Title: Naked Author(s): Peaches < aliens_exist_2012_@hotmail.com > & SunReyes < sunreyes01@yahoo.com > Category: DRR/SMUT Rating: NC_17 Spoilers: Summary: Disclaimer: We don’t own any of the characters, wish we did…but we don’t so, yeah. However since we’re very generous fans we’ll give 100% of what we make to Ten Thirteen, FOX, etc…. but of course we make nothing, so you lose ;) *~*John*~* 4:45 p.m. J.Edgar Hoover Building X_Files Basement Office "It’s about time we finished that report." I look over at Monica and she’s rereading hers. She looks incredibly sexy with those glasses on and I can’t help but linger at her for just a moment too long. "John?" She looks up and says my name. The way she says it sends a chill down my spine, it’s incredibly sexy. I don’t think she has any idea of the power that she holds over me. I take in a breath and let it out. "Yeah Mon?" I ask her knowing full well that I’ve been caught watching her. This probably isn’t the first time either, but it’s the first where we’ve both acknowledged it. "You think if we dropped these off in Skinner's office and made a dash for the parking lot anyone would notice?" Her question prompts a smile on her face and she slides her frames off her face and lays them on the desk. "It’s worth a shot" I stand up and accompany her and the reports to the assistant directors office. I wonder for a moment what she means by us making a dash for the parking lot. Together or in separate cars, since we came our own way, but I swallow the thought as we approach the office. The secretary smiles at us and I can’t help but look over at Monica and suppress a grin. Her mouth forms upward and I know she’s ready to laugh at any moment. Just then the door opens and the A.D. motions for us to come in. I hand him our recent case file and the reports and we both take a seat. "Agents, it has come to my attention that there have been some complaints about the two of you." "Us sir?" Agent Reyes questions and A.D. Skinner takes off his glasses and rests his fingers on the bridge of his nose. Monica looks over to me with a confused look. I’m not sure where he’s going with this. "There’s been some concern about your behavior in and outside of the FBI. I expect the two of you to act accordingly and by standard FBI procedure." "Sir, I’m not sure we’re following you." I reply and Skinner looks down to the files and back up to me. "I’m sure you both know what’s going on. Denying it won’t change the truth. You’re dismissed." I look over at Monica in dismay, maybe she has some clue as to what Skinner is upset about. We step out of the office and into the elevator. "Are you as confused as I am?" I ask her and she nods. "I can’t put my finger on what he’s talking about. Did we do something against standard procedure during the case?" Monica asks me and I shrug. "I don’t see why he didn’t come out with the problem." I tell her and she turns and pushes the button for the basement floor. "Maybe he was too embarrassed" She teases and I grin. "Skinner embarrassed? That’ll be the day." I say and we exit the elevator and head back to the basement office to retrieve are things and head out for the day. "I’d just like to know what was on his mind." Monica says and she waits a moment before adding "besides us and something not good." Only then do I comprehend what she said. "That’s it." I say and smile up at her. "What?" She asks me wide eyed and smiling. She’s curious as to what I’ve figured out and I’m not so sure I want to tell her right away. "Well" I pause and wait for her anticipation to clearly show through. "Come on, spill it John." She teases and lightly pulls at the sleeve of my arm. "Are you going to tell me? Or do I have to wait till Monday?" I look at my watch and grin. "Time to go." I state and pull on my jacket and head towards the door. I push the elevator button and wait for it to reach the basement. I feel Monica’s arm rest on my shoulder and she turns me to face her. "So, are you going to tell me or leave me hanging?" She asks and I grin. "Guess you’ll have to wait." I say and smile mischievously over at her as we step into the elevator and head towards the garage. "John" Monica pleads it’s really cute. I’d like to see her begging for something else some time. I shake my head to dissolve that image and she’s giving me the sweetest look in the world. *~* Monica *~* "You don’t have any clue either." I state with wide eyes and a grin and John smiles up at me with that sexy as hell look. "You’ll never know now." John says and walks towards his car. I fumble with my car keys and open the car door. I look up to see John an aisle and row over getting into his car. I put the key in the ignition and turn it but the car won’t start. "Piece of shit" I mumble and smack the steering wheel. I see John’s car in my rearview mirror and he honks. I step out of the car, lock the door and walk up to his window. "Need a lift?" John asks and I nod. "Yeah my car won’t start." I tell him and I feel like my night is heading off on