TITLE: Merry Christmas, Scully 2: Making Snow Angels AUTHOR: Stephanie Kaiser E-MAIL: scully@galenalink.com Rating: R Sequel: Yes this is a sequel to Merry Christmas, Scully. You could probably read this without having read the first one, you would just be missing some of the finer details of what has happened. If you need Merry Christmas, Scully, e-mail me and I would be happy to send it to you. Classification: R (M/S) with a dash of A for flavor. Spoilers: Yes, up to and including Detour Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance Summary: Mulder remembers spending Christmas day with Scully as he fights a blizzard to return to her at the cottage to make snow angels. Disclaimer: As much as I wish I had a hand in creating The X-Files all rights belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and Fox Entertainment. I do however believe that Mulder and Scully belong to David and Gillian, without them there would be words but no soul. Suing me would do no good, I would just have more time to write in jail. Author's notes: If you're looking for a tale of adventure and angst, you're *still* not going to find it here. If you're looking for a sweet Christmas romance, sit back, relax and let me tell you a story. Special thanks to Melissa and Karen, who insisted that there needed to be a sequel to make Use of the canopy bed ;) Any comments can be sent to: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx The snow fell from the heavens mixing with the strong north wind creating a world filled with a swirling, disorientating, blinding whiteness. Fox Mulder painstakingly inched his car slowly along what he hoped was still the road. He wasn't certain any longer since it had long since been blanketed with snow by the blizzard raging around him. His only plan of attack at this point was to keep the car between the two rows of telephone lines running on either side of the road. "Is the entire universe against me?" he questioned sardonically, to no one in particular, since he was alone in the car. "Or do you all take turns and today happens to be Jack Frost's lucky day?" He scowled and gripped the steering wheel of the car tighter as the tires momentarily lost traction. The engine gunned briefly before the car again began crawling forward. The thought of pulling off to the side of the road until it at least quit snowing had been abandoned. He wanted to get to Scully--needed to get to Scully. It had been the longest ten days of his life. Mulder had spent his life alone, it was what he knew, it was what he had accepted. He had spent his entire existence, up until five years ago, searching in a self-induced solitude. Searching for his sister, for the truth, and although he had never realized it, he had been searching for Scully. Eleven days ago he had held her in his arms. Ten days ago he had driven her to the airport, helping her to leave him, trusting that she would find the answers she was seeking within herself and return to him. Scully always returned to him. For the past ten days he had sat in their office staring at the emptiness, missing her presence there. In the past his work had been his solace, now he only found comfort when he was with her. Her voice this afternoon on his answering machine had warmed his soul. "Mulder, it's me. I...um.....I came back early. I was hoping you could meet me. We could....make snow angels, like the last time you brought me here." He smiled as he remembered the sound of her voice, the hesitant shyness he had heard in her words. The memory inflamed his need to feel her against him and he pounded on the steering wheel in frustration. The tires continued to crush the snow against the pavement as it gradually moved forward. A road sign to his right made his spirits soar. He was fifteen minutes away from the cottage--away from Scully. Fifteen minutes away from having her in his arms. He gripped the steering wheel with a renewed sense of purpose and remembered what it felt like to hold her, her body against his. He remembered the feel of her skin, smooth and warm against him as she slept cradled securely in his arms. He had lain awake for hours lavishing in the simplicity of her warm breath on his neck and the sensation of her heart beating in rhythm with his own. He had given her his heart on Christmas Eve. In truth, she had been holding his heart delicately in her hands for a long time now, guarding and protecting it as ferociously as she guarded and protected him. Christmas morning was the first time he had awakened with her in his arms. That memory had kept him warm during her absence. He had drifted from sleep to wakefulness before she had, taking enormous pleasure from the weight of her body on his. He thanked the fates above before he had even opened his eyes that morning. He had tightened his arms around her and she began to stir. "Don't open your eyes." He whispered softly and then smiled when she kept her eyes closed but her brow furrowed. "Why not?" Her voice was groggy with sleep but her body revealed her joy of waking enclosed in his embrace as she teased him by running one of her knees lazily up and down his thigh. "Scully..." he growled in mock warning, tightening his arms and kissing her on the top of the head. "You can't open your eyes until you make a Christmas wish." "A Christmas wish?" "Before you open your eyes on Christmas morning you're allowed to make one wish." "Says who?" She challenged, her eyes still closed. "Santa Claus. Scully, this isn't a