The Pond by LittleJo 4/5/96 ******************************************************* WARNING: This story involves explicit sex between consenting adults described in loving detail and is rated NC-17. If you are under the age of 17, or find such content uncomfortable, please do not read. DISCLAIMER: The X-files' universe, and all characters therein, are the property of CC and Co, 10-13 Productions and Fox TN. I'm just borrowing them, without permission. No copyright infringement intended. ******************************************************* Allegheny Mountains Near Lewisburg, West Virginia February 17, 1996 Walter Skinner glided on skis through the forest near his cabin, his mind blissfully blank, as he basked in the late afternoon winter sunshine. He had come here from D.C. with the intention of relaxing and, for a while at least, to escape his responsibilities as Assistant Director of the FBI. The cabin, which he'd purchased with his soon-to-be-ex-wife, was equipped with the basic amenities--indoor plumbing, a modern kitchen and a large fireplace. But more important than what it did have was what it didn't have--no phone, no television, no distractions of any kind, except for the bookshelves against the living room's far wall, stocked with nothing more demanding than mysteries and westerns. His nearest neighbors were over two miles away from him. Whoever they were, he had never met them, and he preferred to keep it that way. Coasting down a slight incline, he headed towards the pond that bordered his property. Coming to a halt at its edge, he noted how smooth and white the surface looked. But he knew looks could be deceiving. It was during this time of the year that the ice was most treacherous; it appeared to be solid, when in fact wildly fluctuating temperatures had weakened it considerably. His quiet reverie was disturbed by a crashing noise coming from the woods on the other side of the pond as a large black dog came bounding out of them in hot pursuit of a rabbit. The dog looked as if it was about to overtake its prey, when the rabbit veered sharply to the left, taking off across the ice. The dog, too focused on what was directly in front of it to be aware of the danger, followed the rabbit without slackening its pace. A sharp cracking noise filled the air, followed by a yelp of surprise, as the ice gave way beneath the dog's weight. "Shit!" Walter exclaimed. As quickly as he could, he began to make his way along the edge of the pond, keeping an eye on the dog as it floundered in the icy, black water. Out of the corner of his eye he saw someone stumble out of the woods. Obviously, the dog's owner. "Jesus, God! Lulu what have you done?" Before he could call a warning, the youth stripped off his coat and boots and began to slowly make his way out onto the ice. Meanwhile, the dog desperately kept trying to climb back out of the water, but each attempt to find purchase on the ice was thwarted as it gave way, widening the hole a little more every time the dog slipped back in. Cursing, Walter reached the point where the dog's owner had started from. He held his breath as the boy carefully edged forward, testing the ice to make sure it was still solid before proceeding further. Finally, the boy came to a halt, a few yards from the dog. The slight breeze carried the sounds of low, soothing noises as he got down on his knees, then stretched forward to lie on his belly. Inching forward, he continued to talk softly to the dog. Once he reached the terrified animal, the boy attempted to lift it. And for the second time that day, Walter heard the sickening crack of ice giving way. Feeling a rush of adrenaline, he bent to release the straps on his ski boots and pulled his feet free as he shrugged out of his anorak. Walter figured that if the much smaller youth had gone in, then he probably would too, so he didn't even attempt to be careful as he walked out onto the pond. Sure enough, the ice gave way. But after the initial shock of the freezing, cold water soaking him to the skin wore off, he realized he was only in waist deep. Glancing up, he saw that the dog's owner had somehow managed to heave the dog far enough up onto the ice that the animal could pull itself out. The owner wasn't so lucky though. Exhausted from the effort, he had one arm draped across the edge of the ice, as his legs churned below him in an effort to keep him afloat. Using his fists, Walter began to break a path through the ice, throwing words of encouragement to the boy struggling in front of him. "You're going to be okay. Just hang on. I'm coming. Just hang on, okay?" At the boy's barely perceptible nod, he focused on the task at hand. As he broke a path through the ice, Walter wasn't sure what he was going to do once the water became too deep for him to stand in. Looking up, he saw that the boy was still hanging on, just barely. His face was white, his blue-tinged lips pressed into a thin line with the strain. Finally, he was chest deep in the freezing water. He guessed that there was no more than ten feet of ice between him and the boy. The cold was beginning to affect him too, seeping into his bones, weighing him down. Through chattering teeth, he called out to him... "You're going to have to swim to me." Still gripping the edge of the ice, the boy shook his head. "I can't." Walter frowned. He knew the boy was afraid. Hell, he was afraid. But they didn't have time for this. If they were in the water much longer chances were hypothermia would set in and they wouldn't make it out. Trying to keep his voice calm and level, Walter said, "I don't think you have a choice." As wide, fear-filled green eyes met calm brown a decision was made. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, the boy let go of the ice, and sank down into the water. Walter felt a shock of fear go through him when he disappeared from sight. He held his breath, hoping that the boy didn't become disoriented in the cold, dark water and end up straying away from where he stood waiting. Then, something brushed against his legs. Giving a start, he reached down into the water, taking hold of what he guessed was the boy's arm. Pulling upwards, he dragged him, sputtering and choking, out of the water. "Ohgod, ohgod, ohgod," the boy chattered, clinging to him in a combination of fear and the instinctual need to stay warm. Hanging on to him, Walter stumbled back to shore, amazed his legs, which were by now completely numb, could even carry his weight, let alone the boy's. Falling to the ground, he couldn't seem to release his grip on him. Likewise, the boy had his arms tightly wrapped around Walter's neck. Walter knew he had to get himself and the boy someplace warm, but he couldn't seem to move, the bitterly cold water had sapped all his strength. As he lay there, a pleasant lassitude suffused his limbs and sleep made his eyelids feel heavy. Suddenly hands were shaking him. "Hey. Hey! Wake up. Don't fall asleep. You can't fall asleep!" His eyes snapped open to find the boy bending over him, his hat jammed low on his head, his pale, oval face worried. "You have to get up. We have to get warm. Is your cabin the one just over the hill?" Walter managed to nod. "Okay...Let's go then." Using the dog, which had been anxiously standing beside them for leverage, the