Title: Corner Pocket: Saturday Author/pseudonym: PegE Email address: Feedback (pleeeeeez) to mmo520@yahoo.com Rating: NC17 Pairings: Doggett/Reyes Warnings: Consensual M/F sex. Mild S/D themes. If you're underage, go `way. Spoilers: Nope Status: Complete Date: Archive: Take me, I'm yours. Just tell me where we're going. Series/Sequel: 2/3 (Sequel to "Corner Pocket: Friday") Other website: Summary: DRR. Reyes loses a bet, but she doesn't seem to mind. Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me...yadda yadda yadda.... Notes: John Doggett opened the bedroom door as quietly as he could and carried the breakfast tray to the nightstand. He set the tray down, then sat at the edge of the bed to watch Monica Reyes sleep. She lay on her side with her arms wrapped around his pillow and she had managed to kick most of the covers off. Doggett watched her breathe and thought, even in her sleep, she shines. He stretched out next to her and slipped on arm around her waist to draw her closer. Monica stirred, but didn't wake up and Doggett grinned. He'd just have to kiss her awake, he thought, and brushed his lips over her bare shoulder. He spent the next several minutes kissing her throat and shoulder, smiling as Monica sighed in her sleep and snuggled closer to him. He began dropping the softest kisses over her forehead and cheeks and finally her eyes fluttered open. He felt her tense for a second when her eyes focused on him, then she relaxed and smiled. ``Good morning,`` she said, her voice still husky with sleep. ``Hey, gorgeous,`` he responded, and planted a kiss on the tip of her nose. ``Looks like you slept well.`` She grinned. ``You wore me out, John. I earned my rest.`` He grinned back. ``Well it's a good thing you got it, `cause you're going to need it. But first, breakfast. I'm not much of a cook, so I hope you like bagels.`` ``Perfect,`` Monica replied and kissed him lightly. ``Thank you, John.`` He knew she didn't just mean for the bagels and kissed her back. ``Any time, sweetheart.`` The bagels and orange juice didn't last long. Monica brushed a crumb from the corner of her mouth and said wryly, ``I think I need a shower.`` ``Want some company?`` Doggett asked and wiggled his eyebrows. She laughed. ``C'mon. I'll let you wash my back.`` ``You'll *let* me wash your back?`` Doggett said, pulling her out of bed and toward the master bathroom. ``Are you forgetting you lost that bet, Mon?`` ``Mmm,`` she said, pretending to consider. ``Funny, I don't feel like a loser.`` Then she kissed him. Minutes later, they were standing under the warm spray of the shower, still kissing. They drew apart reluctantly to catch their breath, and Doggett let his eyes wander over Monica again. He loved the way the water ran over her body and the way the droplets clustered on her breasts and belly. Monica raised an eyebrow at him. ``Are you just going to stare at me all morning, blue eyes? You are allowed to touch, you know.`` Doggett grinned. ``Oh, good,`` he said, and leaned forward to kiss her. Seconds later, he was pressing her back into the shower wall as he licked her lips apart. He spent several sweet minutes exploring her mouth as his hands wandered over her flank before reaching her breasts. He gently rubbed both nipples between his fingertips until she groaned. ``Is that the way you want me touch you, Monica?`` He pinched one nipple gently, then the other, and she gasped, ``Yes!`` Doggett was hard as a rock and the feel of his cock brushing her hip made Monica weak. She rubbed gently against him and he grinned. ``Right here? Right now?`` ``Oh, yeah,`` she breathed, and reached for the frame of the shower door. Doggett kissed her hard, his hands sliding to cup her ass as he lifted her. She opened herself to him immediately, wrapping her legs around his waist as he thrust into her. He kept her pinned to the wall with the weight of his body, bending his head to kiss her breasts. He could feel her trying to keep her hips still and waited to feel her squeeze his cock again, the way she had teased him the night before. He wanted her to beg for it, he decided, and lifted her even higher so that he sank deeper into her. Finally she whimpered his name and he could feel her hips starting to rock. He pinched her bottom hard until she held still. ``Not until you ask for it, gorgeous,`` he said, and began squeezing and fondling the cheeks of her ass. ``Not until you say please. Until then, you don't move. You just stand there and get fucked.`` He kissed her again, forcing her mouth open as his hands kept teasing her ass. Monica held out until she was ready to scream. ``Please, John,`` she whimpered, and started to thrust toward him, but stopped instantly when he smacked her bottom again. ``Please what?