TITLE: Wine 7 - MERLOT AUTHOR: Dianora RATING: NC-17 Summary: Mulder and Scully join the Mile High Club. Well, I realize it's been =ages= since the last "Wine" installment, but I'm afraid my X-Files muse has been rather itinerant lately. I've either been writing stories for other fandoms or not writing at all, it seems. Full credit for giving me the idea and inspiring me to write a new "Wine" story goes to my new friend Dan, a.k.a. NekoBus106. Dan discovered my writing through my Robotech stories, and turned out to be not only an XF fan but a Shipper as well. What luck! Credit for "Merlot" as the choice of wine goes to my "old" friend Nicole Perry. Somehow I doubt this is the type of scenario you had in mind, Nic, but that's just too bad. Of course, you gave me the Merlot idea so long ago you probably don't even remember doing it, so I guess it doesn't matter... This is pure fluff and, as usual, contains explicit sexual material, so if you're underage or easily offended, please go away. All comments and suggestions for future "Wine" stories to Dianora2@aol.com. All of my stories as well as lots of fun links can be found at my website: http://members.aol.com/dianora2/main.htm. These characters do not belong to me, much to Chris Carter's relief. No copyright infringement is intended, and if I was making any money at all off of these, my stories would be a lot longer and better written. Heh heh. I should also note that this is pretty much outside any show continuity whatsoever. Chris Carter would be proud. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX "Where the hell is the flight attendant?" Scully asked for the fifth time since they'd sat down. She craned her head over the rows of cramped coach seating in search of her polyester-suited savior. "Scully, we haven't even left the ground yet," Mulder pointed out. He shifted in his seat, again, trying futilely to find a comfortable position for his long legs. She scowled as she watched him squirm. It was a ritual he repeated on every flight, on every case. And it drove her nuts every time. Sometimes being short -- make that =petite= -- was a definite advantage, she mused with satisfaction. She turned away from him and stared straight ahead at the tray table in its upright position. "I need a drink." "You never drink during a flight," he said in mild surprise. "I do now." The trendy flannel-wearing Gen X-er to her left started up his Discman in direct violation of the no electronic devices during take-off rule. Anarchist. The dissonant clashing of what she could only assume was some generic Seattle-based band filtered into the recycled air of the cabin. Why did she =always= wind up with a middle seat? The God of Airplane Seating had it in for her. "Are you still mad about before?" Mulder prodded with his trademark oblivion. "Well, give the man a degree in psychology," she murmured. She clenched her jaw at the memory of their recent argument in the middle of the Iowa City airport terminal, complete with unwelcome bystander participation. It had started as a standard disagreement as to how the case they had just wrapped up should be described in the case report, but it had quickly and stunningly degenerated into a down-and-dirty fight that can only come as a result of knowing each other entirely too well. She loved the man, she really did, but every once in a while she wanted to wrap her hands around his neck and =squeeze.= Her fingers tapped impatiently against her black linen skirt in time with the tinny grunge sound next to her ear. Finally, a flight attendant wearing a bright blue suit of what could only be polyester strolled by, and Scully snagged her. "Can I get a glass of Merlot, please?" "Me too," Mulder added. Scully smirked. He knew he was going to need it. The attractive brunette blinked her big brown eyes at them for a moment and opened her mouth as if to protest any drinking before the flight had even started, when her eyes met Scully's. She closed her mouth and smiled insincerely. "Of course." Moments later they had booze in hand, and Scully swallowed gratefully, shuddering in delight as the warmth spread through her chest. "I can't believe you're still mad," Mulder said with obvious annoyance. She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath, not looking at him. "Mulder, you called me. A. Tight. Ass." "It was the heat of the moment. I didn't really mean it." "Sure. Fine. Whatever." He shot her a dirty look that she matched wholeheartedly; then they lapsed into a tense silence. Scully finished off her glass of wine and started to look for the flight attendant to get another one when she realized they were about to take off. Suppressing a frustrated sigh, she leaned back in her seat as the plane increased in speed along the runway. The grunge music continued to rage on next to her, and she vaguely hoped it wouldn't interfere with the radar of the plane and cause them to crash into the tower. Tight ass, the voice in her head sneered at her. Kiss it, she returned in kind. She drew in her breath as the plane lifted effortlessly into the air and she experienced the moment that came, now, with every flight, when she remembered Max Fenig and every other passenger on Flight 549 and prayed this wouldn't be her time to join them. Once they stopped climbing through the stratosphere and seemed to be cruising regularly, she relaxed a bit and started searching once more for the flight attendant. Mulder was studying the bottom of his wine glass like the MJ files were inscribed on it. The attendant was flagged down once more and ordered to bring them another round. The woman - whose name, Mulder took pains to discover, was Mona - reluctantly complied, this time bringing them each a small bottle in the obvious hope that they would leave her alone for the rest of the flight. They both snickered at her optimism. Scully swirled the blood red liquid around in her glass and looked at Mulder askance. His legs were rudely flung out into the aisle and he had his tray table down. His