TITLE: REMEMBERING THE OCCASION AUTHOR: JACQUIE LAVA RATING: NC-17 CATEGORY: MSR CLASSIFICATION: HUMOR SPOILERS: Not anything serious. SUMMARY: Funny how two people can recall the same momentous turning point in their lives with such ill-matched accuracy- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Years later, when asked what really happened that night- they would come up with conflicting stories, and argue about it. They would disagree about the weather that night; the cool evening air (he said) versus the wet rainy dampness (she said)- the place they went ( hotel room versus tacky motel cabin); what she wore (a navy garter belt and thigh-high stockings, according to him- she didn't even want to volunteer what she remembered, although it centered around flannel); what they did (nope, not gonna go there, either- not if he wanted to walk upright for the rest of his life) - but mostly, they argued about the very reason it happened in the first place. He was as determined to credit her brother for the occasion as she was to denounce that same brother for his nefarious and reprehensible behavior. Whatever, was the stock reply she would hear- whatever. It didn't matter if they blamed Bill or if they cheered him- the end result was still the same. Because of one scheming moment in Bill Scully's oddly-functioning brain- his sister and his arch enemy were bound together tighter than super glue- and just as impossible to separate. Bill kicked himself on a daily basis- his wife chuckled every time he cursed out loud, except when he did it in front of the children. Tara had been pro-Mulder for a very long time- and it drove Bill Scully just about off his little onion. But, there is a beginning to this story- and it's best told from the two conflicting viewpoints themselves- Story One: "I swear on a stack of medical journals that what I am about to divulge is the complete and utter truth-" If I have to look at that wide red-striped ass sitting on Mulder's knee one more minute, I'm going to go over there and pull out all that blonde frosted hair of hers and stuff it down her throat- then I'm going to kill my brother. From the moment Mulder walked into the room, and that bimbo made a beeline for him- I knew Bill was behind it all. She'd been standing next to Bill, whispering to him- one of Tara's school pals; beautiful and stacked like no tomorrow, but dumber than a box of rocks. Tara had several friends like her- and I had never been able to understand why. My sister-in-law does have a little on the ball, despite the fact she let my idiot brother talk her into marrying him. Actually, I admired her tenacity where Bill was concerned; she hadn't murdered him yet. I could easily do that for her, however- easily. Hell, I was almost there. It had all started out innocently enough, I suppose- too innocently. I should have known - I should have been able to read the signs. There has always been a madness to Bill Scully's method- and I'd forgotten that annoying little quirk of his. When he called me last week and invited me to a Thanksgiving bash at his house- I was pleasantly surprised, and pleased. Usually Mom gets stuck with that particular detail, and although I know she enjoys it, I also know it's been somewhat emotionally difficult for her, since Dad's death. Having a big party at Bill's house would be just the change we all needed- and Bill was generously offering to do all of the work. I did get a little suspicious when he made that announcement, knowing full well my brother's typically male attitude where food, cleaning and other wife-type duties were concerned- "What do you mean, you're doing it all yourself, Bill? You mean, Tara's going to do it, and you're taking credit, right?" I was my usual sisterly self. His voice, on the other end of the phone, was righteously wounded-sounding. "Dana, come on- I wouldn't do that to Tara! I told her for once, she can relax- I've taken care of everything; I'm having it catered. I just want everyone to have a good time, get plenty to eat, relax and enjoy each other's company- no work, no fuss, especially for Mom. She always goes so all-out for us - I just figured it was my turn. This house is plenty big enough to hold everyone." He sounded very sincere; I relaxed a bit, and smiled into the mouthpiece. "OK, you've convinced me of Tara's non-involvement- so yes, of course I'll be there. Just tell me what time -" his voice interrupted me in mid-answer. "Oh, almost forgot, Dana- why don't you bring Mulder along with you? I know he doesn't really like to go to his mother's over the holidays, and it's got to be tough for him, all by himself- why don't you invite him as well?" DING DING DING-. The alarm bells went off, big-time. Mulder? My partner Mulder? The man who makes that little vein in Bill's forehead throb whenever I even mention his name- that Mulder? I apparently had spoken the disbelieving words aloud, for Bill's indignant reply cut into my thoughts of shock and amazement. "Dana, you're exaggerating- I have no serious problem with Mulder, not anymore- I have come a long way towards