boy shakily got to his feet. Offering Walter his hand, he somehow managed to get him up as well. Walter remembered little about the walk back to his cabin. The dog alternately trotted ahead or brought up the rear, occasionally bounding off into the woods to chase something or other. When his beloved cabin came into sight, Walter almost cheered. Pushing open the door, he made directly for the fireplace. With trembling hands, he threw more wood on the fire, which had burned down in his absence, grateful as the flames leapt back to life. His attention was captured by a thudding sound from behind him. Turning around he found the boy had collapsed, unconscious in the middle of his living room. The dog, who had followed them inside, was whimpering and licking anxiously at his face. "Shit!" Struggling to his feet, Walter quickly checked to make sure the boy was still breathing before going into the bedroom to get a change of clothes for himself and to see if he could find something that would fit the kid. Deciding that sweats were the best he could do, he grabbed two sets of them and some towels from the bathroom, then made his way back into the living room. He stripped off his own wet things, pulling on a well-worn set of "Navy" sweats. Then he went to work on the boy. As he reached to pull him into a sitting position, the dog, which up until then seemed friendly enough, growled at him. Walter, his temper already a bit frayed, snarled back at it. "Go lie down you mangy mutt!" The dog, with a rumbling noise deep in its throat, lay down. Walter continued to stare at it until it looked away. Satisfied that he wouldn't have any more problems with the animal, he started to undress the boy. He'd never realized how hard it was to remove sopping wet clothing from a supine form until then. The boy's thick sweater and jeans took a real effort to get off of him. Once he had him down to his skivvies, Walter made a surprising discovery. "Well, I'll be damned." The he was a she. Taking the towel Walter gingerly began to dry her short, dark hair and the rest of her body. He hesitated to remove her under things. After all, they had just met. But he finally decided it didn't make any sense to put dry clothing over wet, so he did it, trying not to pay too close attention to what he was doing. However, he could see why he'd mistaken her for a boy when he'd first seen her come out of the woods. She was a slender thing, no more than 5'5", with small, high breasts, long legs and narrow hips. Whistling tunelessly to distract himself, Walter pulled the sweatshirt and pants onto her, then picked her up and carried her over to the chair closest to the fireplace. Even unconscious, she was still shivering. Pulling a blanket off of the bed, he draped it over her. As he was tucking in the edges, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Looking up, he found her staring at him with wide green eyes, a slight frown creasing her brow. "What's...going...on," she said groggily. Walter leaned back on his haunches and thoughtfully contemplated his unexpected guest. "You fell through the ice. Well, actually, your dog fell through the ice. And then you fell through the ice trying to rescue her." "Lulu?" The dog, who had been hovering on the periphery, came up to stand beside the chair, nuzzling its owner's hand as if to say, "I'm here." Without breaking eye contact with Walter, she absent-mindedly began to stroke the big dog's head. It was clear that she was still a bit disoriented and that the events leading up to the present were a bit fuzzy. Suddenly, she remembered. "You rescued me," she stated matter-of-factly. "And," she added glancing down at herself, "You also undressed me." Walter blushed, and began to stutter under her frank green-eyed stare. "Uh, well, actually, yeah. You were wet, and I, uh..." Her smile stopped him. "Thank you. Lulu and I would probably both be dead if you hadn't happened along when you did." Relieved, Walter grinned back. Then getting to his feet, he mumbled something about putting the kettle on for some tea and left her and the dog sitting by the fire. Walter returned to the living room a few minutes later to discover that his guest had fallen sound asleep, the "beast" lying beside her on the floor, its head propped on her knee. Picking up their wet things, he carefully arranged them on a couple straight-backed chairs in front of the fire to dry. He then hurried back into the kitchen to shut off the kettle before its shrill whistle could awaken her. Once the tea was ready, he set the cups on the table next to her, then sat down on the floor with his back to the fire. Sipping at the hot liquid, he took the opportunity to study his guest more closely. If asked about her looks, he would probably say she was more handsome than pretty; her eyebrows were too heavy and her nose too long and slightly crooked, but she had beautiful high cheekbones, and a full, sensuous mouth. And of course, there were her eyes; big, green eyes that seemed to see right through you. Walter's train of thought was broken by her voice, soft and low coming from the chair. "It's impolite to stare." Flushing, he quickly got to his feet, managing to spill some of his tea down his front in the process. "Son-of-a-b..." His voice trailed off as he glared down at her. She returned his stern look with a wide grin. "Sorry." His face softening, Walter inclined his head towards where the other cup sat, still steaming. "Tea's ready if you'd like some." Nodding her head, she disentangled her arm from the blanket. He noticed that her hand was still trembling as she reached for the cup of hot liquid. So, leaning across her, he picked it up and handed it to her. "Thanks." Cradling the cup in both hands, she carefully raised the tea to her lips, trying not to spill it. Sighing contentedly, she leaned back in the chair and stared at Walter, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, aren't you going to ask who I am?" Walter suddenly felt a fit of temper coming on, partly because he was tired, and partly because her presence made him feel off-balance, a fact she seemed more than willing to use to her advantage. So, crossing his arms across his broad chest, he cocked an eyebrow at her, pinning her with an intense stare. Walter had perfected "the look," as it was known by both subordinates *and* superiors alike, during his days in the field as Special Agent in Charge. Most men (and women) didn't last long when he turned it on them. However, this woman seemed to be an exception. Rather than squirming, and then dropping her eyes as he expected, she captured his gaze with hers. Then her mouth twisted into a wry smile. "Well, since you ask, my name's Ellen. Ellie for short. I live in the cabin about two miles over the next mountain from here. And you are?" Try as he might, Walter couldn't suppress a smile. He admired a woman who wouldn't be intimidated. Tamping his frustration back down, he sat once more, wrapping long arms around his legs as he drew them up to his chest. "Walter. Walter Skinner," he said a bit stiffly. Ellie cocked her head to one side. "Pleased to meet you Walter. I can call you Walter, can't I?" At his slight nod, she continued. "Well Walter, what do you suggest we do now? I'm not sure Lulu and I are up for the two