TITLE: JUST PRETENDING? AUTHOR: YONADA E-MAIL: yonada@hotmail.com Spoilers: None Disclaimers: The characters and situations of the television program "The X Files" are the creations and property of Chris Carter, Fox Broadcasting, and Ten-Thirteen Productions, and have been used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. Rating: Definitely NC17. If your under 18 do not read any farther. Relationshipers warning: Mulder and Scully romance ahead be warned. Classification: Story, MSR Summary: Scully is going out to a club with some friends and needs a date for the evening. Mulder helps her out by pretending to be her date. They are just pretending aren't they? Note from the author: There is nothing her but pure ...well not so pure... mind candy and lots of it. It's was a long weekend and I had plenty of time to write. There is no X-Files plot only lust longing and loving sex. *********************************************************** FBI building 8:00 am Mulder and Scully office in the basement Dana Scully sat at her desk talking to one of her oldest friends on the phone. "Yes Marsha I'll be there. Yes I promise. No... Marsha I have a date. Yes a real one this time." Fox Mulder stopped out side the office door hearing Scully say she had a 'real date' froze him in his tracks. The phone conversation inside continued on. Scully still trying to convince her friend that she really did have a date this time. Of course it was a lie, but she would deal with that later when it was too late for Marsha to set her up. They were planning the night out at a Club with some other friends and Marsha as usual was using this as an excuse to further her mission in life. Finding a man for her best friend Dana Scully. "Really. No you don't need to find a date for me. I am perfectly capable of finding my own dates. Look I have to go Mulder just came in." she lied. "No he isn't." No Mulder was not her date, . She thought saying, "I'll see you tonight. Right bye." She hung up the phone with a sigh of relief. "Now if only I really did have a date." She was muttering to herself, as Mulder really did walk through the door. "What Scully?" he asked not hearing her, still puzzling over why Scully had said he was there when he wasn't. "Morning Mulder. Nothing important just talking to my self." He didn't need to know she had no personal life; he always seemed to have one. "Did I hear you say you have a date?" he asked. Why do I need to know? He thought to himself. "Yeah. You heard me say I had a date. Wait a minuet. Were you listening at the door?" said in her very best disapproving voice. "No. I wasn't listening at the door... I... just.... it took me a minuet to shift things around so I could open the door and I heard you say you have a date." He felt like a little kid with his hand in the cookie jar. He sat down at his desk and put his feet up; trying to adopt that casual curious look; hoping she wouldn't notice that the only thing he came in with was his briefcase. "Mulder I really wish you wouldn't hide and listen to my phone calls. It's not necessary. You usually just sit at your desk and listen in." Mulder tried his best hurt look. "That hurts Scully I don't sit and listen on purpose. It's just a small office and you listen to my calls too." "I do not." "Yes you do. You had plenty to say when Rhonda called from cybernetics..." "That's different. That was disgusting Mulder. She was..." "She was just being friendly. Anyway you changed the subject who's the lucky guy?" He was sure he sounded like he didn't care. He didn't. Did he? "There is no 'lucky guy' Mulder. I lied to her again." She wasn't sure why she told him the truth. It was so pathetic. "You lied?" he pretended moral shock.. "You Scully of all people." Then realizing that he didn't get it. "Why did you lie to her? Isn't she going to notice when you don't bring anyone with you?" "Never mind Mulder." She really wished he would let it go. Not wanting to go through this with him. Not a chance. "I'm really curious Scully. What are you telling your friend when you show up alone?" This last to himself unsaid. "The usual story. Although it may be the last time a can get away with it. 'He's a doctor and had a last minuet surgery. You know how doctors are.' Its worked the last three times." she asked herself. "I'm not doing anything tonight." he blurted out before he had time to think about it. "I mean... if you wanted me to...." This was so awkward. He was probably the last person she wanted to spend her night off with. Scully wanted to say yes. The thought of walking in with a man as good-looking as her partner, was appealing, but he was her partner and this already felt so pathetic. "Mulder I can't ask you to do that. I appreciate the offer, but..." "But what? I'm not better than showing up alone?" He hadn't meant that to sound so harsh; her turning him down hurt more that he had expected. He knew someone like Scully would never want to go out with him, but he was her partner, her friend. "Don't want to introduce your 'Spooky' partner to your friends?" he finished, trying to take the sting out of his first comment. "Mulder," she was shocked. "no," he looked so hurt. "that's not it at all." She got up and went over to his desk, leaning on it. "I don't need you to rescue me in my personal life too. I can't get a date so you have to pretend to be my date...it just seems so pathetic...not because of you, because of me. I'm the one that has no life." "That's because of the X-files... and me." he reminded her, "It seems like the least I can do is be your