accepting the fact that he's your partner, and he really does care for you. I know a lot of what has happened to you is not his fault. I am making a concentrated effort to give him the benefit of the doubt from now on- I really am. So, come on, give me a break! Just ask him, OK? I promise I'll be good-" Famous last words, Billy-Boy- 'I promise I'll be good'. Shoulda known- but I was so dazzled by this unknown side of my big brother- and lulled by the security of Tara's equally enthusiastic invitation for my partner- that I let my guard down. I will never do that again. "You're kidding, right? You've gotta be- wait, I know - the turkey will be stuffed with Flukeman dressing, with a side of Tooms- very funny, Scully. Now, how about the truth?" Mulder was understandably untrusting of my sibling's motives. I've always said he's got stronger intuition than I do- but for now, I was still basking in the newfound approval of Big Bro, to worry overmuch about Mulder's caution. "Come on, Mulder- go with me. Bill's really trying to turn over a new leaf- he really wants you there. I don't want to go alone; and you'd be sitting in this stupid apartment, sharing fish flakes with your aquarium pets, if I know you - so just say yes, and let's have a turkey-cramming contest- okay?" I batted my eyelashes at him outrageously, and was rewarded with a chuckle and a quick hug. He smiled down at me, and retorted, "Bet I can out-eat you in the turkey category-" "You're on, FBI Boy-" Which brings us to this moment: me standing near the dining room entry, a glass of excellent wine in my hands, and a death-wish for the striped Bimbo-Woman flowing through my resentful little mind. Pansy- I think that's what Tara called her. Jesus, Mary and Joseph- what kind of grown woman has a name like Pansy? With that dress she's almost wearing, she should be called "Candy Cane" or something equally nifty- how about just plain "hootch-mama"- she hasn't let loose of my partner since he walked in (with me, I might add)- well, that's not quite true - Mulder had about five whole minutes to help me off with my coat, hang it up, turn and kiss my mother on the cheek and get me my first glass of wine, before Bill sent the little twit his way, when he was off standing by himself for one second. Oh, I know Mulder is his own man, no strings or ties to anyone- nobody knows that better than I do. I've been his best friend - in many ways, his only friend - for so long. And he's the same level of friend to me, as well. How could we not be each other's buddy, almost-other-half? With the life we lead, it was inevitable. But with that level of intimacy comes possessiveness, even though we may not ever admit it, to each other or to anyone else. I tend to regard Mulder as mine, even though I know it's ridiculous and unrealistic- it's not like he's given me a reason to do so, other than his proclivity for sexual innuendo and flirting. I've grown so used to that- So I stand, sipping wine, watching through narrowed eyes as Pansy wiggles her candy-striped cheeks on Mulder's elegantly wool-clad knee, and flutters her false eyelashes at him (trust me- I can tell - false as can be - almost as false as her silicone boobs). And, being typically male, Mulder is enjoying the attention - hell, I'm sure it's more than he had been expecting; certainly something he probably feels he'd never get from me- and he's right. I'm too chicken-shit to do anything more than respond to his innuendoes with one raised eyebrow and my standard blue gaze deep-freeze- I believe it's the most he'd ever expect from me. How I'd like to shock him, just once- really shock him, right out of those butter-soft leather shoes of his. If I had the nerve- if I had the guts, the balls (so to speak)- I'd respond to one of his not-so-subtle sexual barbs with one hell of a physical come-back- yes, indeed, I would. An entire bottle of this fine red wine would probably go a long way toward making me brave- A little later in the evening, I realize I am drunk. I am not sure when I reached that stage, but- I am drunk. I have had half a bottle of Merlot, and several shots of something creamy thick and slightly tart which burned its way over my vocal chords and settled down into some nether region between my naval and my clitoris. Oops- I just 'thought' the word 'clitoris'- luckily I didn't say it out loud. I prop myself up against a wall and watch Bimbo (I mean Pansy) dancing with my partner. My Partner- My Mulder. Mine. Nobody else's- just mine. I am rapidly feeling more and more territorial with every passing moment- Damn Bill for turning on the CD player and popping in some romantic mood music, just when it looked like Mulder was going to finally be able to make his escape from the Silicone Valley Doll- I am going to kill my brother- for not only has he sent the Silicone Queen over in Mulder's direction- he also had the unmitigated gall to introduce one of his golfing buddies to me, Scott Mc-something- and the man has latched onto me with a vengeance. I can't shake him - and I'm bored out of my mind, as well as being drunk- and