Title: Corner Pocket: Friday Author: PegE Email address: Feedback to mmo520@yahoo.com Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Doggett/Reyes Warnings: M/F consensual sex, and, yes, spanking. If you're squeamish or underage, scram! Spoilers: nope Status: Complete Date: 5/10/02 Archive: Sure, just let me know where Series/Sequel: 1/3 Other Website: Summary: DRR. Monica loses a bet, but she doesn't really seem to mind. (It's smut. Just read it.) Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine, and I'm not making any money off this, so don't bother to sue me. Notes: It had started out as a beer after work, a chance for friends and co- workers to blow off steam, bitch about the boss and shoot a little pool. Then it turned into a weekly ritual that neither John Doggett nor Monica Reyes was willing to relinquish. Not that Monica was much of a pool player; she could tell one end of the stick from the other and she managed to remember whether she was solids or stripes. The rest she left up to Fate. Which meant Doggett routinely wiped up the floor - or, more accurately, table - with her. But the music was good and the beer was cold and Doggett's eyes got bluer with every passing Friday night. One Friday, a last-minute meeting with A.D. Skinner meant she had to skip lunch, and she and Doggett never actually got around to ordering food during their weekly competitions; they just drank and grumbled and shot pool. Three beers later, she was more than a little light-headed. She realized it when she turned back to the table to watch Doggett line up yet another shot and felt the room - not spin, really, but kind of shift, the way time seemed to in all of Mulder's case files - as her partner did the unthinkable. He missed. ``Oh my God! It's my turn!`` she squealed, and Doggett just shook his head and cursed under his breath. She made a show of surveying the table, which didn't fool either of them. She knelt and studied angles and scrutinized lines of attack until Doggett couldn't take it anymore. ``Just take the shot, Monica.`` She was feeling cocky. ``What's the matter, G-man? Did you just figure out you're going to lose?`` He started to laugh, then stopped and studied her face for several seconds. A definite twinkle appeared in his eye and one corner of his mouth crooked up. ``All right. Let's get serious. I'll bet you you blow this shot. Name the stakes.`` ``Puh-leeze!`` Monica snorted. Then she reconsidered. ``You first.`` Doggett studied her for another minute. ``I'll dance with you.`` Every week, she suggested they dance and every week, he refused. She never really expected him to say yes; she just liked to watch the tips of his ears turn red. ``Your turn, Mon.`` ``Well, if you're willing to make that kind of sacrifice....`` she tried to consider her options, but the thought of dancing with her partner made her even dizzier. What if it was a slow song? ``Anything you want.`` ``Anything?`` Doggett quirked an eyebrow. ``You blow this shot and you'll do *anything*, Monica? That could be dangerous, y'know.`` Monica could never turn down a dare, spoken or unspoken. ``Anything, John. I'm feeling lucky.`` She figured she'd spend the weekend detailing his truck, but she'd spent worse Saturdays. ``Fair enough,`` Doggett said and held out his hand to shake on the bet. Monica took it and gasped when Doggett pulled her into a slow kiss. His mouth was warm, then grew hot as the kiss deepened; Monica sighed when he parted her lips with his tongue and melted as the kiss segued into a second kiss and then a third. He drew away and she almost whimpered until she felt his warm fingers stroking her mouth. He winked at her. ``Call it.`` Shaking inside, she turned back to survey the table again. There was her shot, just waiting for her. Dancing, hell, she thought. ``Six in the corner pocket.`` She lined it up and bent to take the shot; just as she released the cue, a waitress dropped a tray loaded with beer bottles and Monica flinched, sending the ball into mid-air and off the side of the table. She and Doggett watched, bemused, as it skidded under the jukebox in the corner. She looked back at him, only slightly intimidated by the renewed twinkle. She should demand a do-over. She started to speak up when he looked her right in the eyes and the intensity of his gaze left her speechless. ``You,`` he said, and smiled. She just looked at him, uncomprehending. His grin deepened. ``You said you'd do anything I wanted. I want you. At my house. In my bed, or wherever else I choose to have you. For the weekend.`` Monica felt her face grow hot and wondered how many shades of red she was turning. She started to protest, then swallowed, hard. She really didn't want to argue; she just wanted some clarification. ``Have me?`` She hoped her voice didn't sound as squeaky to Doggett as it did to her. ``For this weekend - all weekend, Monica - you belong to me. You know I want you. I always have. And that kiss told me you feel the same. So, Mon. You going to welsh?