date so your friends don't find out about your lack of life." He gave her that half smile; the one that always melted her good judgment, and usually ended with her following him into some rain soaked forest in the middle of the night. "I don't have a life either Scully. I really don't have anything else to do tonight." The smile worked, why not, if it could get her to help him chase space aliens; it could get her to let him be her date for the evening and he was a good looking man. Wow, she thought. Wait til they meet Mulder. Just because he was her partner, didn't mean, she didn't know how attractive he was. "You know, you're right, that does seem like the very least you could do. I follow you to chase little gray men and you pretend to date me." She smiled at him, the mood lightening. "Your right, the sacrifices I make Scully." he sighed, in his best martyr like tone, reaching for his coffee. "Where are we going anyway?" "Crimson City" Crimson City was an extremely popular Club. It was nice upscale and known for its free anything-goes atmosphere. It was loud and wild. You could do just about anything there, short of having sex on the tables. Definitely not the sort of place Mulder would have ever dreamed his very proper partner would go. Mulder stopped mid-sip and stared at her; amazement on his face. "Crimson...Why Dr. Scully, I didn't know you had it in you." She smiled at him and went back to her desk. "It's one of Marsha's favorite places. We used to go there all the time, but I seem to be out of town a lot lately." she looked at him pointedly, "You still want to go? You can change your mind if you want to." She was daring him now and they both knew it. "Scully, I wouldn't miss this for the world." She used to go there all the time, he thought. All this time and she still amazed him. "What time are you picking me up?" "I'm picking you up?" "Seems like the least you can do since I'm doing you this huge favor." He laughed and then ducked as a note pad just barely missed his head. "7:30." Smiling to herself she turned to her computer and started typing." Then softly, "By the way Mulder there's a lot you don't know about me." Once again Mulder's coffee seemed to be having a hard time making it to his mouth. Crimson City Washington DC 8:00 p.m. The day had not gone as expected. It had been one thing after another; Mulder ended up with a late appointment and called her to say he would meet her at the club. "Not to worry, her pretend date wasn't going to turn into a no show; like her usual pretend dates." Scully walked up to the club entrance, looking around, hoping Mulder would suddenly appear. No such luck.. Marsha was going to think she lied again. He said he would be here. She was sure he would; well as sure as you could ever be with Mulder. Scully looked great. She was wearing the new dress that Marsha had insisted she buy on their last shopping trip. Black skin tight low cut and short, very short. Marsha was one of Scully oldest friends; anything wild or crazy that Scully had done in her life, at least until she started to work with Mulder, had been because of Marsha. Crimson City was not a place she would have ever gone herself, but thanks to Marsha she actually like the place loud and crazy as it was. Every few months Marsha liked to get everybody she could think of together. It gave her the chance to try to get a man for Dana. Marsha always had a man, usually a new one, so she was sure that Dana wanted that too. Scully had let Marsha line her up a few times, but their taste in men was very different and her job... and Mulder.... the last little while Scully just lied. She wondered what Mulder would think of her dress. Now why did that matter? She hadn't worn this dress for Mulder. Had she? One last look around and she went in to find her friends. The place was packed already. She pushed her way through the crowd and found her them in their usual section. She was late most of them were already there. Marsha had saved a seat next to her for Scully She noticed that there was only one seat. "Dana" Marsha waved her over. They hugged and Scully slid into the seat next to her friend. Marsha had a new man with her. "Dana this is Jeff." The quick introduction over. "Dana where's your date?" she asked, not even trying to sound like she believed there really was one. "You're not going to tell me that lame story about the Doctor and the emergency surgery are you?" Scully started to reply when she felt two strong familiar hands on her shoulders. "Nope, not this time. I may be a Doctor, but the only emergency I had was to get here, to spend the evening with this beautiful lady." Mulder? Scully couldn't believe it. She turned to smile up at him and he leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Hi," his voice was soft and sexy. Mulder? Stunned she managed to choke out. "Hi." . Then she really looked at him. He looked great. She thought he would come here straight from work, but he had obviously gone home to change. He looked... < he looks sexy,> she thought. The way he's dressed; the tight black jeans, white torn up muscle shirt, that showed off his well muscled body, the black leather jacket. His hair even looks different, messier, sexier, definitely sexier. . She thought speechless. Mulder had gone home to change. In fact he had changed several times. Now that he had gotten himself into pretending to be Scully's date he wanted to do it right. He had been to Crimson City a few times and he didn't want to show up there looking like an FBI agent. He wanted to make Scully forget he was