulder cursed, slamming on the brakes. "Take it off, Mulder." He eyed her for a moment, his breathing shallow and quick. He shrugged out of his jacket and threw it to join hers. Running ran a trembling hand through his hair, he reached out for her. His hand brushed her cheek but swept past and buried itself in the hair at the back of her neck. Tugging with little gentleness, he heard the fast breath she took, saw the excitement that lit her eyes. He tilted her head until her mouth opened to him, leaning in he kissed her hard. His tongue retracing his earlier path but with rougher speed, teeth raking her lush bottom lip as he withdrew, leaving her breathless and aroused. Mulder heard horns behind him and raced through the intersection. They were almost at his place. He could hold on. Sure he could. Scully came at him then, as relentless in her desire for Mulder as she was in her search for justice. Her fingers fumbled at his wrist, pulling it away from the wheel and resting it against her breast. That voluptuous kiss had just about killed her. It had made her hotter and wetter than she'd thought possible. She needed to feel his skin against hers. She undid the buttons at his cuff and rolled up his sleeve. With admirable control, she thought. Especially when she really felt like ripping his shirt off him. She pushed the shirt past his elbow, luxuriating in the weight and warmth of his arm against her body. The silky feel of his skin and hair under her fingertips had her twisting in her seat. Simultaneously, she kicked off her pumps and lowered her nose to his arm. Scully breathed in his sweat and faded aftershave, looking through her lashes at him she saw he was watching her instead of the traffic. Holding his breath, his hand fisted against her breast, his eyes beginning to glaze over. Scully broke eye contact and ran her tongue over her lips before kissing him tenderly on the inside of his wrist. That was her only concession to gentleness. Mulder's kisses and his nearness were pushing her past all limits of civilized thought. She was losing control and losing her fear. She bit him over his pulsing vein then laved the pain away. Mulder, Muldermulder. Killing him. She was killing him, Scully was turning him into a mindless sex machine. If driving one handed with a hard on the size of Texas wasn't bad enough, he had the most awesome view he never dreamed he'd get a chance to see. Not in this lifetime. And it was going to get him killed. Mulder used his peripheral vision to drive home raggedly. His gaze was locked on the tops of Scully's thighs where her skirt had ridden up. But he was confounded by shadow and the dark interior of the car. He needed to see more of her, to glimpse the parts of herself she kept hidden from everyone else. The dual sensation of her stroking his arm and his hand brushing against her breast was too much for him. He swore his vision was blurring, his ears ringing as all the blood rushed to one place. He wanted Scully to rush there too. Bending over his arm now, raised up on one knee she suckled once more at his wrist. Mulder groaned with excitement and turned his arm in her grasp, his hand in the perfect position to caress her. Slowly he ran his hand over the curve of her, feeling the weight under his cupping hand, the sharp point of Scully's nipple insistently revealing her desire for him. She arched under him, her breathing ragged. His hand glided down the silk covering, flattening against her quavering stomach then swiftly palming her exposed upper thigh. His hand looked so huge against her creamy white skin, so rough and dark. He watched Scully's eyes deepen in colour while her cheeks became even more flushed. The car swerved again and he dragged his attention back to the road. He didn't know how he'd managed it, but they were on his street. "We're here, Scully." He pulled his hand back and parked haphazardly in front of his building. He undid his seatbelt and saw Scully do the same. Scully wriggled to get her skirt down and fumbled for her shoes, every movement a feast for his hungry eyes. Twisting sideways, she reached for their jackets in the backseat, as Mulder's heart thudded with a surge of adrenaline. "What are you doing?" "Our I.D.'s. We can't leave them in the car." Scully handed him his jacket her fingers scorching his, she opened her door and slid out. Briefly, Mulder let his head drop onto the steering wheel. A dressing down from Skinner was a walk in the park compared to this. His head jerked up when he heard the door slam. He groaned as he shifted position to jump out of the Taurus to follow her. She was waiting for him at the bottom of the steps, about to slip into her blazer. "No. Don't put it on, Scully," he squeezed out. He slung his suit jacket over his shoulder. She tilted her head, giving him a puzzled look, her hand gesturing to the gun at her right hip. "Forget protocol. It's dark, I'll--we'll be inside in a minute. Let's go." She nodded, folding her blazer over her arm as she walked up the stone stairs in front of him. Mulder's lips pursed in a silent whistle of awe. This wasn't the first time he'd seen his partner navigate a flight of stairs, but it sure felt like it. Everything felt like a first. As he ascended behind her, his discomfort increased. Grimacing, he reached down inside his pants to adjust himself. They made it in the front doors and to the elevator without bumping into anyone. Mulder once again followed her lead, saying nothing. Barely looking at each other, they moved into the car. He watched her eyes run over him then flicker away as he came to stand next to her. She stood in front of the control panel but she was still, waiting. Mulder shifted sideways and leaned into her space without touching her at all. Pressing the button, he lowered his head as if to be certain he could see what number he was pushing, making sure to exhale near her cheek as he pulled back, his breath ruffling her hair. Her stuttering breathy sound made him feel almost as good as rubbing up against her. He closed his eyes tight for a second. It took everything he had not to throw her up against the paneled wall and rip her clothes to shreds, plunging inside her till they were both sated. The silence was a living thing, the air in the car as thick and heady as a hothouse ripe with lilacs, roses and wet earth. Mulder felt dizzy with it, the way he had when his nostrils were full of her scent, his mouth saturated with her taste. He wasn't sure if he could hear their hearts beating or if it was the thump of the elevator as it lifted them