Title: Absolute Beginners (Book 1-3) Author: diehard E-mail: alvaradomccain@earthlink.net Rating: NC-17 Classification: MSR, Humor (hopefully), Alternate Universe...people are actually happy here. Summary: Our heroes finally decide to do the dirty deed. Sex, love, all the rest. What might have occurred before the last two thirds of Season 7. Spoilers: Everything through the first third of Season 7, close after the Millennium episode. Some license with the death of Melissa and Emily. Keywords: confession, sex, and happy ending, with detours along the way. Disclaimers: You know, they're not mine. They're Chris Carter's. Just using them for the fun, no money involved. Archive: Yes, anywhere. Just keep it intact. Feedback: Yes, please. you can contact me: alvaradomccain@earthlink.net Folks, this is my first foray into fanfic, so be gentle. Might I also add that I had to write this as a response to the end of the last season. Much, much thanks to Alicia K., and Nikki B for their beta wisdom, general support and encouragement of this fledgling author. Thanks to Judith Weugel and the folks at Fran's Fanfic Addiction. Judith wrote me a great e-mail that got me stoked to write more. Also, thanks to my teachers--writers like Bonetree, fialka, revely and jessemie's evil twin. What you do with words! Most of all, thanks to David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson for almost a decade of complicated, passionate, subtle portrayals of our favorite fighters against the apocalypse --Mulder and Scully xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BooK 1 Friday Night "Shit!...Fuck!...Sorry...Sorry...S'cuse me...Yeah, I know I'm a real tool..." Mulder's expletives and half-assed apologies trailed after him as he charged down the 4th floor hall. He'd just escaped the annual audit. And he was free-free at last, thank god all mighty, free at last. Eight hours of his life had been sucked down the drain, highlighted by the droning, torturous indictment of how he and Scully spent the FBI's money. He'd infuriated the poor accountant, offering only his usual wads of coffee stained receipts and not much more. When the poor schmuck finally gave up and sprung him, Mulder hadn't even noticed that the guy'd called him a dick. After pushing his way past a raft of new recruits, one ASAC, and practically knocking over a file clerk, he slid into the elevator. Punching the button with a vengeance, he descended to the level everyone else called the 'LTZ '--'Less Than Zero.' Mulder checked his watch, it was close to six. He panicked for a second when he thought she might have left and he'd be stuck with his own sorry ass. Another sign of how far gone he was. Coming up on the office, he got a glimpse of her through the partially open door. Click. Another imaginary photo for a file he started keeping years ago. Beautiful Scully. Mulder stopped and hovered just outside the threshold. It was an involuntary act now, a necessary one. It hadn't been a purely sexual thing for a long time, it was something far more than a desire for connection, an answer to his loneliness. Beautiful Scully. His human credential, his single piece of evidence that his heart was still capable of love. But for longer than he could remember, he'd only allow himself to watch her when he thought she couldn't see, to touch her when there was a crisis large enough to hide the vastness of how much he wanted her. Beautiful Scully. Access Denied. At some point in the dim and distant past, he had a reasonable explanation for his life of self-denial, reasons he couldn't rationalize anymore. Samantha had been gone over twenty years and his guilt over her abduction and his solitary life seemed useless to him now. He wanted to move forward, toward Scully, but he needed some catalyst, some sign that she was ready for everything that ending their fixed emotional universe would mean. Standing just to the side of the doorjamb, he shoved his hands in his pockets, mentally adding tothe 'untouchable file' collection. It was safer than risking everything, losing her by asking for more than she could give. His chest tightened with an ache that was now a fairly common occurrence, and out of nowhere he remembered a line of Yeats, "...one man loved the pilgrim's soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face." Seven years of sorrows had caressed that face. Beautiful Scully. There had been so many losses, missteps, so many times he thought he'd never see her again. "Beautiful. Brainy. Brave. Good, Mulder," he muttered, "you've covered the 'B's'. That Oxford education didn't go to waste." He took a deep breath and walked in. Scully was aware of him lurking in the hall. What the hell was up with him these days? Was he watching her more or was she just noticing it more? Normally she'd care, but right now she was a little preoccupied. She was in his chair, staring at the ceiling, hurling pencils at the tiles just like she'd seen him do a thousand times. Her dark blue long jacket was unbuttoned, hanging on her shoulders a little crookedly, a sign that her carefully constructed facade had begun to erode. Scully's heart sped up when he came through the doorway and finally made his way to the desk. Tossing back her hair, she bit down on her lip and shot one off as his footsteps came closer. Pretending to be utterly consumed with this fascinating activity, she sized him up out of the corner of her eye--he looked unsettled. She'd blown his customary cool. Good, he thought, turnabout is fair play. Allow me to rattle your cage, Agent Mulder. Someone had rewritten the story of her life. Scully in Wonderland had fallen down the twisted rabbit hole and when she'd finally come to, casual death and random brutality were the order of the day. She never faltered, never flinched, even as the personal costs were salted into her very soul. She shocked them all, throwing in her lot with his, and their lives became a pattern of interlocking sorrows: Samantha, their fathers, Melissa, cancer, Emily. What baffled her was how, in the midst of all of it, Mulder had kept reaching out to her, and against her better judgment, she reached back. A powerful thing had locked them in each other's orbit; and Scully had her suspicions as to what it was. Mulder would have said it was fate, bashert, 'la forza del destino.' He made her feel too much, want too much. Seven years ago, the idea that she'd be in love with him struck her as preposterous. And like so many things in this Wonderland, the preposterous had come true, and she was only now catching up to the truth of it. More pencils shot to the ceiling. He had to be right behind her, she could feel it. She didn't dare look, she might lose her nerve. Very unprofessional thoughts were whirling in her head, but Scully kept them at bay. It was astounding, really, how he made her feel. Even more astounding, she was going to do something about it. What had happened to crack the wall? It was something as simple as a comment after her last check up. A week ago, she had been siting on the exam table, being told she was fine, her cancer still in remission. On the way out, the nurse made an offhand remark, telling her to go home and celebrate with the man she loved. One shot, straight to the heart. Scully went home, and took a long hard look at her life, what she had, what she didn't have, and why the hell the man she loved was only as close as a voice on her cell phone. Melissa and Emily were still dead. Serious, logical Agent Scully had tried to offer penance by not living herself. Tried and failed. A casual remark became a revelation. It worked on her all week, all day Friday, up until now. This afternoon her last, brittle piece of reserve crumbled away. All that time, biting back the words, holding herself in check hadn't kept her or anyone else safe, hadn't evened any imaginary score. All it had done was kept her alone, waiting for someday. Scully screwed up her courage; she'd had enough. She was fed up with her own hesitancy, his too. Mulder was going to get the full court press; and once and for all she would know what was really possible. "Scully, what are..." "Shhhh, Mulder! " "I thought you'd be halfway home by now. It's way past 5, and last time I checked it was still Friday. Just what are you still doing here?" She put the pencils down, straightened her jacket, smoothed her skirt and rose to meet him. They stood face to face in front of his desk. Scully spoke deliberately, and tried to hold back the smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "We've got to stop this. It's time, Mulder." "Stop what?" Jesus Christ, she's finally realized that she deserves a life, you conspiracy-ridden asshole...Mulder felt his stomach knot, his mind race. He was about to hit the wall at 90 miles an hour. Time to crash and burn. Hurry, you're a smart man, say something, say anything. He opened his mouth, and she covered it with her hand. "Shut up, Mulder, and listen. I'm on to you. I'm on to what's been happening for the last three months, almost every weekend. It's Friday, and sometime between now and Sunday night you'll call me with the 'urgent paperwork needing to be done by Monday', and when you show up at my door you'll have little else in hand beside a pizza and a bad movie. Could it possibly be that you want to be with me? You've kissed me, I've kissed you. We've stayed in god- only-knows how many motel rooms, how long do you think it's going to take you?" His hazel eyes flickered with curiosity now, "How long is it going to take me to do what, Scully?" Maybe he had it all wrong, maybe she was going to throw him a bone, maybe he wasn't doomed to be Monster Boy, forever dwelling in the basement. Scully could feel her irritation growing. Chewing her lip, she eyed him up and down, wondering if it might be easier just to kill him. My brilliant Mulder, box of clues here, she thought ruefully, pay attention. She decided to spare him, at least for the time being. But there was no way he was getting off the hook, even though it appeared his IQ had taken a serious plunge in the last few minutes. "How long were you going to take to get it through your thick head that I kind of saw through your carefully orchestrated deceit? And that I kept opening the door, because I wanted to be with you, too?" She'd just told him she'd been waiting for him...Jesus, this was too much. "Well, it's just.. I didn't want to...." He felt his face get hot-- she was not going to embarrass him, he couldn't possibly be embarrassed. All right, Scully, do it. I'll be right behind you. Just make your move. I'll be all over it, I swear. She grabbed his tie, and savored his shocked surprise. This was it. "I'm only going to say this once. Tonight we're going to pretend we're normal adults. We're still relatively young and healthy. You're coming to dinner at my place, at eight, and you are going to bring dessert. Is that understood? Nod once for yes, twice for no." Mulder nodded once and grinned. Her hands slid to his lapels, her thumbs rubbing the fabric. "I don't have to write this out for you, do I?" Her tone was serious, but her eyes were bright, teasing. "I think you've made yourself perfectly clear." Mulder matched her tone. "Normal people, dinner at eight, dessert. OK, I've got that down." His eyes glinted as if he was enjoying a private joke. I'm on it, Scully. I'll give you a run for your money. "Good. Well all right then, I'll be leaving." She let her hands fall away. "Okay, then." "Okay yourself." Mulder crossed his arms over his chest and watched her leave the office and disappear into the elevator. He paused for a minute and headed down the hall. He had things to do, and he knew better than to be late. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It was about ten before eight. Scully managed to stop on her way home at a nearby market. Groceries were scattered on the kitchen table, and a bottle of a good white was chilling. Mulder didn't know it yet, but she was going to put him to work. She looked around her apartment. It was neat, orderly. No one laid around all Sunday, half-asleep on the couch pretending to read the paper. No one threw his clothes on the floor, or dragged her from what she was doing to take a shower with him in the middle of Saturday afternoon. No one ever grabbed her in front of the kitchen sink, sat her on the counter, and made love to her right there because he couldn't wait. Her apartment, with its clean, quiet coldness said more about her than she liked. She went to the bedroom closet and took out all the things she had put away after Melissa was killed. When she had first found out, all Scully had felt was a searing pain, an urge to scream, smash everything, and pull the trigger of her revolver and shoot anything that moved. She knew if she let her feelings out she'd die in their wake. Or someone else would. Instead, she was Icy Agent Scully; working the forensic search, cleaning up her sister's blood with her own hands. She ignored Mulder, ignored everyone, and did what she was trained to do. After everyone had left, she locked herself in the bathroom, knelt down in the shower and cried out to God for the strength to get up and go on. Rivulets of water ran down her back and legs as she'd shook from sorrow and rage, sobbing until she could barely move. When it was done, she got dressed and silently went through the apartment boxing up anything that represented pleasure, passion, enjoyment; the things she shared with Melissa. After she found Emily and had to watch her die, she walled herself in even more. She blamed herself every day for not being able to nail Alex Krycek, the Smoking Man, all of them to the wall. Scully carried around grief and guilt believing there would never be an end to it. Tonight she took out the candles and the jazz recordings and loaded up the CD player. She lit candles everywhere she could think of and played music she'd almost forgotten she had. Scully let herself think about her sister, feel her presence. Tonight seemed like the night for more than one kind of resolution. Melissa had always been more open, taking pleasure in the moment, in the fact that your life happened now, with all its contradictions. Five years had passed and there was finally a hard-won peace, an imperfect one. Blame was not a legacy Melissa would have left for her. And Emily? A dead child in a litany of them. She'd done too many autopsies, too many exhumations, to not be haunted by their small ghosts. But Emily was hers, gone before Scully could ever know her. That loss was embedded in her heart like a stone. There would be no others. She had dreams about losing her, dreams of failing, and falling short. It was just a part of her life, who she was now, another one of the Mulder and Scully interlocking sorrows. She stood facing the bedroom mirror and took a long, careful look, fingering the chain and the little cross that was always there, her personal talisman. She wore little makeup: lipstick, not much else. Her face was soft, and she seemed younger to herself, not so serious, so austere. Scully knew how to put on a game face, she had to. She needed it to command the respect of fellow agents and back down suspects. More and more, she'd used it to hide from herself. Agent Scully here. Nothing but the facts, no, nothing at all. Tonight, the face looking back at her was a different woman. Still damp from the shower, her hair was slicked back, a darker red as she stood in the light. She pushed a strand gently behind her ears. She dared herself tonight, wearing clothes she bought with Melissa's encouragement: a white, fitted sweater that left her neck and shoulders bare; panties; a long, black skirt that wrapped around her waist. She slipped into a pair of black heels and said goodnight to Agent Scully, Doctor Scully, autopsies, black oil, the way her SIG felt as she pulled the trigger. She was not that woman tonight, she didn't know about those things. She wanted to be the woman in the mirror. Something made her think of her last summer, and the phone message from one "Fox Mantle," Mulder's arms around her as she hit ball after ball into the summer night. They'd sat on the hood of his car afterward, watching stars for a long time, Mulder touching the back of her neck with his fingers. And then there was the look he gave her--the kind of look that told her she could lay him bare. Over the last year, he'd let her know in small, subtle ways that he'd seen another side of her, that he felt drawn to it. She thought kissing him on New Year's might make things different. But neither one of them ever stepped across the invisible line between what they did, what they had to do, and what they wanted. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mulder stood outside her door; it was just now 8 o'clock. He was wearing a black dress shirt, black pants and his leather jacket. His duffel bag slung over his shoulder, carrying what he'd gotten for later. He was sure she wasn't expecting what he'd brought. A quick run of his fingers through his hair, then he knocked and waited. There were the sounds of Billy Strayhorn's piano from behind the door. He'd listened to those sensual jazz riffs on many sleepless nights. Sometimes, when he called her at three a.m., Strayhorn was on his stereo in the background. Once he'd even tried to explain his musical significance, but she cut him off, 'Mulder, even though I'm a sailor's daughter, I know who he is.' Finally, the door opened and there she was. For a moment Mulder couldn't move or speak. At last, his lips formed the words, "God, you look amazing." Walking through the door, he set his bag of the floor of the foyer. She seemed pleased and slightly nervous, and if he was honest, he'd have to say he was too. He went on to let himself enjoy what she was wearing, and not wearing, realizing something else was going on besides than appreciation, amazement or nervousness. Something located further south. "Amazing? That's a pretty strong word." Was she blushing? The hell with it, she didn't care. She took his jacket and rested her hand against his chest. The Gunmen had just done one of their regular bug hunts in the last week and came up with nothing. Scully sent them a silent thank you. No surveillance tonight. A small miracle. "You don't look too bad yourself, Mulder. But I was wondering, are you planning on going to the gym later?" She cocked her head toward the bag." "Oh, that's for later, if you're good." "Excuse me?" She tossed him a withering look. "It's dessert, nothing sinister. Unless of course you like sinister." Mulder was cracking wise and feeling pretty good at the moment. She reached for the bag. His hand shot out and caught her wrist. "No, Agent Scully, I don't think so." He snatched the duffel and strolled into the living room. "Someone is behaving like a little prick." "That's a little harsh. Dana Katherine Scully, does your mother know you talk like that?" "There's a variety of bad habits I have that my mother attributes to you, as does Bill, by the way." Scully hung his jacket in the closet. When she turned around, she saw he'd opened a window, and was sprawled on the sofa, feet up and grinning. "It's almost spring. And a beautiful night, I just wanted to enjoy it." "Make yourself at home, by all means. Is there anything else I can get you?" She hoped her sarcasm was not lost on him. He waved her on. "You may bring me my dinner, woman. Go, go on."Scully walked across the living room to the sofa. She reached behind his neck and tried to pull him up by the collar. "Get up, Mulder. Now." He stirred himself and took his time getting to his feet. He was having too good a time. She was facing him, scanning his face with a kind of intense concentration that almost felt foreign to her, but she still managed to speak, "Dinner is going to be a joint effort." She took each arm, one by one, and rolled up his sleeves. "I guess we should get started. Allow me, it's the least I can do for tonight's help." Without thinking, her fingers drifted slowly up and down his arm. As soon as she could touch his skin, she knew she wasn't going to be making dinner. The sounds of Charlie Parker's sax drifted toward where they stood. He closed the gap between them, slowly shaking his head. "Sorry, Scully. I can't wait." Screw small talk, dinner, the rest of it--I don't have the patience anymore. Change in plans, partner--mine, yours. Mulder traced the outline of her mouth with his tongue and shuddered when her lips parted and her tongue met his. This was real. Aching and longing rushed through him. Everything sped up and whirled around where he stood. His hands laced behind her head, his fingers tangled in her hair, his fingertips pressing hard on her skull. Kissing her over and over again, his mouth burning against hers. No more pain. No more remnants of past disasters. It was all stripped away. Something else was here for him. Mulder ran his lips over her brow, her eyelids, her nose, the lines of her jaw. It's different now, Scully. You. Me. Now. Let me show you. Let me. She felt herself let go. Nothing was complicated or conflicted anymore. No more disillusionment. No more keeping it all at bay. Everything slowed down around her, stopped, and disappeared. Everything but them. Nothing can touch us, Mulder. She broke away from him and pressed open mouthed-kisses along his eyelids, his forehead, down his cheek to his jaw. Tenderly biting his earlobe, she moved to the ridge of muscle in his neck that ran down to his shoulder and tried to memorize each move he made as her teeth grazed his skin. Mulder's arms slid down to her waist. As much as he didn't want to stop, he needed her to banish the last demon. "Last chance to save yourself." He tried to keep his tone light, telling himself it wasn't as if his whole life had boiled down to this moment, but it was a lie. What he wanted was no reservations, what he wanted was to feel her pressing against him again, offering him everything he had dreamt about in his solitary bed. Forty was bearing down on him now, and some nights he told himself maybe he'd never find Samantha. He wanted a real life, starting here, starting now. If she hesitated, if she said no, he would leave and try to pretend; he had years of practice under his belt. Fox Mulder could live with not having if he had to; he was the world's leading authority on the subject. Whatever you want, Scully, whatever you need. But you better tell me quick. "Too late, partner." Scully tried to match his nonchalance. "You're stuck with me. But what about you? Still in for the long haul?" No matter how terrified they might be, she knew it was nothing but an excuse now. She took his hands away, and with both of hers, placed them over his heart. There was a moment's silence. "I'm in, Scully, I'm in. " Her arms slid over his shoulders and she murmured, "Prove it." Mulder pushed one of his hands underneath her sweater, dragging his fingers across her naked back. The feel of her skin coursed through him, and he felt himself getting hard. "Beautiful Scully." At last he could say it out loud. "You'll never get rid of me." Slowly tracing a path with his tongue down her neck toward its hollow, he made his way toward the little cross. Mulder found her collarbone, and pressed his lips against its curve. Against her flesh and bone he told her over and over how much he loved her. Her body twisted against his. More. She had to have more. The ripple of muscle, the pressure of bone on bone was a flashpoint for her. Not thinking, just feeling; she was already wet, her nipples hard. Twisting her fingers through his thick, dark hair, swiping his mouth with hers, a rush of something elemental and possessive ran through her. Scully pulled away from him a little, took one of his hands, and kissed each fingertip, tracing each whorl with her lips. She was marking him, making sure he understood. "Mine. All mine now." He was aching with want by this time, and rolled subtly against her, the crest of his hip locked against her pliant stomach. Her eyes were half-closed and she swayed into him as he moved. It was time to get serious. "Now that you got me, what are you gonna do with me?" And then they both started laughing. It was throaty, wicked, unmistakably sexual. No more minimum safe distance. Grabbing each other, mouths and tongues moving, biting each other's lower lip, hands fluttering under clothes, they began to cross the kitchen floor. Mulder took the lead, backing Scully out of the room with shuffling, metered steps. He bent at the waist to keep himself head-to-head with her, his hands now locked under the wrap of her skirt, her fingers curved around his belt loops. Out of the corner of his eye, he navigated the land mines, twisting around the furniture. Snaking her to the bedroom, he could hear the shuffle of their footsteps. He pushed the door with one hand and kept going. The bedroom was almost dark. The candles had almost all burned out. The music had stopped playing and they were alone in the stillness. They were a little out of breath, but made quick work of it: kicking off shoes, sliding out of shirt and pants, skirt and sweater, peeling away the rest. Scully turned back the bedding, cool white sheets rustling under her hands. She reached up for him, and caught him around the waist, pulling on him onto the bed. He began to move away. "No hope of escape," she said, softly laughing. "Don't want to escape...Scully, let me look at you." He was smiling, but his eyes began to darken, "I need to remember everything." "Then let's make a memory, Mulder." They stretched out on the bed half-covered, facing each other in the dim light; and traced a map of their bodies: the slope of her breasts, the hollow of her stomach, the line of his thighs, the muscles of his back. They were riddled with scars--the two of them, soldiers marked by the unforgiving and apocalyptic. Scully's unflinching eye scanned the suture marks on his skull, she took her thumb and gently touched the last place he was invaded, courtesy of Diana Fowley. The thin knotty scar underneath his ribs reminded her of the first time she'd seen a woman hurt him. Women always seemed to be hurting him. A grief she thought long over was reborn as she traced with her finger the spot where she'd shot him herself. She'd loved him enough to shoot him. Sad. And then she thought how truly sad an offering she must be: naked, sterile, gunshot--thanks to Ritter, traitorous cells lying dormant in her body, a chip in her neck that might be saving her or might be branding her. She thought of everything that had been lost and felt herself start to freeze up. No, not now. Please, not now. Maybe what she wanted was too much to hope for; that together they were more than that. She hated what happened next: she flinched--she actually tried to pull away from the one man she wanted. Mulder was the love of her life, but seven years had taken their toll. She knew what she was, and what she wasn't. She was no goddess,no prize, she had long given up on happy endings and fairy tales. He couldn't want... He reached for her, insistent, almost desperate. "No...don't...." He tried to use his body to tell her, to make it right. He could feel his arousal ebb away, but it didn't matter. Mulder held her by the shoulder with one hand and with the other smoothed her forehead, trying to draw out the sadness. "Stay with me, Scully." He eased her head to a spot on his chest near the gunshot scar. "Here...just stay," running his hand gently up and down her back. It was like that for a long time. He could feel her start to cry without a sound, hot tears, tears that broke his heart open. Scully tried to pull herself together, hoping maybe she could stop it all from falling apart . She should've known better, should've kept things on an even keel, should've gone on like always. "My God, I'm sorry..I'm so sorry..." Now Mulder had his chance. "This morning I woke up alone, and thought I would go to bed alone tonight..." He watched her close her eyes, then he moved his face close to hers. "This is who we are. All of it, everything... Look at me, Scully." His voice was reaching for her--almost begging, trying to unknot her pain, release it. "I'm yours. As much as that's a life sentence for you, I can't help it." She was still now, the crying had at last stopped. With a deep, deep breath, she shuddered out the last of it. Her eyes opened, and she began to kiss him-- full, rich kisses--earthy, luscious. Scully caressed the side of his face, covering his ears with her hands, blocking out the world, capturing him. There was only her touch, her small, strong hands holding him fast, her mouth on his. He grabbed her by the waist and slid under her so that she could straddle him. Her hands gripped his shoulders, her fingers locking around the ridge of bone. He took the tips of his fingers and began to trace little circles down her neck, across her collarbone to her breasts. Then he let them dance over their curves, teasing her nipples. She tried to talk but all the words dwindled away. Scully barely noticed how hard Mulder was breathing beneath her. Looking down at him, her eyes narrowed with pleasure as he took one of her hands in his, and slid them gently between her legs. With his hand resting over hers, she began to stroke her clit and let herself revel in how good it all was. And she found the place in herself she thought hidden for too long, or maybe killed off. All of a sudden, and without a word, Scully took her fingertips and placed them on his lips. He grabbed her hand, hungrily licking her fingers, savoring her. Salty. Sweet. His heart was pounding in his chest, the taste of her tore through him. He had to touch her, he couldn't take it anymore. Mulder took his thumb and teased his way through her thatch of reddish curly hair, and started to groan when he found that gorgeous swollen clit. He traced tiny circles around and around, moving lightly, slowly, mimicking the rhythm she'd shown him. He loved every inch of her skin, how she moved under the pressure of each circle. Beautiful...so beautiful. She was so wet; he was unbelievably aroused. There was some joke about blood rushing to the other head, but he couldn't remember it now; he just had to be inside of her soon. The breath flew from her in a sharp exhalation. His thumb traced around and around on her slick and tender clit and soon there were no more thoughts, nothing but Mulder touching, nothing but moving in waves against him. Her thighs started to tremble and the slow unfolding and release began. Scully bent forward, her hands still holding him fast, her breasts rubbing his chest, her hair brushing his collarbone. Opening and closing, she could feel it--she was coming, slowing and quickening, again and again. Closing around him with greedy fingers, she felt how hard and beautiful he was. She guided him in slowly, gasping the moment he entered. He felt huge, and she was tight around him, covering every inch of him. Clenching down, her thighs pressed down on his, moving back and forth, a rhythm of back and forth. A brief image of them dancing flashed in her mind. This was older than that, beyond music, beyond words, something in their bones, older than their sorrows, much older and stronger. Mulder could feel her slow thrusts, the hard planes of their hips, the grip of her hands. The charge was building, he couldn't tell how long he would last. He was a coil ratcheting tighter and tighter. She was bearing down, coming, and his cock surged toward every move she made. She was still coming--God, yes. Please. He was losing it, he couldn't hold on much longer. Yes, I can feel you. Mine. Beautiful Scully. Yes. There's only one answer, now. Yes. Time seemed to unravel, along with every lonely thing inside him. Mulder had no idea how long they'd been like this when he shuddered, released and dissolved into her. He was gone, didn't know anything, didn't care. Scully. God, yes. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx They lay facing each other, silent in the dark for a long time afterward. Hands brushed away the hair out of each other's eyes, fingers traveled the outlines of each other's face, burning the memory into the cells of their bodies. It was late now, and moments passed without a sound. "Mulder..." Her voice was a mock-whisper. "Hm?" "I'm hungry." "God, so am I." He began to kiss her neck. Scully went on. "For food, Mulder, for food." She stretched out the last word. "Well, Scully, if we were to try to reconstruct the circumstances surrounding tonight's invitation, I believe I was the one offered dinner, and yet..." A whoosh, a soft splat, and shocked silence. Scully had hit him with a pillow. He waited a beat, then slid the pillow from his face. "I assume this means you want me to take care of this." "Well, you did bring dessert. I'll keep your spot warm." Scully watched him disappear. Outstanding gluteus maximus, she noted. Mulder slid out of bed and loped toward where he left the duffel. He was back in a second and stood at the foot of the bed, swinging the bag back and forth. "You find me amusing, after I went to all this trouble." Scully looked up at him, and grinned from ear to ear. She blew wisps of hair away from her face, trying to get a better view of this enjoyable display. "Let's see, naked man, swinging duffel bag...I think this makes for the stuff of comedy, don't you?" Lunging to the end of the bed, she managed to snake her arms around his waist. "Well, and what do we say when we want dessert?" He was grinning, smug as hell, holding the bag at arm's length, making sure it was outside Scully's reach. He could hear a peal of laughter coming from her general direction. "Bite me, Mulder." She was actually hoping he'd do that later. "Well, that would certainly satisfy my craving." He kept dangling the bag, fully relishing giving her a hard time. "How 'bout whispering something soft and low...That just might get you something for your sweet tooth." He glanced at Scully, then at the bag. By this time, Scully was ready to exact her revenge. "I've got something for you," she murmured. Leaning into him, she slid up his body slowly, tracing a path with her fingers along his chest. With precise detail, she ran her tongue against his earlobe and bit it. Exactly as she'd hoped, there was a sharp intake of breath and a stifled moan. "Scully!" She fell back onto the bed, laughing, truly pleased with herself. Mulder stood there for a minute, dumbstruck, then shook himself and regrouped. He went to the bag on the dresser and took out a cutting board, a hammer, and a cook's slab of Belgian chocolate. In one swift motion, he hit the slab with the hammer, and she watched it shatter into pieces. "You're a deeply twisted man." "Scary, isn't it?" He tossed her a piece and crawled back into bed next to her. She bit off a little, letting it slowly melt on her tongue. Mulder ate his, enjoyed it. He watched her quizzically. Her expression was entirely beyond enjoyment. She looked blissful, rapt. "Uh, Scully..." "Shhhh. I'm having a mind-altering experience here." She closed her eyes and leaned back. "I thought we had that earlier this evening." "Mulder, this is chocolate. It has the capacity to alter brain chemistry at the molecular level." "I've got something here that'll alter your brain chemistry." He traced the outline of her mouth with his finger, his mind already on another train of thought. "Jesus, you're unbelievable. Mulder, you leave me no choice but to shut you up." She grabbed him by the back of his head and pulled him on top of her. ************************************************ Saturday It was before 9 am, late for Scully on a normal Saturday morning. She stirred softly against his chest. They had fallen asleep half-sitting, her back to his front, bedclothes scattered everywhere. Their skin was warm, and the early morning light played over them. Rolling slowly to her side, she eased herself up to face him, and as she moved along his body she felt the simple pleasure of skin against skin, not knowing fully where she stopped and Mulder started. She let herself finger a lock of his hair and brushed his temple with her thumb. His face was a breath away from hers when he'd begun to waken, his eyes blinking slowly, shaking off the last of a dream. The first fully conscious thing he saw was the contours of her face. He stretched and she began to roll away. In one quick movement, Mulder shot one arm around her waist and pulled her back. He slid them both down so they were facing each other, and threw his leg over her hip. "Hey..." Scully cupped his chin in her hands and kissed him. She couldn't believe she'd waited seven years to do things that felt so natural. Simple things. Not that anything else about them or their lives could be called simple, it's just that she'd stopped waiting for the promise of the hereafter to be happy. Still facing him, Scully propped herself up by the elbow. The sunlight lit her face and the tangle of her hair. She crooked a finger toward him, "I think you should come here." Mulder leaned into her and wondered if he looked a little goofy by now. He leaned in a little more and planted a slow, lingering kiss on that outstanding mouth. And then another, biting her lower lip. He let himself pause and let out a deep sigh, the back of his head sinking into the pillow, his eyes drifting shut. "Scully, what would Sister Margaret Mary say? No reward in heaven for you, young lady." After nuzzling the spot behind his ear, Scully whispered, "I suppose you could get up and ask her, but I'd rather you stay here." She tickled his lashes with her tongue and felt him grab her shoulder. "If I'm going to hell, you're not getting off the hook. Wherever I go, I'm taking you with me." Her partner, however, was not interested in the metaphysical any more, corporeal concerns were now much more compelling. Mulder rallied the troops, so to speak... Fuck the afterlife, Scully, he mused, or better yet, let's just fuck. "C'mon, Scully, let's raise the dead, let the laying on of hands begin! Teach me the Hallelujah chorus!" He rolled onto his back and threw his arms over his head, "I'm ready for the rapture, take me, Sister Scully." "And exactly what would I be getting out of this?" "Name it...I aim to please, you know." "Honestly?" She chewed on her lower lip and squinted. He was going to have to wait a little before she jumped his bones, cocky bastard. Cocky indeed. "Hmmm...let me see...I really want some breakfast." "Are you sure I couldn't interest you in something else?" His eyes raked their way up and down her body. Not a single shred of subtlety, but at least no one could say his objectives were unclear. Mulder made a brief mental assessment...I know, Scully...tacky, tacky, but it's worth a shot, I got it bad, no doubt about it. "Mulder, I'm starving, so much so that I'm willing to take the risk of sending you to the kitchen. And while you're out there I'll just get under the covers and wait for you." With those words she slid away, snatched all the covers and left a naked Mulder on the edge of the bed. And he did what any self-respecting, badge-wearing, gun-toting, red-blooded male would do after being given the heave-ho. He got up and made breakfast. Scully had curled up on the far side of the bed. She'd cocooned herself so that only the top of her head was visible, a red blip in a sea of white sheets. She hovered in that shimmery state between wakefulness and sleep, barely able to keep track of her own breathing. Some time had passed and she thought heard noise coming from her kitchen, then movement coming down the hall toward the bedroom. The next thing she knew, someone was in her room and had set something on the dresser. "It's room service, FBI-style." Mulder was standing by the edge of the bed, leaning over her, wearing yesterday's clothes, his black dress shirt half tucked in. Miraculously, he'd found his shoes and socks. His hair was standing on end and he needed a shave, but he felt great. He caught a look at himself in the bedroom mirror, and grinched at his less than suave visage. He thought he might scare her off if she got a good look at him. Lucky for him, he was bearing gifts. He moved toward the bed and began to peel away the sheets. A tray with food was behind him. Mulder stood back up and handed her a plate. "Feeling pretty smug right now, are we? I suggest you start eating your breakfast soon--I'm not someone to be toyed with." "I seem to have gotten a different impression last night...Let's see, what do we have here?...scrambled eggs and toast." She wrinkled up her nose, made a minor performance out of sniffing the plate before her, and finally gave it the seal of approval. "Not bad, doesn't appear to be burnt--I might actually keep you around, Mulder." Mulder watched, mesmerized, as she put it away. But he'd been starving too, and trying to seem indignant was hard to do while stuffing his face. Between mouthfuls he warned, "I am a dangerous man, there's no telling what I'll do if pushed too far." Scully was a little distracted. "Dangerous man.... Uh-huh..OK." Sex, food, sleep. One down, one underway, one to go. The basic animal instincts held sway over her at the moment; verbal jousting with the man across form her would have to wait. Her plate was just about clean and she paused to dab at her mouth with her napkin. "Almost done. How about you?" Mulder swallowed a huge bite of toast. The two of them were devouring everything in fairly short order. But he was still hungry for something else. "Not even close to done, Scully," and as he watched that gorgeous mouth, he unconsciously licked at his bottom lip. "Believe me." The food, lack of sleep and last night's exertion was catching up to her, and she curled back up under the covers. Her eyelids felt heavy. Just a little sleep...a little sleep would be good. Mulder flopped in bed beside her, "You still there?" "Hmm," she drawled. "It had better be important." He did his best seventeen year-old boy impression. "Well, I just wanted to say what a really good time I had and all...and uh, I was wondering if I could see you tonight?" "I think you've seen just about everything there is to see, but I'm up for further exploration, if you are." Her breathing had begun to slow down. She was still awake, but just barely. Mulder let his fingers idly trace a pattern on the nape of her neck. "I'm going to let you get some rest. I should go home and change clothes anyway. I'll come back later and we'll do something." She roused herself momentarily, summoning the last bit of energy she had. It was time to stand up to 'Mr. Entertainment' and let him know exactly what she thought. "Let's walk on the wild side, Mulder. No pizza, no videos tonight; just get back here and we'll improvise." He cracked a wry smile. Man, I have got to start planning my nights better. "Understood, Scully. Maybe I'll surprise you." "I think you've already done that. Just one more thing. Take that duffel with you and bring back some clothes. While you're at it, don't forget a suit for work. I've pretty much decided that you need to be quarantined." She could see his jaw go a little slack. "Kiss me, Mulder, I just revealed my secret plan and I'm fading fast." And for once in his life, he followed orders, then watched as she fell asleep. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mulder bolted down the stairs taking two steps at a time. He wanted to get home, get some clothes and get back as soon as possible. It was noon by now. Amazingly, he had actually cleaned up after breakfast and managed to get out without waking her. Looking at this bag, he wondered how much he could stuff in it without looking like he'd just joined Witness Protection. He yanked open the door of his Taurus, threw the bag in the back and got in. Mulder wondered what was the record time for a round-trip commute from Georgetown to Alexandria and back. Here's an opportunity to achieve personal best, he thought. Scully always rode him about his lead foot and his apparent unfamiliarity with the speed limit. She was no better, the little speed demon, but she'd shut him up with an icy stare if he tried to give her any crap about it. It was warm even for March in D.C., breezy and sunny-- green shoots were already showing themselves in the trees. Mulder rolled down his window as he drove off. He offered up a less than sincere apology to the sleeping object of his affections. Sorry you're missing this Scully, really I am, but you'll need your rest. I plan on keeping you very busy. He looked at his Mars light. This would be a great way to get through Saturday afternoon gridlock in Georgetown. Mulder thought better of it and hit the gas instead. Despite his initial attempt at speed, traffic was a nightmare. As he slugged along M Street and Wisconsin Avenue, Mulder noticed the upscale restaurants that dotted the streets. French, Japanese, Northern Italian, maybe she'd like one of those. He drove past a revival movie house; he knew she liked the classics, old black and white romances. Maybe they could catch a movie after dinner. Dinner and a movie in Georgetown? "That's it? You're pathetic." He knew he was in trouble, he was talking to himself now. Mulder grunted in disgust, and his hands tapped at the steering wheel. He stole a peek at himself in the rear view mirror, followed by the utterance of a few choice expletives. "Mulder, you sorry sonovabitch...You're not 'out of practice,' you couldn't find the goddamn game if your miserable ass depended on it. " Mulder winced as his past love life ran through his mind. When he was with Phoebe, he was in his twenties, living in England, and frankly, he was thrilled to be screwing anyone on a regular basis. With Diana, he'd just turned thirty, was career-driven, and thought himself too hard-core to care about anything else. He liked her, they worked cases and fucked; and that was about it, until she left him. He had never developed a skill for courtship, never thought it important. Here he was, practically middle-aged, still essentially a virgin when it came to courtship. Once again, Mulder communed with himself in the rear-view mirror. Sadly, no mystical revelation concerning what to do appeared imminent. At least he wasn't talking to himself out loud anymore. He sighed in exasperation, his hands tapped at the steering wheel as his monologue went internal this time. It's official, I'm screwed. Think, Mulder, think. Shops rolled by and minutes passed. Nothing. He squinted as his mind scrolled through postcard pictures of happy couples, reviewed the appropriate props, the set pieces. Mulder had a vague idea how this should go. He passed florists and boutiques, and for a minute thought maybe flowers would work, until his finely honed imagination drifted toward something that held an inexhaustible fascination for him. Lingerie. His mind flooding with images--cupping Scully's breasts through a black silk bra, tugging down her panties with his teeth, biting his way down thigh high stockings. This erotic little epiphany ended abruptly with a slam of the brakes, a screeching halt, and Mulder stopping himself from causing a rear-end collision. As he listened to the driver of the other car yell a variety of comments concerning his parentage, Mulder gave himself a silent reprimand---Focus, Agent, focus, and make sure you get rid of those videos. It looks like you won't be needing them. And tell 'Little Mulder' to give it a rest. After about an hour of crawling through weekend Georgetown traffic, he made it to the Key Bridge. For some reason, the traffic jam had broken up. He was still no closer to a good idea, but he pushed the pedal to the metal and cruised the expanse of steel. He could feel the wind on his face. 80 miles an hour in a 55 mile zone. That felt good, better than good. Mulder cut a path across the Potomac, enjoying the water glinting in the sun. He'd driven this way a thousand times, and relaxed as at last, he felt the dim beginnings of inspiration. The idea came. It was brilliant--he knew exactly where he was going to take Scully tonight. The bridge rolled away underneath him. Let someone try to stop him. Water, wind, sky--it was a good day to be alive--he was going to go out on a limb and say he was happy. Score one for Monster Boy. He made his way off the bridge and headed toward Alexandria, hitting Washington Memorial Highway. Home soon. No, not home, just the place where he kept his clothes. Home was somewhere else now. In counterpoint to the sunlight all around him, something suddenly crept into his mind--something he didn't want to let himself think about. In the middle of this perfect day, fear began to work its way though him like acid on metal. He swallowed hard, shoving down the taste of bile. The only other times he'd felt fear like this was the night Samantha disappeared, and at Scully's bedside watching cancer eat her away. Mulder's heart was racing, his head was starting to swim, his panic palpable. He remembered her sleeping in her bed, what it was like to lay next to her, listening to her heartbeat. God help whoever tried to hurt her or keep them apart. He started to think about the ways he would inflict pain on anyone who became a threat, and stopped himself. He would finish those plans later, but not today. Mulder flashed on last night, kissing her, feeling alive, feeling truly free for the first time. He got a grip on himself and whispered a promise. "We're taking a break from the good fight, Scully. All of it. This weekend, it's just you and me; Monday'll be here soon enough and we can suit up then." He took a deep breath, kept on toward Alexandria. He finally made it to Hegal Place. His neighborhood always looked unreal to him. Perfectly manicured lawns, sprawled in front of perfect Georgian homes, complete with Gap out-fitted families. He was sure they thought he was some kind of government-issue anomaly. The only reason he ended up here was this was where his finger landed when he closed his eyes and pointed to a map in a fit of frustration. He knew he freaked the shit out of his neighbors, this odd-as-hell FBI man, coming and going at all hours of the day or night. Sometimes broken and bleeding, sometimes half out of his mind. Spooky here, Spooky at work, Spooky everywhere except when he was with Scully. The afternoon was spent going through his apartment trying to make it less the disaster area it usually was. He went around and emptied some drawers, made room in his closet, moved some of the things in his kitchen to lower shelves. Clothes, toothbrush, the rest of the usual stuff all got tossed into the duffel. Mulder managed to shove two suits in a carry-on, shave, shower and throw on jeans and a T-shirt. As he dressed, his mind began to work out the details. They would probably stay at her place more; it was more comfortable, but at least his place didn't look like The Lost World anymore. He gathered all the videos that weren't his, and a surprising amount of magazines that didn't belong to him either and piled them near the door. Frohike didn't know it yet, but he was about to hit the motherload, courtesy of Mulder. The last task was feeding the fish, and as he watched their swirling frenzy, Mulder realized this was as close to a normal love life as he was ever going to have. Much more than I deserve, he thought dryly, blinking at the green reflection coming from the tank. And Scully? What about what she deserved? There was no way to give her back what she'd lost, but maybe he could staunch any future regrets. He'd try with a vengeance, starting tonight. Mulder told himself he'd make everything bad recede and convince Scully it was a just a dream. They could pretend there were no real monsters out there, that they weren't warriors in some twilight world. He'd steal moments for her; he could do that. One day, after it was all done, he'd shock her with a truly extreme possibility... the chance to plan a future. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx A low ring pierced the quiet of Scully's bedroom. She unwillingly rolled over and eased herself out of bed. Her cellphone was ringing on the dresser. She took a deep breath to rouse herself and picked up the phone, "Scully." What she heard next startled her like a cold hand around her throat. "Agent Scully, listen carefully, there isn't much time." A voice, electronically scrambled to prevent recognition; Scully tried to interrupt, "Who is..." "Shut the fuck up, this is about your daughter, say another word and you'll never save her in time." Scully listened to the words, none of it made sense. Her head was reeling, her mouth was dry and she could feel herself start to shake. "Can you hear me, Agent? Your daughter's not dead, you saw what was in the coffin. She's in Bellefleur, a nicotine-loving friend of yours has her. They're in a hunting cabin just outside of town, just off the Forest Service access road You have about eight hours, if you don't get there by then she really will be dead. I wouldn't waste any time if I were you." A click from the other end roared like a gunblast in Scully's ear. She thought she tasted blood in her mouth; she was going to be sick. She made herself breathe slowly, swallowing back the fear and the nausea. She had to go, this was her chance to make it come out right, her only chance. She hit Mulder's number. "Emily's alive, they still have her. Meet me at the airport in a half hour." Scully tore through apartment getting ready, everything becoming a blur. The only thing she clearly had a sense of doing was loading her weapon and making sure there were extra clips in her pocket. She ran out of her apartment got in her car and sped off. The streets, the highway, all of it washed past her, insignificant now. There was only this flicker of a chance; Scully knew she would bring Emily home this time or die trying. She careened into the airport parking garage, and as she shoved the gearstick into park, she saw him pull up behind her. Leaping out of the car, she ran toward him. The lines of his face were pulled taught, his eyes gray steel, flinty. She stared back into his face and saw that he knew--this was the end game. "Scully. I just have to ask you once, are you sure?" "Yes." "Let's go then, we've got a flight to catch." Again, all the details seemed insignificant, meaningless; Scully barely paid attention to how they got through the airport, how Mulder flashed his badge on the boarding ramp and got them on the first flight to Portland, Oregon; pushing their way onboard. She was aware of buckling in, the plane taking off; Mulder trying to talk to her, trying to connect with her, calm her down. She was a white hot point, intensely focused on the one goal in her life now. Scully heard herself mumble something to him, but she to gauge his reaction; he knew what was at stake. If the call had been about Samantha instead, she'd be right at his side, that's how it was with them. The flight wore on, and all Scully thought of was Emily, her name like a silent prayer, repeated over and over in her mind. The plane begin to descend, and she checked her watch, It'd been about five hours since they'd left. They could make the rest of the way in about two more, leaving them little more than a half hour to stop the unthinkable. Scully pushed away any thought of disaster. No fear. No failure. No other options. She tried to still the blood roaring in her head as the plane landed. Somehow, she followed his lead as he pushed their way out of the airplane and into the terminal. Before she knew it, he had them in a rental car, heading to Bellefleur. They'd been quiet for a long time; she was the first one to break the silence. "There could never be anyone else, Mulder....you know that, don't you?" Her voice was ragged, and the sentence escaped like a eleventh-hour confession. It might be the last time she could say it. She heard him reply without skipping a beat. "That's my line, Scully. C'mon, let's get everyone home and you can show me." He tried to conjure up a semblance of his usual blase self. Mulder took one hand from the wheel and cupped her hand in his. "I better make sure I don't disappoint you." They finally made it, passing through the town, the sheriff's station, the previous scenes of a case file so long ago. Scully remembered how young she was then, so easily horrified by the monstrous, so shocked by the unbelievable, not like now. Battle-hard, she told herself. Maybe just brittle, and today they would finally find out how quickly she would break. "There's the access road." "Yeah, I see it." A sharp turn and then he was on the gravel road. She could see a cabin at the end of the short distance ahead. Mulder pulled off road and parked the car behind some scrub pine. She checked her SIG, and checked her pocket for the extra clips. They exchanged a look, their signal. It was time. As she got out of the car she heard him say, "We can do this, Scully." Hidden by thick brush, they made there way to a dead end where a the shack stood, a flickering light coming from the windows. Mulder had Scully flanked on the left, and together they slipped quietly to the door, guns drawn. Scully gave a tiny nod and he broke down the door; they were just in time to see Alex Krycek drag Emily out the back and down into the woods. Krycek was fast, very fast, and already had covered a lot of ground by the time they shot through the cabin and onto their trail. The path was hard going, winding, zigzagging, still icy in spots. She pushed herself to keep up, almost matching Mulder step for step. Scully felt the cold air rushing into her lungs, it stung, needle-sharp; and used the pain to urge herself on. They came to a flat clearing, and she heard the whir of helicopter blades. "Hurry, Mulder...We've got to catch them!" All of a sudden she saw a dogleg that cut directly to where Krycek was dragging Emily. Mulder had already seen it and torn down the path, and Scully tried to follow, but her feet hit an icy patch. She fell and slid, so hard that it knocked the wind out of her. She was breathing raggedly, but she was not stopping, not now, precious seconds were being lost. Anger fueled her, and she dragged herself up by and knees, and steadied herself. Scully started to move, and when she did, she felt the hard, cold barrel of a gun at the back of her head. A waft of cigarette smoke curled toward her face, like an obscene caress. Her hand instinctively felt for her holster, but she knew the worst. "Agent Scully, I believe this item must be yours. A hand dangled her gun just outside her reach. "Allow me to escort you to where Agent Mulder and your lovely daughter are. She's a beautiful girl, just like her mother." "You've got me, but Mulder will get Emily, and Krycek will be dead soon." The Smoking Man's reptilian features bent themselves into a unholy smile. "My dear, all good things in time. I believe we should catch up to Alex so that we can resolve our business for today." He began to maneuver her over the rocky path, the gun still at her head; his yellow fingers gripped her arm like a vise. They made their way to the clearing, and Scully looked up just in time to see her world crash down around her. Mulder was on his knees with Emily buried against his chest, his arms shielding her. Krycek had his weapon poised at Mulder's temple. In some desperate last gesture, Mulder rocked Emily, his voice fierce and heartbreaking, "Don't look, baby, don't look." Everything seemed to still around them, No wind, no sounds of animals or birds, nothing. Mulder looked up and caught Scully's eyes. And then, the Smoking Man's voice broke the silence; "Agent Scully, surely you know victory goes to the swift and the strong. Unfortunately, you appear to be neither today." He motioned to Krycek, "Alex, finish this." Two shots, white light, and Scully heard herself scream. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scully jerked up, drenched in sweat and worn raw, hitting her shoulder against the headboard. A look at the clock on the night stand told her it was 5:30... in the afternoon... it was still Saturday. Breathing hard, she started to wrap her mind around what had happened. She'd been dreaming. Once again Emily died, but this was different. Now, so did Mulder. She lived and failed them both. A wave of terror gripped her stomach and knotted her gut. She made her way to the bathroom and filled the sink with cold water, Plunging her head into an icy baptism, she hoped the shock of it would dull the panic that consumed her. Scully pulled herself up, ran her fingers through her hair and wiped the water from her face. She took stock of herself in the mirror. Not good, she looked like some kind of drowned, terrified rodent. She tried to reassure herself. It's just a dream, it'll be fine. You couldn't help what happened to Emily...It's OK...You're OK...You could never let him down, you know that. Your life for his in a second. Something pressed heavy against her chest-- it was getting hard to breathe. Scully forced herself away from the sink and into the shower. She was trembling and sick now, she needed to make this stop. Hot water, full force pummeled her body, and her mind formed single words, words she needed. Perspective. Discipline. Logic. They'd saved his life, both their lives more than once. Maybe now she'd lose it and choke when it counted most. A moment's hesitation, a wrong move would give their enemies the chance they'd waited for. The men who exploited any weakness and killed without hesitation would love it if she delivered him to them. Scully got dressed and told herself she could handle it, she wanted to, she had to. Mulder loped his way down the hall to Scully's door. Two knocks. A pause. "Scully! Get your bad self over here and open the door, Daddy's home!" Nothing. Two more knocks. "C'mon open up, I know you're in there." Two more knocks. He'd slung his bags over his shoulder and unzipped his leather jacket. Running his fingers around the edge of the peephole, he thought heard her coming. "My hands are full here, open up." When the door opened, Scully greeted him wearing jeans and T-shirt; holding a hairbrush in one hand. It was clear she'd just finished getting dressed. "Think I brought enough? " He swooped in, dropping the bags on the floor, and then noticed Scully's edge, her uneasiness. Maybe she'd changed her mind, maybe that was it, at some level she must know how insane this was. But he was hoping otherwise. "Is this still OK?" "Mulder, even though I think there's enough here to open a clothing store, yes, it's still OK." Scully put her focus on the very real figure right in front of her. Here he is; you wanted him to be here, try acting like it. She managed a crinkly smile, aware that Mulder had taken the same risk she had and there were no signs of him flinching. Maybe he knew something she didn't. Scully remembered to breathe. "I guess if you get on my nerves I can always have a rummage sale. So, where's the copy of 'Mars Attacks?' I know your taste in movies." No video, and apparently no dinner, either. "Mulder, there's nothing here remotely looking like food. You don't want to be around me once I get low blood sugar." She tossed the hairbrush on the stand near the door "Eidetic memory, Earth Girl,. You said no video, no pizza. And I plan on holding you to that walking on the wild side remark." She looked him up and down and sighed. Mulder seemed charged up, which usually meant they were in for a long drive to nowhere, followed by an all-nighter filled with Y- incisions, and formaldehyde. "Scully, finish getting dressed, We've got to get going." He was a little too full of himself and loving it. "Mulder, please don't tell me we're about to drive to the middle of Podunk to investigate the spontaneous combustion of cheerleaders at Alfred E. Neumann High School, and there's a charming little autopsy for me to do. Please tell me that's not what happening." "Scully, get some shoes on, time's a wastin'." Mumbling under her breath, Scully shoved her feet into her usual high-heeled boots, grabbed her jacket, and was about to get her ID and holster when Mulder told her it wouldn't be necessary. He took her by the wrist, planted a big one squarely on her lips, and then they were off. He hustled her into the car and before she knew it they were plunging into the great unknown yet again. Scully's curiosity was getting the better of her. They hadn't headed toward the Bureau, or the highway. About fifteen minutes later, he'd driven through several alleys and snaked his way through the north side, past restaurant row and the bar strip. "Mulder! Are you going to tell me where we're headed?" "Where's the fun in that?" and gave her his patented I-am- too-clever-for-my own-good look. "We're young and in love and it's Saturday night. The world is full of possibilities." "And you believe 'young' still applies to you, Mulder? You're skirting dangerously close to forty...you might want to rethink that." "Say what you will, but you seemed quite pleased with what I was able to do last night, despite my advanced age. And as much as I'd love to continue this scintillating line of interrogation, we're just about there." Scully kept trying to guess what was located in this part of town significant enough to pique Mulder's interest, and the only thing of consequence was Georgetown University. "We're coming up on the campus. Where exactly the hell are you taking me?" "Some place that makes me think of you." Mulder rounded past the majority of the University to the farthest northern end and pulled into the visitor lot. He parked the car, walked over to the passenger door and opened it. Leading the way toward a clearing at the far end, there was a small gap bracketed by buckthorn and hickory trees. It was the entrance to Glover Archbold Park. Not a park really; more like a strip of wilderness in the midst of the city. Suddenly, Scully remembered this place. Mulder said he came here when he had to find the thing that really mattered. He took her deep into this secret wild place. It was seldom used this time of year, making it Mulder's favorite time to be there. There was a thin line of bare earth that was used as a trail, a minimal path at best. It was staggeringly beautiful: wild grasses grew in thickets, dogwood had begun to bud, more buckthorn burst with new shoots, patches of reeds rustled in marshy bogs. He'd made sure to get here at twilight. The sky above them glowed violet, and the horizon was edged in burnished orange and gold; the end of day. Mulder kept his hand on the small of her back, silent until he thought they were far enough away from the city, their lives, the world. Finally, he murmured, "We're here, Scully." She felt like she'd entered a dream. This was the world that mattered, simple, basic, real. She could smell damp earth, and the colors, the new leaves, the sound of the wind in the grass filled her. He pulled her up onto a ridge and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He felt warm and solid, and she relaxed into the length of his body. They were survivors, they had stared down the end of the world. What else could she possibly need to figure out? Scully knew what the next step was--she had to let go. Her fear of failing would paralyze her and she had to tell him--he had to know. It was time to do it. Do it or turn her back on him completely. "Not bad, Mulder." She tilted her head back, pulled him forward and kissed the side of his neck. "Coming from you that's pretty high praise. You're not trying to stroke my ego, are you? Not that I'd try to stop you." He loved her mouth on his skin, he loved how she touched him. This could not possibly be real. He used to stand right on this spot: alone and self-contained, trying to imagine the very thing that had finally come to pass, telling himself to want her the way he did was ridiculous, and actually having her would be impossible. Her lips fluttered across his skin, and he thanked Yahweh, Buddha, Krishna, whoever, for the reality of her, for what she gave him, for making him a believer. He took one hand and started to play with a strand of her hair, and felt himself unbelievably charmed to have even a single moment like this. They were still and silent as minutes dissolved away and darkness began to drop and settle. "Scully." No answer. Something unspoken was in the air, it was palpable, burgeoning. Something was wrong when he picked her up, he should have pressed her, should have gotten it all out in the open. Mulder tried to keep a teasing tone in his voice, but something had shifted, and instinct told him it wasn't good. "Scully, are you still there?" Not a word. Mulder guessed she was trying to find a way to make telling him easier on both of them. He was not the kind of guy that got the girl. Mulder knew without a doubt Scully loved him, and he also knew love alone was not always enough. His life was too weird, too empty of any real promise, and face it, he was not exactly the mental health poster child. His partner had a fine instinct for self-preservation, and he was sure that it had finally kicked into gear. She would tell him that they were better as partners, as friends. The distance they'd had before probably was the only thing that made their bizarre lives tolerable. Scully had seen enough carnage for a lifetime, bled enough, cut up too many corpses, closed the eyes of too many dead children to not want some sanctuary--some part of her life he couldn't touch, or ultimately, ruin. And until Scully, the only woman he'd ever really loved was his sister. Someone should really do his profile--maybe he'd do it himself. He'd be back to solitary pursuits soon enough. Mulder started to choke up, helpless, as the best thing that'd ever happened in his unlucky life slipped away. Desperation began to close around him like black water. He had to do something, say something, to thank her for even one night, for what he would replay in his mind over and over until someone lowered him into the ground and shoveled the dirt on his face. Mulder silently resolved himself to what obviously needed to happen--I can fix this, Scully--just don't go away completely. He would fall on the sword first. Then he would drive her home, be friendly, crack a few jokes on the way and drop her off. After he saw her get in safely, he'd find the nearest bottle of Scotch, crawl in and find the black hole that had to have his name on it. "I know...it's OK...you don't have to do this. We can just wind back the tape and chalk it up to two best friends with too much time spent in the basement." Her entire body went rigid. What was she hearing? What could he possibly be saying? This was unbelievable. God, she'd been trying to get off the dime and tell him how much he meant--how much it all meant--how much she was afraid of losing him--how much she needed him. But this pronouncement flipped her from feeling insecure and vulnerable to livid. Her face flushed red, and her temples were throbbing. She gritted her teeth and she drew herself up into her full height. Scully was locked and loaded, 'furious' did not begin to describe what she was feeling. She'd show him the real meaning of 'getting someone's Irish up.' "You're not going to ditch me again, you stinking sonovabitch." "What?" Mulder was genuinely confused. He could just barely see her in the twilight but he recognized that tone. He'd never heard it coming from Scully, but there was obviously a first time for everything. He was about to lose his head--to be removed with surgical precision, no less. "Is this some new variation on dumping me?' I know you've exhausted all the usual ones. Oh, fuck it, if I start listing every time I'll just strangle you." Scully's insides were vibrating, her hands trembling. "I just assumed you finally saw what a train wreck life with me really is...that you needed to pull back and save yourself." Mulder's voice was flat, as if he'd already been left, as if it was a done deal. He rubbed his temples lethargically. "And that was based on what? Was that before or after I slept with you?" "Scully, my track record sucks, I thought maybe I could make it easy for you, protect you from..." It was dawning on him that he hadn't figured out what the fuck was going on--he'd horribly miscalculated, and if he was still alive in a few minutes, he'd try to apologize. Scully cut him off, her eyes bright as a flare, her face partially lit by the slow rise of the moon. "Quit doing my thinking for me! Quit planning my life, my future! And since when do you give a damn about making my life easier?" She was practically yelling at the top of her voice. "Goddamn you, Mulder! You make me completely insane! I should be committed! Why do you think I'm still here? Why do you think I'd tear anyone a new asshole who stands in the way of finding you when you disappear? Because I'm still spying on you? Because hanging out with you is a positive career move? Why? The words just kept pouring out her--she kept talking as if she stopped she'd collapse, or explode. "Yeah, I'll say it...because you're the only one for me. Do you get that? And no one's leaving. You stay, I stay... we figure this out...or I swear I'll make your life a living hell. Do you need me to speak slowly? OK...No one's...going... anywhere...Mulder...Not now... it's too...late...for that... Is that clear enough? " "Yeah, I got it, Scully!" Mulder pressed on. He was strung out on a perverse combination of panic and optimism, because even though they'd fought before it'd never been like this, and partially because he realized if she was really leaving, she'd been calm, quiet, and the next minute, gone. "There was something wrong when I picked you up, Scully...I saw it in your eyes. And just now, you weren't really here...I'm more used to being alone...more used wanting you than having you. This whole thing's surreal. You're only the fucking center of my life. Fine. I'm an asshole, I don't deserve you, I can't handle the idea that you might really love me, as much as I love you. I just need you any way I can get you, even if that's only being my goddamn partner." Now, his voice was loud, and he could feel his stomach and his back tightening up. Scully somehow took pity on him and started to power down. There was enough moonlight now to see how completely wrung-out he looked. But she wasn't quite done setting him straight. "Mulder, if I want to waste my goddamn life with you, it's my goddamn decision. Don't make me have to hurt you to get my point across. You know I'm capable of it." She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and slumped onto a nearby tree stump. This was exhausting. Was it always this difficult? Only when you involved two of them--their history spoke for itself. Oh it's surreal, alright. Scully felt oddly amused now, they were certainly well-matched--if she didn't kill him first. As for Mulder, he came over to where she was splayed out and crouched down on his heels. He'd calmed down too, and had a idiotic look on his face. Could he possibly be happy? "Seeing as how you've pretty much made up your mind, I guess I'll just go along for the ride. You're one hell of a romantic, Scully." "Shut up, Mulder." "So, it looks like everything's back to normal." He held out his hands palms up, and waited for her to place her hands over them. She did, and he paused for a second. The moon had risen, three-quarter full, and he took her in, a changeling in the silvery light. He knew this was new territory for them, and hard place for Scully to find herself. Now he was serious, "Tell me what it was, I want to know." Scully's face took on its usual somber lines. Haltingly, she began, "I...I thought this might have been a mistake...The truth is, I'm afraid, and I don't like that feeling." Her voice was measured now. She just wanted to get out one word after another and not fall apart. "I'm afraid of failing you, of losing you like Emily. And don't say I'll never be able to get rid of you, because it doesn't help. This is more complicated than that. If finding the answers meant leaving me behind, we both know you would. That's the way it is, Mulder, you and I both know it... it's just harder now." She was right, and Mulder hated how fucking helpless he was to change any of it. "I need to have the answers, we both do. I guess my brilliant strategy of protecting you by just leaving pretty much was an abysmal failure. No more ditches, dumps, whatever. I mean it. If I had to go... we'd figure it out. You'd know what I was doing and why. And I'd do whatever I had to come back to you. I know it's not enough, but it's a start." She laced her finger in his, "You'd better. I'd hate to tell Bill and Charlie you were gone again." He started laughing a little, and she thought maybe they'd get to the other side of this. "This part's about me, Mulder. I used to think that holding myself back would give me the strength to deal with anything." Scully looked away from him, to some imaginary point in the trees. She wasn't going to break down. "I can't keep you out anymore, so you see the problem...Even if you don't leave, what if something goes wrong? I don't know if I could handle it if I froze in the clutch, if I couldn't get your back because I was afraid, because I didn't think or move fast enough." There were no tears; Scully had come too far to lose it. "And it terrifies me. It kills me to say it, but it does. I want proof it won't keep me from doing what I have to...I have to know I could save you. At least I have to believe I'd have a chance." Mulder rose to his feet and pulled her up so that she faced him. "Scully, listen to me, you did that a long time ago. Don't ever doubt it. I don't know what other proof there is." He spoke softly, every word was meant to find its way to the place inside her that needed something to hold on to. He hesitated for a moment, and went on. "What if I lose you? Another abduction, the cancer returning...I don't know if I could deal with it." Everything seemed to stutter and stop, all of it teetering in the balance. "So, what should I do, keep my distance? I can't, I don't want to. The truth is, I'm not even gonna try." Mulder gathered his thoughts and spoke slowly. "I think there's only one question, whatever's going to happen, do we face it alone or together?" Two choices. Mulder and everything that meant. Or she could have her cold, quiet apartment and her cold, quiet life all to herself. Scully felt lucky that for once she didn't give a damn about anything except what she wanted. She wrapped one hand around the back of his neck and pulled his face close to hers. "I want to go home. Now." His mouth began to curve into a smile. Yes, there was something to smile about. He'd show her, maybe even take all night, just to be sure. "I know we're beginners at this, but usually when the woman tells you to take her home this soon, it's not a good sign." Scully leaned in, and with her mouth against his, made herself perfectly clear. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx She grazed his bottom lip with her teeth, parted his lips with her tongue. And oh yes, her hands had crept under Mulder's jacket, and made their way under his shirt. She felt like the top of her head might float away. Scully was hungry to touch him, to let the feel of him wash over her. Good, she thought, it's time for a reprieve from Navy-bred self control. Scully vowed then and there to leave it for case files, for Skinner, for Kersh, and for Monday morning. In the midst of the chaos that dogged her every waking minute, there would be a corner that belonged to her and to Mulder. A private life. A life. She stopped kissing him and noticed a look flitting across his face. His eyes glittered with something that was a little predatory and apparently aimed in her direction. Scully rubbed his lower lip with her thumb. "There's some things I'd really like to do. With you. Get me back to my place in one piece and I promise you won't be disappointed." For his part, Mulder was having somewhat of a problem snapping to. He was relishing the soft scrape of Scully 's mouth against his, and her hands...the feel of her hands stroking his back made him forget his name, what he did for a living, where he parked the car. He could hear her voice, saying something about taking her somewhere, and doing something. Amnesia? A fugue? He tried to string some coherent thoughts together. Oh yeah, you can show me anything you want. He smiled against her mouth. Anything you want...But he wasn't quite done yet. "I think you've got it backwards." With that, he nipped his way down her neck until he thought could hear her moan. When she gripped his forearms, Mulder felt he'd done commensurate damage. He stopped, and shot her a look through slitted eyes. "What the hell are we still doing here? Let's go." The two of them had just clambered into his car and sped off. Mulder had sprinted all the way back, dragging her by the wrist behind him. She kept up a steady stream of 'Mulder, stop!', 'Mulder, cut it out!', 'Mulder, you're out of your mind!' He glanced back at her; she was laughing, hair flying in the wind, eyes locked on him. Mulder wanted to make love to her on the spot, but kept running until they got to the car and piled in. He turned the key in the ignition and snuck a sidelong look at her. They were the stuff of archetypes...All hail the conquering heroes! Mulder was sure he was going off the deep end here, but hey...he could be Tristan to her Isolde...No, too German...How 'bout Sid to her Nancy?... Jesus, that's just too fucking morbid... C'mon...Steed to her Peel?...OK, getting warmer...Wait a minute... Moose to her Squirrel, the X-rated version. That'll work. It's you and me, Rocky, from here on out. He hit the gas and peeled out. Scully settled in and shifted her weight so she was leaning toward this insane person at the wheel. She felt proud she had it in her to finally cut loose. As for Mulder, she knew he was just loose in the head. Not her best clinical diagnosis, but it would have to do until she could get him home and give him a more thorough physical examination. Or something. Mulder turned on the radio and scanned the dial until he heard 'Otis Davis plays the dusties, the Old Grooves for you and yours.' The next sounds were a blood-curdling scream, a thundering piano riff, some heavy base and a baritone voice--- 'I put a spell on you.' "Yessss! Scully, this is Screamin' Jay Hawkins. Perfect! It's kismet...this is our song!" Scully rolled her eyes upward. Screamin' Jay opened his act by emerging from a coffin and casting his undead love- spell on the unsuspecting women in the audience. The connection was obvious. How could she have thought for a moment that zombie- love would not be rearing its ugly head. "Nice song, although I have to say the image of a half-rotting corpse wreaking havoc is not the usual basis for foreplay." But it was certainly Mulder's. They survived the mutual meltdown of earlier tonight, and had begun to settle back into their play: the code-talking, the flirting, the sidelong glances. She knew they were better suited for the volley back and forth, it was the nature of their dynamic. Scully's mouth turned up in a grin: Bring it on, Mulder, bring it on. "Shhhhh, Scully you'll ruin the moment." With that, he cranked the volume until the air vibrated. 'I put a spell on you.... 'cause your miiiiiine. ' Screamin' Jay was in rare form indeed. Mulder tapped the steering wheel in time to the beat. Now he was singing along with Jay, "...Cause you're miiiiine." He bit his lower lip and squinted as he and Jay cast their zombified love-spell, working their way back to Scully's. "You won't be able to ever resist me now. I'm workin' my mojo hand and my black cat bone. Surely you realize you are powerless in the face of this much concentrated occult power." "You mean the talismanic use of items consecrated by a practitioner of voodoo, macumba, or Santeria for the express purpose of the male owner of said items increasing sexual potency and his ability to bend the object of his desire to his will? Is that what you're referring to? " Scully gave him a sly, slow blink. I see your bet, and raise you. And with that, she slid next to him and traced a slow path with her finger from his sideburn, down his throat to the edge of his collarbone. "I'm not really sure you need that." The pulse in his neck was pounding--No, Scully...I need something, though. "See, it's working already." Before she had to time to move her hand away, Mulder cupped it in his and started softly biting her palm and the soft pad of her thumb. No mean feat, since he was still driving. Thankfully, he recognized Scully's neighborhood coming up ahead. Eyes still on the road, he heard he voice, low and breathy. "Just drive the damn car, Mulder." It wasn't too much longer until they reached her apartment building. Scully hopped out and was walking up the stairs to the door, Mulder watched her with dogged attention. As he eased out the driver's side, he could hear his knees pop. Shit. It almost sounded like gunfire. Maybe he was getting a little out of shape, but he most certainly was not middle-aged. He just needed to run more. Or maybe he needed a vigorous program of horizontal calisthenics, administered under the strict supervision of his physician---whose ass by the way, just did not quit. "Hey partner, are you able to get upstairs on your own, or do I need to give an elderly gentlemen a hand?" Scully had turned to face him and was rocking back and forth on her heels, waiting in front of the building entrance. She chuckled a little. "Knees sound good. Maybe I should have taken geriatric medicine as a subspecialty." She bit the tip of her tongue and eyed him up and down. He needed a regimen of physical therapy, the application of compresses. She had an idea where she could find something warm and wet, although she thought about applying it to an entirely different part of his anatomy. "Droll, very droll. You will, however, regret you said that." With that, Mulder ran past her up the stairs, yelling en-route to her apartment. "Get the lead out, girl. I'm gonna teach you all about this man and his moves." She walked through door and made her way with a deliberate, measured gait. She was planning on being much more than an apt pupil, enjoying the sound of her heels in the hall, clicking her way toward Mulder and whatever his moves might be. I've got a few here of my own, Scully thought, a few you might find quite interesting. "Watch your back, Agent, here I come." She was coming up on her apartment when she saw the door was wide open. "Mulder!" Nothing. And then, him yelling and the sound of general commotion. Her adrenaline started pumping and she ran the rest of the way. Flying through the doorway, she saw him sprawled out on the floor. In his hurry to demonstrate his...agility, a certain someone had forgotten the luggage in the foyer. Splayed flat on his back, it was obvious someone had neglected to look where he was going. Scully walked up and stood over him, straddling her prone and slightly addled darling. He made no move to get up, but just laid there with his arm draped over his eyes. Not the prone position she'd been imagining earlier, but somehow she suspected they were due for a geeky mishap. "Don't. Don't say a word." His arm slid away and he gave her a look that managed to be both a warning and self- deprecating. Scully moved to his side and knelt down, feeling partly solicitous, partly amused. "Oh.... Sweetie, are you OK?" Catching the unfamiliar term immediately, she hoped to hell Mulder hadn't. Sweetie? Hardly. What next? Baby? Not likely. She tried to play it off by checking the pulse in his neck, and mustered a more serious tone. "Talk to me, are you all right?" For his part, Mulder had caught that little endearment immediately. Not wanting to waste this golden opportunity, he slid his hand to his head, and rolled back his eyes, "God, maybe I have a head injury. Scully, did you say what I think you said? Call me sweetie again and make it all better." "Perhaps cerebral trauma is involved, and given your preexisting mental condition, you're probably having auditory hallucinations." Scully had gotten up and thrown her jacket on the hook on the wall. It looked like Mulder would live, although she wasn't quite certain she'd be able to live down his teasing her about this for the rest of her life. What she needed to do was distract him. "Get up and get your clothes off." He shook the marbles out of his head. Well, nothing like cutting to the chase. She was being a little prosaic, but what the hell, he'd go with it. "Ooh, I love a woman who takes charge...But how 'bout a little quid pro quo?" "What I was going to suggest is that you get undressed, get in the tub and take a hot soak. Given your recent swan dive and that percussive noise emanating from your knees, I think you might want to keep yourself from stiffening up.' "I can't imagine anything I'd want more than a little stiffness. As I recall, you seemed to enjoy it as well." Scully walked up to him, leaned forward and gave his cheek a play-slap, partnered with that rare, toothy grin of hers. To be used only in the case of children, and a certain demented Special Agent. "Why don't you go and get in the tub?" She motioned him to get up, and pointed toward the bathroom. "Go on...I'll bring you some supper while you soak." With that, she strode off to the kitchen, leaving Mulder on the floor considering his options. He could stay where he was or get off the floor, get served dinner by Scully while he luxuriated in a hot tub, and corner her in the bathroom later. Not a hard choice. On his way to there, he yelled, "Hurry up, don't keep your favorite patient waiting." Hot water. Steamy vapor rising like clouds. Shallow breathing. Muscles relaxing. The image of pale moon skin, a woman's calf, a breast, someone's lower back where a snake dwelled, dripping with streaks of water. Mulder let himself linger in this lucid dream, his body stretched the length of the tub, his head resting against the back of Scully's huge old claw foot, eyes closed. Her voice. She was here. "Mealtime, c'mon, sit up. I've an Irish pub supper for you, me boyo. It's a family specialty." Scully slipped in on bare feet, placed a tray on the floor next to the tub, and perched herself on the edge. The aforementioned specialty consisted of cheese, bread, apples, two shot glasses and one very large bottle of Irish whiskey. White wine and the niceties of a hot meal were going to have to wait for another day. She poured two shots and dangled one in front of Mulder. He had a hot water glow, his eyes were heavy lidded, and his lips curved slightly. Water trickled down the curves of his chest, and his long legs were splayed against the side of the tub. From what she could see, he was beginning to assume the up periscope position. She wondered how long she'd be able to hold out before she'd strip down and slide herself over him, and thought she'd better not make any bets. Mulder held her wrist for a second before he took her proffered libation. In that split second, Scully felt another surge of something Father McCue would certainly term a mortal sin. Bless me Father, she thought without a single guilty twinge, for I am interested in nothing but sinning right now. "OK, Scully, what's the toast?" "Mulder, use that brilliant mind of yours. Here's your chance to impress me." He gestured to hold their up glasses and cleared his throat, "Ready? 