`` He must have expected her to refuse, because he had the good grace to look surprised when she shook her head. Doggett grinned wickedly and then leaned forward to claim her mouth again. When the kiss ended, she was breathless and trembling. He smiled tenderly. ``Let's get some dinner, gorgeous; then I'm taking you home.`` He took her hand and led her to a booth. Moments later, a waitress appeared - the same woman who'd dropped the tray earlier - to take their order. Monica knew she'd eaten something, but as she and Doggett headed to her SUV, she couldn't, for the life of her, remember what. She had driven because Doggett's truck was being fitted with new tires. He took the keys from her, unlocked the passenger door and held it opened while she climbed in. Minutes later, he was climbing in the driver's side. He helped her fasten her seatbelt, reaching up to caress her cheek. Then he buckled himself in before starting the engine. As they were pulling off the parking lot, Doggett reached over and took her hand, pressing it to his lips. He spent the rest of the drive kissing and suckling her fingertips, letting his tongue slide to her palm, then back again. Monica closed her eyes at the erotic sensation. When she opened them again, they were pulling into Doggett's driveway. He helped her out of the SUV and kept his arm around her as they walked to the door. Monica hoped he couldn't feel her trembling as he unlocked the front door. He reached inside to flip on the lights and they stepped into the foyer. ``Let me take your coat, sweetheart,`` Doggett said, and drew the tan leather trenchcoat off her shoulders. Seconds later, he was hanging up his own coat, then he turned back to Monica and took her hand, leading her into the living room. She looked everywhere but at him as he led her to the couch. She hadn't spent much time at Doggett's place. He always wound up at her apartment. The house was comfortable and well furnished in a low-key, masculine way. A few photographs hung on the walls and the shelves were packed with books. Mostly non- fiction, she noted. She perched on the edge of the sofa, suddenly too shy to relax back into the cushions, even though she'd been dreaming about this moment for as long as she'd known him. Doggett smiled and knelt in front of her, leaning forward to kiss her softly. As she relaxed, he slipped one arm around her waist and the other hand traveled to the back of her neck. He stroked her collar line as they shared more kisses and Monica sighed at the delicate touch of his fingertips on that sensitive spot. Finally, Doggett drew away. ``Why are you here?`` he asked. If she answered that she'd lost the bet, he would send her home, he had already decided. Monica didn't know what to say at first. Finally, she blurted out the truth. ``Because I want you.`` Doggett grinned. ``Good answer.`` Then he pulled her into another kiss. Long minutes later, he was laying her back on the couch. They kept kissing hungrily and Monica sighed and shifted under Doggett's wandering hands. When his lips brushed her throat, she moaned and he began tracing the V of her collar with his tongue. He lifted his hands to lightly caress her breasts through her silk blouse and she groaned again when he sought out one nipple and began teasing it to a rigid point with his fingertips. Chuckling, he found the other nipple and began stroking it as well. ``Like that? `` he teased, then laughed again at her hissed response. He sat up then, pulling her with him. She stared at him, confused, and his smile was reassuring, then wonderfully wicked. ``Remember our terms, gorgeous?`` She felt her face growing warm, but nodded. ``I want you to undress for me,`` he said, and his voice was almost a purr. ``Slowly, so I can enjoy it.`` Monica was speechless, but she wasn't sure whether it was from fear or embarrassment or the sudden erotic rush his voice gave her. She could feel her nipples growing harder as she considered his demand and felt a wonderful heat building between her legs. Not daring to look at Doggett, she reached down and unzipped both ankle boots, then kicked them off. Next she stripped off her socks. Then she stood and turned to face him. Doggett smiled and leaned back into the cushions. Their eyes met and Monica almost bolted. Then Doggett winked at her and she felt herself relaxing. This was a game they could both enjoy. She eased her suit jacket off her shoulders and dropped it onto a nearby chair. She looked back at Doggett to make sure he was paying attention and then drew her belt off, tossing into the chair with her jacket. Dizzy with the weight of his stare, she unbuttoned the cuffs at her sleeves, then lifted her hands to her collar to begin unfastening the row of pearl buttons down the front