`` He pinched the other cheek and she cried out. ``Please fuck me,`` she begged. ``Please, John. I want it so bad. I need to feel you fucking me, John. Please.`` He pinched her again, then began slowly thrusting in and out, burying his cock in her, then withdrawing almost completely. Soon she was working her hips frantically to keep up with him. ``Is this what you want?`` he demanded, watching the flush building in her cheeks and across her breasts. She was going to come any second, and he wanted to see it. ``God, yes!`` Her nails were digging into his back and he thrust hard into her until she screamed and writhed urgently against him. He waited until he felt the tension begin to ease, then he thrust once more and let himself explode into her. Monica cried out again as she felt his warmth flooding into her. She wanted every drop of his cum inside her, and she wondered how soon she'd get to take him into her mouth again. She wanted to taste him the way he'd tasted her last night. Doggett eased out of her gently, holding her tight until she had her footing on the slick shower floor. ``I love the way you blush when you come,`` he told her, and chuckled as her cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink. ``And I really love the way you say please.`` He kissed her again, slow and gentle this time, and she melted against him. When the kiss ended, he picked up the bar of soap. ``We'd better get this done before we run out of hot water,`` he said and winked at her. His hands were warm and gentle and sure as he soaped her and Monica sighed, enjoying the attention he lavished on her. She turned and he lazily washed her back with one hand as he dropped a series of feathery kisses along her shoulders and neck. He knelt and kissed the still-tender spots on her ass where he'd pinched her and lovingly lathered her bottom and thighs, working his hands down to her calves and ankles. After he rinsed her clean, he rose again, and she turned to kiss him. Then she took the soap from him and returned the favor, letting her hands wander over his arms and chest. She soaped his firm, flat stomach and strong thighs, then began gently stroking his cock and balls with soapy hands. He groaned and she laughed and stroked him less gently, rubbing her thumb firmly over the tip of his cock. ``God, woman, are you trying to kill me?`` he joked. She grinned. ``You'll die happy,`` she said and gave his balls a firm squeeze. He was half-erect again when they stepped out of the shower to towel dry. They got most of the water mopped up when Monica took his hand and led him back to the bedroom. ``This way, blue eyes,`` she told him firmly and Doggett followed willingly. Monica gave him a playful shove and he fell back on the mattress, laughing. Then she was stretched out over him, covering his face and throat with kisses. He kept chuckling as she stroked and kissed his bare chest and the chuckles gave way to moans when she fastened hungrily on one nipple as she teased the other with her fingertips. She alternated between his two nipples for several minutes, then let the fingers of one hand trail down his belly to his now fully erect cock. She closed her fingers around his shaft and he groaned when she gave it a gentle squeeze. Still holding it tight, she began rubbing her thumb around the tip again, feeling the drop of cum there. She stroked the sensitive area just beneath the head and chuckled when Doggett gasped. ``Want to feel my tongue there?`` she asked, rubbing again. Then she reached to cup his balls, squeezing them gently. ``And here?`` He hissed and she laughed, then slid down to take him into her mouth. She could feel him shaking his head in disbelief as she sucked him hungrily. She wanted him to feel as helplessly aroused as she had when he'd teased her in the shower. No man had ever made her beg before; she was shocked by how much she'd enjoyed being so thoroughly teased and spanked. She ran her tongue up and down the length of his cock, then let it dip to his balls. She tongued them thoroughly as she gently squeezed the tip of his cock and he spread his legs wide apart to give her full access. She blew gently across the tip of his cock and laughed when groaned and jerked his hips toward her mouth. When he raised his hips again, she slipped on hand under him and began stroking the crack of his ass with one fingertip. Then she slipped her finger just inside his opening and he cried out, shocked at the intrusion, and tried to wriggle away. But Monica pinned his hips with the weight of her body and took his cock into her mouth again. When he tried to jerk away, she let him feel the slightest pressure of her teeth on the tip of his cock. Doggett got the message and held still. ``What are you trying to do me?