I'm going to kill my brother. Slowly. With great enjoyment. Tara will be a widow- poor thing. I feel tears fill my eyes, at the thought of my poor sister-in-law, having to raise my future nieces and nephews (can't remember at the moment how many I have, thanks to the wine and the creamy stuff), all alone with just an urn filled with ashes on the fireplace mantle, to keep her company- I should probably stop drinking this red stuff, before I do something really stupid, like walk over to the dancing couple in the corner and wrench them apart, by her blonde hair/black roots- Which is exactly what I do- because man, am I drunk. I don't know which of them is more surprised at my actions- Bimbo or my partner. I have an empty wine glass in one hand and her hair in the other, and I am not speaking, not saying a word- just pulling her off Mulder, and down the hall to the nearest bathroom. She's shrieking in pain, and I am pulling her by her hair- and life is suddenly very good. Strange how such a little thing can make a body so happy- Ah, there's the door; in she goes, slam it and lock it- boy, is she one hopping mad Pansy. Luckily the music is so loud, it drowns out the screeching behind Bathroom Door Number one. I pocket the key and move back into the family room, where Mulder stands, over against the wall, a look of confusion in his eyes- and unless I'm mistaken (and I could be - I am drunk, after all), one hell of a boner pressing into his finely tailored wool slacks- he's aroused by what I did; by the staking of my claim on him. I walk slowly toward him, still holding the empty glass, the music still swirling around us- toward him with my eyes holding his steadily, until I am very close, so close I have to look almost straight up to keep his gaze- and he reaches out for the glass and takes it from my hand and places it safely on a low table- and waits to see what I will do next. Mouth smiling ever so slightly- eyes focused on me with tight intensity- no one else is in that room but us, even though the place is jammed with family and friends. Bill must have his back to us, for I know with utter clarity that if he knew what our eyes were doing to each other at this very moment, he'd be throwing Mulder out on his well-tailored ass. So I take advantage of the moment of privacy, and put out one hand to wind through his fingers. I don't even have to pull; he gravitates my way by magnetic force alone, closer until his body is pressing into mine and we are both swaying to the music, the slow romantic music which Bill so thoughtfully (albeit unknowingly) has provided- and his arms slide around my waist to pull me up on my tiptoes, allowing me the ease of wrapping my own arms around his neck- face to face, nose to nose. We never break eye contact, never stop swaying, lips almost touching- it's the hallway all over again, except that damn bee has his back to us and can't sting- not yet. Besides, even if he did- I've finally gotten a solid immunity built up. I have words forming in my throat, needing to push up out of my mouth but I am not quite drunk enough, or brave enough, yet- not quite yet - but Mulder has no such shyness- and he's not even drunk. He leans down and whispers in my ear, tickling it with his warm breath. "Throwing yourself at me will get you anything you want every time, Scully-" he's smiling down on me as he speaks; his hands are sliding over my back and cupping my hips gently, lower body pressing his heat into me. I can barely stand upright, for a wave of desire such as I have never felt in my life has taken control of my motor functions and I am moaning very low in my throat. I press a hot face into his neck, needing to hide from him; he won't let me; he winds fingers through my loose hair and tugs on my head until I am forced to look him in the eyes. Thank God, they're warm and loving, no glimmer of amusement left - just large amounts of the same arousal I am feeling. "Don't you hide from me, Scully, not now- not when you're finally talking to me with something more than that beautiful mouth of yours- now that I can feel what you want, what you need- don't you look away from me-" I can't look away Mulder, no worries about that- I can't look away. The music is ending, and so is our dance - but Mulder still presses close- now he's pulling me by my hand, over to the coat closet, opening the door and finding our coats with his free hand. He helps me on with mine; shrugs into his and pushes me toward the front door, calling out to my mother, "Thanks, Mrs. Scully, goodnight now-" Then to my open-mouthed brother Bill, "Thanks for the great dinner and the gift, Bill - Happy Thanksgiving to you, too-" My brother has time to get out one hoarse, "What the -" before we are out the door and down the walkway and into Mulder's car, which happens to be closer. He puts me into the passenger side and runs around to slide in behind the wheel. I come out of my desire-soaked fog long enough to whisper to him, "Where are you taking me, Mulder- where are we going?" He starts the car, guides it into the street, then glances at me