TITLE: Doing What Comes Naturally (Part 1 of 6 parts) NAME: frogdoggie E-MAIL: frogdoggie@zdnetonebox.com CATEGORY: SRA MSR RATING: NC-17 This story contains very explicit Hot Sex. So, if you don't like that type of thing - STOP NOW! Forewarned is forearmed. Proceed with caution. SUMMARY: Yes - you read that right - this is an MSR. Romance but with lots of smut thrown in, of course. Mulder and Scully's batting practice becomes a game, and the game goes extra innings. Yes, it's a twilight double header all right. And everyone hits a home run. TIMESPAN/SPOILER WARNING. Post ep fic. The Unnatural. Also spoilers for Milagro and past history like Squeeze, Irresistible, One Breath and Momento Mori, Triangle and oh yeah, Fight the Future. Oh... just a bunch of stuff. KEYWORDS: story romance angst Scully Mulder Skinner NC-17 DISCLAIMER: Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, and all other X-Files characters belong to Chris Carter, Ten-Thirteen Productions and 20th Century FOX Broadcasting. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit is being made from their use. *Authors note: It's been a while since I wrote an MSR - so be gentle please. LOL. I've had a lot of requests for one, however so I hope this little piece will suit. I've kind of painted a slightly different Mulder and Scully here I think. They're a little less...sure of themselves when it comes to clutch hitting? Yeah, that would keep with the baseball theme very well. Thanks to Ten and Crash for suggestions on this one. Your help was invaluable. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Dana Scully had a little secret. When Mulder asked her "You've never hit a baseball have you Scully" and she answered, "No. I guess I have found more necessary things to do with my time than slap a piece of horsehide with a stick," she'd lied like a rug. Mulder realized this instinctively, but he wasn't going to press her about it. Nope. Not right now. Not while her body was pressed so close to his and she was laughing. He was making Scully laugh! In fact, he'd made Scully laugh twice in one day and it was a very heady experience. Small payback he thought. Small payback for all the pain. He had a lame reason for inviting her out to the baseball diamond. Well not lame really, but a guy reason. He was trying to say he was sorry. It was pretty much typically Mulder as well as typically male, if he wanted to admit it. Fox Mulder never did anything easily. No, when two simple words would suffice - when the words "I'm sorry" would work equally as well - he wouldn't be able to utter them. He would, instead leave a cryptic message with Scully's answering service and then hope she'd be intrigued enough to come out here and solve the mystery. Maybe Mulder couldn't utter the words because he realized they were too simple. The words were way too facile to express the concept of how profoundly horrible he felt for everything he had put Scully through. I mean how did you apologize for almost being responsible for a person's death - or worse, dozens and dozens of times? Let's face it, if Scully hadn't been his partner she would have been a hell of a lot more healthy and probably more happy. How many times had Scully nearly lost her life because of him? First to Eugene Tooms perhaps? What about Danny Phaster? Well...both of them and that was just for starters. How about being abducted and in essence raped when her ova were stolen - and let's not forget the damned chip. What about the cancer? How do you apologize for months of pain, fear and suffering in that situation? What about the bee sting? The second abduction? Well at least he'd saved her himself that time. But God! There was no way two words could ever ameliorate the danger he had put Scully in. He'd sound like a moron even trying to explain his remorse with those two words. And if saying "I'm sorry" had been impossible then the other words they should have said to each other long ago were even more difficult - for both of them it seemed. Yeah, saying "I love you" had proved a real boondoggle as well. Indeed, yes. The love idea was something else entirely. How long had they loved each other without admitting it? Evidently for a very long time. Too long. Through all the trials and tribulations, the danger, abductions, near death, the search for the truth, the arguing, the ditching, Emily, Diana Fowley, even though the hugs, touches, chaste kisses, teasing and sexual banter, they had remained uncommunicative and in denial on that one point. Neither had said "I love you" - and least not when the other believed it. Of course Mulder tried to tell her how he felt. Twice. That was a scary proposition in and of itself. Especially after the grief he'd brought into Scully's life. No...saying "I love you" was a risky deal. No one loved Fox Mulder. He wasn't deserving. If someone by a remote chance did love him he'd lose them - either through disappearance or death. So telling someone you loved them was tantamount to saying "better watch your back because loving Fox Mulder is apt to be a death sentence." So Mulder kept his mouth firmly shut ...until that night at his apartment when Scully threatened to quit. He became desperate that night. Scully was close to leaving him for good. Desperate men take desperate measures. In the hallway outside his apartment, with shaking voice, Mulder tried to tell Scully what she really meant to him. He only got half way there. The words "I love you" just wouldn't come out. He once again, quite typically seized on actions rather than words to try to express his meaning. The bee stopped the kiss and the rest was history. The second time he was lying drugged and dazed in a hospital bed, fresh out of the Bermuda Triangle. His declaration of love fell on raised eyebrows and skeptical ears. He guessed himself lucky that it had been Scully that heard him say "I love you" at all and not Frohike or God forbid, Skinner. So, that day became another in a long line of days where obfuscation and denial played out. The days had added up, along with the lonely nights spent eating take out Chinese, watching porn videos and beating off to fantasies about Scully he was barely able to acknowledge. Days and nights had become years before Mulder had gotten around to uttering those words in the hospital room. Yes, the years had flown by....and then there had been Phillip Padgett. A declaration in a cell block had crystallized everything down into one statement. "Agent Scully's already in love," Padgett declared with a madman's self assured insight. What happened next proved he may not have been mad, merely preternatural. The attack on Scully only served to drive Padgett's spoken words deeper into Mulder's heart and mind while Padgett's written words almost ripped Scully's heart from her chest. Afterwards, when Scully sobbed in his arms, clutching him close convulsively in her terror and panic, Mulder knew. It was as if a terrific weight had been lifted from them both - especially from Scully. He sensed it and she sensed it. He could tell she did. Milagro...a miracle indeed. But nothing was said - not that day in the apartment. They were both too in shock to do anything but cling to each other - which, when you think about it, spoke volumes anyway. The all consuming hug, along with Padgett's words steeled Mulder's resolve to do something at last. Yes, something...he had to think of a way. Scully was hospitalized briefly for observation after the attack. It was almost as if she just needed to see the comforting EKG readings to know her heart still beat reliably inside her. She was there for 24 hours and then, like Mulder was prone to do, got bored and contentious and checked herself out. Mulder drove her home. Both of them went back to work shortly thereafter. It was business as usual. Until tonight. No tonight, the whole day had been different. No, now, something would be said. Mulder just needed to work up to it. xXx "Shut up, Mulder, I'm playing baseball," Scully said. "All right, Scullee....play ball..." Mulder crooned, stepping back and allowing her to take the bat on her own. Scully glanced back and gave him a wryly amused look. The kid at the ball machine dropped in another ball and it shot out towards Scully in a perfect pitch. Scully brought the bat back, in perfect form, and when she connected the audible crack of the bat was extraordinarily perfect as well. The ball soared into the outfield and was lost to sight. Mulder smiled with satisfaction at having his earlier idea she'd been lying confirmed. That swat, and her batting form had been way to good for just a few short batting practice lessons. Besides, the wry, knowing look had been a bit of a giveaway as well. Mulder smiled wider and laughed as Scully dropped the bat and dashed for first base. "Outta the park, Scully...outta the park!" He yelled windmilling one arm, encouraging her to run on home as she continued to round the bases, When she reached him, breathless and laughing, Mulder caught her as she stumbled. She fell against him and he held her close again for a moment. "Hey, whoa, hang on there slugger, are you ok?" "I'm more than ok, Mulder. God, that *was* a lot of fun," she gave him a little squeeze and than pushed away from him self consciously. He released her and smirked down into her face. "You were bullshitting when you said you'd never hit a ball weren't you?" "Well..." "Oh come on...that was some grand slam home run for someone who's never handled wood before." She raised an eyebrow at him. "Hey, you know what I mean..." "Ok, I confess, you're right, I lied," she giggled. "Well, I'm kind of glad you did," he replied quietly, reaching to brush some dust off her lapel. "Lucky you didn't slide into home," he joked, brushing her off a little further. "I guess so," she whispered. Mulder moved back and made as if to go collect the bat. He considered this part of the evening drawing to a close. Yes, part one was down. Now, what about Part Two? The kid came in from the pitchers mound and he paid him off. "Thanks mister," he said as he took the cash and ran off. Scully watched as Mulder picked up the bat and smacked his shoes a couple of times to clean off the dirt. "So, you going to hit some more?" she asked. "Actually no...I thought I'd...well...would you like to go for coffee or something? I know a couple of places that are still open around here." Mulder watched her face carefully as she considered his question. "There's a Dennys," he grinned. She wrinkled her nose but grinned back. "No thank you. If I can give Dennys a pass when I'm home I will." "Fair enough. But you'd be amenable if it was somewhere other than Dennys?" "I'd be amenable if it was my apartment and some hot coffee or even tea, yeah," she