Enchanted Touch by Mummiehelen grhesc@yahoo.com Washington D.C. I stood staring down at the man dying at the end of the alley. He had been one of Mulder's cases. He was caught, tried and convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison but, he escaped on the way. I was called in on his capture because for some reason, the Director thought I made good press. He stared up at me, then waved for me to come down to his level. "I see into your soul. You're a good man. Honorable." "Save your strength. The ambulance will be here soon." I said to stop him from complimenting the man who'd killed him. Me. He surprised me by taking my hand. I went to pull away but something in his manner stopped me. He wrapped his fingers around the back of my hand and I could feel something between our palms. It felt like a rock. He tightened his grip and the object began to glow, spreading a bright orange light in between the crevices in our hands. I expected it to be hot but, it only left a tingling feeling. He looked up at me with a smile that was almost frightening. He had slightly slanted eyes which made me think there was some Asian blood in his lineage. It also made them almost too pretty to be in a man's face. "This is a gift for you." he said, then closed those intriguing eyes forever. The light faded and I took my hand out of his. What was in it was merely a pebble. I heard the whining of the ambulance siren getting louder as it got closer. 'No need to rush' I thought to myself as I stood up. For reasons I didn't understand except that it seemed rude to throw his offering away, I put the pebble in my pocket and promptly forgot about it. Three Weeks Later Alex Krycek sat in Skinner's office waiting for him to return from dinner. Skinner walked in about fifteen minutes later and stopped short when he saw his visitor. He felt fear and apprehension because he knew the agony his former agent could exert but, he gave away nothing in his voice or manner. "What do you want Krycek?" he asked tersely. "I've got a lot of work to do." "Yes, I suppose you will as long as you stay with the bureau in your current capacity." Skinner said nothing, waiting. "I've come to make you an offer. Come work with us. You already know most of the players and what we're all about." Krycek said. "Why would you think I'd even consider it?" Skinner asked. Krycek chuckled and shifted in his seat. "Walter, you know what I can do." he said, producing the palm pilot. "On the other hand, I'll destroy this if you'll agree. Of course you'll continue to work here." "Of course." he agreed causticly. "You need a pipeline to the information I'm privy to but, what I don't understand is, you're getting it anyway and if I don't co-operate fast enough you sizzle my brain." "Therein lies the problem. We've discovered there's a limit to how often we can do that without sustaining permanent damage." "Killing the golden goose." Skinner added. "Effectively speaking, yes." "Go to hell." Skinner said softly as he nodded to the door. "I thought that would be your reaction." Krycek said producing the stylus to bring the palm pilot to maximum power. He didn't take rejection well, besides he enjoyed watching Skinner writhe in pain.He drew the stylus all the way to the top. Skinner braced himself but, nothing happened. Each man was as surprised as the other. Krycek tried again to no avail. He looked up at Skinner trying to hide his panic. "What's the matter Alex? Batteries dead?" he asked with deadly calm as he walked toward him. With only one good hand, Krycek didn't have time to put the pilot down and reach for his gun before Skinner was there pulling him out of his seat. "Time for a little payback I think, don't you?" Krycek could feel his heart hammering with fear. He knew even though Skinner was at least a decade his senior he could break him easily, even if he'd had both hands. Skinner took his right wrist in one hand and his pinkie finger in the other. Before he could comprehend Skinner's intentions, he broke that finger. Krycek screamed in agony. By the time he popped the joint on the index finger, Alex was kneeling on the floor crying. "Aw come on Krycek! This is nothing.You fried me till I was legally dead." "Please, no more." Alex begged. "Do you know that if I break your thumb just right it'll shoot pain all the way up your arm?" He wasn't at all sure that was true but, it *was* effective as Krycek's green eyes grew large and full of terror. He wasn't usually vindictive but, he had watched him on the many occasions Krycek had used that little box against him and there was no doubt about it....he enjoyed it. "Go back to the men you lackey for and tell them this is my answer." he said holding his wrist up, causing a searing jolt of pain. Krycek stumbled away from him and scrambled out the door. Skinner picked up the silver instrument of his torture, which Alex had obviously forgotten about,dropped it and ground it under his heel. Then returned to the work on his desk as if nothing unusual had happened. He left the office as always, about ten o'clock. Two Weeks Later It was time for Walter's annual physical. Dr. Plant would perform the exam and Scully would get a copy to edit before filing it with the Bureau. Stanley Plant was chosen because he was the physician who'd discovered the nanosites and had kept his secret ever since. As usual, he drew blood to test for cholesterol levels, which he did himself instead of sending it to a lab for obvious reasons.When he saw the results, he tested again and a third time to be sure. Not only did Skinner have a healthy cholesterol level of 180, he was also free of the nanos! He called Skinner to tell him the incredible news. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yes, I did the test several times." "Have you any idea why?" "I can only guess they were filtered through your kidneys and were eliminated with other body waste." Walter just shook his head. No wonder Krycek's palm pilot had no effect on him. Maybe the consortium wanted him to work for them *not* because too many blasts of the nanos would kill him but, because they discovered that after a while his body would just wash them out, like the doctor suggested, and they'd no longer have a hold on him. Either way, he was finally free of them. Over the course of the next few months, he would come to question that assumption. Not that they were gone. They were, but rather the reason for their departure. Little things that of themselves meant nothing, began to stack up and create a picture. A very unusual picture. Like the time after a particularly annoying meeting with Mulder. The young agent slipped on the icy sidewalk outside the JEH, tearing his trouser leg and scraping his right shin pretty badly. Or the time Scully kept him waiting for a progress report. Later that very afternoon, she banged her foot on an open file cabinet drawer. She didn't get more than a scratch but, her pantyhose were ruined. Mulder had annoyed him before...many times and certainly Scully had been late on occasion with neither of them suffering consequences. Things like that kept happening to anyone who got on his nerves. The worst incident involved Kersh. Alvin liked to rub his promotion to Deputy Director in Skinner's face whenever he could. In a meeting with several other assistant directors, he could actually see Kersh gloat whenever he addressed him as "Sir". He shouldn't have let it bother him but, he was already having a particularly irritating afternoon.They got on the elevator together at the end of the day. Alvin said nothing on the ride down to the garage but, that smug smirk was firmly anchored on his face. When the doors slid open Kersh wished him a goodnight. "Drive carefully.The streets are icy *Sir*." he returned emphatically before heading for his own car. An hour later Kersh was in an accident that fractured his right leg. Skinner decided this was getting to be more than coincidence. He checked with his long time friend, Jim Crawford who ran the training program for new cadets at Quantico. Since magic had been certified by law as real,and its application in crime was now being taught to cadets, he might know someone who could help. "Yes, Prof. Hamilton has a degree in the subject and may be able to help. Why don't you come out for lunch and I'll introduce you." Jim said. "If you don't mind making it a late lunch." Skinner replied. "Not a problem." "See you then." he said and hung up. He showed up at 2:00PM on the afternoon of the first day of a new session. He liked to get out of the office and observe the new crop of students whenever possible. If memory served him, it had been a few years since he had taken the time. He received his visitor's badge at the gate and proceeded to Jim's office. They talked for a few minutes, in which time Jim told him about the professor's qualifications, then they left to go to the cafeteria.They were a short way down the hall when Skinner noticed a very attractive woman coming toward them. 'Whoa, I should get out here more often. The scenery's definitely improved.' he thought. The woman walked up to a smiling Jim. "Assistant Director Skinner, I'd like you to meet Professor Hamilton." She held out her hand. "It's a pleasure Sir. Jim's told me about your case.Give me a call and we'll set up a time to discuss it." Jim gave her the slightest nod.She turned her attention to him. "So, are we still on for tonight?" she asked cheerfully. "Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss one of your meals for anything." he replied. "Fine." she said, then turned to Skinner. "I hope you'll get to observe some classes while you're here." "I'll make it a point." he almost purred. She nodded and went on her way. "Why you old dog!" Skinner said when she was out of earshot. "What? She's a great cook." "Yeah." Walter said, thinking her talents probably extended well beyond the kitchen." "Walter, get your mind out of the gutter. She's my daughter. I'm seeing her tonight because her divorce recently became final. She's taking it pretty hard". "I'm sorry." he said remembering a picture of a young girl hanging upside down from a tree branch on Jim's desk years ago. "That's Andy the tomboy?" he recalled hearing Jim refer to his only child by her nickname. "Now it's Andrea." After lunch, they parted company and Skinner checked the bulletin board for class schedules. He found the one he wanted which was just about to start. He took a seat at the back of the tiered lecture hall. The students were already assembled when she walked in. He watched from his position high above the rest of the class. "Good afternoon. I know this is the last class of your first day and you've probably been through Hell, so I'm not going to make it any worse." she said with a smile. The students chuckled a little nervously. "This class is Introduction to Forensic Science and all I'm going to do today is talk to you a little bit about what that entails. I like to start with a quote from one of my favorite