higher. It shuddered to a stop and clanged open, revealing a deserted hall, dimly lit. He stood with his feet wide apart, his hands crossed over his crotch, the ultimate in FBI cool as he sweated out her next move. Scully lifted her gaze to his taking in his stance then exited, moving languidly down the hallway ahead of Mulder. She stopped at his door. Locked. She felt him behind her, every nerve ending attuned to his. Turning, she pressed back against the door and faced him. He hovered over her, his desire rolling off him in waves. It raised the hair on the back of her neck. He was so focused on her, so intent. She imagined he was devouring her energy, becoming harder and more male with every breath. Her power was his. He gave it back and together they were fusion. "Key," Scully managed. Mulder grunted as he leaned over her, one hand landing near the 42 above her head, his other searching desperately. He felt his jacket slide from his shoulder. Panting, she dragged her eyes from his, mesmerized by the struggle in his pant pocket. Her fingers twitched with the overwhelming urge to touch him, cup him. She twisted mindlessly with the longing to free him and possess his silky hardness. Scully pressed her sweat slick palms flat against the door, moaning as his hot breath blew over her. He pulled out his key and moved to slip it into the lock near her but was distracted by her shifting curves. Seeking her hip, his hand held there kneading her flesh through her skirt. Her panting whimpers were a siren's song beating at the crumbling walls of his restraint. Her hips lifted to him shuddering and thrusting forward. Mulder looked into the dark dilated eyes of the woman who was his world. Responding to her need to connect with him he moved in tighter. His eyes scanning every inch of her glorious face as her hot trembling hand covered his and guided it from her hip, down, down where she needed him most. His face tilted in closer, his nose bumped hers, his mouth teasing the air above her darting one way then the other, descending then pulling back, his tongue darting out to swipe at her cheek like a big cat. Scully felt his fingers rub her inner thigh awkwardly around the keys he held. It wasn't enough. She reached out to capture his mouth with wild hunger, but he moved again, bathing her forehead. Wasn't enough. Scully moved her hand from his and cupped him, his surprised hiss, a thrill. The hard heat was too much for her. With her other hand she reached down with lightning speed. Her blazer crumpled to the floor. With urgent fingers Scully yanked his belt open. She unzipped him in one fast move. The steel rasp harsh and loud in the silent hallway. His body was suddenly taut, waiting. Her hands slid inside his boxers shoving them down as she went. Freeing all of him, a sense of raw power flooded over her. She was unaware of anything but Mulder. Mulder naked and throbbing in her hands. Oh God. He was so hot, so huge. The jingle as the key ring hit the floor barely registered with Mulder. He stood there dazed and shocked by Scully's boldness, fearful of breathing, of moving for fear she would snap out of it and change her mind. Fearful that she would stroke him and he would lose it. There was an animal inside him fighting to break out. Fighting to mark Scully as his and his alone. He wanted to sink his teeth into her neck, to slam into her as fast and deep as possible, to hear her scream in ecstasy as they came forcefully, frenziedly. Mulder looked disbelievingly at her. Their gazes locked onto each other with electrical urgency. This wasn't happening. The cool air and the hotness of Scully's hands was unbelievably erotic. Fire and ice. Her fingers began to move along his length. He seized her hands with his free one, and manacled them together. "Mulder--" she groaned. "Not yet, Scully." He dropped to his knees in front of her. Releasing her hands he grabbed the keys at her feet. Had to get inside. He jabbed the key into the lock. Then it hit him like a gunshot. His nostrils flared as Scully's scent assaulted him. His arousal pushed to full throttle. She was right there in front of him. Her skirt above her bare knees. He leaned his face against the barrier of her skirt and breathed deeply. Trying to absorb her through his skin. Feeling her fingers tugging at his hair. Taste, he needed to taste her on his tongue. One hand slid behind her to cup her bottom, anchoring her. The other glided up one bare knee, up, up under her skirt. There was something he was supposed to be doing, should be...the key, the door...something. Help Scully. Free her the way she'd done for him. His hand glided past her softest skin, the heat he was seeking so close now. She was mumbling something as she dug her nails into his scalp. He reached upward to cup her. Oh God. He felt her wet curls against his palm. She gasped and shoved herself into his hand. She wasn't wearing panties. He couldn't believe it. The proper Agent Scully was naked in his hands. Wet and naked. He shoved her skirt up to see. Without thinking he pushed his fingers up between her dripping folds, hearing her cry out as he sought the evidence of her boldness, of her arousal. His head cleared for a second and he pulled his fingers free, drenched with her liquid honey. He looked up at her his mouth hanging open in shock. He thought he detected a faint twinkle in her eye. Scully groaned her voice barely recognizable in his ears. Her eyebrow arched. "Tick, tick, Mulder." He lost it then. The sound of her voice a final crack in his control. A primitive guttural noise escaped him as he surged to his feet, yanking her to him trying to thrust inside her. His need ravenous and wild. He pushed against her. Inside, inside. Feel her tight around him, squeezing, hot. Scully felt his wet fingers sliding on her upper thigh as he made to enter her. He lifted her up, her legs going around him. God, he was too big. It had been too long. She reached down and guided him into her, her breath escaping as he thrust into her fully. He was out of control and she loved it. She was excited by the hunger in his eyes. She was responsible. It was her he wanted, no one else. His hips thrust against her mindlessly. In and out, fast and hard. "Scully, Scully." She hung on, one hand against the door the other slung around his neck. She whimpered under the onslaught. He drove into her again and again. Her head bounced back hitting the wooden door. She bit her tongue. Blood flowed in her mouth, copper and salt combined. She heard a metallic sound, felt something hit her