TITLE: MIRACLES NEVER CEASE AUTHOR: DONNILEE E-MAIL: DONNILEE@SNET.NET CATEGORY: MSR RATING: NC-17 SPOILERS: Can't think of any. SUMMARY: In the aftermath of their molestation by a madman, M&S must accept help from others to come to terms with their trauma and get on with their lives. DISCLAIMER: All X-Files characters belong to Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions and Fox Broadcasting. Used here without permission, shamelessly and without remorse. Please don't sue me. You can't get blood from a stone anyway! AUTHOR'S NOTE: You don't have to have read "M is for Miracle" in order to understand this one, but I would love it if you did. It will help to make this one make more sense. THANKS: Many thanks to Shannon, Shannon, Fee-Fi, Fo-Fanan, Shannon!, my beta reader and good friend, not to mention as big of a Phile as I am! Thanks for making me look better than I actually am! Hugs and cyber air kisses. SPECIAL THANKS: To Wendy, who kept pestering me (and I mean that in the nicest way!) to write a sequel to this one and also gave me a couple of good ideas for a plot line. I'm shameless in my pilfering of others' ideas! Thanks, babe. Hopefully, she'll stop biting her nails now! DEDICATION: The latest and loudest voices have come from WENDY! (doing a constant and unrepentant wave for a sequel), Cate, Taty73. Thanks girls for your encouragement. This one's for you! PART 1 (PG-13) J. EDGAR HOOVER BUILDING Monday Afternoon "Agents! Get up to my office, NOW! I don't have a lot of time to spend with you this afternoon and I want to talk with you ... TODAY!" skinner's voice boomed over the speakerphone. I jumped despite my efforts not to. Mulder gave me a concerned look and then hung his head, saying, "We'll be right up, Sir." Skinner disconnected the call, and I watched Mulder stab the button to hang up our end. He looked up at me and said, "You know what he's going to say, don't you?" I nodded. "That we need to go to counseling." He nodded in return. "Well, at least he said he didn't have much time. We'll only be balled out for a short period." I smiled. "So what your 're saying is the beatings will be brief ... but severe." He chuckled at that and held out his hand. I took it and stepped into him. He hugged me close and asked, "What are we going to tell him?" "I think it's time for us to face facts." "And those are?" "We need help, Mulder. We're not going to get over this on our own. It's been over a month. This was our first case back in the field and we blew it." He swallowed heavily and looked down at me. "I know. I just hoped that ..." "Yeah, I know." We sighed heavily in unison and smiled at one another. We exited the office, bringing nothing with us regarding the case. What was the point? We knew we were going to be taken off it anyway. Kimberly, Skinner's secretary, motioned us into the inner sanctum and we entered and took up our defensive positions in the chairs provided in front of our A.D. He did not look up from his desk right away as he was reading a file in front of him. No doubt it was the first draft of the report by our fellow agents, cataloguing our screw up. I glanced at Mulder and he sat tense on the chair, leaning forward with his hands on his knees. I knew he was going to blame himself for this ... again. And it wasn't his fault. He had pursued just like he was supposed to. It was me that couldn't keep up. It was me that panicked when he sprinted ahead so far that I lost sight of him. If I'd had my shit together, he never would have broken off his pursuit and returned to find me. Skinner looked up with a scowl on his face and I braced myself for the reprimand that was sure to come. As I expected, his voice sounded like a bullhorn in the silence of the office. Even expecting it, I winced noticeably and curled my chin into my chest at the first sound of his voice. "I am NOT happy with you, Agents," he began. He must have noticed my wincing, because his voice softened immediately. "I have a difficult decision to make and I need you two to be brutally honest with me." Maybe this wasn't going to be as bad as I thought. He continued, "Obviously, you're off the case. And unfortunately, at least temporarily, I'm going to have suspend you two from field duty. Too many people saw this and I have no choice but to give an official reprimand." Then again, I thought. Maybe it was going to be every bit as bad as I thought it was going to be. XXXXXXXXXX A little over a month ago, Scully and I were taken hostage by a madman, Kramer Spinks. He'd escaped from jail, thwarting death row. My profile for VCS had helped to convict him. He died in his final confrontation with police, but not before he molested and mentally tortured Scully and I, making us have ... carnal relations against our will. Despite the circumstances, it had brought us close together for a time. It was the worst way for her to find out how I felt about her. But I'd thought we were probably going to die and we'd told each other that we loved each other. This declaration was something both of us had held back for a very long time. Once the knowledge was out there though, there was no choice but to deal with it. So we had made love after the incident, the way we had always hoped to; in my bed, tenderly and slowly, with no one watching. I still carried a heavy load of self-loathing for even having been able to get excited under those horrifying circumstances. We'd taken some time off to get our nerves back in order. Scully still had nightmares and now I'd had several incidents of impotence after waking up from dreams of that animals hands on me. It was causing extremes of emotion in both of us. On the one hand, we were both amazed at the depth of our love for one another and wondered why the hell we'd ever kept it a secret from one another. We were both enjoying the comfort and excitement of a committed relationship for the first time in years. On the other hand, we were both fucked up. Scully had developed something she never openly displayed in the past; fear. High- pitched laughter or voices raised in anger would make her flinch reflexively in fear, causing flashback's of Spinks' mocking, maniacal laughter. She had nightmares at least a couple of times a week. She would wake up screaming for me and I would hold her and calm her, cooing to her until she could fall asleep again. I had nightmares also. But my problem was being depressed. My notorious lack of self esteem had raised its ugly head again, despite my new relationship with Scully. My inability to protect her, and the fact that she had been subjected to this at all, haunted me. As usual, despite her vehement protests, I blamed myself. It was one more thing to add to the muumuu of guilt that I wore around me. Every nightmare and every cringe of fear that I witnessed in my beloved reinforced my self-imposed penance. I waited on her hand and foot. That wasn't healthy either. The most amazing thing was that she let me do it. The old Scully would never have tolerated my hovering. I'd virtually moved in to her place, although I kept paying the rent on my place. My place was fast becoming nothing but storage. The thought of being separated was unthinkable to both of us and we'd been inseparable for over a month, literally. I hadn't had her out of my sight any further than in another room of her apartment in over a month. She said she felt safe with me there. She'd panicked the first time I left on my own to get groceries and I'd returned to find her huddled on the bathroom floor with the door locked. I hadn't left her since. We ate, slept, shopped, worked, and did everything ... together. That's where the trouble came in. That's why we were being summoned to His Majesty's office at this time. Rather than send us unaided into the field for our first foray back in the bowels of government servitude, we'd been asked to assist in a manhunt consisting of a web of stakeouts around the city. Southeast D.C. was not a pleasant place to hang out. But we'd stiffened our spines and sat in our beat up Pinto requisitioned from the motor pool and watched the building of the drug dealer's girlfriend like good little agents. We'd spotted the suspect and radioed to our fellow agents that we had him in our sights. They'd ordered us to wait for back up, which amazingly, probably for the first time in our history, we did. Neither of us was anxious to go tearing after this guy unaided. We knew he was probably armed, and there was no doubt he was dangerous. He had already killed one D.C. police officer. Cops and the FBI wanted this guy in the worst way. Nothing gets an investigation cracking like the hatred generated from a cop killing. When our back up arrived, we stormed the building, shouting our presence and then knocking down the girlfriends' door with a battering ram. We flooded into the apartment, weapons drawn, boasting FBI windbreakers one and all. Our suspect was making a classic run for it out the window and onto the fire escape. I'd charged after him, ducking back inside when he took a pot shot at me, missing by a mile. We'd jumped out the window to follow. Myself, Scully, and two other agents. I took off on foot, barreling down hidden alleys and following the sound of his sneakers on the wet pavement. Four blocks later, in the heat of my zealous pursuit, I suddenly realized that I didn't sense anyone behind me. I glanced back to see the two other Agents, Agents McFadden and Halloran in sight, but lagging behind me. My habit of running came in handy for on-foot pursuit. The problem ... Scully was nowhere in site. I stopped dead in my tracks, whirling around backwards, screaming her name. There was no answer except the full body press of Agent McFadden as he tried to slow and veer around me but slipped on the pavement and crashed into me at full speed. We went down in a tangle of arms and legs. I won't repeat the string of profanity that spewed out of his mouth. Suffice it say he was not a happy camper. I ignored him and screamed for Scully again, leaping to my feet and taking off ... back the way I'd come. My panic was overwhelming. My ears were buzzing. My heart was banging against my ribcage so hard I thought it would burst out of my chest. I'd become light headed and was in the throes of a full-blown panic attack when I saw her. She was leaning against the side of a brick building, pressing her back and both hands, palm down against the wall. Her weapon was at her feet, her eyes closed, and she was muttering to herself. I hollered her name and her eyes snapped open. I heard the end of her mutter. It sounded something like, "Get a grip, he's not far away." She nearly choked on a sob when she