mile hike back to my cabin tonight." Rubbing at his chin, Walter considered her question. Trying to get her home might be a bit tricky, especially since the roads weren't in great shape this time of year. And driving at night was always a risky proposition in these mountains. "Well, if you can stand it, you and Lulu are welcome to stay here tonight. You can have the bed. I'll take the chair." Ellie shook her head. "Don't be silly. I'm more than happy to stay right here. As a matter-of-fact, this chair is very comfortable." As if to prove it, she drew the blanket more tightly around herself, hunkering down into it. "See?" Walter opened his mouth to protest, then snapped it shut again. Hell, to be honest, he was absolutely beat from their ordeal, and really wouldn't mind sleeping in his nice, big, comfortable bed. "Okay. Have it your way." Ellie smiled brightly. She had a beautiful smile. Shaking his head, Walter went to get another blanket and a pillow for her and then got ready for bed. His head had barely hit his own pillow before he was sound asleep. ************************************************************ He was awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of whimpering noises. Instinctively, he reached for the gun he kept underneath his pillow. Then he remembered his guest in the next room. Sighing he threw back the covers and padded into the living room, shivering from the cold. The fire was almost completely out, its dully, glowing embers throwing an eerie light across Ellie's figure, curled in the chair. Walter had barely taken two steps into the room when he felt something cold and wet nudge his hand. He almost jerked away until he realized it was Lulu. The dog whined softly, then lead him over to where Ellie lay, moaning. Lulu sat down, looking up at him, her expression worried. Walter stood over Ellie for a few moments, unsure what to do. She was obviously dreaming and she was becoming increasingly more agitated. Since he had come into the room, she had tossed the covers off of her and was now writhing in the chair, almost as if she were trying to fight off someone, or something. Kneeling down in front of her, Walter called to her softly. "Ellie, wake up. It's just a dream Ellie. Wake up." Shuddering, Ellie whimpered, "Stop, please stop. Don't." Walter, his concern growing, gently took her by the arm, shaking it slightly. "Ellie, it's okay. You're having a bad dream. Come on Ellie..." At his touch, Ellie's eyes flew open. Letting out a sharp cry of "No!" she began to flail at him. Taken by surprise, Walter fell back, then moved in to restrain her, afraid she might hurt herself. Ignoring the blows raining down on his face, shoulders and chest, Walter finally managed to get his arms around hers, pinning them to her sides in a gentle, but firm grip. "It's okay Ellie. It's okay," he soothed, his mouth pressed against her ear as she struggled against him, then finally went still, her tears silently slipping down her face to wet the side of his neck and his shoulder. Picking her up, he sat down in the chair, cradling her in his lap like a child while she cried. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, her tears slowed, then ceased altogether, her breathing becoming slow and even as she once more fell into a deep sleep. Walter sat there in front of the fireplace, afraid to move lest he wake her. Shifting slightly, he reached down and managed to grab the blankets Ellie had tossed to the floor during her nightmare, pulling them up over them. It wasn't until the wee hours of the morning that he himself finally fell back asleep. ********************************************************** Walter awoke later on to a thick blanket of new snow on the ground and a woman snuggled against his chest. Careful not to wake her, he slipped out from underneath, stretching as he stood in an attempt to unkink tired, aching muscles. He pulled a face when his back cracked in protest over last night's sleeping arrangements. Deciding that a shower would undoubtedly provide him with some relief, he headed for the bathroom, glancing nervously down at her sleeping form before he did so. Facing away from the water gushing from the shower head, Walter braced his arms against the shower wall, letting the hot water beat down on his back and shoulders. He really was getting too old to be rescuing damsels in distress, or their dogs, for that matter. He'd probably be paying for the next couple days for his little misadventure. Once he felt a bit better, Walter began to soap himself up, using slow, methodical strokes. He was just about to rinse off when a familiar tingling sensation at the base of his scalp told him he wasn't alone. After four years in Nam and two decades in law enforcement he'd developed the uncanny ability to sense these kinds of things, and instinct took over. With lightening quickness he reached through the shower curtain, seizing Ellie by the wrist and yanking her into the shower with him. She let out a yelp of surprise, then sputtered as her face came into contact with the spray of water. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" he growled, both surprised and angered by her intrusion. Pushing her wet hair out of her eyes, Ellie glared at him. "What the hell am I doing? What are *you* doing? I just came in to use the toilet and next thing I know I'm standing in a shower, with a naked man, soaking wet." Walter felt himself flush with embarrassment. Releasing her arm, he was about to apologize for his seemingly bizarre behavior when Ellie was seized by a fit of giggles. Walter scowled at her, finding nothing at all funny about the situation. Ellie tried to get her giggles under control, but started laughing outright at the half-wounded, half-angry look on his face. Walter, his mouth pressed into a straight line, made an ineffectual move to cover his privates, then pulled the shower curtain aside. "Out," he ordered. Meanwhile, Ellie had collapsed at his feet in hysterics, her hair plastered to her head, the sweats she'd worn to bed clinging wetly to her. Looking up at him, she suddenly stopped laughing, hiccuping slightly, her face gone completely serious. Squirming slightly at his intense stare, she got to her feet. "Um, why don't I go make breakfast." Walter just glowered at her. "Right. See you in a few minutes." With that she beat a hasty retreat, slamming the bathroom door behind her. Once she was gone, Walter slumped against the shower wall, knocking his head against the cool tile as he muttered, over and over again, "Shit, shit, shit..." ********************************************************** When Walter joined Ellie in the kitchen, he found her dressed in her clothes from the day before, except for the sweater. Instead she was wearing one of his. Pausing in the doorway, he was overcome with sudden shyness. The woman had just seen him naked, after all. Ellie, sensing his presence, turned and smiled easily at him. "Perfect timing. The food's almost ready. Pull up a chair and I'll get you some coffee,'kay?" Nodding, Walter complied, noting that Lulu was securely ensconced underneath the table. Walter watched Ellie as she bustled around the kitchen, tunelessly humming to herself. For the second time he found himself noticing her body, the way it moved as