shoulder. She moved against him as she picked up his quick rhythm. His cheek was pressed against hers. His five o'clock shadow scraping her skin. Just another part of Mulder pushing her to the brink. His hair was sweaty against her arm. His breath loud and throaty as he snorted into her neck. So wet. Scully was so wet. For him. Because of him. Turning his head, his mouth sought hers. Suddenly the scent of her blood sending him over the edge. He jammed his mouth against hers and tasted her, still thrusting rapidly into her. He pulled his head back, teeth bared and clenched. "Scully. Scully. ScullyScullyScully." He came so fast and hard he thought he was splitting apart. He could feel her right behind him, spasming around him, milking him as she came. Scully held back a scream, barely aware they were still in Mulder's hallway. She felt his hand caressing her roughly between her legs, felt herself breaking apart again. He was shuddering against her, slowing now, licking her neck where he'd bitten her. He was trying to catch his breath. It reminded her to do the same. "Mulder?" Her voice was soft and low. Wearily he lifted his head to look her in the eye. "Hmm?" "Inside." He grinned. "Yes." She laughed. "No. Inside your apartment." He was reluctant to pull out of her. He reached instead for the key and turned it, his other arm supporting Scully. Scully let go of his neck and turned the doorknob. Together they got inside with her still wrapped around him. Standing in the open doorway, Mulder looked at their jackets pooled in the hall. The 2 off his door was glinting alongside them. "Scully, you broke my door." "As long as I didn't break you." "You could keep trying." "I could." She smiled lazily. He felt her tighten her muscles around him. He gasped. "Jesus Scully. You're a dangerous woman." "Armed and dangerous, Mulder. Wanna play F.B.I?" "Long as I get the bigger gun." "Long as you don't drop it." Scully's laugh turned to a moan as he juggled her, moving inside her as he shuffled back to their jackets, kicking everything into the apartment. Scully was once again breathless. Her need for him as strong as before. "Let's play later, Mulder." She felt his intense stare gauging her need. His hips thrust forward lazily, and she arched in response. Her head thrown back presenting her creamy throat to his lustful gaze. This could become addictive, a habit, an obsession. Being with her, being inside her. He didn't think he could get enough of her. Didn't want to. He felt like he'd waited for this forever. He'd just never expected Scully to make the first move. And what a move. "I want to see you. All of you." Mulder watched Scully blink at his words. She was still flushed, her blouse in disarray. Purple silk peeked out at him, tantalizing him with memories from Club LaCroix . Reminding him of Scully's bold seduction. He had an urge to stay in the foyer, drop to the floor and keep rutting. He knew part of Scully wanted it too, but his body wasn't ready to follow where his mind was leading. Striding carefully, Mulder moved away from the door. Scully tightened her grip around his neck. "Where are we going, Mulder?" "I don't know." He entered his bedroom and moved to the bed. Gently he pulled out of her, eliciting groans from both of them then set her down on the edge of the bed. Scully sat deadly still for a moment, pinned by his hot gaze. Then kicked off her shoes and scooted backwards to the middle of the bed and waited. She wondered what he saw as he looked at her. She knew her skirt was bunched up to her thighs which felt wet and sticky. She watched Mulder grab for his trousers as they began to fall. Her legs had been the only things holding them up. He unclipped his holster, let the pants and boxers drop, stepped out of them and kicked them aside. Mulder set the gun on the dresser next to the TV and looked at her. Scully reached down and unclipped her own weapon offering it to him. Their fingers touched around the supple leather. Then he turned and placed her gun beside his. Her eyes followed every move as he kicked off his shoes, tore off his shirt and tie, finally standing naked before her. She didn't know where to look. She wanted all of him. His searing brown eyes, his mouth, those hands. He was a pleasure to look at from his strong chest and stomach, to his erection. Well, half erection. She shut her eyes on a sob. "What?" Mulder looked at her with concern, climbing onto the bed, placing a hand on her thigh. "Scully, are you okay?" He knelt between her legs. "I'm fine." She opened her eyes and smiled at him. It was their routine exchange. It'd passed between them a hundred times; sometimes spoken, sometimes not. He cocked his head to the side, waiting. She placed a tentative hand on his chest and slid it down till she was holding him firmly in her grasp. Automatically, he thrust forward into her hand. "I still need you, Mulder." He could get lost in those eyes as blue as the sea off the Vineyard. Carefully he removed her hand. Grabbing her other hand he stretched her arms above her head, lacing her fingers together. "Keep them there. You're still dressed, Scully. You must be hot." He swept damp tendrils of hair off her face. Then he ran both hands over her. She was breathing through her mouth with little pants and Mulder felt himself harden. Her excitement was more of an aphrodisiac to him than his own. She couldn't keep still, her body shifting restlessly on his cotton sheets. He'd never really imagined her here, his sanity hadn't allowed it. The skirt was in his way. Reaching under the edge of the twisted material he felt the damp sticky residue of their fucking. He brought his hand up to smell his fingers, watching Scully's eyes widen as he sucked them into his mouth. He tasted both Scully and himself. She reached for him arms going around his neck, drawing him down to her, her mouth seeking his, eager to taste the two of them just as he was doing. Wanting to experience everything that he did. Mulder felt himself getting harder with every sweep and jab of her active tongue. He felt her hand searching for him and grabbed it. Pushing her hands up above her head again, holding them immobile this time. He pulled out of the kiss, sucking on her bottom lip pulling it up, nipping it before letting it go. Her whimpers tore at him once again pushing him inexorably closer to the Rubicon. Scully seemed capable of sending him into orbit more quickly and frantically than anyone he'd ever known. He wanted to be her suave sophisticated James Bond, but he needed to be her beast man, her demon