Title: Love lesson Author: RPcrazy Category: DRR Rating NC-17 (language, smut) Summary: Well that would give it away really. Just read it for the smut will ya! Part One "John?" "Can I come in?" "Sure." Monica stepped aside to let an anxious looking Doggett through her door. As he headed for the lounge area she glanced at her watch and followed. She placed her reading glasses on a side table. Sitting next to him expectantly she noticed the tinge of whiskey hanging in the air. "John, you've been drinking and do you know what time it is?" "Yes, and yes. I know what you're gonna say, that it's not like me to be drinking." He paused finally noticing what she was wearing. "Did I get you out of bed?" "Yes, well not exactly, I was just doing some nighttime reading." "I'm so sorry." He got out of the seat and started for the door. "John. Where are you going?" Not taking notice of her question he kept moving. Doggett's presence in her apartment at ten at night was unusual. Him drinking was odd. This had peeked her curiosity so she followed. "John!" She grabbed him by the shoulder just as he was about to open the front door. "What are you doing?" "It's late, I'm going home." "Come here." Still looking him in the eye her hand searched down his arm for a hand. Linking hers with his she led him to the kitchen this time thinking maybe a different room would elicit a change in mood. "You can't just barge in here this late at night and not tell what's on your mind." His look had changed from anxiety to concern. Maybe the effects of that whiskey were starting to wear off. "I don't wanna bother you Monica." "No really, just spit it out John. I know there's something on your mind." His shoulders relaxed and he let out a puff of air before he spoke. "We've been friends for a long time right?" "Uh-huh." "You would help me if I came to you with a request." As she looked into his eyes she realised for the first time how blue and alluring they were. Her immediate response would have been to dreamily say . Instead she said, "Just tell me John." "I met someone tonight." Her heart skipped a beat on hearing those words. Why was her body reacting this way. This was her partner, her work colleague, she should be happy for him. "Oh?" "We got to talking over a few whiskeys and to cut a long story short she's going to meet me at my place in about forty-five minutes." "And?" Monica wondered why suddenly she was reduced to one syllable replies. John physically paused at this stage searching for the way he was going to broach this. "Monica, it's been a while since I was with a woman." "Mmmm." There goes another monosyllabic moment. "I need a few pointers." "Like?" "Like how to get her crazy for me. You're a woman, tell me what you'd want a man to do to get you into bed." Reyes found herself wanting to pull the collar of her nightshirt up to cover her flushed neck but that would have exposed her panties underneath at the other end. "John, I can't." He thought for a moment, glanced towards the door, then got out of his chair. Half way to the door he turned and saw Reyes' pained expression. "Okay, I'll do it." Doggett's expression hardly changed. Was he happy about this or not? "If this is too embarrassing for you then I'll just go." "No John, you're my friend, I'll help you." He made his way back to the chair but before he could sit Reyes stood. "I think the best place for this would be my bedroom." The covers had been turned down and a dim glow emanated from a single bedside lamp. "For a start lighting is important. Some women prefer lights off but this atmosphere is good for me." She looked around the gold- tinged room. "Uh huh." Doggett was making notes in his mental notepad. "Then in small doses at first just come slightly inside her personal space." Reyes moved up closer to Doggett until she could smell the mix of aftershave and whiskey once more. It was very intoxicating. She had not often been this close to her partner. "Wait a minute. I'll just take off my jacket." He rested it over a nearby chair then rolled up his sleeves. "Okay what next?" "Then there should be the touches." "Touches?" "Maybe touch her hand while you're talking. This way you can judge by her reactions whether to go further or not." If she pulls it away then she's not ready." "Like this?" Doggett gently took her hand in his and looked into her honey eyes. This gesture alone sent telltale sparks through her chest. "And if she doesn't move it away?" Reyes tried to hide her heavier than usual breathing. "If she seems to like that then maybe move closer in so your bodies are almost touching and slip an arm around her back." Doggett did all this as she spoke. "This will make her hot for me? It seems so simple." "Many women prefer simple. They have too many other complications in their lives to have them in the bedroom too." Doggett nodded understanding. "Now what?" "If she's still not pulling away then you can make the move for her lips." "Yes, that's another thing. How do women like to be kissed for the first time?" The way he lightly moved his hand on her back and when he placed the other hand behind her also she thought her heart was going to pop out of her chest. She had to mentally take check on her body. This man wanted to make love to another woman tonight. Reyes was just his teacher. "I suggest keeping your mouth closed at first. Let her make the first move to go further." "Look Monica, if this is making you in any way uncomfortable just say the word and I'll be off." He looked at his watch. "She's due at my place in thirty minutes." "Okay, I can be quick. Come on kiss me." "You sure?" "Yes John, I just want you to do this right." He moved in so that their bodies touched. He tilted his head on the side and while looking at her lips moved his to meet hers. His mouth was so unexpectedly soft and warm. It took no time for Reyes to open up for him. Remembering to take this cue he also opened his mouth and their tongues met. This kiss was so good Reyes was beginning to wonder who was teaching who. The sparks that were initially in her chest were making a path down south. It was only when she thought she couldn't stop she decided that she must. "John!" She was breathless. She gauged his expression as surprise. Had he felt the same she had about that kiss? No, he was making notes for his later interlude. "What should happen next?" "Well that would depend." "Depend on what?" "Whether you liked the kiss or not. If you didn't like it then that would pretty much color your next actions. If you did like it and she was still there in your arms maybe even smiling you could try the next step>" "Which is?" "The bed." The look on Doggett's face was priceless. "No, not that yet. Some women want a little foreplay first. I mean, many woman crave that skin on skin contact with their man but they may like some oral and manual attention on their body first." ........................ Part Two "Like?" Doggett looked genuinely interested. He was not looking at his watch quite so often then. Reyes finally led him to the bed. She lay down on one pillow and urged him to lie next to her. He took off his shoes. "I'd want you to kiss me again, this time running you hands over my bare skin." He looked at her silently asking permission to do this. He leant in for another kiss and moved his hand over her back. "No John, you have to feel my bare skin. Wait and I'll take off my nightshirt." Why did he look a little panicked? Why did she deliberately take off her night attire as slowly and seductively as she could muster? After throwing her nightshirt on the floor all she was wearing were some white panties. Doggett tried to divert his eyes away from her bare breasts but with not too much success. She liked the way he was looking at her and if it wasn't for the fact that he was meeting another woman for sex soon she'd urge him to stay the night. This man was a quick learner and a natural at this. Why did he need her help? "Now kiss me John." He obliged without comment. Once again they were kissing, this time it was even better. One arm went under her and the other around to her back and he pulled her in closer so that her breasts were squashed against his shirt. Those hands moved ever so sexily over her back. Needing air he broke the kiss and asked, "Am I doing this right?" "Uh huh and you know what would be even better?" "What?" "When you get to this stage with her I'd suggest you take off everything." "Everything." "Yes, but you can leave on your underwear for now." "Okay