Title: So Right Author: SueBee E-mail: SueBeePhile@aol.com Summary: Truth is sweeter than fiction Classification: MSR, RST, Post-EP smut Rating: NC-17 for consensual sexual situations Spoilers: Major spoilers for "H.A.D." Minor spoilers for "Momento Mori" and anything through season seven. Archive: Yes to Spooky's, Gossamer, and anyone who may want it. If possible, drop me a line and let me know where it is going. Feedback: Please? I love it!!!!! Disclaimer: They are not mine. I am not making any money from this. Please don't sue. Author's notes at the end. *************************************************************** As he felt her warm fingers wrap around his, the same thought flooded his mind, Scully was still grinning over their mutual vows of love to A.D. Skinner. Mulder stole sideways glances at her as she pretended not to notice. The Bureau credit card was clutched in her other hand, as if it were a secret key she was afraid to lose. He looked down at their entwined hands and stopped in mid-stride. Scully took another half step until she felt the tug of his halted hand. Turning back to face him, the smile slipped off of her face and was replaced with a questioning gaze. "What is it, Mulder?" "You know, Scully, it just occurred to me that I haven't been a very good date." A hint of a grin hovered over her lips as she met his stare. "Well, I've seen better movies, but this one wasn't your fault." Mulder almost imperceptibly shook his head as he continued on, "No, Scully, that's not what I meant." A mild look of confusion crossed her face as she prodded him to continue. "Mulder, what do you mean?" "I mean..." giving her the most adoring appraisal he could muster, "look at you. You look so, well, you know." Scully self-consciously smoothed a hand over her hair and shifted her gaze to the credit card. Clearing her throat, she asked again, "What do you mean?" Taking a step back, he gave her a more thorough once over. Squeezing her hand, Mulder tried again. "I mean, you look beautiful, Scully. Your eyes, your hair, that incredible dress. You look absolutely radiant and I ditched you because of a stupid movie that got you, got *us*, so wrong." "It's okay, Mulder. I figured the romantic issues, um, disturbed you?" Uncertainty clouded her appearance as she attempted to let go of his hand. He held on more tightly and tilted her chin up so she could meet his eyes. "It's not that either. Do you think the two of us squished into a coffin represents our relationship?" Trying to make light of the situation, she lowered her voice a notch. "Well, it hasn't happened yet, but it wouldn't surprise me." "Scully, I don't have to fall on top of you to kiss you." Her eyes widened just enough to accompany her stunned intake of breath. "What?" "I said, I don't have to fall on top of you to kiss you." Having gained her composure, she took a step forward. "Then, what will it take?" Sliding his hand down her other arm, he reached for the credit card and waved it in front of her. "Is it still considered a date if it's on the Bureau? I mean, I hate to be all dressed up with nowhere to go." Scully looked up at him with an expression he couldn't make out. It was intense but it wasn't unwilling. "So, ask me." Mulder leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Come with me tonight." Scully nodded her acceptance as she let him escort her away from the movie set and out of the building. As Mulder held open her car door, Scully paused and eyed him curiously. "So, Mulder, what are we going to do?" Smiling in spite of himself, he decided to give nothing away. "Come on, Scully. Don't you like surprises?" "Not particularly." "Then I'll give you a hint." Sliding into her seat, she looked up at him and waited. He gently closed the door and leaned into the open window. Mulder contemplated her a moment, smiled more broadly, and then got in on his side. After starting the car, he took her hand and rubbed his thumb along the soft, warm surface. He liked being free to touch her like this. He liked it a lot. "Well?" "Well, what?" Scully let out a frustrated huff of air and turned toward him. "Mulder, my hint?" He took her hand and ran his lips along the pulse at her wrist. It was slow and steady. For now. He leaned in toward her and came within an inch of her expectant mouth. "Scully?" "Yes, Mulder?" "Scully, we are going to live like the undead." She rolled her eyes and backed away so she could focus on him. "That's my hint?" "Yes." "You're serious?" "Yes." Crossing her legs away from him, she stared out through the smudged windshield. "Mulder, why don't I find that comforting?" He pocketed the bureau credit card and maneuvered the sedan onto the highway. "Trust me." "Tell me we aren't going to a real grave yard." He chuckled as he glanced in her direction. "No, but I can arrange it if you have your heart set on it. I have a friend who has a map to all the resting places of the..." She quickly interjected, "No, no, that's okay." "...stars." A quiet fell between the two as Mulder drove and Scully stared out the window. The myriad of lights danced and reflected off of her pale skin while she took in the scenery. He could see the tension and wariness on her face as she tried to figure