Title: What a Day Author: Kelly a.k.a. foxfire121 Email: cashncarter@peoplepc.com Distribute: Yes, as long as I know where it’s going. Feedback: Yes. I live for it folks. Spoilers: None. Rating: NC-17 Classification: Pre-XF. Alternate Universe MSR Summary: A young Mulder comes home to visit his parents and meets Scully in the process. Author’s Note: Read and enjoy. If you really liked it drop me line. The title says it all. It took me a while to write this one since my older beta had something come up, she couldn’t even start this with me. I’d like to thank my beta Sallie; she’s helped me finish what I tried to get started in the first place. Any mistakes found are mine blame me. Disclaimer: Not mine. Everyone knows they belong to CC and 1013 productions. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Oxford England, March 1986 Spring break was finally here for Fox Mulder. After learning that his mom and dad had spilt up he dreaded going back to Massachusetts. His relationship with both his parents was strained, at best, and he was sure things would even be more strained now. He packed his suitcases and headed to the airport with his roommate, Matt, who was returning to the U.S. for the break as well. The flight left at noon and was supposed to arrive in New York at two thirty in the afternoon. Mulder then had a connecting flight to Boston. They boarded the plane and were seated. Mulder had the window seat and Matt had the aisle. “So, you got big plans?” Mulder asked. “Yeah, I am going to meet my girlfriend, Jenny, at the airport and then we’re going to see her parents.” “I guess you’re going to be busy over the break?” “Yeah. What about you?” “Well, my mom’s supposed to pick me up in Boston. I hope she didn’t forget about me.” “I’m sure she didn’t. You did call her before we left, didn’t you?” “Yeah, she said she would try to be there but because of her busy schedule and all I don’t think she’ll be there on time.” “Don’t worry, you’ll find a way home even if your mom doesn’t make it there,” Matt laughed. “Yeah, I guess you’re right about that,” Fox smiled. After landing in New York they grabbed their belongings out of the overhead compartment, and left with other passengers. “Well, it looks like Jenny made it.” Fox pointed over to a young woman in her mid twenties whom he recognized from the pictures Matt had shown to him. “Yeah.” Matt smiled. Mulder began walking over to his connecting flight to Boston, when Matt called to him. “I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.” “Yeah, I’ll see you later.” On his flight Mulder was seated next to a young man in a naval uniform. As he took his seat, the young man turned to him. “So, are you on break from college?” he asked smiling. “Yeah, I’m off for about two weeks.” “I’m in the Navy. I just got my leave for a month.” “That’s good, at least you get a whole month off,” Fox said. “I bet you’re glad to be seeing your family.” “Yeah, I am. My two sisters are a handful at times but not as much as when we were all growing up. I have an older brother too. His plane will be coming in tomorrow. I’m Charlie, by the way.” “Fox.” “So, are you looking forward to spending time with your family?” “Well, my parents recently got divorced….” “Sorry to hear that. Is someone picking you up?” “Yeah, my mom.” The two chatted for the rest of the flight. After landing in Boston, Fox and Charlie headed to baggage claim to pick up their bags. Fox looked around for his mother but didn’t see her. “You’re mom’s not here?” “No. She does stuff like this sometimes. Just doesn’t show up.” “Well, I’ll wait with you if you want and if she doesn’t come soon you can come home with me and call her from there. I only live about ten minutes from here.” After an hour of waiting, Charlie took Fox to his car and they headed home. “Here we are,” Charlie said as they approached the house. He parked the car and shut the engine off. The lights were on, indicating that someone was home. They got out of the car and Charlie took Mulder’s suitcase from the trunk and handed it to him. They approached the house and a woman who Mulder guessed must be Charlie’s mother opened the door. “Charlie! It’s so good to see you.” “Hi, mom.” They hugged and he heard someone coming down the staircase. “Charlie!” Two female voices came from the stairs. It was Dana and Melissa, Charlie’s two sisters. Dana grabbed him first and hugged him furiously. “Dana, you’ve changed since I last saw you.” “Yeah, but not much,” she smiled. Melissa was walking up behind her and hugged Charlie also. “Um, I’d like you to meet someone I met on the plane.” He turned to Mulder, who was behind him. “This is Fox Mulder.” “Hi, glad to meet you all,” Fox smiled. “His mom didn’t show up at the airport so I told him he could come here and call her so he didn’t have to wait at the airport. I didn’t think you’d mind, mom?” “No, that’s alright.” Fox was preoccupied with all the excitement, and especially Charlie’s cute sister, Dana. “Fox, this is my mom, this is my sister Melissa and this is the quiet one, Dana.” Fox shook hands with them all and let his hand linger for a couple of seconds when he shook hands with Dana. It was an attraction that he had never felt before. He looked deeply into her blue eyes and smiled at her. “Well, come on in, Fox,” Mrs. Scully said. “Thanks.” They walked in and dropped their suitcases on the floor. Charlie walked into the kitchen with Maggie and Melissa while Fox sat down on the living room couch with Dana. “So, you fly a lot on business?” Dana asked. “Well, actually I am on break from school in Oxford, England. I’m working on my Ph. D. in Psychology.” “Oh, so you are a long way from home, aren’t you?” “Well, my mom doesn’t live too far from here, but I’m not sure where I consider home these days. Do you go to school?” he asked. “I’m in my last year in college. I’m going to medical school next year and I’ll see what the future holds for me after that,” she smiled. Mulder used the Scullys’ phone to call his mom. “Hello.” “Mom, this is Fox.” “What happened to you, Fox? I was there a little later than I expected but I did come there to look for you.” “I met a guy on my flight and I’m at his house. I waited for you over an hour, then I went home with him. He lives right near the airport. Can you come and get me? I’ll just get a ride to the bus station downtown.” “Its rather late to be driving all that way tonight. Can you stay with this boy until tomorrow?” “I guess that won’t be a problem.” “I told you I was going to be late. I don’t know why you didn’t wait for me. Now I have to drive down to Boston again, Fox. Well, we’ll talk about it tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at eleven.” “Okay. Bye Mom.” Mulder hung up and went toward the kitchen to tell Charlie that he would have to spend the night. “Charlie, can I talk to you a minute?” Mulder walked into the living room and told Charlie about his conversation with his mother. “I hope you don’t mind.” “No, I’ll discuss this with my mom and I’m sure you we’ll find a place for you to sleep.” “Thanks.” Charlie walked back into the kitchen and told his mom what had happened and she agreed to let Fox stay the night. Dana overheard their conversation, and was delighted that this handsome man was spending the night. Wondering if he thought she was cute as well she went to the living room to tell Fox that he could stay. “You can stay.” “Great, thanks.” “Do you want something to drink? Coke or something?” “Yeah, a Coke would be nice.” “Okay. I’ll be right back.” As Dana walked into the kitchen Charlie smiled at her. “Well, is he a cute one?” “What?” she asked. “He’s a cute one,” Melissa said. “Charlie, I can’t believe you sometimes,” Dana laughed. “You know I’m just teasing you, sis.” “I know, but still...” “Mom, where is Fox going to sleep?” “I guess we can put him on the couch since it’s just for one night.” Dana walked into the living room and Fox looked up at her, noticing how her red hair shone like fire in the kitchen light. She took in his dark features and thought about what Charlie said. Melissa was right about him being cute. “You can take the couch since it’s only for one night,” Dana smiled. “Thanks. Can I use your shower?” “Sure, it’s down the hall and to the left.” He grabbed his suitcase and a pair of shorts and a gray t-shirt, and headed down the hallway. About fifteen minutes later, Dana made her way down the hall toward the stairs, nearly colliding with Fox exiting the bathroom. “Oops. I’m so sorry.” “That’s okay. I wasn’t paying attention. I’m the one that should be sorry.” She smiled at him. “Of course not. I’m the one that ran into you. I’m the one that should apologize,” he looked down at her, smiling. Dana was already dressed for bed in a t-shirt and pair of shorts, which he thought made her look sexy, yet wholesome at the same time. What he didn’t know was she thought he was pretty sexy too. “I’m going to bed. You can help yourself to anything you like. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, just ask.” “Sure, Thanks. I’ll let you know.” He watched her as she climbed the staircase and disappeared up into her own bedroom. Fox couldn’t sleep much that night and neither could Dana. Dana woke up around three in the morning and headed downstairs to get a glass of milk. She noticed that Fox had drifted off to sleep. After returning from the kitchen, she walked past the couch on her way upstairs. “Couldn’t sleep either?” came a voice from the couch. Dana turned around and walked back to the living room. “What?” “I said you couldn’t sleep either.” “Oh, I’m a little nervous about strangers in my house. You don’t know whom to trust and whom not to, if you know what I mean.” “I assure you that I’m completely harmless, I’m a perfect gentlemen.” “I see that you are,” she smiled at him. She sat next to him on the couch and they talked for a long time about their family. They were about to share a sweet kiss when the front door opened and a tall young man came in. He saw Dana and Fox close together on the sofa, and his eyes clouded over. “Dana! What the hell is going on?” The young man demanded. “Nothing.” Dana stood up and walked over to Bill. “You’re here early. I thought you weren’t supposed to be here until this afternoon?” “I got an early flight,” he said. “So, everyone still asleep?” “Yes.” “Who’s this?” “This is Fox Mulder. Charlie met him at the airport. His mom didn’t show up so he stayed with us last night. He’s leaving after we have breakfast. Fox, this is my oldest brother, Bill.” “Okay,” Bill answered gruffly. He walked into the living room, sat down his luggage and walked upstairs to surprise everyone. “Looks like your brother doesn’t like me too well.” “He’ll get over it. So, what do you want for breakfast?” “I don’t want you to go to too much trouble.” He followed her into the kitchen, watching her go through the cabinets looking for a skillet to fry some eggs and make pancakes. He couldn’t help but stare at her as she bent over. It was so erotic to see her like that with her t-shirt hanging loosely on her. He could almost look down and see her chest. Dana caught him staring and knew she was getting to him. “Did you hear me?” She waved her hand near his face. “Oh, sorry. Yeah, pancakes and eggs. That sounds good to me,” he smiled at her. “Great, I’ll have them ready in a few minutes.” He sat down at the kitchen table and watched her. “Could you get some glasses out of the cabinet up there?” She pointed up above her. “Sure, what’s the matter? Not tall enough?” he smirked. He got up and walked up behind her and reached for the glasses. While he did this she leaned back into him. “I can’t help it. I’m short, Fox.” She looked back at him and smiled. “That’s okay. I’m starting to like you, Dana.” Just then Maggie, Melissa, Charlie and Bill walked into the kitchen, and noticed that Dana had started cooking and Fox was awfully close to her. “I was just helping, Dana,” He offered a bit lamely. “I’ll bet you were,” Bill said. “Bill, now don’t start fighting. He’s our guest. Make him feel like he is,” Maggie admonished. “Sure.” Dana served everyone breakfast and sat down across from Fox, who was seated next to Melissa. They ate their breakfast while glancing at each other, which didn’t go unnoticed by Bill. He was pretty sure he knew what was really going on. “So, Charlie, when does what’s his name go home?” “It’s Fox,” Charlie said. “Oh, what kind of name is that anyway?” Fox ignored Bill. “I’m taking him downtown this morning to meet his mom.” “Mom, when is dad coming home?” Melissa asked. “He should be here this evening,” she said. Fox got up from the table, excusing himself. Dana excused her self as well, following him into the living room. “So, I guess you’re leaving?” “Yes, I’m supposed to meet my mom downtown.” “You ready to go?” Charlie asked as he entered the room. “Yeah, I guess.” “Charlie, can I ride downtown with you?” Dana asked. “Sure.” Charlie helped Fox with his luggage and they headed downtown. Fox was supposed to meet his mom at the bus station. “I’m going to go inside, Charlie announced. Do you two want anything?” “No, thanks,” they said at the same time, surprising each other. Dana blushed and Fox smiled at her. “What were you starting to say back there?” Dana asked coyly. “What are you talking about?” Fox looked confused. “You know, you were starting to say something about me.” “Oh, I was about to say that I’m really starting to like you.” “Yeah?” “Yeah. I haven’t met many girls that I care about, but you, I like you a lot,” he smiled. “Is that so?” she flirted. “Yup, that’s so.” He kissed her on the cheek and she returned his kiss, making it short as Charlie was returning from the coffee shop. “I suppose you two are saying your goodbye’s.” Fox and Dana both blushed at the comment. Just then Fox spotted his mom pulling up. “Well, I’ll see you around. Good luck,” Charlie said. “Thanks for everything. I hope to see *you* again,” Fox looked down at Dana. “I hope so too. Here’s my number if you want to talk sometime,” she handed him a piece of notepaper with her number on it. “Thanks. Charlie has my number in case *you* want to call…” Fox got into the car and was gone. He was pretty sure he’d be calling her that week. William Scully Sr. arrived later that evening. Everyone was together as a family but Dana felt like something was missing. Captain Scully sat down beside Dana on the couch. “So, glad to see me, Starbuck?” he teased. “Of course I am, Dad.” “You don’t look like you’re very happy.” “She’s just upset that a guy was finally noticing her, and then he left,” Bill smirked. “Shut up!” Dana snapped. “Bill, now that’s not nice,” her mother said. “I can’t believe you said that. You don’t even know Fox.” Dana ran upstairs. Maggie tried to lighten the atmosphere by changing the subject. “Are you going fishing tomorrow?” she asked her husband. “Yeah, as a matter of fact. I was thinking about touching the old boat up. I was going to ask Dana if she wanted to help,” he said. “You should go and talk to her.” “Do you think I should invite her to bring her friend with us?” he smiled. “He does seem like such a nice young man,” Maggie agreed. When Captain Scully asked Dana about the fishing trip, she felt a surge of excitement, and went off happily to call Fox. “Hi, Fox. It’s Dana Scully. I, uh, have to ask you something.” “Sure. What’s up?” “My dad’s got a little fishing boat, and we’re planning on taking it out on the bay tomorrow. I was wondering if you want to come along?” “Sure, that sounds like fun. Anyway, I’m anxious to see you in a bathing suit,” he teased. She giggled and it was music to his ears. At least she didn’t hang up on him. Tomorrow was another day and it was going to be fun and exciting for the both of them. 7:00 a.m. Mulder woke with the sun in his eyes. He got up and pulled the blind down, then fell back on the bed thinking of Dana. He couldn’t remember a time he felt glad to be home. That is until he met Dana. He took a shower and walked down to the kitchen to meet his mother. “So, Fox, what are you going to do today?” she asked. “I was going to go help someone work on their boat.” “Oh, I thought you wanted to spend some time with me. Since you’re on break, I guess you can do what ever you want though.” “I do want to spend time with you mom, but I really want to do this, too.” “Does this have anything to do with that girl I saw you with?” “Yes, I like her. I think she likes me too, so I’m going to spend some time with her. Is that a problem?” “No, you go enjoy yourself. You better pack a few things to be safe.” “Sure, I’ll do that right now.” He walked back into his room and packed some spare clothes and toiletries into his backpack. A short time later the phone rang, and Mrs. Mulder picked it up. “Hello.” “Hi, is Fox there?” a young woman asked. “Yes, hold on a minute, please. Fox someone wants you on the phone.” “Hello,” he answered. “Hi, it’s Dana. Are we still on for today?” “Of course I’m still coming. You didn’t think I was going to change my mind, did you?” There was a slight pause. “We can meet at the bus station and then we’ll go from there,” Dana offered. “Sure. I can’t wait.” “Okay. I’ll see you then.” Fox walked back into the kitchen. “Mom, I need a ride to the bus station again, please,” he said. “That’s fine. I’ve got some business to do in town so I’ll drop you off.” Fox grabbed his backpack and headed out the door. Dana and her father were at the bus station waiting when Fox arrived. “There he is. He made it,” Dana cried happily. She waved him over to the car as he walked across the street. “What’s this?” She pointed to his backpack. “Well I have to be prepared don’t I?” he smiled. “The boat is stocked with enough food to last at least a week. We’re just going to do minor repairs on it.” “I thought we were going to cruise the bay?” “We are, but it has to be cleaned up first,” Dana explained. “Dana, is this the handsome man your mom was telling me about?” her father smiled over at her. “Yes, sir,” she blushed. “I’m Fox Mulder.” “I’m Bill Scully,” Dana’s father offered. The men shook hands firmly. They got into the car and