TITLE: ALL OF ME AUTHOR: DONNILEE E-MAIL: Donnilee@snet.net WEBSITE: http://donnilee.tripod.com CATEGORY: MSR RATING: NC-17 SPOILERS: Nope. SUMMARY: A discussion on loneliness leads to other things for our intrepid Agents. DEDICATION: To all my friends who have been there when the chips were down. I don't know what I'd do without you. You know who you are. AUTHOR'S NOTE: Just another biscuit that oozed out the brew vat when I wasn't looking! This is pure fluff-o-rama, and a tiny bit of angst. THANKS TO BETA: Sdani is fast becoming my guru. Thanks again for another read with a fine-tooth comb! PART 1 (PG-13) DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, D.C. FRIDAY EVENING - 8:00 PM It started out innocently enough. We were hanging around my apartment, eating cold pizza and cold ice tea, reading through the reports on our last case. I had just finished typing up the final report and Mulder was trying his level best to fill out the expense report. He was not very good at those three part carbon jobbies. "Want to call it a night, Scully?" I looked at my partner. He was wearing faded blue jeans that hugged his muscular thighs and a blue turtleneck. His hair was rumpled from running his hands through it and his glasses were perched on his face, reflecting the light from the lamp on the table near the arm of the couch. It hit me like a blow how incredibly sexy Mulder could be. It would dawn on me at the strangest times. He cleared his throat. "Uh, mother ship to Scully, come in, Scully!" I realized I was staring and jerked my face up to meet his eyes. I felt the bloom of hotness race up my neck and spread over my face as I blushed. His lips were fighting a quirky grin. I turned my face away saying, "Uh, yeah. Are you finished with that expense report?" "Yeah, just needs your signature." I stood up from the worktable where my laptop sat and closed it down. As I turned I found him standing right next to me, the expense report in his hand. I jumped back slightly, hitting the backs of my knees on the side of the chair and sitting down abruptly. "Whoa, Scully. Easy there, partner. You seem jumpy. Is everything all right?" he asked as he set the expense report on the table and handed me his Mont Blanc pen. "I'm fine," I answered automatically. "I just didn't hear you come over here." "Oh," was his only response as he waggled the pen in front of my face. I snatched it from him and quickly signed my name. He retreated with the report and his pen and began stuffing everything inside his briefcase. "So what do you want to do now?" "I should try to get some sleep," I answered. "It's only a little after 8:00 PM, Scully!" "Yeah, so?" "I know I don't sleep as much as you do, but it's early, Scully, even for you." I blew out an exasperated sigh, choosing not to answer. I looked up in time to see him look down and then mumble, "Oh, I get it." He stood up and carried his briefcase to the door, dropping it on the floor. He proceeded to open my closet door. "What are you doing?" I asked. He turned and looked at me with his leather coat dangling from one hand. "You obviously want me to leave. So I'm leaving," he said calmly, but I could hear the sadness in his voice. "No, Mulder, I didn't mean to make it sound that way." "It's not a problem, Scully. We've been together all week. I understand. You need some down time." "Yes, I do. But I'd rather have company." "My company?" he clarified, speaking softly. I nodded. "Yes. Come back here. I'll get us a refill." I stood up and grabbed our ice tea glasses and headed for the kitchen. I heard him make his way back to the couch. I returned with full glasses of ice tea with fresh ice and handed one to him. I sat down next to him on the couch. He was sitting with his back to the corner, propping his low back on a throw pillow. I was leaning against the backrest. "What's wrong, Scully?" he asked after the silence stretched out. "Sometimes I just don't want to be alone," I answered finally. I could see him peering at me from the corner of my eye. "I can relate to that," he responded simply. "I don't necessarily know what I want to do, but I know that I don't want to be alone. Ever feel that way?" "All the time." I looked at him now and he held my gaze, his face sad but soft. "You do?" "Sure, I've been lonely for a long time, Scully." I swallowed, feeling sad for him, sad for me, sad for both of us. Our lives were so messy sometimes. But when they slowed down and I had a few moments to myself, I found I didn't want to spend them all by myself anymore. Although I loved my mother, that wasn't the kind of companionship I wanted. I wanted to hang out with a friend. There was some distress occasionally when I would realize that Mulder was one of my only friends. I didn't blame him for that. I had chosen to be where I was and I had been very bad at keeping in touch with some of my old friends from college. "I'm sorry," I said, my voice just above a whisper. He made an inarticulate sound. I wasn't sure what that meant. "Are you lonely, Scully?" I couldn't lie to him. "Yes." "Is there something I can do? I mean, you could take some time off, get away, recharge your batteries." "Where would I go? And with whom?" He chuckled. "Anywhere, the beach. Take your mother." I hummed in amusement wondering about the fact that I'd just been thinking about my mother. "I love my mother, Mulder, but that's not the kind of company I'm ... wishing for." He raised his eyebrows at me. "What kind are you looking for?" I looked down at my lap. "I don't know." "I think you do," he said softly. I turned to look