Title : Intersections in Dreamtime Author : Kelly Moreland Feedback : k_a_moreland@hotmail.com Archive : Sure, just let me know where. Spoilers :Nada, none, zip, zero Rating : NC-17 without a doubt. Category :Angst, possibly MT Summary : It's happened to us all at some point. Disclaimer : In the big inning, CC created M & S, and the fans saw that it was good. Then CC proclaimed 'Let them have any fun, and I will sue you!' And the fans saw that this was bad, and did it anyway! ;-) Authors note : I'm evil, I know.. xxxxxxxxxxx He undressed her, dropping light kisses along her skin as he gradually uncovered it. When she reached to take his shirt off, he shook his head. "Lie down." Mulder smiled. "On your stomach." Scully did a double take at his words, but did as he requested. "Am I going to get a massage?" she asked with a yawn. He smacked her bottom playfully. "Not if it's going to put you to sleep." Naked, he straddled her thighs. He marveled at the soft feel of her thighs against the inside of his own. He kneaded her shoulders, freeing them of any tension. Her muscles seemed to melt beneath his strong coaxing fingers. He moved her hands from beneath her cheek, and spread her arms out on either side of her. He squeezed her biceps with the right amount of pressure, until he was sure she had neither the will, nor the strength to lift a feather. Each vertebrae in her back was treated to a rotating massage between his thumbs. He dug into the small of her back with the heels of his hands, rolling, then easing the pressure. When his hands slid over her buttocks, she shivered with pleasure. His fingers edged down her legs an inch at a time. He clasped the backs of her thighs, squeezed, massaged, then gave up all pretense of a massage and caressed. She moaned softly as his fingers roamed freely. Questing. Stroking. Finding. Until her hips rolled from side to side beneath him, in an agony of longing. He stretched out atop her, and nibbled the back of her neck, as his hands slipped beneath her to cup her breasts. "You are so beautiful." he whispered in her ear. He was hard, hot and straining with desire, anchoring her to the bed. He eased off her, and turned her over to face him. His kiss was searing, his tongue rampant in her mouth. He parted her legs, and draped them over his kneeling thighs. She turned her face away, against the pillow. "No, no, no. I want to watch your face," he whispered, rising above her. He guided himself into her folds. She moaned his name, splaying her hands against his chest. Her lower lip caught between her teeth. She lifted her hips, inviting him deeper, until they were completely joined. His face twisted in a grimace of sublime pleasure as he thrust into her again and again. When her body began to quicken around his, he covered her breasts with his chest, buried his face in the curve of her neck---- The electronic whine of his alarm clock jolted Mulder awake. He sat bolt upright in his bed and growled at the offending device, before flopping back down his arm thrown across his eyes. "Why didn't I set the damn thing for five minutes later?" he groaned rolling out of bed to go shower. Fini~ I said I was evil! ;-) Title : Intersections in Dreamtime II Author : Kelly Moreland Feedback : k_a_moreland@hotmail.com Archive : Sure! Just tell me where. Spoilers : Nada Rating : NC-17 Category : Angst, possibly ST Summary : Don't you just hate it when... Disclaimer : In the big inning, CC created M & S, and the fans saw that it was good. Then CC proclaimed 'Let them have any fun, and I will sue you!' And the fans saw that this was bad, and did it anyway! ;-) Authors note : I know.. I'm being evil again... Xxxxxxxxxx Scully spotted him immediately in the surf. Sleek and agile, he cut cleanly through the ocean waves. Strong arms which she knew to be capable of great tenderness pulled him through the water. He arched, and vanished beneath the surface in a shallow dive. When his head emerged a full minute later, he shook it free of water and began to kick himself back to shore. She laughed softly with deep affection, wading into the cool water. She stopped when it swirled just above her knees. Mulder saw her, and walked toward her. He came out, and sea water trickled down the smooth muscles of his arms. Crystal droplets rolled down his chest, rivered slightly to the center of his torso, eddied around his navel, and followed the silky line of dark hair toward his sex. He was naked. He liked to swim this way early in the morning. When he reached where she stood, he simply pulled her to him in a bone-melting kiss. His mouth was hot, his skin cooled by the water. He kissed her as though he would never release her, as though he wanted to draw all of her into himself. She arched against him, pressing herself along his strong leanness. Her arms closed around his neck. The water lapped at their thighs. The sun's rays, just peeking over the horizon, spilled over them like gold. Mulder broke off the kiss abruptly and stared into her eyes fiercely. He trapped her head between his hands, tunneling his fingers through her hair. His breathing was harsh. He was a man struggling to keep a tenuous hold on his passions. They won. Bracketing her rib cage between his hands, he lifted her high above him. She rested her hands on his shoulders for support. He gazed up into her face then let his eyes steal over her hungrily. The simple white tee shirt she wore, was plastered to her body now. It was all but transparent, and sexier than nakedness. The muscles of his arms bulged as he lowered her, just enough to reach her breasts with his mouth. He fastened onto one tight crest, and sucked it sweetly. Her head fell back, mindlessly she chanted his name like a prayer. Gradually he lowered her, taking tiny love bites of her flesh as he did. The wet tee shirt stuck to his naked body, leaving her bare as she descended. Her thighs were slick and wet against the smooth shaft of his sex. He groaned her name and sealed her lips with his. He buried his tongue in her mouth, as he lifted her up against his lap. Her legs folded around his waist, and with one sure thrust, he entered her. The world could have tilted off it's axis, and she wouldn't have known.She knew only the rhythmic thrust of his body into hers-- And then the phone rang. She groped for it, groaning in near agony. "Hello?" she rasped, her voice annoyed. "Scully?" Mulder. Who else could it have been, after all. This only added to her annoyance. "No Mulder. It's the Easter bunny." He laughed uneasily. "Did I wake you?" "Yes, and if you are calling to tell me that you just saved hundreds of dollars by switching to Geico, I'm going to shoot you through the phone." He chuckled softly,"I'm at the office Scully. You must have over slept. Are you ok?" She looked at the alarm clock. Shit. Way over slept. "Sorry Mulder. I'll be there soon, ok?" "You sure you're ok?" "Yes. I'll be there within an hour." "OK. I'll make coffee." "Ok. Bye." She sighed and hung up the phone. "If only he'd called five minutes later", she mumbled as she got out of bed. Fini~