smiled a trifle shyly at him. "And some real ice cream...non of that tutti-frutti soy crap?" "I think I can manage that, Mulder." "Then you're on. I'll follow you," he smiled. Yeah, lead on Scully...and then we'll get everything out in the open he thought as they headed towards their parked cars. xXx Scully came back from her bedroom, via the kitchen. She had sought out her own cup of tea from the kettle on the stove. She removed her suit jacket. She still had the vest she'd worn that day on over her blouse, however. She'd also divested herself of her cell phone and Smith and Wesson, leaving them in the bedroom. Mulder's identical accessories were lying on the coffee table. Mulder looked up from toying with his tea cup as she came in. He craned his head around as she approached him from behind. "Did I tell you that uh...I liked your outfit Scully. I mean that vest thing is...is very fashionable, " Mulder volunteered. He was getting a bit nervous and he decided he'd probably better try to make small talk for a while until he could work up to talking about what was really on his mind. But as soon as the words were out of his mouth he thought, oh hell when was the last time I complimented her on her clothes? Well yeah, ya asshole...maybe you should have said something once in a while his conscious prodded him sarcastically. She's going to think I want something from her now for sure he winced inwardly. Scully raised an eyebrow giving him her patented skeptical look. "Let me guess - El Chupacabra's been sighted in Maryland and you want us to go investigate?" "New Mexico actually, but no, um...can't I compliment you once in a while without you thinking I want to investigate an X-File?" "Mulder you never compliment me, much less my outfits." "Well there you go. See - there's a first time for everything." She chuckled then and smiled at him ruefully, "Well thank you then...I guess." "Don't mention it," Mulder replied. God I am a dork. Geek. Cretin. Shit, he thought kicking himself mentally. "Is the tea ok?" Scully asked from her spot standing in back of the couch. She brought her own cup from the kitchen up to her lips. She took a sip of the hot liquid. "Yea, it's good. So this is green tea from "William Ho's?" Mulder asked sipping carefully at his cup. "Yes, I'm glad they sell it. I've found I like their tea better than any other I've bought in the past," Scully replied. She walked back around to the opposite end of the couch and sat down. She curled her feet up under her and watched Mulder take a few more sips from his cup. Mulder looked at her over the cups rim. Now what? he thought. Well get a move on, talk about it you idiot...talk...about...it. "Mulder?" Scully asked as he continued to stare. "Oh, sorry I was just thinking." "Evidently. What were you thinking about?" About six years of ignorant denial he thought. Christ. "I was just thinking how...well about how we haven't had a day like this together in a while. I mean one where we just spent some time having fun together." "Well Mulder uh, we don't...I mean I guess we haven't been spending as much time together...off duty having...fun. And I did enjoy this tonight. I enjoyed it a lot." "Yeah, me too." "So we should do it again...soon," Scully nodded taking another sip from her cup. Mulder got a faraway look in his eyes for a moment and Scully picked up on it. "Mulder, what's wrong? I mean really. You've been...well you've been kind of quiet since we got back here. Was it Skinner's grilling on Friday? I mean he did sign off on the expense report and..." "Scully do you remember the first heart to heart talk we ever had?" "What?" "Do you remember the first time we ever really talked? Our first real conversation?" "First one?" "Yeah." "In that hotel room in Bellefleur, Oregon." "Right," he smiled at her putting his tea cup down on the coffee table. Scully put her cup down as well and gave Mulder a wistful smile. "I remember it very well Mulder." "There's been a lot of water under the bridge since then hasn't there Scully?" She nodded and studied him for a moment. "Gallons, Mulder," she replied carefully. "Do you...I mean we haven't talked like that...unburdened...told each other truths in years have we? I think maybe I...I think I should...I need to ap...." he started to stumble into his apology. "Mulder what is it? I mean really, come on. What's bothering you? Do you have something you want to tell me? You know I'm here for you if you want to talk," Scully interrupted with concern in her voice. Mulder looked carefully over at her. He could see a sense of anticipation in her face. It was as if...as if she was waiting for him to make the first move almost. He swallowed once. Ok, this is it then he thought. She's asking. She might be waiting for me to make the overture here for whatever reasons of her own. I can't just say, to coin a familiar phrase, 'Nothing, I'm fine.' Mulder shifted a little closer to Scully and captured her eyes. Scully was looking at him very closely. Her lips were parted slightly and it was almost as if she had something to say as well. "Scully, I have something I need to tell you...I mean something I've been wanting to say to you for a while..." Scully sighed and nodded her head in agreement. "Mulder I have something I should have said a while ago too..." "I'm sorry," they chorused and then both of them stopped dead. They just sat there and looked at each other in bewildered surprise for a moment. Then Scully looked down and started to laugh and Mulder joined in. "Oh God. I guess we couldn't do that again if we tried," Scully snorted. "No, perfect timing is not my forte. I'd be hard pressed to do that again," Mulder agreed. They continued to laugh for a few more minutes and then Scully grew silent first. Mulder finally did as well. When his shoulders had stopped shaking, Scully spoke. "You want me to go first?" "First?" "with the litany of apologies..." "Oh. No...hell no. Listen...Scully, I'm sorry for everything," he waved his hand in the air in an all encompassing gesture. All of it...over six years. You know what I mean don't you? The three D's. Danger, Ditching and Near Death." She lowered her head a little and toyed with her hands. "Near Death doesn't start with a D." "Scully..." "Ok. I'm...I'm just trying to process this," Scully winced a little in reply. "Come on Scully. Do I have to go into detail here? Can't you just buy the idea I'm having an epiphany? I can go into more detail if you want, but quite frankly I don't want to hurt you any further by bringing up things like..." Mulder began to pursue the matter. "Shouldn't that be four Ds?" Scully interrupted, looking up at him with a blank expression on her face." "Four Ds?" "Yes...four Ds...as in D for Diana?" "Oh." "Right." Mulder was quiet for a moment. Ok. He realized his feelings concerning Diana Fowley were very confused at one point. They weren't as questionable now. He wasn't at all uncertain that she was a traitor anymore. It was just hard to admit and it hurt to do it. He had loved her at one point. Even now he wasn't sure what he had been to her. A stepping stone? It hurt to think of that too. He thought the whole Fowley issue was damned ironic because when you came right down to it Diana had been the second biggest female mistake in his life. And that mistake had almost caused him to make a third. "Yeah, well...four D's then. I'm sorry for her too. In more ways then you could ever guess or want to know. I was out of line on Diana, Scully, and you were right. I'm sorry about that too." "Mulder, I have to confess...I'm sorry about her as well. Sorry for being jealous of her, I mean." "Jealous? Yeah, I guess you could say I noticed you were jealous." She gave him a terse look, he shrugged and then she nodded, admitting his point. She sighed, "Yes. Jealousy was rather a disservice to you really. I needed to realize you did have a previous uh, history. It wasn't fair for me to assume she meant anything to you now other than as a friend. But, I knew she was dirty and I just couldn't understand why..." "I know Scully...I did love her once. It was...this is a tough subject all right?" Scully nodded in sympathy. "I...I'm sorry. Yes, I realize that now, Mulder. I know she was a person you still had some respect and fondness for. I know you just don't abandon your friends, Mulder. I should have taken that into account." Mulder looked down at his hands at that point. When he looked back up he smiled a little. "Uh, I guess we'll call it even on that particular D." "Fair enough," Scully smiled tentatively back. "So. Do you have any D's of your own? I mean other apologies or...complaints even. Hey, if you have complaints...let 'em rip." "Mulder..." she let her voice trail off and looked away again. "Go ahead Scully. Hit me with your best shot. I'm ready to take it like a manly man," Mulder prodded her a little, thinking teasing might get her to give him an emotional flogging. He certainly thought he deserved it. He wanted Scully to get in her licks. Scully just shook her head, a bemused expression around her mouth. "Well...you don't have to take a shot at me I guess. No matter what you don't say, or do say is fine too. Your apology is accepted anyway. I just want you to know that," he encouraged her. He unconsciously touched the spot in his shoulder where she had once shot him. Scully stared at him again and gave him a wry look. Mulder ducked his head with an amused twitch of his mouth. "Ok, been there, done that...but you know what I mean." Scully nodded and spoke again. "I accept your apology too Mulder..." She stopped in thought for a moment and then added, "...and I wouldn't say Four D's - maybe just three letters." "What three letters?" "PMS." Mulder raised an eyebrow and tried not to guffaw. Scully shrugged and smiled a fraction. "Seriously? I mean you can't can you? I mean you don't...I mean...oh shit I don't know what I mean. But...I never thought that your...you weren't that predictable when..." Mulder stumbled over his words. "You mean I wasn't a bitch every 28 days?" "Whoa, you said that...I didn't." "Oh Mulder. What can I say? It's a huge issue. My inability to experience uh... PMS not withstanding. There are so many things that have made me question all my reasons for doing what we're doing. I mean questioning even the basic idea I should even be working for the Bureau - never mind the X-Files." "I realize that Scully...and I can relate to it better than I'd like to admit I guess," Mulder replied. No shit he thought. Who had lost his faith only to have it reinvested on an ice flow in Antarctica? Scully nodded her understanding and went on. "But really Mulder...I can't blame you for all of my attitude. I...I certainly didn't like what went on