Title: Oh Mistress Mine 2 - Munchies Author: Sergeeva Rating: NC-17 Category: Skinner/Other romance Spoilers: none Summary: One snack leads to... another! Disclaimer: He's not mine (sob!), she is. Kudos is due to CC, 1013 and Fox. Website: Sergeeva's Walter Altar at: http://www.geocities.com/sergeeva.geo/ Feedback: Much appreciated at: sergeeva@walteris.vbeautiful.co.uk Author's Note: I'm having rather a lot of fun with Zerlina (and I hope Walter is too), so here's another serving. Inexpressible thanks to Xanthe for being inspirational and to everyone who sent me appreciative comments on my first chapter. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Walter set the breakfast tray firmly in the crook of his arm and headed back to the bedroom, hoping that this bit of initiative on his part hadn't been a bad idea. He would bear any corrective discipline his Mistress handed out, but he truly wanted only to please her, and hoped that he would never give her cause to be angry with him. A little bit of erotic pain was one thing, but he would hate to upset Zerlina by doing the wrong thing or by disappointing her... Some time in the early hours he had woken and looked at his sleeping Mistress. They were both still sprawled on a nest of quilts and pillows on the living room floor, where they had ended up the previous evening, and although Zerlina looked peaceful enough, he knew he was beginning to feel the hardness of the floorboards. He didn't want to risk his Mistress waking with a stiff back. Carefully sliding out from under her encircling arm, he folded a soft cotton quilt around her and lifted her up into his arms. Zerlina murmured something unintelligible but didn't rouse, merely snuggling in closer against his shoulder. Walter found her bedroom at the second attempt (they hadn't made it that far last night and the first door he tried in his explorations was locked). The room was not the richly-curtained boudoir he'd expected, but a spacious retreat, furnished in blond wood and pale linens, complete with a desk and computer, a walk-in closet and French windows opening onto a balcony. He laid her gently down on the wide bed, and lingered a moment to brush a lock of warm honey-gold hair off her brow. Kneeling beside the bed, he let the silky strands slide against his fingers, looking down at her tenderly, wondering what he should do now. He wasn't about to climb into the bed beside her... that would be altogether too presumptuous. They had made love three times the previous evening and Zerlina had made it clear she wanted him to stay the night, but that had been part of the game she'd been playing with him; testing his obedience, using him for her pleasure, claiming him for her own. Walter wanted to be so possessed. He wanted to belong to her, body and soul - that was the essence of their agreement - but it was still a very new arrangement. He was sure his Mistress had very definite ideas about his place in her life, and he didn't want to start off by taking liberties. A person's bed was a sort of sanctum, entry by invitation only and he hadn't yet been invited - not exactly. However, he had his own idea of what constituted good behaviour, and sneaking away under cover of darkness wasn't part of it. He should at least wait until Zerlina woke and told him what she wished of him. Reluctant to leave his place at her side, he lifted his hand from her soft hair and rose to his feet. He could make himself useful until then. He tidied away the rest of the makeshift bed in the other room and found where to stow Zerlina's bottles of nail polish and skin balms, along with dozens of others, in an antique cabinet in the bathroom. He took a quick shower and was impressed to find a toothbrush and a set of the shaving requisites he used set out ready on the marble counter. There was a note in Zerlina's flowing hand: "Walter, my researches indicate these are what you use. The armoire on the right is for your use. You may leave your toiletries there, where you will also find towels." He wondered what else about him she had 'researched' but suspected he was better off not knowing. He brushed his teeth and shaved with extra care - testing the smoothness of his cheeks and jaw with a critical palm afterward. Putting away the shaving kit in the armoire, he found supplies of the deodorant and cologne he used, and, instead of the lavender and blue towels Zerlina herself used, a stack of slate grey and forest green ones, toning but unmistakably masculine. It was 6.40am and Walter still didn't know what to do with himself. He looked into the bedroom and smiled at the sight of the tousled head on the pillow. Zerlina's heavy curls completely obscured her face, but she appeared to have rolled over onto her stomach, the endearing curve of her bottom clearly rounding the covers over her. She looked as if she might sleep for a good while yet. Walter felt a bit foolish wandering around