TITLE: UNDER SUSPICION AUTHOR: DONNILEE E-MAIL: Donnilee@snet.net WEBSITE: http://donnilee.tripod.com RATING: NC-17 CATEGORY: SK/O CLASSIFICATION: POST-EP "AVATAR" SPOILERS: AVATAR SUMMARY: What if Sharon hadn't died? AUTHOR'S NOTE: Fandomonium Season 3 Smut Fic Challenge. DISCLAIMER: All characters used from the show, The X-Files are the property of Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions, and Fox Broadcasting. No copyright infringement intended. No money made here. THANKS: To my beta reader, FatCat, for continuously cleaning up my messes. XXXXXXXXXX "The kiss is a wordless articulation of desire whose object lies in the future, and somewhat to the south." -- Lance Morrow XXXXXXXXXX PART 1 (PG-13) WALTER SKINNER'S APT. ALEXANDRIA, VA As I sat on my couch, I pulled off my glasses and squeezed the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger. My eyes felt dry and tight. I wasn't sleeping. For a week now, I'd walked the halls of the Hoover Building, enduring the gauntlet of stares from my colleagues. They were curious, wanted to know what had happened. Bottom line, they wanted to know if I was guilty. Despite my name being cleared in both the death of the prostitute and in my wife's car accident, I knew that the taint of these events would follow me like an unwanted shadow for a long time; maybe for a lifetime. I picked up the last piece of pizza from the paper plate where it lay on my coffee table, the cheese congealed into a fatty mass on top. I didn't even care. Biting into it, I realized that it tasted like toasted cardboard, and threw it back onto the plate. Repositioning my glasses on my face, I picked up the ten-page document that I had been attempting to read. It was the new protocols for the coming year that had been handed out to all the Assistant Director's and Deputy Director's at the Bureau. There was lots of mumbo jumbo about achieving goals, having objectives, implementing directives, and interfacing with other departments. Jesus, I wondered who taught these bureaucrats how to write. This was positively anesthetic to anybody with a brain. I simply didn't have the motivation to read it now. I threw that back on the coffee table as well. Toeing off my shoes, I swung my legs up onto my couch and lay back against the armrest, where I'd thrown a small bed pillow. I looked around the room and felt depression weigh heavily on my chest. I was alone, utterly alone. Mulder and Scully had gone back to their wonderland in the basement. Sharon had been released from the hospital after a remarkable recovery and proceeded to go back to the home in Crystal City that we had shared for the last twelve of our seventeen years of marriage. My new apartment left much to be desired. This living room boasted a couch, coffee table and small TV. A breakfast bar separated it from a small galley kitchen. Off to the left was a short hallway with a bathroom on one side and a bedroom on the other. The bedroom had one small closet, a double bed and a three-drawer bureau I'd picked up at a tag sale. Boxes were scattered everywhere along the walls of both the living room and bedroom. They were filled with my worldly possessions, which I hadn't bothered to unpack yet, despite being here several weeks now. There wasn't one picture on the walls or decoration of any kind. The Venetian blinds on the two front windows were all that broke up the expanse of non- color in the room. Plain white walls were everywhere you looked. I closed my eyes picturing the home I'd lost. I snorted with disgust. I hadn't lost it. I'd traded it away, for a job that had betrayed me more than it had lifted me up, for prestige that I never got despite working like a dog to earn it. What had it all been worth? I knew this type of thought process was totally self-destructive and honestly, I didn't care anymore. I wondered what I could do if I left the Bureau. That would shake loose some tight-asses. They would never expect that. Right now, the prospect of sitting alone as a security guard in some nearly vacant commercial building didn't sound so bad. I was sick of the intrigue, the deceit, and the veneer of professionalism that hid the fine line of ethical behavior that I straddled on a regular basis. I had ruined my marriage because I wouldn't share myself. Sharon and I had been little more than roommates for the last years of our marriage. How that had escaped my notice, I'd never know. I felt like an idiot now. My lawyer had called three days in a row, leaving messages requesting that I call and make an appointment to finalize my