TITLE: YULE VIBRATIONS AUTHOR: DONNILEE E-MAIL: donnilee@snet.net WEB SITE: http://donnilee.tripod.com RATING: NC-17 SPOILERS: Nope. DISCLAIMER: Nope, not mine. I make them do interesting things their owners never would! The X-Files characters belong to Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions and Fox Broadcasting. No money made here. SUMMARY: Mulder buys Scully a naughty Christmas gift and they take it to work. DEDICATION: This one goes out to my wonderful, slendifourous beta reader who requested a "remote toy story". Here is the first installment babe. You got my gears turning! Hope this scratches your itch. THANKS: As always, a big shout to my wonderful beta reader, Sdani, who prevents me from looking stupid! Thanks, darling. Hugs and kisses. XXXXXXXXXX PART 1 (NC-17) DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, D.C. DECEMBER 25, 2001 TUESDAY - 8:00 AM I giggled my ass off when I opened the last package under the tree. Mulder and I were sitting cross legged on the floor, surrounded by shredded wrapping paper, bows and presents. He'd gone completely overboard buying me clothes, jewelry, books, candles and a new bedspread that I had admired in the window of the Better Bedding store. But this last one he'd stashed behind the tree and pulled it out when we were all done. He handed it to me and grinned like a mischievous kid, watching me closely for my reaction. "Mulder, you already got me too much stuff!" He chuckled, "This one is special and it's the last one, I promise." I nodded and ripped the paper off and immediately began to giggle. "What do you think, Scully?" I shook my head in amusement and smiled up at him from under my lashes. He loved it when I did that. "You're wicked." "Yes I am." I grinned and pulled out my stashed present. Seemed that great minds think alike. I handed it to him and he raised his eyebrows. "What's this?" "My last present to you," I said simply. He smiled and pulled the paper off. He gasped and then fell sideways, laughing so hard that tears streaked down his face and he gasped for breath. When his mirth was under control, he sat back up and said, "Who'd have thought Dana Scully could be as naughty as I am?" I'd smiled and leaned forward, pulling him in for a long, slow kiss. We'd sat back and each just stared at the boxes in our hands. I was holding a small vibrating pack that slid inside specially made underwear and pressed against your clitoris, held in place by straps that made up what was barely a G-string. And there was a remote control. Mulder was just staring at the package in his hand and still shaking his head. He held it up next to his head and mouthed, "Remote Control Cock Vibe?" We laughed again and so ended our Christmas morning. We were heading to my mother's house later, but had decided to spend Christmas morning together. That's how it all started. And then it got out of control. XXXXXXXXXX MARGARET SCULLY'S HOME BALTIMORE, MD DECEMBER 25, 2001 TUESDAY - 12:00 PM We'd had a nice brunch with my Mom and the rest of the relatives. We got a kick out of watching my nephews open their presents. Both Grandma and I spoiled them rotten. Matthew and Mark were now six and four and still believed in Santa Claus. So they got presents from Aunt Dana and Grandma Scully. But I was as surprised as everyone else, when Mulder pulled out presents from a bag he'd brought in and handed them to the kids saying, "Oh, what's this? Santa left something at my house for you, too!" They'd squealed and ripped the packages open to find a large Tonka dump truck and a large Bat Mobile, complete with action figures. He went to the bathroom and returned, standing under the archway between the dining room and living room, looking casual and sexy in his black khaki's and red turtleneck along with black boots and belt. He was sans the black leather jacket that was now hanging in the closet. He looked like a lanky, muscular ninja in that outfit. I always loved him in a turtleneck and I'd never seen this one before. I walked over to him and slipped my arm around his waist as we watched the kids play with their new toys. My mother and Tara were doing something in the kitchen and Bill had gone outside to puff on his pipe. "You didn't have to do that, Mulder," I whispered. He looked down at me. "Why not? I didn't want to be the only one that didn't bring anything for the kids." "You aren't obligated." He frowned at me. "I don't feel obligated. I wanted to do it, Scully. It's something I CAN do. Besides, it not like I have a family of my own to spend it on." I felt sad for him suddenly and he squeezed me, jostling me gently. "No bumming, lady. It's Christmas." I smiled at him and he leaned down to nuzzle my hair. "Besides I have you." I nuzzled back and whispered, "Yes you do." He