with Diana - but the rest of it...I mean if I had to change the last six years...well I said once that I wouldn't change anything Mulder. I still wouldn't. My attitude isn't your fault, and it's not my fault, not really. Neither of us is truly at fault here. "You mean completely at fault?" "Whatever. I just don't want to assign guilt I guess." Mulder looked away for a moment. Not his fault? No guilt? God. Well he had to thank Scully for her understanding there. He didn't think he deserved it, but he was thankful for it anyway. Yeah, discussions about blame regarding issues like dead daughters and missing ova could wait until another night for sure. And as for the guilt? Nothing she could say would help to alleviate his guilt. Guilt was something he would have to cope with for the rest of his life. "All right," he replied looking back at her, "you're saying it's circumstances, fate, happenstance, karma?" "I'd say circumstances...or...something like that...fate maybe. It's hard to define. But circumstances comes closest to my meaning." Mulder stopped for a second to consider how the Scully of years ago might not have made that statement. How much of a leap of faith that statement had been for her. It impressed him, but also made him feel he had to object. "But Scully, I put you in those circumstances. If it wasn't for The X-Files..." "Mulder, it was my choice - that's my point. I make my own choices. You should know that by now. I chose to work with you and pursue the X-Files. I still do. I...I'm not going to quit, Mulder. No way...not now. It's...it's personal now...for both of us." Mulder looked at her carefully. He more than realized she had her own mind. Big time. Of course he understood she had as much of a personal investment in the quest as he did now. She had more than a right to fight. He realized it and he was almost overwhelmed with gratitude for a second to know she would stick with him. He swallowed back his emotion. "I realize you make your own choices, Scully. You always have made them. This...this fight is yours now as much as mine, I know that as well. I...Scully I can't tell you how much I appreciate your sticking with me too. But shit...it hasn't been easy. I know that." "Mulder...it...I just want you to know...it's been worth it," she replied quietly. Mulder's heart swelled with love for her. "It's been worth...your support has been worth so much to me..." he began. He couldn't go on. His voice was going to choke up, he knew it. Scully was looking down again, and he sensed she was having some trouble reining in the tears as well. So, he changed gears. "But yeah...I think I understand what you were getting at a minute ago. After everything that we've been through there isn't any one simple thing or explanation for why either of us has turned into buttheads," he joked. Lame joke. Shit. Well...maybe it would lighten things up here. He really wanted to steer this conversation out of the moribund depths it was sinking into. Mulder saw her eyebrow arch in profile. The corner of her lip curled up in a tiny smile. "Butthead - that...that's universal enough to be applicable I think." Mulder smiled, "Maybe I should have said Beavis and Butthead?" Scully looked up. Her eyes were a little bright with unshed tears. But, she rolled them at him nonetheless, causing him to smirk. "I'll forgive you only if I get to be Beavis," she teased back. "Deal," he replied. Mulder let the smirk fall into a gentle smile then. "I don't think we need to decide on an explanation for why we behaved as we did or who's at fault, Scully. I don't think we really need one." he added, finishing his comment. "I suppose..." Mulder shook his head. God. She wasn't going to pursue it was she? Evidently. That's my Scully though, he thought. Tenacious. "Ok. Here's an explanation then. How about hanging with me, that'd do for an explanation wouldn't it?" he replied quickly, heading off her objections. "Well I've been with you for six years and I don't think I've ever been this bad have I?" Scully asked almost plaintively with raised eyebrows. "Good point," Mulder answered. Scully shoved his shoulder. "Hey, you asked," he grumbled, but not without some humor. "All right, all right. Yes. I concede. We don't need a complicated explanation. We'll keep it simple. I know I've been a bitch at times. As much as you've been a bastard." He nodded and then shook his head in disagreement. She shoved him again but playfully. "Well how would describe the way you've been acting?" "Bastard. Son of a bitch. They'd both probably fit, quite literally,'" Mulder replied quietly. /Shit. What made me make that remark?/ Scully looked at him and her face grew grave. "I'm...I'm sorry, Mulder. I shouldn't...that was out of line." Mulder waved his hand in dismissal this time. He was dismayed at making her feel guilty. He hastened to correct his error in making her feel that way. "Don't worry about it. It was an accurate description. If it bothers you substitute the word "asshole" and continue on...I'm all ears," he replied, his face lapsing into a neutral expression. "Ok. Mulder I'm sorry for being a bitch on wheels. I know you're sorry for being an asshole. You think we can just leave it at that?" "Yeah. I think...I think we can just make it a blanket apology and go on from here," he nodded decisively. Scully studied his face for a moment and then he saw her come to a decision. Relief spread throughout his entire body. "All right. I agree. Good," she breathed, setting her shoulders straight from where they had slumped down. "Now, do you want more tea?" she asked, smiling with some relief. She made to rise. Mulder took a deep breath and caught her hand in his. "Not yet. I have something else I need to say I'm sorry for." "Something else? But you just said...Mulder, really, it's ok..." "No really Scully, I do. I need to tell you I'm sorry for this because it's the thing I'm probably the most sorry for out of everything else." Scully grew serious and curious as well. She sat down next to him. She squeezed his hand where he held hers. "What is it?" she asked. Mulder felt blood rushing to his head. He knew he was probably blushing but he didn't care. It was now or never. Sink or swim. He had to get it out. But he just couldn't quite do it all at once. "Well...I've been doing a lot of thinking since...since Padgett. The guy was really a sociopath..." "Not to mention an X-File, right?" Scully interrupted. Mulder looked at her, amazement growing on his face. Scully raised an eyebrow. "Don't get too cocky, Mulder. I'm willing to concede I still don't understand what was going on. Therefore, it qualifies as an X-File." "Ah," Mulder replied, smiling a little at her. Still Scully the skeptic. Well as he said before - she kept him honest. "Is this about Padgett? Do you want to talk about him then?" Scully asked. There was a mix of emotions on her face. A touch of fear but that was overpowered by that anticipation again and a growing realization that she knew exactly what Mulder was going to say. Mulder also noticed the involuntary shiver that ran through her body when she uttered Padgett's name. He gave her hand a gentle stroking and then stilled his around it. "Indirectly. I only want to talk about something Padgett said." "Oh," Scully replied, looking down at their entwined hands again. "I realized after he said what he did in the cell block that....Scully I..." "Mulder, you...you don't have to say this..." "No, come on...I really need to get this out. Just...bear with me here a second," Mulder replied in a low voice. Scully looked up again, nodded, and he took the plunge at last. "Padgett made me realize that I'm sorry I never told you straight up that I love you, Scully. I just wanted to say it now, without my own clumsy fumbling or bees interrupting, or the Bermuda Triangle getting in the way. I love you Scully. I've loved you for a very long time. I hope you'll forgive me for never admitting it properly, or under the right circumstances. So...uh...that's all I had left to say," he finished studying her face closely. She looked stunned. He hoped that wasn't a bad stunned. He hoped it was stunned with joy. She didn't let go of his hand. He was cautiously optimistic. "You love me?" She asked after a second or two. She was staring at him...her eyes seemed to stare right into his head with electric intensity. Her face looked a lot less stunned. He watched as her expression went from shocked, to intense and then to more confused and introspective. Mulder nodded. Scully looked down at their joined hands and then back up into his serious hazel eyes. "This isn't some kind of uh...proposal is it Mulder?" she asked after another second. She squinted up her eyes a little and then gave him a lopsided grin, "Because really, the love bit I can handle...but some kind of goofy, off the cuff, spur of the moment marriage proposal...Mulder I'm just not ready for that...no, not marriage... I have uh...we have the work here still and...issues...besides you know me......I'd need to organize...I have to plan..." "Hang on, hang on," Mulder started to laugh, "let's back up here. Can you go back to the part where you said 'the love bit I can handle..." Mulder knew under normal circumstances he would have been annoyed at Scully for yet again blocking his attempts to get his feelings out. But these weren't normal circumstances. These were circumstances where he was beyond caring. He had such a profound sense of relief, of unburdening settling in his heart that the half hearted interruption was of no consequence. In fact, all he'd pretty much heard of her fumbling objection was blah, blah blah, "the love bit I can handle", blah blah. He zeroed in on that one phrase in a haze of besotted selective perception words and ran with it for home. "Well sure, I can handle you loving me Mulder. I've...I've begun to realize I should be handling a lot of things differently since...well, since Padgett. I still can't believe it took someone like that horrible man to read me so well," Scully replied. "Wrote you badly though," Mulder mumbled, giving her hand a soft squeeze, "and he didn't really know you," he added to reassure her. "Nevertheless he had me pegged in so many ways, Mulder. If he wrote me poorly he certainly read me like an open book. It's not an easy thing to swallow when a man like Padgett tells you you've been blind for years." "Yeah well...I felt pretty much the same way," Mulder replied, releasing her hand. He ran his hand shakily over his face, "God, Scully I was scared to death I'd lost you," he murmured. Scully shifted closer and wrapped her arm around his shoulders. "Mulder, I realized almost the same thing in that moment when you held me. I thought...of course I love