TITLE: WORTH THE WAIT 2 AUTHOR: ATTICUS E-MAIL: Helen@heroforr.demon.co.uk Classification: SR Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: None Keywords: Mulder/Scully Romance Summary: Sequel to Worth the Wait. Mulder and Scully are still trying to Get out of the FBI evening, but a few things stand in their way... Disclaimer: M&S + X-Files = Chris Carter/1013/Fox and IMO GA & DD. Not me. Ca va? :) Author's comments: Well this is my fourth piece and first sequel. I hope you like it. Any constructive criticism is welcome, praise is even more welcome naturally You need to read WtW really to understand what is going on, and what has gone on before ;) So I'm posting it to the group along with this. Thanks. ********************** My eyes follow Scully as she weaves her way across the hall. I watch her curves, the movement of her skin under her dress. It isn't hard for me to recall in exact detail, every second of our extremely recent love-making. It plays over and over in my mind like a film. I can pause and rewind as many times as I want, and I guess I'll have to be content with that until we can both get out of this place. It's damn hard to concentrate on anything when all I can think of is how much pleasure I am going to give her in... I check my watch... around 2 hours. Shit. That long... I decide I could do with a drink. As I walk to the bar, I ponder the strength of my desire for Scully. The problem I have is rather the same as the problem with eating a chinese meal. Making love to her always leaves me totally satisfied, but only for a short time, then I have such a renewed hunger to be inside her, be that close to her physically, that I actually ache. I have to smile at the thought of what she would say if she knew I was equating her to a takeaway... God, there is a long queue at the bar. It will give me something to do though, try and take my mind off the obvious. It's fortunate for me that she accepts how I feel and doesn't just indulge me but positively encourages me, which has led me to believe that her desire, her need is just as strong. No matter how often she calls me 'insatiable', I know her, and I know that mischievous twinkle in her eyes when she says it. Lucky old Mulder. My smile fades when I realise a leggy blonde a few metres away seems to think it is directed at her. She gives me a flirtatious look, and tosses her hair in a manner that reminds me of more than one shampoo commercial I've seen. Not very subtle. I lower my gaze. Look uninterested and she'll get the message... Ah, fuck, she's coming over... The absolute last thing I want is for Scully to see me with someone else, it's not even as if I can say to this woman - 'Sorry, I'm with someone - that little redhead over there, yeah, the one who possesses a don't-screw-with-me aura and a look that can fell a man at 20 paces when she wants it to.' Nope I can definitely not say that... I snap out of my reverie when my new worst nightmare says hello. 'Agent Mulder, am I right?' She breathes. I'm fumbling for a way out of this. 'Yeah. Could you just-' Not quick enough. 'You're something of a legend around here.' 'I'm sorry, but I have to-' 'You have to what?' Great, she looks a little pissed... what do I have to do?! 'Er, use the restroom.' Her smile returns, not a good sign. 'I'll wait for you here.' Yippee. I give her a strained smile and then turn on my heel. Shit. I'll have to keep my head down and hope she doesn't find me again ... no chance of a drink now... probably just as well, it goes straight to my head. Find Scully. That's what I should do. We'll have to leave early, separately of course, but soon... The only horny woman I want to deal with is her, and I have a feeling blondie has made a marked man of me. My eyes dart around the room - where the hell is she? I turn slowly in a circle, trying to zone-in on her... I finally see her in a corner; a glass of white wine in her hand and a blank expression on her lovely face. Phew... I attempt to catch her attention with a few gestures but she is plainly somewhere else, her gaze focused on a far off point on the polished floor. Waiting out the time just like I was doing, before the attack of the long- legged Barbie anyway... Scully wants to be alone with me too. Just reminding myself of that fact is enough to make me even more eager to get to her. I twist and turn through the dancing bodies, my 'scuse-me becoming less polite the nearer I get. I'm having a problem easing past an entwined couple when I notice a guy has sidled up to Scully. I pause, then shove my way past the couple, not caring about the dirty looks I'm given. Totally irrational I know, but I can feel anger boiling up as I clench my teeth... Scully would call this my over-possessiveness, I'd call it a normal reaction when some jerk is trying it on with the woman you love. We agree to differ on that point. I keep my eyes on the guy as I come within a few feet of them. He's leaning against the wall, spouting some charming bullshit by the looks of it. I glance at Scully, her body-language showing, at least to me, that she is definitely not interested. She looks up at the guy, I can't hear what she says, I don't need to. The jerk's face falls faster than a hooker's panties. He moves away mumbling something, and Scully takes a drink of her wine, composed as always. I wish I could be that good at brush-offs... Smiling, I walk up to her. 'You're a dangerous woman, Scully.' She tilts her head up at my voice, a smile spreading across her features. 'I am?' I gaze at her for a moment, almost forgetting her question. I don't need a mirror to know that the tenderness I see in her eyes also shines out from mine. 'That guy's nursing a badly-bruised ego.' She shrugs. 