Title: Ebony Eyes Author: Bexbel E-mail: Bexbel@aol.com Archive: Anywhere, with my permission :-) Category: MSR Rating: NC17. Authors notes: None, just enjoy the ride..Names have been changed to protect the innocent...tehe Summary: An old flame returns..pulling our hero's in all directions. Disclaimer. Not mine, just messing, no monies blar blar. Ebony Eyes by Bexbel. FBI HQ 10.30am Fox Mulders office. It was a cool Autumn day, Mulder and Scully were in the basement, catching up on the very over due reports, which had been hanging around for the last couple of weeks. Recently, Mulder had started dating a long legged, busty walking wet dream from the typing pool. Louise, was pushy, she had virtually railroaded Mulder into their first lunch date. His fatigue and nonchalance at the time of her request, made it easier for him to except. He was attracted to the body and face, but not her mind. The old clich=E9, rearing it's ugly head. He mused that if Scully was off limits, as he had labelled her. Then why shouldn't he go on a date. It might even be fun.. Trouble was, Mulder had fallen hook, line and sinker for his partner a long time ago. He dug a hole and buried those feeling away. As he always did. He was content to spend his days and some nights with her, on her couch watching some movie, supping ice water. And flirting relentlessly with her. It was his salvation in a way. She never seemed to mind his intrusions on her solitude. They were both comfortable with the situation. Some times he would call her at some un Godly hour, after one of his plaguing nightmares, talk to her and she'd pacify him back to sleep. They were buddies after all, but it went deeper than that, they both knew. But chose to keep it that way, anything else would be too risky. He had the best of her, her wit, intelligence, compassion. Except her physical love, he resigned himself to that reality, and was getting on with his life. ********************************************************************* Scully on the other hand, was not his type, she knew this, so it wasn't much of a shock when he started to date Louise. She was happy for him, truly. It crushed her. But she went on as usual. Hiding her pain, and overjoyed that he would still call her, come around and chill out after some gruelling case. Occasionally he would come round early, she'd cook him supper, they'd watch the game on the box and bet on the final score.. She never mentioned Louise, neither did he. It was a unwritten law. The rapport at work was the same. Except he did get the odd call from Louise, while they were in the field. He would walk away from Scully, during these conversations. He would apologise to her for the interruption. Scully never showed any emotion. Over the last few weeks the calls and interruptions had become more regular. Scully noted Mulders annoyance at the constant interruptions. She paid no heed. ********************************************************************* This week they were waiting for a 302 to be approved by Skinner. A Big foot sighting in Canada. So while they waited for his call, they completed the late reports.. When Scully walked into the office that Monday morning, he was already seated at his desk, he looked a little dishevelled and tired. Scully didn't say anything. Neither did Mulder. He obviously had a heavy night. Scully silently thought that Louise had something to do with his state. She blotted out the image, his tired eyes conjured up, she really didn't want to know what he had been up too. ********************************************************************* 'Morning Mulder...have we got the OK to go?' she offered light, acting as if nothing was out of the ordinary. 'No. Not yet. I'll give Skinner a buzz later' he seemed to lift from his mood, and fiddled with some paperwork. She grabbed herself a coffee, asking if he wanted one, He didn't. Then flicked on her computer. 'Scully?..' he said almost inaudibly. His voice hesitant. As if he wanted to say more but lost the nerve. She looked up from the keyboard, to wait for the next part of the question. It never came. Shaking his head, briefly, he finally finished, 'Nothing. It's nothing. I'll tell you later.' Scully smiled and continued, her brow furrowing, as she considered, what all that was in aid of. ********************************************************************* Eventually he rang Skinner, who was in a meeting, his secretary told him, that he hadn't looked at the file yet and would get back to him. Mulder sulked for a while, and carried on with some more research on the current case. They chatted idly about this and that. Nothing in particular. Scully was trying hard to concentrate on her typing, and kept making mistakes. When she finally finished it and began to print the hard copy, the ink on the printer was all out. She huffed, annoyed. Walked to the filling cabinet to retrieve a new cartridge. She was muttering, trying to find one, in the mess that was in there. Out the corner of his eye, Mulder watched with mock amusement at her huffing, blowing, knocking draws closed, then rummaging again. He saw another figure lurking outside the ajar office door. He was tall, well over six foot. Muscular. Africa American. Attractive. Even Mulder could appreciate his good looks. Mulder waited saying nothing. That's when the man caught Mulder's eye from behind the door. Mouthing to him, 'Is 'she' in?' He held a long digit to his lips, to make sure Mulder didn't make her aware of this strangers presence. Mulder went with the charade and nodded the affirmative. The man smiled and entered the small room. Mulder watched as the man snuck out from behind the door, gracefully making his way to Scully. Standing directly behind her, placing his large hands over her eyes from behind. Mulder watched intently, hoping that she did 'know' this guy, and that he wasn't sent to kill her or anything. His paranoid mind kicking in. Scully froze. Her mouth dropped open and then closed just as quickly. The tall hunk of a man, leaned into her ear, smiled sexy and whispered.. 'Whisper my name till I come..' Mulder's heart sank straight to his knees. He knew now, that they were obviously friends, really good friends. Possibly even lovers. He felt a twinge of jealousy run through his veins, and suppressed it. But he was transfixed, he wanted to see her reaction. She how she responded to this man. He was intrigued. to say the least. Scully looked tiny against him, he was well dressed, his chino were tight, and left nothing to the imagination. Wide shoulders, slim hips, and a thick set jaw. Dark brown, close cropped hair. His shirt was vivid orange silk. Mulder thought that he looked like he had just stepped out of the pages of 'Ebony'. 