she bent and reached for things, the gentle curve of her ass where it met her waist... As she leaned over him to set his plate and mug down, she said, "Hope you don't mind about the sweater. But mine's still damp from yesterday." With a slight bob of his head to indicate he understood, Walter bent to the task of eating his food, grateful for the distraction. As he ate, he realized just how hungry he was--the last time he'd eaten was before he'd gone out skiing yesterday afternoon. Making short work of the eggs, bacon and toast, he sat back in his chair with a satisfied sigh, picking up his coffee cup to sip at the hot liquid. Glancing up he caught Ellie staring at him, a thoughtful look on her face. "What?" he said, trying to keep his tone neutral, but feeling his face flush none-the-less. Ellie dropped her eyes, pushing her food around on her plate. Then she bent over, setting it down on the floor for Lulu. Straightening back up she asked casually, "Um, I was just wondering. You didn't hear anything out of the ordinary last night, did you?" Frowning, Walter was at first puzzled by her question, then his eyes widened slightly when he realized what she was trying to get at. Obviously she had never really awakened from the nightmare, even when her eyes were open and she had been fighting him in his efforts to calm her. It was also obvious that the dreams took place often enough that she was afraid she may have had one while here, in a stranger's home. He fiddled with the handle on his cup while he decided what, if anything, he should tell her. As it turned out, he didn't have to say anything. His silence was answer enough. Abruptly getting to her feet, Ellie cleared the dishes from the table and dumped them in the sink. Turning on the hot water, she added dish soap in preparation for washing up. Walter, nonplused, stood as well and walked over to stand beside her. "Let me do those. It's only fair, since you cooked." Deliberately averting her face from him, she said quickly, "No, no, it's okay. I don't mind." Gently taking her by the shoulders, he turned her around to face him. As their eyes met, Ellie's face slowly crumpled up, a sob escaping from her lips before she collapsed against his chest. Walter, feeling helpless, held her while she cried, waiting patiently for her to regain some semblance of control. Finally, she pulled away from him, wiping angrily at her tear-stained face. "Sorry." Walter frowned. "There's nothing to apologize for." Ellie stared at him for a moment, then looked away, silent tears running down her face again. Distressed by her obvious pain, Walter shifted uncomfortably. "Wanna talk about it?" he asked softly. Ellie turned back to look at him, her eyes wide with surprise. "You really want to know?" Walter nodded. "But why? You don't even know me." "Because," he said simply, "you look like you could use a friend right now." For a brief moment, it looked like she was going to cry again. Then, she pulled herself together, taking a deep, calming breath, before speaking. "Um, a little over a year ago, I was in a relationship with a man, who had a violent temper." Seeing Walter stiffen across from her, she quickly continued. "But it wasn't his fault. He was sick, mentally ill. When he was taking his medication, he was so sweet and gentle and kind. And really talented. He used to write, short stories and poetry mostly. But sometimes, he'd stop taking his medication. I guess when things were going well, he figured he didn't need it anymore. I don't know. I still really don't understand it. "Anyway...He wouldn't sleep, couldn't eat and eventually he'd start hearing voices. We'd get into these horrible, violent fights. I'd threaten to leave him. Stupid, really, because I had no intention of leaving him. But that would always set him off, and he'd threaten to hurt me if I ever tried to leave." Ellie paused, her eyes slightly glazed as she remembered a distant, but still palpable pain. "Everyone said I should leave him, but how could I? He was sick. You wouldn't leave someone who had cancer or kidney disease. So I wasn't about to leave Jimmie. That was his name, Jimmie. "Finally, one day, it happened. Jimmie hit me, blackening my eye. He cried like a baby afterwards, swore up and down he'd never do it again, that he loved me and that he'd go back on his medication. "But my brother, when he found out, was *so* angry. He went out and bought a gun and gave it to me, saying I should keep it with me just in case Jimmie ever got completely out of control. I told him I didn't think that would ever happen, that Jimmie would never deliberately try to hurt me and that he was back on his meds. But he insisted, so I took the gun and stuck it in the bottom of a bureau drawer in the bedroom and promptly forgot about it. "Things were okay for a few months after that. Jimmie's erratic behavior stopped and he started writing again. But then it started all over. I came back from a vacation with my mom to find our place trashed and Jimmie nowhere to be found. I was frantic. I knew he'd gone off his meds again and I was so afraid he'd try to hurt himself. "A couple days later he showed up. He hadn't bathed, hadn't slept and was drunk. He was totally paranoid. And before I knew it, he was accusing me of trying to ruin him, of sleeping with other men, of trying to control him and take away his work. Things escalated really quickly. Looking back, I know I should have left, should have run when he showed up looking like he did. But I didn't. I stayed. God help me, I stayed." Covering her face with her hands, Ellie choked back a sob. Her voice muffled, she continued on with her story. "He started hitting me, in the face, in the stomach, the back. I was on the ground begging him to stop. But he wouldn't stop, he just kept hitting me and hitting me. I blacked out when he kicked me in the head. When I came to, he'd hauled me into the bedroom and onto the bed. He was sitting next to me, with the gun. I was so scared, more scared than I've ever been in my life, and I remember thinking how ironic that the gun my brother gave me to protect myself with was going to be used to kill me." Ellie dropped her hands from her face, avoiding Walter's eyes by staring intently out the kitchen window. "I knew I didn't want to die, not like that, not at the hands of the man I loved, but I was paralyzed with fear. "And then he did something I'll never forget, that I can't ever forget. He turned to me, and his eyes were so clear, so sane, and he said, "I love you, El. I'm so sorry," and before I could say or do anything, he took that gun, raised it to his head and pulled the trigger." Turning her face back to him, Ellie found herself being regarded by soft, dark eyes, their sadness a reflection of her own pain. "So, I came up here about six months ago, hoping to find some peace and to finish writing a novel I started ages ago. I've pretty much avoided his family and my own because it just hurts too much. "As for friends...Well, let's just say I don't make friends very easily. It's hard for me to open myself up to people, to trust them." To Walter's surprise, Ellie reached out a tentative hand, gently brushing her fingertips across his cheek before allowing it to fall back down by her side. "But for some reason I trust