lover. With his large hand Mulder followed her cheek line down to her throat, caressing the hollow with trembling fingers. He laid his hand flat against her chest entranced at the sight of her tongue sliding along her upper lip. It was one of those Scully things that drove him quietly mad. He moved his fingers down hooking them in the fragile fabric at the top of her blouse and shot her a look. It was his turn. He did a very unMulder-like thing, yanking downwards, the hidden pearl buttons flying as her blouse split apart under his hand. Her shocked gasp echoed in his ears but he was focused on Scully, tightly encased in purple. Mulder swallowed hard. His hand traced what his eyes were devouring. Peek-a-boo lace, tiny bows, and Scully. Lots of Scully. Lots and lots of Scully. He brought both hands down to cup her. His fingers slid against the silk, tightening and kneading her. The sensation reminding him of being inside her. He tightened his hands around her breasts. "Mulder," she moaned, her fingers curling into the sheets. The silk of the teddy was nothing compared to the softness above it. His fingertips brushed her there feeling her heat, watching a pink flush spread across her skin. Mulder was kneading her breasts. He let his fingers loosen and follow the lace down the curve of her waist to the ruffled edge with the unattached garter snaps. He could hardly believe she was wearing something like this--this thing. "How does it feel, Scully?" he whispered. He knew she'd understand. He wasn't looking for a critique of his touch. His curiosity and childlike wonder at the ways of the world was an endearing quality that never failed to intrigue her. Even in the middle of making love to her he was Fox Mulder. He needed to know. Her voice was shaky and warm. "Different. Sexy. Wicked. Soft and tight." She wasn't trying to excite him, just to share with him. "Like you." The skirt was still in his way. She reached down and together they got rid of it and her shredded blouse. Scully was exposed above and below the merrywidow, her waist sucked in, her breasts blushing yet rising upwards for him. Tantalizing. But not exposed enough, he thought. Bending his head he nuzzled a covered nipple with his nose, listening to her heart beating, her breath lifting the hard flesh closer to his mouth. He looked up at her, then enclosed the silk and lace covered delicacy between his lips, tugging and suckling as he had done before with her thumb, her hands running through his hair holding him to her. She arched under him pushing herself further into his mouth, making little cries that urged him on. He played with the other nipple, watching it rise too. He looked down at the wet silk lace with the jutting peak beneath. She was twisting more furiously under him and he knew what she wanted. Her eyes were begging him but he needed the words. "Scully." Dazed she watched him sit up, his hands leaving her, his erection growing, but out of reach. He kept stopping her from touching him. He was teasing her and it was murder. "Son-of-a-bitch." He grinned. "That's right, Scully. It's Special Agent Son-of-a- bitch to you." He pushed his hand gently against her wetness, palming her, lightly grinding against her. She inhaled sharply, biting her lip, blue eyes blazing at him. "What, Scully? What?" "Fuck me, Mulder." "I am, Scully. I am." He hadn't known that hearing those words from her would be such a turn on. He ran his fingers along the folds of her lips, spreading wetness, palpating the pink flesh, hearing her moans of approval. He rubbed himself against her thigh but still evaded her questing, agile hands. "What do you want, Scully? Tell me." He watched her moisten her lips. "I told you, Mulder. You don't seem to be--oh-oh--" Sliding two fingers inside her, he gently brushed his thumb across her clitoris, watching her throw her head back. He continued for a minute then stopped. "...listening." "I'm listening." "Inside me, Mulder. Hard and fast." "Slow and steady wins the race, Scully." He returned to the rhythm his fingers had already started. Her hips were pushing up at him, gliding against his ever hardening flesh. He almost lost his train of thought. "Wha-what race, Mulder?" "The one you started in the club. You showed me your breasts then. Do it now, Scully." He pulled his hand away from her slick heat, enjoying her groans of protest. "No." She shook her head at him. "You want this, don't you?" He reached down, grinding his teeth together as he slid his hand along the hot, hard length of himself. Spreading her juices onto himself. Oh God how he wanted her. Her eyes greedily followed his movements, her fingers tightening in his bedsheets. "Okay, okay." His fingers slowed just holding himself gently as she sat up and eased both hands beneath the silk and lace restraints, cupping herself inside the merrywidow. Scully wanted to feel the hard heat of Mulder in her hands not her own softness. But she was surprised at how arousing it actually was. Made more so by the fascination and anticipation etched on Mulder's face. It was a look she'd seen reserved only for the most interesting case evidence or the occasional bimboesque entomologist. But now it was hers. All hers. All she had to do was do what he wanted. Such a sacrifice. And tell him what she needed. A little harder. "Show me." His words were abrupt, husky. Mulder sucked in his bottom lip as she did so. She pulled herself free of the teddy, her breasts resting on the underwire bra, jutting forward, their tips hard and ripe and waiting. She brushed a hand under each breast, letting them jiggle a bit for him. She heard him groan. "Do it." "What?" "Play with yourself, Scully." He watched her comply. She caressed their undersides gently, tracing the blue veins he could see clearly around the areolae and her nipples. Her fingers played over her nipples, caressing, fluttering, rubbing. "Harder." He forced the word out on a deep exhalation. She looked up at him, her face flushed, eyes glittering. She watched him as she tightened her grip, fingers twisting hard and tugging. She moaned. He flushed redder, his breath ragged and harsh, his hand still holding himself, beginning to jerk himself off without realizing it. Scully wanted to push him over the edge, to break him and see what he would do. She smiled at him lasciviously. Twisting at the sensations she was causing in herself, pressing her mound down into the bed. "This is what I want, Mulder." He saw her bow her head as far as she could and raise her breast to her mouth. Mulder held his breath, his hand stilled