unsmilingly, reaching out an index finger to stroke down my cheek. "I'm taking you someplace where you can assert your ownership, Scully- in private, undisturbed and away from the little machinations of Big Brother-" "You knew what Bill was scheming?" "Well, of course, Scully - God, I wasn't born yesterday! Why else would Bill Scully want me at a party of his, unless it was for throwing some chick my way in hopes I'd take the bait, piss you off and crumble our partnership- and relationship as well?" I stare at him with admiring eyes; Mulder'd had it all figured out, long before me- I'm impressed. He knows my brother quite well- he'd really been paying attention all this time. I voice my thoughts aloud, and he just smiles and replies, "It was easy, Partner - I just profiled him-" Mulder's hotel- for once, a nice place, instead of the usual dives we get stuck with when on a case. The room is tastefully decorated and the bed is large and inviting. And I am suddenly shy- and quite sober. I take one shaky step into the room, looking everywhere except at Mulder, as he locks the door behind us and tosses his coat and suit jacket on the nearest chair. I can feel him behind me, his hands pulling the coat from my shoulders, tossing it on top of his. I can't turn and face him; I'm afraid to turn and face him; afraid of what I'll see in his eyes, the longing in mine so out there for all to see, especially him- and this moment will change everything between us, forever; this night will set the course for the rest of our lives- Jesus. What made me think I was ready for this! I mean, I started this whole progression with one flaming reaction of jealousy to my partner holding another woman- combined with a bottle of red wine, it was lethal. It has nothing to do with how many years I have wanted him- and it has everything to do with just that. My hands are cold, my body trembling; I am almost lightheaded with nerves and the fear of the unknown- suddenly my self-esteem takes a nosedive as I again picture in my mind that woman Pansy- her tall leggy body and ample plastic breasts- so much more Mulder's style, I am thinking- again, must have voiced it out loud, because Mulder steps very close and winds his arms around me and presses hard into my back, whispering into my hair, "No way, Scully- no fucking way. I know what I like and I'm holding it right now- why would you ever think I could be attracted to someone so artificial- when you're right here; always been right here, in my mind and so deep inside me it's like you have permanent dibs on my soul-" And those words are enough to calm my fears and worries; enough to make me turn in his arms, enough to give me the confidence I need to reach up into his embrace and touch his mouth with mine, making that first, all-important contact myself- to touch lips and then tongue to his, never imagining that anything could taste so good, feel so right- and he's letting me take the first lead, accepting my overture without force of his own- letting me overwhelm him, in this first moment together. For once, I am not questioning our relationship, not analyzing it or trying to dissect it - I am taking what I want, what I have wanted from the first moment I let myself be vulnerable to Mulder- and he protected me and kept me safe. I am taking Mulder, every inch of him- pushing him back on the wide bed and stripping him of his clothes, peeling off layers of wool and cotton and silk boxer shorts- sliding off leather shoes and then just sitting back on my heels with a mouth gone dry with need- staring. He is beautiful beyond imagining; I have never seen anyone look so good. I touch scars here and there, remembering each corresponding event which placed these marks upon his otherwise perfect skin- here a bullet wound, there a knife slash- battle scars, and every one precious because they lay on his body and make him the person he is. I run trembling fingers over each one, following the path with my lips and tongue; healing kisses all over his chest and down his muscled abdomen, hearing as from a roaring distance the sound of his whispered endearments, his low moans and sighs. I'm making Mulder moan- quite a heady feeling. He's moaning as a direct result of what I am doing to him - and I wonder just what it will take to make him shout. I wonder how his body will react to the things I want to do to him, things I've dreamt about for years now, and finally get to try out- talk about making your dreams come true! I am about to find out what it takes to make Fox Mulder shout- for I am moving lower with each kiss and lick of my tongue- I am moving lower and lower, until I reach his beautiful hardness, all that hard, hot flesh just waiting for me, only me- not some bimbo silicone-laced boob farm- just me. Me, Dana Scully, the thin, small one- the intense one nobody wanted to waste their time dating in high school- the picky one in college who couldn't find a guy who would take her seriously- the girl who maintained too many platonic relationships because of a fear of disappointing a potential bed-partner- me. I am