movies: "If you plan to commit a crime there's a hundred ways you can screw up. If you can think of fifty of them...you're a genius." She paused. "We leave something of ourselves everywhere we go and we also pick up bits of where we've been. A single hair can place you at a location." A hand shot up in the air. The professor checked her seating chart. "Yes Mr Bilecky." "What about the case where the murderer shaved every bit of his hair from his head to his toes?" "The Benson murders. He was caught because fibers found on his victims matched towels from the health club he worked at." "How could they know they were the same towels? Aren't they all pretty much alike?" he asked. "Yes, when manufactured, they're virtually identical. What made these individual were the numbers of washings and the products they were laundered in, which were commercial and the same as those used at the club.They also discovered the victims were all members." She paced back and forth while she spoke, reminding Skinner of a caged animal. A panther if he had to name one. She had black hair, green eyes and the same feline grace as that big cat. "We will study among other things, fingerprinting, evidence analysis, processing a scene, trace evidence and data base research." She went on to give a description of each subject covered till the bell rang, signaling the end of the day.Skinner came down to the floor after the students left. "Interesting technique." he said as she was gathering notes to put in her briefcase. "I know. Now they think I'm a pushover. They'll find out differently tomorrow though." she said, smiling. "I'm glad you had the chance to sit in." "So am I. I know you're busy tonight but, could we discuss my situation tomorrow night, perhaps over dinner?" he asked. "Sure." she said. "Do you have a food preference?" he asked. "Yes. I like good food." she said perfectly straight faced. "I meant did you have an ethnic preference?" A smile spread across her features. "I like most any type of food." "Good, I'll pick you up at seven." he said. She gave him her address and phone number and they parted company. Later That Evening, Andrea's Apartment Jim Crawford watched his daughter move around her open kitchen making dinner, and thinking how very much she was like her late mother. She had her same unique beauty and not only talent for but love of cooking. How many nights had they feasted on her meals in their tiny apartment when they were first married. He closed his eyes tight against the memory. He still missed Barbara terribly but he was supposed to be here to lend his daughter moral support, not wallow in his own sorrows. "Smells good Sweetheart." he said, getting up from the sofa. "Anything I can do to help?" "Pick out a wine for us and open it." she said nodding to the small wine rack on the sideboard. He found a vintage Merlot, opened the drawer and got out the corkscrew, a bottle coaster and a stopper for later. By the time he had two glasses poured, she had dinner on the table. Over steaming plates of mushroom ravioli, he opened the subject he'd come here for. "So, how're holding up?" he asked. "Not too badly." she smiled. "Really?" "Dad, I've gotten over the shock of finding Dan in our bed with another woman. It was never a perfect marriage, God knows we had our problems. It's just strange not having him around I guess." she shook her head at how that must sound. "Hardly the basis for a lifelong partnership." he mused. "You deserve so much more......" he trailed off. "Sure that's not just parental prejudice?" she asked. "That's part of it of course but, you're a good person.You should have someone worthy of loving you." "You make me sound so lofty." she said, chuckling. " I don't think I'm ready for that but, I thank you for your concern." "In other words, shut up." he said. "Right." she said reaching over to hug him. "I love your company but not your advice." The Following Evening 7:00PM Walter Skinner stood outside Andrea's apartment door vacillating about ringing the bell. He kept telling himself it was just a dinner to discuss a problem he was having. It wasn't a "date". Then why had he left work early to give himself extra time to get ready? He showered and shaved even though he had done both that morning. He took great care in selecting the suit and tie he wore.He even debated on whether to bring a gift, some small token, then dismissed the idea. This wasn't a date he reminded himself. Then why did he want it to be? Maybe because he felt that rush of anticipation of spending time with a beautiful woman.Or maybe he'd just had too many meals alone. He shook himself from this train of thought and rang the bell. Dinner was at a steakhouse called Sullivan's. The prime rib was delicious, the baked potatoes were the size of canoes, the bread, freshly baked and the wine, superb. The company,positively scintillating. Andrea wore a red twin set with a straight white skirt and heels. The pieces were simple, the combined effect, stunning. Now as she sat across from him at the table, all he could think of what a great time he was having. He discovered a fine mind behind the pretty face as they talked about everything under the sun, everything except the subject that brought them together. He was reluctant to bring it up now, afraid it would ruin the mood cause regardless of what he thought earlier, this was a date! He drove her home, more aware than ever he hadn't mentioned the subject of magic when he had the chance. Which meant he still had no