TITLE: LETTER TO THE FORUM AUTHOR: DONNILEE E-MAIL: DONNILEE@SNET.NET CATEGORY: MSR RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: Scully writes a letter. Mulder finds it. DISCLAIMER: I could blame this one on finding my father's stash of Playboy magazines when I was a kid. But who would believe me? Oh! You mean the characters? No, unfortunately, they are not mine, although I use them shamelessly and without remorse. SPOILERS: NOPE. DEDICATION: This one is simply dedicated to Penthouse Forum which has provided me with hours of entertainment, some titillating, some just plain funny. THANKS: To my pinch hitter, Sdani, her beta reads like Speedy Gonzales! Thanks once again, darling for your unending support. PART 1 (R) BARNES & NOBLE BOOKSTORE ARLINGTON STRIP MALL ARLINGTON, VA SUNDAY EVENING I was in serious need of some new erotica material. All my copies of my magazines were dog-eared and ripped. They were also old. The videos that aren't mine were old too. They excited me once, but now, I've just seen them too many times. Somehow being able to picture the scene before it happens takes some of the snap out of it, if you know what I mean. Besides, all I wanted to picture these days was Scully anyway. I had no desire to watch faking bimbos on the screen anymore ... not unless she wanted to watch them with me. Yeah, fat chance of that ever happening. So here I am in the bookstore, looking for more. I wandered away from the magazine section and made my way over to the other side of the store. Maybe I should try reading some erotica instead. I used to do that before I got lazy and started watching videos. I perused the self-help section, my eyes skimming over titles; 'I'm O.K., You're O.K.,' by Leo Basgaglia, and others. I saw all the recovery books. Then I spotted them, way down on the bottom shelf where I never looked. There was a row of seven or eight books that are compilations of Penthouse Forum letters. My eyes widened and I went down on my knees. I used to love reading those. I pulled one out at random and thumbed through, my eyes quickly darting over a few stories. Oh, these were good. I spent a few minutes thumbing through each volume, eight in all. Then I spotted another one and pulled it out. 'Best of the Best, Penthouse Forum Letters'. I cracked the cover and read the blurb. It read: 'The best letters culled from years of Penthouse Forum submissions are compiled in this volume for your reading pleasure.' I didn't want to buy them all just in case I found I didn't enjoy them as much as I thought I would. So I chose to buy the 'Best' volume and check it out. If I liked it, I could always return and buy more. I went back to the magazine section and grabbed the latest Penthouse. Couldn't hurt to have a few pictures either. xxxxxxxxxx FOX MULDER'S APARTMENT 42 HEGAL PLACE ALEXANDRIA, VA SUNDAY NIGHT I stripped down and lay out in bed, propping some pillows behind my head. The couch was too reminiscent of my video forays. I folded the cover over on my new book and flipped to the first story. 'Stripper Gets it in the End'. I laughed at the stupid titles some of these things had. I began to read, my vivid imagination supplying all the details as I pictured the action in my head. My hand slipped down and I grasped my dick, now hard and throbbing, stroking gently and trying to draw it out. I grabbed another pillow and propped it under my left armpit, to rest my arm so it didn't get tired holding the book up. That was much better. In no time, I was moaning into the empty bedroom and shooting cum up my stomach. I sighed in relief having enjoyed my self abuse more than usual this night. It had gotten to be so routine lately. However, after a day of suppressing my libido and hiding hard ons from Scully, I really had no choice. I wouldn't sleep unless I relieved the tension. Only on nights when I was particularly exhausted did I forego the nightly ritual of bringing myself to a quick and unsatisfying orgasm. I sighed and went to the bathroom, cleaning myself up. I returned and stuck a book mark in the page and crawled under the now warm sheets. I sighed again, closing my eyes and feeling the heaviness of sleep descend upon me. I hoped I didn't have nightmares tonight. xxxxxxxxxx HOOVER BUILDING X-FILES BASEMENT OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. MONDAY MORNING "You're in a good mood today," Scully commented as she smirked at me over her glasses, legs crossed under her desk and fingers still hovering over the keyboard of her laptop. I hadn't even realized I was whistling softly until she said something. I smiled at her and nodded. "Yeah, I guess I am." "Any special reason?" "Not really, just ... more relaxed than usual I guess." "Fox Mulder, relaxed ... same sentence. Something about that doesn't work for me," she teased. I chuckled. "I can relax, Scully. You're just usually not around to see it." "I was teasing, Mulder." "I know." "But you don't relax enough." "I'm relaxed now." "I see that. It's a good look on you." I waggled my eyebrows at her and she laughed, clearly amused, but then went back to typing. A few minutes later she looked up again. "So what changed, Mulder? To make you so relaxed today, I mean." I stared at her for a second, wondering what to say. 