ORAL FIXATION by Queen Mab genie_30@hotmail.com 2/2000 RATING: R, for very naughty words and lascivious thoughts. ;) And it's PWP, MSR, a little humor and angst mixed in for good measure. And a couple of spoilers for "X- Cops", "Millenium", and "First Person Shooter", just for giggles. DISTRIBUTION: Anywhere and everywhere, just lemme know so I can visit. DISCLAIMER: Chris Carter is a god. We love Chris Carter. All hail the wonderous blond-haired one. All praise the holy surfboard and frozen alien embryo that he has most graciously bestowed upon us desperate fans, who don't own anything except a serious obsession with this show. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story was inspired by early morning thoughts of Mulder getting hot and bothered by Scully's eating habits. Feedback begged for. Send all comments and constructive criticsm to . Flames will be used to light my pagan bonfires. ;) And this is dedicated to all those wonderful fanfic authors that I humbly aspire to. You guys kick so much ass, it hurts. ;) Thanks to Kelly and Adrienne for beta-ing...you grrls rock! xxxxxxxxxxx Damn, no time for lunch, Scully grumbled inwardly. And she forgot her yogurt and bee pollen in the fridge at home. She sighed. "Well, I guess you'll just have to go get a candy bar or something," she grumbled to herself, grabbing her purse and rummaging for some change. She hated getting a sugar fix and then crashing from a sugar high midafternoon, but she didn't have time to go to the cafeteria and find something to choke down if she was going to get all of these reports on Skinner's desk by two o'clock. And at the rate Mulder was going, stopping every five minutes to play Tetris, they would never get done. Scully sighed again, standing up from her desk and walking towards the door. "Mulder, I'm going to the vending machine. I'll be right back," she called over her shoulder. "Hey Scully!" His voice stopped her and she poked her head around the side. "Yes?" His eyes never left the glow of the computer screen. "Get me some sunflower seeds." She rolled her eyes and closed the door harder than normal, stalking down the hallway to the vending machine next to the restrooms. One of the perks of being down in the basement was that they were right near fast food and the bathrooms. Every man's fondest wish, Scully thought sourly as she shoved quarters into the machine and slammed the buttons for a Milky Way bar and sunflower seeds. She hated it when he ordered her around like his personal assistant. It had been annoying when they were first working together, but he hadn't done anything than just ask for the occasional cup of coffee or, she thought with pursed lips, a footrub. That last request was quickly retracted once he had seen her deadly eyebrow arch and her blue eyes flash. But ever since the case in LA with the fear contagion and being on live TV, he had been insufferable. And after the testosterone-laden computer game case with cyber-bitch from hell when she'd pulled his butt from the flames, he had been sulking all week. He was just mad because I scored more points than he did, she fumed silently as she grabbed the food out of the machine. Scully was getting pretty tired of his attitude everytime things didn't go his way--he always acted like a spoiled child. One of these days she was going to get really pissed at him for his moodiness and knock him on his ass. She had to smile slightly at the vision of her five-foot frame colliding with all six feet or more of Mulder's--she quickly stomped on that train of thought. Dangerous ground there, and besides, she was supposed to be mad at him, not turned on. Hell, more than mad--seething, boiling rage was starting to build up. Mulder had been treating her like shit for the past two weeks, and it was going to come to a grinding halt. She didn't know what this loss of respect could be attributed to, but she was damn well going to put a stop to it. Scully didn't deserve to put up with any of this macho crap, especially from Mulder. She got enough of it from Upstairs. Phoebe, the computer programmer, was wrong--Scully knew exactly how it felt to be swimming in male hormones, day in and day out. If she had been in Phoebe's situation, she probably would have created a female persona that could kick ass with the rest of them too. Luckily for Scully, she was trained in the deadly arts, as it were, and had a bit more security when it came to having the ability to release built- up tension that could be attributed to the Testosterone Drones nicknamed G-Men. Scully stomped back to the office, getting more and more angry with each step. Now she wasn't just angry at Mulder, she was angry