headed to the marina. When they arrived, Dana walked up onto the boat expecting to see all kinds of damage from the recent storms. Amazingly, it was just the paint that really needed to be touched up. Mulder looked out into the bay enjoying the view of the water splashing onto the shore. He looked up and saw that Dana had already started painting. “Starting without me?” he asked. “Well, the sooner we finish painting the sooner it will dry. Then we cruise the bay, silly.” She handed him her brush. “Here you can use my brush I’ll find another one.” “Okay.” Dana started at the farthest corner away from Fox and worked her way back over to where she had first started. The work made Fox very warm, so he rid himself of his t- shirt, leaving him in nothing but a pair of black pair of shorts. Dana turned and stared at him, completely unaware that he was looking right back at her. “Do you like what you see?” Dana blushed. “Yes. I do,” she whispered. “I still haven’t see you in that swimsuit yet.” Fox crawled toward her and touched her on the cheek. “You’ll just have to wait,” she grinned. “Starbuck, how’s it going?” Her father came around the corner. “It’s going great.” “I’m almost done downstairs. I thought the damage would be worse,” Captain Scully said as he headed back below deck. “Fox. I have to ask you something,” Dana smiled shyly. “What?” “Do you find me attractive?” “What are you talking about? Sure, I do. Why do you ask me that?” “Oh, I don’t know. I just thought….” “Dana, just because your brother and I don’t get along, it doesn’t extend to you. I would never judge someone by another’s actions, especially you.” He looked into her eyes giving her a quick kiss. “I know he’s an ass, and he gets on my nerves, but he is my brother.” “That’s what brothers are for, getting on their sisters’ nerves.” He poked her in the ribcage making her laugh. “What’s going on up there?” Captain Scully called. “Nothing!” Dana giggled and smacked Fox on the right arm grabbing, and grabbing at the left arm that was torturing her ribs. “I guess we better go see your dad downstairs.” He got up and held out a hand, pulling her to her feet. Dana grabbed the paint bucket and walked down to the lower deck to change into her swimsuit. Fox trailed behind her. “So, did you get everything painted that needed it?” Captain Scully asked. “Sure did,” Fox replied. “Fox, I heard that you’re on break from school?” “Yeah, I’m here for two weeks. I’m visiting my mom while I’m home.” “It doesn’t look to me like you’re spending time with you’re mother.” Fox gave the older man a sheepish grin, “I know, but I had to see Dana again.” “I know she’s a big girl and can take care of herself, but I don’t want to see her hurt.” “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt Dana. She’s the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. I never felt like this until I met your daughter,” Fox said. “I hope that’s the truth young man.” “I would never lie about something like that.” Dana walked in wearing a skimpy bathing suit, and noticed that Fox and father were in a deep discussion. “Speak of the devil. You look beautiful. When did you pick that up?” her father asked. Dana smiled. “I bought it a couple of days ago.” “You look stunning,” Fox said. “Thank you. Are we ready to cruise the bay, Dad?” “Yes. I can’t wait to see if the fish are biting,” said her father as he rubbed his hands together. “I would say something but I better keep my mouth shut,” Fox added. Dana smacked him on the chest and laughed as she walked out toward the bow of the boat. As Dana admired the beautiful sea, Fox walked up behind her. He gently put his arm around her, startling her as he did so. “I guess you got a warning from my father,” she sighed. “He did mention something about treating you right. Other than that, nothing I didn’t already know.” “I didn’t hear him yelling, so I figured you were safe.” “Yeah, I am okay.” He grinned. Captain Scully stopped the boat about ten miles from the shore and shut the motor off. As the boat started to rock uncontrollably, Fox grabbed Dana by the arm to keep from falling down almost taking her down with him. The boat soon settled and Captain Scully walked out onto the bow with his fishing rod in one hand and his tackle box in his other. “I’m going to try to catch some fish, he announced, as he settled in his chair to wait for the fish to start biting. “You two behave.” Fox walked back toward the end of the boat to get some sun and Dana settled down across from him. She began putting on some sun tanning lotion on, but realized she couldn’t reach her back. “Having some trouble?” he glanced at her smiling. “Well, sorta. Can you help me for a second?” she asked holding out the bottle of lotion to him. “Sure. I’ll be glad to help.” He walked over and knelt down, taking the lotion from her outstretched hand. He rubbed the lotion between his hands to warm it as he straddled her backside, eliciting a soft moan. “Oh, are you all right. I didn’t hurt you did I?” he asked. “No, I’m just fine.” He smoothed the lotion on her back quickly, trying to hide a slight erection. Dana rose up, lightly brushing against him, having noticed his ‘condition.’ “Dana, I don’t think you should do that,” he hissed. “Why? Because my dad is on the other end of the boat?” she teased. “That’s one reason.” “Oh, O.K. I understand.” Fox slid off Dana onto his back, and looked up at the sky. Dana began to stroke his arm and chest in a lazy pattern. “What are you thinking about?” “The future, and you, of course. What else?” He grinned, kissing her passionately on the lips. When they both were breathless, they lay back quietly, soaking up the rays of the sun, unaware that a thunderstorm was heading their way. Dark clouds began forming in the sky. The wind started to blow furiously and began to rock the boat from side to side. Dana woke up and lightly shook Fox’s shoulder to wake him up. “Fox, we have to get up!” “What’s the matter?” “A storm is coming.” Meanwhile Capt. Scully had started the engine and was turning the boat around when Dana walked toward the cabin. “Dad, are we going to make it before the storm hits?” she asked. “I don’t know, but I’m going to try to get us out of here.” He pulled a lever back and opened the full throttle to bring the boat to top speed. Fox was headed toward the cabin, seeking shelter from the rain that pounded on the boat, rocking it violently. Fox grabbed the side of a shelf that was above his head and held on to it. He started to turn pale, and closed his eyes. “What’s wrong, Fox?” “This is my first experience on a boat. I think I’m going to be sick,” he said making his way outside to bend over the railing. “So much for cruising the bay, right dad?” “Well, no one predicted this.” It was going to be dark soon and they had to find the marina or risk being stuck out in the bay. The foul weather passed in a half hour and the boat began to rock smoothly once again. “Fox, are you all right?” Dana asked concerned. “I think so,” he managed to say. “You’ll be fine, son,” Capt. Scully said, and walked out onto the boat to view the damage. Dana joined her father, and they determined that there didn’t appear to be any damage. When Capt. Scully came back to the cabin, however he tried, without luck, to start the boat. He also tried the steering wheel but it appeared that there had been some damage after all. “It looks like we’re stranded for a couple of hours,” he sighed. “What’s wrong? Fox asked. “The rudder is damaged to the point that all I can do is steer to the left, and the engine is flooded too. I don’t know how long it’s going to be until we see another boat, but we’ll need a tow to get out of here now. We might as well try to get some sleep. No one will be out on the bay until morning.” “Fox, it looks like it’s going to be a long night. You can take one of the bottom bunks since there are two down there. I’ll take the one in the cabin. I’ll try to find a couple of blankets and something to eat.” Dana walked down to the cabinet of food and grabbed a couple of cans of pears to share with Fox and her father. She handed her dad one can and a fork and opened the cans. “We’re lucky to have this canned food onboard. At least we won’t go hungry.” Capt. Scully walked out toward the bow and peered into the darkness. Dana ate a pear and fed one to Fox, almost jabbing the inside of his mouth. “Dana, you better be careful with that fork.” Before she could even ask why, Fox grabbed the fork out of her hand and speared another pear for himself. “Hey! Don’t eat all of them. You have to share,” she whined. “Oh, I’m sorry. Here would you like one?” He took the juicy fruit between his fingers and fed it to her. She took his fingers into her mouth sucking lightly. “Trying to kill me?” he moaned. Dana gave him flirtatious smile and he returned it. “Oh, there’s only one left. Should I share or eat the whole thing myself?” Dana looked back Fox then at the pear. “You better share.” “Or what? You’ll run and tell, daddy?” he laughed. Dana grabbed the fork from his hand and took the whole