completely naked, but equally, it seemed a bit prudish to put his office clothes back on and sit waiting for her like a nervous clerk. Even if he felt a lot like a nervous clerk. He hated to be idle without purpose. He wasn't the total workaholic that his reputation at the Hoover building suggested, he knew how to relax, but this just wasn't a very relaxing situation. He had to find something to do, to occupy his energies. He found his glasses where Zerlina had left them and put them on, almost resenting the shift back into sharp focus from the slightly fuzzy view he'd had of the world since the day before. Then he stood at the window, watching the street below for a while, watching the sky lighten to a murky November grey. It wasn't going to be one of those crisp autumn days that made one want to go for long walks and kick at the flurries of fallen leaves, it was a dank, chill day, a day for staying indoors by the fire and keeping warm with a loved one... Startled by his poetic turn of mind, Walter moved away from the view and looked at the ormolu clock on the console table nearby. 7.20. Still early to be up and about on a Saturday when he didn't have to be at work. Suddenly his stomach rumbled loudly. He got an idea, turned it over a couple of times in his head and thought it might be okay. He checked the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator and realised he had a problem. If he was going to surprise his Mistress with breakfast in bed, he needed supplies. There must be a convenience store nearby, he could be back in no time and Zerlina would never miss him... Relieved to have something definite to do at last, he quickly dressed. His suit was rather rumpled from having been left folded on the floor since yesterday, but he didn't have anything else to wear. Zerlina's key was in a bowl on the console table. He pocketed it. Heading for the door, he pulled up short. What if Zerlina did wake up and find him vanished? What sort of good manners would that display? He wrote a note on the pad by the telephone: "7.30 - gone for breakfast supplies. Back soon. W." He returned from his expedition laden with goodies and found his note undisturbed where he had left it, and his Sleeping Beauty still burrowed in her pillow. Thank goodness. He was quite excited about his plan. He'd even persuaded a florist who was just opening up her shop to let him have a posy of fiendishly expensive violets to put on the breakfast tray. After getting out basins and pans, he was halfway through unpacking his purchases when a thought struck him. Feeling faintly silly, but sure it was the right thing to do, he hastily undressed again, and continued his preparations in the nude. He left his glasses on while he finished cooking, but then they too were returned to where Zerlina had put them. Somehow, he could just hear his Mistress' voice asking who'd given him permission to dress. Of course, he'd already broken that rule by dressing and going out, but he would confess to that, and just hope that the delicious meal he was going to make would earn Zerlina's forgiveness. Now it was ten past nine, the tray was all ready and he was having doubts. There had been no sound from the bedroom while he had been cooking. What if Zerlina was one of those people who hated to be woken up suddenly, who never ate breakfast, who loathed to be fussed over? What had seemed like an inspired idea a couple of hours ago, now seemed like a recipe for possible disaster. Still, Walter Skinner was not a man to run from trouble, so he mustered his courage and carried the tray to Zerlina's bedside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A delicious aroma of fresh coffee and something sweet penetrated Zerlina's half-awake senses. She felt wonderful: warm, cosy, languid in that satisfied way that really good sex always brought... The events of the previous evening came blissfully back to her. Walter kneeling at her feet, looking up at her with those melting dark eyes. Walter letting her paint his toe-nails silver, Walter lying naked - all long legs, scrumptious muscled body and glorious erect cock, Walter so deep inside her she felt bereft when they finally slid apart, Walter big and warm and all around her in the night... She opened one eye slowly and saw one of the nicest sights in the world - a broad, beautiful, bare chest. Walter's bare chest. And more - Walter's handsome face, smiling shyly and a plate of fragrant, freshly cooked pancakes. Oh this boy was perfect! When he saw her waken his gaze immediately dropped to the floor as he spoke quietly: "Good Morning, Mistress. I took the liberty of..." "Walter - you darling boy, how did you know what my favourite was?" She interrupted him, pushing herself up in the bed and stretching with catlike sensuality. Walter beamed with pleasure and blushed adorably. Zerlina picked up a fork and stabbed delicately at the heap of pancakes. They were tiny