him. And by not saying it...I've almost lost him too." Mulder lowered his hand and turned under Scully's arm. "Yeah?" "Yeah, Mulder. I realized I should tell you I love you...and soon. It was long overdue. I just needed to find the right time." "Is this it?" "Yeah, this is it," she smiled. "Good," he grinned back. He brought one hand up to hold the side of her face gently, and moved to kiss her. They bumped noses and Scully giggled. "Shit. Sorry. This thing gets in the way," Mulder smirked, rubbing his nose a little in chagrin. "Here. I have an idea when it comes to this type of nose situation," Scully advised. "I bow to your knowledge and smaller proboscis, Doctor Scully," Mulder replied with a small flourish of his hand. Scully reached over with both hands, and grasping Mulder's head, moved it to a slight angle. Then she moved in and kissed him, directly on the lips. It was a soft, gentle, hesitant kiss, but perfect for a first kiss Mulder thought as she drew her lips away. "How was that?" she grinned. "Well you definitely got to first base there slugger." "Not bad on the batting instruction was I?" she teased. "I'd say exceptional. Now...you want to try for a home run?" "Right out of the park," Scully replied, moving closer. Mulder took the lead this time, gathering her face in his long, elegant hands. He kissed her and he felt her lips part when his tongue touched them. He probed gently and then feeling her sigh, plunged in eagerly, exploring her mouth. She did the same in return, grasping the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. When they parted, both were a little breathless. "Babe Ruth couldn't have done better," she whispered. "I'll second that," Mulder replied, savoring the combined tastes of green tea and Scully that lingered on his palate. He swallowed hard. "So...uh...I..." he began again. "Don't tell me you want that ice cream now," Scully laughed, drawing back from him a little. "No...but maybe I should get on to my uh...home base," Mulder replied, touching her shoulder and then rubbing gently down her bicep. "Oh. Well if you need to go..." "Look Scully, I..." he started to reply, lowering his head a little. "Mulder...If you want to stay..." Mulder brought his head back up. He could see the desire for him in her eyes. It was something he'd wanted to see for over six years. He knew his eyes were showing the same thing for her. Of course he wanted to stay with her tonight. Hell he knew what he wanted to do tonight for sure. After six years of denial he just wanted to touch her and show her how much he truly loved her. Make love to her and damn the consequences, the complications, all the considerations. He was a rash son of a bitch anyway and the heady feeling that came from finally expressing his love for Scully was making him even more rash. But Scully was different. Scully by her own admission needed to plan, consider, think about consequences and ramifications. He didn't want to rush her into anything, and he didn't want to pressure her into this kind of decision in the heat of the moment. He might try to argue his case most vehemently on the job, but this case - this important case concerning them was a whole different matter. No, he could give her time. They were adults. They could have some restraint and...his musings were interrupted by Scully's next words. "Mulder..." she added quietly drawing his attention, "you can't think I'm going to throw you out. If that's what you're worried about...you can rest easy." "I kind of had a feeling I wasn't going to get the boot, yeah," he replied, giving her a slightly goofy grin. "Exactly. And, I'm not going to quote rules and regs about the inadvisability of fraternization." "Nope. I wasn't planning on that either," he replied carefully. "I think we're adult enough to admit what those kisses may lead to tonight. I mean I think I know what we want and....and...well I'm tired of denial...um...at least in this matter, I guess," she smiled looking up into his face. Mulder...I'd like it if you'd stay with me tonight." "You mean stay as in stay and..." "Mulder...come on. I assume you'd want to...you know..." "Scully, I've wanted to 'you know' for six years now. I've been 'you knowing' with myself to porn videos for at least that long. Of course I want to 'you know'. I'd like to 'you know' with you." Scully was laughing, "So?" "So, I don't know. I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything you might not be ready to do. Hey, if you're not comfortable uh...going any further tonight I'd more than understand and respect that decision." Scully raised an eyebrow at him but smiled. "That doesn't sound like the old familiar Fox Mulder. The Fox Mulder that says I go where angels fear to tread." Mulder frowned a little and replied, "Well I guess they're treading a little lightly tonight." Scully gentled her smile further and touched his hand tenderly. "Hey...I'm sorry. I was just trying...well I didn't mean to make light of this. You're uh...nervous aren't you?" Scully asked. "Gee, is it that obvious?" Mulder replied. Scully giggled a little and Mulder shrugged. "Look Scully...uh...you're not gonna make me confess here are you?" Scully stroked his hand, "Not if you don't want to tell me, no. But..." "I knew there was a but in there somewhere..." Scully raised an eyebrow. "Sorry. Ok...but?" "But, I think it would be good if...if we communicated what we're feeling now. I mean...we'd better get used to communicating something along the line here if we want anything to work." Mulder studied her face. Communicate? God, why do women always want to talk about things? He could barely put two thoughts together when he looked in her eyes. She was serious though, that was obvious. Well shit...he'd better give it a try. He really was nervous and embarrassed about it too. But hell...this was Scully, he loved her, he should be able to share his inner thoughts with her. "Confess? OK, I'll confess. God - that sounds like a Monty Python sketch," Mulder shook his head a little and grinned. "Well we are on the comfy couch." "It was a chair, the comfy chair." "Whatever...Mulder really, it's ok...if you don't want to talk about it right now it's..." Mulder opened his mouth and it all came out. "Scully, it's been a while since I've been with a woman...well a real woman and not 'Nurse Nancy's Night Shift'. Ok, I'll be brutally honest...yeah, I'm nervous. I'm as nervous as hell. I mean. God, maybe it's stage fright. But do I really have to spell this out?" Man, he was dying here. He felt about 16 again. How could he explain to her he was afraid he'd make a fool out of himself in bed? This was not good...not... "Oh Mulder. How long do you think it's been for me?" "Do I want to know?" he asked straightening up with a nervous chuckle. "Oh don't worry 'Agent Stage Fright' - it's been eons. And if it'll make you feel any better....I'm scared to death too. But...it has been eons and...believe me I don't feel any pressure. I'm not worrying about my decision or any potential complications right now. Mulder I know...I know this is right. I guess deep down I always knew it would be right when the time was right." Mulder looked at her with his mouth hanging open for a minute. Then he snorted his laughter. "We're a good combo Scully. There must be a term for this condition." "Retro virginity?" Mulder snorted louder. "There you go. Good. I like that. Spooky Mulder, 'Retro-virgin'. Yeah, works for me." "Ice Queen Scully, Retro-virgin. Well that carries quite a ring to it too," she laughed in self depreciation. But her electric blue eyes danced brightly. Mulder grew silent. His eyes played over her face. He touched her cheek. His eyes settled on her slightly parted lips. "You're no Ice Queen, Scully. Woman...you sizzle," he mumbled sending his hand around and onto the back of her head. He pulled her face to his again and captured her mouth. This time the kiss was incendiary. They pressed against each other, devouring, sucking each other's air down like drowning victims. When they parted they had to rest their foreheads together to get their composure. Scully was whispering and Mulder hung on every word. "Mulder I just want you to know...I...I really was serious about it being a while. I guess... I guess I'm suffering from stage fright too. What I'm trying to say is...I'm really, truly going to be rusty, that's all." "Well Agent Rusty, we're going to be creaking and flaking together than, because except for Mr. Hand I haven't had anyone to practice with in eons either." "I guess we'd better hope it's like riding a bike..." Scully began. "Fervently," Mulder grinned. Scully nodded against his forehead and then he could just see her grin from underneath his eyelashes. "But you know what Mulder?" "What Scully?" "I've had some pretty vivid fantasies, " she giggled into his upturned eyes. "Yeah?" "Oh yeah." "So have I," Mulder replied. Scully kissed him on the forehead, leaving what was left of her lipstick just below his hairline. Mulder grinned wide and then moving back, took her hand. Scully rose, pulling him up with her. She pulled his arm a little as he seemed to hesitate. "What?" she asked, an expression of perplexity crossing her face. "Forgot these," he grinned in self depreciation as he gently extricated his hand from hers. He bent over and picked up his gun and cell phone. "Come on, agent," she laughed as she lead him towards her bedroom. xXx "Ah! I haven't been in here in a while you've...redecorated," Mulder commented as he placed his weapon and phone on her new Key West style dresser. He took in the new, Queen sized Key West style bed, bookcase and night stands that went with the dresser. There was a comfortable chair and hassock in the same style in the corner next to the window. Even the lamps matched. Scully chuckled as she walked ahead of him and turned on one of the night stand lights to join the overhead one she had turned on when they entered. "Well my mother is going through a Hemingway period, I'm afraid. We...we had a little redecorating party, yes." Mulder plopped down on the bed and bounced on the edge of the mattress. "I kind of like it." "You don't think it's too much? I was afraid it looked like Martha Stewart on acid or something." "Nah. I think it's fine, really," Mulder smiled at her. Both of them stared at each other for a minute at a loss as to what to do or say next. Mulder shook his head. "Sorry, break in the action. It's hard to avoid it when the you haven't read the script in awhile." "You've got that right," Scully nodded. "I could get some wine or..." "No, no alcohol. I think that would be...ill advised for me," Mulder replied, standing again to face Scully. He shifted from foot to foot a little nervously. "Maybe some mood lighting?" Scully suggested helpfully. "Hey, there you go. Good idea!" Mulder exclaimed with relief. He crossed to the wall switch and flipped it off at the same time Scully walked to the night stand lamp and shut it off as well. The room was plunged into darkness except for the glowing face of the clock radio. "Jesus," Mulder laughed, "I guess that's too dark a mood isn't it?" Scully giggled and Mulder heard her click the night stand lamp once and then twice. The resulting illumination from the lamp was bright but not overly harsh. Scully sat down on the bed with a soft plop. She was laughing helplessly. "How's that, Mulder?" she snorted, bending over, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. Mulder started to laugh again as well. He crossed back to the bed and flopped down flat next to Scully, his feet on the floor. He stretched his arms out to the sides and tried to regain some dignity. Scully was struggling to do the same. Mulder stretched one arm up and rubbed her back with his hand until she was able to stop laughing. She turned to look at Mulder where he lay, breathless from his own laughter. Then she flopped back and lay flat next to him, her head resting on his arm. They lay there together staring at the ceiling. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I just had this crazy vision of my Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Phil. My mother told me once they never undressed with the lights on. They turned off the lights, disrobed, and climbed into bed. I just...it was too much," Scully explained. "Hey no problem," Mulder reassured her. "For me it was..." he let his voice peter out. He had almost said 'my parents' but stopped himself. No, that was not a subject he wanted to bring up right now. No way. "Uh...it's all right. Everyone has someone like that in their family," he added, smiling. He gently extricated his arm from under her head and propped himself up on an elbow so he could look down into her face. He really liked to see her laugh. Scully looked up into his face and replied with understanding in her voice, "I'd like to keep the lights on Mulder." Mulder reached over and stroked her neck. She shivered a little. "Yeah, I'd like to keep the lights on too." They just lay there together for a few moments. Mulder stroking her hair, her face and her neck. Scully toyed with the buttons on his Jersey. Then she rubbed his chest a little. Mulder was thinking he should talk to her about protection. It was a risky subject under the circumstances. He wasn't sure it was a good idea to forgo it even though Scully was positive she was sterile and both of them had been tested so many times there was little chance of the standard STDs being an issue. But in the back of Mulder's mind was a retrovirus that nearly killed him, and a Gulag in Russia. A Gulag where he was lying on a hard table under restraining chicken wire while black ooze splattered over his face, and then entered him. He could never be sure, never be completely positive that he didn't have something that could be passed on from either of those experiences. It made him worry for Scully. Yeah, he should use a condom he thought. He...he didn't...he didn't have a condom. Oh shit. Scully placed her hand over his and stilled it on her cheek. After years of being partners they had an almost psychic bond at times. She spoke and it was as if she'd read his mind. "Mulder...you're...going to ask about a condom aren't you?" Mulder's mouth twitched into a slight smile, "The Stupendous Yappi has nothing on you, doc. Uh...yeah. But...this is really awkward. The guy is supposed to ask and... I thought maybe I'd better use one...just in case something...well, you just never know about..." "Mulder...we've already been kissing." Mulder looked at her for a moment and then he sat up. His legs hung off the bed again. He looked down at his shoes. Scully followed him up and sat close, pressing her body against his from shoulder to hip. "I guess that's true," he nodded. "But that's casual sexual contact." "Mulder...I know you realize pregnancy isn't an issue..." Mulder winced slightly, "Yeah, I know that," he murmured. "Well I...I can understand your concerns. If you think the vaccine didn't kill the virus inside me when..." Mulder looked at her for a moment. He hadn't even considered the virus because he had believed the vaccine had eradicated it from her. "I wasn't thinking of something that could be spread from you to me," he replied quietly. "Oh. You're thinking of the retrovirus..." "And the black oil that time in Russia." "Mulder I haven't seen anything in your blood that tells me you're infected with anything communicable. I don't think it matters. I'm willing to forgo..." "Scully, it matters to me. I...I just don't want to take a chance that...well through intercourse I'd...I just don't want to take the chance," he repeated looking at her, worry on his face. Scully touched his cheek and stroked it with her finger tips. "All right, Mulder. I...I appreciate your thoughtfulness. I have no problem with using protection at all," she smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Mulder gave her a rueful twitch of his lips. "Well there is one slight problem. Shit...I guess Skinner'd have my ass in a sling for poor operational planning. I didn't bring any condoms. Um...is there an open drug store around here?" Mulder asked hopefully. Scully laughed a little again, "Well...look. I know I said it'd been eons but...um...a girl tries to be prepared just in case," Scully replied, removing his hand gently from her cheek. She got up off the bed and exited the bedroom. Mulder watched her leave, and toed off his shoes, shoving one shoe and then the second shoe under the edge of the bed. When he looked up, Scully was returning with a box. "Agent Scully, you naughty girl," Mulder wagged a finger at him. "Well like I said, I had some pretty vivid fantasies," she began to smile but then she grew a little wistful, "and I guess I had some...you know hopes and dreams too." Mulder swallowed in embarrassment. "I dreamed about you a lot too, Scully," he whispered. She nodded, a little shy suddenly. She extended her hand with the box of condoms in it. "I've had these for a while but the expiration date is still good," she replied, quirking a smile. Mulder cleared his throat and took the box from her hand. He examined it clinically. "Hmmm. 'Lifestyles Xtra Pleasure. Oversized tip intensifies sensation for both partners. Lubricated. A 12 pack." "So, I'm really prepared," Scully chuckled her good humor returning, "I just grabbed the first box on the rack. What can I say? Besides, I like purple." Mulder looked at her with a grin. "God Scully. These aren't purple inside here are they?" he mimed opening the box in a panic. Scully rolled her eyes. "The outside of the box, agent. The outside of the box." Mulder laughed. "Well it is a 12 pack. Besides being prepared, you could say you're a hell of an optimist too," Mulder smirked looking back up at her. God she looked beautiful. He felt heat pooling in his groin. He'd been aroused since they'd kissed, he felt the telling dampness of pre-cum in his boxer briefs. He wasn't completely hard yet but he was definitely on his way. His balls felt pleasantly warm and heavy. He placed the box of condoms on the night stand and turned back to her. "These'll do fine. Come here, Scully," he murmured. She walked closer and he took her hands, drawing her in between his knees. "I'm gonna do everything I can to keep you optimistic," he grinned up into her face. "And I love your talent for preparation." "It's one of my strong points," Scully teased, squeezing his hands. "It should be one of a good agent's strong points at all times." "Standard operating procedure." "Exactly," Mulder smiled then he took each of her hands and kissed them in turn. When he stopped kissing he released her hands. "So, Agent Scully ya wanna get nekkid?" Scully laughed, "Yes indeed. But can I make a suggestion?" "Sure." "Let's just undress on our own here I mean...as much as I'd like to strip you...uh 'nekkid', my hands are shaking and I..." Mulder started to laugh. "What?" "I was going to suggest the same thing," he chuckled, curbing his mirth. They both smiled at each other. "Ok, so we get undressed separately then?" "Sounds like a plan. I'll count to 10. Last one done has to pick up all the clothes." Scully gave him a telling look. "Mulder...I hang most of my clothes up as I take them off. The rest go directly into the hamper." "Then the last one done has to pick up my clothes." "No fair. I'm wearing more clothes then you are. I demand a head start." "1" "MULDER!" Scully laughed. "2" He already had his Jersey off. Scully started to pull her clothes off in haste, ignoring her pronouncement about hanging up and hampering. Everything went on the floor. Mulder stripped like a demon. He just noticed Scully focusing on working hard at the buttons and zippers on her clothing before he pulled his pants down. She managed to yank her slack suit trousers off and was just pulling down the second knee hi pantyhose when Mulder cleared his throat. "Time," he chuckled. Scully's eyes were drawn instantly in the direction of his voice. She stood up and turned to face him. Mulder thought she appeared a little self-conscious in her bra and panties, a little out of breath too. "You rotten tease," she giggled. Mulder had climbed up onto the bed and was sitting with his back against the head board. His hands were behind his head and one of the extra pillows was over his lap. He noticed Scully taking him all in - or all that she could see. He considered with some pride that this was certainly better than seeing him in a hospital bed in extremis or soaking under a decon shower. He saw her breathing pick up a little. "Hey, a guy has to have some mystery...some hidden charms," Mulder smiled cockily at her. "You are so full of bullshit." "One of my strong points." "One of your less hidden assets," she teased back indicating his lap. "Speaking of hidden assets..." he nodded indicating her bra and panties. His eyes raked over her body in appreciative longing. Scully smiled and walked closer to the bed. "A woman has her hidden charms too Mulder." "You show me yours and I'll show you mine." Scully affected a good approximation of the Mona Lisa's smile as she walked the rest of the way over to the edge of the bed. Mulder watched her, his eyes hooded slightly as she reached back and undid the clasps to her bra. She pulled each strap down in turn, unveiling her breasts slowly for him. Mulder's sharp intake of breath caused her smile to play a bit wider. She tossed the bra carefully to the end of the bed. "Beautiful," Mulder whispered. "You think so?" Scully asked. Her voice was husky with arousal but also there was a hint of self doubt there. As if she thought Mulder wouldn't find her breasts attractive. God, he thought. He was practically drooling and she thought he didn't find her exquisite? "I know so," he smiled at her, "you have gorgeous...uh..." Oh oh. Cease and desist he thought. He was going to say tits. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea... Scully laughed a little at Mulder's sudden attempt at being politically correct. "You can go ahead and say tits, Mulder. I mean...tonight...I'm not going to quibble on terminology," she looked up and grinned mischievously. "You have great tits, Scully," Mulder breathed out. "Thank you, Mulder," she nodded matter-of-factly. Mulder's eyes flicked down to her crotch and then back up at her face. He gave her a lazy, sexy grin and she placed her hands on the waistband of her panties. She pulled them down slowly. As she lowered them, Mulder noticed the crotch was wet. He licked his lips and took his hands down from behind his head, placing them carefully on top of the pillow. Scully stood before him now, gloriously naked and flushed with excitement. She really had wonderfully clear, pale skin. He could see the rise of color in her neck and breasts. She had some tiny freckles too. He watched fascinated as the flush spread amongst them over the tops of her breasts. "You have freckles," he chuckled, reaching out to touch them. "I'm a red head," she advised, teasing him by stepping back a little. "A real one," he smirked glancing down between her legs. "Yes. Genuine. Now... I showed you mine," she prompted him. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, I got a little distracted," he apologized, letting his eyes roam over her considerable attractions. She was put together perfectly. A total package. Soft curves now that she had regained weight after the cancer, Antarctica and being shot in New York. Her body was toned too - soft but well muscled where it counts he thought. He knew she'd been working out. Her biceps showed the pleasant bulge from lifting weights. But the things he liked the most about her were her eyes and her hair. He loved the clear, intelligent passionate blue eyes and he really wanted to run his hands through her soft, red hair. The last thing he noticed was the scar from her bullet wound. That was one 'badge of honor' he wasn't directly responsible for at least. If Kersh hadn't sent her to New York... "Mulder?" she smiled, bringing him out of his reverie. "Sorry. Did I tell you I was distracted?" Scully chuckled, "Yes, you just did." "I should have said you're really turning me on. Scully," he murmured. "Well Mulder, I should join you then," she replied, giving him that Mona Lisa smile again. "Oh yeah...come on up here," he added patting the bed. She nodded and swung one leg up, and then the other. Mulder shifted, spreading his legs apart a little. Scully settled between them, sitting Indian style. Their eyes met for a moment. Hers flicked down to the pillow and then back up again. She was asking permission? Mulder smiled gently at her sweet hesitation. "Go for it," he nodded, taking his hands off the pillow. She reached forward, pulled away the pillow and set it aside. His cock rose up quite readily. Scully chuckled. "Well I guess that's a good sign." Mulder barked a laugh. "Yeah, you can say that again. Scully, I gotta tell you - I was more than a little worried it wasn't going to uh...cooperate." "Mulder?" "Yes?" "It's fabulous," she smiled up at him. Her eyes were filled with love and deep desire for him in that moment. He wanted to loose himself in them forever. Loose himself in her forever too. "Come here," he murmured. She scooted forward. He reached down and touched her thighs indicating that she should straddle his legs. She complied and then he caught her eyes with his. "Are you comfortable? I just thought...well I figured I could hold you this way and you know...we could touch each other more easily. It might be better if I wasn't on top, crushing you..." "Mulder?" "Yeah, Scully?" "I love you," she smiled at him placing a finger on his lips to stop his babbling. He smiled around her finger and a great deal of his nervousness went the way of the wind. He gathered her close and kissed her, his erection tipping up between them. They tasted each other, breathing hard and groaning together. She took his head in her hands and deepened the kiss. His hands ran up and down her spine. Mulder pulled away from her mouth and whispered in her ear. "You have great skin. God, it's so smooth." He felt her smile against his cheek. "I like the contrast with your skin. I like the feeling of my skin on your skin. I love rubbing against your chest hair." "It tickles," Mulder chuckled. "Yeah, it does. But it's the best kind of tickle." They kissed again and their hands roamed over their upper bodies, exploring their flesh as their tongues explored their mouths. They parted again and Scully rested her head on his shoulder both of them were quite breathless. "Just hold me for a minute ok?" Scully whispered. "Yeah. I...this is really good, Scully. The best." "It's...it's a little overwhelming," she admitted. Mulder stroked her back. "But the best kind of overwhelming." "Oh definitely. The very best." Mulder bent forward and kissed her head. He spoke quietly into her hair. "Tell me if anything isn't right. I mean if it doesn't feel good or you don't like what I'm doing, ok?" "Let me know what you want too." "Yes ma'am," he mumbled kissing her neck. "Oh, that's very ok," she hissed as he suckled a trail down towards her breasts. Scully stroked his head and neck as his mouth reached her nipples. She murmured to him as he sucked and laved each nipple in turn. Her breath was coming faster and she moaned a little as he nipped her breasts experimentally. "Good?" he asked, raising up. He continued to stroke her breasts gently, causing her to close her eyes for a moment. "Very good," she gasped a little. She opened her eyes and looked down at his smaller male nipples. She licked her lips. "Are your nipples sensitive? I know some men's aren't as sensitive as others," Scully asked, reaching forward to tweak his right nipple. Mulder hissed his pleasure. "I guess that answers my question," she smiled, bending forward to take the same nipple into her mouth. "Oh yeah," Mulder moaned as Scully worked the flat nub up to a hard point. She sucked and lapped at it a little longer until Mulder was wiggling under her tongue. Then she trailed her mouth over to the other nipple and gave it the same attention. Mulder stroked her hair all the time she was sucking his flesh, reveling in the soft texture of the red tresses. Finally Scully worked her way back up to his mouth and they were devouring each other again. The kiss was urgent, hot and passionate. Out of breath, Mulder took her face in his hands and pulled them apart. He looked in her eyes again. "Scully...I..." he whispered, cupping her cheek in his right hand. Scully nodded, "I know, Mulder." Mulder ran his right hand down and cupped her sex, massaging her gently. He moved his left hand onto her hip, gripping it. Scully rested her arms on his shoulders. She shut her eyes for a few moments and savored the sensation. Mulder watched waves of pleasure pass over her face as he began to massage her clit. She opened her eyes and looked down to see him moving his hand over her wet folds. "Oh God," she hissed. "What?" he asked, concerned for a second. "You have the most fantastic hands," she glanced up at him under her eyelashes and grinned. Mulder smiled back. "Is this ok then?" "Lord yes. No question," she gasped slightly. Mulder felt Scully trail a tentative hand down his chest and stomach until she reached his cock. "Mulder," she whispered. "Yeah?" "Hold up a minute. I...I'd like to do something for you too." He slowed his work on her clit and trailed his wet fingers up her stomach. It was amazing. She was so wet for him. He felt his cock throb with the heat of his arousal brought on by thinking she was this hot for him. He swirled her juices up and over her breasts and then he bent forward and kissed each tit in turn. "Anything you wanna do, Scully," he murmured against her right nipple. "Well...um...can you show me what you like in particular. I mean...I could use some more...batting practice here I guess," she chuckled. Mulder chuckled as well. "Sure. I think this is one piece of wood we're both going to enjoy practicing with." Scully laughed then and so did he. As soon as they calmed down a little Scully shifted back slightly and reached down. She trailed her fingers up underneath Mulder's cock, tracing the vein there. When she got to the tip she swirled her index finger and thumb into the slit, collecting his leaking pre-cum. She smeared the liquid around the head of his cock delicately. Mulder moaned slightly and she smiled. "First base?" she asked smiling. "Definitely. God, yeah," Mulder mumbled, looking down at her as she toyed with his erection. He tenderly took her hand in his and placed it around the base of his cock. "Uh...I think if you take the bat here, and then kind of work upwards," he smiled gently down at her. "But no choking right?" Mulder laughed, coughing a little, "Uh...yeah, I'd appreciate it if you didn't choke up on the bat, thank you." Scully smiled and with a lot more confidence, circled his cock with her hand. She stroked him once from the base up, firmly. Mulder's hips bucked into her hand. "Tell me if this is a good rhythm," she advised him as she began to pump. Mulder's head fell back and cracked against the headboard with an audible thump. "Jesus," he panted, blinking his eyes at the ceiling. Oh yeah it was a good rhythm. Rock and roll. She was getting him up even harder if that was possible. It was fantastic. He rotated his hips and thrust up to match her stroking. He felt her massaging his balls as well, and he had to shut his eyes. "You're making me melt," he gasped. "So...am I heading for home here?" "Sliding into home for sure....oh Christ, uh...hold up..." he gasped. He felt his arousal ratchet up much more quickly. He didn't want to come yet at all. "Are you close?" Scully asked perceptively. "Yeah, stop," he nodded, running his hand down her arm affectionately. Scully pulled her hand back and caught his hand in hers, squeezing it. "I love the feel of your cock," she whispered. Mulder gasped, regaining his breath, "She said cock...." "Mulder if you do that Beavis and Butthead laugh I'm going to spank you." Mulder barked a quick laugh, "Is that a promise?" "I'll file if for consideration later. But I have a better idea at the moment." "And what would that be, Agent Scully?" "That would