`` he groaned, and almost sobbed as she began tonguing the head of his cock again. She slid her finger deeper into him and he tensed, then relaxed as she began pumping it in and out. The dual sensation of her mouth and finger was more than he could stand, and soon he was coming again, shouting wordlessly as he thrust into her willing mouth. Monica swallowed every drop of him, then licked him clean. She loved his taste and his scent and she would devour him again in a heartbeat, if she thought he'd let her get away with it. She rested her head against his stomach as they both caught their breath. She listened to Doggett pant and grinned, wondering what sort of payback he would dream up. Maybe he'd spank her again, she thought dreamily. Maybe he'd tie her up. Maybe he'd even make her beg again. She felt herself growing wet and weak at the thought and her smile deepened. Maybe he'd do all three. When Doggett could speak again, he issued a warning. ``You're going to pay for that,`` he said and Monica laughed out loud at the hoarseness in his voice. She sat up, then leaned forward to kiss him, letting her breasts brush him teasingly. ``Pretty big talk for a man who can hardly move,`` she challenged him, then kissed him again. He relaxed and let her explore his mouth, finally reaching up to pull her closer. When her tongue brushed his invitingly, he rolled her over onto her back and kissed her more deeply. Monica let herself melt as his kisses continued. When he finally pulled away, their eyes met, and she smiled at the tenderness in his expression. He lifted her hand to his lips and she leaned forward and kissed his chest, just above his heart. He pulled her with him as he relaxed back into the pillows, and she turned to snuggle against him. He sounded very sleep when he asked, ``Any thoughts on how I should pay you back for that last stunt?`` She smiled. ``Surprise me,`` she said. ``But first, I think you'd better get some sleep. You're going to need your rest.'' He pinched her for that and she chuckled. ``We both will,`` he promised. Monica woke up hours later, sensing Doggett moving around the bed. She opened her eyes to find him kneeling at the foot of the bed. It took her several seconds to realize she couldn't move her arms and, as she felt something tighten around her left ankle, she realized she couldn't move her legs either. Glancing up toward the headboard, she saw she was bound: Leather cuffs held her wrists and ankles tight as she lay spread-eagle on Doggett's bed. She glanced down at him and he grinned. ``I told you you'd pay for that last stunt,`` he said, and winked. He was dressed 7 in jeans and a gray USMC T-shirt. ``It's time you remembered who's in charge here. Remember that bet, gorgeous? You did say anything. I need to run a few errands, but first I want to make sure you'll give me a warm welcome when I come home.`` Doggett reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a black silk scarf. He folded into a neat rectangle, then slipped it over Monica's eyes, tying the ends in a small knot behind her head. He adjusted the knot so her head could rest comfortably on the pillow. ``John,`` she said, warningly. ``What do you think you're doing?`` She tried to put some steel in her voice, going for that ``Freeze! Federal officer!`` mode she'd learned at Quantico, but the tremor in her voice gave her away. She heard Doggett chuckle. ``I'm going to give you something to think about while I'm gone,`` he said, and bent forward to kiss her. His lips were soft and warm on hers, growing harder as the kiss went on. He kept kissing her as he began fondling her breasts. She groaned under him and tried to lift her body closer to his touch, but he laughed and pulled away until she relaxed back into the mattress. Then he resumed kissing and caressing her. She sighed when his mouth finally moved to her breasts. Then he toyed with her nipples as he licked the valley between her breasts. She lifted her hips to brush against him, and he pulled away again. ``Lie still,`` he ordered her, and smacked her bottom. ``I'll tell you when you can move.'' She complied instantly, but bit her lip as her hips eased back to the mattress. He was driving her crazy and he knew it. Seconds later, he was touching her again, his fingers tracing the veins on her breasts, then dipping to her cleavage. Finally he began running his fingertips from the base of her breasts down her stomach to her mound. His touch tickled slightly and Monica tried not to laugh, but she couldn't contain herself. He smiled and repeated the motion several times until she was laughing out loud, overjoyed at his teasing. ``Like that, gorgeous?