'Are you coming?' the guy whispered again, making Mulder blush, and Scully smile seductively. Mulder was sure he saw a tremor go through her, at his sexy innuendo. She rocked back into the guys arms, positively swooning. A tiny groan of arousal rose from her throat. Slowly, very slowly, she turned in the mans arms to face him. 'Chris?..' her voice sexy, choking back tears. She was rattled, stunned and elated this guy was here. Their eyes met, then Scully slid her palms down and around the guys tight butt and squeezed gently..giving him a seriously sexy come on..saying, 'I'd know this black ass anywhere..' Dry as a bone. Chris closed his eyes as she squeezed him and dropped his head back to face the ceiling, feigning orgasm. Mulder blushed, yet again. Watching as they both smiled at each other, talking without speaking. A grin teasing her lips. Chris, bent his knees, taking a firm hold of her, under her buttocks. Lifted her up and walked one pace back, holding her off the ground, against the filling cabinet. Her hands instinctively went around his neck, to hold on. It only took a couple of seconds for their passion to rise fully and she slipped her legs around his hips, locking her ankles behind him. Chris growled. Mulder didn't know where to put his face, he wanted to watch, wanted to see this fascinating display continue. But he also felt like some kind of perverted voyeur. Suddenly her face changed from a sultry smile to a determined lust. She took his lips to her with such ferocity, he nearly stumbled backwards, dropping her. For a few minutes the kiss was frantic. tongues, moans, groans, shifting of positions and heads. Her hands pulling and gripping him, mauling him almost. The kiss began to slow, to a more seductive, more deliberate embrace. He would take over the kiss, she would just relax into it. Then she'd reverse the technique. Offering him the same pleasures. After an age, as Mulder watched and then tried not too. They pulled back, content to just nuzzle each other, peppering kisses along each other's necks, cheeks and brows. Scully head lolling back on her shoulders, with her eyes closed, a smirk on her face, as he continued to kiss her. Mulder was feeling his cock twitch in his boxers. He had always wanted to push her up against 'that' filling cabinet. In fact he had a whole 'repitour' of things he had envisioned them doing. He was gutted. It was all too much for him, so he did the only decent thing he could. To save his and their embarrassment, of their lack of professional behaviour. 'HuHumm' Mulder coughed nervously. Hoping they would come out of their revelry, and realise they were not alone. Chris still oblivious, continued to kiss her, Scully jumped, suddenly realising her predicament. She flashed her eyes across the room to Mulder. Slightly flushed and out of breath. 'OH! Jesus!...Sorry Mulder..' chastising herself for the lack of control. Her hands pushed Chris back a little, she smiled sweetly at Chris as he reluctantly let her down. 'You've lost some weight..' Chris still looking at her as if he feared she would disappear. 'You've got some more muscles..' she giggled lusciously. Chris's hands casually on her ass. Mulder chewing the inside of his cheek nervously. Still holding hands, Scully turned and perched on the edge of her desk. Chris stood towering over her. 'You look good enough to eat.' Chris's voice un-ashamedly wanton. He slid to sit beside her, his eyes never leaving hers. She chuckled, 'So do you..you bugger..' something in her tone, Mulder couldn't fathom. He leaned into kiss her again, she didn't stop him, in fact Mulder would have swore she was inviting the attention. Much to his envy. 'Your mouth is as perfect as I remembered it..' he cooed as they came up from some well deserved oxygen. Chris's fingers rolling gently over those lips, still wet from the kiss. Mulder wanted to be very far away at that moment. He hadn't realised how bloody jealous he was, until he had seen them together. Scully smiled, loving his tender words. Then like the wind, she changed.. 'What the hell are you doing back!?' really quite pissed off.. 'Last time you wrote. Which was about TWO YEARS ago..You were in Uganda, or Iraq or some God awful place!?' smacking his hands, in a poor attempt at a rebuff. He softened and hugged her close around her shoulders, giggling.. 'I know. I'm sorry. I've been all over the place. I've just come back from Zimbabwe. I've been helping out there for the last few years. The clinic was small but we did some good work. Saved allot of lives. Saving MA PEOPLE!' he gave a terrible impression on a black African. He giggled again, she slapped him playfully on the chest. He grabbed her hand quickly, looking seriously and deeply into her eyes again. OK so Mulder did his profile. Obviously an old lover, all those double meaning quips. The kissed, they were very well rehearsed. Pre X files. He was a doctor of some kind. She wrote to him, and he her. He's been out of the country for a long time. What stunned Mulder the most, was how she was with him. Totally relaxed and open. Ignoring Mulder completely. Maybe there had been more to this relationship than he first presumed. More to Scully, than met the eye. Scully was bright eyed, flushed, and looked totally turned on. Mulder mused that if he hadn't coughed they would have ended up doing the deed on the office floor. 'So. Why are you back?' she enquired, Chris still unbelievable close to her, Mulder almost cringing. 'I missed you..Chris whispered, ignoring her question. 'Me too.' giving him a tight squeeze on his hands, leaning into him a little. 'I had to, my Mum died.' Chris's eyes began to fade a little, his head dropped and Scully held him hard. 'Oh Jesus Chris..I'm 'so' sorry..' her concern obvious. 'Liver cancer..' his voice quivered. She closed her eyes and held him to her chest, pulling him down to her. Mulder, 'really' felt like the third wheel. Finally Chris straightened and pecked at her nose, making her smile tenderly. 'It was a couple of days ago. I had some family business to sort. I'm going back tomorrow. So I thought we could 'catch up'..' he said suggestively..wiggling his eyebrows. Yet again she smacked his broad chest. Chuckling.. 'You bugger!..Six years..and you wanna' catch up?' another chastise. But this time she was softening to it. Getting back in the old swing, as it where. 