at him again. He looked so comfortable reclining there. "Maybe. Sometimes I just get ... stuck, if you know what I mean?" "Not knowing what to do, or what you want?" he asked. "Yeah. Sometimes I know but think it's not worth the price. Other times I have no idea. I just walk around with this vague sense of dissatisfaction. And I know what causes it. The older I get, the more I feel like ..." "Life is passing you by," he finished for me. We looked at each other again. "Is that how you feel?" I asked. "All the time," he answered again. "If you could have some things that you don't have now, what would you wish for?" His smile was self-deprecating. "A bunch of things I can't have," he answered cryptically. "Like what?" "I thought we were talking about you," he evaded. "Not necessarily. I just wanted someone to talk to. We don't talk that much, Mulder." He looked amused. "We talk all the time, Scully, everyday. What are you talking about?" I took a sip of my iced tea. "Not about personal stuff. That's work. You're my best friend but we rarely talk about our private lives." "You want to know about my private life?" "Yes," I answered firmly. "That's easy. I don't have one," he said glibly. I turned to him again and twisted my hips so I was facing him. I propped my elbow on the back of the couch and laid my head on my hand, watching him. "Sure you do. What do you do when you're home all alone?" He grinned. "I shower, I sleep, and I eat." I clucked my tongue making a sound of discontentment. He knew that wasn't an answer. "You know what I mean. What do you do to entertain yourself?" He grinned wickedly at me and waggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes in response. "Besides jerk off," I blurted out, causing him to erupt into a short burst of harsh laughter. I'd obviously caught him off guard. He was shaking his head, not sure how to respond. "I, uh ... run, swim ..." "And jerk off," I repeated, not sure why I was being so obnoxious. I felt my lips spread into a smile. We both began to laugh. "You always surprise me, Scully." "Didn't think I thought about those things?" I asked in a teasing voice. "Do you?" "Do I what? Think about those things?" "Masturbate," he said. The word rang loud in the room for some reason. We both froze. His eyes pinned me with an intense stare. There was no smile left. He was absolutely serious. I swallowed and looked away, noticing fingerprints on the glass top of my coffee table and staring at them as though they were interesting. "Just because I was teasing you doesn't mean ..." "That what's good for the goose is good for the gander? Or the other way around as the case may be," he added. I looked up at him. "You took me off guard." "Are you uncomfortable having this conversation with me?" "A little." "I'm your friend, Scully. I'm a grown boy. I can handle it. I don't know why we are always so circumspect about things like this." "Things like this?" "Talking about sex, or anything to do with it. We're normal adults. There's no reason why we shouldn't think about it, talk about it." I felt a bubble of laughter well up in my chest but suppressed it. "We are a lot of things, Mulder. However, normal is not one of them." He chuckled then. "I guess you're right there. But I meant regarding sex." "What about it?" I asked, knowing this was a dangerous conversation. "We are both pretty celibate. It stands to reason, we would miss it." "Speak for yourself," I threw at him, trying to lighten the mood. Instead, total silence greeted my statement. I looked at his face again and he almost looked stricken, but then dropped his eyes to his lap. "Scully ..." "What's the matter, Mulder?" Softly, he asked, "Are you seeing someone? Am I keeping you from that?" I laughed. I don't know why. The idea was so absurd. When did I have time to date? Why would he ask me that, or think that? Oh! I said, speak for yourself as though I wasn't celibate all this time. "No, Mulder, I'm not seeing anyone. I didn't mean that the way it sounded. It was supposed to be a joke. Apparently my delivery sucks." He blew air out of his lungs and lifted his head. He looked so serious. "I know it's selfish, Scully, but I wouldn't want you to date someone else," he said quietly. "Someone else? As opposed to you?" He nodded, looking slightly embarrassed as he licked his lips and turned his head away from me. "I know it's none of my business ..." "Why?" I asked, wondering what the hell I was doing. "Why what?" "Why wouldn't you want me to date someone else?" Did I already know the answer? Was it the one I wanted? There was a window of opportunity here. If I played my cards right, I just find out once and for all what was in that head of his. I knew he cared for me. But what did he really feel about me? What did I mean to him? We were friends, but what else? We both knew our friendship was stronger and deeper than most people who called themselves friends. "Why do you think?" he asked, shrugging and taking a drink from his iced tea. He nearly drained the glass. "Don't answer my question with a question," I replied. He set his glass down on the coffee table and looked at me again, licking his lips. "If you decided that you wanted to be romantic with someone ... I have always hoped ... " He stopped, swallowing with difficulty. "You hoped?" I prompted, my eyes glued to his face. He turned the full force of those hooded hazel eyes on me. It was like he was looking right into my head. My mouth was dry and I cleared my throat. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. His eyes had captured me and held me still. They were full of sadness and longing. I gasped a little at what I saw there. His voice was an octave lower than usual when he finally spoke. "I always hoped that someone would be me." Now I gasped for real. He looked down again. "Mulder?" He shrugged again. "You know how I feel about you, Scully." "No I don't," I answered automatically. Then again, maybe I did. He raised his head again and asked, "How lonely are you?" I shook my head, not having an answer. He sighed. "Do you miss it, Scully?" "Miss what?" "Being with someone? Being intimate and feeling a part of something?" "Yes." His head tipped back on the armrest and he looked at the ceiling. I watched his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed. "Sometimes I lay awake at night and just wish I could hold you." My breathing sped up, wondering where all this was coming from. Seems I'd opened up a can of worms. "Hold me?" I whispered. "Yeah. It's not even about sex sometimes, although sometimes it is." He flashed a smile that faded immediately. "But mostly, I just have that ache inside when I'm alone, you know?" "Yes," I answered. "And the only time it goes away is when I'm with you. What does that tell you, Scully?" "I'm not sure." "You're not sure, or you don't want to acknowledge it?" "Acknowledge what?" "How I feel about you. What we could do for each other. What we could be to each other." "You mean everything to me, Mulder," I found myself saying. He lifted his head and looked at me then. "Everything?" "Yes," I said softly. "I may mean everything to you, which I find hard to believe. But if it's true, that's a wonderful thing. But I sure as hell am not everything to you." "What do you mean?" "I mean there are things I could be to you that I'm not." I furrowed my brow. "Could you be a little more cryptic?" I asked, unable to keep the slight sarcasm out of my voice. "What would you like me to be to you, Scully ... that I'm not?" We stared at each other in silence again. Finally, I said, "I'm not sure. I wasn't even asking you to fix the ... loneliness. I was just sharing it with you." "I want to fix it. I'm just not sure you would let me." "What's that supposed to mean? My life is what it is. How could you fix that for me?" "I could be more to you." I mouthed the word question, 'What?' unable to get the word out. "You know what," he stated. Would I ever get a straight answer out of this man? "What do you want to be, Mulder?" He smiled, but I could see the fear as he squinted his eyes slightly. He sighed again. "You want me to say it?" I nodded. Was this going where I thought it was going? I had butterflies in my stomach all of a sudden as his gaze caught mine again. "I could be all yours, Scully. All you'd have to do is ask." "Mine?" "I'm already yours. You've just never claimed me." I felt tears sting my eyes. "What's that supposed to mean? You don't belong to me, Mulder!" I cried. As much as I wish that were true, I thought to myself, startled by the thought. "Ah! But I wish I did." I felt my brows draw together in confusion. I knew what he was saying, but I wasn't sure how we'd gotten here. "You do?" I asked, my voice sounding squeaky to my own ears. I cleared my throat in embarrassment. He nodded. "Yes I do." "What would that mean to you? Belonging to me?" He didn't answer right away. Then he said very softly. "You would have the one thing from me that you don't already have." "What's that?" "My body." I gasped. The mental picture of my scantily clad partner in boxers flashed in my mind's eye and I felt my groin tingle. "I don't have everything else, Mulder," I muttered, looking at my lap. "Yes you do." My hand squeezed my thighs tightly, the knuckles turning white. I felt a need to walk away from this conversation. It warred with the need to finish it. I was scared, I acknowledged. I was really scared. I found the words coming out of my mouth, "I'm scared." "Of what? Me?" "I don't know ..." I trailed off. "Of being my lover?" he asked softly. I felt a fission of arousal fly through me just hearing those words. "Yeah," I croaked out. Now I was embarrassed at how low my voice sounded. He held perfectly still, not moving, obviously afraid to startle me away. I could hear his increased breathing pattern though. "What scares you?" he asked. "I don't know ..." "I'm not an easy man to love, Scully. I know that. But I promise I'd never hurt you intentionally. You know that don't you?" I nodded. "And you're wrong, Mulder. You're an easy man to love. That's part of the problem." I peeked up at him from under my lashes and found his eyes riveted on my face. He was whispering. "And do you? Love me?" I felt color suffuse my cheeks again as I blushed, feeling my insides beginning to tremble. I did love him. I'd known that for a long time. "Yes," whispered, barely able to get the words out. "Oh God," he said. Then, "Why is that a problem?" "I'm afraid ... of losing ..." "Losing what?" "Me," I answered. His hand reached out and two fingers tilted my chin up. Just the warmth of his hand sent rivers of warmth cascading down my neck and chest. "You're too strong, Scully. You'll never lose yourself in a relationship." "I have before." "You were younger then. And those men didn't love you, Scully. Not the way I love you." I sucked in a shallow breath. "I don't know what I'm saying sometimes," I admitted. He smiled gently as he dropped his hand. "I do. You lost yourself because those men wanted control over you, Scully. You were young and you let them have that control. First of all, I don't ever want to control you. We're partners, 50/50 