holding him there, my hand wrapping around all that silky, swollen skin- and my mouth is sliding along his length, his warmth.. he feels so good, smells so good- and it's been so long since I have wanted to touch a man this way- so long. I am holding him, and kissing him- and opening my mouth to take him inside- and my tongue runs along him as he slips into my throat- And Mulder is- shouting. I hope his hotel neighbors weren't planning on getting to sleep any time soon- At this point, the conflict usually arises, from the other half of the viewpoint- so, it's only fair to let the second story unfold- Story Two: " I swear on an "I Want to Believe" poster, that what I am about to divulge is the `real' complete and utter truth-" If I didn't think it would cause a panicked stir throughout the Scully clan- I'd grab Bill Scully and kiss him, right on the lips. He doesn't know it yet, but he has just made my lifetime- and he did it quite willingly. In fact, it was all his idea. And from the first, when I initially had figured out what he was planning- I knew without a shadow of a doubt, just how this evening would end. Well- maybe not exactly; maybe not each little sequence of events. I mean, I like surprises as much as the next person. Especially nice ones- but I knew the evening would end in my favor - and man, if it didn't do just that. It all started with me walking in on the tail end of what seemed to be an amazing phone call; if the look of wonderment on my partner's face was anything to go on, she'd just been knocked sideways and ass-backwards, by whatever had been said in her little pink ear, by whomever was on the talkin' end of that phone. As I closed the office door behind me, and perched myself on the edge of the desk, her widened eyes met mine- and her cheeks actually flushed a most becoming shade of what I'm sure was red of some sort- it's times like these when I truly wish I wasn't color-blind. I sat patiently, and fiddled with the edges of a thick file scattered across the desk - and waited. She'd tell me, sooner or later- especially since I knew that somewhere in that conversation, my name had been mentioned several times. Finally, with a murmured "See you", she hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and blurted out, "Thanksgiving- at Bill and Tara's- can you come with me?" The surprise must have shown largely upon my slack-jawed face, because she gave a half snort, half chuckle, and added, "Yes, I'm serious - you have been invited. How about it, Mulder? A holiday with me and my family, instead of sitting here alone, with no one to feed except your fish-" "You're kidding, right? What's the turkey going to be stuffed with, pot? Or was Billy high already when he called you?" Yessir, skeptical Mulder has entered the building and replaced trusting Mulder. Hey, this is Bill Scully we're talking about- not a Pope of some kind. The man sharpens his butcher knives while chanting my name (backwards, of course - rather like "Revolution Number Nine"- and we all know what Lennon was thinking about when he and McCartney wrote that little ditty)- I was under no illusions where Brother Scully's hate for me was concerned. But Dana Scully, my tiny, sweet and oh-so-kissable partner (if she'd ever let me in close enough to find out just how kissable) had faith in her large sibling- and her next words were aimed to ply upon my weakness for her. "Mulder, please- come with me? I hate going to family stuff by myself - everyone in the place, from my mother right down to Bill's best friend, the chiropractor, tries to fix me up with someone they always assure me is "just perfect"- and I end up blind-dating some gnome with gastro-intestinal problems and sweaty palms-" Scully was begging. A fantasy of mine, coming true right in front of my eyes- Dana Scully begging for my company- what else could I do but give her a hug and a promise I'd go with her? But I was going to be on my most cautious guard around that brother of hers- I'd learned my lesson well. We've been here, at Bill's house, for exactly six minutes- and already I've got a groupie hanging on my every word. Ordinarily this kind of instant action would thrill me to no end, especially when I get my first eyeful of Poppy (What kind of parents name their kid Poppy?) - tall, blonde and busty, green-eyed and legs that reach all the way to her ass- yes, these are a few of my favorite things. Well- they were a few of my favorite things, until I met Dana Scully. Now she's superceded every past fave thing, every fantasy I've ever had and every reality I've met. Well- Where was I? Oh, yeah, Poppy. She's wearing the shortest, tightest striped dress I have ever seen, so tight it appears to be cutting off nourishing blood from the more private places of her body. She alternately giggles, squeals and pouts - makes me dizzy just watching the show. But I haven't really heard one full, complete sentence come out of her mouth yet - and my leg is beginning to fall asleep, from her full weight pressing down upon what must be one of the major arteries in my thigh. Where the hell is