divorce. I couldn't do it. I didn't want to deal with anyone right now. Just getting my sorry ass out of bed in the morning was enough of a chore. It was the weekend, Friday evening, and I was looking forward to ignoring the world for the next two days and nights. I had some decisions to make. Someone hated me enough, or considered me enough of a threat that they went through the trouble of setting me up for a big fall. That action I might have even been able to let go of, considering my name was cleared in the end. Messing with Sharon was another story entirely. During all my years in the Bureau, all the compromises I'd made, no one had ever threatened my wife. No one had ever crossed the line and stepped on my family. Maybe that's why the sacrifices had always seemed worth it. I felt I was the only one paying the price. Now, I knew that wasn't strictly true either. My silence had bred indifference in Sharon. My frequent sour attitudes had killed any desire or passion that might have existed in our relationship. My reluctance to share myself emotionally had killed the last bit of trust she may have had for me. I couldn't blame her. I would have left me too. Despite the lack of significant interaction between us in years of late, I was reluctant to let our marriage go. Was it the devil I knew? I was so lost. I did know that I was turning sulking into a fine art. I was feeling sorry for myself and I knew it. If recent events had taught me nothing else it was that I was still capable of passion. I hadn't realized how little passion I had in my life until that night that I thought I was sharing loneliness with a like soul. Instead I'd been duped, and so had she. I'm sure getting her neck twisted like a swizzle stick was not part of the deal she made when she agreed to seduce me. I wanted to sleep. I closed my eyes, praying for the mercy of darkness. I wanted that deep, exhausted sleep that shuts the doors on any dreaming. The phone rang, loud and abrasive in the silence of this apartment that didn't even have a clock ticking to break the endless quiet. Startling and sitting up, I reached for the cell phone that sat on the coffee table. I hadn't even gotten a landline installed yet. I really was pathetic. "Skinner," I barked, peeved at the interruption of my self-destructive reflection session. "Hello, Walter," she said quietly. Her voice was like a purr in my ear and I shivered. "Sharon?" I asked stupidly. "Surely it hasn't been so long that you don't even recognize my voice anymore?" she asked, her voice level and calm. "No, no! I just wasn't expecting it to be you." "Didn't look at the Caller-ID?" she said, her tone teasing. "No, I didn't. What can I do for you? How are you feeling? Are you settled back in?" I cut myself off, realizing I was babbling. She chuckled. "I'm fine. I wondered if I could see you?" "Of course! Is anything wrong?" "No, but I'd like to talk." "Would you like me to come over?" "No, let's meet at that Jansen's," she suggested. It was a coffee shop three blocks from me here in Alexandria. "Are you supposed to be driving?" I asked. "I'm fine, Walter. Clean bill of health from the doctors." "That's good to hear. I'm relieved. You sure you want to make the drive? I don't mind." "I'm sure. An hour?" "Uh, yeah. Sound's good. I'll see you there." "Okay, see you there," she repeated. She hung up and I listened to the dial tone buzz in my ear for several seconds before I thumbed off the power button. I shook my head and leaped off the couch. I was still in my work clothes and had a days worth of grime and sweat on me. I hadn't cared, but now I didn't want to look like I'd slept in my clothes. I peeled them off as I headed for the bathroom. I showered quickly, shaving carefully and applying her favorite aftershave lotion. I wanted to look casual but not too casual. I dug into one of the boxes in my bedroom marked 'pants', and came up with a pair of tan Dockers. I pulled them on with a green polo shirt and a brown belt. After checking my reflection in the mirror, I took a deep breath and said, "As good as it's going to get." After throwing on my brown leather bomber jacket, I decided to walk. The fresh air might do me good. I locked the apartment and opted for the stairs instead of the elevator. I stepped out onto the gasoline-tinged pavement. It had rained and the asphalt glimmered with oil and gas. A light fog was blanketing the area, making visibility bad. I inhaled the misty air and started walking, my loafers clicking on the cement sidewalk. It was damp but still warm outside. I got there