TITLE: The Leap AUTHOR: Ambress EMAIL: ambress27@mindspring.com RATING: NC-17 SPOILERS: Memento Mori, Christmas Carol, Emily, probably some other ones. Obscure references to the movie, Pusher, Tempus Fugit, and an itsy bitsy joke about The Host. SUMMARY: Why do you read stuff when you know what's going to happen? Okay, Scully gets something she's not sure that she wants. THANKS: to Laura Shapiro, Ktbelle, and Meghan for their kind, generous, thought provoking, and detailed beta reading. Thanks to bugs, shannono, Shawne and Barbara D for gamma reading. ARCHIVE: Gossamer, Xemplary, Ephemeral okay. Everyone else, please ask first. DISCLAIMER: Everybody has their own Mulder and Scully doll; this is what I did with mine. Oh, but the characters themselves all belong to Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen, and Fox. ~*~*~*~* Stamford Transportation Center 7:05 a.m. They woke up in the train station. They were propped up against each other like a couple of runaway teenagers who had fallen asleep waiting for the next bus out of town. Mulder started to sit up when he realized he was conscious, but he felt a stabbing pain through his skull and leaned back against the bench. His head hurt. Again. And his mouth felt like it was full of cotton balls. Scully was also beginning to stir, probably because he was jostling her as he moved. Her head was on his shoulder, and his arm was around her. He looked around slowly, trying not to jar his head. Where were they? A bus station? An airport? Were they going somewhere on a case? Did he have the flu? Men and women in suits moving quickly across the floor. A large picture window facing them, and he could see a train pulling in below. It slowly began to come back to him--where they had been the night before. He groaned. Scully opened her eyes all the way at the sound, and straightened up, pulling away from him. She blinked several times, once apparently to clear her vision, and then in confusion, surprise, and irritation, successively. "What the hell happened, Mulder?" she asked. She put her hand to her temple and turned gingerly to look at him. "Are you okay?" she asked. "Yeah. You?" "Yeah, I think so." "Maybe somebody saw something," Mulder suggested, and heaved himself to his feet. He swooped around the train station for several minutes, demanding to know if anyone had witnessed them being brought there and placed on the bench they had woken up on. The commuters just looked at him. They had the same studied apathy on their faces that they cultivated for the tinfoil- hat-wearing raving lunatics they encountered every day in the streets of New York. When they staggered out into the crisp, cold air and saw their Taurus in the parking lot with a ticket on it, they weren't terribly surprised. It had been one of those nights. ~*~*~*~* Sixteen hours earlier . . . J. Edgar Hoover Building Washington, D.C. 3:05 p.m. Mulder was carefully constructing a goal out of paper clips, and preparing to shoot a balled-up Post-It note in an impromptu game of desk hockey, when the phone rang. He put down his paper clips to answer it. "Mulder." He listened for a moment. Then the exclamations tumbled out of him: "You're kidding," and "Where?" and "How did you find it?" Scully finally looked up from her computer as Mulder's voice got more and more excited. Bigfoot? she thought. Elvis? Very rare copy of *Lila Licks L.A.*? Damn. I was going to get that for him for President's Day. He glanced up at her, but she couldn't read the look on his face. She tilted her head slightly, and raised an eyebrow at him when he hung up the phone. "Frohike," he said. He took a deep breath, as though trying to decide what to say. "Scully, we're going to Stamford." "Stamford? Stamford, Connecticut? Why? What's going on, Mulder?" "They've located Dr. Scanlon." They stared at each other for a moment, and he nodded as though she had silently confirmed something that he had known all along. ~*~*~*~* "Are you sure?" she kept asking him. "The same Dr. Scanlon?" She could feel a knot of anger tightening in her stomach as she thought about it. "I can't believe he's still going by the same name, even." "He's not. Frohike found him living under the name 'N. Caslonn.' He's not any more creative with his anagrams than I am. He's working at another research facility--another fertility clinic--" Mulder emphasized the phrase, "in Stamford." They were walking out to the parking lot as they talked. It was a clear cold day. Normally Scully had to walk double-time to keep up with Mulder, but today she was a rocket. "We'll have to take the shuttle to LaGuardia and drive from there," Mulder said. Frohike was probably wrong. Just because one name was an anagram of the other didn't mean it was the same doctor, but if it was. . .she needed to know. "I'll meet you at the airport," she said, getting into her car. "Remember, the shuttle leaves at seven after the hour. Let's shoot for the six p.m. flight." "Right. Good. Don't forget to pack a hat and gloves," she told him before she drove off. ~*~*~*~* LaGuardia Airport Queens, New York 7:27 p.m. Of course, it was snowing when they arrived in New York. They tried to get a four-wheel drive vehicle, but there were none available. They had to settle for the tried and true: a silver-blue Taurus. In the car, Scully felt an unaccustomed tension between the two of them. In the silence she was more conscious than usual of the dark bulk of Mulder's presence on the other side of the car. It wasn't until they had crossed the Whitestone that Scully felt she could broach the subject. "Mulder . . ." she began. He shot her a quick, enquiring look before turning his eyes back to the road. "I've been putting off bringing this up, but I feel I need to be prepared for whatever we find. I need to know what else you found in Allentown when I was in the hospital there." She managed to get the words out. "Scully, I--" He didn't look at her again, but kept his eyes on the dark road framed with falling snow which seemed to be coming straight at them in the headlights. "I told you everything in California." "I know what you said you believe has been done to me, Mulder. But what I don't know is why you believe it. What did you see there, Mulder? Who told you that all my ova had been extracted?" Now that she had brought herself to ask the question, she wasn't going to give up until he had told her everything he knew. There was silence in the car for a long moment. She thought she could hear more than one set of wheels turning. "Don't you think I have a right to know?" Scully finally asked him, her voice gentler. "Yes," Mulder said heavily. "I do. I'm just having some trouble being the one who has to tell you." He felt like an accessory to the crime that had been perpetuated against her. To tell her something about herself, and her body, that he had no business knowing anything about, something that should be her own private business, made him feel unreasonably guilty. "The guy in Betsy Hagopian and Penny Northern's Mufon group, remember him?" "Kurt something," she said. "Yeah. He wasn't just part of their group, he--or I should say they--were part of the project itself." "They? What do you mean, Mulder?" "Kurt was a clone, a hybrid. I saw several of him at the fertility clinic, Scully. And more of him being grown in vats like the ones I told you about at the Zeus Storage warehouse. He showed me a storage vault--a refrigerated vault--with drawers that contained the ova of all the women in the Mufon group. Specifically, he showed me a drawer with your name on it, Scully. Inside it were vials, each containing one of your ova. I took one of those vials with me." He glanced at her. She had a stricken look on her face. She gulped silently, trying to catch her breath. Then she forged ahead, like she always did. "What did you do with it? How can you be sure that it was what they said it was?" "I had it tested. I had them check to see if they were still viable. I'm sorry, Scully." He glanced over at her, but she was staring straight ahead, tight-lipped. For the rest of the drive, she stared silently out at the whiteness flying at them, illuminated by the headlights, and the triangle of darkness ahead. With the snow, it was an hour and a half drive to Stamford. It was late when they got there. The city was still in the falling snow, gray and silent, and very grim. There was no Best Western in town. No Holiday Inn. Stamford was a corporate town--that meant either expense accounts and expensive hotels, or the Stamford Motor Inn with hourly rates. Their best choices for hotels were between the Sheraton on Summer Street and the Marriott downtown. They checked into the Sheraton. The place was full of executives strolling through the enormous atrium-style lobby. Mulder came and knocked on her door as she was hanging her garment bag in the closet. "I think we should go straight to the facility, Scully," he said, wasting no time on chit chat. Of course you do, she thought. Even as she thought it, she realized she didn't want to put it off either. ~*~*~*~* The Dorothy L. Walker Fertility Clinic High Ridge Office Park Stamford, CT 10:07 p.m. The clinic was in an office park located behind the fire department on Turn of River Road. Mulder turned off the headlights as they drove through the elegantly landscaped entrance. There were no lights on in any of the offices. There were no guards. Mulder pulled the car up beside the building, close to some low-hanging trees, and they got out. Scully glanced at the building, then looked across the roof of the car at Mulder. "Well," she said, "how are we going to get in?" Mulder chewed on his lip for a moment, then shrugged and strode up toward the front door. Alarmed, Scully followed him; surely he didn't expect the door to be unlocked? It was. Mulder pulled the door open a few inches and glanced in, then started to open it fully. Scully stopped him with a hand on his arm. "Mulder," she whispered urgently, "this could be a trap." "Yeah," he