'Yeah...catch...up..' he oozed, sliding his substantial lips over her's again. To reiterate his sentiment. Suddenly as if she had been hit by lightning, Scully jumped. Remembering finally that they were not alone. And that she had ignored poor Mulder the whole time. 'Oh!..Mulder..This is Chris..Chis Phelps..Fox Mulder..Chris Phelps...' back in her professional mode, in the blink of an eye. Mulder stood from behind the desk, reaching to take his hand. Smiling as hard as he could muster under the circumstances. Chris looked him in the eye, with a fair amount of friendship. 'Great to finally meet you Mulder. Dana has told me all about you. I feel I already know you.' very sincerely and genuinely pleased to say hello. His grip almost crushing Mulder's slender hand. Chris continued as Mulder nodded. 'It's all been good. Let me assure you! Dana's obviously very fond of you. From her letters, I could have sworn, she is in love with you..' Chris chuckled, Scully blushed and gave a feeble laugh. Mulder flashed her a smile, his heart beginning to beat normally again. Chris seemed un-perturbed by the posters and odd photos that strewn the walls. Mulder knew that she had told Chris about the work they did. Somehow he was pleased with the lack of sarcasm, or reaction from Chris. It was a refreshing change from the norm. Mulder admitted to himself, that he liked the guy. He seemed a really good bloke. He obviously made her happy. He had to be grateful for that. 'I'm taking you two to lunch!' Chris finished, happy and relaxed. Scully's eyes lit up, eager to go. Mulder on the other hand, knew this was a reunion, he should stay well clear of. 'That's good of you to offer, but you two go. You have allot of catching up to do, by the sound of it.' Mulder retreated, gracefully. 'Oh come on Mulder!!?' Chris pushed again. Honestly wanting to take them both out. Mulder really like the guy now. He was persistent and genuine. How could he not? Scully stood, waiting for Mulders answer, hoping he would except. 'Mulder, you can tell me about the case your working on. I 'really' want to hear about it. Besides I owe you lunch at least. For looking out for Dana all these years.' his tone soft and thankful. Mulder flicked his eyes to Scully to make sure it was OK with her..She nodded, urging him to accept. 'OK' he said finally, they grabbed their coats and left. ********************************************************************* They ended up at the local haunt for the FBI crowd. Mulder and Chris talked at length about the X files, his quest and his sister. Falling easily into the conversation. He was easy to talk to. He listened and didn't make judgements, he asked pertinent questions to clarify points. Scully ate, chuckled at the conversations, pulling Mulder up on a few points. To which they would have a heated banter, together. Chris began to see the kind of relationship they had. First hand. Mulder watched Scully intently, the way she would look at Chris, deep in conversation or thought. As if she was eating him up. eyeing him lusciously. Little touches here and there. Just to let Chris know she was still there. Chris held her hand under the table, stroked her thigh, etc. As if they had never been parted, and that it was the most natural thing in the world. 'So Chris! What do you do then..Tell me?' Mulder decided they had talked too much about the X files. And to take his mind off what Scully was doing, under the table to Chris. And not him. 'Boring really, not as interesting as your work..' he seemed quite shy. 'Go on don't be modest..' Mulder urged, genuinely interested.. 'I work for the government, out of Quanico. Mostly in African states. Stamping out childhood diseases. I go way out into the bush, to remote places and set up little clinic. Teaching the people there about hygiene and general health problem. I report back to the US. Try new drugs blar blar..' He finished turning to Scully, who was smiling at him with allot of adoration. Then it hit Mulder, the pieces finally fitting. This was what Scully intended to do. But she was stuck with him. He suddenly felt very uneasy. 'So you and Scully..met at Quanico?' Mulder changed the subject. Chris turned to Scully, looking into her, asking a question with his eyes. She nodded, and stared right back at Mulder. Waiting to gage his reaction. A smug smile on her face. Which unnerved him totally. 'Yeah we went to work there together. Dana in forensics, I was in research division. I got offered this job, and 'she' let me go..' Chris smiled at Scully, his voice soft, full of tenderness. 'Let you 'go'..?' Mulder pushed intrigued. Wishing he hadn't. 'We were..' Chris paused to check with Scully it was OK to continue, she gave the slightest nod, so he added, 'We were getting married that summer. She and I went up for the same job, I got it. She let me go..' Chris turned and kissed her on the cheek. Murder's mouth was agape..He had no idea. Ever imagined that she had been engaged to be married. Shit why was that? Why wouldn't she? They never discussed there private lives. So he never even considered it. He never even acknowledged she had a life before the X files. 'Close your mouth Mulder..your'll catch a fly!' Scully chuckled at his stunned face. 'Sorry..' he recovered and took a sip of his water. Looking stunned into Scully eyes. 'Chris went off. I got assigned to the X files.' She explained the story. Mulder nodded. There was a uncomfortable silence for a while. Mulder then turned to Chris.. 'So you never...found anyone else?' he needed to know, if it was going to be back on. He had never felt so weird in his life. So many emotions rushing around his head. Chris laughed out loud, throwing his head back, towards the ceiling.. Both Mulder and Scully watched, shocked at his reaction, then Chris looked slowly back to Scully, a huge grin on his face, saying. 'Once you have tasted caviar. Everything else is just fish eggs..' Chris's eyes were haunted and sincere. Mulder thought Scully was going to drop him, have her way with him on the restaurant floor. Mulder on the other hand, was gutted, like a wet clod. Why couldn't he ever say things like that to her? Chris was so open with his affection for her. Why couldn't he make her smile like that? He felt small, inadequate and pathetic. Mulder was turning to mush right in front of Scully's eyes. She could see him wither, almost disappear into his seat. This had not been a good idea. This was supposed to be fun, but she could see, Mulder hurting. For what she wasn't sure. But it was unmistakable. She changed the subject. Quickly. 'Chris where are you staying?' Here in DC?' 