of her blouse. Before she got to the second button, Doggett murmured, ``Take your time, gorgeous,`` and she drew a shaky breath. Doggett never took his eyes off her as she undid the long row of buttons. His head was tilted slightly to one side as he studied her, and he smiled when she pulled her blouse loose from the waistband of her slacks so she could undo the last few buttons. Finally, she drew the blouse of completely and let it fall to the floor and his smile deepened. ``Keep going,`` he told her. ``I like what I'm seeing. `` Her mouth was very dry and she licked her lips as she unbuttoned the waistband of her slacks. She slid the zipper down, then stepped delicately out of her slacks, kicking them to the side. Part of her was wishing she'd worn her plain white cottons, or a sports bra and granny panties. But Doggett seemed pleased with the hot pink lace bra and matching bikini panties she wore as she stood before him. She could feel his stare as he looked her over and she noted with a small, rebellious surge of triumph the obvious bulge in his trousers. ``Very pretty,`` he said. ``Please, continue.`` He sounded so pleased with himself that she couldn't help but laugh and he winked at her again. Her hands trembled slightly as she reached back to unfasten her bra and then slide it forward off her shoulders. She let Doggett stare for a few minutes at her bare breasts, then her hands slid to the waistband of her panties. Doggett interrupted. ``Turn around for me, sweetheart.`` Her head snapped up and he grinned at her. ``And take it slow.`` Seething, she turned her back to him. Bastard, she thought. But she bent forward slightly so that her ass was tilted toward him and slowly slid her panties down, doing her best to let him enjoy the view. He whistled at the sight of her bare bottom and she blushed again, glad he couldn't see it. She turned, slowly, back to face him and had to close her eyes as he ogled her for several minutes. Her nipples were painfully hard and she had grown very wet. Finally Doggett gestured at her to approach. ``Come here,`` he said, and she walked to where he sat on the couch. He pulled her down so that she sat astride him, her hands resting on his shoulders. She couldn't resist when he drew her into a kiss and she sighed when his hands wandered to rest on her bare bottom. He fondled her as they continued kissing and she whimpered when his mouth left hers. He reached up to caress her face, forcing her to meet his gaze. ``Do I need to tell you how beautiful you are, or how much time I waste at the office staring at you when you aren't paying attention?`` His gaze slid to her breasts and she gasped when he began outlining her breasts with the tips of two fingers. He spent several minutes tracing a path around her breasts and along the cleft between them with his fingertips, then his hands slid up to cover each breast and Monica sighed at the contact. He touched her lightly for several seconds, then began fondling her in earnest, cupping and squeezing her breasts. Finally, he began playing with her nipples, tweaking them gently, then pinching them until Monica squealed with pleasure and protest. He laughed and bent forward to take one, then the other into his mouth and Monica arched her back at the shock of pleasure his mouth brought her. He tongued her nipples for several minutes and his hands slid back to play with her bare bottom. At one point, he was gently biting her nipple as he pinched her bottom and she moaned and wriggled at the combination. He laughed and slapped her bottom. When she gasped, he spanked her again, chuckling. ``We'll try some more of that later, gorgeous,`` he murmured, his lips brushing her temple. ``Right now, I have other plans.`` He stretched out on the couch, pulling her with him until her body was centered over his mouth. Then he grasped her hips and pulled her down to his mouth. She almost screamed when his tongue lightly flicked her clit and seconds later, he was sucking her greedily and she was rocking her hips in rhythm with his teasing tongue. She could feel the rush of pleasure building in her center as he tongued her and she began chanting, ``Yes!`` as the heat overtook her. She cried out wordlessly as she came, bucking against him as he began sliding his tongue into her hot, wet pussy. She was almost sobbing as her climax eased and she looked down to find Doggett staring back at her, his eyes never leaving her face. When she could breathe again, he eased out from under her, then pulled her down against his chest. They held each other tight for several minutes. Monica burrowed into him as he stroked her hair and whispered, ``You're so beautiful`` over and over. When she could look at him again, he winked at her. ``Now do you understand what I want? `` She could only laugh in response, and he hugged her hard. ``C'mon, gorgeous,`` he said finally. ``Let's go to bed.