whispered back. "But we're never going to find out what kind unless we spring it." "An intelligent person uses a stick, not his foot," she retorted. The building was dimly lit. The walls were dove grey and the carpet mauve. As they turned the first corner, they were both surprised to see Kurt Crawford standing directly in the middle of the hall. They were each even more surprised to feel the sting of the needle wielded by someone behind them. The next thing they knew, they were waking up at the train station in the morning. ~*~*~*~* Sheraton Hotel February 5, 1999 8:30 a.m. At the hotel, Scully had just finished showering and dressing when Mulder knocked on her door. "I just got a call from one of the Kurt Crawfords," he told her. "He wants to talk to us downstairs in the restaurant." Her face registered surprise and ironic amusement. "Why not just ask us out to tea? We'll bring the cucumber sandwiches and he can bring the knockout drops." He shrugged, similarly baffled. "What do you think he's up to?" she asked. "I don't know, but he said he wanted to talk about you." "Me? What about me?" "I don't know. Let's find out." ~*~*~*~* The lobby of the Sheraton 9:02 a.m. The bar was in the atrium, separated from the rest of the hotel by a white open framework, like a giant, indoor gazebo. The ubiquitous Kurt Crawford was sitting at one of the green tables. He stood up as they approached him. When they reached him, he indicated two chairs with a gesture of his hand. They both ignored it, so all three remained standing. From somewhere out of sight a piano tinkled melodically. "Agent Scully," Crawford said, "I have something that I think you would like to see." He handed her a folder. She took it, and with a quick, suspicious look at him, she began reading through it. Within moments, her face had paled. "What is it, Scully?" asked Mulder. He shifted closer to her. "It's a medical file. It's a medical file on *me*, to be more specific," she said, and Mulder could hear the anger in her voice. Crawford stood waiting, silent and stiff. "What kind of medical file?" demanded Mulder. Crawford answered for her. "Documents pertaining to a procedure performed on Agent Scully last night at the Walker Clinic." "Procedure?" He was starting to get more than a little pissed off himself. He was also frightened. What the hell did 'procedure' mean? "These documents suggest that last night ova--my ova, to be precise--were implanted in my uterus," Scully told him bluntly. She looked up at him, but couldn't maintain the eye contact, and looked down again at the chart. "What?" "Only a small portion of what has been stolen from Agent Scully has been returned to her. We have done what was in our power," said Crawford, in his stilted manner. He looked directly at Mulder. "These are not hybrids. They have not been fertilized." "*Unfertilized* ova?" Scully said in disbelief. "We wanted to give you a choice," said Crawford, still in that toneless voice. "What do you mean by a choice?" she demanded. Crawford looked at her with what appeared to be an emotion on his face for the first time. He seemed surprised. "Of a father." Scully just stared at him. Mulder felt he had to jump in. "Are you saying you expect Agent Scully to. . .uh. . .get her ova fertilized herself?" Crawford was still looking at Scully. "We assumed that was what she would want. It is perfectly safe," he reassured her. "This," said Scully, waving the file at him, "is just paper. It isn't proof that you actually performed *any* procedure on me." Kurt nodded once. "We suspected you would feel that way," he said. "So we brought you this." He held out an unmarked videotape. She took it from his hands with a dumbfounded expression on her face. Mulder felt like he must have a similar expression on his own. "Why would you do this?" Crawford didn't answer her question. He looked almost puzzled, as if the answer were self-evident. He turned to look at Mulder, as though expecting him to explain. ~*~*~*~* 9:32 a.m. 4 hours, 7 minutes They argued about it in the elevator. "It's just not possible, Mulder. Listen to me. In women like myself, who no longer have ovarian function, it is possible for in-vitro fertilization to occur through the use of donor eggs. But it takes weeks of biweekly injections of a drug called estradiol and the hormone progesterone in order to prepare a viable endometrial lining for *fertilized* eggs, Mulder. Do you understand the distinction? You can't just put ova in a woman's uterus without a carefully guided course of hormones, and you have to fertilize the eggs before they are transferred, anyway. The kind of procedure that this man is describing does not account for the basic requirements of conception for the human body." "But isn't the fertilization of the eggs, in part at least, a matter of insurance? Is it possible for the same process to occur without the eggs having previously been fertilized? And couldn't those people who are capable of the kind of technology that could speed up the process of ovulation in you to the extent that they could extract all your ova also be capable of accelerating the process required to insure implantation?" "No Mulder, it's not. In the first place, after an implantation procedure like that, a woman would have to abstain from sexual intercourse for a period of time, and in the second, once an egg is actually in the uterus, the sperm must fertilize it within twelve hours for it to attach itself to the endometrial lining and begin to grow." "But Crawford said it was safe." "And that's beside the point. To what purpose would they perform a procedure like that on me, Mulder? Why would anyone want to do such a thing? What ends could they be serving?" "Maybe they are sincere. Maybe they want to return to you some part of what you've lost." "And how exactly have they done that?" she demanded with real anger in her voice. He didn't have an answer for that. "I don't know, Scully. But when I saw the facility where your eggs were being kept, Kurt Crawford told me that they thought of you and the other women of the Mufon group as their mothers." Scully shook her head in stunned disbelief. ~*~*~*~* End Part One The Leap, by Ambress Part Two ~*~*~*~* Sheraton Hotel Room 725 10:07 a.m. 4 hours, 35 minutes They had to find the concierge and wave their badges around to get a VCR in Scully's room. They started the tape, and the first thing they saw was Scully, covered by a sheet, lying on an operating table. Mulder noticed with mute anger that her feet were strapped into stirrups with her knees up. The room in the videotape was white and institutional green, but they couldn't see much more of it than that. Several figures in surgical garb stood around her, but there were even more monitors than people in the room. Mulder could identify the one monitoring her heart, and saw another that looked like an ultrasound. A Kurt Crawford with a plastic duck-billed instrument in his hand stepped into their view. He nudged Scully's knees apart on the tape, and Mulder heard a sharp intake of breath from the Scully standing next to him. "Scully," he said, "do you think it would be better if you watched this by yourself?" He felt very uncomfortable about watching this tape. Millions of imaginary ants were making their way across his flesh, under his clothes. The hair on the back of his neck was not just standing up, but attempting to go on the march, like that forest in *Macbeth.* "No, Mulder," she replied, "if you can stomach it, I need you here to help me retain my objectivity." They watched the rest of the videotape in silence. It was infuriating to watch these anonymous men handle Scully's unconscious flesh. Mulder felt an oily nausea when it was over. He couldn't tell what Scully was feeling; her face was totally closed off. "Scully, I think maybe you should go see a doctor." He reached out to put a hand on her shoulder, but she turned away. "I think I need to be alone, Mulder." "We should at least talk about this." "I can't. Not right now, Mulder. Later, okay?" She wasn't looking at him. He agreed, because he didn't have a choice. ~*~*~*~* 10:45 a.m. 5 hours, 20 minutes After escorting Mulder out of her room, Scully shut the door and leaned against it heavily, her body sagging. She went in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She looked like hell. She was so pale her freckles were popping out all over her face. She leaned over and peered more closely at herself. She had a sudden powerful urge to smash the mirror. She picked up the complimentary bar of soap and tore off the wrapper. She turned on the water in the sink, and washed her face, scrubbing it as though she expected to find a different person underneath. When that wasn't sufficient, she turned on the shower as hot as she could stand it, dropped her clothes on the floor of the bathroom with uncharacteristic untidiness, and climbed in. She bent her head forward and let the hot water sluice over the back of her neck. She soaped up the washcloth, which was still damp from her earlier shower, and massaged her body until her skin was red. She scrubbed the area between her legs with particular viciousness. She stayed under the water for a long time. When she stepped out, she kicked her clothes out of the way in disgust. All was definitely not shipshape. What would Ahab make of the level of disorder her life had reached? She sat on the bed in her towel. Mulder was probably right; she should go see a doctor. That would be the rational course of action. She leaned over, resting her elbows on her thighs, and covered her face with her hands, massaging her forehead with the tips of her fingers. The thought of having to explain her situation, however, was more than a little daunting to her. Who would believe that her ova had been extracted by some person or persons unknown four years ago and then four of them now replaced, unfertilized, in her uterus as a kind of demented consolation prize? Any reputable physician would refer her to a psychiatrist. She