Scully, anyhow? The least she could do (as my 'unofficial date') is come to my rescue and get this woman off my lap- Ah, there she is- standing in the doorway with a full glass of what appears to be red wine in her hands- laughing with some guy. I wondered where she'd got----- Wait just a damn shit-fit minute. Laughing. With some guy. Some guy I've never seen before. Some guy wearing a dark suit, a white toothy smile on his stupidly grinning face- and unless I'm not mistaken- also sporting some kind of a woody, there in his dark little pants (hey, I'm a guy - I notice these things, okay? Same as women when they notice the size of another woman's breasts)- A woody, pointed in the general direction of one Dana Scully. My Scully. My partner. Mine. Nobody else's, damn it, never anyone else's but mine. Well, isn't this just fucking great? I'm sitting here in a corner of Bill Scully's house on Thanksgiving Day, full of turkey, with Poppy the Striped Wonder on my lap, squealing and giggling at God-only-knows what, cutting off the circulation in a leg that I may need later on - and Scully's laughing with some pencil-dick, right in front of me. No kidding, I'd bet the bastard is probably hung like a stud field mouse- maybe I should sneak into the bathroom when he goes in to take a leak (which shouldn't be long now, considering how many beers he's had) and check out the competition's equipment- OhmiGod- did I say that aloud? Poppy or Peppy or whatever the hell her name is just looked at me as if I had snapdragons growing out of my ears or something. I manage to smile inanely at her and make some dumb comment about the last tractor pull I attended- did she buy it? Yeah, guess so, if that vacuous smile on her face is anything to go by. Jesus, somebody save me before I have to gnaw off my own leg to escape- Suddenly, I hear music- someone has loaded up on some really sappy instrumental crap which seems to make Poopy (sorry, Poppy) go all mushy against me as she whispers to me how she'd just looooove to dance. Honestly, that's just the way she breathes it into my ear- "Fox, how I'd loooooove to dance-" How many "o"s was that? Five or six? Doesn't matter- I see a light at the end of the tunnel; a reprieve from the frozen numbness overtaking the left side of my body- for her striped cheeks have finally, finally removed themselves from my poor leg and now I am on my feet and dancing with her (well, it feels like dancing - I can't really tell since one side of me is paralyzed from the waist down). Whoever was thoughtful enough to pop in some tunes- I owe you my life, Buddy- who? Who saved me from a life of gangrenous anguish? Bill Scully. My Man! Saved my ass in more ways than one- got Pippy off my lap and got Scully just pissed enough to start drinking heavily. So what if she's hanging out with some geek in a suit? With that sorry excuse for an erection dangling between his skinny hips- I got no worries tonight. It's only a matter of time, before she gets pissed enough to come over here and do some damage to my poor striped dance-partner- only a matter of time. Uh-oh- here she comes. Maybe that last pelvic-pump I performed into Pappy's sausage-like contained hip area really got her dander up- I don't think I like that look in her eyes- not one little bit. Damn- I wish I had a camera. It seems as though I never have a way to preserve these special moments for posterity, when they occur- and make no mistake, this is a Polaroid moment, if ever there was one. Dana Scully, my tiny, perfect partner, 5'2" in her bare feet and maybe 100 pounds naked and dripping wet (now there's a visual I could fall in love with), has Puppy (Pippy? Poopy? Well, whatever) by the hair and is dragging her down the hallway- all 5'10" or so of her. I am hearing much squawking and cursing in a high-pitched squeal, emanating from the throat of my striped dance-partner, as Scully pulls her along. Boy, those have to be some kind of muscles in her little arms- I'll have to check them out later- For now, I am being entertained big-time by what's happening in Bill Scully's hallway- oh, wait - Scully just tossed her into a vacant bathroom and slammed the door. Looks like she locked it, too- and now she's on her way back- this way. And the look in those blue eyes- Oh hell. I am transfixed by that stare, so intense, unsmiling- urgent. I stand against a far wall and can't turn my gaze from my partner's as she approaches me. The music is still playing- and she's got hold of my hand. One tiny little tug, and I'm moving with her, all my limbs come to blazing life around her, as I wrap her in my arms and yank on her until her nose brushes mine (not as hard as it sounds, considering the size of my honker), and the tips of her breasts are tickling me. We sway slowly, tightly, to the music, and I am rapidly losing all focus except for Scully, in my arms, pressed against me with her soft upper lip almost touching my bottom lip- our breaths mingle and hers tastes like coconut and sage dressing (don't ask)- All I have to do is just lean forward about one-quarter of an inch, and I'll be