answer to his problem and not a clue as to how to end the evening. His anxiety got worse the closer they got to her door. "Would you like to come in?" she asked. "I don't know. It's kind of late." he said. She surprised him by wrapping her arms around his waist. "Is that really the reason?" she asked. "Andrea, you're my friend's daughter for God's sake." "And an adult in my own right." she countered. "Meaning?" "That we shouldn't let my parentage stop us if we feel like making love." she said tightening her hold and grinding her hips into his."And from what I can tell, at least one of us does." "I'm just not sure this is a good idea." he said. "Why?" she asked,pulling back from him. "Is it only men who can get laid after a divorce?" It felt like his jaw dropped to his feet. "I was a field agent before I taught. I heard about what happened but I thought it was just a rumor. I can see now it wasn't." she said, referring to the scandal surrounding his involvment with the death of a hooker. "What I did was a knee jerk reaction to being dumped. It's not something I'd recommend." "Why not?" "Because it doesn't help." "You sell yourself short Walter. My divorce became final almost a month ago. If I was going to have such a reaction it would've been a lot sooner. No, I wanted to make love because I'm attracted to you and for no other reason. I got the feeling we were connecting tonight. If I'm wrong, say so now." "You know you're not." he said huskily. "Then come inside." she whispered. The Following Saturday, Skinner's Condo Walter put off calling for as long as he could but, he really needed to talk to Andrea before anyone else got hurt. He picked up the phone and was about to press the "talk" button that would give him a dial tone when his mind went back to their night together. He had been able to avoid thinking about it during the work week but, he no longer could and he knew he needed to file it away in his mind before he could talk to her again. He leaned back in his easy chair, the phone in his lap. **Andrea had unlocked the door and led him in by the hand. She turned and tilted her face up to him, lips invitingly parted. He leaned down and met them. He discovered in that first kiss that they were incredibly soft.He pushed his tongue past to taste the sweetness of her mouth. She responded in kind, sliding her tongue over his. His hands were stroking down her back when he realized they were still just inside her door. He ran one hand all the way down to the backs of her knees and easily scooped her up. Her arms instinctively tightened around his neck as she inclined her head toward the bedroom. Once there, he sat her down on the side of the bed, knelt before her and ran his hands down her legs till he reached her feet and slid her shoes off. He took her by the hands and pulled her to a standing position and undressed her, starting with the sweaters, then the skirt, leaving her in only bra, panties and thigh highs. He let out a long sigh of approval. "Let's leave these on, shall we?" he asked. "If you like. Now it's my turn." she said sliding his jacket off his shoulders. She took it and folded it neatly before laying it on the chair. She added the shirt and tie in the same manner. She sat him on the side of the bed as he had done with her and removed his shoes and socks, stood him up and took off his trousers to finish the pile. Now they were both down to their underwear. Andrea turned the covers back and got in, inviting him with open arms. He joined her thinking how sexy her lacy undies were compared to his plain white briefs. "It's not that sexy undressing me is it?" he said more as a statement than a question. "Why do you say that?" "Because this is what I wear everyday. These," he said fingering the lace tops of the stockings. "look like they're for a special occasion, as do these." Now his hands stroked over the embroidered silk bra and panties. "I didn't wear them because I thought we'd end up here. They just helped me fantasize about the possibility. As for what you're wearing, it only matters what it's covering." He started to say something and she pulled him down to her. "No more talk." she whispered. Everything after that was a blur of body parts as his blood rushed south. Hands explored, mouths searched. Walter remembered when they began making love because of the how snug it felt being inside her.There was a lot of moaning and howling,and sweat pouring down his forehead and back. This was the most energetic sex he'd had in years and it was fucking exhilarating! He really let go when he climaxed, throwing his head back and bellowing at the ceiling. Afterward, they lay in a wet heap, laughing. "Oh God, that was good!" she exclaimed. "Thanks and you don't have to call me God." he replied breathlessly. She smacked him playfully on the arm. "Thirsty?" she asked, still panting. He nodded. She took him by the hand. "Let's see what's in the fridge." They went out to the darkened kitchen, only the light from the window lit the way. Walter opened the refrigerator and started naming what was inside to drink while she got glasses from the cupboard. He caught a glimpse of her over the fridge door. "Andrea." he said softly, closing the door. She turned to him. "You're beautiful." he said. She smiled. "You know what else?" he asked. She shook her head. "You make me happy." "We hardly know each other." she reminded him. "It only takes one sip to know if it's a good bottle of wine." he said. "And I was a good sip?" she asked. "Mmmm I could lap you up all night." "Now there's a thought." she said raising one brow. "Know what I like best about you?" he asked. The brow shot up higher. "Dare I guess?" "Your earthiness. You don't hold back in bed. You didn't jump up and run to the bathroom afterward and you didn't feel the need to cover up." he said. "Neither did you." "Which?" "All of the above." The night continued in that same vein. They drank, then took a shower and changed the bed linens and got back in, never once covering up. He *did* dress the next morning but only reluctantly.