TITLE: WHAT A SPECTACLE I: DON'T TAKE OFF YOUR GLASSES AUTHOR: TERESA HORNE E-MAIL: spooky76@csra1.csra.net Rating: PG (PART 2 - NC-17) I can never resist a challenge. However, I couldn't have done this without the help of my friends. This is a strong MSR answer to the Mulder Glasses challenge... Classification: S, R Disclaimer: Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are the property of Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and Fox Broadcasting. No infringement is intended. Summary: After a moment of watching Mulder working while wearing those glasses of his, Scully decides that it's time to take their relationship a bit further. Any and all feedback is welcome at spooky76@csra.net. ******************************************************** I was just standing there, watching him. He has no idea how sexy he looks when he's wearing *them*. Those glasses. Maybe if I'm quiet, he won't hear me, and they'll stay on his face. They've entranced me since I first walked in his office 4 years ago. He was so cocky and I didn't care. He'll never know how hard it was to keep my composure after seeing them on his face. The refrain played over again in my head. "My name is Dana Scully and I'm a Special Agent for the FBI." I'm not saying that the words helped any, however. I laugh to myself, unable to help the thought that my beloved partner has waited until I fell for him because of a piece of apparel on his face, then he almost stops wearing them all together. I can't help it. I believe in him without any doubts, but sometimes I just wonder . . . what truth does he hide behind those glasses? What truth does he see with the ever changing gaze that I have gotten to know so well over these 4 years? I stifle a chuckle as a thought crosses my mind. *Hmm, I wonder if the only way to get him to keep the glasses on is to super glue them to his face.* Apparently he heard the chuckle that I tried to hide, and he looked up at me. Was it just my imagination or did my heart stop? He wears them so seldom, and just to see him staring at me...I can't help but shiver. I can see him about to take them off. Without thinking twice, I swiftly cross the room over to him. He stopped when he heard the tone I used. "No, Mulder. Keep them on." "Scully, what's going on?" I could see his eyes take on a shade of green. "Why don't you want me to take my glasses off?" "Mulder, I could tell you that there is some kind of strange organism waiting to attack you the moment you remove those glasses from your face, but I won't." A slow smile crosses my face. "I just think you look sexy when you're wearing them." "Scully," he raised his eyebrow in an imitation of one of my gestures. "Are you coming on to me?" Walking closer toward him, I smiled, "Do you want me to be?" It was all I could do to keep from laughing at his expression. I don't think he really expected me to respond to that, especially the way I did. He was positively speechless. Finally, he looked up at my smiling face, the shock still apparent. "Scully..." "Yes, Mulder?" I leaned back a bit. He smiled somewhat wickedly as he rose from his desk and approached me, forcing me back to my desk. "Mulder," I protested, "what are you doing?" "I had thought the same thing about you and your glasses..." his voice trailed off as he reached for the glasses case sitting on my desk. I smiled and slowly took the glasses out of his hand. Sliding them on my face, I looked up at him. "Is this better?" At first, he didn't answer me. He just stared at me for a moment. In fact, his smile was the only answer I got. The only one I needed. That, and the look in his eyes. "So, Mulder? Do I get the privilege of an answer?" "Depends on the answer that you're looking for." "If I ask you if you're going to shut up and kiss me, will you tell me yes?" He was somewhat shocked at my answer. I leaned back to get a better look at him. He had *never* worn his glasses that long when I was around. I can't really say that I'm complaining. In fact, I was enjoying the view. He reached out a hand to grasp one of mine, pulling me into his arms. I'll admit that I was surprised. Even if I hadn't been, I doubt I would have fought him. Like I could while he was wearing them. Maybe on some lower level, he knew it, and that's why he always took them off whenever I entered the room. Then again, maybe not. Maybe something in his life made him so self-conscious of having to wear glasses, he was afraid to wear them in front of people, even people he trusted. Even me. I was hoping that tonight would change that. However, I couldn't hold back a surprised cry, "Mulder!" "Well, Scully, you did want an answer, right?" he looked at me with a mischievous grin, "I'm about to give it to you." He smiled and brushed a finger along my jawline as he told me, "You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to ask me that." I just looked at him for a minute. "Does that mean what I think it means, Mulder?" "Yes, I love you, Dana Scully. Just don't let it get around...and don't call me Fox." I leaned closer to him. "Deal." "Scully, do you have something to tell me?" I smiled. "Maybe." "Oh, the suspense is killing me." "I'm sure." He whined, "Scully...." "I'll tell you when I'm ready." I smiled at him, and tilted my head to one side and said. "All right, I'm ready. I love you too, Mulder. Lord only knows why..." "Because of the glasses?" "Maybe." I stopped and looked at him. "Now will you kiss me, you fool?" "Not here," he grinned at me. "Not now. I suggest that we go somewhere a bit more . . . private. It is getting close to midnight, and I wouldn't want anyone to find us here in the morning. . ." "Oh, definitely." I returned his grin. "I don't want this to be finished on the desk or the floor. How does a nice warm bed sound to you?" "You're not implying that *I* own a bed, do you?" "Of course not, Mulder. I was thinking about taking you back to my place. I believe that it *is* closer." "Oh, I love the way your mind works." "I was certain that you would." We laughed our way out of the office, closing everything down and locking the door. I made only one more request before the door closed behind us. "Mulder, do me a favor." "Yeah, Scully?" "Don't take off your glasses." ********************************************************************* "I'm not going to give up. I can't give up. Not as long as the truth is out there." --Mulder (The Erlenmeyer Flask) "Normality is a facade we all wear; in the end we're all only a bunch of survivors." - Storm Austin "He, the seeker of the truth, was scared of a thing called Love." -- (from Shoulder To Cry On 7: Just Friends) ********************************************************************* Proud Member of SPCDD: DEFEND, ENLIGHTEN AND PROTECT Member of FFA, EMXC, XFR, XFF, PMD, and PFSCM (#9) Founder of MSSMB -- http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/1853/ Visit my page at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/7014/ MSSMB Motto: We will prevail...if not in this lifetime, then in the next