fifteen minutes early and found a booth near the back that would afford us some privacy. Putting my back to the wall, I faced the door so I would see her come in. XXXXXXXXXX PART 2 (PG-13) JANSEN'S COFFEE CLUTCH ALEXANDRIA, VA Pushing the door open, I listened to the bell tinkle above my head. I saw him stand in the booth near the rear of the shop. I waved and made my way to him, dodging the small tables that littered the center of the room, passing the booths that lined the walls. I slid in opposite him and drank in his appearance. He looked good. Damn the man for being so sexy, even when I didn't want him to be. "Hi, Sharon," he greeted me. "Hi." I ordered a tall cappuccino from the waitress that strolled up to our table. He already had a latte. Once it was delivered and I'd taken a sip, I decided I couldn't stall any longer. "Walter, we need to talk." He was silent, his brown eyes pensive as he stared at me. I noticed the dark rings under them and knew he hadn't been sleeping well. "Your hair is nice that way," he said suddenly. A smile tugged at my lips but then faded. "I had to cut it after the accident," I admitted. "It's flattering framing your face like that." I cleared my throat. I didn't want him to compliment me. I didn't want him to be nice to me. "Um, this is awkward," I confessed. "Just say it," he said in his usual straightforward manner. "The divorce papers. My lawyer called and said that you still hadn't signed them and returned them to your lawyer." He frowned and looked down at the table. Taking another long sip of his latte, he delayed his response. "I know," he said finally. "That's all? You know?" He sighed heavily. "I'm sorry, Sharon. I couldn't do it the day they were brought to me. I'm having trouble letting go." "This hasn't been easy on either one of us, Walter. Nevertheless, if we are going to move on, we need to get the formalities out of the way in order to get on with our lives. Dragging it out is just going to make it worse." He was silent for several moments and then looked up to gaze at me. "What if I don't want to move on?" he asked in a husky tone. I felt a stab of guilt, knowing I had no reason to. He was the one that had abandoned this relationship. He was the one that had traded intimacy for his job. He was the one that shut me out. Why should I feel guilty? Maybe because I wondered if I'd really tried hard enough. It took two, and after some soul-searching, I'd realized that I hadn't put a lot of effort into it either. I just hadn't been up for the fight. I'd wanted it to be easy. One thing I knew when I married Walter was that he would never be easy. "I don't know what to say to that, Walter. Our relationship has been, over, for a long time." "That's my fault. I know it. It's not that I didn't notice either. I guess I just thought there would be some notice; something to tell me that you'd had enough. Some sign that would give me a chance to make it up to you. Instead, there was no fight, no discussion, just the sheriff knocking on my office door one day to serve me papers." He paused, swallowing noisily. "Couldn't you have even warned me?" he asked, a hint of anger in his voice. I looked away, staring at the flower pattern of the wallpaper behind his head. "I was afraid. I didn't want to have the discussion that would end like all the others." "How's that?" "With you shutting me out, me feeling hurt and lonely." He reached across the table without warning and took one of my hands in both of his. Warmth shot up my arm and invaded my body. I gritted my teeth to suppress the shiver that wanted to run down my spine. "Please, Sharon," he said softly. "Can we talk about it?" "Talk about it?" I cried softly. "Walter, you've had years to talk about it!" "I know! Damn it, Sharon. I know I don't deserve another chance." He hesitated. "Even so, I'm begging you for one," he whispered. His eyes raised up to find mine. Wetness pooled in his and I bit my tongue to keep from bursting into tears. "I don't know, Walter." "I promise it will be different. I've had a long time to think about what happened. Everything that I did wrong has circled my brain for weeks now. I know my priorities were screwed up. I know I didn't trust you enough. I know I took you for granted." He stopped, taking a deep breath, clearly trying to compose himself. "It took this jolt to wake me up. I just wish the jolt hadn't been the divorce papers. God, Sharon, I still love you. I love you so much." He looked down, fighting the tears I could see now gathering in the corner of his eyes. He whipped