'There was a young lady from Kerry...' Before he could finish, she cut him off, "A limerick, Mulder?" She then treated him to the sight of her knocking hers back with a practiced flick of her wrist. Her face twisted in a brief grimace, then relaxed. It was Mulder who was impressed. Full of hidden talents, this one. She tossed her head back and let out a little whoop. "Whoa...." She jutted her chin in his general direction. "No one likes a slacker. C'mon, Slainte." Mulder tossed his back, and felt the warmth spreading down his throat, his chest. He teared up a little, and heard someone snicker. That would not be tolerated. "Hit me." Scully was not about to get away with insulting his macho sensibilities, plus the idea of them getting it on while hammered had an irresistible appeal. "You sure about that?" "Yep, unless you don't think you can keep up." Three more shots each, actually. While not officially hammered-- loose--free and easy, with special emphasis on the easy, definitely applied. Mulder started telling an elaborate story about selkies, Celtic sea enchantresses. Scully slowed the whole thing down by popping bits of bread and cheese into his mouth, explaining the importance of the four food groups and good nutrition for men approaching middle age. She also partook, shushing him as she savored this ancient family recipe. All in all, there was more laughing than storytelling. Until something made them change gears completely. Something as innocuous as a apple. Scully was going to offer Mulder a bite, but first she wanted to clean it up, nice and proper. She started polishing it on her chest, rubbing it on her T-shirt, pulling the fabric tight across her breasts. She could feel the fabric slide against her nipples. The tips of them felt like a spark had hit them, a spark that coursed down her tender stomach, right between her legs, leaving her with a luscious ache. She stopped and looked at Mulder and saw him watching her, transfixed. He was stroking his chin with the pads of his fingers, measuring her with granite eyes. She took a bite of the apple instead, and the juice ran down her chin. Mulder raised himself up, knelt and leaned toward her, and licked it away. The apple fell and rolled across the floor, and she heard herself murmur, "Messy, but what can you do?" "I'll show you." He bit her earlobe, her neck, and felt himself reeling from the soft crush of her flesh in his mouth. He tried to stifle a groan deep in his throat, but it was useless. He couldn't contain the sheer pleasure that rushed through his body. Mulder climbed out of the tub, pulled Scully to her feet and began to strip away those pieces of fabric, dripping water everywhere. He was quick and ruthless about it, pulling off her T-shirt and bra with one hand, and stroking her with the other. He found her nipples and pinched them with his wet fingers, then trailed his hands down her hips, and slid them around to the small of her back.Mulder wondered what it would be like to lick the snake that lived there. Nothing could be more delicious. No, he was wrong, he imagined his mouth between her legs. Almost as if she'd read his mind, Scully's hands gripped his shoulders and the dark and ravenous look she gave him spurred him on. He stripped off the rest of what she wore, and kicked her clothing to the side. Finally, she was naked and he heard her call his name, softly, urgently. Mulder's cock was throbbing, hard and insistent. He would bury himself in her, but first he had to taste her. The hint she'd given him last night of what she was like was not enough. Barely making a sound, Scully kept murmuring his name. She wanted to say so much more, not the words of poets, she never had those--just some sign of her imperfect, devastating love. "Mulder." She said it again and again, she wanted to fill the room with the sound of it. She loved him, but words were pale, inadequate things now. He'd become her biology, as basic as bone marrow, as necessary as oxygen, his face, the last remnant of sight before sleep. Fingers trailed down his back, and she drew her tongue across his chest and bit him softly above his heart. She didn't laugh when he said 'God help me.' "Maybe we should go to bed." Scully turned to walk to the bedroom, but he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. "Bed's too far away. Have pity on an old man." Mulder grabbed the fresh towels from the top of the hamper. He piled them on the sink. "Here, sit." He lifted her up by the hips and eased her onto soft, warm cotton. Mulder knelt down and rested his face on her thighs. He could feel her hands in his hair, her fingers rasping against his scalp. Slowly, he pushed her legs apart, first pressing with one cheek and then the other until she was spread open. He stroked her inner thigh against his temples, and started to write against her skin with infinitely slow kisses. She was so warm, so smooth; so good, so unbelievably good. He pressed his mouth against her very core, and kissed and licked his way around her soft folds until he found her clit-- lush, wet, swollen. Mulder swept the tip of his tongue across it, licked and kissed its center. This. Yes, Scully, this. He nibbled her, teased her with his lips, bit her thighs. He was taking her to the edge, he wanted her to come, wanted to feel her feeling it. She trembled against his mouth, and he kept tonguing her clit with slow maddening strokes, over and over. He moaned against her soft, moist flesh and whispered her name. Her legs tightened around his back, the muscles in her legs tensed, and he got even harder when he heard her shallow, rapid breath. She was close, so close, and then she was coming. It was piercing, blotting out everything except what his beautiful mouth was doing to her. Spiraling back into herself and then out, out, over and over again. It had never been this fierce. And she uncoiled upward and outward, not stopping, hot, hot waves of it rolling through her. Her arms and legs, her whole body, tensed and softened over and over. She heard her own voice, calling for Mulder like he was lost, or she was. She could feel his mouth move upward, one long drag until he was kissing her, teeth touching, tongue seeking tongue. He offered her what he'd savored, his lips warm and moist. She moaned when he pulled away. Too soon. "Taste yourself, this is how wonderful you are." He stroked her throat and shoulders, peppering her collarbone with tiny kisses, as if he was fixing a charm calling her back to Earth, back to herself. And then he stopped, looking at her with something past longing, past hunger, something that tightened his throat and made the blood pound in his head. "I need to hear you say it...Tell me what else you want, Scully." She met his gaze and took her right hand, curving her fingers, and licked the side from the wrist to the pinkie, and its inner curl. Then she slipped it over his cock, and felt him surge in her hand. No pretense, no room for anything but the pull of her desire. "I want you." Mulder moved her arms so that they draped over his shoulders. He parted her with his leg, and with one hand, cupped her beautiful ass. With the other hand, he braced himself by straight-arming it against the mirror behind them, then stepped completely between her legs. His cock was throbbing and as he eased himself inside her, he heard Scully tell him 'yes.' A plea from her, "Yes." He bit off a groan as he slid into her. He started thrusting, and she matched every move, torturing him, delighting him. Wet and tight, he bit his lower lip as she clenched around him. Mulder's eyes slammed shut, he was losing his mind. He wanted to take his time, he wanted to take it slow--- but it was too good, too much. He thrust into her; it was a blind, mute rush of love--foolish, desperate, fierce, driven--everything he was, everything he would ever be. In the last seconds he could think at all, the words came-- Take me. Take it all, Scully. A ragged breath, "Please," and then the smash and shatter of love. Nothing was ever so frightening, so absolute, so binding to another person as this. He fell forward a little, and he and Scully slumped against the mirror. They were motionless, wrecked, drifting. The last pretense they might have still harbored that they were separate and independent, that there was some choice in all of this anymore had been stripped away. If one of them should disappear or die it didn't matter. They were tethered to each other, no matter what happened in this life, through whatever existed after that. Final. World without end. Amen. They began to return to themselves, their breathing calmed, and it all began to recede and there was just a man and a woman. Mulder stretched into standing and helped her to sit up. He stared at himself in the mirror to convince himself he was still here. A slightly drunk, freshly-laid face smiled back at him. He thought he could see someone he recognized out of the corner of his eye, and decided to take a leap and believe it wasn't an optical illusion. He remembered he had the ability to speak. "My God...you've killed me." "But strangely, you still seem to be talking." Scully sat open-legged, bracing herself by holding on to the edge of the sink on each side. She was a little woozy, and moved slowly in the vain hope of concealing it from him. Blissed out and more than a bit smashed, she tried to eye him hoping to regain some kind of focus. Unfortunately, it was with less than a clinical perspective. Scully watched amused as Mulder's eyes pinwheeled, as if he was trying to think under duress. He looked dazed, and happy, an oddly provocative look for him. She could hardly believe she was thinking about sex again so soon. This was all his doing, and she would straighten him out tomorrow. But that was tomorrow. Right now, she needed to get him to the bed, they had to get to the bed. But first she had to get off this sink. Sliding down, she stood at Mulder's side, flatfooted as a duck. Mulder flopped around and slumped against her "Help me to bed...heed a dying man's last request." He thought he'd given it the proper dramatic reading. It probably wasn't a good idea to be nuzzling her neck, but he just wasn't thinking as clearly as he should be. They'd made their way down the hall, with Mulder playing the dying old man thing to the hilt. He leaned on her all the way, mumbling some crap about it getting darker, the light fading, but Scully would have the ast laugh. She'd let him think this was all his idea-- sometimes you fall back to overtake your opponent. After fumbling and stumbling down the hall, outmatched by about a foot in height and outclassed by about a hundred pounds in weight, she finally lugged him into the bedroom, and positioned him at the side of the bed. Winching up her most sincere tone, she asked, "Mulder, how can I make you feel better?" Then he gave her the opening she was waiting for. In a microsecond, Mulder experienced a miraculous recovery. He stood tall, spread his feet apart and flung his arms open. He looked triumphant, irritatingly so. He flashed his most foxy, feral smile. He was Einstein, Heisenberg, Hawking--he'd gotten her back here and they were gonna do bad, bad things. And then Scully seized the moment. Payback's a bitch, Mulder. She shoved him right in the solar plexus, hard, and he fell back onto the bed. God, she was enjoying herself. "No, no...you shouldn't do anything to risk further complications. As your doctor, I'll have to insist. No more exertion for you." The thud of him hitting the mattress was a delightful one indeed, for more than one reason. She was just about to turn to go back for the tray, haughty as hell, when she heard him throw down the gauntlet. Mulder had to give her points for the stealth approach and the shot to the midsection. He studied his worthy adversary. Nice move, partner--good use of evasive maneuvers. But methinks thou doth protest too much. Playtime's over-- you need to get that delectable ass of yours in bed. "Are you certain you wouldn't want to test that theory? This isn't like you, Scully..." Mulder curled up on his side, and pulled down the comforter and sheets. He patted a spot and waited--one, two, and then, "I can't believe you'd be satisfied making pronouncements based on sloppy research and pseudo-science, but hey, that's just me. Honestly, you really sur--" Before he could get out another word, she jumped him. As she licked her way slowly across his chest and down his stomach, Mulder made a final assessment. Gotcha, big- time, Scully...ya' never saw it coming. Gotcha exactly where I want ya'. All Hail the King. Scully chalked up her victory. "Gotta hand it to you... one minute I'm in the bathroom...the next...." Some strategically placed kisses along the line of hair that ran down from his navel, and her red hair tickling his groin, "How do you do it, Mulder? " He tried to get the last word in, but...well, he was preoccupied. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sunday The two of them made it to 11 am without any further detonations, declarations or personal demon chasing. Mulder was feeling quite chipper having slept from about 3 am until just now. Scully had gotten up about two hours before, and was amazed at how energized she felt--but these were unusual circumstances. She watched him stroll through her living room to the hall, naked, of course, and was treated to the sight of him digging through his duffel for a pair of pajama bottoms. He threw them on and sauntered toward her with a gunslinger's walk. Scully was half-way through breakfast when he finally made it to the kitchen table. He perched himself on the edge just next to where she'd spread her usual morning repast--some kind of thick, greenish health drink, fruit salad, and a fistful of pills-vitamins, echinacea, astragalus, bee pollen, and god-only-knew-what-else. "That's disgusting, Scully...vile, noxious, shall I go on?" Mulder screwed his face up in a combination of mock pain and revulsion. He'd gotten pretty good over the years at avoiding or ignoring her dietary attack on the unhealthy, the over-processed, the tasty. She was such a hypocrite--- caffeine junkie. She'd be up making a huge pot of coffee any minute. "No, this is healthy. What I got you is disgusting." "You got something for me?" "Yes, even after I made dinner last night." She cheesed a grin his way. He was about to say something and she cut him off. "Yes, I'm going to count that as cooking dinner. Don't even try, Mulder. Anyway, one of us got up early enough to go the deli and get breakfast for a certain someone too lazy to get up at a reasonable hour. Oh, and good morning to you, too." Mulder sized her up--she had on no makeup, hair tucked behind both ears, gray sweatpants, a gray sweatshirt at least two sizes too big and sneakers; looking like a coed, a hot one at that. His mind started to wander...Maybe I could be the horny English professor...Jesus, it really had been a long time. He shook his head, not quite up to his usual multi-dimensional train of thought. "Well, here's the thing--a certain someone who shall remain nameless fucked my brains out and I guess I needed to recuperate." He leaned in and kissed her, and also tried to cop a little feel, but got his hand slapped away. "Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. Good morning, Scully." He could see her eyes glinting with enjoyment, and used that observation to confirm that he was, in fact, the Man. Scully gave him a very, very slight smile. Even though she loved his early morning frisking, she was not about to break. "I'll tell try to tell whoever it is to take it easy on you next time. Your breakfast is on the counter by the sink." Mulder peered into the paper bag and pulled out a huge bagel with lox, cream cheese, onion, and tomato, and a quart of O.J. How could he not love this woman? It was his usual Sunday special and she'd given him much shit about it the first time she'd seen him wolf it down. "You're too good to me." "You're just noticing that?" "More so lately. Mind if I join you?" "Only if you let me finish my breakfast in peace." "But, Scully," he whined, "what'll I get if I'm a good boy?" "You might think about what you won't be getting if I can't finish a meal without being harassed." Pulling a chair right next to her, Mulder pointed it the opposite direction and plopped down. This way he could eat and watch her the same time. He knew he was working her nerves here, but he couldn't help himself. "Ah, love, ain't it grand?" "Mulder, you realize there is plenty of room at the table. Is my life going to be nothing but this kind of aggravation from now on?" "'Fraid so. Besides, the view's better here. Anyway, you seem fairly happy despite the tremendous burden this whole thing has placed on you." He took a huge bite out of his bagel, and she used the momentary pause in the post-coital frivolity to segue the conversation toward something she'd been thinking about before he finally dragged his ass out of bed. "I think we need some ground rules." Wiping cream cheese from the corner of his mouth, he rebutted, "Don't you think that's a little too much strict rationalism on your part?" "Just look at it as an opportunity to become more of a whole person." "Touche. D.K. Scully shoots and scores. OK...I'm just guessing here, could it be you have something you'd like to throw into the hopper?" "Well, now that you mention it, I do. Rule #1: No more dumps, ditches, or mysterious planned disappearances. I know you already said it, but I plan hold you to it, Mulder. I'm in too far now, and in case you haven't noticed, so are you...which means giving up the luxury of deciding for both of us. You've got to trust me to understand what needs to be done." He smiled---'The Divine Miss S' was calm, cool, and not about to lose that gorgeous head of hers. It was back to business, not as usual, but business nonetheless. "You have my word. I can't promise I won't fight with you about it, but you certainly seem able to hold your own in that department...Can I finish eating now?" He took another mouthful, and washed it down with some juice straight from the carton. "By all means." That went surprisingly well, and Scully decided she'd go ahead and press her luck. She took a giant swig of whatever it was she was drinking and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. A little fortifying was in order before she plunged ahead. "Here's Rule #2...we don't let on at work and we don't not let on. It's nobody's business but ours, anyway. Not even Skinner, especially not Skinner... Plausible deniability is a beautiful thing, Mulder, it's time we made it work for us." She took a deep breath, realizing that, miracles of miracles, he was actually paying attention. Scully decided not to lose the momentum. "And as long as we're talking about work--when we're on the clock--we're on the clock. Business as usual. Period. So don't get any ideas while we're out on a case. When we're at home--well, that's a different thing altogether. Surely you'd be able to come up with some mutual recreational activities for our off-time. And if you play your cards right, I might even surprise you and come up with a few myself." "I'm down with that, girlfriend. What do we do now, sign a blood oath?" "Mulder..." "Alright, Scully, absolutely, positively in agreement here. Permission to speak further, Agent?" She ran a finger down his sideburn, "I love a man who respects the chain of command." "You know me so well." He paused, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, and focused his thoughts for a minute. He'd never talked this way with any woman before; it was time to step up to the plate. "I'm not good at holding onto someone, in case you haven't noticed." She leaned toward him a little more, "That's something we both have to work on, I think. " "In my case, that would bring my lifetime record to... let me see...just one." "Mulder, I am not going to participate in your festival of self-flagellation, if that's where this is headed. It's too early for kinky stuff." "So, it's just a question of timing, then? Remind me to get back to that one later." "Mulderrrr..." "Listen, I just want to be better at this than I have been." His voice was very quiet, and he paused before he went on. "It occurred to me ....now get ready for this one, because I know it's a stretch ...." She looked at him again, her brows quirked, and he smiled. "I think you and I need to spend more time talking. Really talking. Not about cases. Not about work. About us." He stopped to take in what was clearly Scully's look of wonder and amazement. "Yeah, it's really me talking, I can barely believe I'm saying it myself. I know the shock of such a radical departure might kill us, but it's a risk I'm willing to take...Pretty wild, huh?" Things were moving along in Bizarro world...maybe someone had darted them in their sleep and they were tripping big time. Scully wondered if she should pinch herself or Mulder, and then decided that more physical contact might not be the best idea at the moment. Besides, pinching wasn't what she really had in mind. "You have my word you won't have to face possible death alone. I do think it's interesting, though, that you've linked communication between the sexes and the risk of mortality. 'Wild' doesn't begin to describe it. I was thinking more along the lines of ..." "Wait...there's more. Just remember how fragile my ego is before you say anything." He finished the bagel and juice to stall for time before he started in on this one. He was getting ready to put his head on the chopping block. "Screw it, here's what I want, Scully. Let me make things safer for you. The Gunmen and I made a half-assed plan a while ago to beef things up, and now I want to make it happen and I want you to not go nuclear. I know it's no guarantee, but I need to do it and you need to let me...There, I said it." He shifted back in his chair and waited for the inevitable refusal and chewing out. Scully took her vitamins, swallowed the rest of her drink, and took a deep, cleansing breath. "OK." That made him sit right up. "Beg your pardon? What about a nailing me to the wall for being Neanderthal, sexist, patriarchal throw-back?" "It seems like too much work at the moment. Besides, we both know you'd torture me with it until I said 'yes' anyway. You can go ahead with this thing on one condition." "What's that?" "What they do for me, they do for you." "That's it?" "Yep, and it's non-negotiable." "Deal, now how do we seal the bargain?" Mulder wiggled an eyebrow and offered up his best leer. "Let's do it the old-fashioned way." And with that, Scully spit into her right hand and shoved it in his. "Wasn't quite the warm, wet one you were hoping for, was it?" She was grinning from ear to ear. "It'll do, Scully, it'll do. I'm gonna call 'em before you change your mind. Your cel's still on the dresser, right?" She nodded. "I still need to dig mine out of my stuff." Mulder got up, gave her a little nip on the side of her neck and started to lope off into the bedroom, when Scully grabbed his wrist. "Thanks for the weirdest weekend of my life." It wasn't a joke. He looked into those blue eyes and saw she meant it. "Weekend's not over yet." As Mulder sprinted to the bedroom, Scully said to no one in particular, "That's exactly what I'm afraid of." It was time for coffee, lots of it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mulder made the call and told Frohike that today was the day for the fix-up project they'd discussed with an add-on that included his place. Frohike put two and two together and called him and undeserving bastard and threatened him with bodily harm if Scully so much as lost a minute of sleep because of him. The call was also being piped through the speaker phone, so he was treated to Langly's 'I told you so, man, I told you,' and Byers trying to rein everyone in. Finally, Byers won out and told him they'd be there in two hours with 'the building materials.' Mulder made his way to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, splashed some water on his face--no shave--going for ruggedly handsome in case anyone cared, and meandered his way back to his duffel. He snagged some sweatpants, a baseball jersey and his running shoes and slipped them on. No running though, and come to think of it, no underwear either. After all, it was Sunday, and a guy's gotta chill out. Right. OK, time to see what Scully was up to. He made his way back into the kitchen just in time to see her finishing the breakfast dishes. He slipped behind her and started kissing her neck. "Mulder, are you trying to seduce me?" "Seduce you, get in your pants, prep you for the naked pretzel, pick one." "You know, that might've worked a little earlier, but there are people on the way." "Not for two hours, one hundred and twenty minutes of uninterrupted free time.' "There's where you're wrong. You've got enough time to put away your stuff, change the sheets, and clean up the bathroom. Sheets are on the top shelf of the bedroom closet. If you hurry, you can join me on the couch while I start The New York Times crossword puzzle." She kissed him just shy of his mouth, patted his rump, and waived him off. "Do I get to say anything about this?" "Only how much you're gonna love taking a bath with me later and how good it'll be to roll around with me on a freshly made bed." He couldn't argue with that. So Mulder turned on his heels and skulked off. "Hey, Mulder." "Yeah?" "Love...ain't it grand?" After staking out part of the closet and the dresser and stowing away his belongings, Mulder finished doing the most housework he'd done in recent memory. Feeling he was quite the post-feminist ideal man, he weaseled his way onto the couch and joined Scully's attack on the crossword puzzle. Actually, he managed to get her to play footsies with him under the pretense of working the damn thing...the things a man will do when he's in love. She seemed pretty invested in what seemed to him to be a thinly veiled charade, pretending to make with the pencil and the scribbling even though they hadn't actually come up with a single thing since his arrival. After a while, Mulder noticed she was a little distracted. "Hey, Scully...what's up?" Scully stopped chewing the end of her pencil and replied, "You know, I was thinking..." She ran her foot up and down along his calf. "It's a good thing one of us is still able to. As far as I'm concerned, there's only one head paying attention right now, and it ain't the big one. Well, actually..." "Mulder, I'm trying to tell you something." She stopped the whole leg thing. "OK, let's hear it." "I was thinking about the jerkoffs in the bullpen and I'm tired of ignoring their comments, their insults, their usual harangue. I hate the way they talk about you... about us. And I'm not gonna take it anymore. The next time I hear any of that crap coming from anyone of them...their ass is mine." "Isn't that sort of telegraphing the whole 'I'm his/he's mine' concept?" "Not at all. It just maintaining the proper decorum and respect." "Remind me never to cross you, Scully." There was a knock at the door. She got up and peered through the peephole. Huey, Dewey and Louie had arrived. Langly was staring the ceiling, had his hair back in a ponytail, and was sporting a T-shirt that read 'Reality is for People Who Can't Handle Dope.' His ensemble was completed by a fresh wad of duct tape holding the bridge of his glasses together. Frohike had on camouflage pants, an oversized Harley-Davidson