out the hint. "Scully?" "Yeah, Mulder?" "Trust me." She gave in to the pleading tone of his voice and released a pent up breath. She licked her dry mouth and decided to just go with it. The hum of the car engine serenaded them as they continued their journey. Scully remained ensconced in the view of Hollywood as Mulder pulled the car into the hotel parking lot. Becoming aware of her surroundings, Scully sounded tense again. "This is our date?" "Not exactly." "Aren't we going somewhere?" "Sort of..." Mulder replied as he put the car in park and exited on his side. He pulled at her hand as he helped her out of the car and into the hotel. He refused to let go as he escorted her to her room. The lighting was dim and the thick plush of the hallway carpet muffled their steps. Scully tried to control her overwhelming sense of disappointment as she resigned herself to the thought of pizza and whatever was showing on HBO. Inwardly sighing, she slipped the key in the door and looked back at Mulder. "Aren't you coming in?" "No." "Changed your mind?" Smiling, he responded, "No." "Well, then, I'll change and knock on your door after I find the takeout menu." He lifted a finger to her lips to silence her. "Scully, don't change that dress. Freshen up if you want. I will be back to get you in an hour." With that, he closed the door behind him. The reversal from disappointment to excitement left Scully suspended in the middle of her hotel room. She slipped her heels off and walked over to the vanity mirror. When she looked up, she saw her reflection smiling stupidly back at her. She brushed her hair and slid the head band back through her tresses. She liked the new style. She thought it was finally something different from the usual business 'do. Truth be told, she was even going to allow herself to think it made her look younger. Considering her excitement for this date, she felt like a teenager again. Checking her watch, she figured she had plenty of time to add some finishing touches. With the application of some lotion, a bit more perfume, and just another hint of lipstick, she felt ready. The problem was, she still had a half an hour to wait. That left her with just enough time and not enough time to do anything else. She turned on some music and decided to just sit it out. Promptly thirty minutes later, there was a sharp knock on the door. Scully stood up quickly to answer it but didn't want to seem to eager. Her heart was actually pounding. On the second knock, she opened the door. There stood Mulder, or what she could see of him. A bouquet of roses blocked her view of his face. "Mulder?" He lowered the flowers and handed them to her. "For you, Scully." "Thank you." Her hand brushed his as she accepted the gift. They were beautiful. The last time Mulder gave her flowers was on the pretense that he stole them from another patient in the hospital. She could not stop herself from smiling. She looked at them in wonder as Mulder took them back out of her hand and placed them on the table. Upset by the removal, she complained, "But Mulder, they need water. They are so beautiful and I don't want them to go to waste." He soothed her, "Don't worry Scully, it will be taken care of." She looked from the roses back to Mulder and then at the roses again. "You look so beautiful, Scully." It was so soft, it was practically a whisper. She could feel the heat rise in her face from the low tones in his voice. "Thanks, so do you. I mean, you, uh, look very handsome." His eyes never left hers as he held out his arm. "Shall we?" Taking his arm, she let him guide her out the door and out of the hotel. As they stood outside the building, Scully couldn't help but ask an obvious question. "So, where's the car?" "Right where I left it" "Then, where are we going?" "You'll see." Her exasperation at his reluctance to speak almost got the best of her until she heard what she swore sounded like the clip-clop of horse hooves. As the carriage came into view and halted in front of them, Scully stared at Mulder in amazement. He climbed aboard and held his hand out to help her up. "You're kidding?" "No, I'm not. " She grasped his hand and he pulled her in without effort. As they got comfortable on the bench, Scully saw the ice bucket full of Dom Perignon. "Mulder, I'm impressed." He put his arm around her and nuzzled her ear with his soft lips. "The night's not over yet." Scully sipped champagne and enjoyed the view of Griffith Park rolling by. Mulder never took his eyes off of her. "Where are we going?" "You'll see." The carriage stopped at the bottom of an incline. Mulder grabbed a basket and jumped down. "Come on Scully, you up for a walk?" They walked for what seemed like miles to her poor aching feet. Finally, they stopped at what appeared to be an observatory. Mulder set the basket down and began to unpack it. "Where are we, Mulder?" "This doesn't look familiar? Look up." When Scully moved her gaze from her sore feet up to Mulder, and then over his shoulder, she saw it. It was the "Hollywood" sign. "Mulder, I can't believe this. I never knew..." "That I had it in me?" he finished for her. "Come sit down and partake in some of these goodies." Taking off her high heels, she joined him for more