off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. It was such a familiar gesture that I felt my heart contract in my chest, squeezing the air out of my lungs. I had no idea what to say to him. "I didn't expect this," I choked out. "Please. I'll do anything. I'll go to counseling with you. I'll tell you anything you want to know. I promise, I'll try, so, hard," he stuttered. I felt my resolve quiver and melt. How could I ignore such an impassioned plea? It had never once occurred to me that he would want to stay for any reason other than convenience. That's what I'd felt like for the longest time. Convenient. I figured that the passion had died, his love had died, and he was married to his job. I'd felt as though there was no longer a place for me in his life. "It can't be like it was before, Walter." He perked up, knowing my resolve was crumbling. "It won't be. I promise," he hissed. "Lots of things would have to change." He nodded vigorously. "Just name them." "You'd have to learn to talk to me, share with me. If that means counseling, fine, but I can't take being shut out anymore. I know a lot of what you did was confidential, but you wouldn't share your feelings with me." "I will now. I promise." "Don't make too many promises, Walter. Broken promises hurt worse than promises never made," I informed him. He licked his lips, not sure how to respond. "Can we get out of here?" he asked. "To go where?" "Come to my apartment." "Oh, Walter. I don't know." "I just want to keep talking, Sharon. I want privacy." I wondered if he had an ulterior motive and realized it didn't matter. If I was going to give him another chance, it had to start somewhere. The question was, did it have to start today? I needed time to think about things. What did I want? It had all seemed so clear when I didn't think he cared anymore; when I thought he didn't love me. Perhaps I had been hasty. Maybe I should have given him an ultimatum, a chance to turn things around before I made my decisions. It wasn't really fair that I hadn't given him that chance, that warning. "Okay," I said quietly. He smiled softly and stood up. Reaching into his pocket, he threw some money on the table. He held out his hand to me. I hesitated but then took it. Warmth spread through me again. It had been so long since we'd been close; I'd forgotten how big and comforting he was. He pulled me up to my feet. After slipping on his jacket, he reached for my hand again, tucking it over his forearm and pulling me close to his body. We exited and started walking towards his apartment. "Do you want to get your car?" he asked. "No, I can walk back for it later." "If it's after dark, I'll walk you." "Okay," I said. We walked in silence at an unhurried pace. I could feel the heat of his body next to me. His thigh would brush mine now and then and it made me tingle. What the hell was happening here? I hadn't felt things like this with him for so long. It was reminding me of the early days when he could excite me with just a look from those smoldering brown eyes. How long had it been since I'd felt those big hands on my body. I shuddered, and shook my head to dislodge the memory. I didn't need to be thinking about that now. We were just going to talk. "Are you cold?" he asked. I shook my head. I'd never removed my long, wool coat in the restaurant. "Just the damp, I guess." He hummed and kept walking. Too soon, we reached his building and he led me to the elevator. On the second floor, we exited and he led me to the door I'd only entered once before. XXXXXXXXXX PART 3 (PG-13) WALTER SKINNER'S APT. ALEXANDRIA, VA Once inside, he took my coat and retreated to the bedroom. He emerged without his, and went into the kitchen. "Want more coffee?" "I think I had enough," I replied. "Tea? Hot cocoa?" he asked. "Cocoa would be nice." He nodded and began preparing the warm milk. It prompted another memory of winter nights, curled up on the couch with cups of cocoa. He'd never made the instant kind, insisting on warming real milk to make cocoa the way his mother used to make it. I smiled and relaxed without even thinking about it. I walked to the kitchen and leaned on the breakfast bar, looking around. "You haven't unpacked," I said, just for something to say. He shook his head, adjusting the flame on the gas stove under the saucepan of milk. "I've been busy." "Yeah, I know," I said. "Uh," he grunted softly. He turned. "I need to apologize for that." "For what?" He looked away. "Do you have any idea how guilty I feel?" "That she died, or that you slept with her?" I asked, feeling a knot form in my