'I'm in an apartment with my brother..' Chris offered light not pic= king up on the vibes from Mulder or Scully. 'Harry.?!' she was surprised..'Here in DC?' 'Yep!..He's married now, got a little girl..she's two now..' Chris rambled on.. Scully chuckled, shaking her head. 'So he has managed to stay out of jail long enough to get married and raise a family..' her chuckles becoming a full blown laugh. Mulder thought she looked stunning when she laughed like that. She didn't do it enough. 'Yeah! Can you believe it? After all we went through with him!! Linda was a warden in his jail. They had a torrid affair and when he got out, she kept him clean..He now works with repeat offenders, with the parole boards. He's doing brilliantly..We're so proud of him..' 'Oh thats great! ' she oozed, happy the younger brother had come good. 'Is he keeping well?' Scully asked tentatively.. Mulder jumped in not understanding her connotation. 'Well?..Was he ill?' 'Yeah..he was stabbed going ot the store at around 8 years old. He lost a kidney. But he does really well..as I said.' Chris was all smiles, they all were. ********************************************************************* Scully noted the time and frowned, 'We better get back Mulder..? 'she said gently, when there was a lull in the conversation. 'You stay..I'll go and see if the 302 has been approved yet.' Mulder stood, Scully nodded, and Chris jumped up, giving Mulder a hug over the table. 'Thanks for taking care of her Mulder. I know she can be a pain in the butt. but she really is a special lady. Don't you think?' Chris asked him seriously. Mulder looked deep into Scully's eyes, she blushed, fearing the cute quip he always came back with, instead he smiled sweetly, 'One in a million..' he added..'See you later then..' and left. ********************************************************************* As Mulder walked slowly back to the building. He ran though the last hours events. The revelations about Scully and Chris. His reaction to them. Is jealousy and frustrations about his on feeling towards her. He made a decision. If he got the chance, he was going to tell her how he felt. He couldn't go on like this forever. It would only eat him up. But there was two hurdles he had to climb. Louise 'and' Chris. Louise was easy, he was only using her, and she him. But Chris was a different obstacle, all together. Scully obviously had very deep feelings for Chris. How on earth could he compete with a guy like that? Good looking, an old flame, tender, affectionate. A body to die for. Witty, travelled. The list seemed endless. Just then his phone rang. 'Mulder?' 'Where were you?..' and accusing feline voice shrilled in his ear. It was Louise. 'What?..I was out with my friends Louise. OK?! I'm not at your beck and call you know..?' he spat back, irritated by her, as he had always been. Realising he had stood her up at lunch time. 'Oh well..I'm coming over tonight around 8. We can go and see that film I've been wanting to see..' she gave her orders...His blood boiled. 'Louise...You are 'not' coming over tonight. A frankly you can go and take a big leap off a small building for all I care..!!' he hung up, not letting her get a word in. That will get them talking in the typing pool he mused. He didn't give a dam. One down two to go... ********************************************************************* He got back to the basement, Skinner had left a message OK'ing the 302. He waited and waited for Scully to come back. She didn't. So around seven he headed home. A little shell shocked. He didn't know if he should call her. He thought he better not. Besides, he cringed, she's probably getting laid right now, and the last thing she want's is some schmuck ringing her at a critical moment. This made him even more depressed. So he resigned himself to a restless evening. By around 10, he was so on edge, he had to ring her. To tell her he had arranged everything for tomorrow. So he chanced his arm and called. Her phone rang twice and she picked up.. 'Scully?' 'Hey Scully it's me..' 'Hi Mulder, whats up..?' she seemed cool and not annoyed he rang. He was relieved. 'Skinner approved the 302. I've booked the flights they leave at 8.30am. is that OK?' he was treading lightly, he did have some awareness of her situation. He had screwed up the last five years, he didn't want to screw up the rest. There was a silence, Mulder could hear her thinking. His palms began to sweat. Maybe she would resign and go back with Chris to Africa? He felt the need to sit, so he did, while he waited for her reply. 'If you need more time Scul..' he added. 'No No thats fine, I'll see you in the morning.' She hung rather abruptly and his heart sank. ********************************************************************* He didn't sleep very well. He had too many things in his head to contemplate. He envied Chris. And what they shared. He never felt that he would have that kind of bond, that they seemed to share. He arrived outside her apartment at 7.25am, and waited, And waited, and waited. No sign of lights or movement. He checked his watch. 7.54am. She was never late. So he went to her door and knocked gently. No answer. He tapped louder this time. 'Still' no answer. Then he panicked. Maybe she meant to meet him at the office! Oh shit, she could be there waiting for him. So he rang the office , no reply. He then rang 'her' number, listening to it ring inside the apartment. Still nothing. Maybe she 'had' gone with him. Couldn't face telling him and just went? He was out of his mind, by now and fumbled for his key, she gave him for emergency's. Right after he broke down her door that time... Fumbling, in a mess, he opened up and walked in. Looking for her bags she usually took with her, nothing. It was dark and quiet. No sign of life. Suddenly the lights came on. He reached awkwardly for his gun, turning seeing, Scully standing, naked, wet from the shower, looking as freaked as he. She had nothing to cover herself with, so she grabbed the nearest thing to her, a pillow off the couch. But it was 'so' small, it didn't even afford her any modesty. Mulder was transfixed, his cock leaping in his boxers. He held his gun feebly in front of him, not quite aiming at her but nearly. 'Jesus Mulder..!' she seemed really pissed at him, but slowly she smiled, realising he had seen it all now. There was no point in hiding. She would only look stupid fumbling and running like a headless chicken into the bathroom again. She thought it would be better to put this on an even keel. 