fingers thumped rhythmically against the hard plastic to some inner tune as he stared straight ahead with almost childlike intensity, lost in thought. His dark brown hair was mussed, but in a just-got-out-of-bed-after-some-great-sex way, and his tie was loosened, the first two buttons on his expensive white dress shirt undone. A brief flashback to the night before flitted across her mind, down on all fours on the bed as Mulder took her from behind in the dark, his hands grasping her hips as he whispered her name and plunged into her over and over. God. She shifted in her seat and drank some more. The drumming fingers ceased. "Scully." "What." "I'm sorry." "Good." "But you really are a tight ass." She drew in her breath with a gasp, then slugged down the rest of the small bottle of wine before dignifying his comment with a response. "Go to hell, Mulder." Oh, that's it, Dana, dazzle him with witty repartee. He turned in his seat to face her, his eyes were sparkling with some sort of misguided amusement. "Well, a tight ass in a really =wonderful= way." He leaned in real close, lowered his voice to an intimate timbre. "I =love= your tight ass." "Thanks," she said dryly. She could feel the corners of her mouth twitching, and cursed herself for her inability to stay angry with him. But she knew that when it came to Mulder, she'd gotten as close to an apology as she was likely to get. He nudged her thigh with his. "Forgive me?" To top it off, he made that lost little boy face that he =knew= simply got to her every time. Instead of answering, she held up her glass of wine to the approaching flight attendant. "Another please? In fact, make it two." Mona made a face, but nonetheless hurried to comply. Scully furrowed her brow and hoped she wasn't being =too= bitchy to the poor woman. "You're putting that stuff away awful fast, Scully," Mulder said dubiously. "You sure you're okay?" "What's the matter, Mulder? Surprised that a tight ass can drink so much?" She accepted the fresh mini-bottle of wine from Mona with an overcompensatory smile and opened it impatiently. Her head felt as if it would float right off of her neck. The alcohol was working rather quickly. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that she hadn't eaten anything that morning and it was already noon. "Just wondering why you seem so determined to drink your weight in alcohol," he said. "Because I have nothing better to do," she snapped. He shook his head and laughed softly. "Fine. Well, you know what they say, Scully, if you can't beat 'em..." He signaled the beleagured Mona and flashed her his best smile. "Don't tell me =you= want more, too," she said. She folded her arms across her polyester-suited chest. "Only if it's not too much trouble," he said, widening the smile. She studied him for a moment, then smiled back. "No trouble at all," she practically purred. Scully rolled her eyes. Un-be-lievable. Another bottle of wine later, and they were both considerably more relaxed. Mulder's legs were fully thrust into the aisle, and Mona, whose patience was wearing a little thin, had to ask him more than once to put them back under the seat in front of him. Scully had discarded her suit jacket, and sat comfortably in her skirt and cream-colored silk blouse. Her head occasionally lolled from side to side, but she convinced herself it had something to do with the altitude. "Scully." Mulder's voice sounded in her ear, his breath stirring her hair. "Yes?" She tried to focus on him through the relaxing fog enveloping her brain. "I did say I was sorry, you know." His hand moved to her thigh and began tracing light circles through the fabric of her skirt. She gulped. "I know." "So...when are you going to forgive me?" Looking for make-up sex already, eh? Her heart began pounding just a little faster, and her hand involuntarily moved to her throat. "How do you suggest I go about doing that?" she asked. His eyes bore into hers, and she realized he was not just teasing; he was suddenly intense, focused, in that Mulder way. She could smell the wine on his breath when he spoke. "Ever think about joining the Mile High Club, Scully?" Her mouth dried up, and she licked her lips nervously. "You can't be serious." Her tingling nether regions screamed Yes! while the small, tight-ass voice inside her squeaked an indignant protest. "What's the matter? Too...dangerous for you?" His expression was challenging now, daring her to prove his earlier remark true. She cleared her throat and felt her eyelids flutter as if she were some sort of swooning silent film star. Her head now felt like it was expanding like a hot air balloon, and she was entirely too flushed. She swallowed past the lump in her throat. "I...no," she said lamely. Her flushed cheeks felt hot, so hot, and she wanted to tear his clothes off right then and there, but beyond the alcohol-induced fervor and her inspired passion, something kept holding her back, that last Catholic school girl inhibition. He grinned rakishly at her, genuinely amused at this point. "Dana Scully, I dare you -- I =double= dare you -- to join me in the bathroom of this airplane." He craned his head back to check the restroom status. "One of them is free, right now." His hand began traveling up under her skirt, adding further inducement. Now he was playing dirty. A dare? A =dare=? What was this, showdown at recess? Hmph. God, he knew her too well. She met his gaze steadily, even though she was practically hyperventilating at this point. "I accept your dare, Agent Mulder." "Okay then." He stretched until she could hear joints popping, then rose from his seat and began to hum a tuneless tune in a ridiculous attempt at nonchalance. She rolled her eyes and got up herself, rotated her neck around to loosen the muscles there. The two of them strolled down the length of the cabin, Scully, for her part, keeping her eyes rooted to the floor. Once at the door to the small bathroom, they looked up and down the craft to make sure no one was watching them, then