difficult concept; keep your eyes closed and make a wish." "Mulder," she raised her head up from where it rested on his chest estimating, due to her temporary inability to see, where his face was. "You do realize that there's no such person as...." Mulder silenced her by covering her lips with his own. His kiss was intoxicating and sharp waves of desire flooded her senses, causing her to forget her argument, which of course had been his intention as well as his pleasure. She moaned in protest when his lips left hers. His face stayed next to hers, the morning stubble on his cheek brushing roughly across her jaw line before he eagerly took her earlobe into his mouth. She inhaled deeply and nuzzled against him. Slowly he allowed the gentle suckling to stoke the fire burning low in her belly but he hoped that it was the low rumble from deep in his throat that would cause scorching heat to rush through her veins. "Shhh... I want to believe." He breathed. "Make a wish, Scully." This man, using that voice...she could deny him nothing. Mulder watched her expression grow momentarily serious before a content smile lit her face and her eyes scrunched tightly together as she made her wish. She opened her eyes and now that she could see her target she crushed her lips to his. Her tongue taunted him, running only across his lower lip. When his mouth opened to receive her, she pulled away, leaving him wanting. "That's not going to work every time." Her voice was scolding but her eyes danced with mirth. "Kissing you? It works for me." He leaned forward to recapture her lips but she leaned out of his reach. "No, kissing me to keep me from disagreeing with you." "Can't blame a guy for trying, Scully." "I'm looking forward to you trying, Mulder. I'm just warning you that it isn't always going to work." He leaned towards her and this time she met his lips, basking in the sensations that he was offering her. "I'll just have to keep practicing until it works every time." He muttered against her lips. "I don't know. I can be pretty stubborn when I want to be. It's going to take a lot of practice." "I think I'm up to the challenge." He smiled, pulling her more tightly against him. The blanket that had been covering them shifted, revealing her legs to the cold morning air. She shivered. "It's cold in here." "The fire went out," he stated simply. "Well? Maybe you should get up and start another one." "Scully, I don't want to get up. It's cold in here." He protested in a voice that bordered a whine as he nuzzled his face into her hair. "I'm beginning to think I got stuck with a defective `Indian Guide' for a partner." She teased. "Woman build fire," he replied with a sober expression using stilted words. "Indian guide turn up furnace." "Mulder!" "If you want a fire, of course I will build you a fire. I'm just not ready to let go of you yet." He shifted beneath her and pulled her so that the warmth of his body gently covered her. "Better?" "Much." She responded as she traced his jaw line and down his neck with soft, fluttering kisses. "Don't think you're off the hook with the fire though." "Scully?" She stopped her caresses and looked up into his eyes. "What did you wish for?" "I can't tell you that." "Why not?" "If you tell someone what you wished for, your wish doesn't come true." "That's only for birthday wishes." He rolled his eyes in exaggerated disgust at her lack of knowledge of wish protocol. "Are you sure?" She eyed him skeptically. "I'm sure. What did you wish for?" "One day." She held his gaze but a small trace of shyness was added to her expression. "One day?" Scully could tell that it was important to him that he understood what she was asking. She reached out and took his hand in her own and brought it to her lips, kissing the inside palm. "I want one day with you. One day where it's just you and me. A man and a woman. One day when we're not Special Agents Mulder and Scully, a day when the rest of the world doesn't exist. I don't want to think about what happens when we go back to work. I don't want to think about what happens tomorrow when we leave here. I just want one day." He saw the emotion in her eyes and he thought he understood how much her request meant to her, but she needed to understand that what they had wasn't going to end after one day. It had taken them too long to get here. They had fought too hard, lost too much. He wasn't going to lose her now. "But Scully, it doesn't have." She brought her fingers up to his mouth and firmly placed them over his lips, effectively silencing him. "One day. Can you give me that Mulder?" He would have given her the world, if it had been in his power. He would give her today, and then he would give her tomorrow, and every day after that. Mulder looked into her eyes and saw there the need of her soul. "Today is yours Scully," he managed to whisper before he sealed his pledge with his mouth. The burning of her lips, of her seeking tongue, sent fire rushing through every vein. His answering response caused her to moan a deep, primitive sound that thrilled every nerve in his body. "Are you sure, Mulder? Can you forget everything else for one day?" Scully implored when he finally lifted his lips from hers to end the sensual devastation of the kiss. "If that's your Christmas wish, I will spend the day doing anything you would like." He promised her with his heart as well as his words. "Thank you." She whispered quietly. "How would you like to start your day?" He raised his eyebrow