'You wouldn't d shoot an unarmed lady now, would you?' she whispered sultry. Letting the pillow drop to the floor, chuckling, only then realising, he had a hard on to compare with the Eiffel tower! 'Wha..?..Oh Sorry!! I'm so Sorry Dana..I mean Scully..Oh Shit..' he turned utterly humiliated from her, to face the door. Trying desperately to think of prostate examinations.. She realised that he was in a terrible state. So she tired to ease him, 'No it's me who should be sorry. I over slept..' he interrupted her, 'I rang and rang, knocked, I thought you'd gone and I'd missed you..' He felt a hand on his shoulder, making him startle. Softly she calmed him. 'Now we're even..Mulder..I've seen you in the buff..' she giggled. He went to turn around to say something more.To apologies. But she stopped him. 'HEY?!! I'm still naked!!' she giggled again. 'Sorry..I forgot..' he cringed at his thoughtlessness. 'Haha I don't think that, 'that' did though..' she pointed to his groin area, now coming under some kind of control now. Mulder put his gun back in his holster, in silence, he was just digging himself deeper, so he gave in to the humiliation. 'Sorry..' he added again. 'No harm done. I'm going to change, ' she gave quietly and walked back to the bathroom. Leaving a wet trail as she did. When he thought it was safe, he turned around, only to see Chris waltz out of her bedroom, with a pair of white, tight, Calvin Kline's on, and nothing else. This situation was going from , horrendous to, dam right catastrophic. 'Hi Mulder..your first eyeful?' Chris chuckled..having a laugh at his expense. Chris put the coffee on and sat up on her kitchen work top. He could sense the atmosphere and pulled out a chair for Mulder to sit on, gesturing for him to come and sit down. A sympathetic smile on his lips. 'Yes it was..' Mulder answered after he sat down, his shoulder drooping badly. 'Did you enjoy it?' Chris having a little fun again.. Blushing hard, Mulder gave a nod, not looking Chris in the eye. This was hard enough for him as it was. Without being ribbed by Chris as well. 'Mulder It's not what you think....Dana and I 'used' to be lover's..sure. But not now. Not last night..' Chris smiled at him gently. Chris understood now. Scully had told him last night about the relationship they had. Chris began to make three coffee's, as Mulder replied, 'It's none of my business..' cool and trying not to show his deepening depression. 'Like hell it isn't!!' Chris plonked down a coffee in front of Mulder, and resumed his seat on the worktop. Mulder couldn't believe his ears. Confusion raining again. He was getting used to this roller-coaster ride. Chris began to explain, 'We 'were' in love. I don't think we will never be in love. But from what I've witnessed and been told. You are in love with her, and she with you...she used to look at me, the way she looks at you..Don't make the mistakes I did. Don't waste anymore time..' Chris was sure of his words, some with regret and some was urgency. 'But you two..yesterday..I mean..she didn't come back, I presumed..' Mulder started and was interupted..by Chris again. 'You thought we were humping like the world was going to end any minute. You don't know her as well as I do. Do you?' Mulder had to concede that one. Shaking his head, agreeing. Taking a sip of the steaming coffee, Chris continued..in a hushed tone, 'Let me put you straight Mulder, we kissed, held each other, fooled around a little. I'm going back today. To the back of beyond. We didn't make love. Or I'd still be flat on my back, gasping for breath and fluids man!' Mulder gave a wry smile at that. He really did like Chris, his honesty. 'She's no push over, not easy!...Oh no..She doesn't love me anymore, not like she loves you. We just touched base, talked and cried. Sorted out some stuff that was between us. I understand your off to Canada this morning? Well get your head round this Mulder. She is worth the wait. Believe me! And when she loves you....if you let her in your heart..well, you'll see..' Chris finished, eager for Mulder to understand. 'But what about work, there are rules..our partnership.?' Mulder finding the worn out excuses.. 'Fuck that Mulder!!' Chris getting pissed at him now. Mulders mouth fell open in shock, not for the first time today. 'She's a professional, we worked together no one knew about us! Jesus Mulder, a black guy and Scully, the 'Ice Queen'!?! They didn't have a clue, till we got engaged! You are crazy about her..arn't you?' 'Yes..' 'So whats your problem?' Chris spat back.. 'She's never..She doesn't love me..' sinking into his chair. 'What?..Are you blind? Christ for a criminal profiler you are crap at your job! Does she really have to say..I love you? She told me you were seeing someone, that she cried for a week..What more proof do you need?' 'I'm not anymore ..we broke up last night. I only went out with her cos the guy were starting to talk about me in the mens room!' Mulder explained..Chris gave him a sympathetic grin.. 'I hear ya Mulder..' he understood. 'Let me give you a few pointers Mulder my man..It's the least I can do..' Chris grinned all macho, Mulder chuckled too. This was excellent, just what Mulder needed, a confidence booster. 'She loves to be treated like a independent sensual women, it's important to her, but so is gentleness, romance. But she is a 'passionate' woman. She likes it slow and tender, but depending on her mood, hot and heavy, you understand what I'm saying?' Chris paused checking Mulder was taking notes. He was.. 'Don't rush her, tell her how much she means to you, be the romantic, she loves that, flowers chocolate, a touch a caress, means more to her than those three words or a whole night of love making.. BUT! she is 'insatiable' when she gets going, so be prepared..pace yourself..!' Chris chuckles warmly, as Mulder, yet again is agape and almost drooling. 'Close your mouth Mulder' Scully strolls in oblivious of their conversation, they both jolt from there thoughts, smiling nervously. If she knew what was being talked about, she would have shot them where they stood! Both men staring at her with admiration, she is dressed, hair kempt and totally together. She swigs the half cold cup of black liquid, 'What?' she asks, as they intently watch to see, if see realises what they were talking about. She doesn't. They both shake their heads, looking away from her, breathing a sigh of relief. 'We'd better go Mulder, we're probably gonna miss the plane anyway..' Mulder stands and gives Chris his hand which he shakes vigorously. Mulder makes a quiet exit towards the door, allowing them some privacy. 