stomach. One thing I'd never wondered about was whether Walter cheated on me. I knew he'd been faithful. Oddly enough, despite how chaste our relationship had become, he'd never given me reason to believe there was someone else. Just the job, that was his mistress. "Both," he croaked and turned away to stir the milk with a wooden spoon. "Why did you do it?" I asked tremulously. He didn't turn around but he did answer me. "That was the day I refused to sign the divorce papers. I was so depressed, lonelier than I think I've ever been. I felt like my life was falling apart, and it was." He paused for a few seconds and then said, "She approached me." I snorted. "You're not going to give me the excuse that you were the pursued and not the pursuer so that gets you off the hook?" I offered. He turned away from the stove, leaving the spoon in the pan. He said, "No, I'm not. I'm just telling you what happened. We talked, I drank. She was lonely, or pretended to be. So was I. I realized I was losing everything in the world that mattered to me and I guess I didn't care anymore. I was numb with grief, and I just wanted to feel something; anything. She offered," he began, and then cut himself off. "I have no excuse. Except that I had a serious case of 'fuck-it'. No pun intended. Honestly, I wanted the comfort. I needed it. Little did I know that her loneliness was all feigned. She was hired to seduce me. I didn't even get to walk away with the comfort of thinking she was truly attracted to me." I nodded. Oddly enough, I believed him. Unbeknownst to him, I'd talked to Agent Mulder. Of course, he wasn't supposed to talk to me about the case, but he did anyway. He'd told me that Walter had no idea she was a prostitute. He'd told me that his credit card had been used by the woman but it was unclear if she had palmed it off him, or if whomever hired her had given her the number to use, somehow gaining that information ahead of time. It hurt, knowing he'd been with another woman, but I appreciated his honestly. He stirred the milk again and poured it into the two cups waiting on the counter that were prepared with the cocoa mix. After stirring them, he handed me one and sat on the barstool opposite me. "That's not an excuse. I didn't mean it to sound like one. She didn't mean anything to me, Sharon." "I know." "I didn't kill her, Sharon." "I know." "I never cheated on you," he said. "Not until then." "I know," I repeated again. "Technically, we were separated, so it wasn't cheating this time either." "I still feel guilty," he admitted. "Are you still under suspicion?" she asked. "No, I've been cleared. You know how it is though. It will haunt me for a while, just being accused." We sipped our cocoa in silence for a few minutes. "I guess we should decide what we're going to do," I said, starting the conversation. "First things first. Can you ask your lawyer to put everything on hold?" "Yes, for now. I'm not making you any promises, Walter." "I know," he said, nodding. "I'm grateful you're willing to try, to give me another chance." "I have to tell you something," I said after a pause. He nodded, waiting patiently. "In the hospital. You talked to me." He looked a bit uncomfortable, and then took a deep breath. "Yes, I did. I thought you were unconscious." "I was." After a moment, I continued. "I still heard you though. It's vague, but I remember hearing your voice and being comforted by it." He smiled. "I'm glad." "I don't, however, remember exactly what you said," I informed him. "Funny this should come up," he murmured. "Why?" "I was trying to explain to you why I wasn't signing the divorce papers." "Tell me now." "Lots of reasons. I was trying to explain to you why I didn't share things with you, well; it wasn't because of you or a lack of trust. It was because I needed to shut a part of myself down to do my job and stay sane. There were times when I was forced to push the ethical envelope. I needed to rationalize those things to myself in order to keep believing in the work. Mainly, because I didn't know what else to do. Sometimes I had a hard time rationalizing it to myself. How in the hell could I explain it to you, justify it to you? I didn't want to expose you to the violence anyway." "You were trying to protect me?" I asked. I could hear the edge in my voice. He shook his head. "No, I was trying to protect me. I don't know if you can understand." "I'm trying." "That wasn't the important part though." "What was the important part?" He paused and closed his eyes. He said, "I never told you what I should have told you, that