Title: A Beautiful Thing By: Megs hobbit_kisser@hotmail.com Rating: NC-17 Category: DRR, angst, Doggett/Reyes POV Summary: A simple touch and that was all it took to have us rolling in the sheets. A light stroke, and now our lives are virtually ruined. Archive: Yes...just tell me where. Feedback: hobbit_kisser@hotmail.com Recommended Listening: Beautiful Thing by Sister Hazel. Download it. It's so pretty. *** Well I'll follow you wherever When you lead me by my nose On another big adventure- I suppose Then you lay me down in clover With their petals on my back I should make some time To do more things like that... Won't you sing to me your poetry, Won't you take me to your home, Won't you be for me forever So I'll never be alone And just one thing... You're my queen... And it's a beautiful thing... Well I'm buried in my bedroom Under fourteen feet of clothes I could drown in all this clutter I suppose But then you're standing in my doorway With a suitcase on your back And it blows my mind When you do things like that Won't you sing to me your poetry, Won't you take me to your home, Won't you be for me forever So I'll never be alone And just one thing... You're my queen... And it's a beautiful thing... Yeah, reminding me Well I might be poor But summers free... For me, I didn't know I was sleeping Won't you sing to me your poetry, Won't you take me to your home, Won't you be for me forever So I'll never be alone And just one thing... You're my queen... And it's a beautiful thing... *** Doggett *** Her back rises and falls with each deep breath. I know what we've done was wrong. But I regret none of it. Neither does she. It's amazing. A simple touch and that was all it took to have us rolling in the sheets. A light stroke, and now our lives are virtually ruined. It had started as a simple chat, a simple little meeting in front of her building before I dropped her off. Monica has become my drinking buddy. I can still hear the words in my head. Somehow, it had ended up in a conversation of past lovers. Why? I do not know. How? I cannot remember. But it did. It was getting personal. And then she said, "Oh, I forgot my purse..." And we both reached for the door handle. And that is why we are where we are. The sheet sticks to her body, the comforter is now long gone and I can see ever curve of her body perfectly under the thin white cotton. What do I do. My job is already in jeopardy, so is hers. What have we done? I sneak quietly into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I stand under the hot water and reach for a bottle of shampoo. God, it smells like her. I use it anyway and soap myself in a hurry, before she wakes up. When I'm done, I jump out and quickly redress. I stand before her door, hand on the handle, and look back at her, dozing peacefully. The sheet is now half down, revealing her left breast. It is an angelic picture. I start to turn the knob but change my mind and turn back to her. I stand above her and lean down, plant a soft kiss gently on her impressionable cheek. I leave then, not looking back once. *** Reyes *** Who does he think he's fooling? I feel the kiss, I hear him leave. At first I feel a small anxiety, a twinge of worry. What if I was no good in bed? What if I am not good enough for him at all? God, I sound like a school girl. I roll over, wondering what I will say to him on Monday. I have all weekend to decide. I glance at the digital clock on my night stand. It tells me it is 12:00 PM, exactly. I have slept half of the day away already. I stand up. The floor is cold against my feet, and the sheet billows down, leaving me to stand in my nakedness. I slip into the white terry cloth robe that hangs on the back of my door and walk into the kitchen, where I find a carton of orange juice and begin to drink it. I sit on the couch and tuck my legs under me. The sun shines in brightly, annoying me on many levels. Why couldn't the day fit my mood? When I am happy, it is rainy, when I am sad, it is sunny. I remember perfectly what happened after we touched lightly. It was a slow kiss at first, a small brush against his lips, but then we forgot the purse and ran into my apartment and by 3:00 AM, we had gone three times. Shit. My purse. //Please don't bring it to me, John,// I think. //Try to be an indecent person for once. Don't bring it.// *** *** Doggett *** We were too busy with foreplay to get her purse. I see the small black leather bag as I am driving home. //It's all your fault// I think to the purse. I am going crazy...talking to a purse? I decide to bring it to her tonight, it gives me an excuse to see her again before Monday. But what will I say to her? What will she say to me? Maybe I should be quiet. Maybe she will be quiet. When I reach my house, I step inside and check the machine. No messages. //What else is new// I slump on the couch and put my face in my hands for no particular reason. Saying nothing about last night's little escapade is probably the best idea. But I can't get the feeling of her out of my mind. The feeling of her below me, and the feeling of her next to me in the morning. And that beautiful picture that she had been in before I'd shamelessly walked away...wow. It was a beautiful thing, beatific and I found myself wishing I'd had a camera handy. Before I knew it, I was off to sleep. *** Reyes *** The sky was turning dark as I stepped out of the shower and felt for my robe. The air was cool against my skin now as I removed myself from the steamy shower and I pulled the robe tight. It was sort of old, ratty almost. There were parts when the terrycloth was gone, only small threads were left, exposing my skin. I yawned as I stepped out, into the bedroom and then the kitchen. I pulled out a pot and filled it with water, then sat it on the stove to boil. A knock sounded. I ran my hand through my soaking hair as I walked over to the door and looked out the peephole. John. Holding my purse. I turned my back to the door and took a deep breath. Just be an adult, Monica. Just tell him the truth. I adjusted myself, noticing my nipples were hard now due to the cold. A part of me was glad. I wanted to seduce John, and make love with him again...even if I couldn't admit it. "John," I said, acting surprised as I pulled the door open wider. "Come on in...oh right, my purse, I completely forgo-" Before I could finish my big fat lie, he pulled me close and said he was sorry. "Sorry for what, John?" I whispered. "For leaving." "Don't be." Then we moved our heads in at the exact moment. We were in sync. We knew what the other was thinking. *** Doggett *** She was warm and damp against me, her hair was dripping on my clothes and I could feel parts of her skin against me through bare spots on her robe. Then a loud splash sounded from the kitchen. She pulled away at this point. "Sit, John...she said. Sit." She walked into the kitchen and returned five minutes later after loud clanking and clinking with two mugs. I sipped the hot chocolate as she looked at me. I waited for her to say something, but she didn't. So I did. "Monica, I'm going to be honest with you. What we did...it was amazing. You are amazing. But we can't." She nodded. "I know, John. I know...but I can't deny what I feel for you." She stared deeply at the brown liquid in her mug, gripping it tightly. "And what I feel...John...can I just tell you the truth? John I love you more than anything else. And I want to make love with you again. Right now. Right here. I could care less if we were on the floor or the couch. We could do it on the coffee table. I just want you, John." Exactly what I was afraid of. She felt the same as me. She sat her mug down and moved in closer to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into her. "John." She breathed my name once as we kissed softly again and last night repeated itself. All over again.