'He wasn't my type.' I move closer to her, my back to the rest of the hall. 'Oh no?' She fixes her gaze on me and lowers her voice to a husky whisper, which sends a shockwave of desire through me. 'No... ' I decide to take a risk and run a finger slowly up and down the bare skin of one of her arms. Watching my finger I say in the same low whisper, 'So what type _do_ you go for?' Her breathing has become slightly shallow. 'Oh... you know - tall, dark and spooky-looking.' She answers with difficulty. I let out a short grunt of laughter, and move my finger up higher, tracing her collarbone. She shifts uncomfortably and sips her wine, then hisses, 'Mulder!' I know I'm getting to her, and pushing my luck a little that no one else will notice. I trail my fingers back down her arm, but this time let them wander to the curve of her breast, where I caress the silky material there. 'This is nice.' I raise my eyes to hers, unable to stop the corners of my mouth from lifting. She hollows her cheek with her tongue and tries not to laugh. Then pushes my hand firmly away. I groan. 'Scully...' 'Why don't you go get a drink Mulder?' Oh, yeah that's a _great_ idea... 'I don't think so... let's leave now, no one will miss us.' I give her my best puppy-dog eyes. She allows herself a small smile, but I can tell it's not going to work tonight. She smoothes down my tux with one hand. 'You seem to be awfully eager to get out of here, Agent Mulder...' I sigh. Is she trying to drive me mad? 'Are you telling me I'm the only one?' Suddenly she isn't listening, instead she's looking over my shoulder. 'Scully?' 'There's a seriously displeased woman coming this way, Mulder.' Uh-oh. I swallow, don't need to look to know who that would be. 'Oh, great - She was cracking on to me while I was lining for a drink.' Scully's eyebrow rises. 'Really?' 'I said I was going to the restroom, but that was about 20 minutes ago...' Scully flushes slightly at the word 'restroom', and I bite back a smile - neither of us will look at one in quite the same way again after our little 'rendezvous'. She snaps out of it and sighs briefly, 'Come on then, let's go before Barbie gets here.' I grin. I knew it wasn't just me... teasing, I say, 'I don't know, Scully, I kinda feel like being Ken tonight..' She pointedly ignores that and leads me to the exit with a firm hand on my arm. 'Don't you think we should leave alone?' I whisper in her ear as she marches me along. 'You want to leave alone, Mulder, that's fine, but you'll remain that way for the rest of the night.' Ouch. I open my mouth to reply but she gets in first. '...And don't tell me you're thinking of safeguarding our clandestine relationship, because that was the last thing on your mind a moment ago.' She's got me there. 'Whatever you say, Mistress.' Definitely more than a flicker of a smile at that. She takes my arm discreetly and we begin to cross the room, rather rapidly in fact. I never imagined I'd ever have to quicken my pace to keep up with Scully, but she is almost dragging me along, we're moving that fast. A brief turn of my head tells me why - the blonde is gaining on us. Luckily we're near the main exit now; the large door a welcome sight. Suddenly Scully stops in her tracks. I nearly knock her over as I bump into her side. 'Scully?' She gestures towards the door with a nod of her head, obviously having seen something I haven't. Right at this moment I'm more worried about our pursuer, but I humour her. Following her gaze I see Skinner at the other end of it. Great. 'Why are we leaving together, Scully? We need an excuse. Now.' I whisper urgently. She gives me an exasperated look. I make up my mind and this time it is my turn to lead the way. I grab Scully's arm and guide her hastily to our escape. Skinner is talking to a short, bespectacled agent I don't recognise. Maybe we'll make it through... 'Agent Mulder?' Or maybe not. 'Leaving us so soon?' I have to answer now, but before I can Skinner moves nearer. 'And Agent Scully. I didn't see you there.' He glances at Scully and then at my hold on her bare arm. My brain grasps for a reason, an excuse, anything. Then Scully speaks up. 'I'm sorry to be departing early, Sir, but I'm feeling rather unwell. Agent Mulder kindly offered to escort me to my car.' I let out a silent cheer in my head. Scully to the rescue. Skinner looks concerned. I turn to Scully and understand why. She looks pale, shaky, and all together like someone who needs to be escorted to her car. Amazing. This seems the time for me to add something... ...a dig in my ribs stops me. I frown slightly. She thinks I'll screw it up does she? I think for a second. She's probably right. I do tend to go overboard when it comes to things like this. Skinner doesn't look as if he needs more convincing in any case. 'I hope you recover soon.' He studies her with a frown. 'Perhaps you should see her home too, Mulder.' I can't smile, I can't smile... 'I was just going to suggest that myself, Sir, but you know how stubborn Agent Scully can be.' I risk a quick peek at her, hoping her elbow isn't anywhere near my ribs this time. I get the look. Or at least a version of it, as much as she can manage in her 'weakened state.' I really have the urge to laugh now. This is ridiculous. We're acting like two teenagers trying to cut class. It's kinda fun in a juvenile way though. Skinner nods, 'Well, better to be safe than sorry...' He looks at Scully expectantly. She gives a wan smile, and nods her consent. Skinner moves off satisfied, and resumes his conversation with the vertically-challenged agent, who is now sipping a drink. Scully looks up at me. 'Come on then, take me home.' When I just smile broadly at her she asks, 'What?' 