the wrong foot. "Get in." John states and motions to the passenger side and unlocks the door. "Good thing I noticed you hadn’t left yet." "Yeah thanks." I tell him and he pulls out of the garage. I breathe in the scent of his car and it smells like him. Sexy and alluring. Maybe it wasn’t in my best interest to get a ride with him. What else would I have done though? I close my eyes for a fraction of a second to get my mind off this aroma and I can feel his eyes dart over towards me. "Tired?" John asks and I look over at him. "A little bit. No more than usual." I state and his gaze drifts back to the road. "Here we are ma’ lady," John says, in a cute, pretend, English accent. "Thanks so much John, I don’t know what I would ever do without you," I say that just as our gaze meets and I find myself mesmerized by his gorgeous blue eyes. I want to lean over and kiss him, but I hold myself back. He smiles towards me, "Should I walk u to the door?" "Oh you don’t have too, John, I’m a big girl I can walk to my own front door!" He laughs out loud, "No Mon, I insist!" He gives me a very sexy smile that I could die for right then and there. We walk to my door, his hand on the small of my back sending chills down my spine. I put my hand in my pocket searching for my keys and came up empty. "Shit" I mutter and John looks up to see what’s troubling me. "I must have left my keys in the car." "You’re kidding?" John asks and I shut my eyes. "Could this night get any worse?" I say and immediately wish I wouldn’t have. John looks like I’ve stabbed him in the back and immediately I reply "I didn’t mean it like that." "I know Mon, you just want to go home. Do you have a spare key around?" "Yeah in the house." I say and chuckle at the thought. "I was going to leave it at work, but never got around to it. Go figure." "We can call a tow truck if you want?" John tells me. "Let me get my cell from the car." We walk back towards his car and sit down. He pulls out his cell phone and looks for reception. "Damn I forgot to recharge it all week" John looks over at me then lets out a long sigh. "Sorry Mon." He pauses and continues on "why don’t you come back to my place and we’ll call from there?" "Alright. Thanks John, I hope I didn’t spoil you’re plans for this evening." "No problem, I’d rather have you around any day." He gives me one of those heart warming grins and pulls out into traffic. I can’t help but blush, I hope the light of dusk seeping in through the windows doesn’t give my skin color away. *~*John*~* Through the corner of my eyes I see Monica blush and I can’t help but suppress a grin. If I can make her blush from that, I wonder what else I can do to her. "So Mon" I continue, since I can’t stand the dread of silence, "what do you have planned for the weekend?" "Oh the usual." She says, then quickly glances out the window. "Probably go over some case files." She emits a sort of ‘hmmph’ laugh and continues on "maybe find time for a movie or head to a club. I need to get out more, it really sounds like I have no life." "Yeah the X_Files tend to do that to us. We should definitely find something to do over the weekend, not work related." I say to her. I want to tell her how I love spending every minute with her and on weekends I sit around watching Nascar and am bored out of my mind. "That would be nice sometime. Right now though I need to get my car fixed." She pauses a moment turns to look at me and I glance over in her direction. She’s thinking about something and I’m not quite sure what yet. "Can I ask you something John?" "Shoot" I tell her and she smiles just a little bit under the moonlight. "Don’t you get tired of hanging around me?" "Huh?" I say confused and she laughs. "You don’t want to hang out after work some time?" I glance over in her direction. "No it’s not that. I just think that sometimes you’d rather get away from this crazy life, and live your own." "Ok" I say confused, "I’m not sure I understand what you’re getting at Monica." "I just think it would be nice if we had lives outside of work." She says and her gaze watches me intently. "So you want to meet other people?" I ask and she looks away and back at me. "That’s not what I mean John." Monica pauses and takes a breath before continuing on, "I just think it would be nice if we could see each other sometime other than work hours." "Like a date?" I tease and she laughs nervously. "Something like that." Monica says and quickly darts out the window. I can tell her face has brightened in color. "Are you hot or embarrassed?" I ask her teasingly and her face just blushes even more. It’s really cute. "Because I definitely find you hot." I say in a deep and husky tone and her eyes watch me with desire and hunger. *~* Monica *~* We pull in front of his place and I can’t get the fact he called me hot out of my mind. What am I supposed to do next? I can’t tell if he’s being flirty and just teasing or dead serious. I let out a sigh and see John step out of the car. Before he approaches my door I’m