all the way. If you come to me, I want you to come to me because you want to, willingly. "And you and I are different. We have a wonderful friendship and a wonderful partnership. It's as strong a foundation as two people can have. We KNOW each other Scully. I fell in love with the woman you ARE. I wouldn't want that to change." I sniffled and watched as he removed his glasses and laid them on the coffee table. He motioned me forward as he spread his legs, one against the back of the couch and one on the floor. I slowly fell toward him as though he had a magnet on his chest. I was totally incapable of refusing his offer. That scared me too. This was what scared me, this inability to say NO to him sometimes. Then his arms were wrapping around my back and my chest was molded against his and I realized how wrong I was. He was right. I would never hurt him intentionally either. And we loved one another. That was amazing to me, even now. I'd always known it. Somehow voicing it made it real and the need to do something about it, to express it became imminent. I snuggled into his chest and his hands rubbed idly up and down my spine. I shivered, enjoying the heat of his body soaking into mine. His hand petted my hair and I felt his lips kiss the top of my head where it was tucked under his chin. We lay there silent for a long time just enjoying the feel of being able to openly hold one another sans a trauma. He hummed his contentment in the back of his throat and I lifted my head to bring us face to face. My forearms rested on his wide chest, my hands landing on his collarbone. Our noses were an inch apart. His mouth parted and he licked his lips. "I love holding you, Scully," he whispered. I smiled. "I love being held. I forgot how good it feels." His eyes darted to my lips and back to my eyes. "Can I kiss you?" he asked quietly. I nodded, feeling nervous again. His lips barely brushed mine, top-to-top and bottom-to-bottom. He stopped and then brushed them side to side. "Oh!" I squeaked. He smiled against my lips, pressing gently and tipping his head to the side. He was moving so slowly it was maddening. I realized he was waiting for me to join him. He was waiting for me to kiss him back. He was making sure I was all right with this. His hands came up to cup my face and I let my lips fall against his. He moaned as our lips moved slowly and sensuously over each other, tasting, nipping and experimenting. Finally I couldn't stand the suspense any more and I kissed him hard, pushing my tongue against his teeth. He moaned and opened his mouth. My tongue glided smoothly inside and began to dance with his. It was my turn to moan as he pulled me tighter against him with one arm, one hand still cupping my face. His tongue explored the inside of my mouth when I was finished. He thrust in and out, and over my tongue, simulating the sex act and I groaned and began a battle with his tongue where there was no loser. My whole body was on fire. I shifted and settled more firmly between his legs. It was then that I felt his rock hard erection pressing into my belly and warmth pooled between my legs. It jolted me back into reality from which I'd taken a temporary leave. Kissing Mulder had turned out to be a transporting experience. I'd lost all track of the room around us. There was only Mulder and that sexy mouth working mine into a frenzy. He leaned his forehead against mine as we panted gently into each other's face. He smiled. "Wow," he murmured. I giggled, surprised to hear it bubble up out of me. His smile widened and he pulled me into his chest, laying my head on his shoulder. "What now?" I asked. He chuckled a little. "Whatever you want, Scully. This is your show." "That doesn't seem fair." "You know how I feel. You know what I want. But it's up to you how fast that happens. I've waited a long time. I can keep waiting. I want you to be ready and I want you to be sure." I nodded against his shoulder. I sighed deeply. "As much as my hormones want this, I don't think we should jump in the deep end of the pool too quickly." He snapped his fingers on his right hand as if to say, 'Darn', and then set his hands back on my waist. I smiled against his tee shirt. "Sorry," I whispered. "Don't be sorry," he said immediately. "I was just teasing." "I want this to happen, Mulder, but I want to go slow." He kissed the top of my head again. "That's fine, Scully. I can't believe we made it this far in one night." "Me neither." "Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow?" "A date, Agent Mulder?" "Yeah, a date, Agent Scully." I smiled. "That would be nice." "O.K. I'll pick you up at 6:00 PM. That sound all right?" "Perfect." "Scully, I better get going." I sighed. "Yeah ... but I don't want you to go." I snuggled into his chest, my arms hugging his rib cage, my face sideways on his breastbone. He chuffed out a breath. "You're not making this any easier, you know?" "Why don't you stay?" "Overnight?" he asked, sounding incredulous. "Yeah." "Scully, what are you asking?" I lifted my head to look at him. "Could you do it?" "Do what? I'm not sure what you're asking." "Could you spend the night with me and not let it get ..." "Out of hand?" he finished for me. I nodded. "I ... want to be held." He smiled. "I can do that." "But I'm not ready for ..." "Anything else, I know," he finished my sentence for me again. "You'd be O.K. with that? Just holding me?" "I can't even tell you how O.K. I am with that," he teased. "Let's go then." PART 2 (NC-17) DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, D.C. FRIDAY EVENING - 10:00 PM