its motion. He couldn't believe it, believe her. Scully's swollen looking lips parted, her tongue darted out pink and wet to lick her nipple. She laved it letting her saliva run down the straining peak. Mulder remembered to breath, his hand jerking himself off. His eyes were locked onto the most erotic thing he'd ever seen. Would she do it? Yes. Scully sucked her own nipple into her mouth, tugging. Her other hand was buried between her thighs. She suckled for several moments. Mulder moved then, his other hand caressing her cheek as she pleasured herself. She let go of the nipple and looked at him, her lips wet, her expression wanton and abandoned. His head bent to lick her lips for her, sliding his tongue between them where her nipple had just been. He suckled her tongue, his fingers gripping her slippery nipple squeezing and pulling upwards, swallowing her moans. Breaking away, he grabbed her busy hand and licked her fingers, savouring the hot taste he couldn't wait to have for himself. "Mulder." "Mmmm." She yanked her hand back. But he wouldn't be dissuaded from her delectable flesh. He grabbed it back. He jumped with surprise as Scully smacked his hand hard. "Owie, Scully. That hurt." "I thought you were into kinky stuff." His eyes lit up and she almost laughed. "It's your turn, Mulder." "Gonna spank me, Scully?" "No." She watched his expression turn curious. He was still very hard and she found herself wanting to touch him, to taste him, to discover how the musky, salty man taste would be uniquely Mulder. "Touch yourself, Mulder," she ordered. She saw him blink and his lips pursed then he acquiesced. She settled back on her haunches, her hand finding her aching center again. Watching him was more exciting than touching herself had been. He was so beautiful, so male, so Mulder. His spirit was so old, sometimes it terrified her. But his countenance was so often the boy beneath the man that it thrilled her like an electrical charge. His eyes were heavy-lidded, his mouth red, his neck muscles tense. She could see the veins standing out in his throat and neck. She had a great desire to lick them, to bite them. He moaned and her eyes dropped to his large hand, his delicate artistic fingers gripping his rock hard erection, jerking it from its base to its tip, milking himself. Stretching himself it seemed to her. He was so rough. Not caressing but jerking himself hard as if he were angry with himself. It was highly arousing to her this sense of rough power that he exuded. Her hand twisted against her sensitized nub as Mulder's eyes turned to watch her. He grinned slyly and then she watched his thumb rub his own sticky white pre-come around the head of his shaft. With great control Mulder let go of his cock, offering her his fingers. He waved them under her nose. She seized his hand and sniffed, looking at him a little wildly he thought, then licked his fingers dry like a cat. They both sat for a moment watching each other before Mulder placed a hand between her pink tipped breasts and shoved gently. She fell onto her back. Scully opened her legs to him. Mulder followed her, his hands came down on her thighs, spreading them even further apart. He teased her by rubbing his hardness against her wet passage from top to bottom. Little cries escaped her as she lifted to meet him. "Now, Mulder. Now." He drove into her feeling her wetness surround him and pull him deep inside her, burying himself in her heat. She was hot and welcoming and he never wanted to leave. Mulder drove into her hard and fast as requested, his weight on his forearms as he pumped into her, grunting with the effort and the pleasure pain that was his only reason for breathing. His biological imperative, as he was sure Scully would scientifically define it. He pulled out on his last stroke hearing her whimpers and cries as he withdrew taking away her source of pleasure. Before she could protest he flipped her over onto her belly slamming back into her, barely missing a beat. He was entranced by the lace ruffle accentuating the plumpness of Scully's ass. Bracing himself with one hand, Mulder supported her under her belly as she pushed her hips back at him. "Mulder." she cried out, climaxing, spasming around him once again. Scully shook under Mulder's onslaught, biting her lip to keep from screaming. His grunts were exciting her beyond all reason, his need a direct link to her nervous system, an injection of Mulderlust straight into her bloodstream, shooting little stars along her veins. The sensation of him pulling out of her, effortlessly flipping her over and filling her in one swift thrust was so intense. It was more than she could take and she had come, calling for him. She wanted to see his face, squeezed tight with the pleasure she was giving him. He was still rock hard inside her. She knew he could keep going until he'd made her come again and again. "Mulder, I need to see you. I want to know. I need to know what you're feeling." She twisted around, catching a glimpse of his face twisted, straining. She could feel his hand splayed under her. She heard his breathing stutter and shallow out and feel the tremors begin. He was so close now but she wanted to see his face, the way he'd looked, watching her lick herself. She tried to pull away from him but he clutched at her grunting. "Scully. Scullee." She turned her head watching him as he came inside her, emptying his possible progeny deep inside her. She felt her womb contract at the thought of little MulderScully's growing inside her belly. Mulder's hand under her turning into a hand wonderingly caressing their unborn child. She pushed back on to him squeezing or maybe he was yanking her back. Either way they stayed joined as he emptied himself into her. Groaning he pulled out of her. Scully turned over and fell back, tugging him up onto her, his arms lying against her sides, his head pillowed against her abdomen, his breath hot and fluttery over her sweat sheened skin. Mulder clutched her upper thigh, his thumb rubbing against her. He didn't want to let go of her. He felt her breathing under him and his eyes started to fall. She shifted for a moment then the merrywidow hit the floor and the last barrier between them was gone. He felt Scully's hand stroke him, soothing away his demons. Scully felt as complete as she had when he was inside her. With her hands fingering the silky strands of his hair, still feeling his weight against her, watching his long eyelashes flutter shut, his mouth half open in a breath. He looked childlike but the blush on his cheek