out in a flash and standing beside him. He accompanies me to his door and unlocks it. "Make yourself at home" John tells me and pulls a phonebook from his cabinet. He searches through the listings and draws his finger on a place. "Here Mon." He hands me the phone and shows me the number. I dial the number and wait for someone to answer. "Hello?" The voice on the other end finally answers "Yes, I need a tow truck to come out tonight to the J. Edgar Hoover Building." I pause and listen to what he tells me and hang up. John looks over at me and gives me a confused look. "So are they coming out tonight, or what?" "The earliest they can send somebody out is in the morning." I tell him. "Your welcome to stay here tonight." John tells me and gives me a reassuring smile. "What are we going to do about dinner?" John asks and my face immediately spirals downward. "My wallet is with my keys, it’s all locked in my car." I tell him and he smiles up at me. "My treat." John says and picks up his coat off the chair and we head out the front door. "So where do you want to eat?" John asked me, when we were back in his car. "Well," I replied, "there’s this really nice Italian place that I used to go to all the time, did you wanna try there?" "Sure Mon, wherever you want to go is fine by me." John is being extra sweet tonight. I love this side of him, I really hope I see lots more of this! We pull in front of the restaurant. Apparently since the last time I’ve been here this place has become much classier and there’s valet parking. John hands the keys to the attendants and he escorts me inside the restaurant. We step inside the restaurant and the atmosphere of this place is incredibly elegant. We look around and notice most couples engaged in conversation and dressed to impress. "I feel a little under dressed" I whisper to John and he smiles over at me. "You look beautiful Monica." We give our information to the hostess and sit down in a nice quiet booth. The waiter comes over and lights the candles sitting on the table and hands us the menus. When the waiter leaves I open the menu and notice the prices and the entrees. "John, I didn’t realize this place was so…" John interrupts what I was going to say. "Nice" he smiles over at me slides his hand across the table to meet mine. Our hands exchange a tender squeeze and we release them as I continue my sentence. "We can go somewhere more affordable." John shakes his head no and looks at me with the utter most elegance and tranquility. "I want to spend this night with you." "Wow" I murmur, to quiet for him to hear and my thoughts get lost at the words he’s just said. "So Monica," John begins "is this a date?" I’m lost as to what to say. I know deep down I want it to be, but I don’t want him to be joking around with me and leave me torn and vulnerable. "Do you want it to be a date?" I ask him and he smiles over at me. After we were done eating and on our way home John asks me, "So Mon, What do u want to do tonight?" "What do u mean what do I want to ‘do’ tonight?" I knew perfectly well what I wanted to do with HIM that night.... but I tried as hard as I could to not show it. "Like, what do you want to do tonight, do u want to get a movie and stay in? Or go to a movie? Or what?" He looks over at me and winked after he said that. This man is driving me wild! "Well, if you really want to ‘do something’ tonight," I tell him in a flirty way, "How ‘bout we rent a movie?" "Sounds good Mon, man this is better then my usual Friday nights," he tells me, "especially because I get to spend it with you..." I’m not sure if he’s just joking around with me or if he truly likes me and is flirting! But I sure love this side of him! At work he’s so professional and non-playful, but now he’s flirting ever chance he can get! *~*John*~* We head towards the video store and I’m curious as to what kinds of movies Monica’s into. "Do you have any idea of what you’d like to see tonight?" I ask her. Monica’s glance catches mine and she thinks a moment before answering. "I’m not sure what’s out yet, but I’m sure we’ll find something that we’ll both enjoy." We enter the video store and Monica takes my hand and heads toward the back. We enter behind the closed curtain to the pornography section and she’s got a wide grin on her face. "I told you I’d find a movie we’d both enjoy." She tells me happily. She’s sorting through the titles reading the description, as if it’s an actual movie to be watching. "Monica Reyes, you always find ways to surprise me" I say and pull her to me. She looks up, blushes and drops the film in her hand. I bend down, pick it up and place it back on the shelf, feeling her gaze watch over me. "Come on." I tell her and take her hand in mine towards the front of the store. "Let’s see if we can find a real movie." We walk through the aisle of new releases trying to choose an interesting film that neither one of us has seen already. "How about Hannibal?" Monica says and pulls the movie from the shelf to look at the back. "Why