just her 'spooky' partner. He wanted her friends believe she really had a date. Somewhere, in a part of his mind he was trying to ignore; was the thought that what he really wanted, was for Scully to believe he was a real date. Now, as he stood looking at her stunned expression; he thought maybe he was close. He had surprised himself with the kiss. Marsha's voice brought him out of his thoughts. "Dana... Dana! Aren't you going to introduce us?" Marsha was taken by surprise. She had been sure Dana was making up a date again. Not only had she been telling the truth, but he was gorgeous. Where had she found him? and were there any more at home like him? Marsha's insistent voice pulled her out of her stupor, but before she could open her mouth to say anything, he interrupted her again. "I'm Fox and you must be Marsha. Dana's told me all about you. Nice to meet you." He wanted to get the name thing in before Scully introduced him as her partner. He couldn't be her partner and pull this off. Fox? Did he say Fox? Scully just stared at him amazed. What was he doing? Mulder looked around and realized there was nowhere to sit, he knew trying to find a chair would be pointless, they were going to have to sit together. Part of the charm of the Club was how 'intimate' it could get. She was going to have to sit on his lap. He didn't know whether to panic or rejoice. Marsha had been certain that Dana wouldn't have a date so she hadn't even tried to save two seats. "I'm sorry we didn't save enough chairs." she said, wondering how well Dana would take it. Now if it was me, she thought, I would burn furniture to be able to sit on his lap. Dana on the other hand, was always so conservative. Scully to this point was still too stunned by Mulder's entrance to realize what the lack of seating was going to mean. "We'll manage. Right Dana?" He sounded so casual. "What?... Oh yeah no problem." she thought, This shouldn't be happening. This meant more physical contact than they had ever had, but if he could be calm about it so could she. After all it was just sitting on his lap. "Gives us an excuse to be close all evening, right Fox?" She finished seductively. Two could play at this game. Pulling herself back together; she stood up, so he could sit down. Mulder managed not to choke at her statement and how it sounded. It only sounded like she wanted him; it was just part of the game. Right? Then he looked at her. , he thought. That dress and the way her lips felt. Her sitting on his lap was not a good idea and at the same time it was the best idea he could think of. To be that close just for a little while. he told himself, He stood there staring at her. She looked up at him, a questioning look in her eyes and an unreadable smile on her face. "You look incredible." he said, lowering his tall form into the chair. The look he had given her; what was that? Scully hesitated for a second, then slid onto his lap, one arm around his neck. If he could act like a real date so could she. He wrapped his arms around her and ordered them both a drink as the waitress went by. Mulder carried the conversation a few minuets more; explaining that they had met through her work. By the time their drinks arrived Scully had recovered and was able to join the conversation. She was able to look around at her friends and note the women were all watching Mulder like animals on the prowl. , she thought then stopped herself. The music started up and the table emptied onto the dance floor; leaving Scully and Mulder alone. They were silent for several moments, not knowing what to say. Finally Mulder broke the silence. "You want to dance?" he asked quietly, his breath warm in her ear. The closeness of sitting on his lap was distracting her; she kept getting lost in how nice if felt to be this close to him. she thought, "Yeah... sure." her voice a bit vague. She moved off his lap; the distance allowing her to think a bit. "You amaze me Mulder ..." she said, looking up to meet his hazel eyes. "Fox," he corrected her, "remember, tonight it's just Fox and Dana. How do I amaze you?" "The way you look ...and ... the way your acting." "How am I acting?" That half smile even more sexy than usual, in the low light. "Like a real date," she smiled up at him, "and you can dance too. Mulder, I almost wish this really was a date." He looked down into her eyes; the intensity held her motionless. "Tonight Dana," he said, his voice soft and seductive, as he ran the back of his hand down the side of her face, in a gentle caress. "Tonight, I am your date. Now let's go dance." Was it possible that her heart had just stopped beating? was this really Mulder? She knew he could do this to women. She had seen him do it, and hated it, but it had never been directed at her before and she had just melted into a puddle. He took her hand and led her to the dance floor. He couldn't believe he had said that to her. He wasn't sure where he was getting the guts to do this with Scully. It had always been easy for him to charm women; to say all the right things, but this was Scully... No, not Scully tonight, Dana. This might be his only chance to treat her the way he would, if they could date and he intended to put everything into it. The music was loud, fast and had a very tribal beat. Good, Mulder thought to himself, He wasn't sure how safe they were going to be if he had to hold her again any time soon. Then he watched her dance; the tight black dress showing every curve of her body as she moved. The way she moved held him entranced. Scully noticed the effect she was having