`` he asked, sounding extraordinarily pleased with himself. ``God, yes, John. You feel so good.`` She was breathless and aroused beyond words. She loved being teased and played with like this. She would have liked to see his face as he toyed with her, but she was more excited by her helplessness. Every now and then, she tugged an arm or leg to test the strength of her bonds and was reassured that she couldn't escape. Doggett saw the tests and smiled. He wanted her to enjoy this as much as he was. He remembered the look on her face when he'd ordered her to undress for him Friday night; she had been caught halfway between fear and arousal. And he could still picture her turning slowly away from him so he could watch her slide her panties off over her perfect bottom. Now he traced the outline of her navel several times, then began stroking the dark tangle of hair between her legs. He reached up to grab a pillow, then slid it under her hips so that she was angled more openly toward him. He traced the lips of her pussy with one fingertip and she groaned, forcing herself to remain still. ``Good girl,`` he said, and leaned forward to kiss her thigh. She gasped and he bent further and immediately began tonguing her clit. Monica cried out, shocked at the sensation, and couldn't keep from lifting her hips to his mouth. But instead of spanking her again, he cupped the cheeks of her ass and lifted her higher so that he could lick her more forcefully. He tongued her until she was writhing and breathing hard. And just as she was a heartbeat from coming, he pulled away and let her go. Monica collapsed, panting with frustration as she felt him get up off the bed. ``What? What are you doing to me, you bastard? Get back here! `` Doggett laughed at her flushed cheeks and grinding hips. ``I told you I have to run a few errands. I should be back in an hour so. If do exactly as you're told and you ask very nicely for your orgasm, I might even finish what I started.`` He leaned forward and kissed her hard, forcing his tongue into her mouth. As the kiss continued, he slipped one hand between her legs and tweaked her swollen, sensitive clit until she cried out. When he pulled his hand away, she groaned. ``While I'm gone, I want you to think about all the things you're going to do for me when I get back, gorgeous. You're going to be very busy this afternoon and this evening. If I decide to let you come, you're going to earn it.`` She felt him stand up and, seconds later, heard him pull the bedroom door shut behind him. She heard his footsteps recede down the stairs and she began pulling wildly at her bonds, writhing in frustration. She was on fire for him; her clit and nipples ached for his hands and mouth, and she couldn't even touch herself to relieve her frustration. Her legs were spread far enough apart that she couldn't close her thighs. All she could do was lie there in the dark and want him. ``Goddamn you, John Doggett!`` she said out loud. Doggett was grinning when he started Monica's SUV and pulled out of his driveway. She had looked absolutely delectable, bound and blindfolded on his bed, but absence makes the heart grow fonder, he thought, and began plotting the rest of his revenge. Monica was going to love it. He got back two hours later. He had three bags, two from an exclusive lingerie shop in Georgetown, and the third from the supermarket around the corner. His kitchen was well stocked for bachelor's meals, but not for the kind of evening he had planned. None of his purchases were especially exotic: A black satin halter dress with a skirt that ended several inches above the knee, a pair of open-toed pumps with stiletto heels, bikini panties in sheer black lace and thigh-high stockings to match were in the bags from the lingerie shop. The supermarket bag held strawberries and whipped cream, of course, gourmet coffee, chocolate sauce and vanilla ice cream. He had enough real food in the pantry and the fridge to last another week. But dessert was the best part of any meal. He put the groceries away, hung up his jacket, remembering to put Monica's keys in the pocket, and carried the bags from the lingerie shop upstairs. ``Hi honey; I'm home,`` he called cheerfully. Monica was awake, as he'd expected, and she looked mad as hell. And very, very ready for him. Her nipples were still swollen and full and her pussy was slick with wetness. He wondered what sorts of things she'd been imagining. ``John, untie me right now,`` Monica said and he grinned at the fury in her voice. Her wrists looked red and chafed and he knew she had tried to break free. He should have warned her the cuffs were practically escape-proof. ``Oh, I don't think so, sweetheart. You look so pretty there that I think I should just admire you for a while.