was not one of innocence but of satiation. She felt him relaxing, letting go. Secure and safe in her embrace. She still wasn't completely sure that she'd taken the right step tonight but it was a step that had to be taken. She didn't regret it. Could never regret the joyous feeling of his arms around her, his skin next to hers, his hot breath on her shaking body. The thrill of his voice whispering his need of her. His love. She didn't know where they were going from here or even how long they would have together. Mulder muttered something unintelligible in his half-sleep. So she ran her palm through his hair once again. Right now where they were going didn't matter. They would get there together. She felt his tongue moving against her, rough like a cat's against her still sensitized skin. "You're awake." He looked at her, his eyes heavy lidded. "Are you....sorry....you ..we...." She shook her head. She watched his furrowed brow. Knowing him as she did she realized a thousand worries and considerations were rapidly clicking over in his fertile mind. Mulder placed a hand on her belly. "If...." He bent down and laid a kiss on her belly. Looking up at her intently. She shrugged, her smile slight with the painful knowledge that she could not fill his need for a guarantee. No second sight would be a panacea to ease either of them through the long day of tomorrows that would dawn with the sun. He wanted to make that sad Scully smile disappear. He'd seen it too many times to count and each time like now it dug its claws into him, pulling and tearing at the heart of him to know that he always managed to contribute to her pain. All he wanted to do was fill her with the joy that her very presence afforded him. Moving down her body slowly, Mulder rubbed his face back and forth across her stomach, his tongue dipping briefly to explore her belly button. The clutch of her fingers in his hair encouraging him. His hands grasped her upper thighs as he spread them slightly preparing to taste her. "No." He looked at her questioningly. She blushed. "Mulder, I'm..." "Icky? It's just us, Scully." He could see her faint blush and smiled. For her to be modest at this point seemed very sweet to him. It was like there were at least two different sides to Scully and just when he thought he had her analysed she threw him. That she could keep surprising him was really no surprise. "You're not embarrassed are you, Scully?" She smiled back. "No. Just....icky." She made a face as if the word offended her vocabulary gods. "Circa 1929, Scully. Icky is older even than Skinner." "It's not the word, it's the feeling." She made to slide off the bed but he stopped her with a hand on her thigh. "Let me. Icky is my middle name." He hurried to the bathroom and filled a basin with warm water, grabbing a washcloth before returning to Scully. She had her knapsack on the bed beside her and was rummaging through it. She'd pulled on his shirt, the top buttons done up. He wasn't sure what to make of that. Or maybe he was. He imagined some of her boldness, like the heat from their passion, had dissipated. For the moment anyway. "Looking for your whip and handcuffs?" She looked up as he set the basin on the floor by the bed. "Pepper spray." She grinned at the face he made. "That's a little too kinky, Scully even for me." He jerked his head at his shirt. "What's this for?" "I was getting cold without you." "Maybe you just like me ripping things off you." "This is your shirt, Mulder." She found herself holding her breath at the glint in his eye. Scully broke eye contact and pulled the bottle of lotion out of her bag, setting it on the bedside table, tossing her bag to the floor. Looking back at Mulder she found the glint was still there. Mulder dipped the cloth in the basin, squeezing out the excess water. "Lie back," he ordered. She did so slowly, watching him rub the nubby cloth between his long fingers. He started to rub the cloth up her inner thigh, gently washing away the sticky residue. "This is special, it'll make it all better." He spoke softly, his voice stroking her in rhythm with his hand. He could feel her tenseness under him. He realized she was reluctant to let him do this personal thing for her. It was a ritual that began with birth, one usually performed alone. Mulder caught her eye. "Cleaning someone like this is very intimate." "It's like being a baby again." "It's just about trust, Scully." He watched her absorb his thoughts and push aside her modesty. Her body lost its rigidity, flowing back into his. Scully's breathing became heavier as he brought the cloth up between her legs with soothing movements that irritated at the same time. She twisted against the pressure of his hand. Mulder brushed the washcloth up and down several times before tossing it in the basin. He couldn't get enough of touching her. He was learning that constant contact with her skin was becoming second nature to him. He ran his hand over her. "You're dripping, Scully. I could get a towel or I could go back to my original plan." Mulder licked his lips. Scully sat up quickly and gripped the collar of his white dress shirt. "Scully--" She yanked in opposite directions, buttons flying across his bed, one hitting him in the chest. She was biting her bottom lip to keep from laughing. Mulder felt his heart bursting at the mischief that lit her face. He frowned at her, advancing as she retreated fast to the head of the bed. "That's a punishable offense, Scully. Not to mention that's an eighty dollar shirt." "Hah. Twenty dollars before it was marked down, Mulder." She pulled it off and threw it at him. He caught it with one hand and her with the other. She grabbed his shoulders pretending to push him away. He tried to hold her still while rubbing his balled up shirt along her upper thighs then between her legs. "It's never been put to better use." She ran her hands from his shoulders down over his chest, massaging his erect nipples with persistent fingers. "Oh, I don't know about that, Mulder." Groaning, Mulder flung the shirt away. "Time for the stress test. Shaken but not stirred--yet." Scully laughed as he scooted down to examine her. "Waterproof but not glow in the dark." He waggled his eyebrows at her. "Mulder." He grinned up at her hopefully. "Takes a licking but keeps on ticking?" "Mulder, you have the strangest idea of foreplay." "We both do. Four years is a lot of foreplay." "You haven't been practicing on someone?" "You're my first, Scully. I've been reading up, don't worry." Scully cocked an eyebrow at him. "Cunnilingus. Cunnilingus." He