'I think you deserve an Oscar for that performance.' I say, my voice lowered to a whisper. She sighs, 'I'll settle for a warm bubble bath.' 'Room for two?' I feel one of her hands on my chest, 'Take me home and find out.' All at once I can feel my blood rushing southwards at her softly spoken words. Trying to appear normal to the rest of the hall as we go through the exit isn't easy. It feels like I have a sign on my forehead with 'Totally head-over-heels for my partner' written on it. I wonder for a second what happened to Blondie... a quick glance over my shoulder answers that question - she's standing adoringly next to Skinner! As if I'd never even existed... if I wasn't with the most wonderful woman in the world my ego would be slightly bruised. As it is I don't give it another thought. The next endless hours after we get to Scully's apartment are dreamlike and filled with pleasure. Mine, hers, ours. Images float in and out of my consciousness; creamy skin, full lips parted on a cry, fined-boned hands caressing my whole body, small, rounded nails digging into my taunt back muscles. All my senses on full alert, feeling every touch, not missing a single second of passion. As I lay here, unwilling and unable to do anything but relax, I once again feel Scully's silky, soft breasts pressed against my flesh. I relive the exquisite sensation of slipping into her, the brief resistance, giving way to the tightness of her body, and the extreme, burning heat of her core. The wetness, incredible wetness, making it all too easy for my climax to build and build. The sounds she brings forth when I touch her. Tiny, short gasps, soon becoming longer sobs and incoherent words, flowing without pause into moans and heaven help me, grunts... that was near the end, the second time. When I flipped her over and drove into her hard and fast. Every thrust of mine accompanied by one of her own, and a soft grunt that thrilled me beyond belief. The sound had spurred me on and pushed me closer to the edge. I had held tightly onto her gleaming body, trying and failing to keep to any kind of steady rhythm... I knew that with every thrust and counter thrust of Scully's I was retaining less and less control. I moved one hand under her and sought out her most sensitive of places. When she jerked under me as if experiencing an electric shock I knew I'd found it. I'm not sure exactly how I managed it, and I'm guessing I'll be paying for it tomorrow, but I gripped her tightly with one arm while my other hand did it's work. It certainly had the desired effect anyway. Scully had begun to half-grunt and half-moan louder and was now circling her hips back at me with pretty impressive strength and speed. Suddenly I thought I could hear her saying something. I tried to make out what it was, it had sounded like, 'Mulplea...uhhhh...Mul...' Which hadn't helped much. Then I managed to make out one word very clearly - 'uhhstop...plea...'. Shocked, I abruptly took my hand away from her, and fought for self-control as I slowed my movements. For a second I waited for her response, wondering what was wrong, then I realised she _hadn't_ stopped moving. 'Scully??' She gave a hoarse groan, and said breathlessly, 'Why. Have. You. Stopped?' 'You told me to!' I remember feeling slightly desperate by this time. 'I...' She thrust again,(If I wasn't sure she loved me, I would have sworn she was trying to kill me). '...said DON'T stop...' Thrust. '... please...Mulder...'. Oh. I had gathered myself, relieved, and slightly embarrassed at the same time. As soon as I began to move once more, Scully seemed to forget all about it anyway. I slipped my hand between her legs again, and found her throbbing and swollen. It only took a matter of seconds after that, as I felt her whole being quaking, her noises subsided into quiet, rapid gasps, as she melted around me until I came myself. I can't explain what I exactly felt in those long seconds but it was as close to nirvana as I've ever been. When I came back to myself Scully was limp in my arms and I rolled over in the bed taking her with me. She slid languidly onto my chest, and murmured, 'I don't think I have ever made sounds _quite_ like that, in bed or otherwise...' I kissed the top of her head. That much was true. Although Scully wasn't quiet in bed, as you might have expected if you didn't know her like I did, I had never heard noises like that from her in the months we have been sleeping together. Then she did something else that was quite a new experience for me - she giggled. A beautiful, happy sound which caressed my ears and made me want to join her. 'It was freeing, Mulder... freeing...' It must of been because Scully never usually giggled. 'Guess I...' I had started to say. But then I looked down at her, her head suddenly heavy on my chest. I smiled to myself and finished my sentence in a whisper, '...refresh the parts in you other guys can't reach...' Those words echo in my head now as I lie here listening to the steady sound of her breathing. I pull the duvet over her shoulders a little more so she won't get cold, and gently stroke the hair away from her eyes. I have a feeling that is both wonderful and terrible at the same time; wonderful because she's here and safe and in my arms, and terrible because I know deep down I can't always protect her. That's what I want to do, as chauvinistic and silly as it may sound. I can't help it - it's love, pure and simple. That thought overcomes all the my fears for now and I decide to allow myself to get some rest. I breathe in deeply of our combined scents and focus on the warm body draped over me - I find that always helps me drift off... My last conscious thought is that if I had one wish it would be to make Scully giggle again... then everything fades away. ************* END