pressed her fingers hard against the bridge of her nose. Her eyes were burning with salt, and her throat felt tight. She didn't believe it. She had to think. If she waited until she was back in D.C., she could use the F.B.I. lab herself. But what if it were true? It couldn't possibly be true. But what if it were? Then waiting until she got back to D.C. would make it all irrelevant. What should she do? Her phone rang. It was Mulder. "Scully, doesn't look like we're going to get home tonight. I just took a look at the weather and that snowstorm that was in New York last night is in D.C. tonight. The airport is socked in. . .Scully?" "I heard you, Mulder. Thanks for telling me." "Are you okay, Scully?" "I'm fine." She hung up without more ado, not even noticing if he was still speaking. What if it was true? What should she do? She'd become almost resigned to the way her life had been altered by what they had done to her, and now. . . She'd adjusted her perception of the possibilities that were open to her. She'd allowed her faith to heal her trauma, and her disappointment, as much as she could. She bitterly resented having her choices narrowed so violently. Whatever their motives, her will, and her physical integrity, had been violated. And the whole situation was just a taunt. Why hadn't they just handed her a cooler with the frozen eggs in it? Then she could have used them some time in the future, when and if she had someone in her life that she wanted to have a child with. What on earth could she do about it now? What could she do? She stood up and started to put on clean clothes. She would go to a doctor. She would call her friend Lauren from medical school and find someone who would see her right now. Lauren was from Stamford originally; she would know someone who she could pull some strings with. Scully would ask them to do a pelvic, and a cervical smear. That should tell her if the video was a fake. It wouldn't tell her what she should do next. But it should tell her something. ~*~*~*~* 11:24 a.m. 5 hours, 59 minutes Scully knocked on Mulder's door a little later. "Mulder, I have to go out and run some errands," she said. "I'm taking the car." "Okay." He wasn't really surprised that she said nothing about the day's earlier events. He had hoped to be able to get her to talk about the implications of this latest development. He understood, however, her need to process the information. Trying to curb his impatience, he supposed she was planning to find a church. She would clear her head, and maybe when she returned they would be able to discuss what this meant, if there was a way to prosecute those responsible for what they had done to her. ~*~*~*~* Office of Dr. Gray Parke Suite 306 Mill River St. 12:25 p.m. 7 hours Scully had put her clothes back on, and she was waiting, albeit impatiently, for Dr. Parke to come back. He had been very nice, especially considering her insistence that she would wait right there for the results of the cervical smear, thank you, and could he please expedite them? He was evidently an old friend of Lauren's family, and seemed sympathetic to her story, which was that she was afraid she was ovulating, after dealing with infertility for several years, far away from her home and husband. She didn't feel capable of telling him the truth, and anyway, it would take too much time. The pelvic had been excruciating. She kept seeing the videotape replaying in her mind, instead of the mobile Dr. Parke had thoughtfully placed above the table. She tried willing her body to relax, but it wouldn't do as it was told. She sat on the chair in the corner of the room staring at her hands, conscious of the ticking of the clock on the wall. When he finally came back into the room, she jumped a little. "Well, Dr. Scully," he said. "I am afraid you were right. There is ferning in the mucus of your cervix, which does indicate that right now is your most fertile time. And the appearance and feel of your cervix itself indicate the same. I would suggest you get on a plane back to D.C. right away." "There's a snowstorm in D.C.," Scully responded absently, her brain ticking away. What should she do? "How much time do you think I have?" she asked him. "Well, it's difficult to gauge, as I am sure you are aware, but if you can't get home to your husband in the next twenty four hours, I think you'll have to resign yourself to waiting until next month. I'm sorry. I know this must be very difficult for you." He gave her a sympathetic, paternal smile. "Thank you, Doctor" she said. Somehow she managed the requisite pleasantries. She thanked the nurse at the window, and made it across the waiting room floor to the door, then up the steps--one, two, three, four, five, six, seven--to the parking lot. She had to make up her mind quickly. ~*~*~*~* 3:14 p.m. 9 hours, 49 minutes She was gone for more than three hours. It was starting to snow again when he heard the door to her room open and close again. He waited, expecting her to come knock on his door. Then his phone rang. "It's me." Her voice was as calm as snow. "Where are you?" he asked out of habit. "I'm in my room. Listen, Mulder, I think I'm just going to take a bath, get some dinner in my room, and go to bed. Can we talk tomorrow?" "Of course," he replied. After she hung up, he looked at the phone receiver in his hand without seeing it, expecting it to translate what she had said for him. Mulder was starting to suspect--well, he wasn't sure what--something. He didn't want to put it into words, even in his own mind, yet. ~*~*~*~* 3:44 p.m. 10 hours, 19 minutes Nevertheless, he stayed close to his door, listening and watching out the peephole. He had almost decided that he was as paranoid a freak as everyone believed him to be, when he heard her door opening. She stepped out the door, and half turned to make sure it locked behind her. He flung his own door open. She started, and looked guilty. She was wearing a soft, black, velvet turtleneck dress. She had matching black heels on, with strappy criss-crosses. The flared skirt stopped a couple of inches above her knee. The dress looked expensive, and it made her look like anything but a public servant. "Where are you going?" he asked, his jaw clenching. He should have anticipated this, but he hadn't totally realized what having a child meant to her. "Out," she said, turning one palm up toward him in a gesture that was part conciliatory, and part none-of- your-business. "You can't do this, Scully. For God's sake, you're a doctor. You should know better. It's insane, and reckless, and dangerous." He moved closer to her, though he knew better, but his anger was controlling him. "You remember what almost happened last time?" She didn't even respond to his verbal thrust. "I have to do this, Mulder," she replied quietly. "I know that you don't understand it, and I am sorry to. . .make you lose respect for me. . .but if this is my only chance. . .and I didn't take it. . .I know I would be sorry for the rest of my life." He felt his anger draining away. How many times had he felt the same way? That he had to do it? Had to take the chance? Had to investigate that remote possibility, just in case the truth was in there? "There has to be another way," he said. "Let's just talk about this, okay? Come inside and sit down." He herded her into his room, grateful for even one moment when he didn't have to imagine her doing--what she apparently planned on doing. She sat down in a chair by the window. It didn't look out, but inwards, overlooking the interior of the hotel. From Mulder's window, she could see the bar where they had spoken to Kurt Crawford, and the atrium. She could also see Mulder's face--tense with emotion-- watching her. "So, you're just planning to go out and pick up some stranger that looks promising? Is that your plan?" He felt his anger returning even as he said the words. "Just fuck somebody that you don't even know?" "Well, I wouldn't have put it in those crude terms, Mulder," she replied calmly, "but yes, that was the gist of the idea." She wasn't surprised at his anger. That, and the fact that it was none of his business, was why she had decided not to tell him. "Were you planning to tell him that you wanted to get pregnant?" She shook her head, still gazing out the window. "So tell me, Scully, how is that any different from what they did to you?" She looked up at him then, mouth half open in shock, eyes wide and wet. He felt guilty then, but kept going. "And suppose you did find some guy who was willing to--have sex without a condom after picking you up in a bar; does that sound like the kind of person you want to be the father of your child? Someone who would be so careless? And what were you going to do--ask him to fill out a medical questionnaire before he unzipped that dress?" His stomach twisted at the thought. "Is there heart disease in your family? Cancer? Diabetes? Hemophilia? What would you do if you had a child and that child someday needed its father? Needed his blood, maybe, or an organ?" A tear overflowed the lip of her bottom eyelid and tracked its way down her face. "You're right, Mulder. You're right. It was stupid of me to think that this was a possibility." She looked down at her nails. There was silence for a moment in the room. He truly hadn't realized at all how much this meant to her--how much she wanted it. He felt like an idiot for not seeing it before. It cost him, but he finally managed to say, "What about artificial insemination?" "Mulder," she said patiently, and in a defeated tone, "Of course I thought of that. It would take months. I have hours. If it's going to happen, it's got to happen now. I don't even have a biological clock. I have a time-bomb." He took another deep breath, and said, "What about an old boyfriend? Someone you are still friends with?" She looked up at him then; "All my old boyfriends are either married, or dead." "A friend then," he said, "someone you can trust." "You're the only one I trust," she