Title: "Trust This 1" Author: Scifinerdgrl Category: Missing Scene, Post-Ep ("Trust No1"), DRR Rating: NC-17 Summary: John & Mon watch Meepy for Weepy "I'll need you to watch William for me, Monica," Scully said hurriedly, not waiting for any acknowledgment. Reyes nodded silently anyway. As Scully continued rushing around the apartment, preparing for her meeting with a mysterious shadow man, Reyes felt useless, redundant, yet at the same time intrusive. She fancied herself a listener, a confidant to Scully and Doggett alike. But here they were, rushing around and arguing as though she didn't exist. Doggett said, "I don't like this. I don't like the feel of it. And I don't like you agreeing to it without back-up." "You said I have to trust someone, right?" Scully answered, "Well that's what I'm doing," and she rushed past them. ***** This was all wrong. She could feel it. Yet they muted her somehow. Doggett rushed past Reyes, following Scully to the door. "I don't like this!" he shouted as she slammed the door behind her. Doggett was fuming, and he stood behind the door shifting his feet, his fists clenched and his jaw fighting against his tongue. Monica emerged from the bedroom and looked around. The couple was gone. She rushed back to the bedroom and was relieved to see William still in his crib. She picked him up gingerly, struggling to find the right places to put her hands, and gently lifted him to her chest. He started to cry almost immediately. Reyes' heart sank. She wasn't sure she could do this, and she hoped Doggett was still there. She walked slowly back to the living room, William's cries growing louder with every step. Doggett, still at the door, whirled around, his hand reaching for his gun. "It's okay. It's me," Monica assured him. "That couple - They're gone. I just wanted to check on him." She nodded toward the baby, and Doggett looked around the living room. He hurriedly checked the rest of the apartment, then looked into the hallway. "Did you see them leave?" Doggett asked. Reyes had never seen him so panicked. She shook her head. "Damn!" he shouted. He paced in a small circle, running his hand through his hair. "We don't know where she went... They probably followed her..." he said, as much to himself as to Reyes. She nodded and pursed her lips. "We're not safe here," she offered. "What if this whole thing is a ruse to get at the baby?" Doggett stopped pacing and looked at her, his face ashen, the muscles of his jaw pulling his lips backward. "You're right. We gotta get outta here." "But..." Monica started. Doggett didn't hear her. He'd already started rushing around the bedroom, looking for Scully's diaper bag. Reyes went to the front door, and awkwardly tried to free a hand to lock the door. William's cries grew louder until she felt like she wanted to cry herself. John quickly found the necessities, packed it up in the diaper bag, and rushed back to the living room. He looked up and took in the sight of Monica desperately trying to hold onto this screaming child. He couldn't help but smile, but he said nothing. No matter what the challenge, Monica always gave it her best. He loved that about her. He paused to scribble a note to Scully, instructing her to dial his cellphone number when she returned. Then he walked to the door and smiled reassuringly at Monica. She tried to smile back, and they left the apartment together. Doggett opened the car door for Reyes, then took the baby out of her arms. He stopped crying immediately, and Doggett smiled. Reyes slid silently into the passenger seat and buckled her seat belt. John leaned down and gave her instructions as he laid William in her lap. He cooed happily and Monica looked up gratefully. "It's just experience, Mon," John said sympathetically. He shut the door gently then ran around to the driver's side. They drove around in silence, each watching their mirrors for signs they were being followed. As they waited for a red light to change, Doggett looked at Reyes and saw her eyeing a car in the opposing lane. They exhanged glances and Doggett gunned the engine, running the red light. William started crying again but Reyes didn't notice. She was looking over her shoulder. "They made a U-turn," she said. "They're catching up." They took a series of intricate turns, eventually losing the trailing car. Doggett pulled the car to a bus stop and they looked at each other breathlessly as the baby wailed. "That was too easy," said Reyes. Doggett nodded. He glanced in the mirror then in one movement opened his door as he unbuckled his safety belt. He ran in front of a cab and the driver stopped it just before hitting him. He ran to the driver's door and the window rolled down. "Are you crezzy, Mon?" said the dark-skinned driver. "You couldda been kilt!" Doggett put his hand on the door and leaned forward. "Hey, I'm off-duty Mon. Get anudder cab!" As the driver reached for his gearshift, Doggett pulled out his gun. "Turn on your light" he commanded. The driver complied. Doggett stuck his head into the compartment and looked around. There were college textbooks and papers on the passenger seat, and wooden beads hanging from the rearview mirror. . The remnants of many fast-food lunches littered the footwell, and the driver's ID was correctly displayed. Doggett's eyes started to water and he noticed the faint aroma of marijuana mixed with incense. "My car broke down," he said breathlessly. "And the baby is driving my wife crazy. He nodded toward his car. With a flip of his head he signalled to Monica to get out, and she approached the car. William was screaming and red- faced, and Monica seemed genuinely to be at her wits' end. Doggett opened the rear door behind the driver as Monica opened the other. "Four Seasons Hotel, Georgetown," he ordered. William's screams were enough to urge the driver on, and Monica could tell by