at the whole male establishment. Time to get Feminazi, she thought grimly. She could just imagine his smug face turning into complete surprise when she let him have it, the searing words already forming into her mind. She stopped at the door, breathing heavily, her normally composed face flushed and heated. Suddenly she sighed, the fury leaving her in one big breath. Who was she kidding--even if she did call him on his behavior, he would just a) apologize and say it would never happen again, then turn around and ask her to pick up his drycleaning, or b) ask her what the hell she was talking about and ignore her to continue with his fascinating game of Tetris. She was better off telling him to go fuck himself the next time he asked her to run a personal errand for him then confronting him on a stupid thing like getting him sunflower seeds, or the mysogenistic atmosphere of their workplace. It was nothing he didn't know about anyway, and besides, he'd always been the first one to defend her when some of their male coworkers made an offcolor comment. No one else could act like a macho pig to her, except him, she thought sarcastically. Scully quickly collected herself and walked into their office, calm and cool as a cucumber. All traces of her former fury disappeared. Unflappable as always. She threw his packet of sunflower seeds on his mess of folders that he called a desk and flopped down in her own chair, her blood sugar level at an all time low. Screw it, I've got work to do, she thought, and waited for his customary grunt of thanks. But Mulder didn't acknowledge her presence in the room. He didn't even look up from his computer screen, much less grunt "thank you" for the seeds. Scully felt herself getting very, very pissed again. Why was he being such an asshole today? She fumed, ripping open her candy bar wrapper and taking a large bite. The chocolatey, gooey caramel and nougat melted in her mouth, staying her anger for a second. Oh, chocolate was definately the balm for the soul, she thought as she chewed ferociously. Alas, her reprieve was short-lived. Mulder grabbed the seeds and started cracking them open, making that annoying snapping noise that drove Scully up the wall. "Mulder," she said through gritted teeth, "Can you please not pop those seeds so loud? It's very distracting." She knew that he couldn't help it, he had an oral fixation that made it impossible for him to concentrate unless he had something in his mouth, but that noise was just so damn aggravating. At least her snack was quiet and didn't make people cringe when she ate it. Mulder stared at his screen. "Nope Scully. That's part of the fun of eating sunflower seeds." "What, driving the people around you absolutely crazy?" "Yep. Besides, it helps me think." She snorted. "About how to get to the next level? Come on Mulder, quite dawdling around. Skinner wants these reports in an hour, and you haven't even started." "Scully, don't get so tense. They'll get done. Don't worry about it," he trailed off, his eyes glued to the monitor. Scully had this sudden urge to throw a paperweight at his head. Of all the condescending, obnoxious tones--the reports would only get done when SHE did them. Her rage returned in full force. Damn it if she didn't want to throttle that man... She breathed slowly, taking another chomp out of her candy bar and chewing hard, determined not to blow up. She would just go to the gym after work and kick the crap out of the punching bag. That's what she always did when she wanted to bust Mulder's ass. Lately she'd been spending more time at the gym then at home. But right now, even though using fatty foods to relieve tension wasn't the best way to go about it, she couldn't deny that she felt better when she had something sweet and gooey around her tongue. I guess Mulder has something with this oral fixation of his, she thought to herself, slowly beginning to calm down. Well, if he was going to ignore her, then she would return in kind. He could deal with Skinner when he would get reamed out for not having the reports done--she wasn't his babysitter. He could face Skinner's wrath himself. She was going home on time for once, and get to the gym to do some serious ass-kicking before six o'clock tonight. Mmmmmm...this candy bar was too good, Scully thought. She couldn't remember the last time she indulged herself with something sweet. She usually was pretty militant about her diet, unlike Mulder who subsisted on pizza and the infamous sunflower seeds. And, she noted with disgust, he always managed to stay thin. If she so much as thought about eating what he ate, she would gain five pounds. But sometimes, she thought with