** Walter sat up, dropping the phone. He retrieved it and punched in Andrea's number. "Hello." Andrea answered the phone on the second ring. "Hi, it's Walter. How'd you like to come over and talk a little magic?" "Why don't you come here? I have reference materials I might need but, I won't know which ones till I hear what you have to say." "Alright, be there in twenty minutes." He arrived to find her casually dressed in jeans, a camisole and a cardigan sweater that was trimmed in ribbon at the neck and down the front, a more feminine version of his faded jeans and dark t- shirt. She offered him coffee which he took and invited to sit down and tell his story. He began by explaining how he had been infected with the nanobots, and the theory of how they disappeared. She listened attentively, letting him tell it without interruption. Only nodding occasionally. He moved on to the injuries which happened to people around him in correspondence to his mood.She asked a question to clarify a point. "You're saying the level of injury was in proportion to the annoyance?" "At first I thought that was all there was to it but, other factors played a part. For instance, it depended to some degree how much I liked, or didn't like the person in question. And what kind of mood I was already in when the incident that ticked me off took place." "Can you give me an example?" "Agent Mulder was the first as far as I can remember. He was being particularly difficult during a case progress meeting. I wasn't in a bad mood at the beginning but I sure was by time he left. He slipped on some ice just outside the office and tore his leg up pretty bad." "And you think it would have been worse if you had been in a bad mood to begin with?" "Yes I do." "How'd you come to connect this incidents?" "At first I thought nothing of it. Certainly not that these things had anything to do with me until it happened to DD Kersh." "Your friend and mine." she commented sourly. "Yeah, he's not exactly a man of the people." he said snidely, then went on to tell Andrea what happened. "I felt bad cause our contact all that day had been negative and when he got hurt, it struck me how it was happening a lot and then I connected it to I how I felt and what our interaction had been. It started to form a pattern." he said. "Okay." she said, rubbing her chin pensively. "Let's go back to the time when you were sure you still had the nanos inside you and when you had the physical that showed they were gone." Walter fixed the time span in his mind. "Did anything out of the ordinary happen during that time?" she asked. He thought for a moment, then realization flooded his features. He told her the story about James Price, the man he'd caught and killed in a dead end alley. About the pebble and how it glowed and what he said. "Do you still have it?" "Yes, I put it in the dish I keep by the door for my change." "So, you most likely touch it every day." "Probably. Why, what are you thinking?" he asked. "I'm not sure yet." she said, getting up and going to a shelf lined wall, scanning until she found what she wanted. She pulled out a large tome titled; Charms, Amulets and Talismans. "Could we go to your place? I'd like to have a look at it." "Sure. I'll even make lunch." he said. She brought the book along and when they got to his condo he held out the dish to her, empty now except for the pebble. It was smooth like a river stone except for a tiny carving on one side. She picked it up and they were both surprised when it radiated slightly. "That's not the color it glowed when we held it." he said. "What color was it?" "More orange." It had glowed a soft yellow, like a bit of sunshine when Andrea held it. They brought it and the book to the coffee table in the living room. She flipped through the pages, stopping occasionally to look up information. Finally she closed it. "According to this, the symbol carved on it makes the stone a talisman with a psycho reactive aura." she said. "Meaning?" "It can pick up on your feelings relating to people around you, particularly those you have negative feelings toward and react accordingly. It responded differently to your touch combined with Mr. Price's than it did when I touched it. Would you mind picking it up?" "Of course not." "I want to try something." she said. "Show me how he held it." He demonstrated how Price had his hand on the bottom and wrapped his fingers around the back of his. "Like this?" Andrea asked, replacing his hand with hers so he could close his fingers sealing the stone in between. The moment she did it glowed searingly bright, bathing the shocked participants in a peach colored ray. They broke the connection; letting the object fall to the table, a dull gray stone once more. "What do you make of that?" he asked breathlessly. "I have no idea. This is way beyond me. Perhaps we should ask Prof. Greyson." The man in question was *thee* authority on magic at Quantico, having