`` He set the bags from the lingerie shop on the dresser and came to sit on the edge of the bed. Monica tensed as she felt him settle beside her. The rustle of the bags made her even more nervous. ``What was that?`` She'd gotten very close to panicking at one point, though she'd talked herself out of it; she knew Doggett would never hurt her. But she was starting to wonder if a woman could die from frustration. ``I picked up a few little things while I was out,`` Doggett said, turning toward her so he could study her. ``You really do look delicious right now. Absolutely edible. I'd like to think I could spend the rest of the day just ogling you, but I'm going to have to touch you at some point. I can't keep my hands off you all day. But right now, you look so hot, Monica, bound and helpless and naked, just waiting to played with. Your nipples are so red and full they look like berries, sweet, ripe, red berries. And I can see how wet you are for me from here, gorgeous. I'm going to take a closer look soon so I can see how hot your pussy really is, and I'm going to taste you. But first, you're going to tell me what you've been thinking about that's made you so wet for me.`` Monica felt her face grow hot and found herself shaking her head at his demand. She couldn't possibly tell him the sorts of things she'd been dreaming about. She heard the nightstand drawer slide open and knew he'd pulled something out. ``I'm holding a black plastic paddle. Do you want me to use it on you? On your thighs and breasts and bottom?`` He smacked the paddle against the palm of his hand for effect. She shook her head again, horrified. ``Please, no!`` ``Then tell me everything you've been imagining while I've been gone. And don't hold anything back, Monica, because I'll know and I'll punish you.`` She licked her lips; her mouth was suddenly very dry and she realized she was almost panting for him. ``I've been imagining you touching me.`` Her voice was barely audible. He pinched her thigh and she flinched. Then he began stroking her lightly, trailing his fingertips along each thigh. ``Tell me everything. Tell me exactly what you've been fantasizing about.'' The combination of his rough-timbred voice and feather-light touch stole Monica's breath. When she could she could speak, the words tumbled out. ``We're at the office, working late. There's a report we have to get to Kersh's desk before he comes in the morning. We've just finished it and you go to the printer to pick it up while I'm packing up all the files.'' Doggett stroked the tender spot behind her knee and she shivered, feeling herself growing even hotter. ``Go on,`` he encouraged her. She took another breath and found she felt more confident. His touch had become reassuring. ``I've been...aware...of you all day. Every time I look up, you're watching me, and I can't figure out what's going through your mind. While I'm putting the files away, I'm wondering what's wrong, if I've done something to offend you. I don't hear you come back, but you sneak up behind me and slip your arms around me. I'm so surprised, I almost drop the files. I try turn around to face you, but you won't let me; you just hold me so tight and then begin kissing the back of my neck. It feels so good, and I've wanted you for so long that I just relax against you. You keep kissing my neck and then you reach up and start unbuttoning my blouse with one hand. Neither of us says a word, but I help you get my blouse off and unfasten my bra. You keep kissing me as you start touching my breasts with both hands. I can't keep still and I start rubbing my hips against you. I can feel you getting harder for me and you reach down and unfasten my pants. I pull them down, and my panties, and you push me forward over the desk and unfasten your pants.'' One hand had moved to her stomach and he stroked her pubic hair lightly. Monica groaned and lifted her hips toward him and he chuckled. ``Soon, gorgeous. But first tell me the rest of your fantasy. I bend you over the desk...