'Gee, Scully, I found some new reading material and had the first satisfying orgasm I've had in a long time.' Don't think that would go over too well. "Just found a new method of relaxation is all." "Well, whatever it is, it's working. I'd keep it up." I smiled. "Oh, don't worry. I will." XXXXXXXXXX FOX MULDER'S APARTMENT 42 HEGAL PLACE ALEXANDRIA, VA FRIDAY NIGHT Every night I jerked of to a new story. I was loving it. Why had I forgotten how titillating these stories could be? But now I sat there staring at the next story on the list as I lay naked in bed. It was titled, 'G-Woman Fantasies'. Interesting. I wondered if the author was really an FBI agent. This should be interesting. I began to read and immediately my pulse began to pound and my dick began to harden. The woman was describing her sexy partner. And although the descriptions were laying it on a little thick, the guy could be me. I read on. **He's tall, six foot, and lanky, but has well-toned muscles, not too big, not too small, just right. He has gorgeous, chestnut-colored hair. He has a stubborn lock that always falls across his forehead and drives me crazy. My hands often itch to reach out and push it back. He has a gorgeous mouth that was made to be kissed, broad shoulders that taper into a lean waist. His biceps are muscular but not too large. He has large hands, with long, slender fingers that I can imagine on a piano player. **But his best feature is his eyes. They are the windows to his soul. God help me when he wears his wire rim glasses. Seeing him in glasses with rumpled hair and a five o'clock shadow can send me into a tail spin of arousal that makes me want to leave the room, lest I give myself away. The attraction is heightened for me because he doesn't seem to realize how attractive he is to women. He can be a bit oblivious. No doubt though, he's a fox.** HOLY SHIT! Ironic she would use that word. **Unfortunately for me, I'm not his type. I wish he would notice me as a woman. Alas, he likes tall women with brunette hair, legs up to their necks and big breasts. My luck. I'm short; five foot, two inches with pale skin and an average size chest. Despite that I am in shape and proportional for my stature ... I'm not his type. That frustrates me but it doesn't stop me from fantasizing. This is one of my favorites. **I picture myself coming home one night to my apartment and opening the door only to find him standing there in my foyer. He's wearing my favorite outfit; black jeans and boots, black turtleneck and a leather jacket, sporting a five o'clock shadow on his jaw and his wire rims perched on his generous nose. He approaches me with cat-like grace that is inherent in his every movement. He backs me up against the wall gently but firmly and just says, "I'm not waiting anymore." **It would have to be like this. I can never make the first move. I would have to know it was his decision and he didn't feel coerced out of guilt or some other reason. Our lives are so complicated, I would have to have the decision taken out of my hands. And I know if he ever kissed me for real ... I'd be lost. I wouldn't be able to say 'No' to him. **Then he wraps his arms around me and kisses me. I imagine a slow, wet, deep kiss that leaves me gasping for air and licking swollen lips. **By now, just from this, I usually have wet panties. I could kiss that mouth forever, I think. I'm his best friend and that's all I'll ever be, so I continue my fantasy. **He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his lean waist and he walks into the bedroom, standing me near the bed. Without a word, he undresses me, kissing his way down my body as he exposes my skin. **I often create the scene in my head; I reach for him and undo the button and zipper on his jeans. I imagine watching the expression of near bliss and pain on his face as I slide my hand into his pants and grip his cock in my hand. It's hard, smooth and hot. Next we both shed the rest of our clothes quickly and he backs me onto the bed.