'Write me Dana' Chris smiles sweetly, tears in his eyes..She slips her hands around his face, holding his head in her hands. 'Why?..you never reply..' smiles sweetly, resting their heads together. 'Love ya always..' he whispers, 'I know..me too..' Scully close to tears as well. She takes a deep breath, 'Now..get that black tight ass out of my apartment, and get back to Africa..' she says, as she gives, that said ass, a long tight squeeze. They kiss, one last time, a slow, gentle goodbye. As she pulls away she smiles and whispers.. 'Whisper my name, and I'm coming..' all soft and warm..with a little sadness. He fakes orgasm, falling to his knees, she chuckles and walks away. For the last time. Mulder grabs her bags and nods his goodbye to Chris as they leave, Mulder's hand on the small of Scully back, ushering her tenderly out the door. ********************************************************************* Somewhere over Canada 10.30am 'You OK Scully..Your very quiet? Mulder leaned in gently towards his partner. 'Yes..I'm fine..' she whispered, not very fine at all. 'Dana..tell me..' Mulder looks into her watery blue depths. She sighs into his, and starts to talk. 'I barely get over him, and he waltzes straight back in..' she chuckles, her heart aching. 'You still love him..' Mulder feels his heart whither, maybe Chris was wrong. Scullys turned her head quickly towards him, looking a little shocked, that he would ask such a intimate question, so sweetly, not his usual, come on Scully, buck up mode. 'Used to...still do a little. but it's different now.' She takes a sip of her cold coffee, grimacing as it rolls down her throat. 'He and I, were like you and I are. Close. We knew each other inside out. He wanted the same things I did. Kindred spirits..' Mulder listened, heartened by her honesty. Glad they both feel the same about, their relationship. 'We had quite a few problems to begin with. His family not liking a white women for there eldest son. And work was another issue. Rules regulations all that rubbish...But we showed them..' She gave defiant and smiling, she continued.. 'We both went up for the same job. He got it. He had more experience and asked me to go with him, as his wife. But I couldn't leave my family and friends. I enjoyed my work, I had a good chance of doing really well. It's different for a man somehow. They can just take off. I dunno..Anyway, he went with my blessing. It broke our hearts. I think mine more than his.' she sighed, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. 'Don't you believe it. He was cut up. He told me, he'd made mistakes. He wished he hadn't gone...' Mulder, in trying to ease her, only made the tears fall. She dropped her head, leaned into his shoulder and let the tears come. 'Dana I'm sorry..' he didn't know what else to say. She cried softly as he cuddle her close. Just to comfort her. 'Tell me about the fun..' he lifted her chin, making her smile as he fumbled for his hanky. Eventually she took more control and began to describe where and how they dated. How he proposed. After a while she sat up a little straighter in her chair. He felt her loss like a amputation. 'You know Scully, I never thought you would..you know..with a coloured guy..?' he smiled nervously.. Scully came back with a classic scold. One to wither roots of a 100 year old oak. 'Whats colour got to do with it? You can't pick and choose the people we love?' 'I'm no racist Scully, but you are such a dark horse. It was a shock that was all. Just you..wedding a black man..' 'African American third generation. He 'was' born here you know..' very defensive. 'OK..I'll change the subject..' Knowing he was out of his depth. 'So is it true, what they say about coloured guys danglely bits?' he chuckled, nudging her in the ribs, playfully. She could only chuckle. Trust Mulder to think up that one. She faked another scold, but couldn't help the grin that crept slowly over her face. 'So?'' he pushed again..Loving the fact that she was blushing. 'No complaints' She grinned, he nodded understanding. His shoulder jiggling as he chuckled to himself. Proud that he had got her to smile, finally. 'So how's Louise?' she gave light, wanting to forget for a little. Mulder suddenly got a look of an iceberg, he visibly shuddered, with the thought of 'her' freezing his blood. 'Why didn't you tell me I was a bloody idiot?' he scolded her. Blaming her for his terrible taste in women. Scully looked shocked at him. Eyes wide. 'You are my friend, aren't you? Why did you let me make a fool of myself with that..that..eeeewwww.' he didn't finish his sentence, too busy cringing. 'I. don't know..I thought she was you fantasy. Blonde, breasts the size of K9. Legs that went on forever. A walking wet dream. If I had said anything. You would have shot me down..' she ended her shepelle, certain of it. 'No I wouldn't, I trust your judgement Scully, I respect your opinions..' 'Yeah but..' 'No buts, anyway, next time you..' He paused, Scully stared at him incredulously. 'There won't be a next time..' he finish, looking into her eyes. 'Why?' concerned and unsure she understood what he was implying 'Because I've already found the lady I'm going to spend the rest of my life with.' he looked away, his heart starting to pound..this was it. Now or never. 'Who?' Scully was shocked, stunned, flabbergasted, intrigued to hear, not to mention, cut up like the Y incision on a corpse. 'Tell me..' she pushed, forcing him to look at her. He began calmly, his eyes searching her's. 'Oh Scully..She is 'so' beautiful. She is petite, but full of strength and passion. Fiercely independent. A utter pain in the ass.' He gushed, playing his hand close to his chest. 'Her eyes are the deepest, brightest blue. I loose myself in them, 'every' time she looks at me. She smells, like dew on the grass on a spring morning. Her skin like gossamer to the touch. An intelligence to respect and cherish. Utterly professional.' Scully all the while, nodding and listening to his lovely description, of his latest conquest. 'She touches my soul, I feel safe around her. She can be so funny, at wit to compliment mine. And when she laughs, really laughs, I just melt. I love her Scully, 'love' her deeply' he turned back to her, his eyes, ablaze with emotion. Scully never hearing or seeing him like this, is a little embarrassed but happy in a way. That 'he' is happy. Finally meeting someone to love him. 'Ooooooo you got it bad..' She chuckles smiling for him. Her own soul, bleeding. 'You have no idea..' he adds quietly.. 