Scully disappeared into the bathroom to change into pajamas. I quickly stripped down to my boxers and crawled under the covers. Everything smelled like her, the pillows and the sheets. I was enveloped in Scully-scent. I couldn't believe I was lying in her bed wearing nothing but my boxers. She emerged from the bathroom off her bedroom wearing a navy, silk camisole top with matching tap pants. I sucked in my breath, seeing her body outlined under the silk. Of course she wasn't wearing a bra. The fabric outlined her generous breasts. They rode high on her chest like a girl's. I couldn't help staring as she made her way to the bed, seeming a bit tentative. I smiled reassuringly at her and raised the covers, inviting her in. She came on all fours, a shy smile playing around her lips. I patted the bed and she flopped down, turning her back to me and reaching for the lamp on the nightstand as I let the covers fall over her. I heard the snick of the light switch and the room went dark. There was a nightlight on in her bathroom and she'd left the door open so a soft light filtered into bedroom, just enough to see by if you had to get up in the middle of the night. I could feel her tension from where I lay a foot away. "Hey Scully." "Hmmm?" she asked, still lying on her side, her back to me. "I thought you wanted me to hold you," I said carefully. "I do," she whispered. I rolled into her slowly and slid my arm under her pillow, letting her neck rest on my arm with the pillow as a cushion. I carefully moved in, laying my chest gently against her back and wrapping an arm around her middle. "This O.K.?" I whispered. "Yeah, it's good." I pulled her tighter against me and let her butt fall into the cradle of my pelvis, moaning softly as she did so, unable to stop the rush of blood that stiffened my sex against her silky tap pants. She stiffened but I held still and breathed deeply and slowly. "Ignore it, Scully," I advised. She barked out a quick laugh, "Feels pretty hard to ignore, Mulder." I laughed then, feeling giddy. "Try, Scully. I'm going to. I can't help it, but I'm not going to do anything about it." "O.K.," she said, but she was still tense against me. "Relax, Scully. You're not going to sleep if you're stiff as a board." She took a deep breath and I felt her body soften against mine, more weight bearing into my chest and pelvis. I bit my tongue to keep the moan inside that wanted to emerge. After a few minutes she said, "This is so nice, Mulder." "Mmm, yes it is." "I feel so good now." I burrowed my nose into her hair and inhaled. "You smell so good," I murmured. I knew she was smiling even though I couldn't see her face. "Thanks." "Try to sleep now, Scully." "Mmm, you too, Mulder." Her breathing evened out and became rhythmic. When I thought she was finally asleep I whispered, "I love you, Scully." I nearly jumped out of my skin when she replied, "I love you too, Mulder." "I thought you were asleep." I felt her body move as she laughed silently. I squeezed her into a tighter hug, molding my body around her small frame. "Glad I wasn't," she muttered. "Sleep now," I said again. "Why? So you can talk to me again?" she asked. I could hear the amusement in her voice. "I promise to be quiet." "Oh, all right then," she said, clearly still amused. Silence fell in the darkened room and I felt her body mold and relax and settle against mine as we drifted off to sleep. XXXXXXXXXX DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, D.C. SATURDAY MORNING - 7:00 AM I woke to find myself on my back. My eyes popped open and I felt a dart of panic for a moment until I recognized my surroundings. I was in Scully's bedroom. It all came back to me in a rush. I looked down, feeling weight on my chest and found Scully had wrapped herself over one side of my body. Her tiny hand lay on my breastbone and her leg was thrown over my thigh. Her left hand was squished between us, her fingers curled under her chin. I felt warmth and affection flow through me. She was so beautiful. I ran one finger down her temple and over her cheek, around her jaw and down onto her neck, ending in the dip above her collarbone. She hummed in her sleep and stretched her head up and her neck out like a kitten leaning into the caress. My breath hitched and I turned all my knuckles to her skin, sliding up and down her neck. "So beautiful," I murmured. She smacked her chops lightly and leaned into my hand. I ran my hand up and through her hair, letting the silky strands falls away as I combed through. Her eyes opened lazily and she tipped her head up to see my face. She was wearing a gentle smile and I returned it. Her voice was raspy and sleep laden when she said, "I haven't slept that good in years." She stretched languorously, stretching her arms over her head. Her leg straightened away from me but it pushed her pelvis against my leg. We both gasped at the same time and she curled nearly into a ball. "Sorry," she blurted out. "Don't be," I said, and followed her lead, stretching my arms and legs, feeling them vibrate with the tension and then releasing it all at once. I moaned at the feeling of relaxation that followed. I turned my head to look at her and she was still on her side but straightened out, her left hand holding her head up, her elbow on the bed for support. "What?" I asked. Her right hand reached out and bridged the few inches between us as I lay on my back. She skimmed her hand over my ribs, moving up to brush my pecs, first one then the other. I gasped as I felt my nipples draw up into hard, little points as if seeking more contact