** HOLY SHIT. A five foot, two inch woman with a tall, six foot partner with brown hair and wire rims? What the fuck? I was hard as a rock now and I hadn't even touched myself. I'd immediately put Scully and me into this scenario. I reached down and grasped my now aching shaft. I stroked myself harshly, once, twice, three times, and then cried out, feeling cum rush out of my balls and up my shaft. My cock jerked in my hand from the force of my ejaculation. I lay there panting, feeling it twitch against my palm. I hadn't even read the rest of the story. We'd only gotten to the bed and undressed and already I was blowing my load like an 18 year-old kid! I skimmed down to the bottom of the story - It was signed, 'G-Woman'. Knowing this could have been written by anyone in the country did nothing to dispel my growing suspicion. Could it be Scully? No way. She would never expose herself like this. She held her cards very close to the vest. And the woman had mentioned no names here. Could Scully really be attracted to me? Then again, this would normally be an anonymous way to reveal a fantasy. What are the chances the object of your fantasy would buy this book, or that particular issue that it was originally printed in. Not very likely. Listen to me. This could be pure coincidence. Now I sounded like Scully. Wasn't I always the one saying there was no such thing as coincidences? I chuckled as I grabbed tissues and cleaned myself up. I need to sleep now. I didn't dare read the rest yet. I'd save it for tomorrow. I had a feeling this was going to be a good one. XXXXXXXX THIS PORTION NC-17 I drifted off to sleep and dreamed of Scully riding me. I woke up sweaty and confused and groaned in frustration as I realized it was just a dream. My cock was hard and throbbing again, despite the relief I'd given it last night. I glanced at the clock. It was only 7:00 AM. It was Saturday. I didn't need to get up yet. I reached for the book that was on the bedside table and opened it to the bookmarked page. I would just read a little more. I stroked myself lightly as I read. **He puts my legs over his shoulders and does what I've been dreaming of for years; he puts that oral fixation of his to use on my most private parts. Yes, he has an oral fixation, always has something in his mouth, pencil erasers, paper clips, or the most maddening, shelling sunflower seed after sunflower seed. Watching that tongue deftly remove the tiny shells drives my blood pressure through the roof.** It couln't be. Sunflower seeds? **But now he puts that tongue to better use, driving me crazy as he explores all my folds and finally pushes inside. His long fingers join the fun and stroke me gently. He sucks my clit into his mouth and I moan as I feel wetness flood his fingers. His tongue begins lapping while he sucks and his fingers speed up, bringing me to climax as I shout his name. He pets me gently as I come down from my endorphin high. **He moves up to hover over me taking his weight on his elbows, but brushing his engorged penis against my wetness and making arousal flare anew inside my womb. He's so tall and I can always visualize the way he would hover over me, nearly covering me completely with his big body. **I want to feel that someday. I have to be strong at work. I'm an agent, after all. But this is my dirty, little secret. I like to lose control in the bedroom. I like to have a man take control completely, never giving me a chance to think about what I'm doing. Just allowing me to react and feel. I've come close in the past, but a part of me always held back. Why? Because I've never found a lover I could trust enough to completely let go with. But I could let go with him. I trust him, implicitly. I trust him with my life and to watch my back. And I'd trust him with my love, if he ever wanted it.** I groaned harshly, wondering if this could possibly be her, and picturing her tiny body below me on the bed. Oh God, I wanted it, Scully. You had no idea how much, I thought. **This is where my fantasy gets good. At this point, he kisses me deeply again, slowly and lines himself up. I wrap my legs around his waist and he says the only other words he speaks this whole time. He looks into my eyes. We always do that when we want to really be sure what the other one is feeling. His voice comes out husky and says, "I love you." **Then I imagine him driving his cock inside me to the hilt and making me cry out with a combination of pleasure and pain. It's been so long and it hurts a little. But I relish feeling my walls stretched again. He feels big. **He's good size too. I've seen it. Never mind how, but in the course of our working together, we've been injured and different circumstances have come up where I've seen him naked, or nearly naked. **He strokes me slowly and builds up until he pounds into me, crushing my clit between us and I explode in another orgasm, his face screwing up with ecstasy as he climaxes, spraying my insides with his hot seed. **I have orgasmed hard every time I run through this fantasy. Thank God for vibrators. It's the closest I'll ever come to real deal. You'd think he'd know. But he doesn't. Has no clue. He's brilliant but can be very oblivious. But between you and me, there's nothing I wouldn't do for my partner, inside or outside the bedroom. Until next time.