was on a roll now. "What is cunnilingus?" "Is this a quiz, Mulder?" "Can you say cunnilingus? If you can say it you can probably do it." "Glad to hear it." "You know there's a great rock 'n' roll song about this very subject. Strangely enough it's called Red Headed Woman." "Elvis?" "Springsteen." "You talk too much." "Yes ma'am." Mulder got down to business. Scully's laughter was definitely on a par with the aroused little sounds she made. Getting to hear both in one night was priceless to him. He nuzzled her just as he had her breasts. Marvelling at the contrast of crisp hair and moist silky skin. The same scent assailed him as when he'd smelled her in the hallway. It would be so easy to spend his life here in this fertile valley of Scully's. Thinking of nothing else but being here, pleasing her and himself. Mulder wanted a better look, he needed her as open to him, as needy for him as he constantly was for her. He looked at her. "I want you begging and whimpering, screaming my name." He watched her face flush with anticipation. He seized her legs and pushed them up so her heels were touching her ass. She started to draw her legs up but his hands tugged her ankles, keeping her feet on the bed. "Did I say you could move?" He heard her breath catch, her bottom lip quiver. He felt himself getting harder. He wanted her more exposed. Raised up. He needed a... Scully blindly reached out for one of his pillows and pushed it towards him. He gave her a hard look from beneath his heavy lids, took the pillow and shoved it under her as she lifted up. As soon as she settled, he slapped her upper thigh, feeling her jump. "You don't obey. You get punished." "Mulder--" "Stop squirming. Stay absolutely still. No matter what." There was no way she could win this new game of his. And he knew it. Scully could try not to move her hips but there was no way she could stop her body's reaction to Mulder. Already it was shaking, the nerves and muscles jumping under her skin, screaming for his touch. She felt so exposed like this. Helpless and waiting. He could see her response to him. She couldn't believe how erotic that knowledge was or how the hard heaviness of his slap had tugged at her. The sound had echoed in her ears like a kiss. Mulder's breath blew over her and she moaned. She watched him as he gently caressed her with the back of his hand. He looked like her Mulder. The Dark Mulder. He saw her watching him and fisted his hand, grazing her with his knuckles, exerting a fine ridged pressure that parted her lips, spreading warm wetness on his parched skin. Involuntarily her hips lifted up to him. He locked gazes with her and grasped her clitoris between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing sharply for just an instant. Her tongue swept out as she cursed him. He growled at her. "Bad Scully. You want to feel pain?" "Yes--no." God, she didn't know. Couldn't think. He rubbed her, caressed her, stroking and tugging and pulling. Small playful touches that almost had her in pain. She heard herself whimpering but couldn't make herself stop. She shifted her hips just a fraction seeking a harder pressure and he grabbed her finally sinking into her, his mouth and tongue investigating every inch of her soft wetness. He kept a tight rein on his control, focusing all of his energy on Scully. Pleasing her. Thrilling her. But he hadn't forgotten his orders and he sucked hard, shaking her slippery nub between his lips, his punishment her pleasure. "Mulder...oh God, Mulder, please...please Mulder..." From a distance he could hear her pleas and he renewed his attack. He tongued her and sucked and pushed her to the brink. As an orgasm exploded from her Mulder plunged his fingers inside her, feeling the walls pull him in. Only her screams were left. He flicked his tongue across her nub, whipping it. He waited till she started to quake under him and pushed his fingers roughly inside her, back and forth, swiftly bringing her to climax again. She shuddered against him, moaning and crying out. Her little noises scratching at his skin, exciting him. He buried his nose in her, breathing in, all his senses whirling with the taste, the smell, the essence of Scully. He rubbed his shadowed cheek across her slick nerve endings, hearing her yell out his name as she twisted wildly beneath him. "Mulder, please. Mulder." He twisted sideways taking her with him, his hands going round to cup and separate her ass cheeks. He penetrated her carefully with a finger coated in her juices. She slammed against him harder. It was all he could do to hold onto her. "Mulder no. I can't again." But she could. He could feel her quivering on the brink of another shockwave. He wanted to send her over. Needed to. He laved her, his lips applying suction, his hand gripping her bottom. She was moving mindlessly now against his face. He felt her tense, about to slip over, so close. He pulled his hand back and brought it down, slapping her ass, the vibration hitting his cheekbone. She cried out sharply. He hit her again, sharp quick slaps sending Scully crashing loudly over the edge of sanity, turning both of them into a shaking mass of rigid nerves. She screamed as orgasm after orgasm tore through her. Mulder's name twisted up in her shouts, her hands tearing at his hair and shoulders, her pelvis bucking under his talent and his torture. As she came shuddering down from the highest peak, Mulder tried to come down with her. Slowing his breathing, flexing the heated muscles in his hand. Pulling himself up her body he clutched her close to him. He rested his forehead against hers, their noses bumping, breaths colliding, hearts racing. Through a haze, Scully heard him soothing her gently rocking her against him, ignoring his own hardness, letting her gradually come down from her high. It seemed a long time before she could think. She could feel him hot and hard against her. She reached down to tug at his erection, wanting to please him, to feel him inside her. "I'll be sore for a week." "Yep." He knew his smile was one of smugness but he couldn't help it. He put her hand back one her thigh. "We have to save something. We can't do every position our first time together." "Why the hell not?" "Scully, please you're killin' me." Mulder seized the bottle of pale jade lotion Scully had taken from her knapsack. Maybe if he gave her a massage she'd forget about trying to ruin him as a man. He read the label. Victoria's Secret - Second Skin Satin. "What are you doing with that, Mulder?" "Bringing joy into your life." "You're