don’t we find a film that’s not work related." I tease and she gives me a mocking grin and puts it down. "I’m out of ideas, you chose a movie." "That was one idea Mon, what are your other ones?" She emits a smile, one I haven’t seen in far too long. "I don’t think I should say." Her face turns crimson and her gaze darts out the window. "Embarrassed?" I joke. "Would it have anything to do with your other choice of movies?" "Why don’t we see this one" Monica says as she pulls another film from off the shelf. I notice the title Original Sin with Angelina Jolie and figure it’ll have some action in it. "Alright" I say and we head on over to the register to rent the film. The drive back is short and quiet as I look over to see her reading the back cover. "What’s it say?" I ask her curious as to why she’s open mouthed and starring. We pull up in front of my place and I escort her to the front door. "Apparently we rented the unrated version." She says and smiles over at me. "This film could get very interesting." She quips and I can’t help but melt at her beautiful smile. "So Monica" I say, "if this is a date, do I get a goodnight kiss?" She smiles up at me and gives me a quick peck on the cheek and I move my head slightly so our lips brush. The heat is intense and sudden but we part unsure of each other’s intentions. When our lips part, she wraps her arms around herself, cold from the night air. I unlock the door and usher her inside. *~* Monica *~* When we got inside John took my coat for me. I walked over to the sofa and sat down. I was still shivering from the cold night air. "Mon, are you cold? Want some blankets?" John asked, but before waiting for my reply he went off into his bedroom to retrieve blankets for us. "Thanks John", I said, as he helped me slip off my heels, and covered me with the blanket. I looked up at him and gave him a loving smile. Then, unexpectedly, he leaned over me and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. I was mesmerized by the taste of them. Just how I had dreamed for so long... "Wow", I whispered, and he gave me a cute lil' innocent smile that I just had to smile back at. He turned away from our game and put the movie into the vcr. "Want some coffee, Mon, to warm you up?", John asked. "I'd love some, if it's not too much trouble" Without saying anything more he smiled sweetly at me and turned to the kitchen to make some coffee, before the movie started. It was silent, and all I could hear was some rattling of coffee beans being poured in the coffee maker, and mugs clanking. I wondered to myself what else John had in mind to do tonight... I couldn't help but smile. "Here, Mon." John said as he handed me the mug of warm coffee, being very careful as to not burn me. "It's really hot, Mon, so careful." He went back into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee for himself. He came back and got ready to sit on the other side of the coach from where I was laying...I wanted him close to me. I spoke up and said, "John, your gonna sit over there?" "Well yeah...I guess....Where would you like me to sit??" He asked teasingly. "Over here with me..." I replied in a sexy voice. He didn't say anything more, but to me it seemed as if he was jumping at the opportunity. Worried I might change my mind at any minute, because right after I said for him to sit over here with me, he walked over to were I was sitting and sat down right behind me as fast as he could. He laid the blanket over us as I leaned into him. He put his arms around me in a strong comforting grip and I linked my hands with his. I closed my eyes hoping this would never end. I loved being here, like this, in his arms.... *~*John*~* The movie begins and I hear Monica let out a soft sigh, and notice her eyes are shut "you wanna head on up to bed?" "No, I’m good" she states and smiles over at me, with that genuine Monica grin. She squeezes my hand reassuringly and rests her head on my shoulder. My arm that’s holding her touches the soft skin on her arm and I feel the desire within me stir to run my fingers along her golden skin. "Mmm" I hear a soft sigh moan out those precious lips and as my fingers dance on her arm, and she snuggles into my embrace. "You feel good," she moans in a deep sexy voice and I feel my pants strain against me. Her hand comes up to my chest, running her nails over my shirt, feeling everything and yet wishing to feel more. Her head turns against my chest to looks me deep in the eyes and my stomach does somersaults. I smile reassuringly over at her, and her fingers continue to trail my chest and dive lower towards the hem of my shirt. "Monica" I groan out as her fingers slide upwards, teasing my nipples and my head lolls back on the sofa. "I thought—we were—going to—watch—a movie," I breathe out between clenched teeth, in a full hazy bliss of arousal. Her fingers stop teasing my nipples and her hand moves out from under my shirt. She rests her hand against mine and I let out a breath I hadn’t known I’d been holding. Her