slice of fruit into her mouth. Fox leaned over and captured her lips, biting the pear in half. He kissed her slowly and lightly nipped her bottom lip, causing her to moan. “See, we shared. Didn’t we?” he smiled. Dana slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. “We certainly did. I wonder how long we’re going to be out here,” she looked out to the water. “I really don’t care. Just as long as I’m with you.” Fox brushed a lock of hair from her face. “Fox, you’re so sweet.” “No, one’s ever accused of me that before,” he frowned. “You *are* sweet. What makes you think that you’re not?” She stroked his arm. “Just that I don’t get that kind of comment from many women. I never had a steady woman in my life.” “Well, that could change very soon,” she said placing a kiss on his lips. “We better get some sleep.” Dana walked out on the deck find her father staring into the darkness. “Dad? We’re going to get some rest. Since you snore loud enough to wake the dead, why don’t you take the cabin?” “I don’t know Dana, we hardly know this young man, and your mother will have my head if she hears I let you share a room with a complete stranger.” “He’s not a complete stranger, and you know mom will understand about the snoring. Besides don’t you trust me?” “Alright, but you see that Fox behaves himself. I’ll turn in a few minutes, Dana.” “Night Daddy.” She kissed her father on the cheek and he hugged her warmly. Dana walked back and found Fox looking into the pitch-black water. “I’m going to grab a flash light and leave the lantern up here for my father to use.” Fox just stood there staring at her. “Well, are you coming down or are you going to sleep out here on the deck?” “Uh, no. I’m right behind you.” Dana walked down the stairs toward the bunks, trying to decide whether to take the top or the bottom. Fox walked up behind her. “Can’t decide, which one you want?” he murmured into her ear. “No, uh, I mean ‘yes,’ she stammered. I’m going to take the top one.” Grabbing the ladder she climbed to the top unsteadily, and when she almost fell backward, Fox grabbed her by the waist. He gently pushed her up, smacking her on the butt in the process. “Ouch, what the hell was that for?” she demanded. “Oh, I don’t know, just felt like it,” he smirked. They both lay in bed thinking, each unable to sleep. Finally Fox got up and climbed the ladder, and stared into Dana’s face. “I can’t help but notice you look very beautiful. Did I mention that before?” “Yes, you told me, she smiled. Now go to sleep.” “I can’t.” “Why’s that?” “Because there is a beautiful girl that I can’t stop thinking about only a few feet away.” Dana lifted her head, and kissed him on the lips. She ran her fingers through his damp hair tugging lightly. Fox pulled back slightly and gasped for air and looked deeply into her eyes. “I’m cold down there all by myself,” he pouted. “Are you asking me to warm you up?” She smiled and lightly pushed him on the shoulders. He almost lost his balance, and tried to grab the rail. Missing it, he clutched at her wildly, dragging her down with him. Dana landed on top of him and he pulled her into an embrace. “Now, that’s much better.” They kissed until they were breathless. When Dana finally came up for air, she lightly kissed him on the neck, sucking gently. She continued down his chest, licking, tasting and nipping. “We have a problem,” she said as she reached his shorts. “Mmmm you too.” He looked at her still in her bathing suit. Dana pulled his shorts off in one quick motion. “It’s my turn woman,” Fox teased. He gently pulled the string that was holding the top piece of her bikini together, exposing her breasts to him. Dana shielded herself shyly with one arm. “Don’t. I want to see all of you.” Fox moved her arm aside and gently tugged the top all the way off, dropping it to the floor. “You look beautiful, Dana.” Dana smiled into the depths of his hazel eyes. Her smile deepened as she ran her graze down his exposed body. “I take it you like what you see as well,” he blushed. Dana grabbed him and pulled him closer. She started kissing him, and began working her way down his body ever so slowly, tracing patterns on his chest with her tongue. As she continued her assault on him she reached his cock, and took him all the way into her mouth. He grabbed at her hair tugging, smoothing, and caressing. “Mmm…. Dana that feels so good.” She let him slide almost out of her mouth and sucked him in again. Soon, with frenzied in and out strokes, he spilled his warm cum into her mouth, groaning as she drank him completely. Dana crawled back up his body, smiling down at him. “Dana, that was amazing.” He stroked a piece of hair out of her eyes. “I’m glad that I pleased you.” “Now, it’s my turn.” He rolled on top of her pinning her down so that she had nowhere to go. It was his turn to torment her a little. He began kissing, stroking, nuzzling her breast taking one nipple in his mouth while he pinched the other. A moan escaped her lips and she gently raised her hips, brushing against his erection, making him moan against her stomach. Next he lightly kissed her thigh. Realizing that she still had her bikini bottoms on, he gently tugged them down, throwing them over with the other discarded clothes. He knelt between her legs lightly nipping her on one thigh then the other. She bucked into his face, which brushed her center. He then placed a soft kiss on her exposed flesh making her moan in ecstasy, and began sucking, nipping at her fragile bud. “Fox, get up here,” she moaned. He placed a small kiss at her entrance and crawled his way back up her body. “Do you have some protection?” she asked, placing a kiss on his lips. “Yeah, I do. It’s in my backpack. Never leave home without it.” He smiled down at her capturing her lips again. He reached for his backpack opening it, and retrieving a foil packet. “May I?” “Sure.” Dana opened the foil packet to reveal a condom. He rolled onto his back dragging her with him. She straddled him gently pulling the condom over his penis. Locking her eyes on his, she sank onto his erection. “This feels great,” he moaned into her mouth. They started a rhythm that was almost in tune with the shallow rocking of the boat. He stroked her arms and thighs while she twined her fingers into his hair, almost pulling it out. “Going to come…” she moaned. “Let go,” he answered. He tilted his hips just right to meet hers and they were lost. Dana came and Fox followed. They lay in each other’s arms for several hours. Their body heat kept them warm, but as the night air cooled them off, he slipped out of her. He placed a small kiss on her lips, picked her up, and deposited her in his bunk, crawling in behind. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled the blanket over them. They drifted off to sleep and waited for a ship to arrive. The sun was creeping up on the horizon. Dana loved the feel of Fox’s strong embrace. However remembering that her father was there on the ship, she gently nudged him awake. “Fox, we have to get up. My father is going to kill us if he finds us,” she said. “Mmmmm… you feel so good.” He kissed her on the shoulder and neck, gently nuzzling her hair. “You too, now get up before my father finds us!” Dana said and pushed him away for a third time, almost knocking him on the floor. “Alright. I’m going to get some clothes for the both of us.” They kissed tenderly and he got up to look for some clothes for them to wear. Just then he heard a foghorn. It sounded like it was just a few feet away from their boat. “Dana, I think someone is out there.” He handed her a pair of his shorts and t-shirt, which she could wear over her bikini. “Thanks. I’ll be up in a minute.” He tugged on her t-shirt and kissed her again as she bit his bottom lip. “I’m going to see what’s going on.” He pulled back. He looked into her impossibly blue eyes and smiled. She smiled back and started up the stairs glancing over her shoulder and winking at Fox. He smiled again as he watched her leave. On deck Captain Scully was talking to the Captain of another boat, which had pulled alongside of their own. There were several men aboard. Two were older guys around Dana’s father’s age, and one young man was about the same age as Fox. “I see you’ve run into trouble sir,” the older man said. “Yes. We got caught in the storm yesterday. It did minor damage to our boat, and I can’t get it started.” Capt. Scully said. “We’ll give you a lift back to the marina and tow your boat.” “Thanks. I really appreciate it.” “No problem.” “Dad, what’s going on?” “ Morning Dana. These men are going to give us a lift back to the marina, and pull our boat to back to the dock.” “I’m John, this is Harvey, and this young man is Lex.” The captain of the other boat touched his fingers to the brim of his hat courteously. John, Harvey and Lex started to chain their boat to Capt. Scully’s. Mulder climbed up from the lower deck to meet Dana and her father. Together they watched as the three men wrapped the chain around their boat. Dana noticed that the young man, Lex was about the same age