saw me. I'd holstered my weapon and scooped her up in my arms, panting heavily as I felt my panic recede. I'd combed my fingers through her hair and held her fiercely, making her cry out at my harsh squeeze. I'd loosened my grip but started kissing her face to make sure she was real and all right. I kissed her forehead, temples, both eyes, her nose and cheeks and chin. When we were both under some semblance of control, I kissed her tenderly but briefly on the lips, muttering, "I'm here. Everything's all right. I'm right here." She had shaken her head, negating my statement and wailed, "Everything is NOT all right, Mulder! Jesus! What the hell is the matter with me?!" I'd had no answer and so just held her until another pair of agents pulled up in a beat up Ford Escort. We'd piled into the back and they'd driven us back to the Hoover building. We'd sat down to write up our accounts of why we had halted our pursuit of the suspect, knowing that there was no excuse that would be good enough. We'd fucked up. I'd fucked up. I was the fastest runner and had the best chance of catching this asshole and I'd let my panic over losing Scully take precedence over everything else. Nothing else had mattered. I could have gotten my fellow agents killed. Now we both had to face the music. There was a very real possibility that we would be found 'Unfit for Duty', the nightmare of every law enforcement officer and FBI agent that worked in the field. XXXXXXXXXX Skinner was silent for a moment and then said, "Agent Mulder, you first. What happened?" I glanced at him again and he swallowed, then took a deep breath, raising his eyes to Skinner's frowning face. "Well, we tried to pursue the suspect. I chased him for ... about four blocks, I guess. Then, I don't know. I sensed that no one was behind me. For the first time in my life I waited for back up and now I didn't feel them there. The guy had already taken a pot shot at me when I tried to follow him down the fire escape." Skinner's frown deepened. "Cut the bullshit, Mulder. I want ... I NEED the truth here. What happened?" Mulder licked his lips and then seemed to deflate, resigned to the fact that this was one time we were not going to be able to bullshit our way out of the situation. Skinner was too perceptive about us now. And besides, I didn't want to deceive him. He had done everything in his power to protect and support us throughout our careers. And he'd been very understanding about all the time we'd taken off, even getting us qualified for short term disability. That was quite a feat, since neither of us had made a claim for disability or seen a doctor. Finally, after another moment of silence, Mulder said, "I glanced back and didn't see Scully. I had outrun not only her but Agents McFadden and Halloran as well. They were lagging at least three quarters of a block behind me. But they were moving, nearly as fast as I was." He paused. His bottom lip quivered slightly and he bit into it with his top teeth. Then he said, "I didn't see her. I panicked." He sniffled quite loudly, obviously embarrassed at his display of emotion and the fact that he had to admit to panicking. He looked at his lap, but kept talking. "I spun around to make sure she wasn't there and I yelled to her. McFadden couldn't stop. The pavement was wet and he crashed into me and we both went in a heap. I don't know what happened to Halloran. I think he leaped over us and kept going." "And then?" Skinner prompted quietly, obviously not wanting to cut him off. Mulder swallowed again. "And then ... Sir, I had a full blown panic attack." "Panic attack," Skinner repeated. It was a statement, not a question. "Yes, Sir. I had a panic attack. My ears were buzzing, I was light headed and I felt my adrenaline pumping out of control. I ran back the way I'd come until I found Agent Scully." Mulder looked up and met Skinner's look. He was silent and giving Mulder his full attention. He raised his eyebrows and tilted his head as if to say, 'Go on.' Mulder said, "I found her and then it stopped." "The panic attack stopped when you found Agent Scully," he clarified. Mulder nodded stiffly. He turned his regard to me and I sat back in my chair, using the backrest as support. I didn't know if I could sit up straight on my own power. He cleared his throat. "Agent Scully?" "I'm very embarrassed, Sir. I think we both are." "That goes without saying. But it's just me here now and you don't need to be embarrassed. Everything we say here is confidential. I promise you that. I know what you two have been through." Oddly, I found that reassuring. He knew what had happened to us. He didn't know the details, but Mulder had informed me that he had to tell him some of it to get the time off and explain our need for it. "I couldn't keep up, Sir. I'm in good shape, but, let's face it. I'm short as a stump." He chuckled at my little self deprecation and said, "You're not a midget, Agent Scully." I actually smiled a sad smile at him. "I feel like it sometimes when I'm trying to keep up with three men who all have legs as tall as tree trunks." He smiled then. "Go on." "I did all right for about a block and half. But then they pulled ahead and by the end of two blocks, I couldn't see them anymore." I closed my eyes, reliving the feeling of that moment. "I felt suddenly very exposed and I was ... paranoid, like someone was going to jump out of one of the doors I was running past and grab me." That was what had happened with Spinks. I'd approached the door to retrieve a hostage and instead of letting Mulder block my access like I'd said I'd do, I'd stepped around him, ignoring his protests. And it had gotten me yanked into that building and resulted in having a gun pointed at my head. Mulder had gone ballistic and nearly gotten himself killed by bombarding the door to get to me. I don't even know if he knew that Spinks had aimed his rifle right at him through the glass door. I'd squeezed off a round from my position on the floor and distracted him long enough to change his mind. I looked at the pictures on the walls, my eyes idly flicking over them, not really seeing them. "I couldn't see Mulder and I couldn't keep running all by myself. I couldn't see the other agents either. I don't know. I just stopped and couldn't move. I pressed myself against the wall of the building I was standing next to. And that was it. I couldn't move." I ventured at look at him. "I really thought I was ready, Sir. I really thought I would be all right. I don't really know what happened." "I do," he said calmly. We both fixed our gazes on him, waiting for his opinion. He didn't seem nearly as upset as when we'd walked in the door. "Well," he said, pausing. "I'm no doctor, but it sounds like a severe case of separation anxiety." Mulder and I glanced at each other and back at him. That made sense, I thought. I ventured a question. "No one talked to us on the way back here or ... after. What happened?" Mulder broke in. "It's my fault he got away." Skinner surprised us both when he said, "The suspect is in custody." "What?!" we both exclaimed at the same time. We had both just assumed that he'd gotten away. I guess that was fairly arrogant on our parts. Skinner actually smiled. "You lucked out. Halloran continued pursuit, and another pair of Agents in a car were able to cut him off and they flanked him and ran him down. D.C.P.D. is probably breaking out the champagne. Officer Williams was a popular man." "I'm so relieved," Mulder said quietly. Skinner smirked. "Yeah, one less thing to feel guilty about, right?" Mulder scowled. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked angrily. I reached out and put my hand on his forearm. He glanced at me but then back to Skinner. Skinner replied, "Mulder, the world does not revolve around you. I know you'd like to think you are responsible for every rotten thing that happens in the world in which you are even remotely connected. But that's just not the case. Now, I'm sympathetic to your situation. And I have some recommendations ... scratch that, I have some orders." Mulder sat in stony silence, obviously insulted. Skinner shook his head slightly as though exasperated. "Mulder, you take way too much blame for things that go wrong. Yes, you are impetuous, or have been in the past. Yes, you have gotten a raw deal on more occasions than I care to count. However, there are bad people in the world, plenty of them. And I hate to break it to you, but you ARE NOT one of them." I smiled then, agreeing with him one hundred percent. I could see Mulder gearing up for an argument and I cut in. "Mulder, let it go for now. He's right anyway. In a perverse kind of way, we are incredibly arrogant to think we are that important. We both assumed this guy got away. Why? Because we are the only two people in the world who could possibly catch him?" I paused as he looked at me, at least paying attention. "I think we are so used to working alone without support, with no net. "We forget, in our insulated world, that there are other competent people out there." We forget that the world turns even when we are not in it. And frankly, we haven't been in it since ..." I trailed off. He sighed. "You're right, of course," he mumbled. "You're always right." I frowned. "Don't be upset with me, or Skinner. We both just don't want to see you taking on guilt for things that aren't your fault." Skinner broke in at this point. "Now, to the point of this visit. I didn't expect to be in here with you this long as it is. I have a busy day. Not to be dismissive, but I really am busy today." He looked at me and then at Mulder, pointedly. "You both have to go to counseling." "But, Sir ..." Mulder began to protest. Skinner held up a hand like a stop sign to forestall his protest. "No buts. This is it. You have to see someone and resolve some of these lingering effects from your horrible experience. And as much as I would like to say 'just take another month off', I can't. I can't justify it unless you both see a doctor. You need to be declared Fit for Duty by a qualified professional or the Bureau isn't even going to consider it, especially after this." We both just looked at him, knowing there was no longer any choice. We were private people and the thought of sharing our innermost troubles with a stranger was a harrowing thought for both of us. Then he said, "I can recommend someone if you like." I nodded. "You can see Dr. Cecily Brown if you like. I know her and she is honest and fair and very discreet. She is not on the Bureau payroll, but they will accept her diagnosis. She's worked with us before when we needed to send people outside the Bureau loop. She's worked