kissing her- right in her brother's family room. Ah, he'll never know- he's got his back to us, busy yakking it up with Dickless the wonder hunk; the studley weasel Scully was laughing with, a seemingly very long time ago. Had to be a long time ago, because she's been dancing with me through generations, eons of time; eternity itself, even though it's only been maybe three minutes. Now she's sliding her hands down over my back, fingers sliding into the waistband of my slacks-so brazen, Ms. Scully, especially since you've got your face buried in my neck and won't look me in the eyes- I have to see her eyes; I wind fingers into her hair and pull at her until she meets my fascinated gaze- and the smoldering coals which have replaced her eyes are burning me alive- and I have suddenly had enough dancing, I think. Time for a little non-verbal conversation- privately. I whisper to her never to hide her self from me, ever again- and then I am pulling her over to the front door, ignoring everyone's protests that it's just too early to break up the party- Wrong-o, people- keep us here one more minute and you're gonna see some adult entertainment performed, right here on the family room floor, which will give new meaning to "Live and Un-cut-" I pack her into my car and we're off; I'm headed to my hotel as fast as I dare to drive; Scully hasn't said much, beyond asking me where we're going. She's nervous now; I have a feeling the drinking she did is finally processing through her body and she's sobered up quite a bit - and perhaps wondering what the hell she's gotten herself into. I'm not letting her off the hook - I got to see Kick-Ass Dana in action just a short while ago, and I want to see more. I want to experience the thrill of having her apply those kind of tactics to me, in a semi-non-violent aspect, of course- I want to hear Dana Scully scream. We are silent as we enter my hotel room, and I glance around in a flurry, relieved to see I hadn't left anything like dirty underwear or smelly socks lying around. I take off my coat and remove Scully's as well; she jumps about a foot and I can actually hear the shudder pass through her body. I walk up to her from behind, just as she mumbles something about not understanding why I would want to be here with her like this when Peepy the dancin' queen could be here with me- now, I'm not going to let that little tidbit of insecurity pass unchallenged - so I press into her rounded backside, and comb my fingers through her silky hair before I wind both arms around her waist and murmur into her ear, "Scully- I know what I like and I'm holding it right now- why would you ever think I could be attracted to someone with bleached hair and vinyl tits and -" Her amused voice interrupted my impassioned avowal with a breathless, "Mulder- silicone, not vinyl-" "Oh, hell, Scully- potato, potahto- still fake. Anyhow, I wasn't finished reassuring you - d'ya mind? Where was I? Oh yeah- why should I want any other woman in this world, when you're right here; always been right here, in my mind and so deep inside me it's like you have permanent dibs on my soul-" That gets me a meltdown of impressive proportions- a meltdown of all her fears, all her worries; she turns in my arms and gazes up at me with such a hot look it about sears my eyeballs and I can't wait any longer- I lift her, hard against me, high into my arms, and I cover her mouth with one deep, starving kiss. Our first one- and the feel of her lips on mine, the silky little tongue gliding against my teeth, almost sends me to the edge before I can clamp down on the endless lust pumping through my veins, and make an effort to control six years of almost painful need and wanting. Not breaking the kiss, couldn't bear to stop kissing her, not even long enough to get her over to the bed, which was really too bad, since that was one damn comfortable bed - but I have no strength, no willpower left- and it's of paramount importance to get everything perfect, this very first time - even if it means doing it on the blasted floor. My hands are busy slipping off her clothes, as I continue to kiss her mouth; I am running out of oxygen but I could suffocate a happy man, right here, right now - her mouth is wondrously mobile, and her teeth and tongue alternately lick, bite and nip at mine until I think I'll go out of my frigging mind with the want of her. On top of that, what I am uncovering with my hands as we kiss - there must be a God, because I suddenly refuse to believe for one moment that something this insanely gorgeous could have been fashioned after apes. I am unwrapping my future Christmas, birthday, Hanukkah, Fourth of July and Election Day gifts, for the rest of my life, as I unwrap Dana Scully. Skin like pale silk, perfect rounded breasts tipped in baby pink; delicate bones underneath it all - she takes my breath away. She stands there with her eyes boring into me, unmoving, letting me undress her, inch by inch - and I keep finding all this new, neat stuff, as I systematically work my way down her body. She has a dimple on her hip - not a scar, not