a PHD in the subject as opposed to Andrea's BS. Crawford had suggested his daughter for consultation in this matter because her knowledge of the subject was virtually unknown at the FBI training grounds but, this was becoming a matter too large for discretion. They sat in silence on the sofa, recovering from the experience in their own way then ,Walter started the conversation. "I'm not sure I agree with your theory about how that thing reacts to me." "In what way?" she asked. "It sounds like I'd wish ill will on Agents Mulder and Scully. That's just not true. I like them both." "Well, I'm not a psychiatrist but perhaps on some level you *do* resent the way they treat you." "What are you talking about?" "Haven't they both disobeyed your direct orders, kept things from you and at the very least, have been unappreciative of your efforts to help them?" "How could you know about any of that?" "The FBI rumor mill is surprisingly accurate." she said. "You mean that information's flying around the office?" "Well, it's a little more discreet than that."she assured him. "And what about you?" he asked. "What about me?"she returned. "We met after I got possession of the stone." "And?" she asked. "Couldn't your attraction to me be because on some level it's what I wanted?" "I didn't feel anything compelling me against my will so, no I don't think that's it."she said, realizing she had hit a nerve earlier when talking about his agents and he was getting back at her for it. "Would you be able to tell?" he asked. "Not for certain. I think that's also a question for the professor and my cue to leave." She closed her book, tucked it under her arm and did just that. Monday 8:45AM Andrea e-mailed Prof. Greyson, explaining Walter's situation and gave him the information to get in touch, asking for his utmost discretion in the matter. 'Good.' she thought to herself. 'It's out of my hands now.' Monday 9:15AM Walter Skinner had arrived at his office fifteen minutes ago. Kim brought his coffee and mail. He sipped and skimmed then set both aside to log on to his computer. Prof. Greyson had already written to him in regard to the "matter at hand", as he so carefully put it. Could they set up a time to meet? 'So Andrea, that's the way you want to play it...fine.' he thought to himself as he hit the "reply" button to get in touch with the professor. Wednesday 12:00 PM They met for lunch on Greyson's afternoon off. Walter was glad he could come to DC because he didn't want to go any where near Quantico. He took a different approach to the case by asking specific questions about the injuries. They had all occurred on the victim's right leg, Mulder's shin, Scully's foot, a few other minor cuts and bruises to other agents but the most severe was Kersh's fractured right leg. The professor quizzed him at length about the significance of that. It took a long time for him to realize the connection was to his own father. "I was raised on a farm. Dad was out plowing a section of uneven land. He turned the old tractor too quickly and it flipped on him, pinning his right leg underneath. When he didn't come in for dinner my mother sent me to find him. When I did he was cursing and blaming me for it. I know now he was only lashing out because of the pain of broken bones but, at ten years old I really believed it was somehow my fault. I guess that slipped way down into my sub-conscious." "Did you ever resolve the matter with your father?" "No, he died before I was ready to face him." "Then it's probably not as far down as you think. The stone allowed your resentment to manifest itself on people you already felt animosity toward unconsciously. The location of the injuries is your mind's way of acting out against your father." "I'm not sure I understand." he said. "You already had the blame for something you didn't do so when the opportunity to exert that pain came, you couldn't use it against your father so your subconscious chose those you resented and targeted the same spot." "That would mean I feel the same way about people I regard as friends as I do about people I don't." "That's not my area of expertise. You'll have to sort that out elsewhere." "One more thing, could the stone make someone attracted to me if it's what I wanted?" "I doubt it would work that way, just as I doubt it had anything to do with the nanos in your system disappearing.I believe those are unrelated incidents that just happened to occur during the same time span." "So can anything be done to stop it?" he asked flustered. "Bring me the stone. I'll see what its properties are and go from there." He did and was glad to be rid of it but, that didn't solve all his problems. There was still the matter of Andrea. She had walked out on him and he had waited for her to come back. A week had passed and he wondered if he should call her. Saturday Afternoon Andrea's Apartment She tried to get enthusiastic about the Saturday afternoon television programming but nothing caught her interest as she channel surfed. She tried to read to no avail. She even puttered around trying to clean her already neat as a pin apartment. Finally she sat down with herself and thought about what was bothering her. Walter! Plain and simple. She was insulted and a little hurt by his implication that her attraction for him came from the stone. She vacillated for most of the afternoon. Arguing with herself and berating herself for bothering. It was what it was, and now it was over. Move on. She told herself but she couldn't. At