** **G-Woman** Holy Shit on a shingle! I dropped the book, and cupped my balls, stroking myself so fast, my hand was a blur. I felt my balls spasm and my climax ripped through me as I shouted into the empty room, "Oh God. Sccuullyy!" xxxxxxxxxx END NC-17 PORTION. After I cleaned up, showered and dressed, I made breakfast and let my brain think this through as I chewed. Whoever this author was, she'd said, 'Until next time.' I wondered if she'd written any other stories. By the time I finished my eggs and toast, I had a plan in mind. I had to know if it was her. I picked up the phone and dialed, waiting impatiently. Finally, someone answered, "Yo." "Hi, Frohike, it's me. Let me talk to Byers." "Sure thing, dude. Hold on." I tapped my foot on the floor. I didn't want to involve Frohike or Langley. They would ask too many questions and I had to be very discreet about this. Byers was the only one I trusted not to make a big howling deal out of it. Finally he came on the line. "Hey Mulder. What's up?" "Byers, I have a big favor to ask of you and I need you to keep it to yourself. Are the tapes turned off?" I heard a clicking. "They are now." I trusted him, not the other two. They often said the tapes were off when they weren't. But I knew Byers would be truthful. "I need you hack into the Penthouse Forum database computers." He huffed out an amused sound. "What are we looking for?" "The identify of a author that sent in stories under the handle, ... " I hesitated. "Don't write this down for those two goons to hear." "I won't, shoot." "G-Woman." "Holy shit," he breathed out. "You don't think she would ...?" He left the question hanging. "Just find out if they keep the real identity of people who send in letters." "Will do. I'll get back to you. The guys are going to a computer show this afternoon. I can do it then." "Thanks, Byers. I'll owe you one." "You always owe me one, Mulder," he teased. I smiled. "Thanks, Byers. I appreciate it." "No problem." I hung up and sighed, hoping I had done the right thing. I wished I knew how to hack into computers, but I didn't. If Scully ever found out she would kill me for having the boys hack into a computer for such a trivial reason, whether it was her or not. I hoped it was her. I couldn't picture her doing this, then again, there was so much I didn't know about her. And I wanted it to be true. I wanted her to want me. I felt a lump form in my throat. I didn't think I'd ever wanted something this much. PART 2 FOX MULDER'S APARTMENT 42 HEGAL PLACE ALEXANDRIA, VA SATURDAY AFTERNOON Byers called me back around 4:00 PM with my answer, his voice filled with amazement. The author listed for that pseudonym was D.K. Scully. My heart had been beating double time ever since. I headed out the door to K-Mart. I needed to buy a black turtleneck. xxxxxxxx DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, D.C. SATURDAY EVENING 8:00 PM I knocked on the door as nervous as I'd ever been. There was no answer. She'd said on Friday that she was going to her mother's for dinner tonight, but I'd thought she would be home by now. Better that she wasn't. I took out my key and carefully slid it into the lock. I stepped inside and called out, "Scully? You home?" There was no answer. I picked up my duffel bag from the hall and brought it in, closing and locking the door behind me. I went into the bedroom. I had some set-up to take care of. I placed the thick candles in their holders around the room on her nightstands and her dresser. I lit them, knowing they would burn for a long time. I took out the rose petals I'd bought and scattered them on the comforter. I went into the kitchen and made some coffee. I poured a cup and went into the living room and sat on the couch to wait. I had only one small lamp on in the living room. About 8:30 PM I heard the clack of high heels in the hallways and jumped up, putting my leather jacket on and positioning myself behind her door. I ran a hand over my stubbled cheeks. The door would conceal me until she was through it. I worried that she would react by attacking. I'd seen her weapon in the bedroom on her dresser so I knew she didn't have it on her. But her arms and legs could cause serious injury as well. I didn't want to frighten her, just surprise her. My heart began a trip hammer rhythm in my chest as I listened to her key turn the tumblers in the lock. I was taking a big chance here. This could back fire in a big way. But I'd been waiting for a sign from her for so long and it seemed she'd finally given me one. Albeit, she never meant to, never meant for me to see that story. But I had and I couldn't ignore it. The door swung open slowly. She stepped inside and set her pocketbook on the small end table in the all. She gasped and I realized she was