'I've known her for a few years now, but I never realised, I denied my feelings for her..' Scully looking down at her lap, to the case file there. Trying to hold back tears. Wanting to scream in frustration and self pity. wanting this torture to stop, this was the last thing she needed to hear. The one guy she thoroughly loved, in love with another. And on a day, she had to say goodbye to a former fiance. He continued, seeing her close to tears. He lifted her chin, to face him, gently brushing a wild strand of hair from her eye, obscuring them from him. 'She has the most incredible hair Dana....'Red'..it glows like fireflies in the dusk. She lights up a room when she enters.' Murder's heart pounding in his chest. muses he may have a aneurysm if she doesn't suss this soon. Moving the strand of hair, to behind her ear. He moves into her personal space. Closer to her in the chair, his body alight. She fixes her eyes on the page before her, not daring to face him now. She comprehends this now. He is talking about her. Her heart fit to burst too. She cannot bring herself to look him in the eye, not just yet. 'I've never told her I love her.' he whispers, his voice wavers a touch. 'I've never made love to her. I've never even kissed her..' he turns her chin towards him, holding it, until he has finished. Her eyes still averted from his. Tears streaming down her cheeks. 'When.. When she crys..it kills me. I just want to hold her. Kiss them away.' slowly he leans in even closer, and kisses one of them away. They are both trembling. 'I need her to breathe. I was a lost soul. She found it, giving it back to me, mended. You see, she understands me, trusts me....Loves..me..' her eyes flick suddenly to his, staying there. Wonder in them. His fill, then into her ear he whispers, 'Do....you love me?' his voice trembling like a leave in the breeze. Terrified, he had got this all totally wrong. Mortified of the rejection, if it comes. 'I adore you..Of coarse I love you...you great lummox..' she whispers back with gallons of affection in her wavering tone. Trying to lighten this moment or they will end up a quivering sobbing mass of flesh on the floor, of the DC10. His heart stops, suddenly he is sobbing, dropping his head in unadulterated relief. She loves him. Again she has saved him. 'Oh Mulder..' she whispers resting her head on his brow. looking at him now, his hand clasp for her's. 'Dana..I'm 'so' sorry..' he mutters.. 'What for?' she pulls back to see him fully. 'I should have told you years ago' he frowns, wiping his wet face. 'I always knew you loved me, in your own way. I just never realised which way..' Smiling sweetly to him, he nodded, understand, feeling a little better. 'I 'really' need to kiss you now..' he smiled nervously. Hoping she wanted it too. 'I want you to kiss me, you have no idea how long I have wanted to hear you say that to me..' the butterflies in her stomach, transforming into bats, and began to take flight. Millimetres apart, he flicked from her eyes to her lips and back again, she moved in closer, needing to feel that first touch. The tension was agonising. He slipped his hand to her waist, then to her stomach, making her flood with heat and arousal. This was going to happen. Finally she was going to feel, taste and touch, those lips which had driven her wildest dreams for years. Her eyes drifted shut, as he pressed so gently against her moist lips. Chased and soft, hardly any pressure. He pulled back a fraction. The air in the cabin, thin, hot. Breathe, he told himself. Her eyes changed colour from bright blue too, Royal navy. She took the lead this time. She had no control, she needed this. Now. Slowly she slid her lips over his, innocent, and gentle. He stayed still, until the bolts of lightning made him quiver. She felt him shift in his chair. Looking into his eyes, she pulled back. She stifled a giggle when she saw his reaction. His groin standing to attention. Her folds becoming moist and swollen. She had to wiggle to suppress the urge to pump her hips high, to nothing. 'If you dont't 'kiss' me ..I'll call you Fox..' a gentle rebuff, at the length of time he was taking.. 'Kiss me..' she reiterated her eagerness. He smiled, had a quick glance at his member, at attention, embarrassed, then leaned in again. Sliding his large, wet tongue along her bottom full lip, she opened her mouth fully, pushing her tongue inside him. He jolted suddenly in the chair, as if he was trying desperately to control the onslaught of orgasm. He was. The full contact, of their lips, making them squirm helplessly in there seats. Thank God the plane was half empty. He dipped into her mouth, warm, inviting and cosy. Scully wined for more, he gave her, the time she needed. This tussle lasted minutes, until they could no longer continue without stripping down in the aisle and doing it in front of every one. Although the thought had crossed both their minds. Now was not the time. Scully pulled away first. Her eyes heavy with desire. His member, protruding above his belt. Only inflamed her more. 'I have to have you.....' she oozed at him. Her hand moving towards the object of her desire. His eyes wide at her. Realising what she had meant. She really was a bag full of surprises. He looked flustered for a moment until she, the genius of this partnership, had a brain wave. 'You game for the mile high club?' without waiting for his reply, she was up, out of her seat, and heading towards the toilet.. Mulder grabbed a in-flight mag, and positively ran down the aisle after her. ********************************************************************* As he entered the confined space, and pushed the catch to occupied. She was all over him like a rash. Mouths, tongues and breath, mingled in a cacophony of sensual sounds, she didn't waste anytime, in undressing his bottom half. Within seconds he was bare from the waist down, looking at his own reflection in the mirror in front of him. Scully on her knees. She growled..smothering his good 9 inches of circumcised organ, with her mouth. 'Oh MY LORD IN HEAVEN!' he cried out. As she smiled, wickedly enjoying the utterly erotic act of fellatio. He was so far gone, it only took a few minutes of her unearthly wondrous technique to get him to spurt his seed, deep in her throat. She was whimpering the whole time, squirming below him on her knees. He steadied him self with his hands on the wall on front of him. He felt the heat rise in his loins, his scrotum clenched viciously, then erupted. He panted.. 