satisfaction as she savored a piece of nougat, you just needed to let yourself enjoy a treat. Especially chocolate. Scully swirled her tongue inside the shallow cave of the candy bar, flicking it against the top and drawing out a string of caramel as she thought about what she would write next in her report. She pursed her pouty red lips and pushed them against the center, burrowing her lips slowly into the bar. She opened her teeth and pushed a small bit of its length through her small mouth, closing her lips around the bar and sucking gently on the sweet chocolate. What's another word for 'macho'? she wondered to herself as she drew the candy bar slowly out of her mouth, grazing the bottom of the bar lightly with her teeth and withdrawing it with a soft, audible pop. She licked the underside of the bar, pushing the tip of her tongue against it and rubbing it all around the V pattern imprinted there, idly playing with her sweet snack. She smeared the Milky Way bar over her lips slowly, like lipstick, the chocolate and nougat making her sticky. Her pink tongue snaked out and licked her lips clean, then she took a small sharp bite out of the candy bar and chewed slowly, still considering synonyms. Manly, maybe? Nah, too romance novel-y. Hormonally imbalanced? "Hey Mulder," she called after she swallowed, staring intently at her computer screen, "What's another word for 'Prepubescent obession for blowing things up'?" He didn't answer. "Mulder?" she called again, raising her head to look over at his desk. He was staring at her with what only could be described as utter, complete, wide-eyed amazement mixed with just a hint of--panic? "Mulder, are you all right?" she frowned, licking her lips again. She'd probably gotten chocolate and caramel all over herself; that's why he was staring at her like she was Flukeman--"What, do I have chocolate all over my face?" She grabbed a tissue off the box on her desk next to her computer, and just before she was about to wipe her mouth he was suddenly, inexplicably THERE, looming in front of her desk, his head leaning over level with her eyes. She froze, staring into his darkened hazel eyes, completely still. Those eyes were no longer filled with amazement and panic--they were filled with lust. Pure, unadulterated, desire. They were filled with hunger. She was frozen by that heat in his eyes, emanating from his body that was mere inches away from her own. The only thing that separated him from her was her desk. It was incredibly unsettling. "Mulder," she had to force her voice not to shake, "what are you--" Before she could finish that thought, his hands shot out, grabbed the sides of her head, and slammed his lips onto her own. Completely taken by surprise, she made a disturbed little noise in the back of her throat, her hands flailing widely around her head. What the hell was he doing! she thought panicking. What the FUCK was he doing? His kiss was hard, his lips bruising and sending the butterflies in her stomach to flutter widely. Electric jolts shot through her body, straight to her center, blossoming outwards. She felt like she'd just been set on fire. This kiss was totally not like the one on New Year's Eve--this was harsh, almost painful, demanding, passionate, rough, and totally turning her on. Astonished, she could feel her body responding, her body becoming soft and compliant as he sucked on her lips, tasting the leftover chocolate from her flesh. The salty taste of his sunflower seeds combined with the sweetness of her chocolate bar was overpowering, and she found herself unconsciously deepening the kiss to taste his delectable lips more. She instantly had a vision of her naked white body covered in chocolate and a very naked Mulder licking every inch of it off her, their bodies both slathered in warm, rich, gooey caramel, and nougat clinging to the most interesting places, sunflower seeds scattered all over her bed and sticking to his round, firm ass as he cracked one open on her softly rounded stomach--Suddenly, she realized where they were, in the office for the love of God, and what they were doing, kissing each other like hormone-driven teenagers--She pulled away frantically, gasping. "Mulder, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Scully hissed, sucking in heaving breaths. She jumped up from her chair and backed up against the file cabinets behind her, desperately trying to regain her shattered composure. Mulder slid quickly around the desk and stood right in front of her, breathing heavily with smoky eyes. He stood so close to her that she had to crane her neck to look at his darkened face, his hands not touching her but his body completely blocking