be, Agent Mulder in Agent Scully - right now." "Now that's good operational planning if I ever heard it. Hand me a condom," Mulder laughed extending his other hand. Scully let go of his hand, reached across and dragged the box of condoms over onto the bed. She opened it and pulled out a strip, ripping one packet off the end. She handed the packet to Mulder and then picked up the box and remaining packets. Once she had everything neatly tucked up again, she tossed the box back onto the night stand. "I think we'll try basketball next," Mulder chuckled. "Not a bad pass was it?" she smiled at him, levering to sit fully between his legs again. Mulder tore the condom's packet open, shaking the lubricated rubber out onto his hand. "Wanna do the honors?" "Uh, actually it's kind of a turn on for me to watch if you wouldn't mind." Mulder grinned, "Oh, I wouldn't mind at all. But no fair giggling when you see my hands shaking." "I wouldn't dream of it, Mulder," she assured him. Mulder positioned the condom at the head of his cock and unfurled the rubber carefully down over it. His hands weren't shaking badly at all he was relieved to see. He almost started to giggle himself at the advertised oversized tip on the rubber. Actually it felt more comfortable then some of the other condoms he'd worn in the past. Once he had it seated it felt feather light. The little reservoir at the end wiggled with his heartbeat. He looked up into Scully's eyes just in time to see her lick her lips again. "So?" "It was a definite turn on," she breathed out huskily. He smiled, "Yeah, it was for me too." "You're not the only one who likes to watch," Scully teased, touching his groin with one finger. She moved up to his stomach and tickled his belly button. Mulder squirmed under her finger. "I'll file that away for further consideration," he teased back, parroting her earlier words. "You do that," she grinned. "So...uh...I'm...suited up. Ready to play?" "More than ready," Scully whispered. She shifted closer to him and they embraced again, kissing passionately. Mulder held her head for a moment, deepening the kiss and then they parted with a wet sound. He reached down and took his cock in his hand. "Uh, can you shift up just a little," he suggested, dropping his hand from her head to her hip. "Yeah, here, let me...let me help..." she murmured. Scully placed her hand on his cock and helped guide it into position, shifting her folds out of the way to give him room to get a clean thrust. "Take both my hips," she told him quietly and he complied. She shifted forward a little more, grasping his cock and introducing it a fraction into her body. As soon as Mulder felt the head of his cock breaching her vulva he grasped her hips more tightly and pushed forward, gritting his teeth a little in concentration. "Please...if this hurts..." he hissed. "No, s'ok, s'ok..." Scully gasped. Mulder kept up his steady forward progress. She was a little tight. Not virgin tight but it was obvious she hadn't been lying when she said it had been a while. Finally with one sure thrust of both their hips they were joined together. They settled against each other, embracing again. Mulder stroked Scully's back. "Oh God," Scully whispered. Mulder sighed. "I'll second that...lover," he murmured shyly. "Mulder...don't ever doubt it...you're a good lover. This is...this feels..." she let her voice trail off as her eyes played over his face. "This feels right," Mulder stroked her hair, "just like you said it would be. It feels like...well it feels a hell of a lot better than sliding into home I can tell you that." Scully laughed, "I'd have to agree with you there." "And Scully?" "Hmm?" "I don't think you have to worry about the nickname 'Rusty' any time soon." She smiled and kissed him on the neck. They sat there for a few moments just savoring the loving connection between them, touching and caressing each other. Mulder shifted and Scully gasped a little. "I can feel every inch," she whispered into his ear. "I really am sorry about the rubber..." he let his voice trail off. "No, it's ok. It's not a problem at all. I really like this sense of...of...being full and...oh, God..." "What?" "I can feel your heartbeat through your cock." "I can feel yours too," Mulder nuzzled her hair. "Mulder?" she murmured into his neck. "Yeah?" "Fuck me." "God, yeah," he mumbled, taking her hips. Her words galvanized him, sending a white hot bolt of fresh, raw lust exploding through his body. He opened his mouth to speak and the words would hardly come out. He was panting hard. He drew back a little and thrust forward. Scully groaned and rotated her hips against him. "Scully...do you want me to...uh...touch..." She shook her head in understanding. She moved one hand down to where they were joined and began to tug at her clit. Her other hand rested on Mulder's shoulder. Mulder bent forward and suckled one of her nipples a little more. He brought on hand up to knead the same breast. "Oh God, that feels great," Scully hissed, biting her lower lip. "You taste really good, Scully," he mumbled around her flesh. Then he pulled back and looked down to watch her touching her own swollen flesh. His hand returned to her hip. Scully tilted her head forward, her mouth open and panting. Mulder looked up at her from under his eyelashes. "I'm admiring the view," he husked. She smiled and drew her hand over herself seductively. Mulder breathed out raggedly in appreciation. Mulder was relieved she was willing to pleasure herself. First of all it was mind blowing to watch her do it and secondly he wasn't at all sure he'd be capable of managing to do it under the circumstances. What little mind he had left was rapidly becoming a puddle of endorphins. He was gladly watching it dissolve. "I love feeling you inside me," she moaned, tilting her head back again. "Oh God, Dana," he gasped using her Christian name before he even realized he'd done it. He began to rock against her, thrusting up to hit below where she was rubbing with each stroke. Scully gasped and then they were moving together in a sensuous dance of sweating skin against sweating skin. They didn't quite have the rhythm down right. Things weren't exactly in sync but it didn't matter. What they lacked in technique they made up for in enthusiasm. "Ohhhh," Scully groaned, "Can you...just..." "What? Faster?" Mulder hissed. "Nnnno, slower but deeper" she answered panting, her mouth open. Mulder grunted his assent and did his best to fulfill her request. God, slower? He could try, but the urge to thrust fast and hard was growing in his groin. They spoke to each other then. Words of endearment, love, words that told each other how much they enjoyed what the other felt like, smelled like, tasted like when they bent forward for another kiss. Finally words failed them however, and all that could be heard were their gasps, an occasional grunt, and the sound of slapping flesh. Both of them were sweating and straining, working themselves toward the point they both wanted to reach. Mulder was feeling rather proud of himself. He had been able to slow down and hold back so that Scully didn't have to be distracted by his frantic thrusts into her. Part of the reason was the condom and position of course, but part of the reason was just the marvelous feeling of being enclosed in her body. She kept talking to him and telling him how fantastic his cock felt just being in her, and that was fine by him. He'd be happy to be in her forever if it meant feeling the way he did now. If it meant seeing her the way she looked now, completely lost in sexual abandon. Shortly, Mulder felt Scully's muscles tensing up and he did manage to regain his vocal chords for a moan. "Scully, look at me," he groaned. She opened her eyes and stared into his. "I wanna see you get off," he gasped. "Oh God, I'm so close," she hissed biting her lower lip. She was making hard circling motions on her clit and short stabbing motions with her hips. "Harder?" he asked moving against her, meeting her short thrusts. "No...just...angle up a little...oh..yeah...just like...oh....Gah..." her voice cut off as her neck tendons started to strain tight. Scully had her eyes open but she wasn't really seeing him, and then she threw her head back in a silent scream as her orgasm really hit her. Mulder stopped thrusting as her inner muscles gripped him like a vice. He shifted his hands up and supported her as she arched back. He just wanted to watch. He could wait. This was phenomenal. Her thigh muscles trembled against him. She had lost her grip on herself and Mulder let go of her back with one hand and reached down. He gave her clit a few more tugs. She jerked spasmodically against him again and made a whining noise in her throat. "That's it, that's it," Mulder murmured as she shook through the final spasms. Her face started to regain some awareness of her surroundings at last and Mulder pulled her close and hugged her tight. "Jesus, Scully. That was incredible." She couldn't speak but she nodded languidly against his shoulder. Mulder pulled her head gently back and looked into her flushed face. She smiled at him and bent forward to kiss him greedily. Their mouths played together for a few moments. Mulder rocked gently against her as he tasted her. When Scully pulled away she found her voice again. "Batter up," she purred at him. Mulder grinned, took her hips and began to thrust against her. They moved together for several minutes before it became apparent to Mulder that he wasn't going to be able to come this way. It felt fantastic but something about the combination of the rubber and the angle was keeping him from getting the amount of fiction he needed for release. He was breathing hard, trying to shift around without hurting Scully when she kissed his neck and then whispered in his ear. "It's ok, it's ok..." "Scully, I'm sorry I...I can't...I need to...this isn't working here," he gasped in dismay. "I know....it's all right, slow down and relax a second. Just relax," Scully advised him. Mulder slowed his thrusts and they held each other close for a few minutes until his breathing calmed down. "What would work for you?" she asked, planting a soft kiss next to the corner of his mouth. "I guess I need to revert to uh...a more traditional position," he grinned sheepishly at her. "I'll help you," she nodded reaching down to spread her folds apart. Mulder reached down too and steadied the rubber on his cock as he pulled out of her. Scully scooted out from between his legs and lay down on her back next to him. Mulder slumped down off the head board and rolled onto his side next to her. "Thanks, Scully. It just wasn't the right angle or something," he whispered running his long fingers over her breasts and