with trauma victims and rape victims. Treating victims of violent crime is her specialty. She also belongs to the Victims' Advocacy Group here in D.C. that does a lot of pro bono work for victims and their families. She does group and individual therapy. I would like to see you both see the same doctor, separately and together." "Separately," I said quietly, wondering if I could do it. He looked at me and said, "I'll call her and set up an appointment and explain that you will need to begin together." Mulder said, "Thank you, sir." "You're dismissed, Agents. Go home and get some rest. I'll call you when I have the appointment set up. Is any time better for you than any other." Mulder answered, "Any time is fine. Early morning is not a good time for either of us." Skinner nodded and we stood to take our leave. We were often exhausted in the morning from having been up half the night trying to sleep and recovering from nightmares. As much as I didn't want to do this, I knew, intellectually, that it was what we both needed. If the shoe were on the other foot, it would be exactly what I would advise for someone else. Somehow though, the doctor in me never wanted to take her own advice. PART 2 (NC-17) DR. CECILY BROWN'S OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. One Week Later I liked her instantly. I went in prepared to resent and hate her and I just couldn't do it. She was a tall woman, at least five foot, nine inches. She wore a cotton skirt with a flower pattern, black soft leather flats and a cream silk blouse. She was lovely African American woman with creamy skin and soulful dark eyes framed by long lashes. She wore no make up, her long hair in a thick ponytail. She wore a single gold chain around her neck. She was soft spoken and we made introductions. Her first words were, "What an attractive couple you two are." We smiled at each other and sat on a couch opposite a comfortable leather chair she occupied. She started with Scully, asking her to tell a little bit about herself prior to this trauma that precipitated our current situation. Scully was clear and concise as always, stating that she was a Navy brat, went to medical school, and was then recruited into the FBI. Within two years, she was assigned to work as my partner on the X-Files. Her assignment was to debunk my work. Although those words were never used, she knew that was what they wanted. After meeting me, she was fascinated by my drive and passion for things I believed and she was sympathetic to the loss of my sister. And in the end she validated much of my work. We later became friends, then confidantes, and later she fell in love with me but was afraid to ruin what we had, and so had kept her silence. When it was my turn, I told about losing my sister, leaving out much of the paranormal details, figuring we didn't need to get into that here. It was irrelevant as far as I was concerned. I told of going to Oxford, being made a cuckhold by my first girlfriend, Phoebe, returning to the States and beginning a career in the FBI as a profiler. I went on to talk briefly about discovering the X-Files and becoming obsessed, losing my friends and the respect of my co- workers, and chasing off about six partners before Scully came along. She smiled at that little story of my devious tactics to freak them out and get them to leave. I briefly mentioned my failed relationship with Diana, which made me gun shy about getting involved with anyone, let alone a female partner. I told her honestly of my isolation and loneliness and how that ended when Scully came along. She was the first person to ever respect me and believe in me even though she didn't believe my theories. An important distinction, that, because it was the first time I'd experienced a give and take relationship. I had never been close to someone that didn't believe the same things I did. Instead of dragging me down, it had broadened my horizons and made me more social. Instead of ending my career, she had validated it and we became friends. I honestly told of being fascinated with her, stumped at not being able to scare her away and later lusting for her body and then learning to love her for all her wonderful qualities. I reiterated Scully's words, saying that I was afraid to lose what we had, and lived in fear of losing her or of her abandoning me. Especially after my mother died, she was all I had left. For the rest of the session, Dr. Brown talked about her psychological philosophies and her experience with victims and their families. She told us of her goals where we were concerned which involved not just our becoming able to work in the Bureau as before, but of really returning us to a normal state of mental health where we could accept our trauma and move forward without being hampered by it in our personal lives as well. We had both laughed at her when she talked about returning us to a normal state of mental health and joked that we had never been normal and didn't anticipate that ever being a problem for us. She had laughed good-naturedly and qualified it by saying that she would have to accept returning us to a state of mental health that was normal for US. We left having never discussed the incident or trauma that led us there. We arrived home feeling relaxed and relieved about our first visit with Dr. Cecily Brown. She had not been at all what we had expected. Now, being a psychologist, I should have known not to make prejudgments. But I was human and I was afraid. I was afraid that Scully and I would never be the same again. I was afraid that somewhere down the road, this event or the aftermath would tear us apart. I wouldn't be able to accept that and live with it. I knew it. I needed her like air, and there was no way I could survive without her. I needed to quell those fears of abandonment and fears that we would be torn apart. That very fear could produce exactly what I was afraid of. Knowing how screwed up I was and how badly I needed counseling did not, however, make me any more eager to go. But after that first visit, I was more resigned and felt more at ease about it than I had initially. Scully and I concurred. Skinner had made a good choice for us. XXXXXXXXXX DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, D.C. Later that night We fell into bed naked, exhausted from the emotional turmoil of our first visit to the therapist. We didn't talk much once in bed. I kissed her tenderly and our kisses turned passionate. I suckled her breasts and felt excitement growing inside me. She caressed my back and kissed my neck as I settled between her thighs. I was growing more anxious as I realized that I was not getting an erection. I stopped kissing her and laid my forehead on the pillow next to her head. She sighed and said, "Relax, Mulder. You're wound tighter than a spring." I sighed. "I'm sorry, Scully. I don't know what's wrong with me." "You're tired and worn out. So am I. It's no big deal." I snorted, then felt tears sting my eyes. She lifted my head and kissed me tenderly, whispering, "Roll onto your back." I did, having no expectation of anything happening tonight. I was crushed. I wanted to make love to her so badly. What the hell was my problem? I could come up with a hundred clinical reasons, but emotionally, they all felt like cop- outs. I wasn't getting it up, and it was bothering the hell out of me. Until now, this was at least one thing that had been right for us, despite the way we had come together initially. Now, all of a sudden, I was having this problem more frequently. That scared me too. What if I couldn't make love to her anymore? What if I became totally impotent. I felt a wave of self-pity wash over me and tried to tamp it down. That wasn't going to help anything. She kissed my neck, running her hands up and down my arms. She whispered, "Just lay there and relax. Don't think about anything except the feel of my mouth and hands and body. I'm doing this just to be affectionate and be close to you. I don't care if we have sex tonight. I really don't. I just want to be close to you, that's all Mulder. I want to do this for you." I sighed and nodded. She proceeded to kiss my chest, lingering on my nipples and running her fingers in a light touch over the sides of my rib cage. I sighed and felt my groin tingle. I didn't harden but I felt the tingle. That was encouraging. But the more I thought about it, the more the feeling faded away. I growled, "Shit," under my breath. She cooed to me. "Stop it. Relax. This isn't about sex. You've loved and worshipped me so many times. Now it's your turn. Just lay there and let me love you, all right?" I sighed. "O.K., I'm sorry, Scully." "Quit apologizing. Just enjoy my touch." She slithered down my body and kissed my ribs and tongued my navel. She avoided my flaccid penis and for that I was grateful. Her hands never stopped caressing me, running up and down my legs, over my hips and up and down my arms. After a couple minutes of this, I began to relax. She worked her way down my legs, stroking and kissing, and sucked each toe into her mouth. I moaned softly then, loving the feel of her warm, wet tongue on my feet. She lapped at my instep and I chuckled as it tickled me. I felt her lips smile against my foot and she began to work her way back up. When she reached the juncture of my thighs, I had a partial erection, laying against the crease at the top of my thigh. I was far from hard, but it was something. I ruthlessly diverted my attention from that, closing my eyes and concentrating on feeling her touch me. It was good with my eyes closed. I didn't know where she was going to touch next and the anticipation heightened my awareness of every touch. Her hands slid up the inside of my thighs and spread my legs wide. I put my feet on the bed, my thighs hanging open to the sides. Her hands curled over my hips on the outside of my thighs and slid underneath me, cupping my ass. She squeezed gently and licked the insides of my thighs. She buried her nose behind my balls and I felt her strong, little tongue poke and lap at the area behind my balls. I groaned as I felt a surge of blood into my groin. She still ignored the state of my penis. I was trying to but I was getting excited now and an incredible relief swept through me. She pulled back slightly and carefully worked one testicle into her mouth, rolling it around in her mouth, using her tongue to move it this way and that. She sucked gently and I croaked out, "Oh, Scully, yeah. That feels so good." She hummed and I felt the vibration travel through my balls and quiver around my anus and dart up my shaft, stiffening me a little more. I was almost fully erect now. I