replied. They stared at each other--the room suddenly charged like the air before a thunderstorm. A sudden prickly feeling swept through him then. He knew what she was going to say, and he was powerless to stop her from saying it. "Mulder, I need you to impregnate me." He was embarrassed to find himself hard as an oak plank at her words. Who knew that a woman making a request like that could be such a total turn-on? Well, now he did. She looked directly into his face and continued, "I know you, Mulder, so I won't say anything stupid, like you wouldn't ever have to feel any responsibility to the child, or to me. I know that you would. You can't help yourself. I won't say that you don't even have to see it if you don't want to, or be involved in its life, because I know that you would be. I know that this would mean irrevocable changes in both our personal and professional lives, and that neither one of us could possibly completely foresee the extent of those changes. I know I am asking you for something that I have no right, or business, asking you, but I *need* this, Mulder--" Her voice broke, and he finally found his. "Okay," he said. ~*~*~*~* End Part Two The Leap, by Ambress Part Three ~*~*~*~* It wasn't that easy, of course. "Are you sure about this, Scully?" Mulder kept asking her, "are you really sure you want to get pregnant? Are you ready for motherhood? You haven't really had time to think about it." "I've thought about it, Mulder. I really have. I know it may not seem logical, or rational, and perhaps it's not, but I feel that this is the right thing to do." "I just want to be sure you're making this decision for the right reasons." That wasn't totally truthful of him; he also wanted to be sure that she wouldn't blame him for the outcome. He needed to reassure himself that he wasn't just being a selfish pig. She trusted him because he was her friend; he needed to be her friend. "Like what? A sense of urgency? I think it's possible to choose to have a child for the wrong reasons, Mulder." She didn't think people should have babies as symbols of their own normalcy, or to have someone to love them, or to make someone else love them, or stay with them. "But I am not sure what the right reasons to have a child might be." She was asking him for an enormous favor so she felt she had to be totally honest with him. "I think that's why I never thought much about having children before I learned I couldn't have them. It didn't fit in with any of my plans. All day I kept thinking how bad the timing was, how I couldn't possibly do this, how irrational the whole idea was. Then I remembered my father telling Bill that you know you're ready to be a father because your wife is pregnant." She wanted to be absolutely clear about her feelings, so she hesitated, searching for the right words. "Having a baby is not a reasonable, rational, sensible thing to do. But since I was diagnosed with cancer, and after what happened with Emily, I think I've realized what a leap of faith having a child is. No one knows, no one can ever know, what monsters are out there waiting to descend." Crib death, spina bifida, leukemia, serial killers, child molesters, all the things you keep under the kitchen sink, the neighbor's pit bull, a drunk driver, a piece of hard candy, the inadequacy of the educational system, not to mention eleven year olds with automatic rifles in schoolyards: she'd thought about all of it. "It's always a leap of faith, and I'm ready to take that leap." "Okay," he said again. This time he smiled. "I'll steady the ladder and hold your cape." She was afraid to ask him if he was sure, because she didn't want him to change his mind. ~*~*~*~* 4:11 p.m. 10 hours, 27 minutes He almost did. "I don't know if I can do this," he said. "I'm suddenly having a wave of performance anxiety." "It's just me, Mulder," she replied. "You don't have to perform. I am not expecting you to juggle and tell jokes at the same time." "I could maybe do that--it's just--" He did look a little anxious. She suddenly felt sorry for him. "Look, Mulder," she began. "I don't want to pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do, or that doesn't feel right to you." "That's not it at all." "It's a normal biological process, Mulder. You've done it many times before, right?" "Not with you." She was touched, but tried not to show it. "It works the same way, trust me. Look, I know this isn't very romantic, or seductive, but your body knows what to do. You are a normal, healthy, attractive male with all his teeth, and I am a normal, reasonably healthy female with all the requisite body parts except ova." "Now I feel so much better." She looked sympathetic. "Why don't you take a shower first to relax you?" "Oh, that's a subtle hint, Dr. Scully." Mulder went and got in the shower. He tried to adjust his thoughts to what they were about to do. I am going to have sexual intercourse with Scully, he thought. No. I am going to fuck Scully. No. I am going to make love with Scully. That didn't seem appropriate to the situation either. Scully and I are going to make the beast with two backs. Sheesh. And fatherhood? He certainly wasn't ready for it. He didn't know if he would ever be ready. He didn't want to be like his own father, cold and unforgiving. But how do you stop yourself from becoming your parents? He didn't know many people who had managed to do it. By the time he got out of the shower he had decided that it was better if they didn't go through with it. He would just explain to her that he was sorry, but he didn't think he was ready to make that kind of commitment. He knew she would understand. But he had left the door to the bathroom open partway, and when he got out of the shower, while he was drying himself off, he could see Scully's reflection in the bathroom mirror. She was sitting on his bed, and she looked so luminously lovely. Her head was bent, and her hair had curtained her face. She had her hands splayed out in front of her, as though she were examining her nails for imperfections. She was just sitting there, looking expectant, and how could he refuse to do this for her? She was his only friend. Had she ever asked him for anything else? Had she ever asked him for anything other than to be sensible and take care of himself? Yes. She'd asked him to blame her for a man's death, to save his own skin. Oh yes, she'd asked him for help when she was abducted by Duane Barry ("Mulder, I need your help!"), and she'd asked him to make a deal once ("I need to see my sister"), so she could see her Melissa before she died. She'd asked him to help her get her daughter ("I need you now to be a witness for me at this custody hearing"). How could he refuse now to give her what she needed? She wouldn't ask if she didn't mean it. He gulped. He couldn't say no. When he came out of the bathroom, she patted the spot next to her. "Where shall we start?" he asked. "I think the usual, Mulder. Why don't we start with a kiss?" He didn't know how she could be so cool and matter of fact about the whole thing. He sat down next to her. He had put his boxers back on in a fit of modesty. He wasn't sure which would make him feel more ridiculous, coming out of the bathroom in a towel, or putting his clothes back on knowing he would be taking them off. He just looked at her for a moment. She looked back at him, a half smile on her face. "I'm sorry to make you do this, Mulder." "You're not making me do anything, Scully. I want to do this." He realized that he did. Of course he did. She was a beautiful--My god, he hoped he would be able to do this. He stomped hard on that thought. "It's just been awhile since I've ridden this particular bicycle." "Bicycle? Thank you." She hesitated. "I'm nervous too." She asked herself, in a moment of blind panic, What am I doing? He leaned forward, and so did she, until their lips met, and touched. She pulled back a little. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" "No," he said, his voice roughened, and leaned forward again. He reached one hand up and put it on the back of her neck and pulled her toward him so that their mouths met once more. Her lips parted beneath his this time, and it was suddenly and unexpectedly as though they had jumped into the cold Long Island Sound. The icy, shocked sense of abrupt immersion forced her breath out of her lungs in a whoosh. The feel of his mouth meeting hers was like an electric charge that went straight from their fused mouths to all her extremities. She could feel the tips of her fingers tingle. His tongue flicked out and darted into her mouth, and then disappeared back into his own mouth. She had to go after it. She licked lightly at his bottom lip, just like a little *rap rap* at the door when you aren't sure if you are interrupting, but he welcomed her in, and then their two tongues were sliding wetly against one another. Scully knew that the sexual response of the human female is fairly predictable and largely physiological. She knew that her skin felt hot because her blood had rushed to all the little capillaries just below the surface. She knew that her heart was pounding almost painfully against her chest because the newness of the experience of kissing Mulder and being kissed by him had stimulated her adrenal glands in a response not so different from the fight or flight response. Knowing that didn't help her to slow down her heart rate. Every time she realized, "This is Mulder, Mulder!" that she was kissing, her heart stumbled a little in its frantic pace and went on harder than ever. She could smell the real him underneath the soap from the shower. He was practically naked in her arms. They kissed and kissed and kissed. Periodically they broke apart and changed the angle at which their mouths met. The human nose always has to be accounted for in any kissing encounter, and Mulder's had to be accounted for more than most. He kept kissing her, his tongue circling in her mouth, backing away and licking lightly at her lips and then