Doggett's glances that she shouldn't say anything. The arrived at the portico of the luxury hotel on M Street in a few minutes. Doggett paid the driver and patted his shoulder. "Thanks. You have no idea how happy I am you showed up!" he said sincerely. The driver smiled weakly and looked cynically at the wad of cash. Doggett pulled out another dollar and gave it to him. After the hotel's doormen opened their doors, Doggett walked around to Reyes side, and he put his hand on her waist. He led her into the lobby. A combination of mischief and amazement came to Reyes' face and Doggett whispered out of the side of his mouth, "I know the security chief. He's an old cop too. I've brought witnesses here a few times." She smiled in admiration. He walked her to the center of the room. "Wait here," he ordered, leaving her standing next to a round table topped with a flower arrangement that reached several feet toward the ceiling. Overhead a crystal chandelier cast gentle patterns on both the flowers and Reyes' face. As he walked toward the concierge's desk, he looked over his shoulder. Her face was beaming, even as William squirmed and cried in her arms. After speaking in a hushed conspiratorial huddle with the concierge, he returned to her and said "It'll be a minute." They waited in silence as Reyes's eyes scanned the lobby. She leaned into the flower arrangement. It didn't have any strong aromas, but the cacophony of colors and shapes delighted her and she got lost in its beauty. Doggett looked on, admiring her admiring it. He thought she looked as if she belonged in the floral arrangement herself. He sighed, relaxing for the first time that day. Later, he would remember that moment and realize that it had lately become habitual for him to look at her to find comfort when he was feeling stressed. She looked up suddenly and caught sight of his serene visage. She smiled, and light from the chandelier glistened off her teeth. He felt his breath catch, and he jumped when the chief of hotel security put a hand on his arm. ***** The room was luxurious yet businesslike, with a small refrigerator, microwave, and coffeepot. A portable crib in the corner seemed out of place despite its cherrywood frame and its decorator bedding. Monica stood a few feet inside the room, rocking from side to side as William calmed himself in her arms. John put the passkey in his pocked and put his hand on the back of her elbow. "C'mon You gonna stand there all night?" Reyes snapped to attention. "Oh, well..." she stammered, but she didn't take a step. He pulled on her elbow, gently urging her toward the small sofa. He took William from her and laid him in the crib, arranging the bedding like an experienced parent. He bent forward and she couldn't help admiring his ass, as he talked in gentle tones to the baby. He glanced over his shoulder, and she looked away. He smiled. He'd caught her admiring his ass before, and he loved that he had that effect on her. They both jumped slightly when they heard a quiet rap at the door. Reyes grabbed her gun, raised it in front of her face, and stepped quietly toward the door. She could see nothing through the peephole. She put her ear to the door but heard nothing. Silently, she pulled the door handle and eased the door open a crack. There was nobody there, and the only sound was the distant whir of the elevator. She looked down and saw a cardboard box, calf-high and square-shaped. She pushed the door further open. She looked back into the room, and Doggett was standing by the crib, his gun outstretched, his blue eyes darting from one side of the doorway to the other, then down. Monica gracefully put one foot against the box and started easing it toward the emergency exit. It was lighter than she'd expected. She pulled the door closed and continued toeing the box further down the hall, still keeping her gun cocked and ready. Inside the emergency stairwell she examined the box. It was not sealed, and she gently pulled up on one flap until she could see inside. The box contained diapers, several brands of baby formula, powders, lotions, babywipes, a pacifier and teddy bear, and a few things Monica couldn't identify. She sighed and headed back to the room. The door swung open as she neared it, and she slipped inside. She held the box out for Doggett's inspection. "Wilson," he said, nodding with appreciation. "He's good, I tellya." "If he's a friend of yours he must be," Monica teased. They smiled into each other's faces, and as the adrenaline left their blood, other chemicals rushed in to replace it. Monica's face flushed and she looked away first. "John, I..." she started. He interrupted. "Look at us!" He laughed nervously. "We're afraid of a box of baby formula!" Monica sighed. "We're okay here," she said as much to herself as to him, keeping her eyes on the carpet. "We're safe." She walked back to the sofa and John followed her. "This is the safest place I know," he assured her. "This room was secured a long time ago and it stays secure. Nobody will find us here if we don't want to be found. And I guarantee there are no cameras, no bugs, no mysterious spies snooping through two-way mirrors." He reached for her hand. "There isn't a more secure room in the district." At that moment, in a windowless room at the NSA, coffee spurted out through an agent's nose. Reyes felt a tingle go up her spine when he took her hand. She blushed and looked away for a second before her eyes were drawn to his. "We're safe here," she said again. She sighed and tried to read the expression in his face. "I hope Dana's safe too," she added. He looked into her eyes and she felt like she was melting. He reached for her other hand and said tenderly, "I want you to know." He paused and swallowed with some difficulty. "That I'm grateful for the way you've taken on this ... situation." He watched her face carefully. She