looked up and then pointed up with his index finger. I tipped my head back to see a gigantic sprig of mistletoe hanging from the molding. I smiled and met his eyes. He leaned in slowly, his hands on my waist. He kissed me gently, almost in slow motion, his tongue gently teasing my lips. I hummed in the back of my throat and he deepened the kiss, but still didn't speed up. We heard a throat cleared rather noisily and pulled back to find my brother, Bill standing in the middle of the living room, scowling at us. My family knew we were a couple now, or at least that we were "dating", as I put to them. But we had yet to be openly affectionate in front of them. Bill knew better than to say anything at this point. We'd talked and come to an agreement. He wouldn't pick on Mulder and I would try not to rub our relationship in his face. He probably figured I was breaking my half of the bargain, but it was Christmas and I was damned if I was gonna act all guilty. I loved Mulder and he was just going to have to accept it one way or another. "Oooppps," Mulder whispered playfully to me and waggled his eyebrows. I laughed out loud, only making Bill scowl harder. I looked again and saw my mother and Tara in the door from the kitchen, smiling at us. I pointed to the mistletoe by way of explanation and shrugged. We joined everyone in the dining room for coffee and then made our way back home. XXXXXXXXXX DANA SCULLY'S APARTMENT GEORGETOWN, D.C. DECEMBER 26, 2001 WEDNESDAY - 4:00 PM I moaned as Mulder's mouth suckled my breast, teasing my turgid nipple with his rough textured tongue, never losing suction. "Aaawww, Mulder." "Mmmm," was his only response. He rolled from my side and insinuated himself between my legs. I raised them and draped them over his slender hips. His erection nudged my wet opening. He let go of my breast so he could move into position, taking his weight on my elbows. He stared into my eyes as he slid home, pressing my walls aside and embedding himself deeply. He stopped as we both breathed out shaky breaths. He smiled and began stroking slowly and steadily. He murmured, "Oh God, Scully, you always feel so good." "Mmmm," was my only response this time. He chuckled as he sped up, his eyes never leaving my face. "Look at me," he whispered when my eyes closed against the ripples of pleasure that were fluttering up my torso. His chest brushed my nipples and I gasped, opening my eyes. He leaned down to place a gentle kiss on my lips then lifted his head again. An errant lock of hair was falling over his forehead, making him look rumpled and so sexy. We'd began making out on the couch and soon found ourselves in the bedroom, right in the middle of the day. We had today off from work but had to return tomorrow. I said, "I love you, Mulder." "Ohhhh," he hummed, speeding up again, his strokes shortening. "You'll never know, Scully." "Know what, G-Man?" He smiled a toothy smile, the one that made my internal organs feel like they were shifting for position. "How much I love you," he mumbled, dropping his head into the crook of my neck and rolling forward, tipping my hips up with the force of his stroke. I groaned as he sunk even deeper, pressing on my cervix. Seconds later I felt his pubic bone roll over my clit and I began to vibrate with a slow, powerful orgasm as he pumped in and out of me at a rapid pace. As my tremors died down, he shouted, "Ssscccuuulllyyy!" as he let go and poured his own release inside me, making me shiver with warmth. XXXXXXXXXX After cleaning up, we covered up and I said, "What are we doing for dinner?" "I don't care," he said drowsily. I smiled and snuggled into his side. He hugged me with his one arm draped across my bed, tugging me in closer to his body. "Not hungry yet?" I asked. He turned and waggled his eyebrows at me. "Yeah, but not for food." I chuckled. "We just finished!" I cried in mock amazement. He smiled and said, "So when are we going to try out our new toys, Scully?" "Ooo, I don't know." "How about tomorrow?" he suggested. "We have work tomorrow." "Yeah, I know." I lifted up on my elbow to better see his face. "You're kidding! You want to use those things at work?" "Why not?" "Why not? Mulder, Jesus!" He smiled a playful smile and said, "I'll bet I could make you come in the middle of the office without ever laying a hand on you." I raised my eyebrow. "You think so, do you?" "Oh yeah, you'd be begging for it." I slapped his chest, "Mulder!" "Oww!" he hollered, "What was that for?" "For being such a ... guy!" "I am a guy," he said with all seriousness. "I know, silly." "What do you say, Scully?" "I don't know, Mulder. We agreed to keep our relationship secret at work." "I know but ..." "And we agreed to be discreet and keep our relationship outside of the Hoover Building." "I