From the (original) Webmistresses Hi, Hello!
When I first logged on the internet in 1996 to look for stuff about my favourite TV show, I found two pages first: Sheryl Martin's homepage and Anne Haynes' hompage. I worked my way through tons of links and a little while later I found "Heather's Smut Archive" and I was absolutely, unrecoverably hooked.
I kept reading and reading day and night. All my money was spent on ink and printer paper (oh yeah, I used to have an inkjet back then, you can't imagine what amount of money I spent on ink...) That was around the time when friends first got worried about my addiction. "Heathers" was smut heaven, ask those who still remember the very first archive - they will definitely agree. Then it disapeared, it was gone - eaten by the evil internet trolls and I was desperate. I finally found Gossamer, yeah that's right, I found the link to "Heathers"before I even knew Gossamer existed.
Years later, by accident I found "Smut2K" the archive formerly know as "Heather's Smut Archive." I was so happy about that, it had been updated and my relatively new laser printer got quite a workout (I'd wrecked the inkjet by then).
I signed up to the list that belonged to the archive and met some very nice people there. Smut2K got updated a few times and each time I printed out the story listings. Then Smut2K got eaten again and this time for good, the archivists didn't have time to put it back up again and they might have lost interest too.
I always had that dream about looking for all the stories that were archived there and putting "Smut2K" back up again. I actually had that dream for a long time, but since I knew nothing about building a website it was next to impossible for
me to do it. Well that and we are talking about a couple hundred stories that I didn't have, only the updates of the
alphabetical listings.
Last fall, I found a partner in crime. I am so thankful to Zender for putting up the site and spending months of time putting the stories there. The Skinner and Doggett archives are her doing I simply didn't have any time left to work on them. We've been working on this since last October and it's been a lot of work, believe me. I don't know if Zender knew what she was getting herself into, but we do have almost all the stories of the old archive there, just about 28 are missing.
All the other of the over 800 stories of the original archive are there; plus a few more we added because we like them.
This is dedicated to Mitzi, Heathers and Nicole the old archivists who don't know a thing about this, to all the people I
met along the way in the last 6 1/2 years, to Mad Hatter, Elizabeth, Gdsrlw, Sdani, Cellee, Lizzi and Caroline who helped
me find a lot of the missing stories (hope I didn't forget anyone), to the people at the Lost and Found Board one of my favorite places to hang around and to the rest of the community.
And finally the biggest thank you goes to Zender! GIRL YOU ROCK! To say it in Heather's and Mitzi's words:Keep Smutting everyone!
Don't let her fool you. All I did was check headers and type titles! She had all these wonderful stories saved and alphabetized and fed them to me in spurts. And she searched the net relentlessly for the ones that she was missing.
I want to thank everyone that has made the X-Files Fanfiction community such a fun place to be. Orange Tabby Cat is a wild woman with an obsession. My kinda gal! Thanks also, as she stated earlier to the original archivists who did so much original work in gathering and posting all these stories. Without them, and without OTC obsessively saving things on her gigantic harddrive, none of this would be possible!
There are some stories missing that we are trying to find. Please see the Missing Stories page. If you have any of these stories saved or know where we can locate them, please e-mail one of us. We would appreciate your help!
We are very excited about completing this project. But... this is an ongoing thing and we are looking forward to future submissions.
As for my fellow webmistress: "No, no! YOU rock!"
Zender 8-)