seemed confused. He added, "I know there are ... rumors... about Dana and me." He cleared his throat. Her hands tried to squirm out of his but he held them tightly. "About last year, when Mulder was missing..." "John, please, you don't have to..." Monica started. He pulled her hands downward as if to silence her. "Monica, I want you to know... whatever you may have heard, it's false." He looked directly into her eyes, and she looked away. It looked to him like she was blushing, but it was a flush of relief he saw spreading across her neck and cheeks. He let go of her hands and put his hands on her jaw, pulling her face back to face him. She felt her hair stand on end, and resisted for a moment, but then allowed him to continue. Finally she looked into his eyes again, and he saw the glint of a thin veil of tears welling up. "Dana was my partner, and I looked after her welfare. That's all it ever was," he said even more tenderly. A single tear rolled down her cheek and onto his hand. He pulled his hands away and said "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you... It's just that, I'm dragging you all over the place on these .... I can't even call them cases... putting you in danger... for her sake..." Her silence was discomfiting and his speech quickened as he struggled to find a way to put her at ease. "...for their sake... and I want you to know, it's not personal, it's not what you think." She smiled compassionately and took one of his hands in both of hers. "Thank you for saying that, but you didn't have to. I know you're an honorable man, John." He seemed surprised "Have I ever lied to you?" she continued, her eyebrows raised in expectation. "No," he said softly, his face showing a sudden realization. "No you haven't." He brought his free hand to her cheek and caressed it. She leaned into his hand then kissed the palm. They looked into each other's eyes for a long moment, then leaned forward and kissed tentatively, briefly. They pulled back and Monica could see a gleam in John's eyes as he grinned at her. She smiled a broad, toothy smile back to him and his grin erupted into a mischievous smile. They leaned toward each other and kissed again, letting many small kisses build in passion, exploring the shapes of each other's lips. Then the baby started crying. ***** John started laughing, and their teeth knocked together. As he pulled back he said "They have a sixth sense about these things, you know." Monica seemed puzzled, and he laughed more. "Not literally, of course" he added quickly. "It just seems that way." He stood up and walked toward the crib, and Monica followed a few feet behind him. She looked over his shoulder as he checked the diaper. "Yep," he said. "Diaper time." He lifted William up and marched to the bathroom, shouting orders to Monica over his shoulder. She rummaged in the diaper bag she'd brought and found most of what he asked for. The rest she found in the box. Her arms full of supplies, she stepped tentatively into the bathroom. John had already removed the dirty diaper and was starting to use the clean edges to clean William's bottom. "Thanks" he said when he saw her. He started arranging the items on the counter and was about to continue, when Monica moved to his side. "Let me," she said. He seemed surprised and felt a little guilty. After all, she was the one charged with the task. "Sure," he said quickly. Monica sighed and scanned the containers. Lotion, powder... ? "You don't know how," John said with amusement. "It's been awhile," Monica confessed. "I was a terrible babysitter when I was a teenager. It only took a few months for the calls to stop coming." She looked at him with dismay. "But I thought I'd remembered..." "Well, if you weren't any good at it in the first place...," John said with a smile" She laughed, a high-pitched, light and somewhat mischievous laugh he'd never heard before. He liked it. "It wasn't that, really. I invited my boyfriends over. My parents were very strict, and..." "I get the idea," John said. He grinned and looked at her, trying to fit this new information about her into his mental picture. "Here, let me give you a refresher course anyway." He expertly taught her the basics of diapering, and William cooed happily. John placed him back in the crib, and Monica set the teddy bear next to his head, its button-eyes looking up into her smiling face. William kicked wildly and flung his arms in circles, knocking the teddy bear onto its stomach. ***** In a windowless room in the NSA a monitor went blank. They stood side by side watching William calm himself then fall asleep. "He's amazing, isn't he?" Reyes said, still looking at William. Doggett looked at her with surprise but he held his tongue. She continued, "Being there for his birth was so ... special. A once in a lifetime opportunity." She looked up and into his eyes. "Did I ever thank you for that?" "The thanks were all mine," he answered, his voice a little gravelly. "And Agent Scully's of course." Reyes sighed. "I've never regretted any of the choices in my life, but you gave me an opportunity to experience a little of one choice I never had...." She suddenly felt uneasy, as if she'd said too much and she could see a flash of concern in his eyes. "Not that I ever wanted.... Oh, nevermind. You wouldn't understand anyway." He wasn't sure what to do. He put his hands on her shoulders and drilled his eyes into hers. "Monica," he started, then paused. "You can tell me anything. I never betray a confidence." She smiled. It was what she had told Agent Scully. Scully had never taken her up on that offer, to let her be her confidant, and Reyes never knew why. She didn't think Scully trusted anyone, even Doggett. "I know, John." She said simply. Reyes didn't trust many people either, especially men, but she knew she could trust this one. She put her arms around