as Fox. He was well toned, muscles bulging from his white t-shirt and his strong frame. “Did you find something interesting to look at other than me?” Fox whispered into her ear, making her shudder. She turned around putting her arms around his neck, and tugging on his hair. “Well, maybe. What are you going to do about it?” she giggled. He tightened his embrace around her. Just then Captain Scully caught the two of them, and Fox released Dana quickly. “Dana, what are you doing?” Bill Scully said in stern tone. “Oh…” was all she could say. “Captain Scully! We’re all set for you to come aboard.” John shouted. “Give me a few minutes. I’ll be right with you.” He answered back. “Dana and Fox gather your things, we’re going to board the other boat. They’re going to take us back to the marina.” Capt. Scully ordered. “Sure dad. We’ll be with you in second.” Bill Scully climbed aboard the rescue boat and held his hand out for Dana. Fox attempted to board just as the boat lurched, and he fell into the side of the ship, hitting his nose. “Fox, are you alright?” Dana tried to suppress a giggle. “I’ll be fine.” He winced back the pain. Lex walked over to the two of them and smiled at Dana. “Hi,” he said smiling at her. XX PART 2… “Hello.” “You better put some ice on that, or it’ll be bruised in the morning.” He pointed at Fox’s nose. “ I’ll see if I can find any.” He climbed below deck, and returned quickly with an ice pack in his hand. “Here you go.” He handed Fox the plastic bag with ice in it. “Thanks.” Fox grabbed it from the young man and walked out on the deck of the ship holding the ice to his nose. Lex moved closer to Dana, and spoke softly into her ear. “So, what’s such pretty girl doing out here on the bay? Wait. Let me guess. Cruising the bay with your boyfriend, and your father in tow?” he winked at her. “How did you know?” You’re certainly not the first.” Fox walked back over to Dana, overhearing their conversation. He still held the ice pack gingerly to his nose. Dana turned and looked at him moving his hand from his nose to take a better look at him. “Looks like the swelling is going down,” she said. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Lex walked off toward the lower deck, and Fox looked down at Dana. “So, what were you talking about?” “Nothing important. Why, are you getting jealous?” she took the ice pack from his hand and kissed his nose gently. “Well, yes as matter of fact I am.” He grabbed her pulling her into his embrace, and kissed her briefly but passionately, on the lips. “Um… not to interrupt anything but we’re going to play a little pool downstairs, and I thought you two might want to join us.” Lex said. “Sure. We’ll be glad to join you,” Dana smiled. There were several crew members downstairs, just sipping on their drinks. There was a middle aged man and a young teenager sitting at the farthest corner playing cards and two others were sitting on the opposite side playing a game of checkers. They walked down to the lower deck of the boat. Bill Scully was talking to John and Harvey at the table in the corner of the room. Lex walked over to the pool table and picked up a couple of sticks for Dana and Fox. He handed them to Fox, who passed one to Dana. “So, do you work on this boat or go to school?” Fox asked Lex. “Well, for right now I work on this boat with my father.” He pointed to the older gentlemen at the table that was sipping his drink. “I work odd jobs when I can, too, but I plan on going back to school.” “So, Captain Scully, that’s your daughter? Who’s that other young fellow? He’s not your son is he?” John asked. “That’s my daughter, Dana. The fellow with her is her friend Fox. My young son, Charlie met him when he was stranded at the airport, and he gave him a ride to our house. He’s been quite the gentlemen around Dana. “Sure, that’s what they want you to think.” Harvey quipped. “Harvey, that’s not polite. Just because Lex has a supposedly secret- girlfriend doesn’t mean all guys have something to hide.” John said. “Look, how long he’s dated her without saying anything to you about it.” Harvey took another gulp of his scotch. “I trust my son, Harvey. Just don’t jump to conclusions you don’t know anything about. You don’t even know this young man.” John argued. “Well, take a look and see for your selves.” Harvey glanced over his shoulder to look at Fox, Dana, and Lex. “So, do you have a girlfriend?” Dana asked shyly. Fox looked surprised that she would ask Lex such a personal question. “Sure do. Her name is Kathy.” Lex smiled. “Are we going to play some pool?” Fox asked. Lex racked the balls in the center of the table and struck the first shot. “Dana and I will play this round, Fox you play the winner.” “I’ve never actually played pool.” Dana said shyly, looking up at Fox. “Let me give you a hand. Here, you hold the cue like this,” he said, demonstrating. Dana held the pool cue between her index finger and middle finger, and struck the ball awkwardly. It flew off the table, almost hitting Lex in the head. “I’m sorry.” Dana gasped. “That’s alright. Believe it or not, it happened to me once before. You’re not the first.” Fox walked over to Dana. “Here watch.” He demonstrated for her. Dana watched, smiling at his lean, strong frame, not really paying attention to what he was doing until he straightened back up to face her. “Dana, are you listening?” Fox waved his hand in front of her face. “Uh, yeah. And, uh, watching.” Dana grabbed the stick from his hand and he backed away so that he could watch her. She bent down toward the table and Fox got a very pleasant view of her adorable butt. He stood there thinking of her quite erotically until he was poked in the stomach with her stick. “Hey, what was that for?” he said grabbing the stick from her. “Oops, sorry. I didn’t know you were so close. Next time you better stand a little further back.” Dana rubbed his stomach to sooth the pain away. “You have to keep your cue flat on the table before you strike the ball, not just hold it nearby and lunge at it. Here let me show you again. I think I see the problem, Dana.” Fox said. He got behind her and encircled her arms with his, leaning into her small frame. They grasped the stick together and she started giggling. “You have to hold the stick down close to the table, and * then* release it,” he whispered into her ear. “Okay, I see what you’re doing.” They released the stick together and Dana turned in his arms giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. The cue ball rolled smoothly across the table, hitting one of Dana’s balls in the process, and knocked it in the pocket. “Yay!” she shouted gleefully. “See, I knew you could do it,” Fox smiled. “She’s a fast learner isn’t she?” Lex laughed. Dana smiled at that comment, and Fox gave back her cue stick so they could finish playing their game. On the other side of the room, the older men sat watching quietly. “So, Captain Scully, are you sure you trust your daughter around this young man?” Harvey nodded toward Fox as he raised his glass to take another swig of his drink. “Of course I do. She’s not a young child anymore and she very sensible. She’s also an excellent judge of character, and I would never presume to tell her whom to date and whom not to.” Captain Scully said. “She wouldn’t listen anyway, that’s for sure.” Harvey smirked. “Just what are you getting at, Harvey? Maybe *that’s* the reason why your wife left you.” John drawled. “What the hell is that supposed to mean, John?” Harvey pounded his fist down on the table. “I’m saying that you need to watch what you’re saying around Captain Scully and his daughter. You’re always jumping to conclusions; always ready to think the worst of people. Captain Scully might just give you a fight that you’re not ready for. Even that young man she’s with could probably give you a beating.” John laughed. The men around the table got noticeable louder, and Dana walked over to find out what was happening. Fox hurried after her, studying the faces of the older men as he approached. It wasn’t hard to detect the sudden tension in the air. XXX 7. “Dad, what’s going on?” Dana looked concerned. “Oh, we’re just having a little difference of opinion.” “Harvey, why don’t you go on the upper deck and take a look and see if we’re close to land. It might be good to clear your head before something unfortunate happens.” John said calmly. “Yes sir. I’m on my way.” Harvey grumbled. He got up and made his way onto the upper deck. “What the hell was that all about?” Fox asked. “Harvey tends to be a little wacky when he gets some booze in him.” John sighed. “Why do you even have him aboard?” Captain Scully asked. “Because he’s a good handyman and he has a lot of experience sailing. I hired him a long time ago.” “Sir!” Harvey called down the stairs. “We’re about to hit land, sir.” “Lex you go help Harvey dock the boats.” John said starting up the stairs with Lex. “Well, This wasn’t exactly the cruise I had planned.” Captain Scully told Dana and Fox. “I enjoyed myself dad.” Dana smiled at her father. “It wasn’t bad at all Captain