'I've never come so fast in my life..' he managed as she stood, licking her lips proudly. Cocking a patented eyebrow at him. 'Jesus I'm sorry..' he tried to apologised for coming in her. But she chuckled sensuously. 'I wanted to taste you, I've always wondered...' she placated. Kissing him savagely. 'I'm happy you enjoyed it..' she grabbed his head and pulled him in for another frantic kiss. He recovered his breath a little and pulled her skirt up, to her hips...She threw her head back, giving herself up to him totally.. 'Please Mulder..just fill me..' she pleaded, as he ripped her panties from her. 'Oh God yes..Mulder..take me.' again a pleading sob from her lips, now quivering, with utter abandonment. He edged her backwards, shuffling himself with his trousers and boxers around his ankles. She noted at this stage he was still as stiff as a railroad spike. 'Oh. My. God. Mulder. Your still hard..?' He giggled, he had a few surprises in store for her too. 'Yeah, you have no idea how many times I've had to split to the mens room for some relief. Your scent drives me insane Dana...' he gushed, pulling the toilet seat down for her to sit on it. As he settled himself between her legs. Looking deep into her eyes. On his knees as if he was genuflecting. Realising his intent she opened her legs as wide as she could, bracing her legs on either side of the cramped cubical. one hand on his head, the other bracing herself on the wall beside her. 'Mulder I'm so wet..' she warned him, he didn't have to go down on her. He growled and licked from her anus to her clit, in one long slow manoeuvre. She gritted her teeth and pulled his head up and away from slippery pussy. 'Oh Bless me father..for I 'HAVE' sinned..' she whimpered..staring at him intently..stifling a laugh, completely elated. She was here with this man she loved. Life couldn't get any better. 'Mulder you don't have..' she couldn't finish, as Mulder returned to her hot, wet, apex and assaulted her clit with as much veracity as she had done with his organ. Flicking, rolling it from side to side, faster and faster. His hand nimble fingers joining in to find a G spot, he knew she would possess. Sucking hard and soft, till she was pulsing beneath him. Her body slowly sliding further an further off the seat. Her legs thrashing against the walls of the cabin. As she rocked, he held her tighter..Till finally she blew up in front on him, a quivering mass of flesh and bone. Calling his name in exaltation. 'Oh Dana. That was incredible to watch..exquisite. ' his lips were on her mouth moments after, she began to settle. He pulled her upright, his mouth still glistening with her love juice. Lifting her onto the edge of the sink, he impaled her on his organ, in one fast uncompromising action. 'Arhh!' she yelped. With some discomfort..He was a big boy, and she so petite. 'Sorry..I I hurt you?' he looked terrified that he may have caused her some pain. Scully smiled triumphantly, finally having him a part of her. She shook her head..vigorously. 'No just..your so well hung Mulder..!' surprise in her voice. But a little revelry as well. 'Bigger than Chris?' he whispered, wanting to know. 'Chris who?' she said innocently straight faced. Mulder's face lit up and he began to pump, shifting her weight, his weight, angle, and speed. Till he found a rhythm which had her singing and him, moaning constantly. He felt her clamp on his cock like a vice, as she surrendered to her seco= nd climax. He realised that she was in the throws of another one and let go his own. Slowing to a agonisingly slow, full length thrust. Almost leaving her, only to slide deliciously back in. His balls slapping her ass on the return stroke. Her hands gripping his neck, his hands, her hips, holding her steady. As he slowed, she furiously shook her head.. 'Don't stop..don't you dare stop..' she urged, pleadingly. He watched her, wide eyed, as she climaxed again, as he ground into her again and again. 'Wow Dana.. that's good for you..?' His cock dumb, but still like a rod of iron. He continued the thrusts, until he counted her third spasm. His ego all puffed up and bursting his chest wall. Finally she began to breathe normally. His cock withering and slipping from her. 'My God in heaven. You must be the envy of the typing pool..' he chuckled at her utterly exhausted. She leaned forward against him, for a few moments. Until she had recovered herself. Then he backed off a little and she slid off the sink to the floor.. 'How's that?' she whispered, suddenly realising the whole frigging plane must have hear them. 'You came loads..' he whispered back, checking themselves out in the mirror. She straightening his tie, he, her hair. Pulled her skirt down, panties torn and ruined, he put them in his pocket. His first Scully trophy. She sniggered when she saw him slip them away. 'Oh yeah..red hair and blushes, ultra sensitive..' she explained blushing. Not looking at him. Mulder lifted her chin giving her a loving smile. 'Next time..we do it my way..' he kissed her deeply, thoroughly. 'And how is that, Agent Mulder?' intrigued. She straightened her hair again and had a sip of water. Wiping her mouth and hands on a paper towel. 'I wine and dine you, dance a little, bathe you, a massage, and then I make love to you, very, very, Very slowly..' he oozed into her ear. She shuddered and giggled.. 'Oh beautiful, but not if I do you first....' She grinned cheekily. 'Do you think we'll get a certificate?' He added..all coy. With a wry smile curving his pouty lips. 'God your wicked..' she chastised. Then there was a tapping at the door. They both froze, eyes glued to the occupied sign. Holding their breath. Mortified. 'Could you 'two' please return to your seats. We are about to land.' Said the nervous, if not a little pissed off cabin guy. They both looked at each other and started to laugh, giving themselves a hug and a final kiss, they exited the loo, one at a time. Quickly returning to their seats. Nobody seemed to notice both of them leave the loo. They were relieved. As the plane made the final approach. A steward handed Scully a piece of paper. It read, *********** 'Congratulations to the passengers in seats 12 A&B, for reaching the mile high club On the 12th of November 1998. On flight 12354b out of Washington DC to Winnipeg Canada. Desperate for the loo. ************ It had been signed by all the cabin crew. They both looked at each other, and through the blushes they kissed and held on, as the plane touched down. ********************************************************************* Feedback!!!!!!! FOR>>>>GODS>>>>>>SAKE!!!! Bexbel@aol.com Thank you...