eyes watch the movie and my attention turns to the screen seeing two people joined in unison in the most erotic and exotic positions imaginable. "Damn" I mutter under my breath from my arousal and from what we’re seeing on the screen. "What?" She murmurs sexily into my ear and I take in another breath and my fingers unconsciously continue to stroke her arm. She purrs like a kitten against my chest as I feel myself growing weaker and weaker to her touch. *~*Monica*~* I let out a low laugh as we watch the screen and whisper into his ear seductively "Can you believe I can do that?" Suddenly, without warning, he stands up, throws me over his shoulder towards his bedroom! "John!" I exclaim full of shock and ambition at what we’re about to do. I never expected anything like this from the formal John Doggett I know!! He gently lies me down against the bed, and hovers above me. My lips meet his; enwrapped in one another’s taste and he continues to devour my neck as my hands roam towards his shirt. I work on sliding his shirt over his head, as my hands run along his chest. "Mon" he moans out as my fingers slip to his pants and work on the button and zipper. I help him slide his pants off his legs and we toss them onto the floor. His lips meet mine, and they fall to my ear "your turn" he chimes. His fingers fall to my stomach and he moves down to press a soft kiss on my naked flesh. He helps me slide my shirt over my frame, and tosses it onto the floor in one swift motion. My hands roam his exposed skin, over the contour of his back, feeling a rippling sensation. "God Mon" he breathes and I sit up as he straddles me and unclasps my bra. He slides it off my shoulders with his lips on mine, never looking down. His lips fall down my neck, tasting my breasts as if each was a freshly plucked berry. His tongue teases and stirs me to the core. My hands knead through his hair, as he takes more into his mouth gently suckling and nibbling on me. His hands fall to my pants, and he unzips the clasp and slides them over my hips. He trails back up my body with soft delicate kisses, as his hands greet the silk of my underwear. His eyes seek out mine, half_lidded through arousal, as his fingers slide my black silk panties to the floor. His mouth moves towards my thigh as I feel him blow a cool air over my moist center. "John" I plead with him, as his tongue runs along my inner thigh teases and tasting me. His smile is devious and my legs wrap around his body, pressing him into me. He gives me a shocked expression and I let out a deep throaty laugh, full of arousal "I told you I could do things you’d never imagine." "I bet" he breathes and inhales my arousal before taking a taste of my forbidden juice. His lips tease me, as his tongue presses against my clit. He slowly continues to please me, as I feel waves of arousal sweep over me. "John" I plead with him, through half_lidded eyes and a voice urgent and masking no fear. My body shutters with anticipation as I am completely on the edge of falling into a heavenly bliss. He senses my urgency and sucks gently on me, while drinking my desire. His fingers steady my already arching body, as my legs hold him tight to me, not letting him free until he’s finished what he’s started. His eyes meet mine, as he rolls his tongue on that sweet spot and I feel my hips bucking instantly. "Oh god" I moan out and take several heavy breaths of air into my lungs. I feel myself falling from the edge of an abyss and hold on as I ride through the waves of pleasure. His mouth moves to mine, and I taste what he’s been drinking in. *~*John*~* Her lips dive into my mouth, drinking the sweet heavenly bliss that I’ve tasted. Her arms roam down my chest, and she takes control and presses me against the bed. Her hands meet the edge of my boxers and she has a delightful grin of anticipation on her face. She gently slides them over my hard on and her eyes widen as she tosses my boxers onto the floor. "Agent Doggett I’ve been meaning to do a little investigating of my own" she whispers into my ear, and crawls down my body taking my hard on into her hand. "Oh shit," I breathe as I feel myself already tumbling towards the brink of losing all control. Her mouth hovers above, and her breath teases me. "I definitely like this *X* file" she states and I hear her emit a low sexy laugh from the back of her throat. Her tongue, longer than I’d have anticipated strokes my shaft as my head falls back against the sheets in one low moan, not being able to see what she’s doing. I feel her hand run along my chest, as her other hand teases my balls and she takes a taste from my head. Her lips gently suck the tip, as her once roaming hand, falls to my shaft as she releases her lips and moves to kiss mine. Her hands roam my chest, as she takes me in her hand and guides me into her. "Oh John" she lets out an erotic moan as I feel her warmth surround me and my body goes into sensory over load. She senses my need and her eyes meet mine, as her hands press me down into