bite-sized ones, glistening with melted butter and syrup. She popped one into her mouth and chewed blissfully. "Where did you get these? I've never had such delicious pancakes... You didn't...?" Walter's rosy-cheeked embarrassment and delight was proof. "You can cook too! My god, where have you been all my life?" she teased him. He poured her coffee and poured more syrup over the diminishing heap of pancakes. "You may look at me, Walter. Ah yes, there are those beautiful eyes!" She passed the fork over to him and lay back on her pile of pillows, letting him feed her the delicious morsels, steadying his big hand with her much smaller one, as he brought each forkful to her mouth. Finally she couldn't manage another bite and waved the fork away, reaching for the violets before Walter moved the tray to the floor beside him. She brushed the velvet petals over her lips, inhaling their sweet old-fashioned scent. The flowers seemed so suited to this man: not showy but with an enduring sweetness, a traditional lover's gift, deeply romantic. She was touched by the thought, and by the sight of the man himself, kneeling at her bedside, his brown eyes so soft, so expressive. Zerlina smiled to herself, thinking of all the plans she had for Walter... He'd pleased her with his surprise this morning. She loved his earnest obedience, but she loved the passion that she saw in him too. She hoped he would have more such romantic impulses. What could be more perfect than a beautiful man, who adored her, and was always trying to think of ways to please her? Contentedly, she stretched again, her breasts peeping out over the covers as her arms lifted. She saw Walter's pupils grow even bigger and shamelessly arched her back again, letting the sheet fall away from her naked torso. "I'm very pleased with you, Walter. I love to have my desires anticipated. I will speak to you about my rules regarding dressing and leaving the apartment later, but I like the way you planned this. Such thoughtful enterprise should be rewarded. You may kiss me." The light in Walter's eyes grew positively mischievous. Reaching down to the tray he snatched up the little jug of syrup. Very slowly, he pulled the sheet lower and lower until the full length of Zerlina's body was revealed: pearly skin, pink-tipped breasts, soft feminine curves, and golden curls at the apex of her thighs. Zerlina held her breath as she watched him. Deliberately, he tilted the jug over her smooth belly, and let a slow trail of syrup trickle onto her. The amber liquid ran in a glinting line down into her pubic hair. "My Mistress, I adore you," Walter breathed, and lowered his mouth to her. She had never imagined a kiss like this one. He lapped at the sweetness on her skin, licking down the line of syrup. His lips were so soft, moving over her tingling skin, his tongue tickling her as it slid through her soft blonde curls. His gentle hands spread her thighs, sliding under her hips to lift her to his mouth. The first wave of melting arousal dissolved her as his tongue slid into her folds, stroking softly along her silky moistness. He sucked at her, licking up the syrup's sticky sweetness mingled with her own juices. She writhed in his hands, legs trembling, stomach muscles tightening as she tried to open herself to him wider and wider... She was incapable of speech, making little mewing sounds of ecstasy as he feasted on her succulent flesh. She ached for release, teetering on the verge of orgasm, but Walter wouldn't be hurried. Sensuously, he massaged her buttocks as he held her, and his mouth moved with maddening, blissful slowness. Now dipping into the syrupy nectar of her vagina, now sliding ruthlessly along her slick folds to nibble at the bud of her clitoris. His tongue was velvet soft one minute, then as firm as a probing finger the next, his breath was hot against her excited flesh, and she was slipping, falling through wave after wave of shuddering, incredible orgasm... Her release drew a sound from her, closer to the jungle than the bedroom - the "Mrroowwwll!" of a lioness satisfied by her mate. Then a sighed "Walterrrr.." as he slid his hands from under her and let his brow rest for a second against her belly. Her fingers brushed shakily over his smooth head. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After a minute, he lifted his head and let his senses come back to earth. He was ashamed to find that he had lost control and come too, semen spattered over his stomach and over the bed sheet where he had tugged it down off the bed, around his knees. He pulled it off completely and wiped himself clean. Then he took the napkin off the breakfast tray and gently cleaned the stickiness from between his Mistress' lovely thighs. Her skin was flushed and her eyes still closed. She looked so beautiful that he leaned in for one more kiss, this time on her lips. Her eyes fluttered open at his touch and she grinned up at him. "Well, you certainly know how to kiss! I'm all sticky, though, sweetheart. I'm going to have a bath." She sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. At once, Walter scrambled to his feet, fearful that he had gone too far, still clutching the crumpled, sticky sheet. Zerlina noticed it at once. "Did you come, Walter?" He hung his head. "Yes, Mistress. I'm sorry..." "Don't be, my darling boy. I'm just sorry I missed seeing that. I'll have to see what I can do about that later... and that mouth of yours is as remarkable as those eyes. Now - wash your face and run a bath for me, quickly now!" He hastened to obey, stuffing the soiled sheet into the laundry hamper and making a note to ask his Mistress where the fresh sheets were, so he could re-make the bed. He set the tub filling and consulted the array of scented essences and bubble baths. He had to smile to himself when he found one called "English Violet" and poured some of the purple liquid under the hot water. Quickly, he washed his face and groin and trotted back to Zerlina's bedside. She was patting her bird's-nest hair with a resigned hand. "Why can't I look elegantly dishevelled like movie stars always do?" she complained. Walter thought she looked utterly adorable with her thick hair standing up all askew, but he knew it was a very rare woman who would believe that, so he kept his mouth shut. "Is the bath ready?" He nodded. "Well, then..." She made to stand up. "If my Mistress would permit...?" He scooped her up in his arms and strode off in the direction of the bathroom. The tub was at the perfect level and temperature, and he lowered her carefully down into the perfumed, foamy water. "You're not exactly a 'pushy bottom'..." Zerlina mused as she lay back, "...but you keep taking charge in the most delightful way. I don't know what to make of you. No-one could accuse you of disrespect, and you do have the most inspired impulses, so I will let you have some leeway." "Mistress is most kind. I apologise for getting carried away." "Well, I think it was *me* who just got 'carried away' there, but never mind." "I wish only to please you, Mistress. If you will tell me where to find clean sheets, I will freshen your bed." "Not just yet. I wish you to bathe me. And you may wash my hair too." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To his other attributes, she now had to add wonderful hands. He treated her body with a solemn reverence that was totally disarming. She'd intended to use the bathing to impose some discipline and see how he responded to specific orders, but she just couldn't be stern with him when he was so adoringly attentive and skilful. He caressed her skin with the sponge, stroking and rinsing over and over, scooping up the foam in his huge hands and smoothing it over her, squeezing the warm water in streams over her shoulders and breasts. Without being told, he attended to every inch of her, lifting her arms to wash her sides, lifting each leg out of the water to sponge between each little toe. Respectfully, he asked permission before touching her breasts and before reaching a gentle hand between her legs to wash away the last traces of stickiness. His face was a picture of tender adoration the whole while - his mouth as soft as a little boy's, his dark eyes hidden behind a sweep of respectfully-lowered lashes. Zerlina felt pretty close to adoration herself by the time he softly inquired about shampoo. Supporting her back with one hand, Walter used the big brass shower spray to wet her hair as she lay back. Then he poured some of her herbal shampoo into his palm and lathered it into her hair, strong fingers working over her scalp, almost sending her to sleep again with the hypnotic massage of his hands. Settling her back against his supporting arm again, he rinsed the suds away, keeping them out of her eyes. When it was all done, he lifted her from the tub and wrapped her in one of her big blue towels. With a real effort, she roused herself, and lifted her arms so he could dry her. Walter patted dusting powder under her breasts and over the pink cheeks of her bottom, he smoothed skin balm into her arms and legs and across her milky-smooth back. He ran to get her silk robe and her hairbrush. "I think you can go and see to the bed now, while I dry my hair." His face had fallen a little at being deprived of the task of combing out her wet hair and drying it for her. Zerlina found herself wanting to reassure him: "Next time, maybe. Let's not use up all your treats in one day, shall we?" She smiled and sent him away to the linen closet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walter made light work of the bed. He efficiently stripped off the used sheets and comforter and put on a silky-smooth fresh set of pale green sheets and a comforter patterned in a swirling design of mint green and lilac. He gathered up all the dirty linen and put it neatly away in the hamper. By