know, but I'm dying to try it out. And if we don't do it at work, we'll have to wait until next weekend!" I chuckled. "Poor baby. A whole week." "That's an awfully long time, Scully, to wait to play with a new toy." "You'll live, Mulder." "I don't think so." "We can use it in the evening. We don't have to wait until next weekend." "That won't be as much fun." "Why not?" "Because the idea here is to be able to tease you all day. Plus, doesn't it titillate you just a bit to think of wearing that thing at work, under your business suit." God help me, but it did. He continued, "And no one knows you have it on under that prim and proper skirt of yours." "Mulder ... please," I tried to inject a warning into my voice, but it wasn't very effective. He smiled a predatory smile at me and said, "They'll be payoff." "And what will that be? Being driven crazy all day at work or ... heaven forbid I succumb to the damn thing ... embarrass the hell out of myself!" "It will just be you and me in the office, Scully. Nobody ever comes down there." "I don't know, Mulder." "Aww, come on, Scully. Let's be daring for once." I winced, wondering if he thought I wasn't as sexually adventurous as he would like me to be. That was a fear of mine still. He'd mostly put those fears of not measuring up to rest. However, every once in a while it would pop again, usually after a comment like that. My thoughts must have shown on my face because he responded. "Scully, not that we aren't normally adventurous. It's just that it would be something new and exciting. And I'd like to try it is all. But if you're not into it, we won't do it. It has to be fun for you too." "Do I get to have my turn?" I asked. "To torture me at work?" "To torture you, period," I confirmed. He nodded, his lips twisting as he considered it. "I guess so." "You GUESS so? No way, Buster. You get to have a go at me, then I get to have a go at you." "It's only fair I suppose." "Damn straight, it is!" He chuckled. "Tomorrow then?" I hesitated. I wasn't sure this was a good idea. "Mulder, we'd be playing with fire. Maybe we should just wait until our next day off or something." He looked me right in the eye. "Why? You chicken?" Oh, the bastard. He knew I couldn't resist a dare or a challenge like that. "I'm NOT chicken, I just don't know if it would be good idea to indulge in these activities at work." He looked at me steadily, smirking. "I dare you," he said slowly. Darn it! Now I couldn't back down. He was issuing a direct challenge. "No fair!" He chuckled. "We'll make it even more interesting. I'll bet you dinner at the restaurant of choice that I can use that thing and make you come at work." "No way. You'll excite me, but I won't come. The environment alone will prevent it. I'll be too uptight." He stuck out his hand, "It's a bet." XXXXXXXXXXXXXX PART 2 (NC-17) J. EDGAR HOOVER BUILDING DECEMBER 27, 2001 THURSDAY - 9:00 Buzzzzzz. I jumped when it went off the first time and tensed. I looked up from my computer at my partner. He was sitting casually in his chair staring at his computer screen, feigning disinterest in me. The giveaway was the tiny smirk turning the corner of his mouth up. I gritted my teeth and turned back to the expense report I was trying to fill out on the new computer form they'd given us. What a pain in the ass. I couldn't remember the name of the hotel and stood up to go get the file. I took one step and felt it again. Buzzzzz. I scuffed my toe and stumbled slightly, righting myself, throwing Mulder a mock dirty look and stalking off to the cabinet. I opened the drawer and began fingering through the folder, reading the labels. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. I gasped as I felt my clitoris vibrate and wetness pool between my nether lips. I gritted my teeth again and tried to pretend I hadn't been affected. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. I felt my nether lips swell and part with a soft sucking sound that I felt more than heard. It was amazing how quiet this thing was. I had put the little G-string on this morning and Mulder had inserted the little battery pack. I'd pulled my panties on over it, unwilling to wear just that like he'd wanted me to. My navy suit fit me snugly and I'd worn a light blue silk blouse with it. I saw the correct file finally, and snagged it, pushing the drawer closed. It slammed harder than I intended and I heard him chuckle. I pointedly ignored him as I went back to my chair and sat down gingerly, feeling my equilibrium come back. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. I sucked in a breath and opened the file. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. I felt moisture trickle out of my lips and tickle my skin as it pooled in my panties. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. My clitoris buzzed and I hummed in the back of my throat, still feeling the phantom vibration after the little torture device was no longer vibrating. His low voice floated to me from across the room. He was speaking quietly but loud enough for me to hear. "I'm excited, Scully, just thinking about what's going on in your underwear right now." I pursed my lips. This wasn't going to help. He knew his voice drove me wild when he was aroused. The conditions of our deal were that he couldn't touch me but he could indiscriminately use the remote control to vibrate my panties. And he could say anything to me as long as no one else was around. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. He held the thing on for a long, drawn out vibration and I moaned softly. "I'll bet you're wet, Scully," he teased me, his voice rough and lightly aroused. "I'm thinking about how good you taste. I love tasting you and licking your clit." Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. "Awww, shit," I muttered under my breath, feeling my thighs begin to vibrate gently. I pressed my legs together and at just that moment, he hit me again. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Having my legs pressed together only increased the intensity of the vibration. "Ohohohoh," I warbled out under my breath. His voice floated to me again as I pretended to read the file. I tried to inconspicuously spread my legs. I tipped my hips forward and spread my legs as far as my skirt would allow. "But the best," he continued, "is when I can feel your clit vibrate on my tongue when you come." Uuggg! I grunted internally, picturing his tousled brown hair between my legs and remembering his oral skills in this area. His voice became a little lower and more gravelly as he said, "I want to do it again, make you come again like the time you came on my tongue when I pressed my finger into your ass. Remember? You'd never experienced female ejaculation before. I was so thrilled that I'd made you feel that for the first time." Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. "Oh, shit!" I gasped. I grabbed the sides of my jacket and clenched them together tightly, letting my skirt ride up as I spread my legs further, trying to escape the intensity and length of the vibrations. My nipples were pulled up into hard little nubs of sensation. They ached. As if he'd read my mind he asked, "Are you nipples hard, Scully? God, I can't decide which I enjoy sucking on the most ... your perfect breasts and pink little nipples or your sweet pussy." "Hmmmm," I hummed and gave up trying to pretend that I was working. I leaned back in the chair and chanced a glance at him. He was watching me and spun his chair to face me. He sat with his legs spread, the remote in his hand resting on his thigh. His erection was tenting the front of his dress slacks. "I don't even have to touch you, Scully. I'm just reliving touching you and my cock is so hard." He paused, looking me in the eye. "And my balls ache." I ripped my eyes away from his. "Hssssss," I hissed and felt my legs restrained by my skirt as I tried to spread them wider. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. "You can touch yourself, Scully ... if you want to," he suggested. "No way!" I ground out. He chuckled. "Well you don't mind if I do, do you?" My eyes snapped over to his to find him unzipping his gray Armani slacks. "Mulder!" Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. "Ohohohoh!" I gasped again. He hand slipped into his pants and he deftly retrieved his cock from inside the opening in the front of his boxer briefs. It was dark pink and incredibly rigid as it stuck out of his fly. His hand dipped inside again and he gently pulled his balls out so that they hung over the bottom of his zipper. He hadn't undone his belt or the button on his slacks so the base of his open zipper held his balls pushed up against his shaft. My mouth watered as he squeezed the base of his shaft and a drop of pre-cum appeared on the head. "Mulder!" "The door's locked," he said casually. His palm slid up to the tip and he used his thumb to spread the pre-cum over the head of his cock. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. "When you're not with me, I lay on the couch at home ..." he continued. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. "And I imagine the last time you gave me a blow job." Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. My torso rippled as I felt wetness trickle into the crack of my ass as I tipped my hips forward, slouching in my chair. "I love the sight of those pouty, fat lips wrapped around my cock." Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I pressed my palms on my boobs, trying to relieve the ache, not daring to grasp my nipples. It wasn't going to take much. And despite my confident declaration that the atmosphere of work would prevent me from getting excited enough to have an orgasm, I was rapidly approaching the point of no return. I should've looked away and I knew it, but I couldn't take my eyes off his rigid cock, towering out of his fly. His hand stroked slowly up and down. He moaned, "Oh Scully, if I close my eyes, I can picture it and I can almost feel you sucking on me." Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. "Oh, Gooddd," I whimpered, and began rocking my hips forward and back, lifting my crotch into the air as I flexed my hips and butt muscles. "Oh yeah, you're so fucking beautiful, Scully." Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. "Love your mouth. Love to make love to you ... but I love to have you suck my cock too." "Ohhhmmmm," I hummed, staring at him as he increased his ministrations on his cock with his right hand. The left one still held the remote that was torturing my engorged clit. It was so swollen, I could feel it's spongy walls rubbing on the G- string as my hips rolled and thrust forward, no longer caring if I came or not. I'd buy him dinner. Fuck it. This was torture. "Oh Mulder, I can't take it," I whimpered. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Buzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. The sound of his hand on his cock filled my ears. Slap. Slap. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap. "Oh yeah, Scully. You want to come? Huh?" I nodded vigorously. "Come here," he growled. Without any thought at all I stood up and walked to him, standing between his legs and staring down at his incredibly stiff cock, so thick and rigid. I gave up the last shred of pretense and grabbed my nipples through my blouse, pinching hard. "Aaawww, Aaawww, Aaawww, Mulder!" "On your knees, Scully." My eyes went wide as I realized what he wanted, and what he had called me over here for. I was too far gone to protest and fell to my knees, my hands sliding up his Armani covered thighs. I looked up at him, keeping my head down. "Yesss!" he hissed. "Oh God, Scully," he panted, his voice ragged. "Oh ... " his voice slid out breathy. He paused and then whispered, looking me in the eye. "Please suck me." I groaned low and took him into my mouth, sliding down his throbbing cock till he bumped my throat. I took a deep breath and did my new favorite trick, stretched my neck out and pushed, taking him down my throat. I could almost come from this alone. I groaned again and let the vibrations wash over his cock. "Ohhhh, fuck ... me!" he muttered. I began sliding him in and out of my throat, sucking as hard as I could. His breathing was ragged and I knew he was close. I began to whimper. I was so close, but I needed something to push me over the edge. I lifted off quickly and said, "Touch me." He shook his head. "I'm not supposed to, remember? That's my challenge." I whimpered again. I licked him from base to tip and he moaned softly. "Does sucking me make you hot, Scully?" He knew it did. I loved giving Mulder head. It excited me to excite him. I owned him when his cock was down my throat. I nodded and took him into my mouth again, swirling my tongue over his sensitive head again before descending again and taking him into my throat. I could feel his suspended balls on my chin each time I descended and took care to be sure I bumped them each time. He grunted and said, "Oh, I'm gonna come, Scully." I moaned. His hips thrust upwards into my face and I felt him pulse and begin squirting hot jets of cum into my throat. As soon as his orgasm started, he hit the remote, I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not. But he held it down as he emptied into my mouth. I gripped his thighs tight and swallowed. And swallowed and swallowed again. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. He shouted, "Oh God, sssooo gggooooooddd!" I was literally trembling from head to toe, when he subsided and let off the remote. I lifted my head, panting heavily, hardly able to keep my eyes open. I looked up at him and said, "You are going to pay!" He didn't smile. "I'm sorry, Scully. I really tried ... I wanted you to come." "Me too," I muttered, shivering with need. "I still can," he offered. I looked up at him and the phone rang. XXXXXXXXXX PART 3 (NC-17) J. EDGAR HOOVER BUILDING CONFERENCE ROOM DECEMBER 27, 2001 THURSDAY - 10:15 AM About one month ago, Mulder asked me what I want for Christmas. We had become lovers several months ago and he introduced me to some new things. I made the mistake of saying 'How about some new toys?' He'd asked, 'What would you like?' I'd blushed and then made my second mistake when I said, 'Surprise me.' He'd smiled wickedly