champagne and some strawberries. They were delicious. As Mulder placed another sweet fruit in her mouth, she closed her eyes and savored the taste. "God Mulder, these are wonderful. Why aren't you eating?" Mulder rested on his elbow and looked up at her with dark eyes. "I'm enjoying myself just watching you." He traced his hand along the side of her face and rested it on the curve of her neck. The air around them seemed to change when she looked into his eyes. They glittered and sparkled like the stars above them. Before she could stop herself, she closed the distance and pressed her lips to his. The movement knocked him on his back but she didn't stop kissing him. The feel of his soft full lips against hers tasted better than anything she had had that evening. Mulder recovered from the initial shock quickly and wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her closer. She lifted her head a bit and looked down on him. "I guess I had to fall on you." His voice was raspy, as he pulled her neck to his lips and began to trail warm wet kisses up her ear. "Yeah, well, we're not in a coffin, so give me a little credit." Her hands moved up his shoulders as she pressed soft sweet kisses back toward his mouth. "I give you credit, Mulder. Tonight has been wonderful." His mouth claimed hers again and she felt as if she couldn't get her body close enough to him. Her lips parted as he brushed his tongue along the tender curve of her mouth. She pressed into him as a low moan edged out of Mulder's throat. Her pulse sped up and she could feel her heart pound against her ribcage. This was so right.... "Ahem, uh, Mr. Mulder?" Scully scrambled off of him as she met the very embarrassed eyes of the carriage driver. Mulder looked a bit thunderstruck as he stood up. "Yes?" "Sir, your time is almost up. I will be needing to get the horses back to the set." Mulder chanced a glance at Scully but she was busying herself by putting her shoes back on. "Oh, sure. Fine. We'll be right there." He haphazardly tossed the food back in the basket and reached for Scully's hand. To his relief, she was smiling. She tugged on his hand until she was level with his ear. "Please tell me there is more where that came from." He stopped in his tracks and looked down at her. "Scully, there is always more." As they descended down the hill, he added, "But I don't think there will be any more interruptions." The trip back to the hotel was spent in silence. Each was afraid to speak and break the magical spell that seemed to surround them. The driver kept his back straight and his eyes forward. Scully smiled at this when Mulder nodded in his direction. He grasped for her hand and she let their fingers play and flirt. He ran his thumb in tiny circles around her wrist as she scooted closer and leaned against him. The ride seemed over to soon, as Mulder helped her down and slipped the driver his tip. They laughed when he shifted his eyes to them and blushed. The carriage took off while they entered the hotel and made their way to their rooms. Scully knew it was the same hallway, but the lights seemed dimmed just for them. Silly she thought, but at this point, anything was possible. They walked slowly and held hands along the way. As they reached her door, she paused in an effort to figure out how to get him to come inside. When she looked up and started to speak, he was looking at her intently with eyes that glittered with promise. "Scully, do you still trust me?" Her gaze never wavered when she responded. "You know I do, Mulder. With everything I have." He looked surprisingly pleased as he took both of her hands and pulled her to the spot in front of his room. He took her face in his hands and looked at her in all seriousness. "I know you might not be ready for this and I might be jumping to conclusions but..." Scully ran her fingers along the lapels of his jacket and slowly looked up and met his eyes. She thought her voice barely sounded like her own when she said, "Mulder, open the door." "Okay, but close your eyes." He tugged at his tie and unknotted it. He pulled it free and asked her again, "Trust me?" She nodded as she felt the black silk of the tie slip over her eyelids. He tied it gently yet firmly around her and opened the door. He led her inside and guided her toward a chair. She gingerly sat down as she felt the electricity build in her stomach. "Mulder, what are you doing?" She could hear him shuffle around making mysterious preparations. "Just a second, Scully" The room grew quiet as she strained to hear what was going on. She was startled when Mulder placed his hand over hers. It felt large and it's warmth was encompassing. She could hear her own breathing when she felt his other hand slide down her smooth stocking clad leg. Mulder first removed one shoe and then the other. He whispered to her and the heat from his breath tickled along the shell of her ear. "Will you dance with me?" He pulled her from the chair and she held on tightly in an effort to gain her footing. "There's no music, Mulder." He drew her close and wrapped his arms around her. "No, not yet." He ran his fingers softly up her back and untied her blindfold. She prepared to blink at harsh brightness but was greeted