`` ``And you force my legs apart with your knee. When I'm spread wide open, you slide inside me, and you feel so good that I start moving immediately; I want to feel you fucking me so badly. But you spank me and whisper to me hold still and scoot up farther on the desk. I do as you say and you lift me up so my knees are on the desk, and then I'm on all fours and you start fucking me, hard. I'm almost ready to scream when you start playing with my clit, and then I am screaming, because I'm coming, and the files start falling off the desk and the papers are going everywhere, but I can't keep still; you feel so good. Then you put your hand over my mouth to keep me quiet and lift me a little higher so you're even deeper inside me and I come again, and I'm biting my lip to keep quiet. When I'm through coming, you pull out and tell me to turn around. I'm on my knees and you pull my head down to your cock and tell me to finish you. I take you in my mouth and you keep one hand on the back of my head, forcing me to take you deeper while you start thrusting, like you're fucking my mouth, and you taste so good and it makes me even hotter that you're just holding me there. I just want to make you come; I want to taste you. And finally you do come, and I swallow every drop, and then you let me lick your cock and balls clean. Then you get dressed and tell me to pick up the files and drive to your place when I'm done so we can finish what we've started. And then you leave me.`` He was tracing the lips of her pussy with one fingertip now, and she rocked her hips shamelessly toward his teasing hand. ``I don't take you into Kersh's office and do you right there on his desk? I must be having an off night.`` His fingers brushed tantalizingly near her clit and she groaned and tried to wriggle closer. ``What do you want now, Monica?`` ``I want to come,`` she begged. ``Please, John; this is torture. Please let me come!`` He was making her beg again, just as she'd fantasized. ``Mm. And what's in it for me, gorgeous? You get an orgasm. What do I get?`` He slid one finger up into her and began drawing it slowly in and out. After a few strokes, he slid a second finger into her hot, wet opening. ``I'll do anything you want. Anything. Just please let me come.`` She was ready to cry with frustration as he finger-fucked her with maddening slowness. She wanted to feel him slamming into her, feel him crushing her with the weight of his body. ``But you already promised you'd do anything I wanted, remember? That was our bet. If you won, I was going to dance with you. And if I won, you'd do anything I asked. That's why you're here.`` His thumb brushed her clit and she cried out, so close to coming she could feel her muscles tightening. So close, and yet... He pulled his hand away to pinch her bottom and grinned when she almost growled at him. ``So, this is what I want: I'm going to untie you, and you're going to take the bags that are on the dresser and go into the bathroom. Put on everything that's in the bags and come downstairs to the living room. I'll be waiting for you.`` He unfastened the cuffs that held her ankles, then quickly moved to free her wrists. When he had unfastened the last cuff, he issued one last command. ``And the longer it takes you to get ready, the longer I'm going to make you beg, gorgeous, so get that pretty ass in gear. I want to enjoy you now.`` He pinched her bottom again and left. Monica pulled the blindfold off immediately and stretched for several seconds. She was slightly stiff from being bound for so long. She would have liked another shower, but Doggett's threat had sounded sincere, so she found the bags and hurried into the bathroom. He must have snuck a look at the size tags in her clothes as she'd slept, because everything fit perfectly. Monica looked at her reflection and raised one eyebrow. The dress was backless, of course, and the halter-top dipped in a deep V that left little to the imagination. The skirt was very short, ending several inches above her knees and only and inch or so below the tops of her stockings. The heels were high enough to force her hips forward as she walked, and she could only hope that she wouldn't fall while trying to navigate the stairs. That would put a damper on things, she thought wryly. But she had to admit she looked good; Doggett had great taste in slut-wear. Who knew? Monica had figured him for the silk teddy type. And she certainly hadn't counted on the leather cuffs. She smiled. She loved surprises. Doggett was sitting in the big leather club chair when she reached the living room. He had dimmed the lights and she could hear Latin jazz on the stereo. A fire crackled in the fireplace, and a large quilt and several cushions were spread out in front of it. She noticed two bowls on a table next to the chair: The larger one was filled with strawberries and the smaller one held whipped cream. This was going to be so good, she thought, and looked at him expectantly. He grinned at her. ``You clean up good, Agent Reyes. Turn around once for me so I can get a better look.