with her. She glanced at her hand and back to my face. The covers were bunched around my waist. I hoped they were hiding the erection I was sporting that had nothing to do with a morning hard on. Her eyelids were hooded and she blinked slowly. Her voice was very quiet when she finally said, "I loved the way it felt to be held by you, Mulder." I smiled. "I loved holding you, Scully." Her hand skimmed down my torso again, landing just above my navel and I tensed. She stopped and her nails scratched lightly on the hair there. My hand shot out and I grabbed her wrist. She gasped and looked at me. "I didn't mean ..." she started. "It tickled," I admitted. "Oh, sorry." "It's all right. I love it when you touch me." "You have a beautiful body, Mulder," she murmured. I knew my jaw was hanging open as the compliment registered with my brain. It was too weird hearing these things come from Scully. I'd wondered thousands of times what she thought when she looked at me. Evidently she was going to start telling me. I swallowed. "Thanks. Glad you think so. You are quite stunning yourself, you know?" I reached out with my right hand and ran a finger over her skin outlining the plunging neckline of her camisole. Her voice warbled a bit as it rose gooseflesh on her chest. "Ooo, Goohhod." I smiled. "Scully, if I'm going to remain a gentlemen, I have to get out of this bed." She nodded and rolled away from me abruptly. I sighed with disappointment but then threw the covers off my legs and sat up. I stood and turned around, forgetting my current condition. She was watching me over her shoulder where she had sat up on her side of the bed. Her eyes widened noticeably and her mouth opened. Her pink tongue darted out to wet her lips and I felt blood rush into my groin again and stiffen me fully. It was then I remembered that I was sporting respectable wood and mumbled, "Oh shit," and turned away from her, fumbling for my jeans where I'd left them on the floor. I heard her get up off the bed. I was yanking my jeans over my hips when I jumped, feeling her hand on my forearm. I froze and looked at her. Her eyes were glued to my crotch. "Scu ...lly?" I croaked out. Her hands were trembling slightly as she reached out and slid her thumbs into my waistband, gently pulling my jeans back down until they puddled around my ankles. I slowly stepped out of them, still watching her. She hadn't looked me in the eye yet. I could feel my heart racing out of control as she reached over and hooked her fingers into the elastic of my boxers. I gasped and she finally looked up. Her cheeks were red, her blue eyes smoky with arousal and her pupils dilated. I stared, not saying a word, afraid to break whatever spell it was that made her want to touch me. Was she merely curious? As if she'd read my mind she said, "I want to see you." I licked my lips quickly. "I want to be seen," I said, my voice husky with my own arousal. "I've got to warn you though, it's a dangerous thing to do." Her jaw opened and closed again as though she wanted to say something but decided against it. I waited, feeling every hair on my body stand on end as she began to slowly slide my boxers down. She lifted them gently and carefully out and away from my erection and slid them down my legs, her hands trailing behind them. My fully erect cock sprung free and bobbed in the cool air. She let go of my boxers and they fell to the floor. I kicked them away. She took a step back and looked at my crotch. I felt myself swell and harden unbearably under her gaze. She muttered under her breath, "Oh Christ, Mulder." Her right hand reached down and wrapped around me firmly but gently. We both hissed at the contact. She tugged gently and I couldn't stop my hips from thrusting slightly into her hand. Her other hand came down and carefully cupped my balls, pulling them forward. I moaned loudly then and felt my eyes roll back in my head. "Sweet Jesus, Scully." She began stroking me and I began to pant in time with her strokes. I could see her nipples poking at the silk of her camisole, drawn up into hard, perfect buds. I couldn't keep still and reached out to cup her breasts, one in each hand. She gasped and her ministrations stilled as I squeezed her globes gently. She groaned and I felt a little wave of dizziness. I was intoxicated by the feel of her touching my cock and the weight of her breasts in my hands. I brushed my thumbs from under her nipples, up and over and then swirled them around her areola. She whimpered and her knees bobbed as though they were going to give out. I was amazed that I had this affect on her. I stepped into her, giving her no choice but to let go of my equipment. I grunted at the loss, but then her hands went around my back and slid down to cup my ass. She squeezed it and I bucked into her again, my pre-cum leaving a dark, wet spot on the tummy of her camisole. My hands rested on the sides of her breasts, my thumbs moving up and down as I watched her breasts rise and fall with her heavy breathing. "Scully, look at me." She tipped her head up as though it was an effort and I slid my hands up to cup her face again. "I want to make love to you," I whispered. She made an adorable mewling sound in the back of her throat. "Mulder ... I ... but ..." "If you don't want that, tell me now, Scully." I was surprised to hear the quaver in my voice. I needed her so badly. I would wait if she told me to, but it was going to be torture. Now that I had touched her and she had touched me, it was like a fire out of control. I didn't remember ever being this hard. I throbbed and felt an ache wash through my groin with every heartbeat. "Oh God, I didn't want to go this fast," she whispered urgently. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth against the urge to throw her down on the bed and devour every inch of her delectable little body. "I need to get dressed, then," I ground out between clenched teeth. I let go of her and stepped back, reaching for my boxers. Her hands came down on my forearms again. I looked up at her from my hunched over position, my boxers dangling from my fingers. She took hold of them and tossed them back on the floor. "Scully?" "I wanted to go slow because ... I wanted to be sure." "I want you to be sure, Scully." "But I realize, I am sure." "You're sure?" I asked stupidly, needing confirmation. "There's no one else Mulder. There hasn't been anyone else in so long. I know that you're the one, Mulder. You're the one for me. I don't want to wait anymore." My breath fled my lungs and I suddenly felt lightheaded. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, standing up slowly and reaching for the hem of her camisole. Everything was in slow motion. I pulled it up and she raised her arms, letting me tug it over her head. I dropped it on the floor, my eyes homing in on her perfect breasts. I reached for them immediately, testing their weight again as she pushed into my hands. Her hands lowered and with a flick of her wrist, she pushed her tap pants down and they fluttered to the floor. She wasn't wearing panties under them. I stared down at her apex and muttered, "OhwhoaScully." She smiled and stepped into me, leaving her tap pants behind her in a puddle and pressed every delectable inch of her against my burning skin. She felt cool against the heat of my body I moaned, maneuvering her to the bed and guiding her down gently onto her back. I straddled her on all fours and lowered down to kiss her slowly and deeply. Her hands slid down my biceps as I pulled away. I began a journey of her body, wanting to memorize every dip and valley. My fingers fluttered over her cheeks and lips, around her jaws and down her neck. I kept my touch light and teasing and delighted in the way she responded to me, moaning softly and lifting her body into my hands as they skimmed down the side of her breasts and over her stomach. I moved backwards to expose her legs and ran my hands over her thighs, first the front then the back, ending up cupping the back of her knees and tickling her there. A groan sounded from her and I felt my groin tighten even further. I explored her calves, her ankles and the arch of her foot. I proceeded to suckle each toe as she clenched the bed covers in her hands and whimpered. Then it was time to gently coax her onto her stomach. I wanted her wild and out of control. I wanted her to want me so badly that nothing else mattered. I knew just from her description of their personalities that her previous lovers had probably been selfish pricks. I wasn't going to be that way, no matter how difficult it was to ignore the painful throb between my legs. I slid my hands over her legs, up over her rear cheeks, squeezing gently, and brushing a finger into the crack of her ass. She issued a startled gasp and raised her rear end into my hand. Hmmm, interesting, I thought. I'll have to explore that sensitive area sometime in the future. But not tonight. I slid my palms up her back and circled my thumbs near her spine, moving finally to her shoulders and leaning down to press my lips to the nape of her neck. She visibly shivered and grunted softly. "Mulder, you're driving me crazy," she whispered. I smiled against her skin and replied, "That's the idea." She giggled a little, sounding giddy and made to roll onto her back. I lifted up and let her do it. Her eyes met mine and I felt a slight wave of dizziness. I'd never seen Scully like this. She was very aroused. Her lips were red as berries and her eyes a dark, smoky blue, pupils dilated. Her tousled hair was spread out behind her on the pillow and her chest was flushed pink. I leaned down to suckle first one nipple and then other. I felt another rush of excitement as she moaned loudly and grasped the back of my head, holding me tightly to her breast. Finally, I moved up and stopped with our noses millimeters apart. She was panting gently as she reached between us and took me in her hand, squeezing gently. I groaned and thrust into her hand, feeling her palm spread the pre-cum over my glans that had leaked out steadily since I started touching her. As good as it felt, I reluctantly removed her hand and captured her wrists gently on either side of her head with my hands. My hands swallowed her tiny wrists and I remembered how tiny she was. She wasn't fragile, but she was small, much smaller than she wanted to admit most of the time. I kissed her again and felt the silk of her thighs brush my thighs as she spread her legs wide and slipped her legs around my waist. I sighed into her mouth and released her wrists, taking my weight on my elbows after sliding my forearms under her shoulders. I wanted to be as close as possible. Her fingernails ran over my chest and I hunched my back up, curling my stomach muscles and feeling my skin tingle at the contact. Apparently that was the desired response because she smiled wickedly and reached between us again, now having the room. She grasped me firmly and led me to her entrance. I held my breath, as I lay perched on the edge of her moist opening. I could smell her arousal and my cock could feel the heat as it pressed gently into her softness. She let go and used