instead by soft candle light. Scully looked around at the flickering candles and saw that they were placed everywhere around the room. To her delight, her cherished roses were in a vase on a night stand next to the bed. He gave a seductive smile. "I told you they would be taken care of." Returning the gesture she asked, "Now what?" He pressed play on a mini stereo by the table. Scully couldn't quite recall the name of the artist but the music was slow and bluesy. Mulder held out his hand and she accepted his invitation. He had removed his jacket and shoes so they were both swaying together in stockinged feet. They fumbled a bit as Mulder placed his hand on her lower back and drew her near. They fought for just the right feet placement and Scully accidentally stepped on his foot. She felt the blush creep up her cheeks as she mumbled her apology. He smoothed his hand up her back and down again in short, electrifying strokes. He looked almost serene but the drum beat of his heart against Scully's ear gave him away. She looked up at him then with a question that had been troubling her all night. "Mulder?" She could feel his chest rumble when he responded, "Yes, Scully?" "When you said we were going to live like the undead, what did you mean?" He pulled away from her and looked at her steadily. "You don't remember why I said the dead try to come back to life as the undead?" She shook her head and tried not to stare at his mouth. He had no problem gazing at hers as he explained, "The undead come back to eat, drink, dance, and..." Scully finished, "Make love." He whispered, "That's right." Scully stepped forward and placed both of her tiny feet toe to toe with his much larger ones. The shadows in the room did nothing to hide the desire in her eyes as she looked up at him and made her request. "Make love to me, Mulder." He stared at her and then nodded in disbelief. "I was hoping you would say that." His head descended as his arms pulled her near. He sealed his lips to hers while she urged him toward the bed. He pulled her up in his arms until her feet no longer touched the floor. When his legs hit the edge of the bed he eased her down on it and bent on his knees. Their breathing grew ragged as they tried to touch, to taste, to be everywhere at once. She faintly heard the music in some surreal far off place as the heat of Mulder's mouth captured the sensitive skin at the base of her neck. He groaned as she clawed at the buttons of his shirt. No matter how hard she tried, the damn things wouldn't come undone. Frustrated by her lack of progress, she yanked at the seams and saw the first four buttons fly off. She was somewhat satisfied until she realized he was wearing a T-shirt underneath the dress shirt. Reaching for the hem she tugged it free from his pants and ran hot wet kisses along the expanse of his stomach. "Off, Mulder. Take this off." "God, Scully..." was Mulder's only response as he helped her free him of the offending material. The golden candle glow bathed Mulder's smooth skin. He did look beautiful. Feeling rewarded for her efforts, Scully scooted up the bed. Mulder soon followed and hovered above her. She could feel the heat between them in tangible electrifying waves. It pulsed between them. Before she could say anything else, his hands were on her again, squeezing and stroking her with amazing finesse. He ran kisses down her neck and along one bare shoulder. He kneaded her thighs and rubbed down to her calves. He slid down her body until he was at her feet. She propped herself on one elbow and removed her headband from her now disheveled hair. Scully looked down at Mulder as he began caressing her ankles with the tips of his fingers. She never knew that could feel so good. When he reached her calves again, he applied more pressure and Scully moaned her appreciation. Her body stilled when his hands went under her skirt and touched the tops of her bare thighs. His head came up in one slow aroused gesture. "Stockings?" She nodded as a thankful smile creased his face. He pushed up her skirt and placed a heated tender kiss on her inner thigh. She jumped at the contact but he would not relent. He laved his tongue in erotic patterns over the bared flesh. He applied the same wonderful torture to her other thigh until Scully let out an uncontrollable whimper. He eased off one stocking and then the other. Mulder looked adoringly at her small but shapely legs. His hands traced their way back up her thighs in a slow enticing dance. She arched toward him and pulled his lips to hers. Mouths met, pulled away, and joined again. Her hands were on his shoulders, encouraging him closer, needing him anywhere and everywhere. He sucked in a sweet pulsating movement along her ear and down her throat. He edged his way down her body as she tried to pull him against her. Her pulse was pounding in her ears as he took a hold of her panties and slid them down her body. "Yes, oh, yes...." she panted. He made no move to remove the rest of his clothing as he poised himself between her legs. Taking in the sight of her mostly nude body was his undoing. He took one leg in his hands and trailed kisses from her ankle to her knee. She shivered at the warm, wet contact. Up he went, on