reached down to rub and caress her forearms where they lay alongside my hips, her hands still gripping my ass gently. I gasped as she slowly and carefully worked my other testicle into her mouth and sucked with just enough pressure to suck all my extra skin inside her mouth. I groaned and opened my eyes to look. Her cheeks were puffed out from accommodating both my testicles. My entire ball sack was in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around them and moaned, sending vibrations through me again. I felt another rush of blood in my groin and watched as my penis lifted off my leg and became fully erect. She still ignored it and swooshed her tongue back and forth over my nuts until I was groaning in ecstasy. Her right hand retracted from underneath me. She slid it back, and then up the inside of my thigh. Her short fingernails scratched lightly in my pubic hair and I bucked my hips forward gently. She moaned again and her tiny hand wrapped around the base of my cock. I felt some of my hardness dwindle, but rather than play with me like I thought she was going to, she merely lifted my shaft and pulled up slightly to keep it out of her way. I felt her tongue stick out straight and slide along the bottom of my balls. I moaned as it reached the skin between my balls and anus and she began stabbing at it gently with her tongue. I felt my groin twitching and moaned. Each time she stabbed at the skin there, the flat of her tongue ran along the underside of my sack and caused ripples of pleasure to roll through my groin and travel up the shaft of my penis. She breathed slowly through her nose and finally, she needed more air. She pulled back slowly, constantly swirling her tongue around me and finally pursing her lips to tease the last of my skin as it slipped from her mouth. She whispered, "Should I continue or do you want to just cuddle?" I croaked, "Please keep going. Take me in your mouth, please, Scully." She levered up on all fours and sank her mouth gently over my now rigid erection. I moaned, delighted that I didn't shrink from the occasion. No pun intended. She began to bob up and down, sucking gently. Her speed and suction both increased gradually. She was taking her time. Her hands roamed my hips and reached up to tweak my nipples, causing me grunt and thrust gently into her face. She wrapped one hand around the base for balance and began sucking and bobbing up and down in earnest. I reached down to hold her hair out of her face, not guiding or directing in any way. She began humming again and I felt my climax coming upon me finally. She held my waist, her hands feeling hot on my skin and breathed slowly, taking me gently down her throat. I groaned low in my throat and spasmed, feeling my orgasm begin. She pulled back after the first jet of come down her throat. She gagged slightly but then hummed again as I finished emptying myself into her in three more long, drawn out ejaculations. The orgasm was not wrenching, but it was slow and satisfying. I collapsed back into the bed, feeling lassitude wash over me. I forced myself to move as soon as I was able. If I laid there, I would fall asleep and I wanted to return the favor. Scully crawled up next to me and we kissed. I could taste the residue of myself in her mouth and was strangely not repulsed by it. She rolled onto her side and curled into me. I said, "Your turn, Scully." She shook her head in the negative. "No, I don't want to. Just sleep now." I furrowed my brow and turned her face up to me. "Are you sure?" She nodded. "I told you that was for you." "I know, but that doesn't mean I can't return the favor." She shook her head again. "Not tonight. I'll take a rain check though." I smiled softly. "You're on." We were silent a moment and then she said, "Mulder, you know that no matter what happens, I love you." "I know. It doesn't make me feel better about myself though." "I don't want you to worry about it. I don't want you to worry that I will be upset or angry or frustrated or any of those things." "Won't you? If it keeps going this way?" "No. There's more than one way to skin a cat, Mulder. I just proved that, in case you didn't notice. And I really didn't intend to do that but it seemed all right." "It was wonderful and you have to be the most generous woman on the planet." She laughed softly and said, "I love you, Mulder." "I love you too, Scully. You know that. That's why I don't ever want to disappoint you." "You won't. As long as you're with me, you won't. If you isolate or pull away, that will hurt me and disappoint me. I don't want you pretending there are other things wrong or starting a fight or something because you are afraid of what I will do or say, or because you're embarrassed." "Have I done that?" "Not yet, but most men do when faced with this type of setback." "Setback? You don't think it's a permanent problem?" "No, I don't. I'm surprised it hasn't happened before now. You've been through so many traumas in your life, not just the most recent one. And lord knows we've both been under incredible stress, dealing with nightmares and flashbacks. Jesus, Mulder, give yourself a damn break! Please! ALL men experience erection trouble at some point in their lives. It's perfectly normal and it's rarely permanent unless there has been some medical trauma to the genitals." I hugged her to me and kissed her again, a little more intently this time, but then settled in with her curled into my side, my arm draped under her neck and up over her shoulder. I felt sleep stealing up on me and was surprised to realize I was going to sleep after all, despite my nerves. Her reassurances relaxed me somewhat although I was still dubious. I was the luckiest man alive. I had Scully as my lover. But she was so much more than that. She was my true mate, my once in a lifetime love. And a more understanding woman, I was quite sure, did not exist. XXXXXXXXXX Mulder was asleep now and I was glad. He was so exhausted. His emotional turmoil was making him tired all the time. I could relate. Tonight, however, I wasn't quite ready to sleep and was enjoying just watching him slumber. The lines of his face had gone soft in sleep, his long eyelashes shadowing his cheeks. His thick chestnut hair fell across his forehead and I ran my fingers through it, delighting in the gentle hum that emerged from his throat. He was such a beautiful, sensitive man. Most women lamented their whole lives that they could never find a sensitive man. I'd found one and wasn't entirely sure it was great thing. It was, to a point. But Mulder could be too sensitive, taking the weight of the world on his shoulders. I knew this problem he was experiencing lately was bothering him. I was hoping that by not pushing and being as understanding as I could be, he would relax and return to his normal state of previous passion. I wasn't lying though. I really didn't care. I had problems of my own, and although the sex had been great, it was far down my list of priorities. I needed his affection and his love and understanding. I wanted the sex, but it wasn't critical as long as I had the other things. Convincing him of that was another story. It did seem unusually cruel that we had finally discovered each other, spent a short month enjoying this new aspect of our relationship and we were already having trouble. But it didn't really surprise me. Mulder had more reasons than any man I knew to have problems in this area. His past relationships had been nothing short of traumatic. And it wasn't even as if he had the relationship of his parents to combat that. They had been cold and distant when together, let alone after the divorce. I settled down again, finally feeling droopy and fell into a light sleep, cuddling up to his side after kissing him gently on the cheek. For the first time in a long time, I slept without nightmares. I didn't even have a disturbing dream. I'm not sure I dreamed at all. XXXXXXXXXX A.D. SKINNER'S OFFICE HOOVER BUILDING THIRD FLOOR Early the next morning Jenna Cassidy raised her eyebrows at me, waiting for my report. I really didn't care for this woman but she was a Deputy Director in charge of this division. I was just glad that Kirsch hadn't been assigned to cover this. I wondered how little I could get away with telling her. I wanted this to go well for Mulder and Scully and I knew that the less interference from the outside, the better. I hoped Jenna would understand that. I cleared my throat. "I talked to Dr. Brown and she said the first session went well." Jenna nodded. "Did she say anything specific?" 'None of your business,' I thought, but firmly tamped down on my aggravation. "Not really. She did say, and I quote, 'Agents Mulder and Scully were friendly and forthcoming, displaying no signs of reluctance to speak about their lives in detail.'" I paused. "I think that's a good sign, don't you?" She nodded in the affirmative. "Yes, I do. Frankly, I'm surprised." "Why?" "They are always so tight lipped and isolate from the rest of Bureau." "That's because of the work they do. They can't afford to blab about it and no one would believe them anyway." I looked pointedly at her, and she looked at her lap. She knew I was referring to her own disbelief in much of the work they did in the past. "I guess you have a point there." She sighed. "Tell me a little bit about them." I frowned. "Like what?" wishing I could have kept the irritation out of my voice. She smiled a conciliatory smile. "Nothing personal, Walter, just give me a brief synopsis of their relationship." Everyone knew they were a couple now. That was no secret. There was no way to hide it after their marked change in behavior. They had been the topic of much speculation at the water cooler during their absence. "They are closer than any two people I have ever seen. I've never witnessed a relationship so close." "Explain that. What do you mean?" "They are 'in tune' with each other, for lack of a better word. Have you ever met an old couple in their eighties that have been together for over 50 years?" "A few." "It's almost like that. They can communicate with a look or a hand gesture." They finish each others' sentences. And they ... seem to know what the other is thinking before they say anything. They calm each other and balance each other out. It's an amazing thing to watch them work together. Although their belief systems are nearly diametrically opposed, they work like a well-oiled machine. No hesitations, no questioning of the other's capabilities." "You sound enamored of them," she said. I tried to detect any note of censure in her voice, but found none. "Envious is more the word to describe it." "You envy