her escape. She could feel his breath caressing her face and her own breath caught in her heaving chest. This was SUCH a bad position to be in... "Were you TRYING to punish me?" he gasped through gritted teeth, his shoulders tense and coiled like a snake as though ready to strike again. "What are you talking about?" she said hoarsely, trying her damndest to ignore his musky scent and the noticable bulge in his pants that was almost touching her lower abdomen. "I wasn't--" "Yes, you were," he growled, interrupting her. "That's a pretty cheap stunt for getting me to pay attention to you, Scully. Look, I'm sorry if I was ignoring you, okay? There's no need to make me suffer for it! If you wanted me to pay attention to you, you should have just asked, instead of making me so painfully aroused I can't see straight!" His breaths were laboured as he stared at her lips, his eyes flashing. Scully reeled inwardly--she had made him aroused by eating a candy bar? What the hell...Mulder was leaning his head forward, as if to kiss her again. He spoke haltingly, "You know I have a thing for your mouth--" She jerked back, almost hitting her head against the metal cabinet behind her. "You have a thing for my mouth?" she gasped, looking at him shocked. "Yes, dammit, so quit giving the fucking candy bar a blow job already!" he hissed, grabbing it out of her hand and throwing the half eaten chocolate bar on the floor. Then he stalked back to his desk and sat heavily in his chair with an obviously large amount of discomfort, staring furiously at his computer screen and adjusting himself quite conspicuously. Scully just stood there, momentarily stunned, both by his confession and his kiss. His lips, though absent, still burned a path of fire all the way from her mouth to her stomach and netheregions...The image of her and Mulder, naked and twined together, slick with chocolate and dotted with sunflower seeds, flickered in her mind. She was too shocked by the kiss and her reaction to even be angry at his violation--he had kissed her without her consent, although she certainly hadn't resisted at first. Of course, she had played a mean trick on him, considering he had an oral fixation and all. But she had done it unconsciously. Or had she? Scully mentally shook herself. Regardless, he had kissed her without her permission. It was totally unprofessional and what if someone had walked in right at that moment? They could get in a lot of trouble for his stupid libido. NOW she remembered why she was pissed--his fucking arrogant single-mindedness. "Damn it Mulder, that is no excuse for physically accosting me!" she shouted, striding over to stand in front of his hunched sitting form, her own quivering with anger. "You had no right to kiss me without my consent simply because you can't control your reaction to your oral fixation! And I was not, as you so eloquently put it, giving the candy bar a blow job to get attention from you! I was doing the same thing you do with your damned sunflower seeds!" She pointed her finger at his face, stabbing the air in front of her. "As I recall, you said yourself they help you think!" She was practically shaking, she was so angry--or was it aroused? She chose to ignore that thought and turned away from him, her hands clenched at her sides with barely contained fury. "Everything does not revolve around you, Mulder, as much as you would like to think otherwise! Me eating a candy bar a certain way that has a sexual influence on you gives no you no right to attack me like that!" She whirled around and shoved her face into his own, practically hissing. "If you ever, EVER do that again, I'll knock you so flat on your ass--" He snorted, looking at her small frame with condescension combined with lust. "Yeah, right Scully. You and what Reticulan bounty hunter army?" That did it. All thoughts of professionalism and protocol flew out the window, along with her rarely-seen Irish temper. All of the anger with his arrogant, narcissistic attitude and moodiness just exploded. With a barely controlled growl bordering on a shriek, Scully grabbed the lapels of his shirt, hauled him up to her eye level, and shoved him hard against the file cabinet causing tons of manila folders to slide to the floor, papers fluttering gracefully around them like big pieces of white confetti. Her adrenaline gave her the added strength to hold him with one hand while the other punched him squarely in the gut. His eyes popping, his breath came out in a large "oof!" as he doubled over and fell on his butt beside her boots, his arms wrapped around his stomach. "Jesus Scully," he gasped, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to