his waist and he drifted toward her. "Now, where were we?" she said. He slid his hands from her shoulders to her neck and then into her hair, and brought her face towards his. They kissed, one long passionate breathless kiss, then pulled apart. He pulled his hands back toward her shoulders and started to push her backward toward the bed. She did not resist, and smiled impishly as she took a few steps backward. When she felt the bed against the back of her legs she sat down, pulling him down with her. They fell back onto the bed and immediately resumed their kiss. They explored each other's mouths, their hands working their way over each other's backs and into their hair, as their bodies ground into each other. Suddenly John propped himself up with his hands and looked into the air as if listening. He looked over his shoulder and saw William sleeping peacefully. "He says it's all right this time." Monica whispered a laugh. "Smart baby," she said, then slid out from under him, positioning her head on a pillow. He crawled up after her and laid on top of her. "How deeply do you think he'll sleep?" she asked. "There's one way to find out," he answered with a smile. His body blanketed hers and she felt warm and secure as he explored her mouth with his tongue. He pulled it out and gradually lightened the pressure of his lips against hers until they were barely touching. She loved this game and the effect it had on her. He trailed light kisses down her chin, then under it, and around to the side of her neck. She felt a tingle all over her body and let out a soft moan. He raised his head quickly and listened. "That wasn't too loud," he assessed. "Good," she whispered back. "Because I'm not sure I can do this silently." He felt his erection harden immediately when she said this. How did she know he loved noisy love-making? It was if she was heaven-sent. He ground his hard-on against her and she sighed. She grabbed his hair and brought his lips to hers. He was enthralled. Somehow she also knew he loved it when a woman took control. She ran her hands through his hair, then down his chest. With strength he never knew she had, she pushed him onto his back. Then she got up on her knees and straddled him. He could feel the heat of her crotch against his and he tried to reach toward it with his hips. She felt this, and raised herself up higher. "You're so impatient" she chided in a husky whisper. He suppressed his disappointment then saw the reason for her comment. She hooked her fingers under the hem of her blouse, and pulled up it up by inches, first one side then the other. He stopped breathing as he watched her do her slow strip tease. By the time she'd pulled it over her head he wasn't sure he could endure more. He reached up to her breasts, caressing the silky fabric of her bra, then dipping inward toward its hook. He undid the fastener and pushed the bra aside. She pressed her shoulders backward and let the bra fall off. John watched in admiration as her breasts thrust forward and slightly upward. His hand found their way to them, and immediately started fondling the nipples. She closed her eyes and sighed, then leaned forward and laid on top of him. She reached down and slowly undid his belt, then the button of his trousers, then his fly. He lifted his hips as she pulled his pants down to his knees. She chuckled softly when she saw the head of his penis peeking out from his boxers. She caressed it softly with the backs of her fingers, and he let out a low, quiet moan. She looked over her shoulder at the baby. He was still asleep. John and Monica shared a mischievous smile. She reached into his boxers and freed the rest of his member. He shifted his body, and she could tell he was feeling both relaxed and incredibly turned on. She settled herself over his center, and started working her hands up and down the shaft. He inhaled deeply as his penis danced in her hands. She reached into his boxers and pulled out his balls, gently kneading them with the palms of her hands. "Mon," he croaked quietly. "What are you doing?" She looked up to see him looking down at her. She smiled her answer as she lowered her head gradually toward his cock. She licked the pre-cum from the tip then kissed it in a series of gentle, wet-lipped kisses. With each kiss she opened her mouth a little more, until she could wrap her lips around the base of the head. From under her eyebrows she could barely see his face, and when his head tipped back so that she could see the underside of his chin, she knew she had his permission to continue. She wrapped her lips around the shaft and gradually took in more and more of his cock. It was wide and long but she was able to get much of it into her mouth. Slowly, she moved up and down, pulling the skin with the gentle tug of her lips. His hips started to buck in lazy waves, then gradually picked up in intensity. She reached for his balls and started to knead them in rhythm to his movements. Suddenly she heard a low groan, and spurts of come filled her mouth. She slowed slightly but kept her mouth in place, swallowing each gob as it shot into her. When he was finished she made one final swallow and pulled herself off of him in a languid motion. She crawled up to be beside him, and wrapped her arms around him. "I'm sorry," he whispered sincerely. "Sorry for what?" she asked innocently. "That was what you wanted?" he asked. She nodded, and he pulled her closer to him. "Thank you," he said, and he shut his eyes. A few seconds later he was snoring. He awoke with a start, not sure where he was. He'd been dreaming about the past, when he'd first diapered his baby boy, Luke, when a sudden feeling of panic came over him. The baby! he thought, still thinking of Luke. He sat up, straining to regain his bearings. He saw a crib, an empty crib, at the other side of the room. In a swift