sweatshirt, a baseball cap on backwards, and was fiddling with something in his pockets. Byers had on his usual dark suit and white shirt, but no tie. It must've been his casual look. Frohike eased up to the peephole, so they were eye-to-eye, "Scrumptious Agent Scully, the calvary has arrived." She let them in feeling she would live to regret this. They brought stuff, lots and lots of stuff. Stuff in tool boxes, stuff in black bags, and stuff in a titanium briefcase with a combination lock. They all gathered in the living room, with the Gunmen and Mulder perched on the couch, waiting, until Langly piped up, "Jeez, are we gonna get started or what?" "Well, why don't you just tell me what 'we're' supposed to be doing first." Scully was standing with her hand on her hip looking all four of them up and down. God, they sat there figeting like guilty schoolboys, making her feel like crotchety old Miss Scully. "Frohike? Byers? Mulder? One of you better say something. While I realize the pattern on the slipcovers is fascinating, it doesn't require all of you staring at it with your mouths sealed shut." "It's improved security, Agent Scully. We're going to install new locks for one thing. Triple bolt, the best." Byers fiddled with his collar and wished he had on a tie. "That's one. Keep going, guys." Now she was tapping her foot, and shot Frohike a look that bored straight through to the back of his skull. "Stupendous Agent Scully, they'll also be motion sensor alarms and a tracking device we're gonna install on your Fedmobile. The alarm sends off a signal that's carried on broadband, which we'll be constantly monitoring. If anything jumps off, we gotcha hot-wired to a secure line so that Mulder gets a call within 30 seconds. And vice versa. And the locator in your car is really a thing of beauty, if I do say so myself. We'll be randomly hopping from GPS to GPS, using their pull and their range, but never staying long enough to establish a pattern of use. And it'll all be cloaked and encrypted...our usual fabulousness. Nothing's too good for our favorite government employee. And yeah, we'll do Mulder's place and once we're done here. He doesn't have quite the same hold on me as you do, but..." Langly blurted out, "Yeah, now that you're officially Mulder's pistol packin' cutie...Yeow!...You're hurting me!...Mmmmfkrdm." Before she had a chance to react, Mulder had leapt up, yanked him off the couch and had a hand slapped over his mouth. Byers and Frohike shoved one of the tool bags into his hand and hustled Langly out the door. It had been unanimously decided that he was the ideal candidate to install the bumper buddies. Mulder cracked his knuckles and stretched, "Didn't think you'd appreciate the elevation to 'cutie' status." "Good call. Now, do I know everything I need to?" She locked Mulder in her sights, and began to pick imaginary lint from his jersey. "Well...do I?" Byers began to fuss with the tool boxes and one of the black bags, while Frohike shoved the large silver suitcase toward Mulder. "You wanna handle that, Ace? That's one's exclusively your baby." "C'mere partner, I've got something special for you." Mulder cocked his head and gestured toward the newly vacated space left by Langly on the couch. He guided Scully down by her shoulders and joined her. Byers and Frohike took their cue to make themselves scarce and got busy changing the locks on the doors. "Am I going to regret this, Mulder?" "Regret is such a negative word, we both know you're too open-minded for that." "How about opening the case, before I express a sentiment a helluva lot stronger than regret." Mulder entered the combination, lifted the latches and treated Scully to a selection of firearms: Walther PPK's, SIGs, Smith and Wessons. There was also a small leg holster and a stockpile of rounds. "Remember, nothing says 'I love you' like hardware." Scully's mouth dropped open a little, "And these, I assume, are for me." Apparently, she'd received a betrothal gift. Could this day get any stranger? "Some of them are for you, I think you can see there's a very smart, very chic holster with your name on it. The other stuff we hide them in different parts of the apartment, in the trunk of your car...I do the same at my place." "Then what, Mulder? Pose for the cover of 'Guns and Ammo?' Isn't this a little excessive?" "Scully, you said you'd go with this, don't bail on me now. It's not the answer to every threat, but it's something. After Samantha..after everything..." "Is it that important?" Even though the answer was obvious, she was still trying to get used to this level of devotion being out in the open. "It is...I must seem pretty wacked, right?" Mulder ran his hands through his hair and waited. "You mean at the moment, or just in general?" Scully shook her head but she was smiling...not a lot, but that was good enough for him. "You must really love the nutcase type." "It's the challenge of not being crazy with them that hooks me, although from the look of things I might be losing that one. By the way, how exactly did you get all this?" "Scully, I'm a pretty persuasive guy. I have a couple of friends in the Bureau armory, and I told them I needed extra firepower for some extremely serious, extremely hush-hush undercover work. Plus, I threatened to tell Skinner I'd seen one of them getting some nooky in the storage cage with one of the women from records. Lucky for me, I pay attention to that sort of thing." "So, basically you blackmailed them?" "Whatever it takes. Hell, I've even been known to wait seven years to get someone to sleep with me. Stalk 'em long enough, and it's nothin' but net." "And here I thought I was finally succumbing to raw, animal magnetism." Scully rose to her feet and took his hand. Out of nowhere, she dredged up her best suburban housewife voice, "Honey, let's put our new stuff away." The next few hours were spent hiding weapons and installing motion sensors in all the windows and doors, with Byers and Frohike showing them how to use the miniature controls so they could get around without tripping the damn things. The two Gunmen handled hook-up and Mulder and Scully, clean-up. Frohike was particularly proud he could get the controls down to the size and appearance of a keychain. Sometime during the whole thing, Langly reappeared, theoretically to get the Smith and Wessons to put in both their trunks, but really to see if his ass was still in a sling. He crept around the apartment, and Scully didn't say a thing until he was almost out the door again. Without batting an eye, Scully drawled, "Langly, you almost done, cutie?" After almost pissing himself, Langly managed an 'Uh-huh,' to the sound of a massive, collective sigh of relief. Finally, it was all done and the five of them were sprawled across the living room, with the Gunmen flopped on the couch, Scully in one of the overstuffed chairs, and Mulder sitting cross-legged at her feet. Someone had the brilliant idea of running out for Mexican take-out, and they stuffed themselves on enchiladas verdes and tacos al pastor. The Dos Equis washing it down didn't hurt either. The four boys were arguing the finer points of North American Bigfoot sightings and Scully wondered how she ended up as the Anti-Cinderella, complete with her own Lost Boy Prince and three techno-fairy godfathers. She suspected Mulder had been right about fate, the bastard. But he was her bastard, after all. Stifling a yawn, Scully asked, "How did you pay for the rest of the stuff?" Frohike explained despite a mouthful of enchilada, "It's our treat...a little meal between friends." "No that's not what I meant. How did you pay for the rest of the 'hardware,' Mulder?" Langly was once again destined to stick his foot in it. "The account, Scully, you know." Judging by the flash of unrecognition that passed over her face, Langly was able to deduce that no, Scully didn't know. Immediately, the Gunmen realized that they were running late if they wanted to get Mulder's place done tonight, and they had to get going, and that Mulder could stay here, they could get into his apartment, no problem. In order to stop the usual suspects, Scully barked, "Nobody move." Mulder hadn't budged an inch from the spot at her feet all during dinner, and sure as hell wasn't about to now. "There's this last little thing...you and I and the boys have a joint account for emergencies." "What are you talking about? No, don't tell me...Yes, you better tell me. What account? How much money?" Scully could feel the start of a headache, a good one. And it was apparent that today was, in fact, getting stranger by the minute. It was Byers now, "Actually, I set it up, I sort of handle that kind of thing in general for us. It's an offshore account... we have access to it, as does Agent Mulder, of course...and you. It was done a couple of months ago. There isn't that much more to tell." "I beg to differ, it would seem there's a wealth of information your boys need to let me in on. She lined Mulder up in her cross-hairs, "And you...You constantly bounce checks, and I have to buy your lunch more often than not... Now you have money. So, how much money is there, Mulder?" Mulder was rubbing his forehead, working on his own headache at this point. "Two and a half." "Two and a half what?" All three Gunmen chimed in, "Million, two and a half million dollars." Scully sat back in her chair and stared at them all. This was no warped Cinderella story...she was in Wonderland without a doubt, and had carnal knowledge of the Mad Hatter to boot. She wasn't even angry, this was beyond getting angry about, there was no framework to even put this in. Congratulations, partner...you've achieved personal best in the 'Blow Away Scully' category. "You know, boys..." looking at the Gunmen, "Maybe you should be on your way. Your friend and I have things to talk about." In a matter of minutes, The Gunmen, their stuff, and the leftovers were gone. Mulder went to see them out and Scully thought she heard Frohike tell him to not be a total jackass and screw this up. She didn't try to follow them, instead, she settled back into her chair, closed her eyes and tried to will away her headache. The whole thing was ludicrous, although Bill would be surprised to find out that Mulder was no longer a worthless piece of shit. He was a rich one, thank you very much. She heard the triple snick of the lock and footsteps approaching. This ought to be good, this had better be good. She opened her eyes and saw him sitting down on the edge of the coffee table facing her. "Would you care to explain?" He hunched forward and leaned as close as possible without touching. "I wanted to have something put away for you in case anything happened to me, in case you got sick again, in case we were faced with a situation and couldn't look to our friendly Federal government for help. Believe me, I was going to tell you tonight, Scully, I just wasn't planning on doing it in front of Moe, Larry, and Curly." Mulder inched a little closer, and she didn't kick him, which he interpreted as an encouraging sign. "It's part of my father's estate. My family has money, you know that...I'm the failed product of a Vineyard upbringing. But I've pretty much lived on my own since college, so I never thought about it one way or the other until I got a call from my mother saying it was going to be turned over to me. I just wanted to..." She stopped him, her voice calm but firm, "I don't want the money. I don't need it." "Maybe I need you to have it. Look, it's not as if you landed Bill Gates here, Scully....It's some money that I stumbled onto because I couldn't completely escape what my parents thought I should have, and it's money we might need. Only you would have a problem with someone trying to share a couple of million and change ." "Go on Mulder, convince me." She leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes again. He was going to lay it all out for her, he would make sense, and she'd come around. Maybe. "What if they finally manage to close the X-files and we're no closer to finding Samantha, then what? What it Kurtzweil's right and his scenario happens one day? How are we supposed to fight then?...What if your cancer reappears? What about experimental treatments? The amount in this account couldn't begin to cover all those possibilities, but at least it's what I can offer. And something might happen to me...I'm sorry, but you don't get to turn it down, it's just part of the whole package. It doesn't make you obligated to me." "You almost had me until that last remark. 'Obligated,' Mulder? I think we're beyond 'obligated,' wouldn't you say?" "OK. Strike that. We both have out crosses to bear, no pun intended. You get to deal with this terrible, terrible thing I've done to you and I get to deal with Bill and Charlie beating the crap out of me the first time you bring me to a family Christmas." "I still don't want the money, and I plan on enjoying my brothers welcoming you to the family." Scully's voice was husky with fatigue, and a sigh she hadn't meant to make slipped out. He was not getting this, and she wasn't sure she could make him understand. We're in it together, Mulder, but not like this. "Scully, are you listening?" She started to draw herself up slowly, "Yes, Mulder, I'm listening, but you're the one not getting it." "Well, enlighten me, then." She sat all the way up and rubbed her knees. "We've spent seven years looking over our shoulders. Who's disappeared now? Who'll die first? When's the end of the world? We've beaten the odds so far, Mulder, that's what I want, not money. I understand why you want to make sure you can keep looking for Samantha no matter what. I also know that in the worst-case scenario we have to be able to fight back. But as far as the cancer's concerned, I won't let it define my life, don't let it define yours, either." She waited for a minute, and when she spoke again, her voice was softer, almost hesitant. "It's no way to live, and I plan on living, in case you haven't noticed that, and you better start planning on living right along with me. I know this was important for you to do, I do. But you've got to understand that no amount of money could ever make things right if something happened to you." Scully reached for Mulder's hand, resting hers on the back of his. "The way the apartment is tricked out is bad enough, but this account...I know it doesn't make sense, but I feel if I say yes, it'll only be a matter of time until what we have comes to a bad end. I want to believe in something else...I'm holding out for something else. You understand now?" Mulder nodded his head, and took a hard breath. He got it. "I always had you pegged as a holdout, Scully. Point taken. No one can ever accuse me of being afraid of overkill when it comes to you." He started to drum his fingers on her thigh, and offered her a look of mock-concern. "I'm a little worried, though. You made a persuasive argument, but I detected reference to a potential bad omen. You realize you sound, dare I say it, superstitious?" "You see what hanging around with you has done to me?" She was perched on the edge of the chair now, looking as tired as hell, but there was something in her eyes that told maybe there was hope for him yet. "Listen, I'll talk to Byers about contingencies, but not about cancer, and not about you dying either." She arched an eyebrow, "It's just not part of my plan." With that, she got up and headed down the hall. Walking toward the bathroom, she yelled over her shoulder, "I'm taking a bath. It's time for hot water and solitude." After watching her traipse away, he got up and rolled his neck, listening to every grisly pop. He took time to stretch and mentally assess the total damage. Well, Mulder, you escaped relatively unscathed that time. Unfortunately, you blew your chance at 'bath-time with baby'...Nice work, you dolt. What's your next move, genius? With nothing appetizing on the horizon, he thought he should try to squelch the possibility of boredom. It most definitely was time for a recreational shot of whiskey. Maybe she might get thirsty in a little while and he could bring the bottle. On his way to the kitchen, he heard, "Mulder!" When he got to the bathroom, the tub was almost filled, and Scully had on that huge, white terrycloth bathrobe. It wasn't fastened well, and there was enough skin showing to make him think she wasn't completely exhausted. He certainly was feeling uplifted. Leaning against the door jamb, Mulder checked the situation out, "Yes...?" "Were you ever planning on getting in here? Bath's almost ready." "I thought when you said solitude, you wanted a break from me, too, despite how adorable I am." "Mulder, I just spent the day with your minions turning my apartment into a stockade. I meant I wanted some relief from that, not you. Besides, there's an important point I forgot to make." "And that would be?" "Over here." He went right to where she was, and before he knew it, her strong doctor's hands were yanking open his jersey. Against the sound of a button plinking on the floor, he tried to complain, "Hey...I really like that shirt." "You've got money, go get yourself a new one. I just want to make sure you know I only want you for one thing." Much, much later, as they were lying warm and dry and half asleep under the covers, Mulder did some final reconnaissance, "So, are we OK?" She pulled him to her side of the bed and whispered, "We're more than OK, but remind me never to pick up a tab for you again." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Monday Morning He shot up from bed with the sound of the Liberty Bell clanging in his ear. What the fuck was going on? He blinked and shook himself into something like wakefulness. Scully was gone and his cel had been placed on his pillow, strategically right beside where he'd been blissfully sleeping. He snatched it up and growled, "Yeah. What?" The clock on the night stand read 7:30. "Now what if that was Skinner, Mulder? Good morning, it's time to get up." Scully. That tore it. "Where are you? And how fast can those little legs run when I come after you?" Some laughter from her end. "I'd be careful if I were you, it's a felony to threaten a federal agent. I'm in the kitchen, hurry up and get ready for work. You know...W-O-R-K, it's what the government pays us to do, well, me anyway. C'mon...you're going to be on time today. You've got about a half an hour." Mulder hauled himself from where he'd been sleeping the glorious sleep of the dead. The weekend had finally caught up with him and he was trashed, wiped, blown out. Apparently, he'd inadvertently discovered a cure for his insomnia, a healthy dose of Scully and getting it on. He'd have to talk with her about making sure he got daily treatment. Moving from the bed gingerly; he was stiff, and not in a good way. While he'd never admit age might be a factor, he was all too aware of the sounds of his joints creaking as he made his way to the bathroom. Standing at the mirror, he smirked at his exhausted, albeit, delightfully spent self. There would have to be revenge. "Mark my words, Scully," he muttered, I'll do whatever it takes to wear you out...eventually. It may be my last act on Earth, but I'm looking forward to doin' it to death." Having made that vow, he was able to ignore the voice in his head telling him he was hopelessly pussy-whipped. He shaved, showered and dressed, putting on his black suit and a starched, white shirt. The finishing touch was a tie even Scully would have to admit was a conservative choice. No cows, no flying saucers, no hidden couples illustrating poses from the Kama Sutra. He had to make a brief return trip the closet to fetch his Smith and Wesson, his Walther leg piece and holsters. He put them on in front of the bedroom mirror and let it settle in that in fact, the work week had arrived. When he got to the kitchen, he was amused to see that Scully practically matched him in a black pantsuit and white blouse. She had her right foot up on a chair and hitched up her pantsleg in order to adjust the holster for her brand new SIG 239 9mm. Her waist holster was securely in place, and her SIG 226 rested securely against her hip. Once confident everything was going to hold, she stood, rolled back her shoulders and turned her head in his direction. "Lo and behold...nice to see you're finally up." She was definitely using the 'back to business' voice. Her brief case and their IDs and badges were on the table. She tossed him a granola bar and a banana. "You can eat that later, we should go. I've got two autopsies to do, plus a 9 o'clock meeting with Skinner. What's on your agenda?" She managed a smile, a pretty good one considering they were already off and running. "Violent Crimes consult, that'll be a great eye-opener. Nothing like five or six hours of hearing, 'What do you make of all of this, Spooky?' They grabbed their stuff, and he threw the granola bar on the table and shoved the banana in his coatpocket. The titanium case with the rest of the firepower was stowed in the hall closet. They'd decide later when to 'redecorate' at his place. Ready to head out, Scully led the way with her briefcase under her arm and her hand on his elbow. Securing all the necessary devices with her new 'keychain' once they were in the hall, she teased, "I'm going to avoid the obvious question and assume you're glad to see me." They drove in separately, but he followed her, bumping up against her rear end at every red light, relishing in the obvious symbolism. He even thought he saw her blow him a kiss in her rear-view mirror, but he knew she'd deny it if he said anything. After squeezing into the last ground level spots in the garage, they walked into the building and eased past the usual security. At the elevators, Mulder asked, "So, do you have to meet Skinner right away?" He needed a pick-me- up. She checked her watch, it was about ten to nine. "No, I've got a couple of minutes." "I was thinking...I know you said you'd no longer suffer the slings and arrows of our beloved colleagues from the bullpen, but that was just blowing smoke, right? You're not exactly the avenging angel type." He leaned against the elevator bank and waited for her to take the bait. His eyes were lit up with barely concealed amusement. C'mon, Scully, just a tiny bit of fun before going back to the trenches. And take the bait she did. Swallowed it whole, actually. "So you think that was idle talk?" "Something like that. You could prove me wrong, though. I mean, we could take a stroll through the bullpen right now, before you're your meeting and see if you can make good on all that tough talk. Of course, if you'd like to recant..." "Mulder, get in the elevator. Hit the button...Let's go. You're on." She knew exactly what he was doing, but the chance to hear the words 'I was wrong, Scully,' was irresistible. They rode up to the fifth floor and made a beeline for the bullpen, and started down the long aisle of with rows of desks on either side. Sure enough, before they were a quarter of the way down, they heard someone's voice, loud and clear. "How did that psych job end up with that primo piece of tail? I guess he must be getting his physicals on a regular basis." As soon as she heard the offending remark, she got a visual on its source and headed for one desk in particular. Mulder was in hot pursuit right behind her. Judging by his youthful appearance and the background color of his ID, he was a new Academy grad. They came up on his blind side, so he was unaware that the proverbial boom was about to be lowered. He was leaning toward one of his cohorts, reveling in what a clever guy he was, when Scully tapped him on the shoulder. Seeing the approach of imminent doom, the cohorts immediately relocated to various parts of the woodwork. The kid seemed in generally good shape, although his face was round and pasty, like the Pillsbury Doughboy. Scully looked him up and down. Doughboy, it's time you learned a little respect. His head jerked up and he sputtered, "Yyyesss...Oh, Jeez." "What's your name, Agent?" "It's Walt, Walt Wisniewski." He was beginning to look more pale, if such a thing was possible. "OK, Agent Wiz..whatever your name is. Do you know who I am?" "Yes, ma'am. You're Special Agent Dana Scully." "And I take it you know who he is," pointing to where the 'psych job' had parked himself on her right. "Yes, he's Special Agent Fox Mulder." There was a thin film of sweat forming on Doughboy's upper lip. "And you understand we're senior agents, correct?" "Yes, ma'am." "You're batting a thousand, so far, Agent Wiz. I had a question, though." Pointing to his cronies, none of whom had the gonads to look up from their riveting work, "Were you talking to them about us just now?" "No...no ma'am, not at all!" "I see, so you were talking to yourself, then?" "Well, not exactly...I mean, I..." "C'mon, Agent Wiz, either you were talking to them about us or you weren't." "Agent Scully, I wasn't talking to anyone about you or Agent Mulder, I swear." "OK, let me get this straight...we were walking through the bullpen and you started talking to yourself." "Uh...well...Oh, Jeez." " 'Oh, Jeez,' indeed. Agent Wiz, when's your next psych eval?" "Next August, ma'am." "Agent Wiz, I feel like doing you a favor. I'm meeting with A.D. Skinner in a little while. What if I see if I can get your psych eval pushed up to, say...next week? How would that be?" "Douhghboy's face fell completely at this point and his hands went to the side of his head like he'd been hit in the with a sledgehammer. "Thank you for your help, Agent Scully." "Don't mention it." She turned to Mulder, "Do you have anything you'd like to add here?" He furrowed his brow, waived his hands across his chest and mouthed, 'No, no, no.' She slipped her hand on his shoulder, "I guess we should be going...Agent Mulder?" "After you, Agent Scully. Please, after you." As they sauntered back toward the elevator, Mulder didn't say he was wrong, he said something better. "I'm scared of you." "You should be..." Just then her cel went off and she got it by the second ring. Gloating would have to wait for later. "Scully. Sir, I'm on my way... Yes, Agent Mulder's here...About out meeting...I see..." A very long silence ensued, with whatever was being said on the other line causing Scully to fix her gaze on the ceiling. "No, it's no problem...I'll handle the other matters tomorrow...It'll be taken of...Yes, sir. Today...I'll tell him, sir." Conversation over. Scully's eyes narrowed and she locked looks with Mulder. Today's taste of victory was brief indeed. "In case you couldn't tell, that was Skinner. Whoever you saw in accounting on Friday complained to high holy hell and now you and I both have to go there and straighten everything out. Skinner said he didn't give a rat's ass how long it took us, just get it done and get it done right. By the way, your consult's been reassigned, my meeting's been cancelled and I have three autopsies to do tomorrow." She put her cel away, and blew some air through pursed lips, "Let's go, we've got a long day ahead of us." She started to get into the elevator when Mulder slid ahead of her, blocking her path. "What? No chastising, Scully? Not even a decent scolding? That's not the woman I know and love." He leaned toward her, "Is there something I should know about?" Scully's face was smooth and unreadable, except for her eyes. Something sly lurked in their depths for a minute, then disappeared. "I'll take care of you when we get home tonight." Mulder moved away to let her pass. "I'm counting on it, Scully. I'm counting on it." End Book 1 feedback to:alvaradomccain@earthlink.net xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Title: Better with Practice -- Absolute Beginners--Book 2 It was the middle of Wednesday afternoon and Mulder's neck and shoulders were beginning to ache. He'd been working on his laptop reviewing file after file since this morning, and Scully had been doing follow up calls. He hated being shoved into this cubicle, complete with its too-small desk and glaring fluorescents. Eternal damnation was not fire and brimstone or some rung of the underworld according to Dante. It was located in the bullpen of the FBI, and they'd been stuck there for the last two weeks, prisoners in background check hell. He felt bored, he felt tired, he felt pissed. Just close your eyes for minute, he told himself, close your eyes and regroup. The boom was officially lowered the day after the last audit. Skinner tried to stop it from happening, sending the two of them to placate the auditor, who had, apparently, better contacts than anyone could've imagined. The brown-nosing little bastard was outraged at what he termed in his call to good 'ole Alvin as, "the unconscionable waste of taxpayer's money devoted to alien snipe hunts, and the offensive behavior of the Agent-in-Charge." Skinner's attempt to have them defuse things failed, and the upshot was that they were pulled once again off the X- Files. Now they spent almost all their waking hours fact checking registrations and licenses for Bureau data bases. To add insult to injury, everyone else on the floor was a wet-behind-the-ears Academy grad, and every morning they were treated to the stare of some young blue-flamer. Mulder knew he would've randomly discharged his weapon by now if it wasn't for Scully. But there she was, serving her sentence right alongside him, the only relief in a sea of monotony and mind-numbing scut work. For some incomprehensible reason she hadn't tore him a new asshole for gumming up the works to begin with. Just the opposite. The first night after it happened, they drove home, and as soon as they got in the door Scully pointed to the sofa and uttered the three best words of