them?" "Not their current situation certainly. But, yes, I envy them. Don't we all wish for a relationship in which we can trust our partner implicitly and have no doubts about how they feel about us in return?" She gave me an odd look and then joked, "Why, Walter, if I didn't know better, I might think you were turning into a romantic." I smiled at her. "Ah, Ms. Cassidy. I've always been a romantic." Another odd look came over her face. "Really? And I thought you were a tough guy." "Are the two mutually exclusive?" I rejoined. She smiled again then. "I guess not." "Are we finished here?" "For now. There's not much to discuss. I'll visit every couple of weeks to get another report while the counseling is going on. They know that they are being reported on?" "Yes, but the most pertinent details are protected under patient/doctor confidentiality." "I know that, Walter. I don't want to pry. If you must know the truth, they shook me up a couple of years ago. I still remember Agent Scully saying, 'I don't believe the FBI currently has an investigative unit qualified to pursue the evidence in hand.'" "I remember that hearing well." "I couldn't admit it then. But she was right. Those two do a unique job here and I don't think there is anyone else that could take their place. I'm on their side, Walter, no matter what you may have thought in the past." "I'm glad to hear it." She smiled and stuck out her hand. I shook it and she turned to make her way to the door. She turned before exiting and said, "I'm rooting for them." With that, she turned on her heel and left. Well, I felt better. She could be bullshitting me and I would still be very careful what I told her, but I felt more relieved than I was willing to admit. I was afraid she was going to join the bandwagon that wanted these two agents out of the Bureau. Only time would tell. PART 3 (PG-13) DR. CECILY BROWN'S OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. One Week Later Mulder went in alone this time. I was sitting in the waiting room, trying to read a novel and not having much success. I stared at the page and tried again, reminding myself that he was just on the other side of the door. I could do this. I read the words on the first page: 'Codependent/ko-di-pen- dent/n: a person who has let someone else's behavior affect him or her and is obsessed with controlling other people's behavior.' Did that apply to us? Did we wish to control each behavior? I guess we did. I knew I was a control freak from way back. It had gotten me through medical school and the FBI academy. It had given me the strength to stay on with Mulder when I thought the world was going crazy. I'd wanted to make him see things my way. I guess I still did sometimes although I respected his opinions whether I agreed with them or not. I was a bit distressed sometimes at the willingness I felt to let him take care of me. It was a total reversal of behavior for me, having been so independent and self-sufficient all my life. I truly felt like I didn't care anymore sometimes. I just wanted to be coddled and pampered once in a while. Once in a while would be fine, to relieve the stress. But I had to face it, I wanted it all the time. I only felt safe when he was with me. Of course, I realized the irony of this sentiment. My association with Mulder had brought more danger and turmoil and grief into my life in a short six years than I had experienced in the entire time previous that I'd spent living my life. It was a dichotomy for sure, a paradox. But that was what Mulder was: a walking, talking paradox. He was a kaleidoscope of moods and beliefs. It was what I loved about him the most. The fact that he was the complete opposite of me did not repel me. Instead it had always fascinated and intrigued me. I knew though, that we were headed for trouble if we didn't resolve some of these lingering traumatic effects. Eventually, we wouldn't be enough for each other. I snorted out loud, wondering how we could possibly be any MORE to each other than we were now. Our very survival depended on one another more than it ever had. But I knew that our relationship was unhealthy in several respects. We could smother each other. We needed to have some independence from one another, some sense of self. The line between us was becoming extremely blurry. It was truly as if we were one unit, one person, one entity, incapable of operating independent of the other. That was a bad thing. Closeness, understanding, love and trust were vital to any relationship. We had those in abundance. But extremes in any direction were not good, and eventually eroded the unit you were trying to preserve. People had to have some sense of who they were, alone, standing without other human beings. Being integrated and emotionally supportive was good. Being stuck to each other and emotionally DEPENDENT was completely a different thing. The distinction was often difficult to detect, but it was an important one. I sighed and looked down at the book title again: "Codependent No More". By Melody Beattie. I really should read this thing. But right now I couldn't concentrate. I wondered what he was saying in there. XXXXXXXXXX I sat nervously crossing and uncrossing my legs. Dr. Brown eyed me with mild amusement and curiosity. "So Fox, let's get started." "Mulder." "Excuse me?" "Please call me Mulder. No one calls me Fox. I hate my name." "Ah, is that why your partner calls you Mulder?" "Yes, it's who we are, Mulder and Scully. It started as a way to distance ourselves from one another and not get too close, you know. But now, it's just who we are to one another. Our Sir names carry more affection than our real names." "She never calls you Fox and you never call her Dana?" "Only when we really want to get each other's attention and nothing else is working!" I teased. She smiled. "All right then, Mulder, let's talk about that. Why do you hate your name?" I grinned at her. "You're kidding, right?" She smiled. "No. I think it's interesting and unique." I chuffed out a breath and said, "Yeah, if you like being teased unmercifully." "Were you, teased unmercifully?" "In school, when I was younger, yes I was." "What did they call you?" "I was on the track team and they called me Running Fox. When I was in the bathroom, they called me Stinky Fox, when I was trying to scam my way out of something, they called me Wily Fox. The list goes on." "Do you still carry a resentment over that?" "Maybe. I don't know. I don't really think about it. I just automatically ask people to call me Mulder." "Do you understand the concept of resentment?" I grinned at her. "I am a psychologist myself, you know," I said flatly, slightly insulted and knowing I shouldn't be. She nodded. "I know that, but it's not something you've practiced a lot in the recent past." "No, that's true. I don't mean to sound snotty." "So give me your definition of resentment." "I take poison and hope that you die," I said tonelessly. Her laughter tinkled out over the room as she threw her head back, totally amused. She settled into a light chuckle and shook her head in amusement. "You are glib, aren't you?" "Sometimes," I admitted. "That's good. I'll have to remember that definition. I've never heard it put quite that way before." "I use humor to deflect attention from things that I'm particularly guarded about," I blurted out. At the same moment, I wondered why I admitted that to her. It was a weapon that she could use against me to pry me open. Subconsciously, I must want her to do just that. She assumed a contemplative look. "Ah, a secret," she teased. I smiled at her. "Where are we going with this, Dr. Brown?" "Want to get right to the meat of things, do we?" she asked. She used the WE pronoun, putting us in the same boat together, solving a puzzle together instead of putting herself up as the solver all by herself. Very clever and classic. I grinned. "I have to stop this running commentary in my head." "About what?" she asked. "Analyzing your technique. I was just thinking that it was clever of you to use WE instead of YOU, when you spoke just now." She smiled. "Other doctors are the worst, aren't they? We rarely take our own advice." "Wait until you get together with Scully. You think I'm bad, she'll blow your mind." "How so?" "She's very intelligent and very quick to analyze things that don't make sense logically." "Not so good at emotions, huh?" she asked, hitting the nail on the head. "She's better now." "But we're not here to talk about Agent Scully. We're here to talk about you." "I knew you'd get back to that." She grinned. "O.K., Mr. 'I know everything you're trying to do'," she said, pausing. "Let's cut to the chase. Why did the Bureau send you here?" "You know why." "Not an answer. A cop out. I want to hear it from your perspective and you know that's what I'm asking." Ooo, she was going all tough on me now. I smiled at her. Damn, I liked her. I wasn't going to be able to fake her out. "You know what sucks the most about being a psychologist?" "What? Please enlighten me," she stated flatly, clearly enjoying herself. I grinned. "When you experience a trauma, you know exactly what's happening to you. You ascribe every sign and symptom that you've ever read about to yourself and it's easy to convince yourself that you are completely crazy. I've done it more than once during the course of my life. I KNOW exactly how screwed up I am. Ain't that a bitch?" She smiled softly. I continued. "The sucky part is that I KNOW I can't fix it myself, but I keep thinking I should be able to." "Because you're a psychologist." "Yes, and I think I should be able to fix Scully, too." "You can't fix anybody, least of all yourself, or a loved one." "I know that too." She nodded. "You need to take off your Mr. Fix It hat, and just be a human being for once." "Easier said than done." "Yes, but easier if you focus on your feelings, rather than your intellect." "But it hurts." "To focus on your feelings?" she asked. "Yes." She nodded again. I didn't know if we were getting anywhere, but I liked that she wasn't annoyed by these tangents that we seemed to go off on. "So what symptoms are you experiencing?" "Guilt, remorse that I couldn't protect her. Horror at the way she found out how I felt about her. Disgust that I was able to be excited sexually under those circumstances. Delighted at my new relationship with Scully, at the same time, not feeling that I deserve it. And the worst, lately ..." I trailed off. "Go on," she urged quietly. "I've been experiencing episodes of ... impotence." She was quiet for a moment and then said, "You're taking responsibility for the actions of a madman and beating yourself up because