Scully. I thought we had wonderful time, especially me.” Fox grinned at him. “Yeah, well you two *would* have a great time.” He winked at them both. “Captain Scully! We’re docking.” John called. Captain Scully looked over at Lex and Harvey working to maneuver the two boats up to the dock. “Good job, Lex.” John patted his son on the back. “Yes, thank you so much.” Captain Scully added. “Thanks dad. Glad I could help you folks.” Lex smiled at his father, and nodded to the others. Harvey muttered something under his breath, and looked away. He was clearly embarrassed by his earlier behavior. “John, how about I give you some money so that you can treat yourselves to some beer?” “Thanks for offering Captain Scully. I’m sure the guys will appreciate it,” John smiled. “We sure do appreciate your assistance. I bet your mother has been worried sick about us Dana.” “Oh, I’m sure she has dad,” Dana said. “Hopefully the ship-to-shore operator was able to calm her down a bit.” “Thanks for all your help, John.” Captain Scully shook his hand firmly. “You and your men have helped us out of a tough situation. I won’t forget this.” “My pleasure. I’m glad we met. Maybe we’ll run into each other again someday.” “I’d like that,” said Captain Scully. “I’ll buy you a drink.” “Well, it was nice meeting you, Lex. Do you live close by? Maybe we can get together with you and your girlfriend Kathy sometime,” Dana suggested. “I live about 15 miles from here. Give me your number and if Kathy agrees I’ll give you call. We’re always up for a good time,” Lex grinned. Captain Scully was already ashore, waiting for Dana and Fox to join him. “Dana, what’s taking so long?” Her father called to her. “Just a minute Dad. We’ll be right with you.” Dana took a piece of notepaper and wrote down her number, and walked down the ramp with Fox following her. Lex put the piece of notepaper in his pocket and turned toward the cabin of the boat. “What was all that about, Dana?” her father questioned her. “Oh, nothing really important.” She grinned and then turned to Fox, smiling. They loaded their gear into the car and headed for home. Captain Scully arrived at Fox’s driveway and pulled the car to a stop. Fox got out of the car and walked over to Captain Scully’s window. “Thanks for letting me tag along with you and your daughter.” Fox smiled, looking over at Dana. “You’re welcome.” Fox walked around the car to Dana’s window and bent down. “I guess I’ll see you later.” He said softly. “Yeah, you just might.” She grinned. “Let me know if you hear from Lex,” he prompted. “You know it,” she winked at him. “Okay. I’ll see you then.” He leaned down and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. Captain Scully saw the kiss but waited till they drove off to comment. “Dana, you certainly seem smitten with this young fellow. Do you think that’s wise? I know he’s been a gentlemen but he’ll be going back to school in a few days, I’m afraid you’ll be left with a broken heart.” “You’re probably right dad, but when I’m around him I feel something I never experienced before. Even though I know he’ll be leaving, I have this feeling we are somehow destined to be together.” She looked over at her father shyly. “You’re always dreaming, aren’t you Dana?” He touched her arm and smiled at her. As they headed for home, Dana sat in deep thought. Somehow, she was going to find a way to spend another day with Fox Mulder. Lex phoned Dana around 2:00 p.m. the same afternoon and told her that Kathy had agreed to go out that evening. Lex suggested that they meet in the lobby of the movie theatre. Dana phoned Fox soon as she hung up with Lex. “Hello,” Fox said. “Hi. It’s me. I hope you still want to go to the movies tonight,” Dana smiled into the receiver. “Sure. I’m glad you called me. I was beginning to wonder if we were still going,” He laughed. “Yeah, Lex just called me and said to meet him and Kathy in the lobby of the theatre.” “Well, what time do you want me to pick you up?” “How about 6:00 p.m.?” “Sure. I’ll be there. I can’t wait to see you, Dana.” “Same here. I’ll be waiting,” Dana whispered into the phone. “See you soon,” Fox told her. “Kay. See you later,” Dana told Fox and cheerfully hung up the phone. Dana walked into the kitchen to find her mother mixing lemonade in a large pitcher. “Mom, I’ll be going out tonight.” “Oh, honey that’s great. With whom if I may ask?” she grinned at her daughter. “I’m going with Fox. I know we just met but we’re going out with a couple of friends to see a movie.” Dana grabbed the spoon from the pitcher and began stirring the ingredients. “Well, you have good time and be careful tonight,” Maggie said. “I will Mom. Don’t worry. I’ll probably be late, so don’t wait up.” Dana walked up to her room to freshen up. Finally it was 5:30. Dana was dressed in a blue low cut dress of soft jersey material. It matched her eyes perfectly and showed off her curves nicely. She checked in the mirror for a last minute touch- up on her makeup, put her shoes on, and patiently awaited the arrival of Fox. When the doorbell rang, Bill was the first to answer it. “What do *you* want?” Bill asked him curtly. “I’m here for Dana. Is she here?” Before Bill could answer the question Dana came up behind him smiling. “Hi. I’m glad you made it,” Dana smiled, noticing he had a small bunch of flowers in his hand. “Here, these are for you.” He smiled and handed her the bouquet. Dana retreated to the kitchen to find a vase to hold them, and added some water before she rejoined Fox at the door. “Just what do you think you’re doing, Dana?” Bill asked. “Do I answer to you Bill? No I do not. Anyway, Mom already knows that Fox and I are going out tonight, for your information.” Dana walked past Bill swiftly, joining Fox outside. They walked to his car and he held the door open as she climbed in. He shut her door and walked over to his side of the car and got in. “Dana, you sure know how to talk to your brother.” He glanced over at her as he pulled out of the driveway. “I know I shouldn’t talk to him like that but he gets on my nerves and I just can’t help myself. He just makes me so mad sometimes.” Dana clenched her hands in her lap as she talked about her brother. “Well I think we should forget about him, and just enjoy ourselves tonight.” Fox took Dana’s hand gently and placed a small kiss on her palm. Inside the theater, Lex and Kathy strolled around the lobby waiting for Dana and Fox. “I’m glad you two could make it,” Lex smiled, walking over as they approached. This is Kathy.” No wonder Lex fell for this girl, Dana thought to herself. Kathy had dark straight hair, high cheekbones and lovely dark eyes. Dana wondered if Fox thought she was attractive, but she soon found out that he was looking at her, not at Kathy. He put his arm around her shoulder and she responded by putting her right arm around his waist, smiling up at him. “Kathy, this is Fox and Dana. I told you about meeting them.” Lex smiled. “Hi. It’s so nice to meet you. Lex told me all about you two and your little incident on the bay.” She shook Dana and Fox’s hands. “Yeah, ‘Our Rescue at Sea,’ thanks to Lex and his father,” Fox grinned. “I’m glad you’re all safe,” Kathy said. Lex linked his arm through Kathy’s. “Let’s go see what movie selections we have to choose from.” There was a special screening of “Jaws.” The guys decided this would be a perfect date movie. They loved the idea of the girls being terrified by the Great White Shark, with themselves as the great protectors. Kathy and Dana shrieked and hugged their dates, practically jumping into their laps at times. Once the movie was over and everyone was leaving Lex asked Fox and Dana if they wanted to go to a club nearby to get something to eat. It was only 10:30, still relatively early, so they strolled down the sidewalk to the restaurant, which was within walking distance. “Isn’t it nice out?” Dana sighed. Fox spoke up. “Yeah, it’s really beautiful. All the stars are out tonight.” “So, I guess we better enjoy ourselves since you’ll be leaving tomorrow,” Dana frowned. “Yes, I know I should have a longer break. Now that I’ve met you I don’t want to leave,” Fox said, and gently draped his arm over her shoulder. “Well, let’s not think about that till tomorrow,” Dana smiled. “You’re right,” Fox winked at her. Lex and Kathy walked into the club and Fox and Dana followed. Thankfully it wasn’t too loud. They had music playing, but it was more a soothing sound than a deafening one. The place looked like it was from another era but you could tell it had been remodeled in that style. Lex and Kathy sat down at a table near the back of the restaurant and Fox and Dana joined them. “Lex, you didn’t tell me this was such a nice place,” Dana smiled. “Well, it is kinda pleasant. I really like the atmosphere,” Lex grinned. “So, shall we order?” Kathy looked over the menu. What are you going to have, Lex?” “Oh, maybe a plate of lobster and a salad.” “I’ll share if you don’t mind.” Kathy leaned over and kissed him on the lips. “Sure. I don’t mind at all.” Lex returned the kiss. Meanwhile