the same time she couldn't bring herself to call him. This brought up a whole new set of anxieties. What if he wanted to talk to her just as much as she wanted to talk to him? If that was the case why hadn't he called? You haven't either, she reminded herself. What if she called and he had forgotten all about it?" Wouldn't she just feel like a fool? What if this was becoming a tug of war to see who would give first? She changed clothes and drove to Quantico to use the gym. She felt like punching something and the heavy bag seemed the perfect target to vent her frustrations. Skinner's Condo Saturday Afternoon Walter paced, debating about whether or not to go for a workout. The South Street Gym was always packed on Saturdays with weekend warriors but the gym at the JEH would probably be deserted. That made the decision for him. When he got there however, he learned the floors were being refinished.That left only one other choice. Did he really want to go to Quantico. It was a Saturday and the likelihood of running into her was slim so he headed out of DC for Virginia. Little did he know he arrived just as Andrea was getting into the shower after her own workout. She'd punched the heavy bag for all she was worth then finished off with the small punching bag. Giving it a vicious workout ,she had no doubt in her mind whose head she was bashing in with each punch. And while she knew it was childish, it also felt damned good. Now she toweled herself off and dried her hair, pulling it up into the high ponytail and tucking the ends under at the nape, securing it neatly with pins.The way she always wore it. She left while Walter was doing his warm up stretches, neither of them realizing their close call. Later as she was preparing her dinner, Walter was still at the gym in the middle of his demanding weight training routine.He was doing arm curls,the familiar movements almost Zen -like in their ability to relax him and allow him to think. By the time he returned the dumb bells to the rack, he'd made a decision. Monday 3:00PM Introduction to Forensics, Quantico Walter Skinner slipped into the back of the class as he had done the first day of that session. This time he caught Professor Hamilton in the middle of giving her class a pop quiz taken from actual cases. It was set up on a large video screen and formatted in multiple choice with students checked their answers on a form she created to go with the test. When the video ended she looked up to ask students to pass their tests to the front and saw him. "Class, you have another surprise today. We have a visitor who may one day be your boss. Allow me to introduce the Assistant Director of Criminal Investigations, Walter Skinner." she said holding her arm up to indicate where he was sitting. "Would you care to address the class Sir?" she asked. He stood for their applause. "No thank you. Today's visit was to check on how future agents are being taught." he said, giving a curt nod and left. The class went dead silent. "Well, looks like you weren't the only ones getting pop quizzed today." she said brightly as the the bell rang to end the class. 'I'm going to kill him,I'm going to fucking kill him.' she thought venomously as she packed the quizs in her briefcase to grade later. "Andrea." She stopped and stood stock still. "Andrea won't you look at me?" he asked. "If I turn around now, I'm going to pull the knot in your tie till you choke. How could you embarrass me like that? "I didn't intend to but you put me on the spot." "You mean you can't ad lib a short speech for a class of cadets?" she asked. "I came here to see you, not them." "Why?" "Because I kept trying to call you and it made me realize that I'd much rather see you." "This is not the time or place." she said. "Then turn around and tell me the time and place and I'll be there." he said softly. "I'd much rather you just hold me." Seeing him had dissolved all her anger and she leaned into him. His arms wound tightly around her. They still had things to resolve but this was a good first step. They stayed with their arms around each other for a long time, each absorbing feelings from by the other. "We have to talk." Walter said, breaking the silence. "I know." she said. "We were at my place the last time we were together. Why don't we go back there?" "You mean before I walked out." "Andrea I don't want to fight." "I prefer to call it "clearing the air". He started to lead her out with his arm around her waist. "Uh, Walter, the students live here too so I think a little decorum is in order." He laughed but let her go...reluctantly. Viva Towers, Crystal City, VA. 5:15PM Once they were settled on the sofa wine in hand, Walter began. "Alright Andrea why don't you tell me why you left?" "I was insulted that you thought that stone made the decision for me about whether or not I should be attracted to you." she explained. "I also suspect I came a little too close to the truth when I suggested your agent's injuries were your subconscious wish. I don't think you liked the idea that it was even possible and lashed out at me because of it." "I hope you know I didn't mean it then. I suppose I am defensive about Mulder and Scully. They've been through so much. I hate to think I've added to their pain in any way." "Walter, one of the first things we learn in training is that law enforcement is dangerous.Perhaps their chosen field is more so but, the operative word here is "chosen". No one made Agent Mulder open the X-Files and although Agent