then down onto to her stomach. He stroked into her pubic hair, tweaking her clit. She shivered a little again and took his hand in hers, drawing it up for another kiss. "Mulder, it doesn't matter. Having you in me is wonderful. I want you to feel what you made me feel. I want you to do whatever you need to do to feel that good." He leaned forward and kissed her. She drew him into her arms and pulled him over on top of her so that he fell between her legs as she opened them to him. He pushed up on his elbows and she raised her knees to cradle his hips. He reached down between them and taking his cock positioned himself and then entered her smoothly with one thrust. "Ok?" he asked her as they lay connected again. "Oh yeah, it's ok. I...if you want it deeper..." she let her voice trail off. "Yeah?" "Yeah, I can...I mean my legs..." "Yeah, yeah, that'd be great," Mulder nodded. He helped Scully to shift her legs up and over his shoulders. When he did his cock sank into her even further. "Oh Jesus," he hissed, "That's...fucking incredible." She smiled into his eyes and wiggled her hips making him groan low in his throat. "You're fucking incredible," she whispered, touching his cheek. "God, I'm gone," was all he could say before he began to thrust into her. Once he was positioned right Mulder knew this was it. He could feel his orgasm climbing up out of his groin. It started out slow, like molten lava and he was grunting with pleasure at each thrust. It felt like flowing liquid rock was coursing up his spine. He pumped into Scully almost mindlessly. He had just enough awareness left to feel her clutching his ass and urging him to come. He could feel her meeting his grinding hips, thrust for thrust as well. Scully was telling him how she loved him, and how he looked fantastic, and felt so good too, and her words weren't lost to him despite the grunts that were pulled out of him with each pump of his hips. He wanted to help bring her off once more and struggled to insinuate a hand between them only to find hers there before him. She was rubbing her clit furiously. He took his weight on his hands again, evenly on either side of her body, as best he could. He felt her internal muscles clenching him tight again and this time that inner grip sent the slow flow of his orgasm suddenly ripping through every nerve fiber in his body. He had just enough voice left to gasp that he loved her before he was screaming an unintelligible roaring sound at the top of his lungs. His hips thrust against Scully spastically several more time as the warm rush of his semen filled the condom. He could hear her moaning. "Fox!" she gasped loudly, as she rode out the final spasms of her own climax. Finally he collapsed against her, panting, shaking and laughing. Scully was laughing as well and equally as breathless. They tipped sideways under his weight and fell in a heap of tangled arms and legs. The avalanche of limbs caused them both to gasp and laugh some more. Scully kissed Mulder's face and neck and then his face again as he tried to regain his breath. She somehow managed to extricate her legs from his shoulders and slid them down around his waist. They were still connected as Mulder's breath began to come back to normal. "I think..." Scully began breathing hard. "You're a step ahead of me there, Scully," Mulder wheezed. Scully shook with soundless laughter for a few more seconds and then got herself under control with great effort. Mulder's breathing finally slowed further and reached normalcy. "You were saying?" he prompted grinning at her. "I was saying...I think that qualified as a double header, Fox Mantle." "A Twilight Double Header." "I certainly saw stars...again." "No shit," Mulder whispered, running his hand down her neck. He drew his hand away damp with her perspiration. Scully grinned and ran her hand down his chest leaving a little path through Mulder's sweat. When her hand traveled all the way down to his rapidly wilting cock she touched where they were joined tenderly and captured his eyes. One or two little spasms still trembled through her inner muscles and Mulder stroked her right breast as she fondled his balls. They spent several wordless seconds just gazing at each other and then Mulder bent forward and nuzzled her neck. "I should pull out," he suggested quietly. "Ok," she nodded kissing him on the cheek again. Mulder reached down and held the top of the rubber tight against his flaccid penis and carefully pulled back away from Scully's body. Scully shifted, pulling her legs back and Mulder completed his withdrawal. Mulder rolled away from her so she could pull the leg that was pinned under him out and away. Scully rolled onto her back as Mulder sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed. "This is the part I hate about these things," he mumbled as he pulled the condom down off his dick and tied the end off, "it's....well I always thought it kind of kills the mood." He felt Scully stroking his naked ass with one hand. "Mulder, nothing could kill this mood, believe me," she sighed. He turned his head and looked at her over his shoulder. She looked exhausted but there was a mixture of elation and contentment on her face. The combination of her running her hand over his butt and that glorious expression made Mulder feel like he'd done something right for once in his life. He reveled in the feeling and catalogued it for future reference. "I'll be right back," he smiled at her. "I'm most definitely not going anywhere," she grinned. When Mulder returned from the bathroom after flushing the condom, Scully had crawled under the covers. She lifted them up on one edge. Mulder reached over and turned off the night stand light. Then he climbed in next to her and snuggled close. They lay face to face and Scully toyed with the spikes of his hair that were stuck to his brow. "You want to shower?" he asked her settling next to her comfortably. "And what are you insinuating, Agent Mulder?" she grinned at him, her eyes sparkling with mischief as they played over his face. "I'm implying that my deodorant may have failed, and you might like me to shower," Mulder covered himself most adroitly. "I'm too sleepy, Mulder," she replied, a yawn punctuating her words. "I guess we'll just have to stay sticky." He chuckled, "Well I didn't really notice to tell you the truth. God, no kidding I was...that was..." "Yeah, that certainly was..." Scully let her voice trail off. "We'll have to do it again sometime," Mulder yawned. "Several sometimes. A life full of sometimes," Scully commented sleepily. "Sounds like a good idea to me," Mulder kissed her gently on the forehead. "Good," Scully sighed. "Mulder?" "Hm?" "About...calling you Fox." "Yeah?" "Well I...I know you don't..." Mulder touched her lower lip with his index finger. "Hey. Don't worry about it. Under the circumstances I can hardly complain can I?" Scully gave him a wry smile. "Right," he nodded. "No complaints from moi. Besides, it's one of the few times I ever heard my first name and enjoyed hearing it." "Well just the same, I know you prefer Mulder." "Scully, it's ok. Really. I was beyond caring. And I called you Dana too, you know." "True..." she replied, considering the idea. "Yeah, so... I'll tell you what. Let's...let's not quibble about terminology in the bedroom. Deal?" he suggested echoing her words from earlier in the evening. Scully chuckled her voice teasing him a little, "I don't know, Mulder..." "Ah come on. Tits, cock, Fox and Dana. Works for me. How about it? Whaddaya say?" "Mulder, you're bent." "And happily limp." Scully laughed and rubbed her hand through his damp chest hair, "That makes too of us," she replied, "and yes - it's a deal," she added. "Great." "Yeah, it is," Scully kissed where her hand had been rubbing and then drew back, smiling into his face again. "Scully?" "Yes?" "We forgot the ice cream." Scully almost choked on her laughter this time. When she regained her composure she patted his shoulder in mock comfort. "Don't worry. I'll serve it for breakfast, Mulder." "Doctor Scully! I'm shocked. That's not at all nutritionally correct." "Screw nutrition, Mulder. We can go for a run before hand," she replied with a contented sigh. "Screwing. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea to me too," Mulder chuckled. Scully ran her hand down and fondled his penis and balls a little. Her seductive fingering felt good but it was way too soon for Mulder to be able to rise to the occasion. He was past the age where he was ready to go again that quickly. Besides that, he really was bone tired and a very happy camper to boot. But it felt good to have her caress him intimately. He reached up and touched her cheek. "Uh...I guess it's half-time, slugger," Mulder murmured. "Yeah. I'm afraid extra innings are out of the question for me anyway," Scully nodded matter-of-factly. Mulder smiled as she continued to quietly stroke him. "I could make a bad joke here about extra innings and scoring the winning run..." Mulder whispered, teasing her. "Or you could say you were taking your bat and balls and going home," she replied smiling into his eyes. "I could." "But you won't because these are so much fun to play with," she smiled lazily up into his face. "Quality equipment always is," Mulder quipped and then he started to yawn again. Scully sighed and patted his genitals softly, "Get some rest Mr. Mantle. You're going to need this equipment again in the morning." "Yes, sir, coach, sir," he nodded, finishing his yawn. Scully snuffled a little and then rolled over onto her opposite side, wriggling back against Mulder's larger, warm bulk. "Ah, I thought you might be a spooner," he murmured, pulling her close with one arm draped over her middle. "Oh yeah?" "Yup. I've watched you sleep enough and you sleep curled up on your side so I just figured...you know...Scully's a spooner." "Well, you're right, I am." "Scully?" "Yes?" "I'm glad I got it right." "Mulder...I'm glad I got it right too." Mulder nodded against the back of her head. He knew she knew he hadn't just been talking about their spooning together. That knowledge made him admit also that he knew one truth. He had found that Scully really did know him. Correction - she'd known almost all of him. Now she knew his true heart as well. It made him feel on top of the world. Yeah, this was right. More than right, it was perfect. He listened to her steady, peaceful breathing. It felt stupendous to hold her. He figured that having her in his arms would, for the first time in a long time, let him sleep through the night. He kissed her hair. "G'night Mulder," Scully sighed, sleep embracing her at last. "Night. Scully. Sweet dreams," Mulder mumbled and then he too drifted off to sleep. -THE END-