noticing the light on. She took a couple of steps into the apartment, past the door, reaching for her weapon that was not at her waist. I made my move and stepped behind her, wrapping one arm around her waist and other under her chin. She gasped, and I spoke immediately to let her know it was me. "Scully, it's me," I said softly. "Mulder! Jesus Christ. You scared me." She tried to turn around but I held her firmly. "Sorry," I mumbled, suddenly unsure of myself. "What's wrong? What are you doing here?" I screwed up my courage and stepped back, loosening my grip and spinning her around to face me. I was wearing my glasses and wearing the outfit she'd described in her story. I observed her tiny gasp as her eyes raked me from head to toe. Then a look of panic flooded her features and I took hold of her arms, turning her back toward the wall and gently but firmly backed her up against the wall next to the doorway. I remembered what she'd said. "Mulder, what the hell are you doing?" I didn't say anything, but stepped into her, pinning her with my body and sliding my hands around her waist to rest on her low back. I felt myself harden and gently rolled my hips against hers, letting her feel my arousal. She began to pant and she flushed red from her hairline to her cleavage. I leaned into her until my mouth was about an inch away. She squeaked again, "Mulder, what's going on?" I didn't have to fake the rough octave of my voice as I said, "I can't wait anymore." She let out a definite gasp that time and anchored her hands on my biceps trying to shove me away. It was too late. As her head tipped up to look at me, I lowered my lips to her and pushed her mouth open under mine. My tongue slipped easily between her teeth and began wandering around the inside of her mouth. She moaned. She seemed to have to surprised herself with her moan and she renewed her slight struggle, trying to break the kiss. I raised my hands to cup her face and tilted her slightly, pushing back until her head touched the wall. She had nowhere to go. I felt a fresh rush of blood to my cock as kissed her slowly, deeply, and the wetness of it painted her lips. I backed up slightly. She wanted to say something but I didn't let her. I suckled her bottom lip into my mouth and she moaned again. I swallowed the vibrations and answered with a moan of my own. I'll take your moan, Agent Scully and raise you one, I thought. One hand slid off my bicep and I felt her go limp. I kept up my assault for some time, kissing her and grinding my pelvis into hers. I could feel her heat through her cotton slacks. She was whimpering when I broke the kiss. "Why are you ... how did you ...?" she tried to ask between pants. I just put my hands on her ass and lifted her into the air. She squealed, "Oh God, Mulder." But her legs went around my waist. I kept my eyes on hers as I walked into the bedroom, glancing up just enough to make sure I didn't walk into any walls. That would be a mood killer for sure. I let her slide down my body until her feet touched the floor. In her fantasy, we didn't talk, but she kept trying so I figured I had to say something. "Mulder, what's this about?" "I read your story," I said softly. "Oh shit," she muttered. "How did you know it was me?" "I have my ways." "Is that the only reason you're here?" "No, it was just the sign I've been waiting for." "The sign?" "I've wanted you for a long time." She shook her head a little in denial and I said, "Yes, let me show you." Then I stopped talking as I stripped her naked. She tentatively reached out and when her fingers brushed my stomach as she unbuttoned my jeans. I moaned softly. That seemed to be all the encouragement she needed. When we were naked, we simply stared at each other for a few moments. Her breasts were full and high on her chest, her nipples beaded up into hard points of desire. I guided her to the bed and she slid to the middle lying back and holding her arms out to me. I never thought I'd see that. It was tempting to just go at it, but I wanted to go slow. I wanted to commit every second to memory. Plus, I wanted to follow her fantasy which apparently included a good deal of cunnilingus from me. No complaints from this guy. I loved to go down on a woman. I shook my head to her outstretched hands and crawled onto the bed between her legs and laid out on my stomach. My legs dangled off the end of the bed but I didn't care. I carefully lifted each leg, one after the other and placed them on my shoulders. Her breathing visibly sped up and she bunched the comforter in her hands. "Oh God," she whimpered as I lowered my head and breathed on her. "You don't have to ..." That's as far as she got because I placed an open mouthed kiss between her legs and lapped her from her anus to her clit. Her hips bucked off the bed and she hollered, "Oh Mulder, yes." Guess