the bed. She straddles my body, demanding control and my lips take her breast into my mouth as her hands pin me to the bed. "Cheat" she breathes as she collapses onto me, not having the strength or power to lead our dance. I roll us around, pinning her to the bed, and she wraps her legs around me, pulling me deeper and deeper inside. Her hands roam my back pulling me closer as our hips thrust. Her lips tease my neck and her hips grind into mine, wanting to feel more. I snake my fingers down her breasts, teasing each one, and once across her clit as I feel her tensing and losing all control. "Please" she moans and my finger runs along her clit, as our body’s pound into one another as I lose all control and release my seed into her. I lay motionless above her, "John" she breathes and I slide out and roll off of her. "Sorry." I answer her, not wanting to kill her after our incredible lovemaking. *~* Monica *~* I lay beside him on the bed. Our chests heaving up and down. The silence was deafening and yet tranquil at the same time. After a long while I broke the silence by saying, "John, I’m tired, sleep here with me." Without saying another word, John rolls on his side and puts his arms around me, moving my body so I lay on my side facing away from him. "G’night" he whispers and plants small kisses on the top of my back. I gradually drift off to sleep in his arms, thinking how wonderful it is to be here with him, like this. *~*John*~* I awaken to the sunlight beating down on me, the soft sheets lingering on my bare chest, leaving an incredible feeling on my skin. The warmth bearing down its strength, making me feel hot and yet it soothes at the same time. I roll over and see Monica asleep. She’s lying on her stomach and the sheet covers ¾ the way down her back. She’s exquisite and incredibly beautiful and I don’t know what took us so long to experience what we have. I watch her breath in and out. Her lips slightly parted and she looks peaceful in her slumber. Those lips of hers work wonders and I recall the night’s events that led us to this very room. I glance over at the clock on the nightstand. It reads 9:09am. I’m surprised to see that I slept in so long. Last night must have been wilder then I thought! As I watch her, lying there, her back slowly rises and falls as she breathes, and I want to replay last night’s events. Loving every minute of it. Slowly I get out of bed. As to not wake her, and I search on the floor for my boxers, seeing as they were ripped off last night in a fit of sexual rage. Finding them, I slip them on and walk out of the room, glancing at Monica’s beautiful sleeping face on the way out. I headed to the kitchen to make some coffee, thinking that Mon might want some when she awakens. *~*Monica*~* My eyes pop open. I sit up quickly realizing John’s not lying beside me. I look at the clock and see it is 9:23am. I listen for any sound that might indicate John was somewhere around. I hear a pot clank and a cup cling and relax a bit, figuring John was in the kitchen making coffee, or breakfast. I get out of bed and walk over to John’s dresser. I open a couple drawers searching for an over sized T Shirt I could slip into. I rummage through his clothes, and find one to pull over my head. I head towards the bedroom door making my way downstairs. I peek my head in the kitchen and see John making eggs on the frying pan. The table had already been set with plates and coffee mugs filled with warm, steaming coffee. I glanced at the table and see he put a single rose in a vase, in the middle of the table. I tip_toe across the kitchen floor, trying not to let him notice me. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his stomach, squeezing him tightly. "Morning Sunshine," he says. I plant kisses on his bare back, I could feel his body shiver with delight. *~*John*~* I could feel myself trembling from her kisses on my back, and I could see a tent appearing in my boxers. I quickly turn around and grab her face in my hands, I kiss her, exploring her mouth with my tongue. I push my lower body into her’s, grinding against her, so she could feel what she was doing to me. After a long kiss, I look into her eyes. The room completely silent, except for the sizzling of the eggs on the frying pan. "Monica, you know something," I say to her, breaking the silence. "What Beautiful?" She replies. "I was looking at you this morning, while you were still asleep, do you know how gorgeous your naked body is? Just looking at you made me want too..." My whispering voice trails off into the silence. "Made you want to what John...baby?" she asks. Not saying another word I pick her up in my arms and carry her away to my bedroom. I throw my shirt off of her and lay her on the bed, and I’m on top of her in no time, kissing and feeling all over. Oh shit, my mind reels to the eggs on the stove, "Mon, hold on a sec k?" "Jooohhnnnn! Don’t go..." She pleads. I ran out of the room, turned the grill to OFF, ran back in, and slam the door behind me. THE END