suggestively at her as his hand teased her body under the blanket. "Why don't you start by making a fire and I'll make breakfast." She smiled as his face transformed into the boyish pout she secretly found to be incredibly alluring. She kissed him, much too quickly for his standards, and reached for the fallen shirt he had discarded the night before. "That doesn't work all the time either." He sighed but sat up as she pulled his now wrinkled work shirt around herself and began to button the buttons. The shirt had never looked so good. Scully stood up and looked down at him. "Fine. Man build fire, woman go kitchen," he ordered, imitating his version of an Indian guide. The look she gave him was patented Scully. Even as she stood there, her hair combed only by his fingers, her lips slightly swollen from the pressure of his own, and her sensual body, that had writhed beneath his own during the night, outlined beneath his shirt; she was a force to be reckoned with when she gave him that look. A beautiful force. His beautiful force. His Scully. "One fire coming up." She turned to go to the kitchen but not before gifting him first with a smile. Almost as an afterthought she turned once again to face him as he gathered the afghan around his waist. "Mulder? What was your Christmas wish?" "Matches." He joked as he headed for the fireplace. He turned around when he felt her eyes still watching him. "My Christmas wish is a little complicated, but I promise I'll tell you later." He hoped she would let it go at that and he turned and knelt in front of the fireplace. After a moment he heard her move to the kitchen area and start breakfast. --- --- Mulder remembered that morning as the car still continued its journey through the onslaught of snow that swirled furiously around him. She had asked him for one day and in his opinion, and hers, it had been perfect. They had eaten breakfast and sat cuddled on the sofa watching old Christmas movies. Enjoying the Christmas tree, the warmth of the holiday classics and the warmth of simply being together. She had finally relented to his pleas and had let them watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" between showings of "It's a Wonderful Life" and "White Christmas". They had fallen asleep watching the shows and when they woke, they mourned for even the shortest of time lost during their day together, but had consoled themselves with the notion that they would need their strength for later. It was when they had gotten up from their nap that she had decided they should go for a short walk outside. It was a clear, crisp day. The snowfall the night before had created a winter wonderland just for them to enjoy. The surrounding wooded area was magnificent, the trees all covered in a lustrous blanket of snow and the scenery competed with anything that they had just witnessed on television. They had walked the distance from the cottage to the road, hand in hand, as if they had been lovers for years, and not merely hours. Mulder smiled as he remembered the catalyst that had paced the rest of the day. A single, solitary moment in time when he had decided that she would look attractive with a light dusting of snow in her hair. It had begun innocently enough. They had stopped walking when Scully had spied two rabbits ahead in the clearing. They had stood and watched them for awhile, afraid that if they moved the animals would be frightened away. Scully had watched the rabbits race around, kicking up snow with their hind feet. Mulder had watched Scully. The winter wind had added hints of red to her cheeks and the tip of her nose. Her eyes were bright as she watched the creatures play. If he had stopped and thought about his action that followed, he may have reconsidered; but he doubted it. The child-like prank still brought a smile to his face. As she watched the rabbits he noticed the snow-covered branch directly over her head. His hand, of its own volition he was certain, reached out and firmly shook the branch. Mounds of snow from that branch as well as the two above it fell upon her. She gasped in surprise and in the shock of the coldness of the snow now covering her hair, sticking to her eye lashes and running down the back of her neck. She slowly turned to face him. When her eyes met his and he viewed the promise of revenge he saw there, he did what any self-respecting FBI agent would do in the same situation--he ran. He hadn't gotten very far away from her when he checked over his shoulder to see if she were pursuing him. His world exploded into painful whiteness as the first snowball hit him in the face, and the second between the shoulder blades. The third hit him square in the chest when he turned, taking the offensive, and began to chase after her. He heard her laugh as she ran and he took delight in the sound until she ducked under a low branch, pushing it forward so that it was his turn to be sprayed with snow when it snapped back and hit him in the shoulder. He stood covered with snow, unable to help thinking that although he had started this little battle in the snow, he was getting his ass kicked. Another snowball brushed past his ear and he set out after her with determined intent. Scully lost her footing and she slipped on a patch of ice. She twisted her body so that she landed hard on her butt in the snow. Still laughing, she laid back in the snow so that her arms were next to her sides. Mulder walked up to her and watched as she moved her arms and legs out and