what really got me through each day was knowing that I'd be sleeping next to you that night. Knowing that, I had a reason to wake up in the morning." He paused again. "I wasn't sure if you could hear me, or if it even made a difference to you any more, but I wanted you to know that." Another pause. "So that's what I told you." I was on my feet without having consciously made a decision to do so. I rounded the breakfast bar and stood next to him. He turned to face me, his legs spread for balance, his butt balancing on the barstool. I stepped in between his legs and leaned forward, putting my hands on his shoulders. Tentatively, he slid his hands around my waist. Then his arms moved and he tugged me toward him. I went willingly, knowing it was probably a bad idea to get this close, this quickly. Heat radiated from his chest and poured onto me. His words touched me profoundly. It was more disclosure than I'd heard from him since the early days when we were still young and dumb and the world hadn't jaded us yet. I pulled back to look at his face after we'd hugged for nearly a full minute, not saying anything. "Why did they do this to you, Walter?" I whispered. He shrugged. "I'm not sure. Maybe I know too much. I think this may have had to do with the X-Files. They won't stop looking for a way to shut them down. Removing me would be a great way to weaken them, since I'm the only one in management that believes in them, supports what they are trying to do." "What about me?" "The imprint of the face from the guy that stole my car," he began. "We ran his face and fingerprint through every channel and found nothing. This guy had been erased." "Erased? You sound like a bad sci-fi movie," I said lightly. He smiled. "The X-Files can sound that way sometimes," he replied. "I knew what the danger was when I took the job. It was my risk to take. I never balked at the danger. I accepted the potential land mines and the probability of making enemies to stand up for what I believed in." After a moment, he said, "You though, you getting hurt, that was an unacceptable risk. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't pulled through. The guilt would have killed me. You were totally innocent. They went after you for no other reason than to bring me down. I can't even tell you how angry that makes me." "You don't have to," I said. I reached behind me and captured his hands, which had gradually balled into fists next to my lower back. He flexed his fingers as I continued to hold them. His left hand let go of mine and he reached up to palm my cheek. I leaned into his hand and felt it. I pulled away and brought my own hand up, capturing it in mine. I looked down at the wedding ring. He was still wearing it. "When did you put it back on?" I asked. "As soon as I knew my name was cleared. You were still in the hospital. I did something I hadn't done in years." "What's that?" "I read the inscription. Do you remember what it says?" he asked gently. I swallowed around the lump in my throat. "Love forever, Sharon," I whispered. "Is it true? Is it still true?" He paused. Both of his hands moved now and cupped my head gently, his fingers lacing into my hair. His eyes caught mine and he looked deeply, as if they held all the answers for him. Maybe they did. "Do you still love me, Sharon? After all I've done, or not done. Do you still love me?" he asked again. Damn me for a fool. I never could lie to him. I blinked rapidly to stem the tears that threatened. "Yes," I whispered. "Damn it, Walter. Yes." Before I could react, his mouth was on mine. He tipped my head to just the right angle and his tongue plunged into my mouth. I moaned before my brain could stop my vocal chords. Hot sensation raced through me as he worked my mouth. His kisses were hot, wet, and hungry, needy even. I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt this kind of passion from him. I was helpless to stop it. He was wrong. I was wrong. There was so much that needed to be fixed. At the same time, I couldn't push him away. If I was honest, I needed him as much as he needed me right now. I wasn't going to say no. In that one kiss, he conveyed all the hope and passion and love that had been missing for so long in our relationship. There was a promise in it, that the passion wasn't gone, and neither was the love. I told myself that I could take this comfort from him and still walk away later if I needed to. I should have known better. Underneath all of the mistakes, the harsh words, and the words unspoken, there was love. There had always been love. He'd