Scully was assigned to him, she's qualified to teach pathology and could have transferred any time she wanted, and has at least once!" she told him. "I don't think you understand." he said defensively. "I understand they've gotten away with what 20 agents combined wouldn't have. I understand they've received a slap on the wrist for what other agents would be suspended for and I understand they have more access to you than the other two hundred and ten agents in your command!" "How do you know that?" "I'm tapped in. And you know what else I heard? That you've risked your life and your career for them and they crap on you in return!" "Why are you saying these things?" he asked. "Because you hurt me defending them." she said getting up. "Come on Andrea, don't leave." he said. "You know." she said whirling on him." I didn't believe the rumors until this minute but, now I see they *are* true." "So you're going to walk out on me again?" "Yes! For good this time since there seems to be no room for me. I hope the three of you will be very happy. Goodbye." "You're leaving because I defended my agents?" he asked incredulously. "You've already proved you'll let them come between us." "I can keep my personal and professional lives separate." he said. "I hope you can cause if I stay, I won't play second fiddle." "You know ours isn't a normal nine to five job don't you?" he asked. "Yes. While it was always my goal to teach,I took FBI training to understand what my students were going through. I became a field agent so I'd know what they could expect and in the course of the decade I served as an agent I discovered that it doesn't run on schedule." "You were in the field for ten years?" he asked. "Yes and in that entire time, I rarely saw my AD." "Who was it?" "Maslin." "Ouch!" he exclaimed. "And I have the scars to prove it." she laughed. He took her by the arms, running his hands up and down them. "So, friends again?" he asked. "As long as we understand each other." she said. "You mean as long as I understand you." he said, ruefully. "No, this is your chance to make any stipulations." "I only ask that you allow me a little latitude." "As long as I get equal time." "I can't always guarantee that." "Walter, you have to let them stand on their own two feet. What would you do if all your agents consumed your time the way they do. There wouldn't be enough hours in the day to go around." "Point taken." "Good." Walter and Andrea started seeing each other regularly and the first time either of his agents tried to infringe on private time Skinner told them talk to him them...at work. Meanwhile Prof. Greyson worked to discover the properties of the stone and found himself at a dead end. He called a woman in Scotland named Rhiannon Ramsey, a medium known for her expertise and explained the situation. She wanted to know if all the principals could come to Glasgow to meet with her. He asked why she couldn't come to the U.S.. "This place is more conducive to psychic energy." she replied. The professor got in touch with both Walter and Andrea. "Why does she need me to be there?" she asked. "Because of the reaction the stone had when you touched it. You're a principal in this matter." Greyson said. "How are we going to schedule this?" was her next question. "You're both consulting on a case." Walter said. "Besides." he chuckled. "I have an in with Crawford." "We can leave Friday night and be in Scotland early Saturday morning." Matthew Greyson said. Home of Rhiannon Ramsey, Glasgow Scotland Saturday 12:15PM Matthew, Walter and Andrea sat before Ms. Ramsey waiting for her response to the story they'd told. She was contemplative, absorbing the information, processing it. Finally she spoke. "Excuse me." she said, took the stone and left the room. She came back fifteen minutes later. "Mr. Price wanted only good things for you Mr. Skinner." "How can that be when I'm the one who killed him?" Walter asked. "He knew it was your job and that he was already dying. In his mind you were doing him a favor. He had a rare cancer on his upper vertebrae that would have strangled him eventually. He was also a seer who knew the stone would bring you together." she said to both Walter and Andrea whp opened her mouth to protest. "Not in the way you think." Rhiannon said to her. "He knew you'd want to find out about it as discreetly as possible. That's the connection." she addressed Skinner. "I believe the attraction that developed was done on your own." she added with a wink. "What about the glow?" Walter asked. "When he gave it to you, it glowed with your combined auras because he was passing the magic to you. His aura alone would probably have been pure red because of his illness. Ms. Hamilton's aura was yellow because of the purity of her feelings for you." At this, Andrea blushed crimson. "Yours combined had a bit of the color Mr. Price passed on to you." she said to Walter. "That's why it glowed a pale orange." "What can you do about it's connection to my subconscious?" "I've spoken with Mr. Price about that and he's agreed to pull the power back." "Thank you." They concluded their business and returned to the U.S.. Walter and Andrea continued to see each other, hurdling the occasional bump caused by his work schedule. Rhiannon kept the talisman in lieu of her usual fee. She used it to consult with its original owner, who was the more powerful seer between them, whenever she needed insight into the future. It enhanced her reputation and increased her business. The End