back. "What are you doing?" "Making a snow angel." She pointed to a clear patch of snow close to her. "Go and try it." "I don't think so." "You don't want to make a snow angel?" Her voice reflected her disappointment. "Nope." He smiled as he answered, then he dropped down trapping her beneath him. "I'd rather make love to an angel in the snow." He whispered softly before kissing her tenderly. She squirmed beneath him, and not taking his mouth from hers he captured both of her hands in his and pinned them above her head. He deepened the kiss and she responded in kind, but she also raised one of her legs to gain some leverage beneath him. Mulder shifted slightly to the side, making it impossible for her to move. A low rumble of laughter in her throat and in her chest caused him to pull away and eye her questioningly. "Scully, I'm trying to seduce you. You could be more cooperative. What is so funny?" "So now you *want* to wrestle?" Her reference to the cold night in the woods that he spent curled up in her arms brought a rumble of laughter from his throat as well. "You can be such a tease." She accused, her voice warmed with fondness. "*I'm* a tease?" He questioned. "If my memory serves me right you won the gold medal for teasing that night." "I don't know what you're talking about." Her voice was filled with innocence but her eyes were all knowing. "Maybe if it rains sleeping bags you'll get lucky? No rampant sexual innuendo there." "I haven't been your partner for five years without learning something about rampant sexual innuendo." She stated matter-of-factly. "Then if that weren't enough," he continued, choosing to ignore her comment. "There was the singing." "You made me sing," she said defending herself. "It wasn't that you sang, it was how and what you sang." A small guilty smirk began to form on Scully's lips before she was able to restrain herself. "And don't tell me that you don't know what I'm talking about because I can tell by the look on your face that you do. It was bad enough trying to fall asleep with visions of sleeping bags dancing in my head, but then you had to take it one step further. The first verse, even the chorus was fine, but the second verse..." he bent his head so that his lips merely tantalized hers before descending to her jaw line. His lips and tongue blazed a trail to just below her ear. The feather-like movements tickling and exciting her beyond words. She attempted to free her hands, but he held on tightly, keeping them above her head. "The second verse was sweet torture at its best." He nipped softly at her ear lobe with his teeth and caressed the spot on her neck, the one he recently discovered drove her mad, with his tongue. "Your voice dropped to just above a whisper and you lowered it to just the right octave so that the words that left your throat sounded like a seductive growl." Mulder lifted his head and looked into her deep blue eyes. He saw there the effect his movements were having on her; they were wide with desire. He wasn't ready to give in to her yet. He wanted her to want him as badly as he had wanted her that night. His lips began their sensual attack on the other side of her neck. "If I were King of the world. Tell you what I'd do." The words of the song she had chosen that night washed over her in a molten flood of heat. His hot breath as he spoke softly into her ear caused her eyes to drift closed, and her breath came out in a sigh. Her heart raced, and she almost had gained control of it when he continued his sultry serenade. "I'd put away the cars and the bars and the war and make sweet love to you." Mulder punctuated each of the last few words with the touch of his lips against her skin. When he was finished his lips found hers. Scully's mouth opened instantly for him, and their tongues touched and mingled as thrill after thrill pulsed through her. After a few moments she turned her head slightly, breaking contact. "Mulder." Her voice was deep, raw with passion. "Take me inside. You can make love to an angel in a canopy bed. If we stay out here much longer the explanation as to why my ass is frostbitten is going to be embarrassing." She smiled up at him coyly. Instantly realizing how cold she must be he jumped up, pulling her with him and up into his arms. Mulder carried Scully the short distance to the cottage, her head resting against his chest. Once inside he set her down and helped her remove the wet coat and her boots. "We need to get you warm." He ran his hands up and down her arms generating heat. Scully stopped him and held out her hand. "All I need is you Mulder." He took her hand without hesitation and followed her as she led him up the stairs to the bedroom. The afternoon was growing late and Mulder left her side only for a moment to light a few candles in the room. She walked towards him, her eyes as soft and luminous as the candle flames. He held out his arms and gathered her to him. She squeezed her eyes closed, wrapping her arms around him and holding him close, as if fearing that any moment, what she was feeling could be torn away from her. He kissed her. Whispered to her. Touched her until her whole body ignited with passion. When he pulled away, she drew him back for another kiss. Whispering to him. Caressing him until she could feel his heart hammering beneath her hand on his chest. Lips still meshed, fingers busy with the task of removing their clothing, they began a slow dance toward the bed. Candlelight shadowed her face as he stared