on him and turned it up. Sometimes she was very thankful for Marsha's influence in her life. This might be her only "date" with Fox Mulder and she wanted to make sure it was an evening neither one of them would ever forget. Moving closer, dancing against him and around him. He respond, pulling her close and pushing her away; then moving against her, his hands moving over her body but not really touching her. It became a contest to see who could get to who first. A contest, they were both winning and loosing depending on the point of view. They had settled into the music and dancing with each other, when the music slowed. They stopped and stared at each other. This was becoming so intense neither one of them was sure they should continue with it, but somehow stopping wasn't possible, so they moved into each others arms; their bodies pressed tightly together. She rested her head against his chest; she could hear his heart pounding in her ear. His chin rested on the top of her head. She felt so good in his arms. Unconsciously his hands moved up and down her back in a gentle caress. Responding she ran her hands over his back, it felt wonderful being in his arms. She looked up at him, they moved closer and for just a moment they almost kissed. Something, somewhere in the far reaches of their minds made them stop. They had already entered dangerous waters; if they were Fox and Dana for much longer; they might never be able to go back to being to Mulder and Scully. Were they ready for that? The song ended and they decided it might be better to sit down. They were both a little overwhelmed at what they were feeling for each other, sitting would be a good idea. Get a little distance that's what we need, they both thought, then they reached the table and their one chair. This was getting to be too much... but it was just for tonight... "There you two are; we thought we lost you," Marsha called, as they approached, you two looked hot out there. That dress is perfect Dana; aren't you glad I talked you into buying it?" she teased. "I certainly am." Mulder said, looking at her warmly. They sat back down, Scully sliding comfortably onto his lap again. They managed to carry on conversation for a while; without being too distracted by their physical closeness and enjoying every minuet of it. Scully was talking with Marsha, her weight shifting a little as she reached for her drink. She heard a sharp intake of breath as she resettled herself. Was that what she thought it was...? She moved just a little more to be sure. He whispered softly, "Don't...." She shivered at the feel of his breath in her ear. She couldn't believe she was sitting here on Mulder lap, and that bulge in his pants was because of her? She moved again. "Stop that." his voice more insistent. ? he thought. He really needed her to stop moving; this was embarrassing. He wasn't sure if it was her movements or if it was just being this close to her, that had him so turned on, but he was pretty sure if she would just hold still, it would really help. Scully realized the last move had been a mistake. Her movements had put her directly over him and the short skirt didn't leave much separating them, making her want to move against him even more. "I don't want to." she said softly. she asked herself, Mulder was confused; what did she mean she didn't 'want to.' He didn't want her to stop either but he needed her to. This could get really embarrassing if she didn't. Once again the table emptied, as everyone headed to the dance floor leaving them alone. "Scully," he whispered, interrupting her thoughts. "Maybe you should sit in the other chair until they get back." She thought about it, but he felt so good and this might be the only chance she ever got to feel him like this. "No," she whispered, "I don't want to." She pushed her hips back into him; the way it felt making her breath catch in her throat. "Scully..." his voice warning. He couldn't believe this was happening. Was it possible she was a turned on as he was? "Dana, remember Fox." she whispered, moving slowly against him; enjoying his reaction to her movements. "Dana....stop this ...you have to stop this now." He was becoming more desperate, needing her to stop, and needing her not to. "No," she leaned her head back so her breath whispered in his ear, "I don't want to." His hands moved down to her hips. The way she felt, driving all good sense from his mind. "If you don't stop this... I will make you very sorry." it was supposed to be a threat. She slid her hips into him again. His hands tightened around her, pulling her back as he moved up against her. Stopping a moan in the back of his throat. A soft surprised gasp escaped her lips and he did it again, harder and she gasped again; making soft little noises that threatened to drive him crazy. "Mulder..." his name was meant as a protest. She couldn't believe what they were doing. They should stop... She felt his mouth her ear. "Fox, remember Dana?" He started moving again. "You like this don't you?" his lips brushed her ear, his voice soft and seductive. "Don't you?" "Yes." More of a gasp than a real word. "Do you know how good you feel?" he whispered, "how long I've wanted to touch you like this? Her breathing was becoming as erratic as his; she pushed down and back into him. "Mulder... your... I'm going to...." her voice soft, just above a whisper. "I know" his voice vibrated in her ear, "it's Fox and so am I ...if we don't stop." "I don't want to stop..." "Then we won't stop?" He breathed in her ear. "No." She agreed. Moving her hand