motion, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and lurched toward the crib. He fell forward with a loud thud and shouted "Dammit" involuntarily. He heard a rustling from the bedroom and looked up to see a worried Reyes, baby William expertly balanced on her hip, running toward him. He struggled to get up, and writhed helplessly on the floor for a few seconds before Monica broke into a hearty laugh. "Why don't you try pulling up your pants first?" she said when she'd caught her breath. He looked up at her, amused yet also embarrassed. "Hey, I just woke up, and.." he breathlessly struggled with his pants as he spoke. "I just didn't remember, is all." Reyes smiled. "I'm sorry it was so forgettable. I'll try harder next time." She winked and sat on the sofa watching him right himself. He stood finally and said with bemused annoyance, "You think that's funny?" She laughed lightly. "Yes, I do." He smiled appreciatively, then leaned down and kissed her cheek. He stood up again and ran his hand over the baby's head. "When I woke up," he started. "I didn't see him, and..." "His diaper needed changing," Monica interrupted. "See?" she said, holding the baby up for Doggett's inspection. "Very good," he said, a little surprised. "You're a quick learner." "You're a good teacher," she said flirtatiously. "Anytime you want to teach me something new, just let me know." She couldn't help smirking when she said this, and he got the message. He picked the baby up and put him in the crib, then walked back to the sofa and held out his hand. She put her hand in his and stood up. He pulled her close to him and they kissed passionately, their arms gliding sensuously over each others' bodies. They edged toward the bed and fell onto it, laughing as they landed. They continued kissing, exploring each others' mouths with their tongues, separating only briefly to nuzzle each other with tender kisses. They rolled over together and almost fell off the bed. Laughing, John raised himself up on his knees, and pulled Monica back to the middle of the bed, laying her on her back. This time," he said with mock seriousness. "I keep my pants on." He reached for the hem of her shirt and she let him pull it over her head. His breath caught when he realized she wasn't wearing her bra, and his hand immediately went to her breasts, each hand gently rubbing her breasts in opposite circles. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply, contentedly. His hands left her breasts and followed parallel paths down her belly to the waistband of her pants. He undid her pants and slowly slid them down her hips, then over her thighs, past her knees, and finally off her feet. He tossed them onto the floor and put the palms of his hands against the insides of her legs, slowly tracing a path upwards. Involuntarily, her knees drifted apart as his hands approached her center. He looked up and saw that her eyes were still closed. In a swift movement he bent forward and kissed the soft fabric of her panties just over her mound. She gasped and opened her eyes. He grinned and she smiled back. She was loving this game and he was loving that she loved it. He grabbed the elastic of her panties with his teeth and started pulling them down. At the same time, his hands moved up the outsides of her thighs and sneaked underneath her. She raised her hips to help him, and he let his hands finish pulling her panties off of her. Monica lay on the bed, entirely naked now, watching as John stood up and started unbuttoning his shirt. He treated her to a slow strip-tease, as sexy as the one she'd performed for him. True to his word, he stopped at the waist. He bent forward and his hands repeated their slow sensuous journey up the insides of her legs. She closed her eyes again and let out a soft moan. When his hands had reached her crotch, they lightly played with the lowest curls of her pubic hair in tiny gentle circles that swirled up along the outer edges of her hairs. She writhed slowly as his hands arrived at the top and started moving inward. He bent forward and kissed the center of her pubic hairs gently, causing her to moan more loudly. Encouraged, he trailed tiny kisses downward until his mouth reached her wet folds. She parted her legs further and he moved his hands under her. As his hands gently kneaded her asscheeks, his tongue moved slowly around the geography of her most private parts. Her breath was becoming strained, and she let out involuntary gasps as his tongue passed over the more sensitive parts. He continued teasing her with his tongue, spending more and more time on the places that made her gasp, eventually focussing only on her swollen clit. His tongue passed over and around it several times, until he felt her hips start to buck. He started sucking on it as his fingers started playing with the sopping edges of her vagina. He dipped first one, then two fingers into her wet cavern and started working them against the hardness he found inside. Her moans became louder with each stroke, and he felt as if he might come just from the sounds she was emitting. She bucked wildly against him, faster and faster, her moans turning to loud, gutteral shouts of "Ohhhh" and "Oh God Oh God Oh God..." He continued vigorously and he felt her entire body shake spasmodically underneath him. Her cries sounded almost painful as she continued to come for what seemed like an eternity. Suddenly she screamed "Owwwwwwwww" and rolled out from under him. He was horrified. What had he done? She jumped up and hopped around next to the bed, then after several hops fell to the ground and started massaging her calf. "Monica?" John leaned over the bed, puzzled. "What's wrong?" She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, "Ohmigod it hurts!" He hopped off the bed and knelt at her side. "What hurts? Did I hurt you?" he said with concern. She took a