she liked that. I gently pushed my nose into her folds and inhaled deeply. I then began my thorough exploration of every valley, lump and fold of her precious jewel. I teased her entrance with my tongue and finally shoved inside, holding her hips down as she writhed underneath me. I was getting more excited by the minute watching her respond to me this way. It was unbelievable. My hands rubbed her hips and her outer thighs as I made my way up to her clit. I began suckling gently, teasing it with my tongue and moved one hand below to slide my middle finger inside her. Jesus she was hot. Hot and wet and moaning ... for ME! I kept waiting to see if I was going to wake up. Her pubic hair was damp with moisture; her clit protruded from the hairs, the hood pulled back. I begin whipping my tongue over her clit She shivered violently and moaned. Her pussy was so wet the juices were flowing out of her. I licked lower to scoop some up and taste her again and then returned my attention to her clit. Her body stiffened suddenly and she cried out an unintelligible sound. Then she began to shudder as I sucked her and kept pumping my finger into her. I lapped up her juices, tasting her again as she panted and quivered with aftershocks. I was so hard now it hurt and I moved up bracing myself over her. I kissed her, one hand caressing her neck and collar bone. I moved down a little worshipped one breast and then the other, pinching gently on the nipple that couldn't have the attention of my mouth. Her hips began moving again, my cock rubbing against the inside of your her thigh. I couldn't take it anymore. I finally ended the kiss and looked deep into her eyes. I wanted her to know it was true. I didn't want her to think I was just saying it because I'd read it in story. So I changed it a bit. "Scully..." "Wha ...?" I held her gaze. "I've been in love with you for years," I moaned softly and pushed inside her slowly but with determination and sank in to the hilt, pressing my balls against her ass. We both groaned and held still, getting used to the sensation. I couldn't help it when I muttered, "Finally." She giggled and I began to stroke into her, smiling. I felt her breasts against my chest and the feeling was divine, making me shiver. I moved slowly as long as I could but then she raised her legs higher and I sunk deeper. That was the end of my control. I pulled back and began pounding her into the mattress, trying to temper the impact but unable to help myself. I grunted with the effort and moaned with the sensations that were flooding my body. She was so snug on my cock, but so wet and warm. I was fast reaching my limits. I could feel her pussy walls being stretched to the limit. I increased my pace again. I lifted one hand and tweaked her nipple, pinching lightly. That was all it took and she was quaking beneath me, bucking up to meet my thrusts. She flushed from her head all the way down her torso, her walls gripping me like a fist. I shouted and surrendered to my climax, unable to hold it a second longer. I bellowed and buried my nose in her hair as I emptied my balls into her tight cavern. We took a few minutes to calm back down. Finally, she lifted my head and we stared at each other. "Where did you see it?" she asked. "A compilation book I bought at the bookstore of past stories published in the magazine." "Damn, I wrote that a long time ago." "You did? How long ago?" I asked, pinning her with a stare. She hesitated, but then said, "About three years ago." "Jesus, Scully. I wish I'd known." "Me too." We both chuckled over that. "You wrote other stories didn't you?" "Yes ..." "Do you have them?" "On my computer." "Can I read them?" She hesitated again. "I guess so." "I don't have to." "I guess you know it all now, anyway." "Not really. I knew you wanted me and I was thrilled. I know you wanted to hear me say I loved you ... and I do ... so I did. But there was nothing in there about how you felt about me, other than wanting me in your bed." "I love you too, Mulder. I always have." "Oh God, Scully. No more wasted time, all right?" "Agreed." "Tomorrow I'm reading another story," I declared as I moved her into position and spooned up behind her. She snuggled against me and said, "I could get used to this." "Get used to it cause I'm not going anywhere." "Promise?" "Promise. And I think I might write my own letter to the forum." "Don't you dare!" she cried. I chuckled. "You never know, Scully. I have the real thing now, not just a fantasy. Maybe you'd like to send another one telling how this came true." She hummed in the back of her throat. "You never know, Mulder. You never know." "You keep me guessing, Scully." "It's my mission in life." We both chuckled softly and drifted off into sleep, knowing we no longer needed fantasies. We could make some new ones ... together. THE END.