opening wider and engulfing her in his single-minded purpose, stroking her tongue with his own. He was holding her face in his hands and his thumbs were drawing little tiny circles high up on her cheekbones. He kissed her tenderly, fiercely, languorously, urgently. She hadn't expected this. She had wanted it to be quick and dirty. In her experience, men who were obsessed with pornography, like Mulder, were sexually selfish. They preferred pornography because they didn't have to meet anyone's needs but their own. When she thought about it, and she had to admit that she had, she had assumed that intercourse with Mulder (that's how she thought about it--as "intercourse") would be no different from the several tedious fumbling bouts she'd endured as an undergraduate with boy-men as emotionally underdeveloped as Mulder sometimes appeared to be. Mulder, although often endearing, always seemed to suffer from emotionally arrested development. She needed this to be over quickly before it sucked her in, but she was starting to realize that he had other ideas. He didn't show any signs of wanting to rush ahead to the main event. He seemed perfectly content to go on kissing her mouth for a long time. She couldn't catch her breath at all, and she realized that she was shaking and trembling just from their prolonged make-out session. She thought, with a touch of panic, that she might come just from this. The thought appalled her; that she might come apart in his arms so easily seemed to give him too much power. He moved one hand slowly over her back, still kissing her. The other came around and he placed a palm over her left breast and squeezed gently but firmly, and released. Then he rubbed his palm over the soft swell until he could feel her nipple getting harder and harder. Then he groaned. The sensation of her nipple hardening under his fingers, and the sound of his groan, the feel of its vibration against her mouth, caused a sharp little pulse of wet desire to travel straight from her breast to her clitoris. She realized that her hands were on his still damp shoulders, and that his skin was smooth and supple under her fingers. This had been a terrible idea. A terrible terrible horrible *oh*--she released a strangled little moan as he squeezed her breast again. As for Mulder, he was getting dizzy. Scully had apparently drunk a glass of water while he was in the shower, and her mouth tasted clear and cold, and deliciously soft and wet. He hadn't completely forgotten why they were doing this, but he was close. Holding Scully in his arms and kissing her lovely, luscious, kissable mouth was making him euphoric. Hearing her soft little moan made his cock harden and his heart expand like the Grinch's. Suddenly every knot in his very knotty brain had untied. He could have sung opera--with one of those horned hats on, even. He pulled away from her mouth for a moment. Embarrassingly, she found herself following him, wanting to recapture his lips. "Can I?" he asked, with his fingers on the tab of the zipper at the back of her neck. His voice was about an octave lower than his normal speaking voice. That, combined with his diffident courtesy in asking her permission, made her heart do another little *blip* in her chest. "Yes," she whispered, not knowing why the volume control of her own voice had suddenly gone out. She didn't even correct his grammar. He slowly pulled the zipper down her back, looking at her face the whole time. She wanted to be able to look away, but she was mesmerized by the new color scheme of his eyes. They were brilliant green with gold flecks. She had long ago learned to read the barometer of Mulder's emotions in the color of his eyes, but this particular shade and configuration was a new one for her. The back of her dress parted and his hand stole in to stroke the skin of her back. His other hand was sliding its way up the skirt of her dress. It stopped abruptly, and he whispered, "Jesus H. Christ," in a reverent tone of voice. "What?" she whispered back. "Scully," he croaked, "What the hell are you wearing under that dress?" "Well," she responded in an almost normal tone of voice, "to be frank, not much." "God almighty," he said in an outraged, or mock- outraged tone, she couldn't be sure which. Then he pushed her skirt all the way up over her hips. "Are you getting religion, Mulder?" she asked, amused in spite of herself. "How the hell do those stay up?" "Magic," she said. He was staring, bemused, at her black thigh-high stockings as though they had put the whammy on him. "Do you wear those all the time?" he finally asked. He was definitely getting off the subject. Leave it to Mulder to get distracted when really important business was at hand. "Mulder," she said, deciding that he didn't really want to know the answer, "kiss me again." He managed to tear his gaze away from the patches of creamy white vanilla-ice-cream thighs between the lacy tops of her stockings and the silky black of her panties. He thought he had never seen anything so burningly white in his life. He looked up at her face again and she smiled a little at him. Oh yeah. Kissing. Scully's mouth had that smudgy look from his kisses already, as though it had been erased and redrawn by an artist dissatisfied by its original look, and it thrilled him to realize he had put it there. He kissed her again. She kissed him back and brought her hands up to hold his head and move her fingers through his still lovely, though somewhat shorn, locks. He stopped abruptly. "I want to take that dress off of you," he said. "That was my plan before you distracted me with those--Anyway, it's time for that dress to come off." "Okay," she said. "So take it off me." She gave him a teasing little Mona Lisa smile. Her heart was still pounding, but she felt a surprising return of power and control. It was high-octane fuel in her veins. He peeled the bodice down and the sleeves covering her arms peeled away as well, until the entire dress was bunched around her waist from both directions, where he had pushed it up, and where he had pulled it down. He put his hands on her waist, stood her up like a doll, and wiggled the dress down over her hips until it fell to the floor. Her bra was black and lacy, and he didn't take his eyes off the curves of her cleavage rising above it as he reached around to her back, attempting to unhook it. It was brand-new, which made it easier to release the catch, but Mulder didn't know that, and he was proud of his skill when he got it in one try. Scully shrugged her shoulders forward, letting the straps slip off them. He helped its progress by nudging it down her arms, and letting it drop to the floor. He was still for a minute, just staring at her lovely, completely perfect breasts with their blush nipples. It didn't seem to worry Scully. She obviously wasn't one of those endlessly neurotic women who thought their various body parts were either too big or too small. Scully knew her breasts were just right for her frame. She just looked back at him. Mulder had a mini-flashback to a lecture he had attended his first year at Oxford, given by a famous classicist: "Deconstructing Hippolyta: Girdles, Gender and Women Warriors." To Mulder, Scully looked like what he had always imagined the queen of the Amazons to look like: curvaceous, beautiful, and fierce. He finally put his hands on her waist and pulled her towards him so that she was trapped between the V of his legs as he sat on the bed. He curved his hand under her right breast and hefted it gently. Even with her standing and him sitting on the bed, their height differential made it necessary for him to bend his head and lift her breast up slightly so that he could kiss and lick and suck her nipple. He pulled the entire aureole deep into his mouth and sucked hard. After only a minute she was moaning softly and continuously. When the sound finally reached his lust-befuddled ears he thought he might never be able to wipe the shit-eating grin off of his face. Then he turned his attention to her other breast, lavishing it with the same attention, and leaving the right one glistening with his saliva, the nipple dark and hard. "Mmmm," he murmured into her soft flesh, his voice vibrating against her tender skin. He pulled his incredible mouth off of her nipple for a moment to say, "I can't decide which one I like best. This one is so sweet and friendly, but this one," kneading the breast in question, "has a reserved elegance that is tremendously alluring." He stuck his tongue out and gave it a tickly lick. Catching her breath, she looked down at him with her eyebrow raised. "Mulder, you're nuts." Her voice came out huskier than she anticipated. "Well, you've thought that before," he said, unabashed. "But really, I can't be sure until they undergo a more rigorous taste test." "More rigorous than the one you've been giving them?" Her voice, normally as smooth as alabaster, cracked a little bit as she asked the question. She was not just demurely wet now, but soppingly and fragrantly drenched. If she weren't anchored to his body by his legs and hands she would almost certainly melt into a puddle on the floor. "Umm," he said. Then he pushed them together so that her nipples were about an inch apart and began twirling his tongue in little circles of infinity between and around them. She felt like a porn queen for a moment, and she wasn't entirely sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. But then the sensation of his tongue on both her nipples at once became so overwhelming that she shuddered, and moaned loudly, her fingers thrusting feverishly through his hair as she held his head to her chest. Her knees were definitely trembling now, hard little tremors, as though every nerve in her lower body were jumping spasmodically. "Oh--oh, *God*!" She could feel the heat from his erection against her belly. She wanted to touch it, to wrap her hand around it and stroke it until his face screwed up in ecstasy, but she didn't want him to stop