down at her. Scully shivered at the intensity in his eyes. Knowing what was about to happen, yearning for it, and yet wishing, somehow, that this moment could be preserved forever. "Thank you, Mulder, for making my Christmas wish come true." His eyes softened, and he smiled at her so tenderly her eyes grew warm with tears. He sat down on the bed and held out his hand. She took it, allowing herself to be drawn once again into the thrilling warmth of his arms. He brought her with him, to lay fully stretched out on the bed. Scully's hands began to explore him hungrily, her fingertips intent on knowing every inch of his body. His own hands found their way to her breasts and his lips and tongue searched out her nipples, wanting to send the purest of pleasure down into the deepest part of her. Somewhere within him a fire raged, a fire that demanded he possess her immediately. But the desire was overruled by a greater need to take things slowly, to make the night last forever. He kissed her temple, her eye lids, her cheeks, his hands running down the length of her back, delighting in the feel of her skin, as warm and smooth as silk. His tongue tasted and urged and slowly drove into her mouth while his thighs pressed into her. Rigid thighs. Demanding. "Touch me," he whispered to her, half-afraid of what would happen when she did. Afraid that he would burst into a thousand shards of pleasure from her touch. The shaken sound of his voice made Dana's hands tremble as she bent low and covered his nipple with her lips, teasing it with her tongue. Mulder inhaled sharply and ran his hands through her hair in encouragement. She continued her explorations with her tongue, moving ever so slowly downward, stopping just below his navel and then traveling back up. Mulder groaned and she smiled at the idea of being able to exert such control over the man who always demanded he be in control. He hoped the fact that he was relinquishing that control spoke to her in more ways than his words would never be able to. Together they were caressing hands and eager mouths and limbs, each trying to give the other pleasure. His groan was her music and her sigh was his benediction. They clung together while her body welcomed the slow thrusting heat of him. What began, as a gentle rocking became fierce, demanding thrusts. She strained toward him in trembling need and he drove into her again and again in a desperate desire to take her with him as high as he climbed towards the heavens. She cried out and held him when she found it, and he joined her there. For long moments, they were conscious of nothing but clinging to one another, feeling the pounding of their hearts slow to a more relaxed pace. As his own ragged breathing became quieter, he continued to hold himself inside her. He savored the warmth, the intimacy of their joining, never wanting it to end. But in time he eased himself from on top of her. He gathered her in his arms, nestling her head against his shoulder. Releasing a sated sigh of satisfaction he knew he needed to tell her the words before his body betrayed him with sleep. "I love you Scully." He whispered, his voice a faint rustling next to her ear. He delicately kissed her cheek before allowing sleep to carry him away from her. Sleep only evaded Scully as she lay in Mulder's arms, the tears falling down from her eyes. She knew that tomorrow this fairy tale like dream would come to an end. Mulder woke from his deep sleep several long hours later and before he even opened his eyes he felt as if a part of himself were missing. He reached out for Scully but was greeted only with an armful of empty sheets and blankets. He was instantly alert and opened his eyes, sitting up in bed. He saw her standing across the small loft that served as the bedroom. She was standing, wrapped in the quilt from the bed, in front of the large picture window that took up the far wall. The sun was beginning to rise and the hues of reds, oranges and fire yellows danced off her skin and hair making her appear even more vibrant than usual. The sunrise was beautiful as it reflected off the snow, but it paled next to Scully. "Hey you, come back to bed." His voice was deep with sleep. "I'll be there in a minute." Her voice was raspy also but he suspected that it wasn't from sleep but from crying. He wrapped the remaining blanket around himself and walked to where she stood, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back against his chest. She resisted momentarily, her body rigid in his arms, but then she slowly took the refuge he was offering. "Tell me what's wrong." "The sun's rising." "It's beautiful. It's the beginning of another new day." He kissed the crown of her head, breathing in her scent. "It's not the beginning, it's the end," she answered her voice catching momentarily on her words. The end of what?" "Our day. Today we're Agents Mulder and Scully of the FBI again. They don't have beautiful beginnings. They don't sleep in each other's arms to keep away the loneliness and the monsters that visit in their dreams. They don't tenderly make love to one another. They don't make angels in the snow. They argue and second guess each other. He ditches her on occasion and most of the time when he asks her if she's all right she lies and says she's fine. They're not allowed to feel anything, and when they do express affection towards one another it's brief and fleeting, least any one see and can use it against them. They're both afraid to take a