a fold of skin, but a real honest-to-goodness dimple. I touch it with a gentle finger, and she sighs; the first sound she's made since we began this little voyage of discovery. I replace my finger with my tongue, and she grips my shoulders with tense hands and the sigh becomes a shuddery gasp. I lift my eyes to hers as I probe that cute little spot, needing to see her response; and her flushed cheeks and slitted gaze of heat just about undo me. I need to find the rest of her tender places, all her best places- I slide the skirt from her hips, to find, underneath the velvet fabric - Holy shit with a side of fries- She's wearing navy silk - a midnight navy garter belt, lacy and frilly with ribbons and tiny rosettes; and stockings are attached to it, thigh high stockings with matching lace tops. The contrast between her pale, perfect legs and that navy color is just enough to send me over the edge, I swear- I have to think of horrible things, nasty imagery, to keep myself focused enough not to come right there on the spot. I reach up to slide down the tiny panties which match the garter belt; a small scrap of navy lace barely covering anything. I press my face to the soft hair I have just revealed, and growl into her, "You wore this on purpose, didn't you? To drive me nuts- to push me right into orbit- didn't you?" Her moaning affirmation is almost inaudible- but I hear it. With an answering groan of my own, I tug at her body until she's on the floor in front of me, opened to me- and I very slowly run the length of my tongue along her fluttering center- and my lips kiss these sweet little lips of hers, deeply- and her body is arching off the floor, every muscle tense with need- she's gonna ache all over in the morning- I guarantee it. I can wait for it, better believe it - I can wait for what I want to hear from Dana Scully, as I probe her and lick at her and nip at her tiny clit- I want to hear her scream, won't be happy until I do - she's shuddering so hard now, every inch of her trembling with the blood and the adrenaline rushing through her; and as I begin to flick hard at that little knot of nerves, with the tip of my tongue- I become a very happy man. Dana Scully is screaming- gasping and screaming, deep and raw in her throat. And I won't stop, never gonna stop loving her this way; I'm addicted to the sound of her, gotta hear more, need more, more- Man, I hope the hotel manager doesn't call the cops on us- "Mulder- I was not wearing a navy silk garter belt- I've never even owned anything like that!" "Scully- I kept it as a memento, after we- well, after. I have it locked away in my strongbox, up in the attic." He's smirking at her in glee; she's scowling at him, cheeks hotly pink. "You are such a liar! And what was up with that little monologue about how you did me first, Mulder? I pinned you to the bed and took your clothes off- I had you every which way but hanging from the ceiling, way before you ever got your hands on me! You need to take a dose of memory, buddy-" "Lies, lies, lies, Scully- lemme see that little nose of yours; it's gotta be as long as a yardstick by now - I had you, first - I had you big-time, Dana Katherine - right on the damn hotel floor. We didn't make it to the bed until about an hour later, when you came for maybe the fourth time-" "Call me a liar one more time and I'll really have to hurt you, Mulder- and another thing - where did you ever come up with that touching little scene about how grateful you were to my moron brother for his major interference in our lives! He could have turned us against each other, so easily- I wouldn't speak to him for months after he pulled his crap on us- while you went on and on about how great he was. He introduced that weird friend of his, that Scott-person, to me- the man was more boring than time standing still! And you- pinned down by Pansy the Inflatable Breast-God, you're gullible-!" "Poppy, Scully- her name was Poppy- or was it Pippy-?" "Who the hell cares, Mulder- I would have tossed her in the john no matter what her name had been-and you think my brother was doing you a favor, huh? With that dipshit broad sitting in your lap, soaking up your tripod..." He throws his head back in a laugh; grabs at her and squeezes the breath from her in glee. "My 'tripod', as you so charmingly call it, was never in any danger of being provoked by that dizzy bitch, Scully- now you, on the other hand- you know just where to prod to get me in a state of no return-" He rubs himself against her, grinning evilly down into her pink face. She opens her mouth to say more, and he pounces on her, very effectively shutting her up. The protests rumbling in her throat turn into one wild groan, uttered straight into his soul- and he presses her tightly against him and kisses her senseless. He wants to strip the clothes from her, right there on the sofa.. strip her bare and bury himself in her so deep he'd probably come out the back of her- but one little detail makes him screech to a halt, as he begins to tug on her sweater- "Daddy? Why are you laying on top of Mommy-?" End