`` She turned slowly for him, putting a little wiggle in her hips and smiled when he whistled appreciatively. ``Very nice, gorgeous. Now, come here and sit on my lap.`` She curled up on his lap, legs tucked under. He smiled. ``Give us a kiss, sweetheart.`` His hungry response to her almost-shy kiss took Monica's breath away. Soon he was ravishing her mouth, nibbling and licking her lips, then kissing her until they were both gasping for air. Their kisses continued for what felt like hours until Doggett finally drew away, breathless. She could feel his erection and knew he was just as aroused as she was. He reached for a strawberry and dipped it into the whipped cream before holding it to her lips. She took a bite and before she swallowed, he pulled her into a kiss. He licked the juice and the traces of whipped cream from her lips, then fed her the rest of the strawberry. He picked up a second strawberry, took a bite, and traced the remainder along her cleavage. He fed her the rest of the berry, and bent forward to lick the trail of juice from her skin. She groaned at the warmth of his tongue and bent to kiss him when he finished. ``God, I can't wait much longer,`` he murmured, pulling her into another kiss. ``I've never wanted a woman so much in my life, Monica Reyes.`` ``Well, you've got me, John Doggett. I'm all yours,`` she promised, and kissed him again. Before the kiss ended, he'd slid one hand to the back of her neck to unfasten the button that held the halter top up. The fabric slipped forward and she was exposed to the waist. Doggett groaned at the sight of her and leaned forward immediately to begin kissing and fondling her breasts. When his mouth closed around her nipple, Monica cried out. ``Not yet, gorgeous,`` he soothed her. ``But soon, I promise. I'm going to make you feel so good.`` He picked another berry from the bowl and held it to her lips. ``Take a bite.`` She complied and he rubbed the half-berry over her nipples, then leaned forward to lick her clean again. ``John, please,`` she begged. She wanted him inside her before she exploded. He smiled and reached around to unfasten the waistband of her dress, and together, they pulled it off. ``Take off your shoes and go lie on the quilt,`` he said, and she hurried to obey. He picked up the two bowls and stretched out next to her. ``These go,`` he said, tugging at her panties and she lifted her hips as he slid them off. Then he stroked the tops of her stockings. ``These stay.'' Then he was kissing her again. Soon he was dropping a series of kisses down her body until he reached her mound. He stroked her thighs apart and immediately slid two fingers up inside her until she groaned and began thrusting her hips toward him. ``Easy, sweetheart. Almost there. You're going to like this, I promise.`` He reached into the bowl and picked up another strawberry and dipped it into the whipped cream. Then he gently slid it up into her before reaching for a second strawberry. When he had placed three berries inside her, he straightened up and began kissing her mouth again, ignoring her whimpers. The berries felt so cold inside her, but they were driving her crazy. As he began kissing and caressing a slow path down her body, she realized exactly how he meant to remove the berries from her pussy and groaned aloud in anticipation. Doggett laughed and leaned forward to kiss her stomach just below her navel. ``I told you you'd like it,`` he murmured, and continued his journey. Monica sighed and opened herself to him, spreading her thighs apart to allow him easy access. She could feel her first orgasm building oh-so-slowly as his fingers began stroking her pubic hair. ``John, I'm going to come,`` she moaned and he grinned. ``About time. What's taken you so long?`` And he flicked one long finger across her swollen clit and laughed as she exploded. ``That's it, sweetheart,`` he crooned, stroking her faster as the orgasm took her over. ``Give it up for me. Show me what you can do. You've been waiting so long for this, haven't you? And it feels so good. And you're going to keep giving it up for me until I've had enough of you, aren't you? You're going to come and come and come for me until I decide you can stop.`` The spasms of pleasure gradually subsided and Monica lay panting as Doggett smiled down at her. Her pussy was still quivering, and she could feel the strawberries just inside her. ``God, John, what are you going to do to me?