hand away from her leg and stroked the side of her cheek. "You gave me a charlie horse, John," she said, trying to regain her composure. He started laughing. "A charlie horse? That's a first!" "It's a first for me too," she said, then kissed him firmly on the lips. "Monica, I am so sorry," he said sincerely. "I promise to be more careful next time." "Don't you dare!" she teased. "A charlie horse is a small price to pay. You can give me another one any time." "Is it feeling any better?" he asked, glancing at her hands methodically massaging her leg. "A little," she replied. He reached for her leg and she let her hands drop to the floor. He gently kneaded the spasming muscle as she looked on gratefully. "You know what you need?" he offered. "What, Dr. Doggett?" she smiled and put her hands on his arms. "A bubble bath," he answered. "The hotel provides for *every* need. I can watch William." "That's a good idea," she said, slight surprise in her voice. "I think I'll do that." She struggled to her feet and he helped her up. He watched as she limped to the bathroom, admiring her body even as he chuckled over the cause of her limp. When he heard the water start, he reached for his shirt and started dressing. He gathered her clothes and took them to the bathroom. She was crouched over the edge of the tub, a hand under the rushing water. He wanted to take her right there, and wondered how he had failed to notice her sexuality before. She looked over her shoulder and smiled appreciatively. Her smile sent a tingle up his spine, and he struggled to keep his composure. "Here, I brought your..." he said nervously. "Thanks, John," she said as he set the clothes on the counter. He smiled his response and gently closed the door. Reyes had slipped into a slightly perfumed mound of satiny bubbles, and was melting into a state of intense relaxation, when the cellphone in her pants pocket rang. She struggled to her knees, and put her hands on the edge of the tub to raise herself up. The door swung open and Doggett reached in, grabbing for her pants. He heard the splash of the water as she continued struggling to get up, and he couldn't help looking in her direction. Her hair was wet below her ears, and a mound of bubbles clung to the tops of each breast. He'd never seen anything so sexy, and he had thoughts of ignoring the phone... William's cries in the next room brought him back to reality. He and Monica smiled awkwardly at each other, and he retreated with her cellphone. "Yeah," Doggett answered. "Agent Doggett?" Scully's anxious voice sounded in his ear. "Dana," he said. "Where are you?" "In my apartment. Monica and William are gone, and there's no sign of them. I thought I'd dialed her number, but I guess I..." "No, this is her phone," he reassured her. "We're both watching William. He's fine. Didn't you get our note?" "No" she said, relieved and worried at the same time. She scanned the surfaces of her apartment one more time, looking for notes. "There's nothing here." Doggett's stomach suddenly felt leaden. Monica was right again. Scully's apartment wasn't safe. He smiled to himself, pleased that he'd chosen his partner so well. "We're at a safe house, of sorts. William is fine." "Tell me where," Scully's breathless voice jumped on his last word. "I'll be right there." A few minutes later Doggett leapt at a timid knock on the door. He swung open the door, and a breathless but amused Scully looked past him and into the room. "The Four Seasons?" she said, her eyebrows raised. "Since when do FBI agents get treated like rock stars?" As Doggett ushered her in he explained his arrangement with hotel security. Scully bent over the crib and smiled at her sleeping baby. She turned to look at Doggett and said, "Thank you." "Don't thank me," Doggett said. "Thank Agent Reyes. She's the one who figured out your apartment wasn't safe." Scully's lips spread as if to grin, but her expression was more wistful than pleased. "Agent Reyes is a good agent," she said finally. "That she is," Doggett said enthusiastically. Scully looked around the expansive room questioningly, and Doggett added, "She's in the bathroom. Let me tell her that you're here." Scully watched his ass as he walked to the bathroom and knocked softly on the door. "Monica," he said quietly. He opened the door a bit, put his mouth to the opening and whispered, "Monica, Dana's here." As he walked back to the sofa he noticed Scully's knowing expression. "What?" he demanded. "You and Agent Reyes seem to work well together," she offered. He blushed when he realized what he'd just done. Of course! Scully should have been the one to open the bathroom door! His blush blanched almost immediately and he said, "Dana, it's not..." "Don't worry, Agent Doggett. Your secret is safe with me." Reyes emerged from the bathroom, her hair half-wet, her skin glowing. She was wrapped snuggly into a thick terrycloth hotel robe, and running her fingers through her hair like a comb. "Hi, Dana," she said nonchalantly. "How did it go?" She reached into the hotel refrigerator and took out a bottle of designer water. She opened it and tipped her head back in a lusty swig. Scully looked from Reyes to Doggett, and his expression told her everything. She'd seen a glimmer of that look herself, but she'd never seen him like this. He was obviously smitten. Scully sat down and related the events of the night to the two agents. Doggett and Reyes each listened intently, all business for the moment. Before they could respond, Scully said, "I'd better get home." And as if on cue, William started fussing. "Thank you," she said to Reyes, genuine gratitude in her voice. "Don't thank me!" Monica answered. "Agent Doggett is the baby expert. I don't know what I would have done without him!" ******************* After Scully had gathered William into her arms, Doggett picked up the diaper bag