you, Walter Skinner. I wonder why?" Walter felt a slight shiver run through him at her touch. He couldn't explain it, but he felt a deep connection to this woman. Maybe it was because she was so vulnerable; or because she had exhibited a strength and courage which defied all logic and reason; maybe because they had almost died out there, on the ice, yesterday; or, maybe because her own loneliness touched something deep inside him which he usually preferred to keep hidden both from himself and others. Whatever the reason, or reasons, he didn't protest when she stood on tiptoe to lightly brush her lips against his. In fact, his arms encircled her, drawing her more tightly against him so he could deepen the kiss. They stood back from each other, their breathing a little heavier, their eyes mirroring the other's need. Smiling, Walter caressed her cheek, then swept her up into his arms. Ellie, taken by surprise, grasped him by the shoulders and squeaked, "What are you doing?" "Taking you to bed. It's freezing in here." "Does this mean you're planning on ravishing me?" Walter chuckled deep in his chest, then turned serious. "Only if you want me too." Ellie seemed to give his statement serious consideration, before saying, shyly, "I think I'd like that." Grinning, Walter carried her into the bedroom. Depositing her on the bed, he went to lay down beside her, when he became aware of eyes boring a hole in the back of his head. Turning around, he saw that Lulu had followed them into the bedroom, and was watching them with interest. Although she didn't growl like last time, her hackles were definitely up. Ellie propped herself up on her elbows as he shoo'd the dog out of the bedroom, a bemused expression on her face. "Sorry 'bout that. She can be a bit over-protective sometimes." Walter grimaced. "I've been meaning to ask you about Lulu. She looks, um..." "Like she's part wolf? She is. I got her when I first moved up here from a farmer who said that a wolf had gotten in with one of his border collie bitches. He'd kept her around because of her gentle temperament, but he was selling the farm and moving back into town. He figured she'd never be happy in the city and wanted to find a good home for her. So, it's been me and Lulu ever since." Pulling the heavy down comforter up over her, Ellie lifted the edge slightly, patting the space next to her. "Come and join me?" Walter obliged, pushing her down onto her back so he could cover her with his body. Kissing her soundly, he worked his hands under the layers of clothing until he came into contact with her breast. She shuddered as he gently traced the nipple with his thumb, then kneaded the soft flesh as he nibbled at her lower lip. "Why don't we get you out of these," he murmured, moving to help her shed the heavy clothing. Once she was free of them, she tugged at his own sweater, shirt and jeans, stripping them off of him. Pressing her breasts against him, she rubbed the sensitive tips against the crisp hairs of his chest, moaning softly. Walter wanted to take his time exploring her body. Starting at the tip of her slightly crooked nose, he trailed a line of wet kisses down her front. Pausing to flick her nipples with his tongue, he felt a shock of arousal course through him as Ellie arched her back, pressing her breast against his mouth, her moans becoming louder as he bit and suckled at the rosy tip. Wrapping her legs around him, Ellie rubbed her very hot, very wet vagina against his abdomen as she kneaded the muscles in his shoulders and back with her hands. Walter removed his mouth from her breast, then kissed her belly, dipping his tongue into the little indentation there before moving to lay beside her. Ellie bit back a sob as he parted her thighs, gently stroking the sensitive skin at the entrance to her vagina with his fingertips, before slipping one, then two fingers inside her. Setting up a slow, steady rhythm, he watched her as she came, throwing her head back and crying out as her vagina spasmed around his fingers, her thighs clamped tightly around his hand. Thoroughly aroused now, Walter moved to kneel between her legs, shuddering when Ellie nuzzled then tongued his ear. Surging forward he penetrated her, filling her completely. "Ohgod, ohgod, ohgod," she choked, coming a second time as he began to thrust inside her. Running her tongue along his throat, Ellie nipped at his chin, her hands sliding along his back to grasp his ass, pulling him more firmly against her. Walter could feel the tension building to an unbearable level in his groin area as her hips rose to meet each downward stroke of his cock. And then he was coming, his body suspended above hers as he poured his seed, sticky and hot, inside her. With a sigh, he sank down on top of her, his head resting in the crook of her shoulder as he carefully withdrew. Ellie rolled with him as he moved to lie on his back, settling against his side as he tucked the bedcovers around them both, surrounding them in a cocoon of warmth and comfort. Within minutes they were both sound asleep, their breathing slow and even. ****************************************************************************** ** Walter was having the most wonderful dream. Lips, warm and soft, brushed his neck, chest and abdomen, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. As they moved lower, he felt a shiver of anticipation pass through him. And then he was enveloped by a hot, moist heat that alternately suckled and stroked him, up and down, over and over... A low moan escaped from between Walter's lips as, with a start, his eyes popped open to find Ellie kneeling over him, alternately sucking and licking at the sensitive tip and underside of his penis. Nibbling her way down the shaft, he gasped when she fondled his balls, then took one, then the other into her mouth, massaging them with her tongue as she stroked his penis firmly with her hand. Walter was now almost continuously moaning as she returned to the head of his penis and took him into her mouth, gradually increasing the friction with her lips, tongue and teeth until it became too much...Reaching down, he tangled his fingers in the short, soft strands of her hair and tried to pull her away. "Ellie, I'm going to come," he rasped. Ellie's response was to grasp him by the ass and pull him closer, relaxing her throat so that even more of him came into contact with her hot, wet mouth. With a cry he came, his ejaculate hitting the back of her throat as she held his spasming cock inside her mouth until the shudders throughout his body subsided, and he lay still. It took a couple minutes for his vision to clear enough for him to see Ellie, still kneeling above him, a smug smile on her face. Stretching herself lazily on top of his body, she said, "Good afternoon." Walter just grinned. Ellie traced the dimple that formed as a result, smiling slyly. "So, is this why you almost never smile Walter Skinner? Afraid of the effect you might have on the ladies?" Walter flushed with a combination of pleasure and embarrassment, and then laughed outright. "Yeah, right." Ellie, her face serious, leaned up and captured his mouth with hers, slipping her tongue between his teeth to caress and then suck at his tongue. Walter felt a spark of arousal when he tasted his own semen clinging to