and I knew I was in trouble before he even went shopping. Now I sit here only fifteen minutes into our annual budget meeting in Skinner's conference room. Each year, all agents under each A.D. gather and discuss the budget for the upcoming year for each division. As usual, the X-Files went way over budget this year. We were used to the disapproving looks from Skinner and the other agents. I pressed my legs tightly together as I felt the vibration, silent as could be, start up between my legs. At that moment, Skinner addressed me, "Agent Scully, do you have any ideas for cutting costs in the coming year?" At that moment, the sensations increased three fold and I gasped, "Uhhhssss," sitting straight up in my chair and shooting Mulder a look that could kill. He smiled innocently at me and I felt a flush creeping up my neck. "Nu, no, Sir!" I stuttered. "But I'll, wouuuhh ... work on it!" He cocked his head to the side and looked at me strangely. "See that you do, Agent Scully. Are you all right?" "Fine, Sir, I'm not feeling my best today." He nodded sagely and turned his attention to Mulder. I felt the vibrations die down and took deep breaths to calm my nerves, hoping that the wetness between my legs was not going to seep completely through my panties and leave a wet spot on the back of my skirt. I pulled my blazer tightly closed in front of me and hunched my shoulders trying to cover my nipples which were standing up at attention in response to the stimulation I was receiving ... whenever he felt like it. For the fiftieth time that day, and it was only a little after 10:00, I cursed myself for taking this bet. Skinner was talking again and I struggled to focus. "Agent Mulder, what about you?" Mulder turned his smiling face away from me and turned to Skinner. "Excuse me. What was the question?" Skinner scowled. "I would appreciate you making at least a token effort at paying attention, Agent Mulder. Now, do you have any ideas for cutting costs?" Mulder pressed his lips together tightly, suppressing a smile that wanted to emerge. Oh, I was really looking forward to torturing him now. Payback was going to be a bitch! He cleared his throat and with a perfectly straight face, said, "Well, sir. We are on the road more than most agents. We could always cut costs by renting just one hotel room instead of two." No one knew we were lovers. Not yet. There had always been speculation, but no one knew for sure. The irony that the relationship was new and people thought we'd been screwing for years, did not escape me. My mouth gaped open at him. I couldn't believe he'd just said that. "Mulder!" I cried. Several other agents snickered behind their hands. I could see Skinner biting the inside of his cheek, trying not to laugh. Mulder's deadpan delivery often caught people off guard. One of the agents at the other end of the table finally said, "Yeah, Spooky, you freakin' WISH!" This prompted a round of laughter and giggles from the other agents who thought it was a joke. Skinner just licked his lips. He cleared his throat and said, "I wouldn't mind you trying to be serious for a minute either, Agent Mulder." Mulder pasted his innocent look on his face and said, "Who said I was kidding?" More laughter and Skinner said, "That's enough Agent Mulder. You two work on it and get back to me with at least three suggestions for cutting costs." "When do you need the information, Sir?" I asked. He sighed. "Right after the New Year, Agent Scully." We nodded. He said, "You're dismissed." I leapt out of my chair, sending it skidding backwards a bit and drawing more looks from around the room. I hastily gathered my paperwork and briefcase, turned on my heel and practically bolted out the door without even giving Mulder a glance. I heard someone beside me say, "She's pissed. You're in trouble with the Missus now, Spooky." I didn't wait to hear whether or not he responded. I bolted for the elevator seeing the doors open as I approached. Only one other agent was on the elevator and I didn't recognize them. I jumped on and hit the button to close the door. I spotted Mulder striding around the corner and heading for the elevator. He shouted, "Scully, wait!" I just smiled at him as the doors closed and made no move to hold the door. The agent next to me said, "Agent ...." "Touch that door and you're a dead woman," I growled. She stood back and eyed me cautiously but did not reach for the door. I immediately felt my underwear take flight and vibrate against my already soaking wet crotch. I gasped, again and muttered, "Bastard!" The Agent on the elevator looked at me again but wisely kept her mouth shut. I felt the strength of the vibrations wan as we descended into the bowels of the Hoover Building and smiled as I remembered that the remote control