what he was doing. So she just kept running her hands over his shoulders, loving the feel of his skin. He looked up at her, pulling away slightly, and saw that her face--his enchantingly rigid, disbelieving, no-nonsense, enigmatic partner's face--was totally transformed by arousal. The soft openness, and yet tautness, of her expression struck him in the chest like a blow. It was amazing, fascinating, transfixing, like a light in the sky. He remembered the straining, open look she wore when she was under hypnosis with Dr. Werber. At the time, he had found it unbearable. The combination of what she was saying and the eroticism of her abandonment in saying it had made it impossible for him to speak afterwards. He had thrown up a wall of reason against it. Now all he wanted to do was gaze upon her face, and watch the changes skim over it. "Let's take these off too," he said finally, his fingers rolling under the edges of her stockings. "They're very pretty, and in other circumstances I might want you to leave them on, but tonight I think I would rather feel your skin against me." She was somewhat annoyed by his ability to remain articulate in the present situation, and resolved to put a stop to that as quickly as possible. She let him roll the stockings each in turn down her legs, and stepped out of them, holding onto his shoulders for balance. Then she cupped his face in her hands and leaned over to kiss his mouth again, sweetly and leisurely. "Lie back," she said softly, and pushed on his chest for emphasis. "You're not planning to take advantage of me, are you Scully?" In spite of his question, he slid back on the bed, and lay down as she had instructed him. She ignored his remark, and climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. She bent over, so her breasts were crushed against his chest, and placing a light kiss on his mouth, she moved to his ear, breathing softly in it, and catching his earlobe between her lips. She sucked on it, and gave it a little nip with her teeth. "Ohh. . .You are. . ." he breathed, "I knew it. . ." Her breasts lifted away from his chest as she shifted to gain better access to his ear, and his hands followed them, cupping their ripeness. He licked his thumbs quickly, and brought them back to her breasts, rubbing her nipples in circular movements. She grabbed his wrists, and pushed them down against the mattress. "What?" he asked, startled, and unclear about exactly what his transgression had been. "Fair is fair, Mulder," she growled, and leaned over to lick his nipple with a couple of teasing swipes of her tongue. His breathing began to become more irregular, and she captured his nipple in her mouth and sucked on it, hard. Then she took it between her teeth and held it there. "Oh, Scully. . ." She moved on to the other one after a minute, pleased to hear his blissful groans. "Do you like that, Mulder?" "Oh yeah. . ." She let go of his wrists and he put his hands on her rib cage, pulling her down on top of him and rolling her over so she was underneath him. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of her panties and pulled them down her legs, getting temporarily distracted on the way by their graceful curves. He kissed her knees. His hands were behind her knees and he was pushing her legs apart and up so that her knees were even with her waist. Now we're getting down to business, she thought with relief. But his head was dipping down, and when she realized where he was going she started to sit up, gasping, "No, Mulder, you don't have to--I mean--" He looked up at her and grinned. "I may not have ridden this bicycle in a while, Scully, but I do remember the rules of the road." He grasped her firmly around her thighs and gave a sharp yank towards him so that she lost her balance and fell flat on her back. "Besides," he said, "I want to." She was about to rebuke him for his rude manhandling of her, but then she felt his mouth moving tenderly over the skin of her inner thigh. "I meant," she said weakly, "that as conception is our object, this particular curve of the road isn't strictly necessary." He stopped for a moment. "Actually, there is some evidence that indicates that the female orgasm facilitates conception," he replied, tilting his head to the side, and making minuscule gestures with his fingers just as he did when he explained any wild theory to her. "So it's really your duty to lie back, relax, and let me help us accomplish our goal." She wasn't totally convinced. She thought, Isn't that afterwards? but she didn't have the determination to argue anymore. Why split hairs, after all? She lay back and let him kiss her inner thighs at a leisurely pace. Back and forth he went, with hot kisses that cooled and tingled as he moved on to the next patch of flesh and the air hit the slightly damp spots where his mouth had been. "Umm--" she hummed, a little anxiously. She wanted to warn him that his efforts would probably go unrewarded. She was rarely able to relax enough to come this way, and she certainly wasn't relaxed enough in this situation. But as he got closer to his final destination she felt the tension of suspense coiling within her, and she clutched at the sheets. She was panting hard, trying to get enough breath in her lungs to stay on top of the feeling. He could feel the heat coming off her in waves. She was so deliciously hot and juicy. "Scully, you're so wet," he said in a tone of delighted astonishment. Finally, finally, finally, he was parting her pubic hair with his fingers, gently pushing it out of his way, and his mouth, his tongue, was touching her, licking her openly, with no tentativeness about it, but avidly, hungrily. His tongue searched through the folds of her labia, finding the wet fleshy nugget of her clitoris and running back and forth over it, again and again. He parted her folds with his thumb and forefinger, so the protective hood was pulled back away from it, and held his mouth open over it, but not touching it, just breathing softly upon it, holding it within the cave of his mouth. Scully's hips levitated off the bed at the intensity of the hot feeling of his breath. "Oooohhhhhhhh," she moaned helplessly. Then he started licking her again, his tongue rubbing against her clit, over and over. He slid a long elegant finger inside of her, pressing upwards within her. His other hand rested on her inner thigh. He could feel the small muscles in her leg quivering against his hand. When he felt her thigh muscles tense up, he stopped, and captured her clit in his mouth again, holding it until the tension eased slightly, then resuming his determined licking. He did this again and again. Each time he felt her thighs tense up, he would stop. Soon she was whimpering, "Mulder, I can't--I can't." Neither of them was sure what it was she couldn't do. Couldn't come? Couldn't bear it any more? Couldn't feel this way? He lifted his head fractionally, long enough to say, "yes you can," and resumed teasing her with his tongue, and slid another finger inside of her. O-shaped moans were rolling out of her throat like notes from Mozart's pen. Mulder imagined them floating like soap bubbles around him and up, until they collected, inexplicably unbreakable, in the corners of the ceiling. Her eyes were closed, her head was thrown back, and she couldn't, couldn't, stand it anymore. She glanced down at his head between her legs, busily caressing her with his mouth, and the sight of him, licking her with an intent, absorbed look on what she could see of his face as it moved into her vision--Oh! It was Mulder! Mulder doing this to her--making her feel like she was going to fracture into a million shards--and that feeling, of shock, of amazement, here it was Mulder eating her like it was the most important work he had ever done in his life, until she wanted--to--to--oh god--oh god--oh god- -oh god--Mulder--Mulder--! Her orgasm hit her like an exuberant puppy that she didn't even see coming until it knocked her down. It rolled through her from fingers to toes, shaking her like a rag doll. She groaned with the sensation of the universe contracting down to the fixed point of her pleasure; her pleasure expanding to fill everything, blocking out awareness. Mulder kept on task as the aftershocks of her orgasm rippled through her, only stopping when she sighed deeply. "Oh, Mulder," she said, in the same tone of voice that a woman might use if she opens the little box under the Christmas tree and finds that her beloved has bought her the earrings with the really *big* diamonds. She felt as boneless as the cartoon cat that Charlie Brown's friend with the naturally curly hair--what was her name?--always carried around. He could have hung her on a towel rack. "Frohike was right," he mumbled. "What?" "You are tasty." ~*~*~*~* End Part Three The Leap, by Ambress Part Four ~*~*~*~* He hadn't thought it was possible, but the sight and sound, and smell and taste and feel, for that matter, of Scully coming had made him even harder. It was practically painful now; he wanted to sink into her without restraint, and fuck her for all he was worth, but he was forcing himself not to rush it. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. He wanted to savor it. He crawled his way up her body. "What are you smiling at?" she asked, getting ready to be ruffled. "What's not to smile at?" he answered. "I'm lying on top of you, and I just made you come saying my name." "I did?" she sounded a little surprised. "Say your name, I mean, not the other." "Either that, or you were hollering, 'Murder!' I'm not saying it was crystal clear." "Could have been either," she agreed. "I guess we'll find out when security busts down the door." He kissed her again. She could smell herself on him, and enjoyed it, with a guilty sense of pleasure in having marked him with her scent. She reached down between them, snaked her hand inside his boxers to find his hot, hard erection. She wrapped her hand around it firmly. She stroked it slowly, from the base to the tip, running her thumb across the head. With her other hand she started pulling at the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down his hips, and navigating them over the obstacle of his erect penis, which seemed to have a mind of its own. After some awkward finagling he was as naked as she was. Oh, she was feeling generous now, and affectionate. She kissed her way down his chest, over his belly, oh, his skin smelled delicious, and there was his nice cock bobbing up to meet her. She took him in her mouth and wrapped her hand around the base. Swirling her tongue around the head of his penis, she was gratified to hear his happy gasp. She ran her tongue up the length of his erection, letting her mouth slide over the head when she arrived at the top. "Oh--Scully--" He was definitely having trouble speaking now. "If you make me come before I'm inside of you we have to start the whole process over again, and that would take time. I'm almost forty, you know." "That would be terrible," she agreed mockingly, but not letting go. She reached her other hand down between his legs to cup his furry balls, which were tight and compact with desire. She took him all the way into her mouth, letting her saliva make her movements slick and glib, moved leisurely and wetly up and down him for a minute. Then she sucked his cock seriously for another minute, imagining the archetypal golf ball moving through that archetypal garden hose, until he was making "ah--ah--ah" sounds. Then she released him and lay back, pulling him on top of her. She would have liked to suck him until he was totally incoherent and helpless, but that was definitely not part of their immediate agenda. Maybe later. Just as a little thank you. "Oh-Mulder-are-you-going-to-fuck-me-now?" she asked. It came out all as one word. And she had completely forgotten about "intercourse." Orgasm had temporarily loosened every psychic bolt in both her mind and tongue. "Yeah. Yeah, Scully, I am." He was breathless. He shifted his weight onto his elbows and smiled down at her. "Top or bottom?" he asked. "Bottom," she whispered. She had forgotten how good it felt to have a man on top of her, that luxurious weight, and Mulder's body felt so good, smelled so good, the hair on his thighs brushing against her legs felt so deliciously carnal, she wanted to feel his weight on her. She wanted him to pin her to the bed, hold her down so that she wouldn't crumble into sand, so she wouldn't be unwillingly snatched away to the stars. He positioned himself between her legs, and holding his cock in his hand, he rubbed the head up and down her vulva, savoring the feel of her eager wet heat. She moaned appreciatively. "I want to feel you inside me, Mulder," she said, and it came out sounding almost pleading. He looked at her face, into those sea-blue eyes, watching her face. He thought for a second that he was about to jump off a cliff, that he might drown, he might be dashed against the rocks, but he couldn't possibly resist the urge to throw himself into her ocean. She sucked in her breath in a stifled gasp as he entered her, his eyes still locked with hers, and he immediately stopped moving. "Are you okay?" he asked, stricken. It was just like the incident in his hallway, when his thoughts tumbled further and further down to despair: He was too rough. He'd hurt her. No, she was dying. No bees here, tonight, between their naked bodies. "Yeah. . .Yeah. I didn't think it was possibly to regain one's virginity, but I guess it's been a long time." "Oh, have you been saving yourself for me, Scully?" he teased, relieved that he hadn't hurt her. "Shut up, Mulder." "Okay," he said, closing his eyes for a second, trying to control his traitorous body, which wanted to make a fool of him. She felt like a hot, wet, tight fist around him. No, better than that. He was used to a fist--his own. She felt like Scully, so hot she was like ice. She was gripping him, holding him in place. She was the most pivotal thing in the universe. She felt Mulder's cock wedging her open. Oh, now she was totally open, exposed, split apart. She could feel him pushing against every door she'd struggled so hard to keep shut. Her eyes were stinging with repressed tears. He drew out slowly and then slid just as slowly all the way back inside her, groaning as he did so. He fucked her slowly for endless minutes, enjoying the soft sighing sounds she made every time he thrust into her, sounds she didn't even seem to be aware she was making. "Wait, wait," she said, "I want--" He moved away from her, confused, and popped all the way out. "I want," she lifted her legs farther up, "I want to put my legs- -" He realized what she was trying to accomplish. She draped her legs over his shoulders, and he supported them with his arms. "Well," he said with some difficulty, "I like a woman who knows what she wants." When he sunk back into her he went so deep in this position that she thought he was bumping against her heart instead of her cervix. She let out a long drawn-out moan of pleasure. With the new angle, his every thrust brushed against her clit. In another moment he was hitting that perfect internal spot that sometimes seems so elusive, and she was crying out, "Yes, Mulder, Yes, oh, harder Mulder, oh, God, oh, god, Oh Mulder, yes--" and coming again, not as hard as the first time, but just sailing up and over the bar effortlessly. He moaned suddenly, as though the tether on his control had snapped, and he was thrusting hard and fast into her. He pounded into her, the way a toddler pounds on one of those infernal cobbler benches, accompanied by a series of inarticulate grunts. "Scully--Scully-- Scully!" he cried, his face contorting in apparent agony, then smoothing out into the pure innocent pleasure of a nursing child. He stopped moving entirely as he came. He thrust into her arrhythmically a few more times, put his head down on her chest, and sighed, quivering as a few stray tremors shook him. After a moment he lifted his head and kissed her sweetly on the mouth. "Doin' you a favor is exhausting," he said. He rolled off of her onto his back, but kept his arm around her, and pulled her head down so she was resting on his chest. She could feel his heart still pounding hard and deep in his chest, and smiled to herself. She was still shaking, and quivery all over. Every nerve ending in her body was charged. Where her flesh rested against his, she was like one of those plasma sculptures, where mini-bolts of lightning respond to the touch of your fingers. Scully expected him to fall asleep, and thought it would give her a chance to regroup. Part of her was already planning her escape. But she underestimated Mulder's ability to bounce back. "I think we should order room service, don't you?" he asked after only a few minutes of lying comfortably with her head pillowed on his chest. "I need to replenish my bodily fluids. What do you want to eat?" He twisted his body around to reach the phone. "Umm. Pasta primavera." "I think we went off the clock hours ago. How about a bottle of wine?" "Okay. It'll have to be my last glass for awhile." "Oh yeah," he grinned. He made the phone call to room service, and they lazed in the bed until the knock on the door. Mulder pulled on his pants and answered it, keeping the door half shut so that the waiter couldn't see Scully at all. Soon, she sat at the table in nothing but his dress shirt, eating her pasta. He lounged across the bed, jeans shed, ridiculing her for her propriety. She took serious little bites of her dinner, with no movement wasted. "So, Scully, do you think it's possible for a man and a woman to stay friends after they've had sex?" She smirked at him. "Well, it's a nice thought, Mulder, but I don't think a man and a woman can be friends. We only tolerate you for the sex." He threw a green bean at her. "No, seriously." "I guess it depends on how good the sex is. If it was lousy, she might not want to be friends anymore." "Boy," he said, scooping some stray mashed potatoes off of his chest with his fork, "after one or two orgasms you just turn into a smartass, don't you? So, was the sex lousy?" She twirled some pasta, pointedly ignoring his ill-bred table manners. "Nope. That was great sex, Mulder." "Thank you." He smirked. "I knew what you'd like." "Well, that sounds a little arrogant, don't you think?" "Maybe so. But I think I had you figured out long ago." "What? How so, oh wise one?" "I have a system for sexual profiling." "Oh, you must be joking." "No, no. I mean it. You can tell a great deal about how a person comes by how they sneeze." "What?! Now you are putting me on. How they *sneeze*?" "Sure," he said seriously. "You know, Scully, physiologically speaking, sneezing is a process very similar to that of orgasm." "Mulder, that is the biggest load of hogwash I have ever heard from you, and I have heard some large loads." Ummm. Snow peas. "Well, think about it for a moment. A sneeze starts out as a little tickle. An irritant. Then the sensation builds up and is explosively released. You always feel much better after you've sneezed, don't you?" "Well, not exactly the same way, Mulder, but I see your point." "Yes, so how a person approaches a sneeze tells you something about their orgasms as well. You know those people who sneeze several times in rapid succession?" "Yeeaaah?" "They're usually women." "Oh come on. That's not true." She shook her fork at him. "Are you sure? And with you, for instance, I noticed a long time ago that you try to repress your sneezes, letting the pressure build up, and making the release more powerful." He was leaning back against the headboard and letting his hands do half the talking for him. All he needed was a slide projector and a pointer. Maybe some clothes. She put her fork down and blinked slowly at him, as though she couldn't quite believe her eyes. An image suddenly popped into her mind: seeing Skinner in the hallway suddenly stop, and then an roar of a sneeze that practically