her lips. Entwining his fingers in her hair, he pulled her closer, driving his tongue into her mouth again and again, before sucking at her lower lip. She had a beautiful mouth. Ellie moaned against his lips, then sat back, straddling his thighs. Her eyes admiring, she caressed his chest, belly and thighs. Walter could feel himself flush under her frank stare, then he gasped as she rubbed her hot, wet cunt over his partially erect penis. His hips curled against hers as she repeated the movement, until he was hard once again. Reaching between them, Ellie guided him inside her, moaning as he parted and filled her. She sat for a moment, completely still, reveling in the feel of him, then she began to move, her hips rotating slightly each time she lifted them up, before sinking back down onto him. Walter lightly rested his hands on her waist, watching her work towards her orgasm, letting her set the pace. Sliding one hand up her back, he rested it against her neck, then forced her head down so he could kiss and lick at her lips. Ellie's response was to shudder and then quicken the pace, bracing her hands against his chest. She came with a sob, her vagina clenching and unclenching his cock like a fist, before she sank down into a boneless heap on his chest. Walter, still hard, rolled her underneath him. Draping one long leg over each of his shoulders, he began to drive himself into her, each thrust lifting her hips slightly from the bed, penetrating her so deeply that she cried out in a combination of pain and pleasure. Ellie raked her nails across his back and shoulders, finally sinking her teeth into the side of his neck as she violently came, her hips bucking uncontrollably against his own, her muffled cries resembling those of a wounded animal. Walter couldn't believe how turned on he was by this woman, as with a sob, he came, collapsing on top of her, completely spent. "Jesus," he gasped, sure his heart was going to explode in his chest. "They're going to have to wheel me into the office tomorrow." Ellie giggled, then quickly sobered. "Um, speaking of which...Where *do* you work?" Walter moved to lie beside her, propping his head up on his hand as he absentmindedly caressed her belly. "FBI Headquarters. I'm an Assistant Director." Ellie just grinned, resting her hand on top of his. "Why did I guess law enforcement." Walter grinned back. "That obvious, huh?" Cupping his cheek with her hand, Ellie nodded. "Yeah, it is. You need to laugh more, Walter Skinner." With a sigh, he turned his face so that his lips could brush her palm. Then taking her hand in his, he said, "You know, I have to leave soon if I'm going to make it back to D.C. by tonight." "Yeah, I know." Walter, feeling suddenly shy, looked intently down at where their hands were joined. "Um, this doesn't have to end here...Not if you don't want it to, Ellie." Ellie slowly withdrew her hand from his, and then sat up and leaned against the headboard so she could root around under the covers for her clothes. Climbing out of bed she started to get dressed, her back to him. Walter, puzzled, watched her with mounting concern. As she went to pull on his sweater, she abruptly burst into tears. "Of course it has to end, Walter." "Oh, Ellie..." Getting out of bed, Walter took her into his arms, holding her against him. Pushing him away, Ellie pulled the sweater on over her head, wiping at her tears with the sleeve. "Is it okay if I borrow this, just until I get home?" Walter felt white hot anger suddenly overwhelm him. She was acting as if he'd fucked her and then was throwing her out on her ass into the snow. "Keep the goddamn sweater, Ellie. I don't care about the fucking sweater." Her eyes flashed green fire as her hands moved to her hips, her head tipped back to glare up at him. "And what *do* you care about, Walter Skinner?" she challenged. "You, for god's sake! What the hell do you think I've been trying to say here?" he shouted. "Then why didn't you say *that*, instead of leaving whether we see each other or not up to me?" Ellie said softly, staring at him with wide, hurt eyes. Leaning his forehead against hers, Walter let out an exasperated sigh, as his anger slowly drained away. "I don't know. Maybe because of your past. Maybe because I'm in the middle of a really ugly divorce. Maybe because I don't know if I can give you what you need. I just don't know, Ellie. I just don't know." Ellie, stood stiffly against him for a few moments, then relaxed as she put her arms around him, hugging him tightly against her. "It's okay, Walter. I understand. Go get dressed. I'd like for you to drop me and Lulu home before you leave, okay?" Feeling more than a little sad and frustrated, Walter did as she asked. ********************************************************** FBI Headquarters Washington, DC Eleven Months Later 7:00 a.m. Walter Skinner sat at his desk early one Thursday morning, going over the usual case files and budget reports, before signing off on them. He had meetings scheduled all day long with some of the higher ups in the Bureau, one of which dealt specifically with the X-files. It seemed like every few months he had to haul his ass upstairs and provide the brass with yet another justification for keeping the division open. Not a task he looked forward to, but one which he deemed to be necessary. Although just thinking about it was giving him a headache. Removing his glasses, he pinched the bridge of his nose, just as a faint knock sounded on the outer door to his office. Usually he'd let his assistant, Kimberly, get it, but she didn't generally come in before 8:00. Getting up, Walter poked his head out his office door to see a security guard standing on the other side of the outer office's glass window. Frowning slightly, he went to let him in. "What can I do for you," he asked. The guard, clearly nervous at having to deal with the A.D., thrust a package wrapped in plain brown paper at him. Mumbling something about it being left downstairs for him and how it had already been checked out to make sure it wasn't a bomb or nothin', he scurried away down the hall towards the elevators. Walter, his frown deepening, took the package back into his office. Setting it on his desk, he stared at it for a while. There was no return address of any kind, or postage for that matter. The only thing was his name scribbled in black ink on the front, in a familiar script. Finally, his curiosity got the better of him and he unwrapped it. It was a hardbound copy of a book. His eyes widened when he saw who the author was. Ellen Pearson. Ellie. He hadn't thought about her very much in the last couple months. For the first five months after that fateful winter day when he'd pulled her and her dog out of the pond, they had maintained a sporadic, but lively correspondence by email and phone. They hadn't seen each other though. She never came to D.C. and he had ended up giving the cabin to Beth as part of the divorce settlement, a fact that still griped him to no end, especially since she had immediately turned around and sold it. The fact that Ellie had never offered him an invitation to come up and see her had hurt at first, but he had eventually gotten over it. He had never really quite figured out what he had meant to her, or she to him. And Ellie had