and escorted her to the door. "I'll see you to your car, if you don't mind," Doggett offered. "No, I don't mind," Scully said enigmatically. Reyes looked away, a wave of jealousy sweeping over her. After the evening's events, she should have felt more confident, but the bond between Doggett and Scully always left her feeling empty. "John, take your key. I'm going to take a shower," she said, somewhat curtly, as she hurried into the bathroom. "Okay, Mon---" John started, but the bathroom door slammed before he could finish. He and Scully looked to each other for answers, but neither knew what to say. As Scully's car pulled onto M Street, Doggett looked around for suspicious cars or people, and seeing none, was satisfied that Scully and William were safe. In the lobby, the desk clerk was reading a newspaper, giving the impression that he was paying less attention than he was. As Doggett approached him he hurriedly put his paper down. "Yes, sir?" he said solicitously. "Is it too late to get a bottle of champagne and a red rose?" he asked, a little uncomfortably. "Never too late for love, sir," the clerk answered. A few minutes later, Doggett pushed the elevator button and felt his body becoming aroused by the plans he was making. By the time he arrived at their room, his heart was pounding and his hard-on was straining against his pants. He could hear the shower running as he opened the door. The thought of her, naked under the running water, made his breath catch. He hurriedly undressed, poured two glasses of champagne, and set the rose on the coffee table. Monica stood under the shower, letting her tears mix with the running water. She tried to tell herself she was being silly, but with every passing minute her mind wrote a more and more elaborate story of what Doggett and Scully might be doing downstairs. Suddenly she saw a shadow on the shower curtain. Alert to possible danger, she reached for the edge of the shower curtain and pulled it open a few inches. Dozens of conflicting yet sweet emotions welled up in her as she saw John, wearing nothing but a big silly grin, carrying two champagne glasses. He saw her peering cautiously from behind the shower curtain, just enough of her chest showing to make him eager to see the rest of her body. "They're on their way safely home," he said. "It's just us now, for the rest of the night... That is, if you want to stay." Her smile told him all he needed to know. He handed her a glass and raised his own for a toast. "To the best partner I've ever had." They clinked glasses. "In every sense," he added as she was sipping her champagne. . He set his glass on the vanity and reached for hers. "Mind if I join you in there?" he asked, smirking in anticipation of an invitation. She handed him her glass then pulled the shower curtain back, revealing her wet, naked body to him. His cock jumped slightly and she couldn't help notice. "Come in, John. I could use the company." She held her hand out and he took it, letting her support him as he stepped over the side of the tub. He thought her smile seemed almost angelic, as she looked into his face. She put her hands on his chest, then trailed them down towards his hips, two parallel trails of water glistening over his rock-hard muscles. He felt an overwhelming rush of passion, and grabbed the sides of her head. He kissed her roughly at first, then as she responded his kisses became more sensuous, causing her to sigh loudly several times. He cupped her breasts with his hands, their motions changing from rough to sensuous in harmony with his kisses. He growled as he kissed her under her ear, trailing a series of wet kisses down the side of her neck, under her chin, and up the other side to her other ear. His tongue traced the ridges of her ear and she responded by pulling him closer to her, crushing his cock between their hot, wet bodies. It was his turn to groan. "God, I love you, Monica" he said into her ear in low gravelly voice. "I love you too," she said, her voice trembling slightly. She said a silent prayer that he meant what he said, and reached for his cock. He stepped back and let her run her hands up and down the shaft. "Hmmmmmm," she hummed. "So good..." He slid one hand off its breast and let it trace a slippery path toward her center. His fingers played briefly in her wet pubic hairs before sliding further down, finding a sweet, oily, wetness that seemed to gush into the palm of his hand. She ground herself against his hand, then suddenly let go of his cock and stepped back, pressing her body into the tiled corner. "Please, John..." she started. He smiled and stepped toward her. "I thought you'd never ask," he said impishly. She grabbed the grab-bars on either side of her and raised her hips to meet him. He teased her opening with the head of his cock, then found himself unable to continue playing games. With a forceful thrust, he entered her and her squeal told him she was pleased. As the water ran over his back he started pumping slowly, her hips encouraging his movements. Soon they were bucking wildly, both grabbing the shower's bars for support. Monica's moans grew higher in pitch but no louder. With each groan she tightened herself around his cock. He whispered hoarsely, "you don't have to worry about being quiet..." Immediately her voice let loose with moans, groans, and cries of "Oh God Oh God Oh God," and he could feel her relaxing into him. Suddenly she wrapped her legs around his ass and started crying out even more loudly. She groaned a low, almost gurgling groan, and shuddered for several long moments as John continued pumping into her. Her orgasm sent him into the abyss and he came inside her, his own groans mixing with hers until they both stopped. He pulled out and she put her feet back on the tub floor. They hugged each other, each leaning into the other for support. Finally