to her mouth and biting down hard to keep herself quiet. It all seemed so surreal... her ... Mulder ... what they were doing, her good sense seemed to be left somewhere outside with some other Dana Scully. They continued their soft movements, until feeling her hips shudder hard against his and hearing the stifled intake of her breath; he slid over the edge right behind her. They sat for a few moments, stunned by what had just happened. His hands still on her hips, still holding her tightly against him. "Scully? ...Dana," he said softly, "look at me." She turned slowly in his arms, her eyes meeting his. He moved one hand up her back and slid his fingers into her hair; pulling her closer, covering her mouth with his. He didn't want to give either one of them time to think about what just happened, or time to regret it. Lips touching, tongues exploring, they were lost in each other and didn't notice people coming back to the table. "Don't you two ever breathe? Marsha said, after she had watched them for a while. She had never seen Dana do this in public. She was always so proper. she thought, Her voice jolted them back to reality or as back to reality as they were capable of at the moment. Scully smiled. "Oh ... hi Marsha." "My god, Dana. I haven't see you with a man for years and now you can't keep your hands off each other. Not that I can blame you." She laughed unaware of how her teasing was hitting home to both of them, but then she didn't understand their relationship. A relationship that had just taken on a whole new aspect. All Mulder could think about was that they needed to get out of there. He personally needed to leave and he needed to be alone with Scully. He wanted nothing more than to get her alone and really finish what had been started. The thought of what had happened between the two of them... That they could have that intense an effect on each other, fully clothed, in public. he thought. Scully was trying to carry on a conversation with her friend; when all she wanted to do was kiss Mulder, well she wanted to do more than just kiss him... God if he could have that effect on her, fully clothed, in public, what would it be like alone... Had they really just done that...? "Dana....Dana...." Marsha was talking to her again. I really have to pay attention. She thought. "What?" "Do you want another drink?" Scully just stared at her. Distracted again by Mulder; she felt him against her. My god.... again? She was impressed. They really needed to get out of there. "The bar maid?... Drink.?" "No!" Mulder said abruptly. Causing both Scully and Marsha to look at him, startled. "I mean... it's getting late and.... You don't want another drink do you?" It really wasn't a question and it was more of a plea. "No... no I don't" Following his thought process like she always did. "In fact... I'm afraid I may have downed those drinks a little too fast. It's getting late and I'm not feeling very well. I'm sorry Marsha, but I think I really need to go home." Scully laughed a little, trying to sound convincing, "You know me always the light weight." "More so that usual Dana. I only remember you having one drink and it doesn't look like you've touched it." Marsha smiled at her friend. She knew Dana wasn't drunk, but she could certainly understand wanting to be alone with this gorgeous man. She pulled Dana closer to her and said quietly. "I can tell you really like Fox, but for the last three years, all I've heard you talk about is that partner of yours, what's his name? ... Mulder? what about him?" The subject of the question started to laugh. "Marsha. I ..."Scully tried to stop her. Embarrassed that Mulder heard, now he would know that she had talked about him to her friend. "Well... I mean ... I just thought... he isn't going to be a problem is he? He just seems to be so demanding of your time. Dragging you off all over the county. I always thought that you..." "Marsha!" Scully started. Mulder didn't need to hear any of this. Before Scully could say anything more. Mulder interrupted them both. "As long as I get as much of her time as he does there won't be a problem, but if she starts spending more time with him... well...I guess I'll have to shoot him this time." "Very funny Fox," Scully mumbled. "Sounds like you can handle that stick in the mud. I tell you all this time and well... I'm just glad Dana finally found somebody that can really appreciate her." "Marsha..." "Oh. I definitely appreciate her. I won't let 'the old stick in the mud' get in the way. Marsha it's been really nice meeting you." Then to Scully, "You ready?" She nodded getting off his lap, and finished saying good-bye to her other friends. They made their way out of the club the same as always her in front, him with his hand on her back. They were it all the way outside before they burst out laughing. Still laughing as they walked down the street to their cars. "You know Scully someday you're going to have to tell her..." "I know and then she is going to kill me, but you know it's all your fault...." "My fault?" "Yeah your fault" she stopped looking up at him. "You show up looking like...." she paused, then gestured at his clothes. "You just don't look like an FBI agent tonight..." her voice getting soft at the last; she ran her hands up his chest, surprised at how comfortable this new intimacy felt. He looked at her his eyes getting dark with desire. It was a new look and she wasn't used to it yet, but it made her heart pound. His fingers trailed along her arm, across her shoulder and up to touched the side of her face