`` They rose together and he led her up the stairs to his bedroom. When the reached the door, Doggett looked back at her and she reveled in the way his eyes wandered leisurely over her body. She had been completely aroused by the way he'd watched her undress and she loved the way he looked at her now. He led her to the bed, then bent to pull the covers down. He planted a lingering kiss on her willing mouth, easing her back to the mattress. When the kiss ended, he smiled at her. ``Your turn to watch, Mon.`` Then he stood and kicked off his shoes and socks. He had taken his jacket off before they'd entered the bar, and now he loosened his tie and pulled it free, then let it drop to the floor. Monica watched appreciatively as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and eased it off his shoulders. He pulled off his T-shirt and then stood still to let her look at him. ``Very nice,`` she told him, and he grinned. He unbuckled his belt, then unfastened the waistband of his pants and drew the zipper down carefully over his erection. Finally, he stepped out of his trousers. She could see his cock straining through the silk boxers he wore and smiled. ``Don't stop now,`` she told him. ``This is just getting interesting.`` He laughed and eased his boxers down until they slid to the floor. Then he slowly turned around for her, letting her look at him. He was beautiful, she thought, all muscle and bone and sinew. Almost a little too thin, but she knew she could fatten him up, given half a chance. His stomach was flat and his cock was firm and her eyes wandered to it. She held out her hand to him and said, "C'mere, John. `` He grinned and joined her on the bed. When he stretched out next to her, she leaned over and kissed him. Monica was shy at first, then grew bolder as he responded eagerly. She explored his mouth, tasting his tongue and lips, then dropped a series of kisses over his throat and shoulders. She slid down next to him so she could comfortably kiss and caress his chest, letting her hands wander over his satiny skin as he sighed contentedly. She teased his nipples with her fingertips, and then began licking them until he groaned. She chuckled and let her mouth wander down his stomach until she reached his navel. She outlined it with the tip of her tongue, then traced a path to his hipbone. She outlined the ridge with her mouth and fingertips, and then trailed her hands along his thighs, stroking them until he opened completely to her. She stretched out between his legs and kissed the length of one leg, then the other from his hip to his toes and then back up his thigh to his groin. Finally, she bent and ran her tongue along the length of his cock. Doggett groaned again and she grinned as she felt his hips thrust toward her mouth. She slipped one hand up to gently fondle his balls as her tongue began a leisurely tour of his cock. Finally he hissed, ``Enough! I want to be inside you.`` and she rose to mount him. He thrust into her hard and she cried out, then leaned forward to begin kissing him. ``You feel so good,`` he breathed against her mouth and she began slowly rocking her hips back and forth, enjoying the way he filled her so completely. She kissed him again, teasing his tongue with hers, as she rocked a little faster. She squeezed his cock with her internal muscles and he cried out, ``Jesus!`` and Monica whispered, ``Like that, handsome?`` and did it again until he groaned in frustration and flipped her over so that she lay under him. He spread her legs roughly, pinning them back against her shoulders, and began thrusting into her until she cried out. He pumped harder and felt Monica explode underneath him. He held out as long as he could, then gave into his own orgasm, screaming Monica's name as he came. Neither of them moved for several minutes, then John shifted, easing his weight off Monica as he gently withdrew. ``You're amazing,`` he said, and kissed her slowly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into another kiss, not letting him go until they were both breathless. Minutes later, she was curled against him, her head resting on his shoulder, his hand resting on her hip. She couldn't resist stroking his chest and he couldn't seem to stop his hand from curling into her hair. ``I'm glad I'm here, John,`` she said softly and stretched to kiss him. Doggett returned the kiss enthusiastically. ``So am I, sweetheart,`` he said. ``Don't expect me to let you go anytime soon.`` She smiled at his possessive tone. ``Promise?`` He laughed and hugged her. ``Cross my heart.`` Then he reached over and switched off the bedside lamp before pulling her even closer. They nestled in the soft darkness and soon Monica felt him slip off to sleep. She listened to his regular breathing and the beat of his heart until she, too, let her eyes drift shut. Finally, she thought, and then she was asleep.