doubled him over, shouting as he. . .sneezed. Wouldn't do to mention that at the moment. Dammit, she was going to think about this every time someone sneezed around her, even people who she didn't particularly want to think about that way. Frohike, Kersh, Fowley. . .cripes. "Hmmph. And that's why you--" She didn't finish her sentence. "Yeah," he said grinning smugly, "that's why I. But you never answered my question about staying friends." "You're pretty insufferable after you've come too. I hope you know that. Well, I certainly hope that it's possible, Mulder. That's what I am gambling on here. I certainly don't want to lose your friendship. But that's not really what we're talking about here anyway, is it? The question is: can a man and a woman stay friends after they've had sex and made a baby?" "I guess you're right." "And the answer," she went on, "is that what's worth having, is worth fighting for, don't you think? I've known many couples who had everything going for them: they were happily married, in love with each other, both had good jobs, healthy, but having a baby together destroyed their relationship. It changes the paradigm, and you have to adapt, or become extinct." She stabbed at her broccoli for emphasis. "I believe that you and I are capable of adapting. Our partnership works because of mutual respect and trust--" Abruptly he put his plate down on the bedside table, covering his face with one hand as he did so. "Ow. Geez." "What's the matter?" she asked, standing up and going over to him on the bed. "I think I got something in my eye." "Let me take a look," she said, leaning over him. He removed his hand from his face, but when she leaned in close to look in his eye, he grabbed her around the waist and dragged her onto his lap. "Gotcha," he said triumphantly, "and using the ol' 'I-got-something-in- my-eye' trick', yet." "You're gonna get something in your eye, buster. My fist." She wriggled around, but the result was to become more firmly entrenched in his arms. He snuggled his face against her neck. "Scully, can I make a confession?" "Uh. . .okay." She felt some trepidation about the nature of this possible confession. "I love the idea of making you pregnant. I love to think about how you'll look when you're pregnant. I love the thought of starting a baby growing inside you. It makes me want you all over again just to think about it." He nuzzled her neck and kissed her ear, whispering to her, "to think about how round and ripe you're going to get, how your hair will become even more lustrous, your skin even more translucent, your nipples even more sensitive. I love to think about you waddling everywhere you go and watching you, and thinking that I did that to you. Scully, do you think I am a terrible pervert?" "Yes," she whispered back, "but not because of that." He laughed softly and kissed his way down the edge of her jaw, making pleased little "umm" noises as he tasted her skin. "Scully," he said. "I want to make love to you again. Is that okay with you?" He hastened to add, "Just to make sure we get the job done, of course." She rolled her eyes and smiled in amusement. His hands were up underneath his shirt, crossed upon her back, and stroking her shoulder blades lightly. "Yes, that's okay with me," she said, lifting her mouth up to be kissed again. "But it's my turn to be on top." "Oh, absolutely," he agreed, and kissed her. They were folded together like origami on the bed. Her legs had gotten tangled up with his. He pulled her closer to him, and reached behind her, beneath her, his hands cupping her ass cheeks, and lifting her up in his arms. He held her close, and pressed numberless kisses on her face and neck. She responded by kissing him everywhere she could reach. "Are your vital fluids replenished?" she asked breathlessly. "Yes," he said, "yes I think so. They seem to be." "Oh, you're right. They do seem to be," she said, indicating his erection with an appreciative glance. "Good, because I think before was a fluke, and I want you to prove otherwise to me." "Don't say fluke to me in this context," he joked, but she was already pushing him back on the bed and walking on her knees up the length of his body. She held on to the headboard to keep her balance as she spread her legs and put her knees on either side of his ears. "You know what I like about you, Scully?" he asked. "What, Mulder?" "You're not shy." "Well, what I like about you, Mulder, is that you like that." He wrapped his arms around her thighs to caress her bottom again. "And you have the greatest ass," he said. "So do you," she retorted. "Don't think. Make it happen, Mulder." "Okay," he whispered, and stuck out his tongue to trace the contours of her labia, directly above his face. "Ummm," he murmured as he found her clit with his tongue again. Soon she was holding onto the headboard for dear life, her hips grinding against him as he made encouraging noises, and she fucked his tongue earnestly, sincerely, no kidding around now, she needed it bad. She was throwing her head back in abandon, and he was holding her by her hips down against his mouth as he worked her with his tongue. He burrowed his way deeper into her with his mouth, and sucked on her clit until she came with a vision of blinding white light, making a sound halfway between a squeal and a gasp. She rested her head against the wall, and laughed softly as she regained her breath. "What's so funny?" he asked. "Oh nothing, just glad the room next door is mine." She rose up on her haunches, and moved over him, lowering herself down over his cock, letting him fill her up. She closed her eyes for a moment, and then opened them to see Mulder's completely unselfconscious and unguarded look of ecstasy. She drew her finger down his cheek tenderly, and he turned his head to kiss it. She put her hands on his shoulders, and held him down as she rose up and down on his cock, moving her hips in a swivel and concentrating on making her strokes as long as possible at first, without letting him pop out of her entirely. She looked down at him, and his eyes were closed, but his expression was one of intense concentration. "Oh, Scully," he said. "Yes, Mulder?" she said in a somewhat mocking tone. His eyes opened then, and the look in them was as wide open as if he really had found the truth inside her. "Nothing," he said, "just--Oh Scully." She felt slightly guilty for teasing him. "I love the way you fuck me," he added. Well, that sparked her inherent generosity, and she made up her mind to make it as good for him as she could, fucking him hard, and squeezing her internal muscles as tightly as she could. That gained her the reward of some gasping moans. He wanted to relinquish control to her, but he couldn't stop himself from thrusting up into her. He held her hips loosely as she fucked him. She sped up the pace. She was strong and fit, and she brought herself down on him heavily, with a steady hard rhythm, again and again, until she saw a new tension on his face; then she whispered, "Come for me, Mulder, oh come on, baby, I want it," and he came, crying out "Oh, Scully!" again as he did. She pushed his hair back off his damp brow, kissing his nose, his forehead, and slid down until she was lying on top of him, listening to his heart slow. This time, sleep claimed them both quickly. ~*~*~*~* 11:24 p.m. 17 hours, 13 minutes In her sleep, though, she rolled off of him, and slept on her stomach, facing away from him. Even now, she was no cuddler. She woke in the middle of the night to feel his fingertips lazily drawing inscrutable hieroglyphs across her back, up under his shirt, which she still wore. "You better be waking me up for a better reason than chasing lights in the sky," she warned. He chuckled softly, his breath tickling her back. "Oh-- oh, yeah. I just thought we better be sure--" His hands snuck around her hips from either side and he lifted her slightly, rolled over on top of her, pulling her backwards against him so she could feel his erection prodding at her. "Okay?" "Yesss," she sighed, and he slid into her. He dipped his head to kiss the back of her neck. She sensed, rather than saw, him lick his fingers before he worked his hand underneath her in search of her clitoris. He rocked slowly into her as he rubbed his wet fingers around and around her clit, sliding, caressing her wetness. "I wish I had three hands," he gasped, "so I could hold your breasts too." "I'll do it," she said, working her hands under her body, splaying her fingers in a web over her breasts, and pinching her nipples. "Ah, the true meaning of partnership," he offered. He slid in and out of her slowly, like a cradle on the sea, back and forth, easily, until she came like a wave on the beach. A moment later, he came too, singing a whale-song to her as he gushed into her. "Love you--Love you," he sighed into her ear, and then stiffened with the realization of what he'd said. Feeling him freeze, she took pity on him. "It's okay, Mulder. If everyone was held accountable for what they babbled during orgasm, every church in the world would be packed to the rafters Sundays." That was typical Scully. She was going to gently remove him from the hook, whether he wanted to be taken off of it or not. "Technically speaking, that was post-coital, not orgasmic." He continued, "though I suppose I shouldn't expect you to believe me, since I only have the nerve to say it under the influence of either painkillers, or endorphins." He wished he could see her face, but it was still pressed into the pillow. She was silent for a long moment. Then, finally, she said, "I want to believe." He pulled out of her and turned her over to look in her eyes. After a minute, he said, "You know that leap of faith you were talking about, Scully?" She nodded. "Geronimo," he said. The End. Feedback to ambress27@mindspring.com "Unfolding Like a Flower: Ambress's X-Files Fanfiction" http://urw.simplenet.com/ambress -- Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat. --Robert Frost