seemed to prefer to keep it that way, to maintain a certain distance from him. God, had it really been that long? Opening the cover of the book, a note slipped out onto his desk. Putting on his glasses, he squinted at the small, even writing he associated with Ellie. Walter, I hope this finds you well and happy. I finally did it Walter, I'm a published author. I'm so proud. And I owe so much of it to you and to your gift to me during a very dark period in my life. Take care. I will always love you, Walter Skinner. Ellie P.S. Be sure and look at the dedication. E Flipping to the dedication page, Walter flushed when he saw what it said: To Walter, for rescuing me and keeping the ghosts at bay. Walter leaned back in his chair, and sat thinking, cradling the book in his lap. His assistant, Kimberly found him still sitting like that when she arrived some 30 minutes later. At her arrival, Walter stood up, pulled his government issue trench coat on and made a surprising request. "Kimberly, I want you to cancel all my appointments for today and tomorrow." "Sir?" she said startled. "You heard me. Oh, and tell Agents Mulder and Scully that our briefing on the Cummings' case will have to wait until Monday morning. Is that understood." Kimberly just nodded. "Um, yes sir. But what do I say your reason is? They're going to want to know." Walter stood for a minute considering. Then smiled slightly. "Just tell them I took the day off; that I had some personal business to attend to." With that he was out the door before Kimberly could detain him any longer with her questions. *********************************************************** Walter made good time up to the Ellie's cabin. He had gone home first to change, transferring his overnight bag from his blue sedan to his Jeep before taking off again. When he arrived a few hours later, he was surprised by how similar the cabin looked to the last time he'd last seen it. Even though she hadn't invited him inside when he'd dropped her and Lulu off on his way down the mountain, it had left a strong impression; one of warmth, stolidity and coziness. Putting the Jeep in park, he got out and approached the door, his figure casting long shadows in the late afternoon winter sun. He had just raised his hand to knock, when the door opened inwards revealing a grizzled old man and his dog. Walter took a step back in surprise. "Can I help you with somethin', son?" Walter, confused, turned to look back towards his car and at the surrounding countryside. Maybe he'd made a wrong turn somewhere? The old man made a coughing sound deep in his throat, drawing Walter's attention back to him. "If you're lookin' for the young woman who used to live here, she packed up that newborn and dog of hers and left a couple months ago." "Excuse me, what did you say?" Walter suddenly felt like he was in the middle of his own personal nightmare. Giving the stranger a curious look, the old man repeated himself, a bit more slowly this time. "I said, she packed up that newborn and wolf-dog of hers and left..." Walter held up a hand to stop him from going on. "Any idea where they went?" The old man shook his head. "Nope. Just said it was time for her to rejoin the livin' and that she'd best be movin' on. You might want to check in town. Someone there's bound to know." Walter thanked the man and quickly walked back to his Jeep. He was just about to throw the car into gear when he slumped back in his seat and cut the engine. A baby. Ellie had had a baby. Was it possible that it was his? Walter did the math in his head and came to the only conclusion he could. Slamming the car into first, he headed down the mountain to the Town of Lewisburg, West Virginia. His inquiries there lead him to the general store where Ellie, and all the residents of the small town, bought their food and supplies. The owner added little to what he already knew. Yeah, Ms. Pearson was in here with a baby. A baby girl named Emma. No, he didn't know where she'd gone, she pretty much kept to herself. One of those reclusive writer types, ya know. Walter, feeling his frustration and anger growing, debated whether to leave town and head back to D.C. or to stay the night and begin his search anew the following morning. Given the hour, he decided to stay, booking a room in one of the two hotels in town. Lying down on the double bed in his room with his hands behind his head, he stared at the ceiling and considered for the first time that maybe the reason Ellie hadn't told him about the baby was because she didn't want him to know. She'd made it clear, early on, that she didn't want him in her life, at least not as a lover. But then why go to the trouble of getting a copy of her new book to him? And what was that "I'll always love you," business about? Remembering that he'd packed her book and the note in his overnight bag, Walter got it, rereading the note as if it might hold some clue to her whereabouts. As he did so, the book fell open to the page listing the publisher's information. The publisher...That's it, he'd contact the publisher. Not surprisingly they were New York based. Glancing at his watch, he saw it was only 6:00 p.m. It was still possible someone was in the office. After a couple phone calls, he was able to get the number for one of the publisher's fiction editors. Impatiently tapping his pen while the phone rang, Walter went over in his head what he was going to say to get the information he wanted. If he had to he was willing to claim she was a witness in a federal case and that she had failed to notify them of her whereabouts before moving, or some such nonsense. On the sixth ring a cranky voice finally picked up. "Lo, who's this?" "Sorry to disturb you so late in your day, sir, but I was wondering if you could help me." Walter had just started his song and dance about Ellen Pearson and needing to locate her when the man on the other end of the line interrupted him. "Ellen Pearson? Is she a new author? I don't handle new authors. Morrie Winthrop does and he's left for the day. You'll have to call back tomorrow." The lid Walter had been trying to keep on his emotions for the last few hours just blew at that point. "Look here, I don't know who you think you are and frankly I don't care, but I will not have a federal case jeopardized because you don't feel like doing your job. So my suggestion to you is to get off your ass and find Ellen Pearson's address and telephone number for me, is that understood?" For a heart stopping moment there was silence on the other end of the line. Then a hurried, "Okay, okay, no need to be rude about it. Let me see what I can find out." Walter sighed with relief. It had worked. A few moments later, the man came back on line. "Okay, this is what we have for an address..." Walter quickly scribbled down the information, then thanked the editor for his time before hanging up. It turned out that Ellie was less than an hour's drive away in Roanoke, Virginia. That would give him plenty of time to figure out what he was going to say to her when he got there. *********************************************************** About 45 minutes later Walter pulled up in front of the small, two-story brick house on Washington Avenue where Ellen Pearson had recently taken up residence. Since lights shone through