what?" "Saving my manhood from a paranoid charismatic schizophrenic nymphomaniac." "Mulder, give me a break." She turned on him and grabbed the bottle pushing him onto his back. "One good turn deserves another." "You gonna put that on with your tongue, or lick it off?" She glared at him. "It's not edible." "What the hell is it then?" She took off the faux gold cap and let Mulder sniff the lotion. He took a breath. "It's you, Scully." "Me and a thousand other women." "Just you." Getting to her knees she poured some in her hands warming it, then drizzled it over his chest like liquid green icing. She started to smooth it in. "Mulder....most of the time you don't seem to notice but you could be with anyone. I always question you, I always push." She watched the pleasure on his face as she rubbed the muscles of his chest. "Sometimes I'm afraid of the places, the conclusions, the extreme possibilities your mind leaps to. Maybe there's someone out there who--" "After all we've been through?" The look he gave her was earnest beneath his look of rapture. "I know circumstance and experience are a large part--" "It's a tremendous part, Scully. You think that because you believe in science and miracles and I want to believe, that this can't work? You have a pure heart, Scully with pure intentions." She shrugged, her eyes shifted from his in discomfort. She massaged the lotion into the skin of his abdomen avoiding his impressive erection. "You remember how you laughed when I started carrying that second gun?" She cocked an eyebrow. "Okay, but you thought about laughing. I stopped wearing the gun because I realized I didn't really need it. I have you." "When you don't ditch me." She kneaded his supple thighs with more force than necessary feeling him quiver under her fingers. "That's my unpure heart." He looked deadly serious. "You really do need somebody to look out for you." Reaching up Scully brushed his hair back. "I know." He grabbed her hand, its silky softness perfect counterpoint to his own. He turned her hand over in his. Tracing the veins, nails and the sweet smelling flesh. "Your hand is small, Scully but strong. It can stroke and soothe. It commands attention and respect. It can heal and it can kill." He looked at her. She leaned down kissing him tenderly. "They teach you that stuff at Oxford?" "You bring out the best in me, Scully. You make me a poet. A lover. A friend." He saw the knockout angel smile lurking. "A man." There it was and it took his breath away. "Your smile can kill a guy, Scully." She looked at him disbelievingly. "Don't give me that look. Frohike and Pendrell would do anything for you. Even Skinner softens when you focus on him. Then there's me." He smiled sadly. He didn't have to remind her of what he'd do for her. What they would do for each other. It was so much a part of them. Like a second skin. She cupped his cheek and kissed him again. "I'll always smile for you, Mulder." She reached for him with her other hand. He gasped, then groaned as she stroked him. "But right now I have something else to do with these hands." "Didn't we--" Mulder panted as she increased the pace and strength of her grip. "--have this discussion already?" But she ignored him and moved down his body, pulling and tugging and mimicking his own hand movements from before. It didn't take long before he was ready to come and sensing it Scully took him into her mouth and brought him to the edge. Mulder tightened his fists around her hair, careful not to thrust too deeply into her mouth. She swirled her tongue around the sensitive head of his shaft, running it down the underside, sucking and licking and driving him nuts. As his hips thrust faster, she pulled back, licking her lips. Her hand movements were sure and quick but her gaze was on his face. He was tossing his head, his eyes closed, mouth open, his entire body tense and rigid. She was enthralled by the look of ecstasy on his face and the oiled perfection of his writhing body. Her body. Her Mulder. "Scullee....Scully." He screamed her name as he shot into her hand. His hips pumping, hands clenched in the twisted sheets. When Mulder opened his eyes she was moving up the bed to lie next to him. It took him a few minutes before he could catch his breath. "We should be sleeping." Scully snuggled close against his side. It was a thrill just to hear him breathing, feel him breathing. It wasn't something she took for granted. "I don't sleep anymore." It was a joke about Kristen that wasn't. "She still haunts you." Scully raised herself up on her elbow to check his expression. "You haunt me." He returned her look. "I'm right here." She saw his face tighten and knew he was thinking of the times when she hadn't been. She knew he lived in controlled fear of it happening again. Not even the closeness they'd shared tonight could totally eradicate that for him. For either of them. She felt for his heartbeat with a firm hand. "Right here," she repeated. She saw the love and fear shining in his eyes. There wasn't anything she wouldn't do for this man and it was so mutual that at moments it thrilled and frightened her. She shivered as he took her hand in his larger one and kissed her fingers. He looked deep into her eyes. "And you're not going anywhere." One hand reached out and settled possessively on her neck, pulling her mouth down to his. They shared a kiss that spoke of their need and their understanding. Comfort spread through him undercut with the thin line of desire that he had always felt for her. And always would. Scully pulled back slowly, savouring Mulder's taste on her tongue and his hold on her heart. She smiled at him. "I liked that blouse, Mulder." "It was old, Scully." "It was a classic. It was me for four years." "Hey, that shirt was me for...four hours." "Time to expand your wardrobe." "Expanding is a good thing." The cocky grin was back. Her eyes twinkled at him. "They have that merrywidow in your size." He snorted. "In your dreams, Scully." "Always." He grimaced and pulled something hard out from under his ass, holding it up to her. "I'll be finding buttons in my bed for a long time." "Mmm." "That could hurt." "You can handle it." She looked at him. "You think so?" He held the button in the palm of his hand noticing the white strands still attached. She fingered them. "Chantilly lace?" "Cotton thread." "They're both durable." "Yes, they are." Mulder caught her gaze and knew that whatever road they would travel to find their truth and justice, they would never be alone. XXXXXXXXXXX Kim Berglund - 11/28/96. xveritas@user.rose.com