the time he returned to the bathroom, Zerlina was brushing out her newly dried hair into gleaming gold curves around her cheeks. She stood up to greet him. "Now I must get some work done today, my dear. You are a terrible distraction, you know, so I have to be firm on this." He wondered again if he had gone too far with his adoring impulses that morning. "You may bring me my laptop from the desk in the living room, and I will work in my bedroom. You can prepare us a light lunch for about 1.30 and in the meantime you must amuse yourself. There are books, and magazines. There is a TV and a stereo in the living room, but don't have the sound too loud or I won't be able to concentrate. If I need you for anything I will ring this bell." She shook a small silver bell on her nightstand. "Don't leave the apartment, don't get into any trouble..." she reached up to pat his cheek, "... and don't play with yourself. You know what I mean." She cast a mock-stern look at his half-hard penis. "That's for me to play with... later." He couldn't help the blush that spread over his face, but Zerlina seemed pleased with that too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zerlina decided that she liked the sound of someone else in her huge apartment. Not that Walter was being noisy, far from it. He'd tapped on the bedroom door mid-morning and brought her a cup of jasmine tea, but otherwise it was just the tiny domestic sounds of someone moving around between rooms. The sound of company, companionship. Not that his considerate quietness had made much difference. She'd done very little work. She'd sent a few urgent emails, but when she'd opened the file she was working on she found her attention drifting off into thoughts of Walter. She'd invited him to become her sub because she wanted the challenge of training the perfect bottom - and because he was big and beautiful and just the sort of man she was attracted to. But it was turning out to be not so simple. Walter was clearly devoted to serving her, obedient and respectful, but he had a will of his own, and a very creative imagination. He was submissive, delightfully so, but never subservient. Adoring, but not slavish. He would never lose his own innate strength and independence and Zerlina realised she wouldn't want him to. If she was totally honest with herself, she'd loved being swept up in those powerful arms as if she weighed nothing; she'd loved being made love to. Walter made her feel special and ultra-feminine without suggesting that she was in any way "fragile"... She'd also loved taking him by surprise last night, taking charge of their lovemaking. She'd loved seeing his face light up when she showed he had pleased her. It seemed as if Walter really needed to feel needed. Zerlina had every intention of making him feel *very* needed indeed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Walter was glad it was almost 1 o' clock and he could begin preparing lunch. He'd run out of chores and was uneasy about making himself too much at home here. Normally on a Saturday, he'd go to the gym, or out for a run. There was always paperwork he could do - the weekends passed all too quickly. Left to his own devices here, he'd been a little uncomfortable. Until he thought of the laundry hamper and decided to be a good little houseboy. He'd found the laundry room off the kitchen and done three loads: sheets, towels and a batch of delicates. Zerlina's silky, lacy underwear reminded him of married life, Sharon's bras and panties draped over the shower rail. He'd washed Zerlina's exquisite scraps of satin and ribbon by hand, with great care. The laundry had filled in most of the morning, then he'd done some situps and crunches and showered off the sweat again. It was amazing how quickly he'd become used to being naked. The apartment was warm and there was no-one to see him. When Zerlina looked at him he became aware of himself again and felt shy, but he supposed he'd get used to her appraising looks too, in time. If he was allowed the time. He desperately hoped that this weekend was the beginning of something lasting. He hadn't realised that Zerlina worked. What little he'd heard about her told of an inherited fortune and a life of cultured dilettantism. He wondered what "work" she was doing on her laptop. There were no obvious clues in the apartment. It was a luxurious home, filled with a mixture of antiques and contemporary furnishings that had been carefully chosen to create a pleasing, eclectic effect. Walter recognised a few things - a Biedermeier dining set, an Orrefors crystal vase, a Hockney sketch, Jensen silver, the Persian carpets... all these suggested wealth. Lots of books, co vering a wide range of subjects: translations of the Classical poets, novels in French and German, art books, anthropology and history, travel guides, mythology and religion... The largest section was filled with modern fiction - thrillers, science fiction and historical romances. He'd smiled to see those: Sharon had loved detective novels and what she unblushingly described as "bodice-rippers", and Walter thought he even recognised a couple of the authors that Sharon had collected. Well, everyone needed a little fantasy in their lives, maybe. His tentative exploration had filled in another hour and now he was busy again, preparing a salad and a mushroom omelette for lunch. He warmed crusty rolls and added a fruit bowl for desert, blessing his foresight that morning in buying enough food for several meals. The omelette was almost done, he flipped it over in the pan and slid it onto a warmed plate. The salad was dressed, the rolls wrapped in a clean napkin, a glass of Chardonnay chilled to perfection. It was 1.28 precisely. Tray in hand for the second time that day, he knocked softly on Zerlina's door. "Come in, Walter. Your timing is, as always, perfect." He made his way to the bedside and stood holding the tray. Zerlina was shutting down her laptop and when she turned back to him she beamed. "Another culinary triumph, I see. Are you *quite* sure you have to go back to that dreary office on Monday? I'd like to keep you here all the time!" her tone was teasing but Walter thought he saw something in her eyes... "My government needs me, Mistress." He teased back. She pouted, outrageously. "But *I* need you, Walter!" He pretended to be unmoved, and cleared his throat. "Okay, we mustn't upset the chef, I see. You can set that down here," making a space for the tray on the bed. "Where is yours? I want us to eat together. You did make some for yourself didn't you?" Walter shook his head, sheepishly. "I thought I'd make mine later and leave you in peace, Mistress." "You silly boy. Of course I want you here with me. Oh well... get yourself a fork and another glass, I'm sure there's enough here for us both. Wait a minute - what is that?" Walter froze mid-way through turning for the door. Zerlina was gesturing at a small red mark on his bare abdomen. A splatter of oil had caught him when he was cooking the omelette. He sensed trouble coming. "Come nearer." Zerlina inspected the tiny burn. Her hand curled around his hip, holding him still. "Have you put anything on this yet?" "No, Mistress, but it doesn't h..." "How did this happen?" She interrupted, sternly. "Were you completely naked when you did the cooking?" He nodded, puzzled. "Then it's as much my fault as yours. I should have anticipated... never mind now. There is some burn cream in the bathroom. Fetch it here, plus the bundle you'll find in the bottom drawer of the armoire. Go on, now, I'm not angry with you." Dismayed that one tiny burn was causing such a commotion, Walter sped off to do Zerlina's bidding. He was soon back at the bedside with a tube of burn cream and the silk-wrapped bundle he had found just where she had instructed. Zerlina uncapped the ointment and beckoned him closer. Putting a hand on each side of his hips, she pulled him forward and startled him by placing a soft kiss on the tiny reddened mark. "I'm glad it doesn't hurt, sweetheart but I don't want you to get hurt in my service. This gorgeous body is a work of art, and I intend to keep it as safe as any of my treasures. You are the most irreplaceable of all." She smoothed some of the cream over the burn and looked up at him again. "We can't have such things happening again. Your vulnerable parts are at risk if you work unprotected." Her hand ran down over his groin. "I've been remiss in not giving you this already, but I didn't know what a keen cook you were. Hand me that bundle." She unwrapped the silk to reveal a roll of dark brown leather, with thong ties at either end, and a much smaller, narrower strip of the same leather. She held up the larger piece. "This will give you some protection. Let me show you how it goes on..." The leather "apron" covered the front of Walter's body, from the waist down, fastening around his hips with the thongs. It was beautiful stuff - soft suede next to his skin, butter-smooth chocolate brown leather on the outside. "Lovely. Turn around for me..." Walter revolved, self-consciously, while Zerlina studied him. The ties hung down at his right hip, leaving his ass completely naked in contrast to his front. "You look like Tarzan," she giggled, "except for the hair. Now don't start blushing again, come and kneel here by me and I'll put on the second part of this outfit " Feeling perversely more naked in the short leather half-skirt, than he had in the nude, Walter dutifully fell to his knees. Zerlina kissed his bald head. "I love this. I love you just the way you are." She took up the second piece of leather and held it up to Walter's throat. It was a broad soft collar of the same dark brown hide, a silver "Z" was tooled on the front and it closed with laces at the back. Walter knelt quietly while she settled it in place and fastened it securely. Her fingers lingered against the silky leather, warmed by his skin. Stroking up along his jaw, she suddenly tilted his head back and kissed him deeply. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She'd thought that Walter couldn't possibly look any sexier than he did in his crisp white shirt, until she saw him out of it. Then she'd thought that naked Walter was the only way she wanted to see him ever again, until she'd laced him into these ridiculous scraps of leather and feared she might faint from pure lust at the vision he made. Vulcan the blacksmith, Roman god of the furnace... or Conan the Sumerian warrior... these were the roles that came to mind seeing Walter standing there in all his bronzed and muscled glory. And the fact that the dark leather exactly matched the colour of his eyes, that the short apron tented mouth-wateringly over his groin, that his bare ass suddenly looked even more edible... all this just added to the overall effect of devastating manly beauty. Zerlina realised, with a secret delight, that dressing and undressing Walter was going to become one of her favourite occupations. He wasn't just a perfect body and a handsome face, he was strong, supple, graceful, athletic, essentially masculine, and with a lack of vanity that was totally endearing. She kissed his sweet mouth hungrily, loving the way he opened to her. Slowly, she pulled away as she ran out of breath. Walter's eyes were closed. "I'm afraid I've let your wonderful lunch get cold, but get yourself a glass and we'll eat it anyway. Off you go." She lay back and watched appreciatively as Walter stood and headed for the door. On an impulse, she reached into the salad bowl and flicked a slice of cucumber at his retreating figure. It landed smack on his left butt cheek, making the muscle twitch deliciously. "Ooh that ass of yours..." Her purr was pure lioness again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sky was purple outside and inside, the lamps were lit, the fire was blazing and Walter was lying on the sofa not watching the TV. Zerlina was lying in his arms, tears rolling down her cheeks, totally absorbed in the black and white weepy that was playing. Walter's hand stroked her head and bare shoulder and the soporific sensation of silky hair and even silkier skin was sending him to sleep. After all, he'd had rather a demanding 24 hours and only a few hours sleep last night, and he was amazed that he had kept up with his Mistress' requirements so far. Zerlina had given him a new lease of life... On the TV screen Bette Davis or Greer Garson or whomever it was gazed up at a starry sky as the movie ended, and Zerlina sat up and dabbed her eyes with a soggy tissue. "I must have seen that movie a hundred times, but I always cry," she sniffled, happily. "Now we've got fifteen minutes before the comedy romance starts on the other channel - how about some hot buttered popcorn? If that's not beneath your gourmet pretensions?" Walter slid out from behind her and padded off obediently. "And don't forget to wear your 'protection' ," she called after him. The lazy evening had been her idea, she said she wasn't getting anywhere with her work, so why didnīt they light the fire and snuggle. Walter was more than happy to snuggle. He loved holding her close and feeling her warmth against his bare skin, he loved being there just to give her pleasure. He set the popcorn on the stove and got the butter out of the refrigerator, thinking, as he tied on his leather apron, about the remarkable change in his life because of this woman. A voice called from the other room, rousing him from his musings: "I can hear popping. Zerlina wants her snack..." "Coming, Mistress!" "Oh I do hope so," Zerlina murmured under her breath as Walter set down the bowl of buttery corn and settled her against his side again. He offered her the bowl and their eyes met. He opened his mouth to apologise for looking without permission, but she anticipated him, shaking her head and smiling. "S'okay, Walter, I can't be cross with you tonight. Have some popcorn, big boy, keep your strength up." She fed him a handful and let him lick the butter and salt off her fingers. They fed each other, oblivious to the TV, eyes locked together. Walter followed every flick of her pink tongue across her buttery lips, he savoured every taste of her salty fingers in his mouth. He was astonished to feel himself growing hard again - the fifth time in 24 hours. God, what this woman could do to him! After a while, Zerlina broke their gaze, sat up and plunged her hand deep into the bowl of corn. She held up her slippery, buttery fingers and flashed a truly wicked grin at Walter. Then slowly and deliberately, she reached down and wrapped her hand around his stiffening cock and began to stroke him. Sliding backward on the sofa, she settled herself between his legs and licked her lips. "Now this is what I call a snack!" THE END