capture the breath that she had knocked out of him. "What the fuck was that for?" The man was unbelievable. Unbe-fucking-lievable. "What was that for?" she repeated incredulously. "That, Mulder, was for being an insufferable asshole." With that, she turned around and strode towards the door, her mind reeling with the fact that she had just punched her partner in the stomach. Jesus Christ, she had just punched him in the stomach...well, just add that to shooting him in the shoulder and she could be labeled THE most abusive partner in the FBI... Of course, they could both bring each other up on charges of physical assault after he'd just mauled her by the desk-- "Scully, wait!" Mulder called haltingly. "Scully..." She stopped, her hand on the doorknob, her back to him. It's not like he didn't deserve it, but shit...here it comes... "Scully," he winced as he pushed himself up off the floor, "I..apologize for that last remark. I know you could kick my ass all by yourself, as we've just discovered," he said wryly. "I admit it, I was deliberately trying to piss you off. And I'm sorry for saying that stuff about the candy bar, and for being an insufferable asshole. I--I have been acting like a jerk, and I suppose I deserved that punch. I guess I've been feeling a little insecure since that stupid computer game, and you deserve an apology for my behavior in LA on that fear contagion case." Scully couldn't quite believe her ears--he was apologizing? Apparently, it took a punch in the stomach to get him to say he was sorry. She shook her head, determined not to give up that easily. He had really hurt her with his behavior, and she wasn't about to let him off the hook with just a simple apology. Not that easy, buddy, she thought darkly. Mulder sighed. "You know how I get when there's other people I can preach to--it's weird having people besides you who want to listen to my theories, especially a national audience. I guess all that testosterone from playing "Cops" and blowing crap up never cleared out." Mulder smiled hesitantly. "It's not your fault everytime I see you eat I want to--" He stopped, biting off the next words that she would have died to hear. "But..but I'm not sorry I kissed you," he said almost defiantly. "I'm not sorry for that at all." Scully slowly turned around to look her insufferable asshole of a partner, wondering why the hell she put up with this. This man was an idiot. But he was her idiot. When he wanted to, he could be pretty sweet. And oh yes, that's right--she loved him so much it scared the hell out of her. She looked at the floor and sighed, walking over to stand in front of him. "Apology accepted. I'm sorry I punched you," she said softly. "Truce?" she asked, holding out her hand. Mulder reached his arm around her small waist, bringing her close to his body so that their chests touched. He tipped her chin up and looked into her slightly startled eyes, smiling slightly. He touched her soft lips with his own, just gently pressing them together for the briefest of moments. They could both taste the chocolate and salt, as well as the sweetness of each other's lips. "Truce," he whispered, pulling his head back slightly and holding onto her small frame tightly, hoping that she wouldn't punch him again. Scully sighed shakily, feeling his arms around her waist. This would look SO bad if someone walked in, but at the moment she didn't give a damn. Mulder gave the best hugs she had ever experienced, hands down. His arms were so strong, his chest so solid, and she was enveloped in the spicy smell of cologne, aftershave and that special, oh-so-sexy Muldersmell. She'd never felt safer anywhere else. She sometimes felt like such a silly, twittering damsel when he hugged her, like she was going to burst into uncontrollable giggling at any moment. It was so not like the unflappable Agent Dana Scully, cool and calm to the core, to giggle, but that's exactly what this man did to her--completely rearranged her, shuffled her up like a deck of cards, twisted her around like a Twizzler, make her nuttier than a fruitcake. He was the only one that could drive her absolutely crazy. Her one in five billion. "You want to what?" she asked softly, speaking to his shoulder. "What?" he asked, confused. She grinned. "You want to what every time you see me eat?" she said in a teasing voice. She wasn't going to let him get away with this... He grinned, putting his voice next to her ear and breathing softly, making her shudder. "Gimme seventy-five cents for the vending machine and you'll find out." THE END! heehee...I just thought Mulder needed a good ass-whuppin, and who better to give it than Scully! Thanks for reading! :)