chance because the other one could pay with their lives. That's who we are today." Her voice was cold, emotionless. He was worried and when he turned her to face him he was slightly reassured by the fire still burning in her eyes, although it was weaker than it had been the day before. "It doesn't have to be like that. We don't have to be like that." He insisted. "What's changed?" She challenged. "We have." "No we haven't. We just gave in. I've wanted this for a long time, and I suspect the idea wasn't novel to you either. We've just done a better job of fighting it up until now." "I'm tired of fighting it. Last night I told you that I loved you." He put his hands on her shoulders and forced her to meet his eyes. "I meant it." "You can't love me. Don't make this harder than it is." "It's too late." He looked deeply into her eyes, trying to read what she was thinking. "You're scared." He stated after a moment. "What are you scared of?" "That they'll use this. That they'll use us against one another." "Let them try. We're stronger together. You know that." "Mulder, the last time they used me against you, they gave me cancer." They were both silent and Scully walked away from him and sat at the edge of the bed. "What if they took you this time? Took you away from me, somewhere where I couldn't get to you?" Mulder walked to where she sat and knelt on the floor in front of her. His face level with hers. He took both of her hands in his and met her gaze. "Scully if you want to end this, to let it go, because you don't care about me, because you don't feel everything that I do, that's one thing; but don't let go because you're scared. Don't throw everything away because you're scared. When you're scared you're supposed to hang on. Hang onto me Scully." She sat silent for a moment and hope flared up within him when he saw a hint of something cross her eyes. It died just as suddenly when she stood and walked across the room, leaving him kneeling next to the bed. She dropped the blanket she had been wearing and started to rummage through her suitcase for her clothing. She began to dress and Mulder moved to sit on the bed in wait. "We better get going if you're going to get me to the airport on time. It's an early flight," she said not turning around but continuing to dress. "Scully..." he began, but stopped when she turned to face him, a certain desperation on her face. "I need time to think." She whispered. "You promised me that you would get me to the airport in time to make my flight. Are you going to keep your promise?" He watched her for a moment before nodding. The sight of her shoulders sagging in relief took the air from his lungs. He stood unable to face her, gathered his clothes and went down the stairs. Agent Mulder drove her to the airport in silence. Their good-byes were curt and emotionless. He asked her if she had her cell phone and she asked him not to call. She boarded the plane without even looking back at him. His heart went out to her and he wanted to scream after her that she didn't need to go through this alone, that he would miss her, that he loved her. He didn't scream out. He turned and silently left the airport after he watched the plane safely take off, trusting that time would bring her back to him. --- --- The shrill of Mulder's cell phone brought him from his reverie. Not taking his eyes from the snow-covered road he searched the seat next to him until his hand found the phone and he brought it to his ear. "Mulder." "It's me. Where are you? Did you get my message." Her voice was tentative, not as sure as he was used to it being. "I'm almost there." He reassured her. "I thought you weren't coming, and then I looked out the window and saw how bad the weather had gotten and I was concerned that something had happened to you." "I'm just a couple of minutes away from the drive way. Give me about 10 minutes and then call out the dog sleds. Scully, I think we're going to be snowed in for a few days." "Good." Her voice grew stronger. "Mulder, I'm not scared anymore. I'll be watching for the car. Be careful." "Nothing is going to keep me away from you, Scully. I'll be right there." Scully hung up the phone and stood in the doorframe of the cottage. The door was open and she stared out into the blinding whiteness. She wrapped her sweater around herself more tightly, her body rejecting the meager substitute as it longed for Mulder's arms. She had been a fool. She had walked away from him at the airport without even looking back. She had been terrified to look back, knowing that if she looked into his eyes one more time, she wouldn't have the strength to leave. The airplane ride had been torture, she had cried silently for most of the trip and her mother had questioned her incessantly when she had picked her up at the airport. She had blamed a case of motion sickness. Scully had thought that once she got to San Diego she would be able to immerse herself in family activities and forget Mulder. She had found that the more she tried to forget the more she wanted to be with him. She knew that it was impossible and that only made her miss him more. She longed for him more and more with the passing of each day. She had picked up the phone on several occasions and had actually begun dialing his number before she made herself put the phone down. More than once she had considered dialing his number to hear his voice on his answering machine recording. Only the thought of her catching him home by accident stopped