they pulled away and looked joyfully into each other's eyes. "I love you, John," Monica said. "I love you too, Monica," John answered, and he kissed her tenderly on the tip of her nose. "I hope you trust me when I say that." "I do," she answered. She kissed him then stepped out of the tub. Later, as she dried her hair and he shaved, they both thought of the future. ***************** They both slept fitfully, unused to companionship while sleeping, each thinking of what the evening had brought. In the morning, the first light of dawn woke John, and he rolled over to see Monica's back. He listened to her quiet breathing, and studied the rise and fall of her chest. He reached out to her body, his hand tracing the curved line of her side. When it reached her hip he pushed his hand over the side, tracing what would have been a panty line, until he found the silky curls of her pubic hair. She moaned softly and rolled onto her back. "Good morning," he whispered. "Hmmmm, morning," she said. "What time is it?" "Early," he said, not looking at the clock. "We have plenty of time." "Time for what?" she asked, smiling. He smiled back and drew his hand up along her belly to cup one of her breasts. She chuckled and put her hand over his. "First, tell me you love me," she teased, only half-joking. "I love you," he said seriously. He leaned over and kissed her gently, his lips softening and melting into hers. She wrapped her arms around his chest and drew one knee up over his thigh. She broke their kiss and leaned to whisper into his ear, "I love you too." He slid his body over hers, and she could feel his turgidity sliding over her thigh. "Hmmmmmm," she whispered, her mouth still close to his ear. "I love your body too," she said, her voice becoming more husky. He raised himself up on his elbow and admired her body, his eyes starting with her face and moving downward. At the same time his free hand flowed over her body in a random pattern, moving over each breast and caressing her smooth belly and abdomen. His eyes returned to her face and she felt a flush as his cool blue eyes looked directly into hers. "I love yours too," he said. He leaned forward to kiss her, and slid his hand to her pubic mound. She opened her legs and his fingers accepted their invitation. She was more ready for him than he'd expected. Her clit was a hard little pebble between his thumb and middle finger, and as he played with it she started to writhe, and she groaned deeply. He moved the tips of his fingers to her labia, and gently stroked up and down their oily ridges. Her legs widened in response and he couldn't help dipping into her flooded gorge. She raised her hips and started bucking almost immediately, making him smile. He leaned over and took a nipple into his mouth as his hand continued teasing her with slow thrusts. His mouth alternated sucking and tonguing, causing the top half of her body to rotate even as her bottom half bucked. Out of the side of his mouth he whispered, "Be as noisy as you want... I love that." She responded with moans, groans, whimpers and sighs, as he continued to work her body. As her bucking quickened, he slowed his hand then removed it, causing her to groan loudly in disappointment. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to catch her breath, wondering what he was doing... and suddenly she felt him on top of her, his cock poised at her opening. "Yes, yes, yes..." she breathed into his ear. He gently entered her, her vagina widening to accommodate his width. Before starting to thrust, he nuzzled her neck then drew his mouth to her ear. "I love you, Monica," he whispered. She drew her arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer to her. "I've wanted to hear that for so long..." she whispered back. She drew her feet up the sides of his legs and wrapped her legs around his. "I hope this isn't a dream," she added. "This is very real," he whispered, and he made his first slow, gentle thrust. She gasped and started to move under him. They gradually quickened their pace until they were bucking madly, each becoming more vocal with every thrust. Monica felt as if she might explode with every movement he made, but instead moved to a higher and higher state of arousal. Finally, she heard him utter an animalistic groan, and the power of his voice brought her to the beginning of the longest and most exhilirating orgasm she'd ever felt. She grabbed the sheets at either side and hollared in ecstasy. When he felt her shuddering around his cock, Johns balls tightened and shot his seed through his shaft. He felt the hairs on his neck stand up and his whole body seemed to feel his orgasm at once. They finished together, and he let his body go limp on top of hers, as his cock went limp inside of her. She drew her arms around his muscular shoulders and massaged his legs with gentle up and down movements of hers. He pulled out of her and rolled over onto his back. They turned and smiled at each other. John felt his throat catch as he saw her flushed face and realized her expression of joy was about him. Her dewy eyes smiled at him as she said, "That was incredible." "Let's do it again sometime," he said, smiling back at her. She nestled into the crook of his arm and put an arm over his chest. He pulled his arm out from under her and put it around her back. He kissed the top of her hair, then nuzzled it, inhaling the mixture of perfumed shampoo and musky sex that permeated her. They lay like that for a few minutes, each luxuriating in the comfort of the other's presence. Monica thought back on the evening's events, and almost couldn't believe it. But as the glow of her orgasm faded, she found herself thinking about Scully, Mulder, their baby, and the NSA. Something niggled at her conscious. She looked into John's contented face and said, "John, I think we may have put Mulder in danger..."