just hidden it so well, that I couldn't see it anymore. XXXXXXXXXX PART 4 (NC-17) WALTER SKINNER'S APT. ALEXANDRIA, VA Being with Corina Sayles had been an act of desperation; desperation to feel something real. There had been no love there, not even caring really. This was so much different. As I took her hand and led her towards the bedroom, she didn't hesitate. I'd worried she would. When I looked into her eyes, I saw her pupils were dilated. She was as turned on as I was. Once in the bedroom, we hurriedly undressed. She was not the young woman I'd married, but neither was I the young Marine she'd married. Her body was still toned and she was still thin. Her generous breasts showed the weight of time a bit more and the small hill of her abdomen did nothing to take away from her beauty. I didn't want to rush. I slowed down, kissing her softly but deeply. After steering her onto the bed, I wedged my shoulders between her legs. She gasped. I hadn't done this in years. XXXXXXXXXX NC-17 PORTION XXXXXXXXXX I smiled at her before lowering my mouth to her sex and parting her with my thumbs. She moaned as soon as I touched her with my lips and moaned even harder when I lapped at her. Her hands fluttered over her thighs and then on my head, tickling the band of hair that circled my skull. Her touch was trembling and it made me surge with love and affection for her. The touch was seductive and her scent was like a zap of electricity, making my cock surge to full mast. It didn't take long at all for her juices to begin to flow. The glistening wetness drew me like a moth to a flame and made my passion flare. I slipped my fingers inside to give her more stimulation. She bucked into my hand and I commenced to tease her, stretch her, and lick at her bundle of nerves. I wanted to make her come this way. She began rubbing herself on my tongue and moaning as I lapped her thoroughly. When I finally captured her clitoris between my lips and sucked, she climaxed, her walls squeezing my fingers, and her hips bucking into my face. I rode it out with her, trying to prolong it with my pumping fingers and sucking mouth. She hissed when the sensation became too much and I retreated, feeling her juices drying on my chin. I slid up and kissed her, letting her taste herself. I held her gently waiting for her to come down. "Oh my God," she whispered. "I'd forgotten how good it could be." I smiled, pleased that she was enjoying herself so far. It was like it was all brand new. I couldn't remember the last time we'd made love, which meant it had been far too long. "I'm not done with you yet," I informed her. She chuckled, the sound low and sweet. "I'm glad. I want to remember some more." I smiled and kissed her again, positioning myself between her legs. "How long has it been?" I asked. Her brow scrunched, and I regretted asking, but then she said, "Too long. Make love to me, Walter." I rubbed my shaft over her wet entrance, coating it in her warm fluids. She whimpered when I hit her clitoris and again when I nudged her lips open with my swollen glans. I began sliding in slowly and she moaned. "How does it feel?" I asked, wanting to know that she was with me. "Big and hard, just the way I like it," she blurted out. I barked out a huff of laughter and she grinned, knowing she'd caught me off guard. I buried my face in her shoulder and grunted. "Jesus, you talk like that, and you're going kill me." Her sultry chuckle did nothing to calm my throbbing shaft. I pushed hard, sliding myself the rest of the way in, feeling my balls slap against her skin. That wiped the smile off her face. It was replaced with an open mouth in the shape of a perfect 'O'. "Oh Christ, Sharon. I don't remember you being this snug," I gasped. "Feels so good." She murmured, "It's been a long time, and I do exercises, remember." "Yeah, but still." "You're still a really big boy. No one's stretched me out in a long time," she reminded me. "No one?" I asked, slightly embarrassed at the husky tone of my voice. I realized that if she'd had a lover, I probably wouldn't have even noticed. I'd had my head so far up my ass, I amazed myself. "You, Walter. There's never been anyone else." I began to thrust gently. "I can't tell you how glad I am to hear that." XXXXXXXXXX It had been a long time since we'd had sex. At least two years, if I remembered correctly. I'd always done exercises to keep my muscles fit down there. He'd always filled me full, but he'd always fit. This time, he'd hit the back of my tunnel and it felt different. Even when I didn't think I could take anymore, he