Fox and Dana watched their public display of affection trying to suppress their own impulse to act accordingly. They decided on a plate of pasta with some bread sticks. After giving the waitress their order, Fox draped his arm over Dana’s shoulder. He began making slow circles on her arm, making his way down to her elbow. Dana shifted in her seat to get closer. There were other couples occupying other tables near them but not so close that they were uncomfortable. Fox noticed a young man probably a little older than he was sitting by himself, staring at their table. The man had light brown hair with light eyes and was rather nice looking. It was obvious that he was staring at Dana. Fox leaned down next to Dana and whispered in her ear, making her giggle. She then kissed him on the mouth lightly. The young man noticed this and frowned, knowing that the young woman was clearly taken. He got up and walked over to the bar, realizing that he wasn’t in the same league with the handsome young man with the red- headed woman. After eating their dinner Lex and Kathy walked over to the bar and grabbed a couple of beers and returned to the table. “This was the best pasta I’ve ever tasted,” Dana said. “Yeah, I don’t know whether it was the special sauce they used or what but it was damn good,” Fox smiled down at Dana. “So, you want a beer?” Fox asked Dana as he began sliding out of the booth. “Oh, get me a glass of white wine, please,” Dana smiled. “Sure thing. I’ll be right back.” Fox walked over to the bar and noticed that the young man was sitting by himself at the end. “What’ll you have, sir?” the bartender asked. “A beer and glass of your finest white wine, please,” Fox told him. The bartender handed Fox the wine and beer and he walked back to Dana with it, sitting down beside her. There was a slow song playing the background; Fox held out his hand and Dana took it into her own. Fox lead her to the small dance floor where Lex and Kathy had already started dancing. “I’m glad you joined us. I didn’t think anyone was going to dance.” Lex twirled Kathy in his arms. Fox held Dana close, and as they began to dance he noticed that the young man was looking their way. So, Fox bent down and whispered gently in Dana’s ear, making her shiver. “We’ve got an audience tonight.” “What are you talking about?” Dana giggled. Dana turned around in his arms so that he was standing behind her. He encircled his strong arms around her small frame, hugging her snugly to his body. Dana took her arm, pulled his head down to her, and whispered in his ear, “Let me guess. The lonely young man sitting there at the end of the bar drinking the night away.” “How did you guess?” Fox nuzzled her ear. Dana smiled and continued to dance with Fox. Once the music stopped, they all went back to their table. “Well, that was nice.” Kathy smiled. “It’s getting late. We should get going,” Lex told her. “Well it was nice meeting you both,” Kathy said. “Same here,” Fox replied. Lex and Kathy paid their bill and left. When Fox walked over to pay the waitress, the young man at the bar saw an opportunity to speak to Dana. “Hi. How are you doing tonight? My name is Mark.” He winked at her. “I’m fine.” Dana smiled stiffly at the stranger. “So, you and your boyfriend having a good time?” he asked. Before she could answer Fox came back and noticed that the stranger was talking to Dana. “Excuse me.” Fox brushed up against the young man. “Dana, are you ready go?” Fox extended his hand to her. “Sure. Let’s get out of here.” Dana grabbed his hand and Fox escorted her out of the restaurant, leaving the young man speechless. They walked out onto the street with the young man following. Fox held the car door open for Dana, and as she sat down she kissed him hard on the lips. For some reason, the young man became furious. Fox returned her sweet kiss with one of his own, pinning her against the car. The young man strode over to their car and yanked on Fox’s shoulder, pulling him away from Dana. “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to start a fight or something?” Fox growled. “I thought you were going to hurt this young woman.” Mark said. “Well, that is very chivalrous of you but I don’t think I’m in any danger,” Dana smiled putting her hand on Fox’s arm. “I think you better leave before you get hurt,” Fox snapped. “Oh, is that so. Just who do you think you are? Mister Perfect?” Mark snapped. “Why don’t you go find your own girlfriend?” Dana said. “I thought maybe you would be my girlfriend,” Mark leered. “You’re a nice- looking man, why don’t you have a girlfriend in the first place?” Dana asked Mark. “I had a girlfriend but she cheated on me with my best friend about a year ago and I haven’t dated since,” He scowled. “I’m sure you’ll find someone else.” Fox offered. Mark’s face softened a bit. “Yeah, I guess so.” The young man shuffled away dejectedly. Dana climbed into the car; Fox walked around to the other side and got in. “Man, was he a loser or what?” Fox grinned. “Fox, just because he doesn’t have a girlfriend doesn’t mean he’s a loser.” Dana looked over at him. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. “Mmmmm… we should get going.” Fox whispered against her cheek. “Well, I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I don’t want to go home tonight. I want to spend your last night with you,” Dana smiled. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to get into trouble with your folks,” Fox caressed her cheek. “I already told my mother not to wait up for me. I’m a big girl now, and I can take care of myself,” Dana said. “Well, in that case. You can definitely spend the night with me,” Fox smiled at her. Dana pulled him down for another feverish kiss and gently nipped on his bottom lip. “That’s exactly what I was hoping for.” “Let’s just hope my mom isn’t home tonight.” Fox put the car into drive and headed for home. “If she is, we’ll have to find somewhere else to stay.” Fox Mulder’s Home 12:30 a.m. Fox pulled the car into the driveway and noticed that the front porch light was on. He unlocked the door and walked in with Dana following. “Mom… Are you home?” Fox called. “Fox, look over here. I think there is a note on the kitchen table,” Dana said. Fox read the note aloud. Fox, I’m going to the hospital tonight to check on grandma Ruth. Apparently, she fell at her home this evening. I can only hope there are no broken bones. I’ll be home tomorrow morning. Love, Mom “Well, I guess my mother isn’t coming home tonight.” Fox said and put the paper back down on the table. “So, it looks like we have the place to ourselves. Are you going to show me around?” Dana linked her arm through his. “Sure.” As they walked around, Dana noticed pictures on the wall of Fox and his sister when they were young and carefree. “This is my family when we were all together.” “Fox, they’re lovely pictures.” “Thank You.” They walked upstairs toward the bedrooms. Fox pointed to the farthest room and said, “That’s my room down at the end of the hall. That room next to it is my sister’s room, but since she disappeared it’s been shut. This room here is my Mom’s; very fancy and elegant, isn’t?” “Yes. It certainly is. Are you going to show me your room?” Dana tugged on his t-shirt. “Of course. He grinned and gently took her arm. “It isn’t fancy but it’s mine.” Fox guided Dana into his room. Dana admired the trophies and awards Fox had received in high school. There were a few photos of girls in swimsuits still posted to the wall, and some baseball player cards scattered on the dresser. Dana walked to the foot of the bed and sat down on the edge. She noticed something sticking out from under the mattress and grabbed it. It was an old porn magazine that Fox had kept hidden so that his parents wouldn’t find it. “What’s this?” Dana raised her eyebrows and began giggling. “Oh, something to pass a young man’s time.” Fox replied shyly. “Is that what they call it?” Fox just grinned and sat down on the edge of the bed with Dana, and began taking off his shoes. “I guess we better get some sleep. My flight leaves tomorrow afternoon.” “Well, I know where I’m sleeping.” Dana smiled and began taking off her shirt. With Fox watching, she gently pulled it over her head, letting her hair fall down around her face. Fox reached over and tucked a few strands behind her ear and let his hand linger on her cheek for a few seconds. Dana looked up and smiled. She reached for the shirt tucked inside his jeans and pulled it out and over his head, tossing it aside. “Now we’re even.” Dana smiled, and kissed him. He pulled her down on top of him and hit his head on the foot of the bed. “Damn it!” Fox yelped. Dana began to giggle and Fox rolled her beneath him pinning her down. “What is so funny?” “You. That’s what.” “Is that so?” Fox kissed her passionately on the lips and began making his way down the side of her neck, lightly sucking the tendon there, and making her squirm beneath him. There was nowhere for her to go because she was still pinned under him. He began a slow descent down her body, stopping only to