both the upstairs and downstairs windows, Walter guessed she was home. Walking up to the door, he grasped the door knocker and rapped twice before shoving his hands in his pockets. After a few moments, the door opened inwards, revealing Ellie and Lulu. Ellie didn't even blink when she saw Walter standing on her doorstep. It was almost as if she were expecting him. "Walter, it's nice to see you. Come on in." With a scowl, he pushed past her into the house's narrow entranceway. Sensing his anger, Lulu made a low growling noise in her throat. "Put Lulu outside Ellie. We need to talk." Ellie looked at him with wide eyes, then, taking Lulu by the collar led her away to the kitchen and the door leading out back. Returning to find Walter standing in the middle of her living room, Ellie moved to sit on the sofa, patting the space next to her. "Come sit down. You're right, we do have a lot to talk about." Walter just glared down at her, struggling to keep his usually tightly controlled emotions in hand. She had changed a great deal since he'd last seen her. Her hair was longer, just brushing the tops of her shoulders. She was also wearing makeup, and clothing that was more suited to her slender figure. "Where is she Ellie? I want to see my daughter." Ellie stood up as well, closing the height difference between them somewhat. Crossing her arms across her chest, she said quietly, "Did you come here to fight, Walter Skinner, or to talk?" Walter, his dark eyes intense, stepped closer to her. "Why Ellie? Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" Ellie, her eyes suddenly sad, looked away. "I don't know." The anger that had started to abate somewhat during the drive to Roanoke flared at her words. "You don't know? You shut me out of your life, and out of our child's life, and you don't know why?" Walter Skinner didn't consider himself to be a violent man, but at that moment he wanted to shake her, shake her until her teeth hurt. Shocked by his own thoughts, he deliberately stepped away from her, putting a chair between the two of them. Turning to fiddle with the photos on the mantle piece, one of them of Ellie and an infant girl, he said evenly. "I want to see my daughter, Ellie." Ellie sighed. "Of course you do. I'll go get her." As Walter anxiously waited for Ellie to return with the baby he considered his options. Somehow he had to convince Ellie that having him in her life was in the baby's best interests. Clearly that was going to be a tough sell since she'd already made the decision not to include him. Ellie came downstairs with their baby wrapped in a yellow blanket with purple dinosaurs all over it. Walking over to where Walter stood, she held his daughter out to him. She smiled at the sudden look of panic that crossed his face. "Go ahead, Walter, hold her. She won't break." Walter gingerly took the baby into his arms, being careful to support her head. She was beautiful. She had a thick head of brown curly hair, her father's dark brown eyes and her mother's fair skin. Walter swallowed convulsively, completely overwhelmed. Handing Emma back to her mother, he went to sit down on the sofa, burying his face in his hands. "What are we going to do, Ellie? After seeing her, I can't just walk out of here and pretend I don't have a child." Ellie sat down next to him, gently resting a hand on his arm. "I know. I should have told you. But I just couldn't. I was so afraid that you'd do something stupid, and noble, and want to marry me. And I knew that would be a mistake. Not after Jimmie. Not after your divorce. We both have so much healing to do still, ya know?" Walter looked up at her, his eyes drawn to the little bundle which was nuzzling at her mother's breast. "Are you breast feeding her?" Ellie smiled. "Yeah, I am. And I think she's hungry again. She's always hungry. Although, now that I'm working up at the college I can't always be here to feed her." "You're working? Doing what?" Walter watched fascinated as Ellie undid the buttons of her blouse, pulling her bra aside so that the baby could nurse. "I'm teaching English and Creative Writing. It's a lot of fun. And it's only 3/4 time, so I have time for Emma and my writing." Walter reached out a tentative hand to gently stroke the back of his daughter's head as she suckled her mother's breast. He was amazed by the array of powerful emotions that washed over him as he watched this simple act--pride, love, awe, a fierce protectiveness and even desire. When it was clear Emma was satisfied, after being shifted to the other side to make doubly sure, Ellie handed her over to her father, pulling her bra back into place and rebuttoning her top. "Come on, I'll show you the nursery." Walter followed her upstairs with Emma in his arms, smiling when he saw the nursery proper. It was done in bright blues and reds, with stuffed animals, books and learning toys spilling out of shelves and boxes and onto the floor. Taking Emma from him, Ellie put her in her crib, making sure she was tucked in. Turning on the music box/mobile overhead, the two of them silently stood together watching as Emma drifted off to sleep. Brushing his hand with hers, Ellie indicated for him to quietly follow her back out into the hallway. Leaving the nursery room door slightly ajar, she turned to find him staring at her intently. "I missed you Ellie." "I know. I missed you too, Walter." "But," he prompted. Ellie shook her head. "No buts. I was just too scared to become involved with anyone, especially so soon after what happened with me and Jimmie. And then when I found out I was pregnant, I really didn't know what to do. I'd spent so much time pushing you away that I couldn't imagine you'd want anything to do with me and I didn't want you to feel like you'd been trapped." Leaning against the hallway wall, Walter sighed. "I think understand, Ellie. But it doesn't make it hurt any less." Ellie, the tears welling up in her eyes, whispered, "I know." Moving to cradle her face between his hands, he brushed the tears away as they began to fall with his lips, finally placing a kiss at the corner of her mouth. Ellie sighed at his touch. Standing on tiptoe, she deepened the kiss, caressing his tongue with her own, then allowing him to return the favor. With an effort she pulled away from him and took him by the hand, leading him next door to her bedroom. When she went to turn off the overhead light she'd left on earlier, he stopped her. "No, I want to see you." Smiling, he stripped her of everything but her panties, trailing his hands over her body as he did so. Her breasts were fuller than he remembered, the nipples larger and darker. Bending his head, he teased them into hardened peaks, milky white fluid gathering at their tips. Ellie observed him through slitted eyes, to see what he would do. She shuddered as Walter swirled his tongue around their edges, cleaning the milk away before stepping back and removing his own clothing while Ellie watched, her eyes darkening with unspoken need. Their lovemaking was gentle, unhurried, Walter holding back because he didn't want to hurt her, despite her protests to the contrary. It served both as an affirmation of their deep caring for one another and their love for and connection to the child sleeping dreamlessly in the room next door. THE END.