both hands to grasp my biceps again. I sealed my mouth over hers in a gentle kiss as I slid slowly but steadily inside her. I groaned again, feeling slightly foolish at the sounds that were coming from me. I sounded like I was dying. "Awwwwmmmmm, awwwwwmmmmm, Ssccullyy! Oh God, you feel so wet, so hot." "Oh. My. God!" she said slowly as I bottomed out against her cervix, feeling my balls pressed against her butt. We held still enjoying the feeling of this first penetration. She was mighty snug and I felt my legs tremble slightly from the tension of holding still. Her hot walls pulsed around me in a maddening rhythm, sending shock waves of pleasure through my body. She sucked in a deep breath and muttered, "So ... Full!" I smiled, feeling a tad smug and began to move gently back and forth, keeping my pace slow, afraid my endurance wasn't going to be the best. My smugness vanished as I felt her core walls tug on my rigid cock, trying to hold me inside. We both descended into moaning and gasping as I continued to sink into her over and over. I gained length and speed in my strokes, feeling my balls pull up and coil. I was so close and those words slipped out, "So close, Scully. Want you to come." "Me too! I'm really close, Mulder." "Sweet Jesus, Scully, you feel so good." My right hand left the bed and slid under her back, stretching down to her rear end. I cupped one cheek briefly, pulling her against me as I thrust inside. She grunted in pleasure but it wasn't enough. I moved my hand over and slid my middle finger in the crack of her ass and merely pumped it up and down over the skin between her cheeks. That did it. She went wild. "Ohohoh shiittt! Mulder! Yes, yyeehheeesss! Oh God, Ohgodohgodohgod!" she shouted as her head whipped back and forth on the pillow. Concentrating on her reactions distracted me from my own impending orgasm. But then her thighs began to vibrate against my hips and her body spasmed hard and her walls began clutching my cock in a staccato ripple of muscles. I shouted, "Oh Christ, oh damn, Scully! Oh God, I love you." Then I couldn't talk. I rammed into her three more times and felt my own jarring release shoot up through my shaft and sting with the force of its abrupt ejaculation. My cock twitched and spasmed as I emptied into her shouting inarticulate sounds and the pleasure washed over me from head to toe. I collapsed my lower body but managed to keep my torso off hers as I kissed her tenderly for long minutes in between pants and shudders from aftershocks. Finally she spoke. "I've never ... come that hard ... in my entire life." I grinned from ear to ear. "Good," was my only response. She laughed gently and said, "Proud of yourself?" I shook my head but then said, "Maybe a little." She giggled then and said, "Yours didn't look so bad." I grinned but then let the grin fade. "It was like nothing I've ever experienced, Scully. Being with you, it's like ... a dream. The reality makes my fantasies seem tame by comparison." She grinned in amusement. "I doubt that," he teased. I kissed her again and we made out for a bit, our passion spent, our kisses promises for the future. I rolled off of her, groaning as my cock left its warm cocoon and hit the cold air. We went to the bathroom and cleaned up, jumping in the shower, soaping each other from head to toe and exploring each other's bodies. When we were done, we stood under the still hot spray and held each other, relaxing. I asked, "How did this happen so fast? I feel like I'm dreaming." Her lips lifted into a smile against my breastbone. "I guess the time was right, Mulder. I don't know. I was scared, but once you touched me, all bets were off. I knew we should probably wait, but my heart wouldn't let me." "I love you, Scully. That's one thing you never have to doubt." "I know. I love you too." We separated as the water cooled down and got out, toweling each other dry. She looked shy all of a sudden and I grinned. "Your not going to get all awkward and embarrassed now, are you?" She looked at the floor. "I don't know." "C'mere, beautiful." I pulled her into my arms and kissed her gently until her tension melted away. I whispered, "I love you." She smiled a content, sated smile. "Love you too." She paused. "Breakfast?" I laughed. "Work up an appetite did you?" "You bet. Sex makes me hungry." "I'll have to remember that and keep my fridge stocked." She headed for the bedroom where she pulled sweat pants and shirts out of a dresser and proceeded to dress in front of me. She was blushing but didn't turn away from me. She said, "Better decontaminate that fridge first. Never know what's growing in there. There's probably entire science experiments in your crisper drawer." I laughed, letting my eyes roam freely enjoying the fact that I didn't need to be circumspect anymore. I followed her lead and grabbed a clean tee shirt of mine she had and pulled on my jeans again. We went into the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast. I pulled her to me once again in the kitchen before she began cooking eggs and said, "You have all of me, now, Scully." She smiled gently. "Mmmm, and you have all of me ... lover," she added. My breath caught and I smiled so hard my face hurt. "God, I'm in so much trouble," I muttered. She laughed and pulled away to begin scrambling eggs. This little domestic scene sat very well with me. I always wondered how I'd feel in a situation like this with Scully. It was cozy. We were a couple and everything was going to be just fine. She definitely now had all of me and it didn't bother me one bit. THE END.