with the back of his hand. "You don't exactly look like an FBI agent tonight either." His voice husky with wanting her. He traced his thumb over her bottom lip. "Scully, I need to be alone with you. I want to be alone with you soon. I want to finish what we started in there. Come home with me? Make love with me Dana." The question hung heave in his eyes. If she didn't want this she needed to tell him. "I want you too Mulder ... Fox," She smiled at him, "who ever you are." The smile that could always melted his heart. "Take me home with you. We can get my car later." "Your home or mine, Dana?" "Which ever one is closer, Fox." After a fifteen minuet drive that seemed to take two hours; they pulled up in front of Mulder's building. He looked over at her and smiled. "Last chance to scream and run." "How about I just stay and you make me scream." She smiled back at him. "I suddenly got very turned on." She smiled again remembering the last time he said those exact words. Then softly "I hope so." "We need to go inside." Fox Mulder's apartment 12:30 am All in one move he shut the door and locked it behind them, pulled her against him and covered her mouth with his. Tongues met and entangled, hands were everywhere at once, touching, exploring, removing clothing. When the need to remove the final barriers between them was finally over come; he lifted her in his arms and carried her into the living room, laying her down gently on the rug by the fire place. He kneeled, looking at her as though she would disappear any second. In truth he was afraid it was a dream and when he woke up she would be gone. "I can't believe your really here... that we're really doing this." He said softly. "I know. I can't either, but I am and we are." she held her arms up to him, "Come here and I'll prove it to you." He lowered himself into her arms getting lost in the sensation of skin against skin. She loved the feel of his hot skin against hers. He kissed her face, her neck, finally covering her mouth with his. His hands moved to her breasts; fingers pinching her achingly hard nipples. She moaned into his mouth. The fire of what he was doing to her burned down her whole body and settled between her legs. She reached down wanting to touch him, eager to know what he felt like in her hands. He jumped and groaned at her touch. Finally able to leave her kiss he moved lower, focusing his attention on her nipples, licking and sucking them his hot mouth making her squirm beneath him. He was amazed at the way she responded to him. He had never dreamed that his touch would cause such a response from her. He moved his hand down between her legs fingers exploring, feeling how wet she was, ready for him. He slid his fingers inside her. Her breath caught in her throat, a loud moan escaping her lips. "Mulder .... "Fox" "Fox ... now. I want you inside me now." "I want to...." "No. Now. There's time for more later. I want you inside me now." Her voice was breathless with desire. Moving between her legs he paused for a moment to look at her, their eyes locking. They communicated best this way, with their eyes. To look into the others eyes was to look into the others soul; to know what they thought and felt. That final link established, he pushed into her slowly, wanting to feel every centimeter, wanting to see it in her eyes. Both of them gasped at the way it felt. He stopped, all the way inside her, just feeling their union, the joining they had both denied for so long for. She looked up into his hazel eyes, dark with passion. A new look, a new one to file under 'this is how Mulder looks when he is feeling...' He started to move; slowly at first and then harder and deeper. Her cries mixed with his, sensation on sensation. Her hips moving in counter point with his. Harder and harder, deeper. "Fox ... " she could hardly breath, "I.. going to come... I want you to come with me. Are you? ... Tell me." "Dana..."speech was nearly impossible at this point "yess.." was all he could manage. She tightened around him. Her fingers dug into his shoulders. "Mulder!" she screamed his name and he exploded inside her. He kept the motion softly, not ready to be separated yet. "Scully... I love you. You know that don't you?" he asked finally. "I know. I love you too." After a bit he moved off of her and pulled her close, holding her. "Fox I know that you love me, but what about tomorrow? What about when we aren't just Fox and Dana. What happens when we have to be Mulder and Scully again?" she asked quietly, afraid of what he might want. What if he didn't want...? He shifted so he could look at her, then softly interrupting her thought as if he had heard. "Don't you know that Mulder loves Scully as much as Fox loves Dana. This isn't just for tonight. You didn't think that did you?" She couldn't think that could she? What if that was all she wanted. The thought terrified him. "That's not what you want is it?" She shook her head. "No. No that's not what I meant; Scully loves Mulder as much as Dana loves Fox, you have to know that, but this is going to make things a lot more complicated. What if they find out? What if they try to separate us?" she stopped, looking into his hazel eyes. "They can't separate us if we don't let them." He answered firmly, "We just have to be careful. I'm not sorry this happened. I love you and to be honest; I don't know how I've gone this long without touching you, but I don't think I can go back. I won't loose what we just found." He paused his eyes searching hers, then "You do want this don't you? I mean..." She stopped him