the day, "You. There. Now." Before he knew it they were doing their impression of a human slip knot, not even bothering to take off their clothes. In between him thumbing her nipples, and her biting his earlobe, she managed to tell him she planned on working out her frustration on him, unless he had an objection. At first he didn't. Then he did. Mulder felt a rush of territoriality that for the moment, won out over arousal. In his mind's eye he saw seven years of brushes with death and bureaucratic bullshit, graveyards and hospital rooms. And he told himself that it wasn't going to happen--he'd be goddamned if any of that was going to touch this part of their lives. It was only going to be about the two of them, skin against skin, his life locked into place with hers. And so he pressed her, temporarily bringing the proceedings to a grinding halt. She stared up at him, eyes questioning, confused. "Why? Why talk about it now?" He cupped her chin with one hand and whispered, "Because I don't want them to have this." His free hand stroked her collarbone and came to rest just above her heart. It was the ache in his voice that did it, and finally, she relented. A long silence and then the words came. Even in her quiet, deliberate way it was obvious that she was angry, but it was all directed at Kersh, at a bureaucracy she had no more patience for. She told him that they would deal with it, they always had, that they always would. She also told him that it didn't matter in the long run, they were together, that they would get the X-Files back, but yes, it was bad. A minute later her lips were against his ear, her voice liquid as honey, "Make me feel better." Cross examination finished, he dragged her to the bathroom announcing it was time for hydrotherapy and peeled off her clothes even though she pretended to fight him off. With the sound their laughter unfurling all around them, Scully managed to push him into the shower fully clothed and everything about that day dissolved as they fucked standing up, hot water sluicing over them, her without a stitch and him in his full FBI gear. Right now he can hear the water pulse and unkink his stiff neck, smell the soap and her skin and wet wool, feel her...hit him in the head with a paper clip. His eyes slowly opened, "I detect a disturbance in the Force. Scully, clearly you've gone over to the dark side." "You're daydreaming." She turned her chair to face him, and dangled a box of paperclips in his direction. "Day dreaming would mean I am not performing my task as a law enforcement officer, that I am violating the trust that..." "My mistake. You were meditating, ruminating, cogitating, mentally levitating...Come on Mulder, surely one of them applies." "I was astral projecting, if you must know. Continuing research. Multi-tasking." "Astral projecting, I see. Fascinating as always, Mulder... all on the taxpayer's dime. And just what, exactly, were you directing your astral body to do?" He slid himself over to her desk, leaned in and whispered, "My astral body was doing bad bad things to your astral body. Slowly, very very slowly, things of an explicit sexual nature. In fact, on the metaphysical plane, parts of me are grinding into you even as we speak." "Really? Funny, I don't seem to be feeling a thing. Maybe your astral body needs a guidance system." She flashed him a wicked smile, and he started to move closer. "Maybe I need directionals that are more...three dimensional. Could you help me with that, Scully?" Her hand flew up, stopping him, "Hold it right there, I'm sure you don't want this assignment to be any longer than necessary. I know I don't. C'mon, there's a ton of data you need to review and calls I need to make. Break's over." His mercury eyes locked with hers for a minute, then he sat back, threw his arms over his head and stretched. "Oh, fuck it...You have your weapon. Put me out of my misery." "What? Right now? I guess I could just shoot you, but I thought the plan was for you to die a slow, lingering death caused by having sex as often as possible, in every conceivable position until you tragically died of exhaustion." She tucked a strand of auburn hair behind her ear and tried to keep on her game face. "Oh right, that." His eyes lit up and he let himself take in how heart-stoppingly gorgeous she was, even here, in the middle of the day in the midst of what was without a doubt their crappiest assignment. "You win then, it's back to the grindstone for yours truly. One thing though, you couldn't have been diligently making calls and observing my paranormal research at the same time. Are we feeling a little bored, Agent Scully?" She gave him the raised eyebrow and the scowl, and pointed a well-manicured finger at his desk. "Work, Mulder, work." Her heart really wasn't in it and she knew he knew. "You didn't answer my question. Tell me." "Bored to tears. bored beyond belief, bored to the very core of my being. But I'm plan on getting through this if for no other reason that it will piss off that sanctimonious sonovabitch Kersh." "Scully, you always know what to say." He laced his fingers together and cracked his knuckles, then slowly moved back into position at the computer. But Mulder managed to notice his partner smiling and shaking her head from the corner of his eye. He was going to get them sprung, at least for a couple of days. The question was how. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Salvation came at about four o'clock that afternoon in the form of the Private Security Registration Database for the State of Maryland. At first glance, Mulder thought he was just strung out on caffeine, or that this assignment was finally rotting out his brain. But there it was, between Ramos, Daniel -- Private Investigator, and Rinnett & Co.,-- Corporate Security... Rashad and Reeves, Ltd. He opened the file and sure enough, there were the photos and background data on Calvin Rashad and Terrence Reeves. Could it be possible? These were people he knew, people he liked, people who hated the pencil pushers just as much as he did. Maybe it was time for a road trip to Baltimore. When he'd first met them they were all in BSU. Calvin was attached to the unit as a consulting pathologist and Terrence had been the golden-boy profiler until Mulder got assigned to the unit. The two friends were thick as thieves and not particularly disposed to having a Hallmark moment with a young, white, rich-boy-East-Coast-smartass. They sniffed around him warily until he'd cracked open a serial kidnapping case, following a lead that the SAC explicitly told him to ignore. Afterward, they became an unholy trio at work, much to the dismay of supervisors. A growing lack of respect for authority, the appearance of unconventional methods, and a killer solve rate was the result of the new alliance -- so even though the higher-ups didn't like it, it meant they were pretty much left alone. Reeves and Rashad saw that the tall white boy needed some remedial education and decided to take care of it. In between cases, Terrence schooled him in the fine art of the jump shot, and Calvin tutored him in the differences between 12 and 18 year old Scotch. Both of them were constantly on him with what became their chant, 'Get a woman, and get a life.' Mulder scrolled down the file again, "Gentlemen," muttering to himself, "It only took me almost a decade, but mission accomplished." Their glory days were short-lived. Terrence soon got transferred to the Atlanta field office as an ASAC, and made sure Calvin followed him there. After that, Mulder found himself alone again, and strange things began to happen. It didn't take much for him to get fairly strange himself, and it wasn't long before he won himself a permanent slot in the basement of the Hoover Building. They'd lost touch until about a year ago when he heard that they'd both been shot and seriously wounded in a raid on a drug dealer. When he phoned them in the hospital, he got the usual earful from Terrence, who was quick to playfully lay into him, "Goddamn, Mulder! Nice of you to call...you know me, I'll do almost anything to get close to some pretty, young nurses. I'd ask how you are, but we both know you can't play basketball worth shit, and I doubt seriously you're getting laid. Don't forget, I know what you look like, Spooky." When Calvin got on the line he was as direct and circumspect as always, "Reeves and I have thought about freelancing for awhile. I think we're both clear that staying alive just might mean a slight change of career....It's just time for us to make a move, Fox. We've been lucky for a long time and now it's time to quit." Apparently, by the look of things now, they'd done more than just consider it; they'd gotten out of Bureau and opened their own security firm. Based on the description in the record, they specialized in protecting high profile individuals. Famous people, wealthy people. And from the looks of the gun purchase manifests, it was clear the clientele required that someone have major firepower. He was going to go for it. He'd call them and if there was any possibility of the existence of God, they'd be available, and the two of them could get the hell of out of the office for a couple of days. Waving at her furiously, he proclaimed, "It's Salvation time, Scully!" This display pulled her off the phone, if for no other reason than medical curiosity. Her partner had clearly gone off his rocker again, and she wondered exactly which diagnostic code they were going to use in the hospital this time. On the other hand, she was sure her eyes were going to cross if she made one more phone call. Maybe she'd just cash in her mental health chips and join him. "I was hoping the Second Coming would look a little different than this. What have you got?" Mulder flipped open his cel and dialed the number on the screen. Someone who said they were an assistant answered the phone, and made sure he let her know that this was a FBI related matter and that he needed to speak with Mr. Reeves or Mr. Rashad immediately. He glanced a Scully, who was tapping furiously on her desk and mouthing 'What are you doing?' He mouthed back, "It's OK...you'll see," and winked. "Calvin Rashad here." "Hey, Calvin, it's Mulder. At least I didn't wait until the next hospitalization to call." Scully came over and stood in front of his desk, she was not about to be left out of the loop. Calvin's baritone was coming through loud and clear. "Fox! It's great to hear from you! I'm good, really good. Terrence is his usual self, but hardly otherwordly. We don't really have anything here to interest an expert on the paranormal, just the lives of the rich and famous. But I suspect you already know what we're up to, since you made the call. What can we do for you?" "Well, now that you mention it..." With that Mulder launched into the whole description of their tragic situation, and how Reeves and Rashad held the keys to freedom, if they didn't mind helping an old pal and his partner. The plan was simple, he and Scully would come to Baltimore for a couple of days, they could see how Reeves & Rashad conducted business, write a glowing report of how the former agents were not trading on their FBI cachet. Mulder hoped they'd bite -- it'd keep him from having to be put in restraint again, to say nothing of giving him at least forty-eight glorious hours alone with Scully. Rashad was chuckling at the other end of the line, "You must have really gotten in A.D. Kersh's craw. Good for you. Of course you can both come out here, bur please come as our guests. No hotel. We have quite the setup for out of town clients. Luckily, we've been successful and well...these days we entertain and protect. Come on out and we'll take care of everything. One thing though, your 'partner,' she's a little more than that, isn't she?" "Yes, yes she is. How did you know?" "Fox, your voice gave you away every time you mentioned her name. Careful, you sound like a man in love." "That bad, huh?" Mulder was chuckling himself now. "Listen, you'll meet her and you'll see for yourself." He closed the file, shoved his cellphone in his pocket, picked up an internal line and asked for Assistant Director Kersh. Kersh's receptionist tried to take a message, but Mulder told her that this was about the Bureau's public image and she wouldn't want to inadvertently withhold information from the Assistant Director. He had to play this just right, so when Kersh picked up he heard one solemn and serious Special Agent. "Sir, I came across a security firm registration that involves two former agents." "Yes, Agent Mulder, that's riveting news. How is this a concern of mine?" The baritone at the other end of the line sounded impatient. "There's no discrepancies in the documentation, but there is an issue of whether or not the applicants are using their previous employment as means of promoting themselves. You know sir, if it looks bad, it's bad for the FBI. What I'd like to do is send someone out there to check into it, someone suitable." Mulder made sure Kersh could hear the smirk ease into his voice. "Assistant Director, Agent Scully and I are senior agents, and frankly, while this matter needs attention, it's hardly the kind of work we're used to." "Send someone? Agent Mulder, what you and Agent Scully are used to doing and what I plan on having you do are clearly two different things, in case that hasn't become clear to you. Since you've been so diligent thusfar, I suggest you both get ready to do some field work. Take a couple of days to make a thorough site visit, see how they conduct business. Is that clear, Agent?" "Crystal, sir." Mulder let his voice ice up. "Oh, Agent Mulder?" "Yes, Sir?" "Thank you for bringing the matter to my attention." Click, and then a dead line. "No Alvin, thank you." Mulder calmly placed the receiver down and took in his victory. Superior strategy is its own reward, he thought. Screw that, he thought a second later. His arm shot up and he gave the universe a thumb's up. "I take it you're pleased with yourself." Scully shook her head, poor Alvin never stood a chance against her partner's machinations. "You should be pleased with me as well. C'mon, we're outta here." With that, he slung on his suitjacket, loosened his tie, and grabbed her by the hand. She could barely get on her blazer and grab her bag. He hustled her into the elevator and by then she'd managed to organize herself. As he hit the button, she looked over at him and tried to sound exasperated as she chuffed, "I know I should be saying something to try to stop you." "Since when has that ever worked?" "Point taken...By the way, what was that I overheard your friend saying? Something to the effect that you sound like a man in love?" She was smiling now. "There's definitely a rumor floating around to that effect." He started fingering the lapel of her jacket. He was smiling too. "Well then, it would appear that further investigation is in order. Lead on Mulder, lead on." They pretty much maintained their professional decorum the rest of the ride down to the garage. As they started to split up to get into their respective cars, she tugged at his sleeve. "Mulder..." She suddenly felt bold, especially since there didn't appear to be anyone in her line of vision. "I suggest we drive home as quickly as possible." "Why? You can't be in that much of a hurry to get to Baltimore." He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. "Why? Because we're going to throw some things into a bag, get to wherever we're going and complete whatever interview you've got planned. Then I'm going get you alone and make you forget every other woman you've ever been with." Scully felt the blush creep up her neck and across her face. She was so far gone, totally a lost cause. Making sexual overtures at work was proof she'd completely and utterly plunged off the deep end. "I've gone and done it now, haven't I?" He leaned into her and whispered in her ear, "Not yet. But we will...and soon. There's no other woman to forget, Scully. No one worth the effort. There's just you. You know..." He was going to say something else but she grabbed him on either side of his face and kissed him soundly. Might as well make losing it official, she told herself, and before he could do anything else she kissed him again, hard, and then ran and jumped into her car. Out the driver's window she yelled, "Get going, Agent Mulder." Scully was treated to the sight of him walking to his car like a man in a trance, slowly opening the door and easing in. She could barely make it out, but she was sure she heard, "Whatever you say, Agent Scully...whatever you say." As he put the key in the ignition, she could see he was grinning like an idiot. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx True to her word, Scully made it back first, ran into the apartment and headed for the bedroom and started packing an overnight bag. Pulling up a few minutes later, Mulder waited a minute before going inside. He flipped open his cel again and hit the number for Reeves and Rashad. Calvin picked up this time. "Calvin, it's me again. Listen, I know it's asking a lot, but I want this trip to be special. Completely different from what she's used to. Could you handle a few things for me?" He took Calvin's laughter on the other end as a 'yes' "Here's my credit card number. Now here's what I was thinking...Right, that's what I want...You can? Great....Oh you did? Perfect...That should just about do it." He was finally going give Scully a surprise that didn't involve crop circles, ectoplasm or an ER--it was way overdue. He out of the car and sprinted the rest of the way until he was at the apartment door. He fumbled with his keys, and was just about to turn the lock when Scully opened the door. She was breathless, barefoot and half-dressed, wearing black pants, an unbuttoned green shirt, a black lace bra. "Finally. Get that profiling ass of yours in here, I was serious about being in a hurry." She grabbed him by the elbow and yanked him inside. "In a hurry to go or did you have something else in mind? You don't exactly look like you're ready to conduct official business." He eyed her up and down and could see she was clearly a woman on a mission. A mission that hopefully featured nudity and them playing a hot and sweaty round of 'connect the body parts.' For now, he'd try to be a good boy and wait. Still, he couldn't resist seizing the opportunity to toss some innuendo. She was buttoning up and looking for her shoes, "Go change, I've got stuff packed for the two of us. The sooner we leave, the sooner we conduct the interview, the sooner..." He jumped on that one, "The sooner you can conduct a comparative anatomy lesson." "Something like that. Go." "Your wish is my command." "We'll see about that later," and swatted him on the arm. "Go. On." "Yes, dear." Mulder headed quickly to the bedroom before Scully could hurl anything at his head. All it took was a few minutes and Mulder changed into the usual jeans and gray T-shirt, had snatched his leather jacket and the overnight bag, and now was the impatient one scuttling Scully out the door, out of the building and down the front stairs. She was just about to ask whose car were they going to use when she heard someone's voice, "Mr. Mulder? Ms. Scully? Mr. Reeves and Mr. Rashad sent me to drive you." He was standing next to a car next door to Scully's apartment. The car a was a late model, black Lincoln sedan, and the voice belonged to a young man wearing a chauffeur's uniform. He looked like an Iowa farmboy, young, hungry-eyed, and built like the proverbial brick shit-house. The look was completed by a Corp-style buzz-cut. The young centurion was standing at attention, but managed to break formation long enough to motion them to the car. They started toward him, with Scully walking just slightly ahead. Her eyed narrowed and she let her head fall back to ask, "The Marines have arrived. Now what?" He slipped his arm over Scully's shoulder and whispered, "There's nothing wrong with discipline, loyalty, and the ability to kill a man barehanded at close range. Semper fi, Scully, just go with it." "Semper fi, my ass." The eye-rolling had commenced. "I'm ready to pledge my allegiance, but you'll have to wait until we get in the car." "Mulder, don't let your mouth write a check your body can't cash, " was her zippy rejoinder. He leaned into her even more, his breath hot in her ear, "That was a mistake." He could feel her shudder. "It's on, Scully, the games have begun." Corp-Boy opened the car door with a flourish, "Ma'am, allow me." Scully treated Mulder to the sight of her delicious ass as she bent to slide her way into the cavernous interior. He got in alongside her, dropping the bag on the floor and sprawling across the backseat. Tactical positioning was completed by draping one leg over hers, and snaking an arm around her waist. "Comfy, Scully?...I know I am." Then, to the young hero at the wheel, "I think it's time we blew this pop stand." Then someone hit the control console in the back seat, and the driver could hear muffled laughter as the privacy window whirred shut. They sat in silence for quite a few minutes. Mulder was humming, slouched lazily, arm draped against the back seat. Scully was tucked comfortably at his side, but her bliss was interrupted by one thought. Payback was rumored to be a bitch, and Mulder hadn't said anything since they'd left. "Mulder, are you OK?" "Uh huh, why shouldn't I be?" "Well, you haven't said anything for at least fifteen minutes." "Don't need to." "Are you planning on telling me exactly where we're going?" "Nope." Mulder shifted his weight and moved so he was resting on his hip, facing Scully. He slid off her jacket against the sound of her feeble protests. He took his time letting his eyes rove across her face. Then he took her hand in his and began to trace swirling patterns across her palm, up her wrist, and along her forearm. Scully was aware of some rapid changes in her autonomic nervous responses. She could feel her heart speeding up, her breathing becoming more rapid. And before she could stop herself she was saying things like, "That's so...good." Hearing him chuckle, she realized somebody was getting even. "Mulder!" Before she could say another word, he'd started kissing her neck, slow, ravenous kisses, smiling when heard her murmur his name. "Making you crazy yet?" Scully could feel how quickly a vague sense of arousal became a precise and achy point between her legs. "You have no idea how much." She pulled away just enough for Mulder to see how the blue of her eyes were flecked with gold, the pupils dark with excitement. Mulder leaned in and started to run his finger along the curve of Scully's mouth, stopping to tease her lower lip. "You know, since we have some time on our hands before we get where we're going, I was thinking we could play a driving game to kill the time. Here's how this one goes. I'll place my finger on a spot, kind of like what I'm doing now, and you'll tell me whether or not you'd like my lips there. You game?" She nodded. The thought of it was so simply erotic... "I'm assuming the game's...mutual." "Ah, you read my mind." He was already hard as a knife, but he was gong to be patient tonight. They started a call and response, two words punctuating the silence, their hands moving subtly, but deliberately. "There?" The corner of her mouth. "Yes." A sharp intake of breath. "There?" The notch of his collarbone. A sound like a low hum in his throat. "Yes." The rustle of fabric, and the slide of her shirt. "There?" The hollow between her shoulder blades. "Yes." Her breath was ragged now. "There?" The inside of his thigh. Her fingers dragging their way slowly up and down. "Yes. Jesus, yes." "There?" The tender spot just behind her ear, then her earlobe, then the slope of her neck. "I...oh, I...yes." He drew his fingers across her shoulders, brought them to her cleavage. He ran his fingers lightly over the rise of her breasts. "There?" Mulder could feel her sway underneath his touch, it stunned him how passionate she was, how her desire resonated through her whole body. "Please..." Scully's took her one of her hands and began lightly stroking Mulder's thighs again. "There?" "Don't...stop." He could barely get the words out. She let her fingers trace a path to his hip and let them flutter all the way down, finally unzipping his pants and wrapping her hand around his cock. It was amazing she could keep her focus at all. Mulder was moving faster. He'd already managed to get past buttons and zippers, and was stroking her to wetness with one hand, and unfastening her bra with the other. As he bent forward to swirl his tongue over a nipple, Scully slid her hand up and down in slow, maddening strokes. 'He better be taking the long route,' was Mulder's last complete thought for a quite a while. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It was sometime later, although neither one of them was too aware of the passage of time, long enough for Corp-Boy to have made to it Baltimore. He'd parked the Lincoln down the block from Reeves and Rashad's office, gotten out and was now tapping on the back window. "I think we've stopped." Scully had ceased tracing lazy circles on his chest long enough to offer that flash of insight. A second later and she'd snapped to attention, and was furiously trying to get herself together. Mulder's eyes were still closed, his head lolling back against the cool leather upholstery. He wasn't able to shift gears as quickly but he could hear her rummaging the wetbar. His opened slowly to a disheveled, tousled-haired Scully, one arm in her shirt, bra partially fastened. She was gorgeous, she was unbelievable, she was about to hurl some napkins at him. "I guess the mood's been broken." Mulder sat up, sighing, "I'll try to make myself presentable." He was momentarily transfixed by the sight of her bra still half undone, one breast almost spilling out of those wisps of lace. "Or I could help you first." She wagged a finger at him and tsked. "I think I'm still able to dress myself. Come on Mulder, hurry please. I really don't want the Corp thinking it's got to come to our rescue." Over the next several minutes, they toweled off, shoved themselves back into their clothes, buttoned up, zipped up and tried to give the appearance of two normal passengers just arriving from D.C. The tapping went on unabated, coupled with, "Mr. Mulder? Ms. Scully?" Corp-Boy knew better than to open the passenger door. After all, he'd driven Arrowsmith around last month. "Remind me to get you in the back seat of a car more often." Mulder flung the door open with one hand, then pulled Scully out and grabbed the overnighter with the other, and victoriously emerged at last. Corp-Boy took his cue that it was time to go, so as soon as he was sure his party was planted on terra firma, he hauled himself into the Lincoln and pulled away. Scully scanned the immediate view, recognizing Baltimore's familiar roughhouses. About 100 feet away was a squat, cinderblock building with a neon sign that glowed red with the words: Reeves and Rashad. A bar? An office that looked like a bar? "So, this is our destination, eh? OK, Mulder, we've gone out of state so that you can take me to the corner tavern. A little weird for a site visit, wouldn't you say?" "Your lack of faith in me is appalling, Scully. When have I ever taken you anyplace weird? Well...since this morning, anyway." Standing in front of some of those squat houses was a tall, gray-eyed man with toffee-colored skin and a headful of short, spiky dreads. He had a strong jaw and a full mouth, with traces of laugh lines at the corners of his eyes. He seemed confident, at ease as he signaled the two of them. The look was completed by a full-on thousand-watt smile, a navy silk Versace suit and a white Italian cotton shirt open at the collar. It was Terrence Reeves, looking a lot less like a former ASAC. A lot less. They started toward him, with Scully walking about five feet ahead. Keeping her eyes on the man approaching she asked, "You're telling me this guy was in BSU? That he was an ASAC?" From behind her she could hear, "Let's just say working with celebrities encourages a certain look." "Mulder, good to see you. Really good." Odd, because Terrence wasn't looking at Mulder at all. Reeves was a consummate button-presser. It'd made him a good interrogator, amongst other things, and tonight he was going to enjoy the hell out of getting a rise out of his old friend from the BSU. "Uh, I'm over here." Mulder pointed to himself and waived. He could see that Reeves already had a bead on Scully and had gotten a little too close for his comfort. His jaw tightened as he watched Terrence sidle up to her and turn his back. All that was visible was his broad back and a couple thousand dollars worth of Italian suit. Mulder did the math, it was starting already. Time to flex those Alpha male muscles, and quick. Before he could get out a word, Terrence looked over at him and drawled, "I know what you look like." And to Scully, "I'm Terrence Reeves, and believe me, the pleasure is all mine." He dipped his head to hers, draped her arm over his and whispered, "Let's yank his chain. Just follow my lead, OK?" She locked eyes with him for a fraction of a second and when he raised his head and flashed a conspiratorial grin just beyond Mulder's line of vision. "You must be Dana! I'm sorry such a beautiful woman is saddled with the likes of this guy. But at least it means I have a chance to meet you." Mulder was sure a line like that would earn his friend the 30 below treatment from his one and only. What he heard caught him by surprise. Instead of the withering retort, the patented Scully put-down, he heard this