kept pushing, embedding himself. I was stretching now and the feeling was divine. It felt as though his rigid helmet was pounding against my diaphragm. He felt so deep, and I grunted softly with every steady, hard thrust that built me back up towards another orgasm. Thrust after thrust knocked at the door to my womb and made my body tighten in response. I didn't think I could wind any tighter without exploding. I was wrong. His fingers reached between us as he held himself up on one arm. He found my clitoris with an accuracy born of familiarity. Pushing it against our joining, feeling his shaft rake across it as he plunged inside, sent my body into sensation overload. Two strokes was all it took and I shattered, crying out as I felt my nipples harden nearly to the point of pain, my muscles contract tightly on his steel hard shaft, and tingles race up and down my spine as my body released its coiled tension. "Oh God, Walter! Yes! So good, baby!" He gasped, whether in response to my muscles going spastic on his cock or me calling him baby, I wasn't sure. There are advantages to being with an older man. One of them is the gift of endurance. He continued to stroke me gently until I focused on him again. Both arms came down, supporting his weight on his elbows. He kissed me gently, rocking in and out. When my breathing became semi-normal again, he sped up. My arousal began to climb up again. I was sure I was finished, but again, I was wrong. He stared at my face, as though memorizing my reactions, and maybe he was. I knew there was a spark of fear that this was the last time. I could see it all in his eyes. He was in awe of us again, remembering how good we were together. Behind the fear, he loved me. It was there, shining in his face and in the dark depths of those soft, brown eyes. How could I have thought I could walk away from this? There had been no 'this' for a long time. If he was true to his word, that would change. One thing about Walter that I knew, he had always kept his word. I moaned seeing the expressions of love and passion on his face. With every grimace of ecstasy, every soft kiss filled with love and affection, he was convincing me of the rightness of this union. He fit perfectly inside me, as if we'd been made for one another, two halves of one sculpture; meant to be forever entwined. I was surprised at the sappy turn of my thoughts, but then didn't worry about it as I felt myself soar back up to another peak. Then he began panting out words to me. "Love you, baby. Aww, Sharon, it's so good. Oh man, missed this so much. Why did we stop? I'm so sorry! Oh Jesus, you feel so good. God, we're so good together. You still make me hard as steel. Love you, baby. I'll remind you every day." He reached down to raise one of my legs higher on his hip. Tingling heat shot outward from my core and rippled through my body. He swiveled his hips and the exquisite friction sent me over the edge a second time. He began moaning and shuddering against me and then he was coming. Rushes of warm liquid, coating my insides, followed hot pulses in his shaft. Again and again, I felt the head of his cock contract and expand way up inside me and the hot cum rush out to fill me up. I couldn't ever remember feeling it like this. Perhaps I was just hyper sensitive after such a long abstinence. "Oh Christ! Oh Jesus! Sshhaarroonn! Oh God, love you, love you, love you!" he cried. He coughed and collapsed on top of me. XXXXXXXXXX END NC-17 PORTION XXXXXXXXXX I welcomed the warm slickness of our sweaty bodies. We lay there in a hot tangle of arms and legs for a long time. He feathered my neck with soft kisses and I ran my hands over his broad shoulders and squeezed his ass cheeks. He'd always had a mighty fine ass. Finally, he levered up on his arms to look me in the face. "I love you, Sharon." I smiled. "I love you too, Walter." "Stay," he said simply. I opened my mouth to object, but his fingers landed on my mouth. "Please, stay with me tonight. I know I can't come home yet. We have a lot of work to do, but I need you, Sharon. I need to feel you with me tonight. Let me hold you." "Okay," I said, barely audible. He smiled and kissed me gently, pulling out and rolling over. He got out of bed and returned with a warm washcloth. After cleaning us up, he threw it in sink in the bathroom and returned once more. I turned on my side and he cuddled up behind me, spooning around my body. I sighed with contentment. We were far from perfect. We had a long road ahead of us, but for the first time in years, I felt hope for the future. THE END.