her. Would she be able to hang up on him if he had answered? Hearing his voice became an obsession. She knew that it was the only thing that would calm and reassure her, regardless of how temporary. She had lasted nine days without him and only the sound of his voice would get her through the next five until she returned to DC. When her family had gone out shopping she had snuck upstairs to the room she was using while she was there and dug her briefcase out of the closet where she had put it when she arrived. She laid it on the bed and sat briefly staring at it. Giving in, she unlatched it and opened it on the bed. She reached deep into the pocket and pulled out a miniature tape recorder. She didn't allow herself this indulgence very often, only on rare occasions when she needed his reassurance, times after he had ditched her or after an exceptionally bad argument and she needed his validation. When she needed to hear how much she meant to him, when he was unable to tell her directly. She felt guilty at times, knowing that he was unaware of the fact that she had the tape, that she had even heard it. She justified its new ownership in that he had initially made the recording for her. She had come upon it accidentally when she had gone to get him at the satellite tracking station in Puerto Rico. She had seen it lying on the floor and picked it up, shoving it hastily into her pocket when she had seen him on the floor, and thought that he was dead. She shivered at the memory. She had meant to give it back to him, but when she listened to it, the words had touched her and she realized that the only person that would benefit from its existence was her. Leaning back against the pillows of the bed she pressed the play button and let his voice, although a bit strained, wash over her. "I was sent here by one of those people. Deep Throat said trust no one. It's hard Scully, suspecting everyone, everything. It wears you down. You even begin to doubt what you know is the truth. Before, I could only trust myself, now I can only trust you, and they've taken you away from me." Scully stopped the tape. The impact of his words taking on new meaning this time. "They've taken you away from me." They had done it again. They had forced them to separate. Her anger grew hot inside of her at the injustice of having to spend her life denying herself. Because of a conspiracy she didn't even understand, men who had no names were deciding her future. A cold reality replaced the searing anger when waves of realization overwhelmed her. It wasn't outside forces keeping her from Mulder, she was. She had left him. Willingly. The thought brutally struck her and she forced herself to take deep breaths into her lungs. She had left him. He had told her that he loved her, and she had walked away. She wasn't afraid of a secret shadow organization, she was terrified of the feelings she had for him. She hadn't allowed herself to feel for so long. She jumped up from the bed and dragged her suitcase out from under it, throwing her clothing into it as fast as she could. She would go back to him, today. They would have a beautiful beginning. She just prayed it wasn't too late. --- --- Having him meet her at the cottage had seemed like a good idea, but it hadn't been snowing when she had left the message on his answering machine. She watched with apprehension and her blood surged and she felt butterflies deep in her stomach when she caught sight of his car coming up the driveway. She couldn't wait a minute longer and she ran from the house towards the car. Mulder saw her run from the house and he pushed down on the gas pedal in an effort to reach the house more quickly. The car spun and the front tires slid into the shallow ditch next to it. Slamming the car into gear and turning it off, Mulder jumped from the car and ran to meet Scully. The force of the impact when they joined knocked them both, laughing, into the snow. His lips found hers and she held on tight vowing to never let him go. "About time." She teased when he let her come up for air. "I could be saying the same thing to you." He countered. "Anything worthwhile is worth waiting for. We've waited five years, I think that's enough. Whatever the future holds for us, we're going to face it together. Not apart, never apart again." "Are you sure?" "Are you going to spend the day talking or are you going to make love to an angel in the snow?" Her smile lit her eyes and he loved her. "What about frostbite?" She could tell that he was concerned, but she could also tell by the look on his face and the feel of his body that he was aroused and eager to make love to her outside in the falling snow. "We're going to have to be quick." She laughed already pulling at his belt. "I can be quick," he assured her, laughing as his mouth and his hands took possession of her. "As long as you promise to be slow once we get inside." "I can do that too. I'm a man of many talents, Agent Scully." "Prove it, Agent Mulder." The fire of his kisses warmed her soul as well as her body. "I love you too." She whispered into his ear as he lavished her neck with his incredibly talented lips. He stopped his sensual explorations of her and his eyes found hers. "I love you too." She repeated. The emotion in his eyes carried her to new heights of her adoration of him, but worried her too. "Did I say something wrong?" "No," he answered quickly, without hesitation. "Thank you, Scully, for making my Christmas wish come true." The end.