to her thigh, kissing and sucking at the tender flesh. Her thighs came apart, allowing him any access he wanted. He continued his onslaught until she felt his warm breath on her womanhood. Before she could feel self-conscious, she felt his tongue slide up her in one erotic sweep. She clutched the covers on either side of her as she waited for more. She could feel and hear him hum his delight as he stroked her again and again. She moaned as he found just the spot he was looking for, flicking and circling it with his tongue. She knew she was moaning but she couldn't stop. Scully felt the sweet, hot prickly need surge from her belly down to her thighs. She sensed the tightening of her walls as he slid his fingers into her and pumped, once, twice, over and over. She felt liquefied as her muscles began to tremble from the pleasure he was giving her. Around his tongue circled and deeper she throbbed, each sensation growing stronger with each thrust of his hand. Pleasure finally overtook her as she screamed out his name and pulsed in deep satisfying surges against him. Scully watched him kiss her stomach as he waited for her to come back down. Her breathing slowed a bit but nothing would keep her from wanting him with her. "Mulder?" He looked at her with hazy passion filled eyes. "Come here." He slid his body next to hers as he felt the ebb and flow of their ragged breathing. Looking down at her crumpled dress, he smiled a bit sheepishly. "I think it's about time we took this off." She undressed and he undressed as each watched for the next inch of skin to be bared. When each article of clothing fell to the floor, the sexual tension notched up another level. Mulder rested his back against the headboard as he unbuckled, unzipped and did what he could to free himself. Scully never moved her eyes from his as she slipped off her dress and stood nude in front of him. He smiled and she smiled as he held his hand out to her. Climbing on the bed, she straddled the taut muscles of his thighs. Perched on her knees, she leaned forward and sucked gently on his lower lip. She teased and taunted his mouth with the tip of her tongue. When he moved forward to make his claim, she eased back just enough to leave him wanting so much more. Mulder's hands rested on her hips and gently squeezed with every stroke of her tongue. He had to have more. "Scully, I need you. Please..." She sealed his lips with hers and explored his beautiful mouth. She gave and he took everything she had. His hands moved to cup her breasts and she moaned into his mouth. He traced her nipples with his thumbs and encased her pliant flesh with his palms. Reaching up, he pushed back her shoulders and pulled a firm nipple into his mouth. With each tug of his mouth, she found herself thrusting her center along the hardened length of him. She needed more. She rose up a bit and guided the turgid length of him to her. He stopped and waited for her next move. Eye to eye, the moment came. Slowly, she slid down and impaled herself to the hilt. They both gasped at the sensation that felt so new, yet was as old as time itself. Mulder held on to her hips as she ascended above him and circled down around him. He surrendered control to her as her body rose and fell in thrust after sweet, deep thrust. Her back arched as she deepened and changed the angle of his penetration. She cried out as she came down upon him again and again. Their bodies meshed in a series of erotic movements that left them clinging, grasping at each other for dear life. Scully thrust down and Mulder thrust up in an unbearable rhythm. He felt her tighten around him and knew that she was coming close again. Slick with sweat, and throbbing with need, their bodies slipped and slid into each other. Scully's head fell back as she tried to form Mulder's name on her lips. All she could do was moan as he joined her in climax. Thrust after thrust, they met and united as they rode out the waves of pleasure together. She fell forward and rested her head on his neck, kissing the rapid pulse beneath her lips. He splayed trembling fingers along her back and did his best to get his breathing under control. Later, their heart rates calmed and the music came back into focus. They lay entwined listening contentedly to the huffs of their breathing. They drifted into the sleepy haze that comes after making love. Arms tangled and bodies spooned together in warm, peaceful comfort. Mulder whispered in her ear, "Scully?" Smiling against his arm, she replied "Yes, Mulder?" "They got something else wrong in the movie." "What's that?" "He didn't tell her that he loved her." She snuggled against him and responded, "She didn't tell him either." He turned her to face him as he searched her eyes for the truth that was lying there. "I say we forget about the movie and do it right." She kissed him softly and whispered, "We already did." The End **************************************************************** Author's notes: I would like to thank my sister for all of the wonderful "date ideas." Moreover, I want to thank MellyB and Rio for their beta services. You helped me so much! As always, thanks to the shippers at the Haven for their input and encouragement. You guys are the best.