you were afraid to tell her how you felt beforehand?" "I don't know. I know that I feel guilty all the time." "About what? That it took a trauma to tell her how you felt about her?" "Maybe." "It sounds like you're afraid of disappointing her or letting her down." "Always. I don't deserve her." "So you're creating the very situation that will do just that ... in your mind anyway." I raised my eyebrows at her and said, "Damn, you're good." She laughed silently again. "Classic sabotage. I think we can do something about all these things." "You do, huh? Pretty confident, are WE?" She laughed outright again. "Oh, you are going to be difficult aren't you?" "I'll try my best." "Knock it off. You're no match for me, Agent Mulder." "Don't think so?" "I know so. I've got you pegged already." "Think so?" "You bet. You're toast." I smiled at her. "O.K., psychologist extraordinnaire. Where do you want to start?" "Let's start with Kramer Spinks, the catalyst for all this. Tell me about your profile and the trial." And so it begins, I thought. XXXXXXXXXX "How are you today, Agent Scully?" "O.K." "Good, are you all right being here with me alone?" "Yes, I don't feel ... anxious." "Good, is that because I'm a woman?" "Maybe, I don't know. You seem gentle and understanding." "And that's what you need?" "To be honest, I don't have a clue what I need." "Is that true?" I looked at her and said, "I have some ideas, but I know it's the worst kind of arrogance to self diagnose." "Yet that's what you have been doing, isn't it?" Dr. Brown asked. I sighed. "I guess so. I mean, intellectually, I know all about posttraumatic stress syndrome, separation anxiety, co-dependence. But it all seems trite when one focuses on the actual feelings." "Ah, so you've already come up with three diagnoses and removed yourself from identification with them by referring to 'ONE', putting yourself in the third person." I gave her a dirty look. "Meaning?" "That's called disassociating, Dana." "Don't analyze me!" I shouted, realizing immediately how stupid that was to say. She raised her eyebrows. "Sorry, that's my job, Agent Scully." I deflated. "Sorry, I ... you know, I say that to Mulder all the time." "What? Tell him not to analyze you?" she asked. "Yes." "Does he do it often?" "Only when he thinks I'm upset. He immediately starts providing excuses for me and why I feel that way and attempts to make me feel all right about it." "But you don't." "Not usually." "Why not?" "I don't like to let other people see me emotional." "Why is that?" "Isn't is obvious?" "No. I can't read your mind, Agent Scully. You're going to have to help me out some. My telepathy skills are at an all time low," she teased. I barked out a laugh in spite of myself. God, I wanted to dislike this woman. I wanted to find some reason why I couldn't continue seeing her. But she was going to make that difficult. I realized what I was doing and kicked myself mentally. I needed to be here. Mulder was just in the other room. And I realized for the first time in a long time, I hadn't thought about the fact that he wasn't there beside me. I hadn't given it a thought since I first walked in. "I get embarrassed and afraid." "Embarrassed I understand. Why would you be afraid?" she asked, genuinely curious. "My job is a good old boys network." "Ah, I get it now." "The display of anything remotely feminine, like an emotion, heaven forbid, is grounds for being declared incompetent." "Do you think Mulder will think you are incapable or incompetent." "Oddly, no, I don't. I know he respects me and doesn't think less of me if I ... break down or get upset. He understands that I'm human and it doesn't reflect on my ability to do my job. But still ..." "Still?" she prompted. "Maybe it's because it's such a habit from medical school on through the academy and into my career, I react the same." "The same to Mulder as to everyone else in your life?" "God no! Mulder knows me better than anyone else in the world." "But your reactions to displaying emotions; you react the same way in front of Agent Mulder as you do in front of everyone else?" I thought about for a minute and then said, "Yes, most of the time." "Do you think it's a reflex action." "Yes, I do. And I think it hurts him." She nodded. "Probably does. He's a sensitive man. And you are the center of his universe." I smiled. "Does it make me a bad person to enjoy that position in his life." "No, but it can lead to a lack of communication and dishonesty." "How so?" I asked, totally confused now. "When we focus on one thing, or one person to the exclusion of all else, we wrap up our own self worth in the reactions and behavior of that other person. There are a few things at work here. The most obvious is that we cannot be objective about someone we love. We are emotionally invested in the outcome. We can't possibly be objective. The dishonesty part comes in when we are afraid to tell the loved one what they don't want to hear. We don't say it or we bend it and couch it in pretty terms because of fear that we will damage the relationship if we are one hundred percent honest." I sighed, chewing on that for a while. "I never thought of it that way." "Agent Mulder loves and adores you. He feels enormous guilt over what's happened and feels responsible for your well being now. He automatically tries to make you feel adequate and guilt free, and happy whenever you show signs of being upset for any reason. He lives to make you happy. He also is ... well, he's probably nearly incapable of telling you something he knows you won't want to hear." "Meaning if I'm displaying undesirable behavior?" "Exactly." "So he will lie to me?" I asked, feeling despair wash over me in a wave. No! Not Mulder. He would never lie to me! She said, "No, he won't lie. You know each other too well. But he may lie by omission. He may withhold his opinion, or NOT tell you something because he fears it will hurt your feelings." I grunted, thinking about that again. I'll be she was right. "And you think I do the same thing with him?" "Probably. I don't know. Do you?" "Don't answer my question with a question," I said testily. She smiled. "I was warned you would be difficult." "By whom?" "Agent Mulder." "He said I would be difficult?" "He said you were tough and wouldn't take any crap, or something to that effect." She paused. "I asked the question, not to be contrary, but because I really don't know. We haven't talked enough yet for me to have examples of your behavior to examine." "I can appreciate that." "Do you? Or are you just trying to appease me?" "What's that supposed to mean?" "Stop avoiding answering the question." "What was the question?" I asked. She just stared at me, not answering. Oh God, this woman was tough. I might no take any patronizing or any shit, but neither did she. She was smart. I realized I'd better lose the attitude with her or we weren't going to get anywhere. I swallowed with difficulty. "I'm sorry," I apologized. "I know I'm being rude. I'm just afraid." "Don't worry about it. It's your dime. And I get paid to listen to anything you say. But I won't be insulted either, Agent Scully. I'm on your side. I'm here to help you. I want to make you well both professionally AND personally. I can't do that without your cooperation. I'm not out to get you or make you feel stupid. But I can't work with no information either. Now, I will ask questions. If I ask, it's because I don't know, not because I'm trying to get a rise out of you. I'm not that petty. I don't have time for it. But if you don't talk to me, I can't help you. If you lie to me, I can't help you." She ended this little speech and sat starting at me. The silence stretched into a minute and then finally she said, "Now, answer the question. Are you afraid to tell Agent Mulder things he doesn't want to hear?" "Yes," I whispered. I cleared my throat. "Not professionally. I tear apart his theories all the time. But personally, I ... NEED him so much, that I don't want to do anything to hurt this newfound ... closeness that we've developed. In the past, he has displayed a tendency to retreat into his shell if he thinks I'm upset with him, or he has hurt me in any way. I don't want that. At this time, it's more than that. I'll go nuts if he retreats on my me now." She nodded. "That's better. That gives me something to work with. That was very good. When I ask a question, I want you to feel free to not only answer the immediate question, but to expound on it. This isn't the witness stand, Agent Scully. I want you to volunteer information." I smiled at that. She really did have a way with words. Like Mulder, she had a million and one metaphors. I liked her, in spite of my desire not to. I began to relax, realizing she was straight shooter. She was not going to try and trick information out of me. But she was frank about her inability to help me if I didn't give her that information that she sought. "I'll try to be as cooperative as I can. This is ... hard for me." "I know it is. Don't think I don't understand that. I've worked with a lot of people who were the victims of violent crimes." Despite my new resolve, I felt a flash of anger. "How could you understand?!" I nearly shouted. "How the HELL could you possibly understand what it's like to have a gun to your head? To have your partner FORCED to have sex with you? That it took something like THAT for you find out he was in love with you? How could you possibly fucking know what it's like to have that fucking animals hands on my body - feeling like I was going to be sick, thinking I was going to die! Damn you people, all of you! Nobody understands that unless they've been there! NOBODY!" I was shrieking by the end of my little tirade and shaking, holding my arms around my ribs and rocking back and forth, breathing heavily and trying to get myself under control. I felt my eyes sting with traitorous tears and blinked rapidly trying to dispel them. She was absolutely silent, not responding, and waiting patiently for me to recover. I felt myself return to some semblance of normalcy. I risked a glance at her and she was sitting calmly, waiting for me to regain control. She picked up a box of tissues from the edge of her desk and handed them to me. I blew my nose nosily, and wadded the tissue up in my hand. I sat wide eyed as she began to speak, wondering if I had destroyed our ability to work together because of my outburst. If I had, it would confirm every fear I had about my emotions ruining my life. She swallowed and began to speak, "Agent Scully, you have every right to be angry. Why do you feel that you're not entitled?" "My control over my emotions has always been my ... armor against the world, I guess. My whole personality and mode of behavior is built around it since I was a little girl. I was a Navy brat and I learned not to form attachments and to guard my heart against being hurt ... and to hide any extreme emotions. I knew if I let them go, they would take me over. I felt like if I started crying ... I might never stop. I think maybe I still feel that way. I'm afraid that I'm never going to be the strong, confident woman that I was before. And I need that to survive at my job." "Agent Scully, you can survive violent crime and go on to live a normal, happy life. The trick is to stop trying to go back to the person you WERE. That won't happen. You're life and perceptions have been altered because of this horrendous experience. What we want to do is work on helping you to process this information and put it in a new perspective that you can live with. I want to help you become a NEW woman, not the old one." I smiled sadly. "Hoo boy, I really have to get a grip, don't I?" She smiled. "It's all right. You need to let that stuff out or it will consume you from the inside out. You're human, Agent Scully and you need to allow yourself to be human. It's all right to cry and rant and rave, just like the rest of the world. I was surprised actually. I wasn't sure you had it in you to let go like that." I chuckled mirthlessly. "I didn't either." We both smiled then. "Can we work together, Agent Scully. Do I pass your tests?" she asked ironically. I blushed, feeling incredibly embarrassed. I nodded briskly. "Yes, and again, I'm sorry." "No apology necessary. Let's just move past that and get to what's important here, YOUR experience." "Where do we start?" "Tell me about what happened ... from the very beginning ... from the first phone call." I nodded and took a deep breath. "The phone rang and I listened to Mulder talking to our A.D. I knew instantly something was very wrong." PART 4 (NC-17) A.D. SKINNER'S OFFICE HOOVER BUILDING Three Months Later Skinner looked up from Dr. Cecily Brown's report and smiled. "Says here you are progressing well. I'm proud of you two." We both smiled, unreasonably happy to receive that little bit of praise. "She has released you for work, but only here in the office." We nodded, having been told by Dr. Brown ahead of time. "We understand." "She recommends that you continue therapy together and separately. Says that you are making great strides but does not feel you are ready for fieldwork yet. She will make another evaluation on that status three months from now." We both nodded again. "Anything to say Agents?" Mulder said, "I just wanted to thank you for your understanding and support, Sir. If I haven't said it before, I really do appreciate it." Skinner looked surprised at this admission but smiled gamely and said, "Thanks for telling me that, Mulder. You're welcome. I've always been on your side, you know?" Mulder nodded. "Thanks." "No problem." "Ditto," I said. He smiled at me. "Well Agents, guess what?" We both looked at him expectantly. "I have a case for you." "You do?!" I asked. "Already?" He grinned. "Yes, it's one that VCS is working on." Mulder frowned. Skinner quickly cut in. "No, Mulder, I am not asking you to profile." I saw Mulder let out a breath he was holding. "Agent Scully, it has been requested that you review the results of two autopsies and add your comments. There is a third victim due to be autopsied tomorrow. I would like you to assist Dr. Terry Gravel in performing that autopsy. You are to submit separate reports." "Yes, sir," I replied, smiling, happy to be back in the game, even if it was in the autopsy bay. Mulder asked, "And me?" Skinner smiled. "I would like you to assist Dr. Gravel's partner, Carrie Shell in cross referencing all the information on this guy so far with our data base, looking for matches in MO, signature, choice of weapon ... anything. We need this guy. He's escalating." Mulder nodded, looking relieved to be in on the assignment. I was afraid he would be disappointed or insulted at being given that type of gumshoe, grunt work, but he looked relieved and excited. "Can we read the file?" Mulder asked. "Certainly," Skinner replied, closing the folder and handing it to Mulder over his desk. "O.K., take the rest of the day to reacquaint yourselves with the file and then report to Agents Gravel and Shell tomorrow at 9:00 in the autopsy bay. You'll go from there." "Thank you, Sir," I said. "You're dismissed." We stood, smiling at each other, amused that we were happy to hear those words again, 'You're dismissed.' We exited the office, feeling lighter than we had in months. We had both made great strides, as Dr. Brown had said, but we were far from cured. We would probably never be totally cured, but we were getting better every day. Mulder still stayed with me, but we could leave each other now. It had started with small trips. I would go to the corner bakery and get breakfast for us. The first few times I did good on the way out, but would then run all the way back to the apartment, arriving a block later, out of breath and shaking. I had no troubles now. Mulder could go grocery shopping without me and I didn't panic. I still locked all the doors and windows, double and triple checking everything, but I was all right with him being gone for short periods of time. If we were in the same building, we could be separated for hours without incident. He had taken up the habit of going down to the lobby of my building where there was a common room with couches and spending an afternoon reading books or the newspaper while I stayed upstairs and did housework or other chores. The times we could be apart were expanding and we were both breathing easier. Mulder had gone to a urologist just to make sure there was nothing wrong physically with his genitals. He was given a clean bill of health. The doctor was terrific and gave us a series of exercises to do together that gradually increased our trust in each others' reactions and reduced his fear of failure. He was progressing nicely and we had made love once a week for the last month. The other nights, we made no attempt to have sex and merely did our exercises and cuddled up, sleeping wound around each other in contentment. My nightmares still occurred, but with less frequency and less intensity. I no longer dreamed of Mulder being killed. I did dream still of being restrained by unseen hands. But I was getting better. The dreams would wake me up, but I didn't wake up screaming anymore. We'd made a pact, and I'd promised to wake him up whenever I had a bad dream and not try to ride it out by myself. I hated to wake him up when he was sleeping, as he'd always had trouble sleeping anyway. But I'd promised and I had kept that promise. It eased his mind and he said it made it easier for him to sleep if he didn't have to worry about being alert for me, knowing I would wake him up if I needed him. So it went. We gradually overcame our fears one by one. We were confident that we would return to a semblance of normalcy. Since we hadn't been in a romantic relationship before, that aspect of it we would have to play by ear. We would have to develop that part separately from the rest. However, it was all related. Becoming healthy in other ways would go a long way toward ensuring a happy and healthy romantic relationship. XXXXXXXXXX VIOLENT CRIMES SECTION HOOVER BUILDING FOURTH FLOOR We worked all day the next day ... apart. Scully was in the autopsy bay there at the building, rather than at Quantico. It was small but as well equipped as Quantico. Quantico boasted 20 bays, Hoover only had two, but everything they needed was at their disposal. I supposed that Agents Gravel and Shell had been apprised of our unique situation. For when I asked her if I could take a break for twenty minutes or so, she'd smiled knowingly and nodded her head, saying, "Take your time." I'd gone to the autopsy bay around noon and found Scully and Tommy Gravel taking a break. Her smile had lit up the scrub room when I entered. I took her hands in mine and asked her, "How's it going?" She'd beamed me a toothy smile and said, "Wonderful, everything's O.K. Agent Gravel is a great pathologist." I'd felt a stab of something, maybe fear, maybe jealousy, but tamped it down. I knew Scully belonged to me. She needed me as much as I needed her. There was no reason to fear her spending the day with another doctor, male or not. Gravel had discreetly left the room, giving us some privacy. I'd kissed her gently and asked her again if she was really all right. She'd chucked me on the shoulder and replied, "Yes, you worry wart, I'm really fine." We'd grinned and made plans to meet in the office at 5:00 PM and ride home together. I left her feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of my day. Except for that one brief visit, we hadn't seen each other all day and it had been all right. I'd had no panic attacks, just that one vague sense of disquiet that went away when I'd visited her before lunch. On the ride home, we'd exchanged stories of our day. God, we seemed like an old married couple and the thought made me smile. "What are you grinning about?" I glanced at her and then back at the road. "I don't know. I was just thinking that it's nice to just share the events of our day together on the way home. It's something couples ... married people do." She'd gone quiet and I looked at her anxiously when I stopped at a light. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked. She shook her head then looked at me, slightly flushed. "No, it was a ... nice thing to say. I like it too." "Good to be back in the saddle again?" I asked, changing the subject. She grinned and I looked back at the road as I pulled into traffic. "Yes, it felt good to do a days work for a change and shut my brain off. Not about the work, but to stop thinking about myself constantly was almost a relief." "I know what you mean. I got totally engrossed in what I was doing. I used to hate that type of work. It's tedious and methodical." "Yeah, and I'm the methodical one, right?" We'd laughed at that. "Usually, but it was good to just feel useful and I really tried to put my all into it. I think Agent Shell was pleased to have the help." "I'm sure she was," she replied. I detected a funny note in her voice. I pulled up to the curb of her building and shut off the car. I turned to face her on the seat and she did the same. "Scully, is something wrong?" "No, why would anything be wrong?" "The way you said that, it sounded like ... I don't know, like you were worried about me working with Agent Shell." She looked out the windshield and then back at me. "I'm being silly." I replied, "Yes, you are. I have no interest in Agent Shell, or any other woman for that matter. You know that, don't you?" "Yes, I do. I guess I sometimes still have that old fear come back." "What fear?" We never used to talk like this, about our feelings and fears. It was a whole new dimension of intimacy that we were experiencing. I found that I liked it a lot, being able to express my feelings without fear of reprisal or abandonment. Dr. Brown had taught us well. I didn't think our communication could get much better. I was so wrong. I hadn't realized how much we suppressed until we had gone through our sessions with Dr. Brown. "The fear that you would find someone else and I would be pushed out of your life." I must have looked as bewildered as I sounded. "Are you kidding? Scully, you never told me that! What would have ever made you fear that?" She looked at me shyly. "You're a total dish, Mulder." I laughed out loud then. "You're crazy, but I love you anyway. Glad you think so." "I mean it," she said, going all serious on me. "You are an incredibly handsome and sexy man. Women used to, still do, look at you all the time. If they didn't have lips to close, they'd all be drooling." I laughed even harder now, holding my stomach and trying not to bellow. She smiled wide, amused at my reaction. "You're a trip, Scully. And you have a wonderful imagination." She grinned. "No, I don't. It's true. You're just so unaware of what's going on around you so often, that you don't even notice. I didn't want you to notice, so I never chose to enlighten you. I probably shouldn't have now, either." I slid out of the car and went around to open her door. She stepped out and I embraced her, leaning her gently against the car. "I don't think your correct, Scully, but even if you were, you have NOTHING to ever worry about in that department. I only have eyes for you, and you know it. For the rest of my life ... you're IT, Scully. You're the only woman for me. I won't even consider anyone else." She smiled then and cupped the back of my neck, pulling me down for a kiss. Just before our lips touched, she said, "Good answer." One of her neighbors walked by muttering, "Get a room, sheesh." We broke away and laughed, holding hands and entering the building. XXXXXXXXXX DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, D.C. We ate dinner and then made out on the couch for about fifteen minutes. I couldn't get enough of kissing Mulder. Those lips were a constant source of fascination for me. He was clearly still amused by my attraction to his lips. I never heard any complaints though! It was not "date night" and so I resigned myself to cuddling even though my arousal was climbing. I pulled away and sat apart, catching my breath. I didn't want to get so excited that I would be frustrated. He surprised me when he stood up and took my hand, tugging gently. I followed him as he headed for the bedroom. "Mulder?" "Mmm?" he responded vaguely. Once inside, he turned to face me and bent down to kiss me. His kisses became passionate and when his thumbs brushed over both my nipples simultaneously, I felt my knees buckle and warmth flood my abdomen and dampen my crotch. I moaned into his mouth as he moved quickly to band his arms around my back and steady me against him. I panted out, "Mulder, it's not ... date ... night." That was the term we used for the night we reserved for having sex. He muttered, "Fuck date night, I want you now." My whole body shuddered. "Are you sure?" I squeaked out. He pulled his shirt off and yanked his slacks and boxers down, toeing off his shoes and socks and then ridding himself of the offending clothing. He stood up and stared at me. I looked down to find his penis standing hard and erect, bobbing gently in the air. I felt another rush of arousal and my nipples tingled. "Oh God," I said, my voice low and husky with excitement. He smiled, reaching for me and pulling off my crew neck blouse and helping me to shed the rest of my clothes. When we were naked, he grabbed me up under my thighs and lifted me against him. I squealed in surprise and wrapped my legs around his waist. He surprised me again when he didn't place me on the bed. Instead, he walked to the bedroom door, bumping it with his elbow and slamming it shut. "Mulder?" I asked in confusion, thinking he would now return to the bed. He didn't answer me and instead, pressed me gently against the door, hitching me up higher with his arms under my ass. I gasped and he swooped down, covering my mouth with his own. My hands wrapped around his shoulders for support and I could feel his heavy, hard erection poking at my entrance. I moaned and he broke the kiss, asking, "This O.K.?" I nodded, unable to talk. He braced himself, widening his stance slightly and loosened his hold, my weight sinking down over his cock. He thrust up at the same time and I cried out at the sudden incredible fullness that made my pelvis ache and throb. He stopped , breathing hard and waited, enjoying the penetration. His hands slid up from my back, palm down on the door and slid up under my armpits. He laid his forearms on the door, my armpits resting in the crook of his elbow. He whispered, "Hang on, Scully." He began thrusting up hard and fast into me. I cried out again as I felt my clit brushed by his pubic bone with every thrust. My heels pressed into his rear end, urging him on and trying to pull him as deep as he would go. My voice was ragged and disjointed as I mumbled, "Oh Mulder ... God ... so good ... so full ... feels so good ... oh fuck me ... just fuck me ... oh God, I love you." He growled and began to pound me without mercy. I could barely feel my back sliding on the door then sliding down as he retreated and my armpits catching on his arms, holding me up. I could feel my turgid nipples being tortured by his wiry chest hair each time his chest slid over mine with each thrust. He was keeping his chest close to mine. I could hear the door jarring in it's frame, clunk, clunk, clunk, as he continued to jam his engorged cock inside me, pressing my walls aside and slamming into my cervix, causing me to wince and then burn with excitement. I muttered, "So close ... ah baby ... I'm so close." He choked out through clenched teeth, "Yeah, Scully, Oh Jesus ... you feel so fucking good. Oh God, so hot ... we're so hot together. Come for me, baby ... Come on, come for me. Damn, you're so tight ... always so fucking tight." His scratchy baritone rumbled into my ear and washed over me. I tipped my hips forward, crushing my clit between us on the next hard, deep stroke and I felt my orgasm wash over me, flowing through my body like waves. "Mmuullddeerr! Oh yes, oh I'm coming, baby! Oh yeah, oh yeah ... Come With Me!" I shouted. He howled and threw his head back, eyes clenched tight, and thrust into me brutally. I leaned over with the last of my energy and bit him on the neck. He exploded inside me, screaming, "Ooohhh! Ooohhh! Scully! Oh Christ, Oh yeah, oh bite me!" I bit down again, feeling his hot semen splash my insides and cascade warmth through my tunnel as I felt his cock jerk, stiffen and spill into me over and over. We both said in unison, "Whoa!" as his knees buckled and he sank to the ground, still firmly embedded inside me. We chuckled and I rested my head against the door as he squatted on his knees. He panted gently and said, "We are not as young as we used to be." We laughed gently and he extricated himself from me with a groan. I hissed at the feeling of him sliding out across my sensitive inner walls. We stood up, joints creaking and chuckling at each other. I grabbed some tissues and we cleaned up briefly then headed for the shower. Once scrubbed, we stumbled out to bed and crawled in even though it was early. We didn't say anything for a long time, just laying facing each other and smiling goofily at each other in the dying light. Finally he said, "I love you so much, Scully." "I love you too, Mulder. That was quite a performance tonight." He grinned. "I couldn't wait for date night." "I'm glad." He nodded. "Do you want to abolish date night?" I shook my head. "No, let's not tempt fate. I think it's still too soon." He frowned. "But ..." I cupped his face in my hands. "I don't mean anything by that, Mulder. I just mean, why not keep it? If we want to do something else in between, nothing says we can't, just like tonight, but we should still continue with our exercises and not abandon everything just because we're having success here." He frowned again. "You think my success is temporary?" I sighed in an exasperated fashion. "No! And it's OUR success, not just yours, Mulder. I just think that we'd do ourselves a disservice to abandon the thing that restored this part of our relationship, that's all." He sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry. I guess I'm still sensitive about it." "You KNOW I don't hold it against you." "I know. But I hold it against me." "Well stop it. After all, you just fucked my brains out against a door. I don't see anything to be morose about." He laughed then. "I did, didn't I?" he quipped. "You certainly did you big stud." He laughed harder and rolled on top of me, pinning my hands by my head. "I wondered if we would ever get to this place again. I love making love to you. I want to be doing it when we're eighty." It was my turn to laugh. "Think you'll be able to still bang me when you're eighty?" I teased. "Use it or lose it, they say." "Ah, so I have to keep you using it, is that what you're saying?" "Indeed. That's your job from now on, to make sure it doesn't fall into disuse." I laughed. "Don't think that will be a problem." He sobered and said, "We're going to be all right aren't we, Scully?" I smiled softly, "Yes, we are. It's just another miracle in a long line of miracles." "You on a miracle kick again? Why does everything have to be a miracle. We've worked hard to get where we are." "Yes we have, but I think God gave us the strength and motivation to do the footwork." "You could be on to something there," he teased. "I love you so much, Mulder. I didn't know it was possible to love like this." "You still love me, huh?" he teased. "Yes, I do. I have no idea why," I deadpanned. He laughed and then blurted out, "Miracles never cease." Then he kissed me, and kissed me, and kissed me. We made out until we were both too tired to keep at it and then fell asleep curled around one another. Tomorrow was another day in the saddle, but for the first time in a long time, I went to sleep without fear and looking forward to the next day. THE END. --Whew! Another tough one! Man, oh, man. Hope this fits the bill!