`` He smiled. ``I've been dreaming of making you crazy with pleasure since you came to D.C. What do you think I'm going to do you, sweetheart? Why do you think I've made you wait so long for this?`` She watched him lick her juices from his fingers and shivered. ``Yummy. I definitely want some more of this.`` Then he shoved her legs wider apart and bent to begin delicately licking her clit. She could barely feel him at first, but he continued to tease her until her clit began to quiver and twitch in response. The hand job had been good, but she wanted more, and soon she was writhing under his hungry mouth. She could feel another orgasm building and groaned when he slid his tongue into her opening. Another thrust and he drew the first strawberry out and chewed it. ``Mmm,`` he said. ``Delicious.`` He bent his head and fastened his mouth on her clit again, tonguing her rapidly until she was exploding with pleasure He waited until he felt her relax, then blew gently across her clit until she sobbed and began rocking her hips in response. Soon he was licking her again and she sighed when she felt his tongue dip inside her again as he drew out the second strawberry. When he had finished it, he bent forward and began suckling her until another orgasm overtook her. Monica was floating when he bent forward to pleasure her again, still dizzy from her previous orgasms. But Doggett wasn't out of tricks just yet. He blew gently across her clit again and she sighed and opened herself to him again. He began kissing her thighs and slid both hands under her to cup her ass. Soon he was stroking the cleft of her ass with one finger as his tongue slid up into her pussy to draw out the last strawberry. Monica half-sobbed as he began gently licking her clit again, not sure she could come again for him. Then she felt the tip of one finger slide up into her ass and she cried out in surprise. Doggett's finger slid deeper into her and it felt so good that she began rocking her hips to bring it deeper still. As she began moving her hips, his lips fastened again on her clit and within seconds she was coming again. Doggett held her tight, his head resting on her stomach, until she stopped trembling. Then he stretched out next to her and pulled her into a slow kiss. She was still too blissed-out to open her eyes and could only cling to him as he stroked her hair and dropped feathery kisses along her forehead and cheeks. When she was breathing normally, he slipped away from her and she turned to watch appreciatively as he undresses. She loved the sight of his long, lean body. When he was naked, he lay back beside her and she immediately took him in her arms. She could barely focus, but she began stroking and kissing his chest, letting her hands trail down his abdomen to his groin. When her fingers brushed his cock teasingly, he laughed. ``Oh, no,`` he said, and pulled her hand away. ``This time, I'm coming inside you. And you're on top.`` ``John, I can't,`` she half-whined. All she wanted do was lie back and let him ravish her. But Doggett was insistent, and soon she was astride him, aligning her body over his erect cock. She moved to take him into her and he reached up and pulled her down onto his body. She cried out when he entered her and soon she was riding him eagerly. ``God, you're so good,`` Doggett said, grasping her hips to hold her more firmly against him. Then he began thrusting into her. Monica moved faster in response and soon they both realized she was going to come again, and Doggett slipped one hand between her legs to stroke her clit and bring her off a little faster. This orgasm wasn't as intense, but she wasn't complaining; as her climax eased, Doggett cried out and exploded into her and she relished the feeling of his warm cum filling her. Exhausted, they collapsed together on the quilt. Doggett immediately pulled Monica into her arms and she turned to nestle against his chest. They held each other tightly for several minutes, hearts racing in rhythm. Finally, Monica leaned forward to kiss him. Her lips brushed his lightly and the kiss deepened as he opened his mouth to her. When it ended, she reached up to stroke his cheek. He glowed with pleasure and Monica knew she must be shining even more brightly. ``I love you,`` she said, and was rewarded by the sudden burst of light in his eyes. ``You know I love you too, Mon. Ever since New York. You're my angel.`` They kissed again, then a second time and then a third. Finally, Doggett pulled Monica to his chest and they closed their eyes. Before sleep overtook her, Monica looked up Doggett. He quirked an eyebrow in response. ``Jesus, John,`` she asked, and he could hear the laughter bubbling in her voice. ``What are we gonna do tomorrow?``