remove their remaining clothing. “That’s so much better.” She reached for him and he fell between her legs, parting them as he sank down. He began sucking on one of her nipples while he gently pinched the other. They kissed passionately, tongues vying for control. Dana gasped for air as Fox renewed his assault on her chest kissing, nipping, and teasing the rest of the way down her body. He licked one thigh then the other until Dana squeezed her legs together, causing him to kiss his way back up to her belly. Lightly biting, he made a small dime-shaped mark just above her navel. She whimpered and he quickly licked the pain away glancing up at her and smiling. He began his ministrations once again at the juncture of her hip and thigh, and lightly placed a small kiss at her entrance. Dana moaned. He gently slid his tongue into her sweet depths, and began licking and teasing her clit. Fox nibbled and sucked her while she writhed on the bed under him. Dana’s moans became short, halting breaths, as she climaxed quickly beneath his lips. Fox kissed her again lightly before easing his way back up her sweat-glistened torso. “Mmmm… that was wonderful.” Dana kissed him on the lips and combed her hand through his hair tugging gently. “I’m glad.” Before he could return her kiss, Fox was flat on his back, with the most beautiful girl he’d ever met straddling his chest. Dana began to kiss, lick, and nibble her way down his chest, running her finger nails along his ribs as she went. She gently lapped at his navel as he bucked off the bed. Placing light kisses on the underside of his cock, Dana knew full well that she was driving Fox insane. He reached down and lightly stroked her hair. She cupped his balls lightly in one hand, as she took him all into her mouth. Sliding slowly back and forth, being careful not to make him come, she licked him from root to tip. It was slow torture, Dana gently taking the head of his penis in her mouth, sucking softly, and then taking him in all the way. As she continued her ministrations, it became harder and harder for Fox to maintain control. “Dana, going to come,” He moaned. Dana sucked harder and with a light squeeze of his sack he came hard; As his orgasm subsided she gently laved him with her tongue, and crawled back up his torso licking and nibbling as she went. “Damn…. What are you trying to do, kill me?” Fox laughed. “Fox, do you have any protection?” Dana cocked her eyebrow at him. “What, Oh, yeah. It’s in the top dresser drawer. Let me get it.” Dana straddled his hips, and began tearing the packet open she slid the condom over his rock hard penis. Dana giggled and captured his lips once again and settled between his thighs. Fox rolled her over, and slipped inside of her with one smooth stroke. He kissed her neck gently as he stroked slowly in and out, then pushed into her hard causing her to cry out. Thinking that he had hurt her, Fox pulled out quickly and looked down at her. “You alright?” “I’m fine. You’re just bigger than I remember.” She smoothed a lock of hair from his eyebrow. He slowly pushed back into her and then began moving faster. Dana clenched her internal muscles around his shaft and began milking him. He didn’t know how long he could last, and in an instant they both came. They rode out each other’s orgasm and Fox collapsed on top of Dana. After for a few seconds he rolled onto his side, pulling her with him. They drifted off to sleep wrapped in each other’s arms. Following Day 7:30 a.m. Dana awoke and began to stir. Remembering the events of the previous evening put a smile on her face. She began to rise from the bed when Fox had grabbed her by the hand and pulled her back down. “Just where do you think you’re going?” “I’m going to give my mother a call and then I’m going to use your shower if you don’t mind?” “You can use my shower. Just save some hot water for me.” He gave her a quick kiss and released her hand. Meanwhile Dana scrambled to find a t-shirt to put on, and call her mother to let her know that she was all right. Seeing Dana on the phone, Fox decided to surprise her in the shower. He tiptoed down the hall, and hid behind the door of the bathroom. Dana hung up the phone and entered the bathroom without realizing that Fox was already there. She shrugged off his t-shirt, and before she could even turn around, strong arms gripped her around the waist. Fox lowered his head and began nuzzling her neck. “Mmm… how about we share the shower?” He pulled her to his chest so that his erection was pressing against her backside. “Don’t mind at all… I hate to waste water,” Dana sighed turning her head to whisper in his ear. They were still in the shower when Fox heard the front door shut. “Shit! I forgot my Mom was coming home early this morning from the hospital.” He stepped out of the shower dripping wet, grabbed for a towel and handed it to Dana. They quickly dried themselves off, Dana wrapped a towel around herself and hurried to Fox’s room to the gather her things. “Fox, are you home?” His mother called out to him. “Yeah, Mom I was just in the shower.” Fox walked into the kitchen to meet her. “So, how’s Grandma?” “She had a little accident. No broken bones thank goodness.” “Well, I’m glad she’s O.K.” Just then Dana walked hesitantly into the kitchen to greet Mrs. Mulder. It was obvious that she’d spent the night because she looked like she just came from the shower. “Mom, this is Dana Scully. The girl I’ve been telling you about.” “Nice to finally meet you. Fox has been talking quite a bit about you since you two met.” “Well, I’m going to get dressed. I’ll be right back.” Fox left the room. Mrs. Mulder sat a bag of fresh bagels on the table, took out the orange juice, and poured three glasses. She indicated a chair for Dana to sit in. Both women felt rather awkward. “This is a lovely house.” Dana finally broke the ice. “Thank you. I’ve redecorated it over the years.” Mrs. Mulder said. Fox walked back into the kitchen wearing a pair of faded jeans and a gray t-shirt. He sat down next to Dana. “Fox, doesn’t your flight leave this afternoon?” “Yes, Mom. I didn’t forget but thanks for reminding me. I’ll start packing in a little while.” “I’ll give you a ride to the airport when you’re ready.” “Thanks Mom.” She walked into the living room leaving Fox and Dana sitting at the table eating breakfast. “So, today is the day?” Dana frowned. “Hey, it’s not like I’m ever going to forget about you. Don’t think that.” He lifted her chin with two fingers and began caressing her cheek. “I know but I don’t know what I’m going to do without you; not seeing you everyday.” Dana began to tremble. I’m really going to miss you. “Don’t you know it’s going to be hard on me as well? I finally met someone that I enjoy spending time with.” “I know. I feel the same way. I just don’t know if we’ll ever get together again.” She said. “Sure we will, if I have any thing to do about it. I’ll find you no matter what it takes.” He stroked her hair. “I hope you’re right because I don’t want to loose you.” Around noon Fox began to pack his suitcase. When he was finished, he asked his mother if Dana could ride with them to the airport to see him off. She even offered to drop Dana off at her home on her way back. “Fox, are you ready to go?” “Yeah, I’ll be there in a second.” Dana and Fox rode together in the backseat, trying to spend as much time together as possible before Fox had to leave. Once they arrived at the airport, Fox checked his bag, verified the flight information, and walked over to where Dana was standing. “Well, I guess this is goodbye,” He looked down at Dana. “Yeah…” is all she could say as tears slipped from the corners of her eyes. Fox pulled her tightly to him, blinking back his own tears. They stepped back from one another, then Fox leaned in and gave Dana a quick kiss on the lips. “I’ll see you again?” Dana asked as she wiped her tears from her cheek. “Sure. When I’m done at Oxford I’ll come back and I’ll find you.” He stroked her cheek tenderly. “Promise?” “Promise.” He kissed her again, and turned and walked away; toward the plane and England. Dana watched sadly, as Fox disappeared beyond the gate. Fox watched the ground fall away from the window of the plane, knowing that Dana would wait for him. It was just a matter of time until they’d meet again. Mrs. Mulder dropped Dana off at her house saying goodbye to his mother she got out of the car and walked to the front door. When Dana arrived at home, she found her mother waiting for her. “He’s gone, Mom.” It was obvious that she had been crying. “Shhh… honey. It’ll be all right. I know what you’re going through. When you father would go out on assignment, I never knew if he was coming back alive. The uncertainty is something that I learned to live with and you can too. It isn’t easy, but it can be done.” Maggie wrapped her arms tightly around her daughter. “I know Mom, Dana sighed, sinking into her mother’s strong embrace. It’s just so hard right now.” The women stood in place, rocking gently in place. The End…. Started: Jan 2002 Finished: July 2002