candy-coated response, "Terrence, you wouldn't mind showing me around, would you?" Turning to Mulder, "Just trying to get this interview underway, partner." The insult to this injury was the sight of Scully actually letting Reeves steer her toward the door by guiding her with his hand at the small of her back. Mulder followed the two of them, the bag in tow and feeling like he was somebody's faithful manservant. And he could sense the hackles rising on the green-eyed monster. What the hell was going on? He mumbled something about someone still being a dick after all these years, while attempting to telepathically drill a hole in the back of Reeves' head. The jury was still out as to what he thought about Scully, although he seriously considered the possibility of mind control. But if Terrence noticed, his behavior didn't waiver, neither did Scully's. They just strolled right along, making some inane chatter. Mulder thought he must be hallucinating. This was a woman who charged down halls in a flak jacket, who dug up the dead and sliced open corpses, who told him to shut his Oxford-educated mouth when she was fed up with him. His love, his life, who was practically plastered against a guy she'd never seen before five minutes ago. Terrence started to open the door for her, and announced "Any man you're with should consider himself damn lucky. Let's hope my man Mulder here's picked up on that. For someone so smart, I hear sometimes he misses the big picture. Me, I try not to make that kind of mistake." That was it. Mulder darted under Terrence's arm, got himself wedged against his beloved and removed Reeves' arm and the offending hand from its spot, pushing their bag into his hand. Reeves darted thru the doorway and took in the sight of the two of them, fairly amused with himself. He held the overnighter in front of his chest, "Hey Spooky, did you want me to do something with this?" His friend shot him a look, "Well, you__could__ shove it..." Terrence cut him off, laughing. "Maybe I'll just stow it behind the bar." "Good idea." Mulder pulled her in front of him and wrapped his arms around her chest. Sliding his feet behind her and bumping himself into the small of her back, they waddled through the door, with her laughter getting louder the further they walked. "That's it, Scully, move it or lose it." To Reeves, "Sorry to cut in, but you know how it is." They made their way toward Terrence and Scully noticed a small, hand-lettered note on the door: Private party. For a second, it didn't register that they were the party in question. "Mulder, There's something gong on here tonight." "Yes, my dear Watson, brilliant deduction. We're what's going on tonight.. But before the festivities begin, let me introduce you to Calvin Rashad." He nudged her with his knee just above her tattoo. Calvin was standing behind the bar, looking more like a professor of literature than an ex-agent. He was taller than the other two men, with chocolate-colored skin, high cheekbones, and a Roman nose atop which sat a pair of round tortoiseshell glasses. To complete the scholarly appearance, he wore an immaculate blue Oxford shirt buttoned to the top, a herringbone tweed vest, and corduroy slacks. "Well, let me come out and properly greet the two of you. He moved from behind the bar, walked over to them, and extended his hand first to Mulder. "Fox, I have to say, you look damn happy." He then took both of Scully's hands in his as he greeted her. "Dana, glad to meet you, I'm Calvin Rashad. From the looks of things, you've had a positive effect on our usually dour friend here." Calvin gestured them forward to the barstools. "C'mon, let's get you two settled in." Looking over at his own partner who'd slipped behind the long curve of the bar, "I'm assuming Terrence has been his usual charming self." Mulder moved from behind Scully, keeping his arm around her waist, walked her up her to the bar and watched appreciatively as she slid into a seat, "Like always." They both got comfortable, stripping off their jackets and throwing them on a nearby stool. Scully had been taking in her surroundings. As plain as the building was on the outside; it was beautifully done on the inside. The bar itself was mahogany; the stools were leather, the lighting soft, a pressed tin ceiling stretched overhead. A long gilt-frame mirror spanned the wall behind the bar, reflecting the four of them. There was a small dance floor on the other side of the room and a old style jukebox. The tables and had been put up, except for one, bracketed by two chairs. "This is your office? Quite...remarkable." Calvin had joined his partner on the other side of the bar. "Actually, this is where we where we house out-of-town clients. Many of them are entertainers and musicians... with the bar and bedroom in back we offer them something comfortable and private. Our business office is on the waterfront. It's a little more official looking than this." Terrence offered his perspective, "Plus, having this place gives us an excuse to play the best music on earth, R &B...blues....jazz. And I always told myself I'd have a bar one day. Finally lived long enough to merge business with pleasure." He winked at Scully, "Looks like you and Mulder here have, too. Or am I wrong?" He was treated to the sight of her staring at her partner over the bridge of her nose, as if to say, 'You want to handle that one, Oxford-Boy?' Mulder jumped on that, "Propriety is my middle name, Terrence. As a matter of fact, we're here to assess how you recruit these clients. Is there any use of your previous employment status in the marketing of your firm?" He'd tried strapping on the serious, big-dog-in- the-house attitude and he would have pulled it off, except for the bar straw sticking out of the corner of his mouth. Not to be outdone, Reeves volleyed back, "You need to back up on that one, Tall-Boy." He started laughing, "Hell, we built this business on looking bad, talking tough, and being the meanest hombres on the playing field." Scully, for her part, was watching this little testosterone display with rapt fascination, imagining what it would have been like to have been in the BSU with the two of them. She hypothesized that working with both of them would have forced her to violate her Hippocratic Oath; she'd willingly use extreme measures to rein them in. It was Calvin who was the voice of reason, "Fox, we really didn't have to exploit our backgrounds. It was more advantageous to hint at some vague cloak and dagger history. People love danger by association when its implied. Tell A.D. Kersh that Reeves and Rashad, Ltd. are totally on the up and up. And when I get to the office, I'll ask Gloria to messenger all our promotional material to you in D.C., enough for you to wallpaper Alvin's office. Satisfied?" Mulder was. He loosened up, wagging his head, "Works for me. This work for you, Agent Scully?" Unlike her usual response, she heard herself reply, "Very much so, Agent Mulder." In any other circumstance, she'd feel guilty, duty-bound, ready to go through a a more thorough investigation, but something in her was utterly committed to the escape that Mulder had engineered. It was obvious that Rashad and Reeves didn't need to hype their firm, and there would be enough paper to collectively cover everyone's asses. Seven years with her impulsive, iconoclastic partner had rubbed off. Screw it, she told herself, screw the bullshit, and live a little. "I believe we have enough information...what do you recommend we do next?" Mulder turned to her and mouthed, 'Alriiiight.' In a crisp, clear and unmistakably delighted voice he announced to everyone in the room, "I believe it's time to par-tay!" Calvin took this as his cue, while Terrence leaned against the back of the bar to watch the kick-off of the festivities. "Well, let's start things off right. Fox placed quite the tall order, but we were able to comply." With that, he reached down and pulled out shot glasses, and a bottle of vodka --Russian, but rare and hard to come by -- Scully recognized it was a brand you needed friends who still had contacts in Customs to procure for you. The bottle was sparkling with a thin sheen of frost, Calvin set it in a bucket filled with more ice. Rashad turned away for a minute and went to the refrigerator just behind him. He came back with a covered, silvery tray. "Oh yes, Fox had us get this too." As he pulled off the lid, Scully took in the coup de gras -- caviar -- sevruga -- ridiculously costly -- Mulder had insisted on this too. "I'm...speechless." Scully looked completely bowled over. Just what Mulder wanted. She drew his hands onto her lap and began to trace a lazy 'S' against his palms. She felt completely fazed, this was unbelievable: she had never been the object of this kind of attention, and never thought she would be. He leaned toward her and said softly, "I'm sorry it took so long." Despite the fact that there were two other people in the room, he began to place tiny kisses along her cheek, threading his fingers in her hair. Calvin and Terrence tossed each other a look: it was time to go. Rashad cocked his head toward the door, and Reeves nodded. Mulder and Scully didn't seem to be paying too much attention to anyone else but each other. Just before they were about to leave, Terrence yelled playfully, "Sure you won't miss us? We could stay... " Mulder and Scully's heads snapped around in unison. "No!" Scully grinning, waived goodbye; while Mulder shooed them away. "Didn't really think so, but I wanted to hear it from you. We're gonna lock you in here, and..." His voiced trailed off, Goddamn, they were already back at it. Terrence shrugged and turned to his friend. "C'mon partner, let's roll. No need to stay where we're not wanted." Outside, as he checked the door, Calvin ran down the drill with Terrence. "Keep a line open. He'll call when they're ready. I'm on my way to the office; looks like one of our clients needs some hand holding. You got his back, right?" "You know it. Hers too." Reeves got in to the car and waited until his partner drove off. As he put the key in the ignition, he made his own assessment of the two people they'd just left. Mad love. Mad love, indeed. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The party, had in fact started. Mulder placed a shot in Scully hand. She was perched on the edge of the stool, looking far too luscious for her own good. It was time to kick this bad boy into full gear. He broke out his best mangled Russian accent. "Tonight, we leave behind our miserable lives as Moose and Squirrel. We are Boris and Natasha, partaking of the vodka, the caviar. There will be no talk of the miserable work of law enforcement." "Boris, how can I ever thank you?" Scully rolled the glass between her hands. She thought she just might be a femme fatale, at least in his eyes. "A drink first, Natasha, and maybe later you'll let Boris inside your trenchcoat. Hold up your glass." They were both laughing as she dutifully complied. Mulder was in rare form, "Following my lead without an argument? There's a first." He touched the rim of his glass with hers, and the mood shifted, and he looked at her with an almost unbearable tenderness. And something else. Expectancy. Something broke open in her in that split second. Two weeks ago she pledged herself to him with a willing body and claimed him for her own. But there was one last step, one last thing held back until just this instant. A truth burst free from the last of her reserve, her fear. Something about the paper thin impermanence of life compelled her to turn a corner and not look back. The air around them seemed to still, "Let me make a toast...Graim thu." She held his gaze in hers, and gave him a grave, beautiful smile. One that held the future. "I know that wasn't Russian, Scully. Should I guess?" "It's Gaelic...it means I love you." She didn't flinch, didn't look away. Mulder struggled to let the weight of this sink into his psyche, his soul. She'd said it, finally said it. His voice was raw when he tried to tell her, "You know you don't have to...I know...I..." She took her free hand and rested it against his cheek, "There you're wrong. I do and I will, from now on." He rallied and gave her a smile of his own, "Well then, I guess it's time to celebrate." On cue, they downed the first icy shot. It was smooth, cold at first against their lips, then as it swirled down their throats, it changed into warm silk, a sensual charge. Scully felt it ripple through her chest. She began to feel it work. "Mulder, you have me where you want me." Mulder felt his chest expand with warmth, and felt a surge of excitement. He wanted nothing more than to explore every inch of her skin, in every way he could think of. "Let me show you how to eat this Russian-style. Give me your hand." Mulder reached over, took one and splayed it, palm down against his. With his free hand, he reached over and picked up a spoon of caviar, and smeared it on the soft curve between her forefinger and thumb. "Now this is the most important part." He brought the crescent of flesh to his mouth, slipped the cold luxury and warm skin between his lips. "Delicious." His lips parted in a slow, lazy smile, and held out one of his hands. "Now, it's your turn." Scully prided herself in being a quick study. She repeated the move: his hand, soft spot near the thumb, caviar, and then her mouth gliding across his skin. She finished, but didn't take her lips away, kissing the spot, letting herself linger. A moment passed and she raised her head, and saw Mulder's eyes were closed, his head tilted back slightly. "Good?" He opened his eyes and leaned into her, brushing his lips against hers, "Very good...But there's something else I want...Dance with me." "Mulder...I...we've never really..." She was surprised and a little embarrassed. She'd been firing her weapon and sublimating and cutting open cadavers for so long that she wasn't sure she remembered how. As if he read her mind, Mulder whispered, "You know how, Scully. So do I. I want to make up for lost time...Say yes." She couldn't argue with that. "For lost time, then... yes" He took her by the arm and walked her to the juke box. It was packed with Marvin Gaye, Miles, Nina Simone, The Shirelles, Monk, Howlin' Wolf...classics. They flipped through the huge amount of choices, until Mulder spied G11 -- Otis Redding. He pulled a quarter out of his pocket, shoved it in the slot, and the sounds of "More Than Words Can Say" cascaded through the room. Longingly sensual, Otis' raspy plea swelled around them, 'I just couldn't wait, not for another day.' Mulder wrapped his arm around her waist and they circled the floor slowly. Bending toward her, he started kissing her brow, her cheek, easing to her mouth. It was deliberate, reverent, and he murmured between each kiss, "Graim thu." Otis' voice swelled with the ache of being denied for so very long. 'You've got me in your hand, why can't you understand?' Scully knew now how deeply he'd loved her, had always loved her, the truth of it vibrated through her each time his lips connected with her skin. Even though she'd buried it deeper, it'd been the same for her and she would show him. Openly. Without hesitation. Starting here, starting tonight. Her hand traced a line from his cheek, down his throat to his shoulder. They circled again and again, 'Baby, please.' His mouth kept moving against her skin--the kissing never stopped, and he kept whispering the words in Gaelic, the words merging into the song. He was sinking, sinking, drowning in the feel of her, dissolving. Against her mouth, he promised, "Always." As Otis crooned, 'I love you...more than words can say,' Scully's warm mouth hungrily sought his, her tongue parted his lips. She wasn't dancing anymore, she was flying. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx She's still flying. Her tongue's mapping every inch of the inside of his mouth, her lips hotly sealed over his. Her hands are squeezing his shoulders, and then in an instant, it's all reversed. He's mouth's on hers and he's almost reeling from the sharp sting of vodka, the salt sea-taste of caviar, and the underlying richness that is just her. The tip of his tongue flicks against her lower lip, and he hums low in his throat as she draws it into her mouth. Tongues tease and slide against each other, and the crush of lips is as explosive as a binary star. Then they're moving, and it's not clear who started it, but they're all of a sudden sprawled in one of the two chairs on the tiny dance floor. The shot glasses are clumsily slammed on the table, and their hands are all over each other again as they struggle to get purchase. When the dust settles, he's sitting, and he's drawn her between his legs. She's half standing, and her hands are gripping his shoulders. They're both breathing heavily. And then they break the kiss, staring at each other, silent and stunned with the enormity of their want, feebly searching for the strength to speak. Seconds pass, minutes, too. It is possible that it's become so quiet they can hear the grinding of tectonic plates. A confident smile eases its way across her face. "If I take the guesswork out of this for you, will you still respect me in the morning?" "Respect. Want. Need. I have a selection here to pick from." "What if I'm interested in all of the above." "I think I can arrange that." She brushes the hair away from his forehead and her eyes drop briefly to his mouth, "Make love to me, Mulder." Now he's the one with the confident smile, "I think it's time for bed." And he takes her hand and heads for the door behind the bar. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx They know what they're doing, where they're going, but walking from the dance floor to the backroom and crossing the threshold into the bedroom leaves them a little breathless. Just when they both think they're as connected as two people could ever be, they descend to some underground aquifer, some deeper place where they submerge even more into the deepest parts of themselves and each other. It's hugely satisfying to see that the bed itself is enormous, with a carved, dark wood headboard, down pillows, red Thai silk comforters. There's also silk and cotton sheets, which they notice as Mulder peels them away with one hand. His other is still holding Scully's, he can't bear to not be touching her right now. The contact means the promise can't be broken, the dream over. They sit wordlessly on the edge of the bed, and slowly undress each other. This is some kind of braille, some kind new language where everything spoken by touch. Their clothing pools on the floor, no longer an interruption. Now comes the time for the poetry only skin can tell. Her skin is incandescent, hot against body when she drapes herself over him.--he is staggered by how combustible it all feels. He buries his open mouth in the hollow of her throat and has a fleeting mental image of burn marks on the sheets as he wraps his hands around her hips. Scully pulls herself up and away, and whispers 'I want to make you feel everything.' She moves, marks him subtly, lightly strafing his ribs with her nails, the knob of his shoulder with her teeth. Unhurried, she takes what seems like an eternity and traces some secret symbols across his chest with her tongue, savoring salt and skin and her own abandon. Mulder knows every good deed deserves a reward, so he rolls over and rasps his thumbs over her lips, her stomach and hips, tormenting, gentle strokes replaced with harder kisses. He spends what seems like forever on her breasts, swirling his tongue over a nipple, then roughing both them with his teeth and she thinks she might be losing her mind. She wants to cry out, but the feel of his mouth on hers is too good to stop. Her tongue flickers in his mouth like lamplight, like memory. This is devastating, this arousal. It's their special brand of fusion. He can taste how he tastes on her, and no vodka was ever this intoxicating. As if she can read his mind, she moans her assent. She slips a hand between her legs, warm, slick wetness coating her fingers. She draws the pads of her fingertips up the underside of his cock, the heat of them marking him from tip to root. She fully cradles him in her palm, he is her treasure. She strokes him, rubbing her thumb along the edge of his cock, making a sacred circle, thinking about the snake on her back and eternity. Mulder traces his thumb against her clit, around and around, crowning her with a halo as he calls her 'angel.' He takes his thumb and licks it clean before sitting up and tugging her to the huge pillows by the headboard. She straddles him and he makes use of both hands. One of hers has slid around his cock again, and the other is tracing the edges of his mouth. "You're beautiful," she whispers. "So are you," he whispers in response. He quickly slides his fingers inside her in a smooth plunge. The sight of his hand between her legs brings him to the edge. He bites down on his lower lip to keep from coming, he wants to last, he wants to do so much more to her, with her. She's wet and soft and tight, those gorgeous reddish curls parted and baring the rose-dark slippery flesh. He spreads her open, and she grinds into his palm. He can feel her clit, a fleshy knot against the ball of his thumb. He wants to make her come like this first, wants to see her body blush for him, wants to feel her body contract and soar. He can hardly believe it when she stills his hand and with one of hers draws down the hard, sleek length of him, sliding the head of his cock just inside of her. Now her fingertips swirl up and down, and she feels him surge as her hand closes around him at the root. In the two weeks they'd been lovers the sex had been urgent, playful, sensual, loving. And in one of those times there had been a split second where some forever kind of branding had slipped under the radar before either one of them was fully ready to consciously acknowledge it. It was inescapable now, stripping back the old hurts, sealing the wounds. She'd seen him wracked with pain, scraped raw with grief and guilt, on the verge of psychotic, but never like this--losing himself in a joy so primal, so basic, she thinks it might change the way he looks forever. But the alchemy only happens on the inside, his face stays the same, here he is, her own truly beloved and as she keeps looking into his eyes she sees herself, that same joy reflected there. "You know...you can feel it, can't you?" he breathed, as the world beyond the world cracked open. In one fluid motion, she is underneath him, and he covers her body like a canopy. "Yes, yes," she breathes in counterpoint. It is knowledge that is liberating. "You're not afraid?" he asks in a ragged breath, hoping, hoping. "No...only that we'll forget." She is barely able to speak. "Never." He presses her hand against his heart so hard there is a print when she moves it to join the other one at the base of his cock. "Never." She doesn't blink when he slides into her deep with one, long, slick stroke, and her hands falls away. She gasped as he hitched her legs under his arms. Now he was there again, hitting her clit just right, slow at first, and then faster as he felt her clench and tense around him. She kept her eyes open, to let him know - to make sure he knew. Pleasure streaked through her like sheet lightning, and one small part of the universe was rent apart in a bright, red hot second. She rode the wave within herself, over and over. She died a thousand little deaths, twisting underneath him, trying to say the words, but the only thing issuing from her mouth were those wordless words, the ones for him alone. She's still coming, but it's fading now, like the outermost eddy on far surf. He wanted to tell her all the secrets he'd ever known, but he was thrusting, in and out and there was nothing else but how hot and tight and wet she was. He was at the brink when she murmured, 'Look what you do to me', and the trembling started, and the blood was roaring in his ears and the shattering overtook him, again and again, and the new truth was sealed in his heart as poured himself into her. Sweat dripped from his hair onto her neck, his voice little more than a sigh, and he sank on top of her. Wrapping her arms and legs around him in a four-limbed embrace, she would be his little jailer, holding him captive against her breasts, her lion's heart. He pulls his head away from the curve of her shoulder and tries to look at her, his eyes heavy lidded, his voice slurred and sleepy, "This old guy's not gonna last much longer." "Don't worry, she says as she guides his head down and smoothes his hair, "I'll be here when you wake up, 'Space Cowboy'." She's teasing him, but there's love there, too. "So, I'm your 'Gangster of Love'?" The words come out as a mumble, and his breath hitches, draws long and deep. "There's no other." She smiles as she feels him smile against the swell of her breast, and sighs when she feels his sleep come. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Hey." Mulder's eyes open slowly and she's good for her word. She's watching him, threading her fingers through his hair, looking serious, but deeply happy, too. He thinks he's achieved at least one point in his favor on the cosmic scoreboard. He also thinks that any chance he has at all to keep score, to give a damn, is due exclusively to the fact of her in his life. Right now, both things please him. "Anything you'd like to share with the class?" This get a chuckle from her, "It's a little late for an interrogation...I just couldn't sleep." "I think I'm the one who's supposed to say that." He rolls off her, but then pulls her over so that they're face to face. He slips an arm under his head and she mirrors him. "You better tell me now before I sic my partner on you." This gets a full, throaty laugh, "You win, I hear she's a fierce one. Well, if you must know, I was thinking about opportunities...lost and found." He feels his heart stutter for a moment. Even though in the deepest way, he knows it's all good, that she's his, there's that one part of his dazzling, eidetic dura matter that only recognizes the words 'opportunities' and 'lost.' He wishes he had the usual kind of faith, but what he has is her and he has to ground himself in her eyes before asking, "And your conclusion?" She caught the split second when his face almost collapsed, and the swell of love for him tightens her throat, roughens her voice, "I was thinking about the life I thought I'd have and the one I do." He forges ahead, stepping out on some belief in her, in them. He realizes that he has no idea where it came from except from seven years of devotion and hearing tonight, 'Graim thu.' "So tell me." She smiles because she knows this is the good part, "I realized that I'd lost the chance for the kind of life I'd always wanted. Security. Stability." She took a deep breath, "Children. Lost it and believed for a long time that was it." Her eyes glitter with unshed tears, and she stops him from putting his fingers across her lips. "But I found the courage to want something else, the courage to see that I had another life and that together, we could have something wonderful. I miss what chances I lost, but I have joy in my life because of what is." She keeps gazing into his eyes, and lets some bravado into her voice now, "You make me happy Mulder, you're just gonna have to live with it." Judging by his wide eyes and the grin about to split his face, she's satisfied her words have hit their mark. He tries, unsuccessfully, to pull out his serious face from his usual bag of tricks, "What about when we're back at work, slugging through one more hopelessly boring background check? Worse yet, what about if we get the X-Files back...." She cuts in, trying to match his seriousness, failing miserably, "...when we get the X-Files back and you're grating on my last nerve with some arcane explanation of some bizarre occurrence in the middle of Bumblefuck? "I was thinking more along the lines of 'brilliantly cutting to the heart of yet another dark mystery.' " His eyes flutter shut as she leans into him and begins to nuzzle his jaw, kiss the smooth spot just under his chin. He feels the blood rushing south, "Better yet, just tell me how I'm ever gonna get used to this." "Practice, Mulder, practice." Scully stops what she's doing and pulls him on top of her. "I guess that means conversation's over." He picks up where she left off, and the only sound in the room is the two of them laughing. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Title: Comes the Morning -- Absolute Beginners---Book 3 He's in that half-awake state, that if you put your mind to it, you can still summon one last dream before the daylight invades, and Mulder decides to go for it. He rolls onto his side, takes a deep breath and it's summer on Assateague Island, and it's all deserted beach, and wild ponies, and the wind whipping across a blue sky that reminds him of someone's eyes. He's naked, lying in a bed of sea grass bleached by the sun to ivory paleness, silky smooth like someone's hands. He spends what seems like an eternity drinking in the feel of that smoothness against his skin, the way it seems made to touch the back of his thighs, his shoulder blades, the nape of his neck. Desire in this dreamworld is a slow burn, and he wants to let it build. The wind starts to move, bends the grass, and the grass feels like fingers stroking his chest, his knees, his temples... then from a distance it seems like something moved, and the rustle of the grass sounds more like the rustle of bedding. Part of him tries to get up but he wants to feel the fingers of grass caress his skin and so, back down he goes. Now it's black velvet night,and the wind and the grass are still stroking him, and the sky is shot with stars. He's mesmerized by the way he's being touched, by the glow of the sky and then all of a sudden, the stars begin to swirl and rain down on him. Each point of light finds its way toa tender spot on his body and it's warm, like a kiss. He can feel that warmth seeping into his skin. Some recess of his mind stirs, knowing he can feel all of that real time, in real life, and his dreams tarts to fade. His daylight self is slow in coming. He knows what his waking body wants, but he's still riddled with sleep, so he takes his time and lets himself breathe in the scent of her, of them, of the traces of sex on the sheets before he starts to move. The bed is still warm with their heat, so like a blind man, eyes still closed, Mulder lets touch and smell lead him to her. He's surprised when he reaches for her and there's nothing there. Now he's awake. He's going to get up, find her and get her back in this bed, but not just to make love all the live long day, although that's certainly center stage in his mind. She's opened him to the core, and he wants to show her all those things he's kept hidden, including his hunger to touch and be touched. Mulder told himself he was too complicated, too macabre for something as basic, as necessary as that. What he really thought was no one would ever love him. As he hauls himself up and flings aside the covers, he's hit with a feeling that was no more than a distant rumor until a couple of weeks ago. Happiness. This is happiness. But he's convinced it has to be made new each day, and he needs her in order to do it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx He's up and moving about the room., flexing his back and rolling his neck, popping vertebrae, blinking his eyes. He wills 'Little Mulder' back down from fully aroused to just happy-to be-alive. Using his finely honed investigative skills, he surveys the immediate environment. Nice. Very Nice. The bed is the first thing you encounter when you come through the doorway, he was really grateful about its location last night. It's large room, and the bed takes up a third of it, flanked on its far side by an armoire and chest of drawers. The armoire and the chest are carved in the same wood as the bed, which Mulder guesses is rosewood. There's an obscenely large chaise flanked by end tables, all made of the same wood as the bed and covered in the same material as the comforter. Red Thai silk. Sumptuous. Mulder is impressed, his friends are doing very, very well. Above this little grouping of furniture is a skylight, which last night revealed enough of the moon and night sky to show them where ground zero was. In the corners of the room are torchiere lamps, which in any other circumstance would seem necessary, but he's not planning on catching up on his reading. Right now, the room is bathed with the soft evidence of morning, and he supposes it's just the right glow to while away a day in bed, eating, drinking, and exploring the subtleties of sexing each other up. He plans on showing Scully every aspect of his morning- light theory, knowing what a stickler she is for rigorous research. The far side of the room completes the suite, with a wall of books, an expensive, hi-tech entertainment center, and afully stocked wet bar, just in case you can't be bothered to leave the room. "Wouldn't want to get dehydrated," Mulder mumbles, as the corner of his mouth's quirked into a grin. At the farthest edge of the room are two heavy oak doors. He opens one and having guessed right, walks into the bathroom. Unbelievable. It's all black granite, with a sunken tub, sauna, whirlpool, vanity, the whole nine yards of sybaritic delight. It's stocked with toiletries, towels,as well as everything the pleasure seeker seeks. He relieves himself, washes his face, brushes his teeth, runs his hands through his hair. He's still naked, but that really doesn't seem like a problem. He's locked, cocked, and ready to stalk the wild Scully, wherever she may be. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Having left the bedroom through the other remaining door, he sees that the rest of the rear annex was essentially a ground-level loft, an open space with groupings set aside for different leisure pursuits. This "little bar" is actually the size of a small warehouse. The first thing he passes is a gaming area with pinball machines, video games, and a professional-grade pool table. Just past that is a large living area with black leather sofa, chairs; chrome and glass tables and lamps, and yet another entertainment complex, with a plasma screen suspended from the ceiling, and all the audio gadgetry any performer or listener could want. At the far end of the space are black marble counters, cabinets, two marble-topped work islands, and a professional-grade stove and refrigerator. There are racks of dishes and glassware, and one redhead with wet, tangled hair--wrapped in a sheet, with her back to him, standing at the counter, apparently having just finished moving things from the refrigerator. Mulder creeps up on her, and wraps his arms around her waist, and starts nuzzling behind her ear. She stops what she's doing and bends her neck to the side so he can have better access. "Good morning, sleepyhead." "It's good now." He breathes her in and smells sandalwood and skin. "But I can make it a lot better." "I was doing something, Mulder." "You can do something with me." "I think I've done plenty with you so far, if memory serves. I was hoping to make some breakfast. " He bites down lightly on the spot where her neck merges into her shoulder and she starts to giggle. "No, no, no, Agent Scully, no cooking." He sees she's loaded the counter with cheeses, croissants, jam, sweet butter, fruits of all kinds, tomatoes, basil, and eggs. Coffee's already set up in a plunger pot. He spies an omelette pan pulled from the rack, a spatula and oven mitts. Mulder wonders where the asbestos gear might be. "Uh, Scully...here's the thing...you can't cook." She's still pressed against him, but she's put on that voice brimming with haughty pisseur that says, 'Surely you must be mistaken,' "Excuse me, but are you telling me I can't make a simple omelette?" "Yes, Agent Scully, yes I am. I believe that is exactly the point I'm trying to make." He's got his groin pressed against the small of her back, and he starts to slide back and forth, up and down. Her arm has snaked its way backward to hold him by the waist, "Now see here, I"m a grown woman perfectly capable of feeding myself, and you too for that matter." She knows that he's most definitely thefar better cook, having first sampled his cuisine during her convalescenceafter Fellig. He's pulled impromptu meals together from time to time inthe past, although she knows he has his favorite take-out menusmemorized by heart. "Nuking Lean Cuisine, and tearing open a bag of salad don't qualify as actual culinary skills." He nibbles on her earlobe and they both give a little shudder. "Mulder, you're not trying to piss me off, are you?" She wants to sound put out, but it comes out sounding turned on instead. "Let me ask you something, partner. At your clan holiday gatherings, why do you think the family always has you bring the pie? The store bought brand they tell you they love? She's able to dredge up her best sanctimonious Scully, and lights into him. "I'm going to ignore what you're trying to imply. 'Granny's Best Pumpkin Pie' is a Scully family favorite, I'll have you know. As to my qualifications...after seven years of everything you've dished out, I think I have enough skills to handle the complexities of meal preparation, thank you very much. Now unhand me and prepare to be amazed." She wiggles her rump against his crotch to emphasize her point. Time for the heavy artillery, he tells himself, time to play the trump card. "Scully, you've forced me to do this, but it's for your own good. Think back. 1998. Late Winter. Your kitchen. The 'Exploding Grilled Cheese Incident.' Do I have to go any further?" He's getting harder by the second, and her hips and her ass feel fantastic, but he's going to stay on point. Now she's laughing that deep, rich laugh from somewhere in her belly. Hearing it makes him think that he's found the philosopher's stone, and in a way he has. She's let go of his waist and turned around to face him, most of her face is a mask of seriousness, but her eyes sparkle with sly mirth, "You promised never to speak of that again." "Desperate situations require desperate measures." He remembers lying on her sofa on one of their first movie watching, date-non dates when she got up to make them something to eat. About fifteen minutes later, he ran into the kitchen, smoke alarm blaring, to find her hurling a lethal strand of expletives into the surrounding air space. The wall behind the stove was splattered with cheese, the slices of whole wheatbread, no more than cinders in the frying pan. When she saw he was on the scene, she tossed him a sponge and announced, 'Spontaneous combustion, could be an X-File." They both bit back a chortle. I guess it's Thai food tonight. You call, I'll pay....once this is scraped up.' He blinks and shifts back to the matter at hand, waving his finger in front of her as negatory, "Icks-nay on the Ooking-kay, Scully. Innocent people could get hurt." He squinted at her to show he meant business. "I'm going to have to step back from this one, right?" He's playing with her damp hair, and she doesn't really feel like toiling over a hot stove. "Scully, make one move for that spatula and I won't be responsible for my actions." She makes a lunge for the counter as if she was trying to snatch the aforementioned cooking utensil. He's on her like wet on water and before she knows it, he's hefted her up and slung her over his shoulder, depositing her on one of the islands. He's roaring with laughter, she's almost crying, she's laughing so hard, and it seems a little crazy when he starts kissing her senseless. She wonders how ridiculous they look, naked in someone else's kitchen, fumbling and fondling--smothered laughter and sloppy kisses and realizes she doesn't care. This goes on for a while, and the laughing winds down and they're both out of breath. Scully pulls away and Mulder clutches a hand to his chest-- a set-piece of his melodramatic repertoire. In a delivery worthy of an Oscar contender, he rasps in a labored, heaving breath, "God, you're evil...." They take each other in for a minute, a pause between rounds. After a miraculous recovery, she posits this wily question, "So_that's why you've practically pushed me out of the way any time I've tried to cook lately?" The bell must must have rung and it must beher move, because she takes his index finger and wraps her lips around it, swirling her tongue over the tip. He groans in response and she feels a hot, wet, jolt between her legs and her eyes shut at the sensation. His eyes drift shut, too. "Self preservation is a powerful motivator, a basic human instinct." "Hmmmm...any other instinct you'd like to act on?" "I sense another one kicking into drive...Oh yeah, there it is." His eyes open and his hands have found their way to where she's tucked the sheet to hold it in place. He bends his head and kisses the round swell of her breast that peeks over the soft fabric. Then he yanks the sheet away, taking in her creamy skin, the way her breasts sit high on her chest, the flex of her strong thighs, the tangle of auburn hair that spans her mons. Her head lolls forward just slightly, but her eyes are open now, too--- clouded, languid, the pupils dilated. He licks his lower lip, "Mmmmmm. I feel hungry now." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx He's grabbed the sheet from where it fell on the floor and spread it behind her on the island. Cradling her head between his hands, he kisses her deeply, and she drinks in his tongue, breathes in his warm breath. She's vaguely aware of slowly being lowered her until she's lying flat. His hips are even with the edge of the island. She wraps her legs around his back, sliding toward him and pulling him down, down. His cock is taut and hard against her inner thigh. He's her whole field of vision, he's everywhere, everything. His hands slide to rest on the hard marble on either side of her head. He stops kissing her and raises up long enough to confess, "I have to taste you, Scully...can't get enough." He feels the blood rushing through him, he could easily slide into her and ride her to the hilt, but he's not lying about how much he wants his mouth on her clit, her slick folds. He wants to wet his lips with her, drink her, savor her. And so he moves south to Mecca. Now he's teasing his way down her jawline, nuzzling the tender underside until he finds a spot near a tendon running the length of her supple throat. He feels the moan working its way free, and he bites down when he once again reaches the place where her throat and neck meet. She shudders again, long and hard, and she feels a molten pulse low in her belly, feels her body flush, knows he feels it too. His hands have moved to her arms at her side and he grips her forearms. She shifts it around so that she's helping to hold him up, her strong hands gripping tightly. He's biting her shoulder, then tonguing the length ofher ribcage, then stroking upward until he finds her breasts. He sweeps his open mouth across one nipple--then the other, back and forth, back and forth. He feels crazed as they harden, almost giddy as he pulls on them lightly with his teeth. "So good...Scully...so good." His breath is coming in short bursts,and it vaguely registers in his mind that her breath is as labored as his. "Mulder...you have to....please....I want you to..." She's a loop turning in on itself, white hot and the words are swirling in her head. His head between her legs is all she wants, all she can think of. Language is fading fast. But he understands this half-spoken message, it's also what he desperately wants. To prove it, he begin the long drag down, rubbing his face against her his open mouth licking and kissing the flat of her stomach, her navel, the soft rise covered with springy, crisp hair. His stubble sends shards of sparks all through the lower half of her body. He pulls his arms away, and her legs slide to loosely rest on his hips. Now his hands stroke each thigh, until he can see her open all the way for him. "Beautiful," he murmurs, "beautiful." Her folds are silvery wet, rosy, and her clit is a tight bud. She feels a sharp, exquisite slice of pleasure, of pain, right there in her ready flesh. Bending at the waist, he lowers himself to the feast, his hands now kneading her thighs. She can hear him moan in the second it takes for his mouth to find her. He takes the flat of his tongue and strokes long and slow, then and swirls and swirls with the very tip, and it gets all starry in her head. She can't make a sound; all her energy, all her essence is being pulled to one spot, waiting to be released. He suckles her, pulling her clit slowly between his teeth, With greedy satisfaction he pushes her body to feel more. He loves it, loves how she moves with it, loves how she tastes--smoky, honeyed, like sea, like sky. He loves her smell, too--musk heavy, sharp. Real. And he loves that he can do this to her, give this to her, and he wants only one thing right now, to make her come, to bury his mouth in her when she does. His hands are still firmly planted on her thighs when he starts to feelthe muscles tense and he knows it won't be long. A subtle tremor, getting stronger beneath his hands and a millisecond later he feels her transform into a riptide, her body liquid---legs, arms, belly, all her muscles contracting, releasing, and he's lost in the pull of her undertow. His mouth stays with her, tonguing her clit all the way through it. She feels as wild as the sea on his lips, rushing into his mouth. Her moan's a siren's call, he can't resist her, he'll never resist her. She'll beckon him the rest of his life-- her body, her brilliant mind, the ocean's depth of her soul. And he'll gladly let the waters fill him, cover him, carry him away. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx He raises up slowly, licking his lips, sampling and tasting, and it takes minute for him to reach his full height. She still manages to clasp him around the waist with her legs, although she's shaky. He bows her arms gently above her head, strokes her shoulder. Her eyes are closed and she's breathing shallow, rapid breaths. She can feel the pads of his fingers drag across her cheek and him smoothing away a strand of hair from the corner of her mouth. He thinks he'll see if she's returned to the world of the living. "Scully," his voice soft and low. "Hi." Her mouth parts slightly and she chews her bottom lip and draws in a breath to speak. The rest of her body's completely stilled now. Movement and speech are coming on-line slowly. First, there's a sultry smile of the recently undone, then one eye lolls open, "Who's...Scully?" She hears the rumble of his laughter and decides he's earned it. She also decides to open both eyes. "Feeling spent...or fantastic?" He's waggling his head back and forth, looking pleased as all get out, proud as hell. She's fairly proud of him herself. "Uh...huh..." He's earned the singular honor of being the only man on earth to tongue the retort right out of her. "Monosyllabic responses, eh? Something must have adversely affected your language center..." "Not. Adversely. Happy now?" "Ah, she comes back to herself." He's bent himself over her, leaninginto her face. "Couldn't have had a better breakfast... I suppose I should help you up." His arms find their way underneath her and she responds by slipping hers around his neck. She adjusts her legs to a snugger fit, instead of letting them fall away. He scoots her to the edge of their little 'workbench,' and tries to scoop her up when he feels her dead weight settling back down. "Uh uh." She shakes her head and purses her lips. "Uh huh?" He looks her dead in the eye, and feels his heart drumming a little faster. "As in 'no,' we're not going anywhere?" He wanted to get her back in bed and spear her to the mattress, but maybe she really wanted to actually have a meal. He thought he could reel himself in, but he was geode hard, 'god-I-want-to-fuck-you-so-bad, fuck-you-'til-the-cows-come-home' hard. He sighed, and her arms tightened around his neck,and she began to nudged him closer with her heels at the small of his back. "I mean 'no,' as in this..." She gives him a party-girl smile, one she must've buried away in some unknown recess until now. He gets what 'no' means. 'No' in this case means another of his lonely bachelor fantasies is about to be fulfilled. Even though she's still perched on the marble edge, she leans back and as she does, one of her hand reaches for his cock, tugging him gently to her. In one move, she's on her back again, and her hand is making him very happy, sliding the tip of his cock inside her. He balances himself with his hands again on either side of her head. With one swift, strong, slick thrust, he's in her up to his balls, his thighs feeling the chill as he presses against cold stone, but every other part that matters is hot, hot, hot. It's time for her to work her witchy ways, and she clenches and releases him, tightens around him, and slowly, slowly lets him go. "Mulder," she breathes, talk to me." His eyes rove her face, her body, coming to rest where they are joined together. His gaze is liquid, voluptuous. "Ohhhhhhhhhh," he groans through gritted teeth, "Evil." She wonders if he knows one of her fantasies just came true, "Look who can't talk now." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It's hours later and they're ensconced in that big boat of a chaise back in the bedroom. Scully made him lug two trayloads of food back there, although not much haranguing was required, and they've just spent the better part of the morning brunching. They're sitting side by side withthe much-used sheet now both covering them up and serving as the world's largest napkin. Their new level of cardiovascular training requires them to take in additional sustenance, to say the least. Mulder shifts so that he's on his hip, leaning toward her. He regards her thoughtfully, munching on the strawberry she's smeared with brie for him. He starts cajoling her to finish her second croissant, which he's slathered with blackberry jam and butter. He's glad she opted to shelve sensible and well-balanced for some other time. "Eat, Scully, eat..." He's had four, plus an assortment of cheeses, apint of strawberries, a pear, a banana, and coffee. She starts to shakes her head, but he breaks off a piece and waves it close to her mouth. "Luscious, fat-laden food...sapid, unctuous, rich... You know you want it...Whoa, there!" She grabs his wrists with both hands, lunges at the proffered treat, getting all of it in one bite, and gives his fingers a nip in the process. There's a speck of jam on her upper lip. "Mmmm... Mulder." She's chewing away, mouth full, so that's at least that's what he thinks she saying. A gigantic swallow later, "Yummy." She licks the jam away, reaches for her coffee from the tray and drains the last of it. She's up for a second, just enough time to deposit the remains of their little buffet on the farthest table. Before he can say anything she's back under the sheet and in his arms. He draws her close so that she can curl into him and settles her head on his chest and drapes his arms around her, holding her loosely in place. Resting his head on the crown of her head, all is right in the world. Granted, it's a limited world with a short life-span, but it's good enough for him, and he's fairly sure it's good enough for her, too. The long, sweet pull of her breathing tells him so. It's a simple confirmation of what he's been given and he's categorized it as miracle, despite his official atheist standing. On the surface, this trip was just a lucky escape from boredom and the bullpen. He knows that there's another life out there-- that sooner or later their world will darken--that it'll be time to run the razor's edge. But today is not that time. Blood and tears shed years ago paid for this impermanent paradise and he's not about to let anything rob him of a single second. The fact that Scully is now softly humming in her horrible off-key way must mean that she concurs with his summation. Time is golden right now and there's no hurry to do anything but be. She has no idea how long she's been next to him, partially because she's so sated, and partially because she's slowly been trying to screw her courage to the sticking place. There's something she's wanted to ask him since she got up, thinking she could bring him some breakfast and ask then, but his ambush very nicely delayed her request. I'm going to do this, I am, she tells herself. "Mulder?" From directly over her head, "That would be me." "I was thinking of changing some things at home. You know, maybe getting some different furniture, maybe getting rid of the dining room set." Subtle approach, working my way to it, is her inner chant. "That's...good...I guess." She's thinking about decorating? He wonders how in the hell she's hidden her inner Martha Stewartfor so long. Is it a Scully family trait? Whatever. He was definitely going to break her of that one. He starts trailing a single digit down her spine. Time to move on before she starts going over the grocery list. She knows his fingers are talented, but she's not going to get sidetracked here. "You know, I'm getting the distinct impression you're trying to change the subject." "Well, let's see...I 'm here with you, and we've managed to do a host of things that frankly I thought I'd only have a chance to watch on 16 millimeter film. On top of which, I'm stuffed, feeling generally lazy and...oh, hell Scully, let's just kick back. No work, mental or otherwise... how 'bout it?" Scully hasn't budged from her curled up position, convinced that if she moves and tries to look at him, she'll cave in. Given her history, what's happened in the the last couple of weeks has morphed her into somebody she almost doesn't recognize. She's now an emotional base jumper. Stepping onto the ledge, she readies herself for a big plunge, hoping she doesn't slam into the side of the building. Alll she needs to do is say it, say it, say it. She's been quiet for a while since he made his plea for a boycott on busy. He's not convinced that the kicking back has actually kicked in, however. "I can hear the gears turning in that beautiful head..." "Move in with me." It's almost inaudible. Despite that, she must be freefalling, judging by the fact that she just heard him gasp. He swallows hard. "What?" He wants to be sure this is happening. "You heard me." Now her voice is clearer. And from some secret reserve of ballsiness, she pulls back, looks him in the eye, a faint smile on her lips. "Let me put it another way, 'Come live with me ...' " He jumps in, " '...and be my love, and we will all the pleasures prove." He takes one of her hands, and kisses the knuckles, turns it over and kisses her wrist. "Yes." His lips move up the inside of her arm, sprinkling dozens of kisses in a lazy trail, "Yes, Scully, yes." He feels her body relax against him and the fullness of her sighs. He keeps working his way up her arm, until he stops abruptly and starts speaking into her shoulder, "What about 'plausible deniability,' 'keeping a low-profile?' " She ruffles his hair, "Screw it. " It's taken her the better part of her charmed and cursed life to come this far and she's not about to back down. "We're not getting any younger. Besides, it's not like we have sterling reputations to protect anymore." "Speak for yourself, sister. I have a mystique to maintain." This earns him a playful smack upside his head, and he hears her snort. "Ouch. OK, then. Back to what I was doing." He resumes the kissing until he's at the hollow of her throat, he hears the low hum of satisfaction there. Again, another stop and another question spoken into her skin, "So, think I could talk you into leaving today?" "Tired of this already, eh?" "Tired of Hegal Place and paying rent in the world's largest closet. Tired of anything that isn't about building a life with you." That last one came out a mix of longing, regret and anticipation. She gets up, and holds out her hand, "C'mon." She leads him back tothe bed and crawls in, bekoning him with a nod of her head. He leans toward her, still standing, "We're not leaving, then?" "In a little while. Get in bed." "What about sorting, packing, throwing things away? Unless I'm mistaken, that usually constitutes moving preparations. Getting horizontal would seem to be counterproductive." "Mulder, when does Kersh expect us back?" She's smoothing the sheets, and the bed is starting to look more tempting by the minute. The fact that she's naked in it doesn't hurt either. "Um...he said take a couple of days if we needed to." He started out standing about a foot from the bed, but he's slowly inching his way toward her. "Let's see... today's Thursday...I'm sure there's something you'll tell Kersh we needed to investigate that required us to stay until Friday...So, let's say we leave later today, that gives us better than three days to start readying for the big exodus. Happy?" "Ecstatic." He's sitting on the edge of the bed, marveling at how he's ending up with Scully cajoling him into bed. "Then. Get. In. Here." In a flash, he's under the sheets and generally fumbling to get a grip on her--she's sort of wrestling with him and he's going along with it. They're creating general chaos, sheets twisting, pillows punched down and shoved around. Choking back their laughter, they're a fraction away from losing it when she stops. "Glad I could get you to see my point." She's let him capture her now, and she's lying on top of him. "Well, now that I'm here...what exactly were you thinking of doing?" He's beaming at her, and can't wait to hear her answer. "Shhhh..." She pulls herself up so that she's sititng on his thighs. "Shhhh." And she leans forward, begins lightly touching his forehead, brow, and temples. She moves slowly to the bridge of his nose, dawdling around the edge of his mouth. Her touch is feather light, the tips of her fingers dappling his skin. She gives his jaw, the beautiful arch of his throat the same treatment, her movements, slow, hypnotic. There is nothing hurried or frantic about this. It just is. His eyes can't help closing against the sensation. He feels the brush of her touch over his Adam's apple, along the cord of muscle that runs the length of his neck. That touch, rippling, waving, like grass in the wind. He sees the beach at Assategue again in his mind's eye, but he's not dreaming. He goes to reach for her, but as he does, she stops him with a hand to the chest and gently pushes him back down. "Scully, " he murmurs. "Shhh." Her fingers trail along his ribcage, his chest, and she circles around and around his stomach. Following the outer crest of his hip, she comes to his thighs, dragging the very tips of her thumbs up and down the sides. It is intensely sensual, but she makes no move to arouse him in a more active way. She never stops making contact with him, never stops the gentle stroking. She looks down at him, and he's a wonder to her, her own. One arm rests across his stomach and she reaches for his hand, lacing her fingers in his, "Love you." He wants to tell her about this morning, about Assatague, what it means. "Scully, I had this dream..." "I know," she says, "I know." End feedback:alvaradomccain@ earthlink.net