slipped inside, shutting the door and locking it, illuminating the "Occupied" sign. It was a standard airplane bathroom facility, with a small toilet, aluminum sink, and little else. The smell of disinfectant hung in the air, an almost tangible presence. It certainly didn't afford much in the way of atmosphere. They just stood there for a moment, pressed up against each other, wondering what to do next. Scully could feel the laughter bubbling up inside of her, and fought it valiantly, but as she tried to suppress a laugh a snort escaped instead, and finally they both collapsed into undignified giggles, holding onto each other for support. "This has to be the craziest thing you've ever done," she said in between laughs. "Me? You're in here too," Mulder pointed out laughingly, then grabbed her shoulders and lowered his mouth to hers. They kissed gently at first, playfully, frequently coming up for air to let out a stray snicker or giggle, but soon enough the humor deserted them utterly. He pushed her up against the sink and began unbuttoning her blouse with deft fingers, exposing her skin to the antiseptic-scented air. She exhaled harshly into his mouth at the sensation of his warm fingers brushing against her lace bra, reaching inside, taking a nipple between thumb and forefinger. He squeezed gently and she moaned, a moan of quiet desperation and longing. He pulledhis mouth off of hers and moved to her neck, tasting and nibbling, whispering her name into her hair. "Hurry," she gasped, losing her patience. She unfastened his belt, unzipping his fly, then grasping his now rigid sex, stroking it expertly as he groaned. The hot flesh pulsed beneath her fingertips and she fought the urge to take him into her mouth right there - they simply didn't have the time. She made a mental note to make it up to him later. His hands traveled under her skirt and tugged at her pantyhose, and he pulled away from her just long enough to slip them down and off of her. When he stood back up he took her head in his hands and kissed her again with an almost frightening ardor. She returned it fully, taking his tongue into her mouth and sucking on it, scraping lightly with her teeth. They just kissed, for what seemed like forever, the hum of the fluorescent lighting and their heightened breathing the only sounds in the tiny bathroom. He tasted of Merlot, heavy and deep. Finally his hands moved down to her thighs and he entered her, slowly, sinking into her with a strangled groan. She wrapped her hands around his neck to support herself as with sure, measured strokes he began to thrust into her, easing in and out of her with practiced ease. She dug her heels into the backs of his thighs and moaned softly. Her hands tangled in his hair; his clasped the small of her back. Their eyes met and he smiled at her, kissed the tip of her nose. Existence narrowed to pure sensation. The calluses on his fingertips against the soft flesh of her back. Her flesh sheathing his. The delicious friction as his cock slid in and out of her. His breath hot against her neck. His soft hair between her fingers. The smell of his cologne, of his sweat, mixed with the pungent smell of sex. The way he looked at her. Like he was drowning. "So...good," he whispered against her ear, harsh, wet words. She bit her lip and reached down to clutch his behind, a signal to speed up the tempo. He obeyed, as always, slamming her against the lip of the tiny aluminum sink, running his mouth over her neck, her lips, her face. They moaned in unison, a song of their own making, trying to stay quiet and failing miserably. With any luck the roar of the plane's engines would drown them out. Almost the instant she started to come he did too, the two of them convulsing, jerking, burying their faces in each other's necks in an attempt to muffle their involuntary cries. Time crystallized as their bodies surrendered to momentary oblivion. When it was over the hum of the artificial lighting was deafening. Everything seemed sharper, enhanced. Razor-edged. Scully breathed a ragged sigh as Mulder slipped out of her. He slumped against her, laid his head against her breast. She placed a kiss on the top of his head tenderly, with more than a hint of amusement. "That was one dare I'm glad I accepted," she said throatily against his hair. He grunted in contented agreement and wrapped his arms around her waist. "We should get going," she whispered. "We're lucky no one's pounded on the door yet." Mulder made a protesting sound deep in his throat, but reluctantly straightened and started putting himself to rights. Scully did the same, and they incurred a lot of elbowing and accidental hitting as they tried to maneuver in the cramped space. "Ready?" he asked when they both looked presentable. She nodded. He kissed her briefly before he opened the door and poked his head out. "I'll go first, then you wait a beat and follow." "Right." One by one they strolled down the center aisle, careful not to move too slow or too fast. Scully barely resisted whistling a nonchalant tune herself. =Nothing to see here...= She had a sneaking suspicion their fellow passengers were staring, but forced herself to chalk it up to paranoia. They slipped back into their seats with nary a hitch. Scully glanced at the surly Gen X-er, who was now reading a "Preacher" comic book and mouthing the words to whatever tune was blasting into his ears. Lovely. She sighed and settled into her seat, smiling as Mulder went into his leg-manipulation ritual. He looked over at her and grinned, sending a flush of heat straight down her core and making her wonder how much time they had left until the plane landed. It was going to be a long flight... "Where did Mona go?" Mulder wondered. "I =really= worked up a thirst." "I can't imagine how," Scully said, smiling. As if on cue their favorite flight attendant materialized at Mulder's elbow. "Are you two enjoying your flight?" she asked archly, awaiting further orders. Scully offered her a smirk. "You have no idea." End.