putting her fingers over his lips. "Shhh yes this is what I want. I just don't want them to use us against each other. If they did anything to you... before when I thought you were dead ... I couldn't take that again." Her eyes filled with tears at the thought. He kissed her gently. "Scully I can't loose you either, because we become lovers doesn't make that any more true. It doesn't make you any more of a way they can get to me. They have already used you to get to me ...and they know I'll jump through whatever hoops they put up to protect you. This doesn't make things any different. I would have died for you before." "I would do anything for you too Mulder. I guess they know that by now." She reached up her hand caressing the side of his face smiling a little. "I made some great spy didn't I?" "Well you did manage to learn all my deep dark secrets." He thought about how they had sent her to be a weapon, to weaken him and instead she had become his greatest strength and support. "Not quite all of them." "No? You don't think so?" Curious not sure what she meant. "There are still a couple of things I would really like to know." Her smile had become wickedly seductive. "Ask way," he said, "what do you want to know.?" his breathing had become a little irregular. "I want to know," she said slowly, drawing her words out. "what you taste like and how my name sounds on your lips when you come." Her eyes burned into his. Mulder smiled and his head dropped in amazement; a sound somewhere between a moan and a whimper came out of his throat. She took advantage of his moment of shock to push him over on his back reversing their positions. Mulder looked up into her deep blue eyes not really believing what his usually proper partner had just said to him. Finally finding his voice he managed to choke out. "I wouldn't want to keep any secrets from you." She moved down and kissed him. Her tongue searching his mouth, she ran her hands over his body enjoying his response. She wanted to touch him everywhere to memorize every inch of him. She kissed her way down his neck, her tongue leaving trails of fire on his skin, stopping to tease his nipples. He gasped and moaned, squirming beneath her. She moved down, trailing kissed and touches over his sides and stomach; stopping at his belly button, swirling her tongue around it. "Scully..." he gasped, his hips arching up, as his fingers found their way into her hair. She took his hands and moved them down to his sides; holding them in place as she moved lower; running her tongue over his thighs and kissing around his hips teasing, touching him everywhere but where he wanted her the most. Finally she took him in her mouth; her lips closing around him. A stuttered scream came out of his mouth. "Ohhhh god Dana......" followed by another moan. She sucked on him, her tongue swirling around his tip. She looked up to watch him; enjoying the look of wild passion on his face, the way he sounded, the way he tasted, but oh the way he sounded. She slid her mouth over him sucking, her tongue teasing. She reached down and took his sack in her hand stroking and squeezing lightly. She kept on sucking and touching, bringing him close and slowing down. Keeping him right on the edge of ecstasy, until finally when he could take no more, he managed to choke out. "Dana please....ahhh.... please I ..." This time she kept going and she could feel the final tension through his whole body. She couldn't believe how beautiful he looked as she watched him; his body covered in a fine sheen of sweat, his eyes closed. His body tensed once more; his hips thrust up to meet her mouth and then just as she had wanted. "Scully, oh god, Scully .....I love you Scully." He screamed out her name as he went over the edge into oblivion. She kept him there for a long moment then she moved up his body to kiss him lovingly on the lips. At the touch of her lips, he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her fiercely. "Dana that was.... incredible." Then he smiled and laughed softly. "I guess that answered your questions?" "Yeah..." she answered, smiling at him. "You know what I really liked was.... well you've been calling me Dana all night, but when you came you called me Scully." Misunderstanding he interrupted her. "Dana I'm sorry I..." She stopped him with her fingers. "No. I like it that you called me Scully just then. It's the way I know that it's for real. That all of this is real and not just a fantasy about Fox and Dana. "It is Fox and Dana, and it's Mulder and Scully. It's us. This just makes us partners in one more way. It's another way that we are linked and it's something that they can't take away from us." "Mulder what if they try?" her fears were still close maybe more so than before. "To not be with you..." He kissed her gently and rolled her underneath him. "They can't. We love each other and they can't take that; no matter what they try." He looked into her eyes and saw the mixture of love and fear. "You're right," she whispered, lifting up a little to kiss him. "that makes us stronger doesn't it?" He returned her kiss, deepening it, his tongue slowly dancing with hers exploring her mouth, then pulling back a little. "There is something that I still need to know." he said, his voice was serious, but his eyes were giving her that look, the new one; the one that said 'Mulder wants me'. "What's that?" she asked. He leaned down to kiss her again. "I think I'll just let your body answer for you." he told her, his voice husky. His lips traveled down her neck, to her throat kissing and licking, and then trailed down to her breasts. She gasped as he sucked a nipple into his warm mouth, her back arched up against him. He spent a long time sucking and licking her breasts first one then the other. It felt so good, she thought she might have an orgasm just from what he was doing to her breasts. His hand moved down between her legs fingers exploring her warm wetness, then sliding inside her. A low moan escaped her and her breathing became very rapid. He kept moving his fingers in and out of her. The noises she was making became almost constant as he slowly moved his lips down over her stomach, swirling this tongue around her naval and then down finding her center and licking her there. His fingers still moving inside her. "Mulder..." She was there, ready to come; any second he was going to take her over that edge. "Fox...." She couldn't believe what he was doing to her body, what he could make her feel. It had never been like this before. "Mulder..." Any second now, he would finish what he was doing and she would come, she needed to come, but he kept her there, just on the edge of ecstasy. What he was doing felt so wonderful she thought she might loose her mind. Her cries had become an unintelligible mix of his name and an attempt to breathe. "You're so beautiful." he told her. "God Scully you are so damn beautiful." His love and desire for this woman were almost overwhelming. "Mulder..." she didn't think she could take much more. "...feels so good..." "I want to make you feel good." "Mulder I ...." "Tell me when your, Scully." He said softly, his fingers still moving inside her; touching in all the right places, his thumb moved on her. "I want to see you come" "Mulder" she gasped out again. "Yes. Oh god yes please..." "Please what Scully?" softly again "You have to tell me when you want to come." "Mulder now, make me come." barely able to speak. Still watching her face he lowered his mouth and sucked hard teasing with his tongue. How could he know her so well, the way his fingers moved inside her, the feel of his mouth. He had never touched her before tonight, yet it felt as though they had been together forever. She screamed out his name and arched up to him; as he finally took her over the edge. He stayed with her his fingers and mouth still on her until she quieted. Watching her through her passion had Mulder completely turned on again and he moved up over her kneeling between her legs. "Scully?" softly his voice deep with desire. She opened her eyes and looked at him; surprised and pleased to find him ready again. "Mulder your amazing." She smiled at him "If I ...." "Dana, tell me you want me inside you." He interrupted her softly, his voice heavy. "I want you inside me Fox.." She breathed her heart pounding in anticipation. "Good, because I can't seem to get enough of you. Scully nobody's ever turned me on like this. I want to be with you, I want to be in you, I want us together... forever. Tell me you want that." His eyes burned into her, blazing with such intensity of desire that it took her breath away. "I want that too. I want us together forever and I want to feel you deep inside me. Get deep inside me Mulder, get so deep inside me that we become one. Get so deep inside me that no matter what happens or what anyone does they can't ever separate us." her voice deep with passion. She couldn't believe how hot she still was; after everything they had already done. How much she wanted this man. Mulder moaned at her words and pulled her up to face him, so that her legs were straddling his, then he lifted her up, their eyes still locked, and slowly lowered her down over him. Scully felt her body open to take him in. She moaned, he felt so good, he filled her so completely. "Hold onto me." he said, holding her tightly and standing up. The movement and gravity moving him deeper inside her; she groaned loudly. "You okay?" he asked, afraid he had hurt her. Then after her nodded assurance. "You feel so good Dana." He started to walk. "Mulder what are you doing? where are we going?" she asked. "My bedroom. I want you in my bed." "I thought you didn't like your bedroom." "I don't, but I think I like the idea of you in my bed." Carrying her to his bedroom to finishing making love to her there had been a good thought, but the feel of her surrounding him, moving on him while he tried to walk was overwhelming. Dana was gasping as each step pressed him deeper; merging them more completely, nearly driving her crazy. They made it out of the living room and almost to the bedroom door when he turned and pressed her back into the wall. "Scully I wanted you in my bedroom, but maybe I want you the my hallway instead." He said, thrusting into her hard. She moaned and pressed her hips into him. The force of her own weight making each thrust deeper. Their cries and gasps of pleasure mingled getting louder with each deep hard thrust until they both gave one last loud scream and rode the waves of pleasure into a shared ecstasy. He held her against the wall, until he thought he could move. He finished the walk to the bedroom, and then as he started to lower her onto the bed. "I want to stay together," she said softly, "I still want you inside me." He lowered them onto the bed, still joined, pulling the blankets up around them. They held each other as they drifted off into an exhausted sleep. ******************************************************* End of Just Pretending? Well that's it. I warned you it was nothing but mind candy and lots of it I hope you liked it let me know. yonada@hotmail.com