that was causing me all this distress only had a 25 foot range. "Take that!" I thought, as I felt the stimulation die altogether. The elevator stopped at the basement and I exited the elevator. I turned to the Agent still on board and obviously heading for the parking garage. She shrugged as the doors closed. I sighed and made my way to the office, plunking down in my chair and leaning my head back, looking at the ceiling. A minute or so later, Mulder came through the door wearing a smile. I scowled at him, truly getting upset now. "Damn it, Mulder!" I cried immediately. He shrugged. "Scully ... " he began. "That was out of line! We were in a meeting for Christ's sake!" "I left you hanging." "I don't want to come in a meeting for God sakes!" "You didn't put any conditions on it." "Mulder, nobody knows we're together and I'd like to keep it that way, thank you very much!" I lowered my head to look at him and was stunned by the look of hurt on his face. "Mulder ..." "No, Scully. It's all right." "I didn't mean it that way." "What way? There's only one way to take that." "I mean, it's not for the reasons you're thinking." "Whatever. I'm going to go visit the lab and see if those results are in." "Mulder, let's talk about this," I entreated. He just stared at me for a seconds. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the small black remote control box. I stiffened visibly, bracing for another attack. He smiled, but it was a sad one this time. He took a couple of steps toward me and tossed it on the desk. It landed and skidded across the table top. I stuck out my hand to stop it. "Mulder?" "I just wanted to have fun. If you're that upset about it then we'll only use them at home. And don't worry, I'll be sure not to mention our relationship to anyone. Heaven forbid anyone should know you're my girlfriend." He turned on his heel and headed for the door. "Mulder! Damn it. You're taking this all the wrong way!" He looked at me for a second after turning back and looking over his shoulder. He swallowed visibly and said, "I'll see you later, Scully." He walked out, nearly slamming the door behind him. "Damn it!" I said aloud again to the empty office. This had started out to be a fun tease. Now it had all gone to shit. And I still hadn't come. I stuck my hand down my skirt and furiously frigged my clit. Shit! My hand stilled and lay limp in my chair, letting a sob well up out of my chest. I said out loud, "Damn it, Mulder. I love you, don't you know that?" I sat up straight and hung my head. I had better go after him before he got more worked up or did something stupid. I hated it when he ran away from me like this. That's usually what he did when we had a fight. I stood up just as the door swung back open. He slammed it behind him and locked it. He just stared at me. After a few seconds, he said, "I couldn't leave." He paused. "I heard you." I assumed he mean my expletive and then my declaration of loving him. I swallowed, feeling the tears in my throat. "Mulder ..." "What have you done to me?" he asked. I scrunched my brow in confusion. "I can't even have a decent fight with you anymore." I smiled then, feeling tears sting my eyes at the same time. He smiled sadly and walked over to me. He turned me away from him, maneuvered me to face my desk which was still littered with folders and papers. "Mulder, what are you ...?" I began. He gently pushed me down with a hand between my shoulder blades. I bent at the waist and felt my breasts touch down on the desk, a folder under my chest. Without a word, he lifted my skirt up over my ass. He yanked my panties down and they pooled around my feet. "Mulder?" "Shhh," was his only response. I heard him shuffle and then his shirt landed on the desk in front of my face. I looked over my shoulder. He stood there shirtless, his jacket over the back of my chair. I lifted my torso and shimmied out of my jacket. He took it and hung it over the chair on top of his. "Turn around." I did, feeling suddenly nervous and wondering what was going on. Was he going to fuck me right here in the office? I heard his belt come undone and his zipper slide down. "Mulder, we shouldn't ..." "Shut up, Scully." I gritted my teeth, feeling my legs tremble slightly as I stood there with my ass exposed to the cool air and my panties tangled around my high heel pumps. He brushed his fingers between my legs, feeling my wetness. He moaned softly, "Jesus, have you ever been this wet?" I swallowed. "I don't think so," I said hoarsely. I could feel his smile even though I couldn't see it. I felt him reach behind himself and as I went to turn, he said, "Eyes forward, Scully." I did, bracing my hands on the desk. One hand slid up my ribs, dragging my blouse up with it. I could feel his cock nudge my wet lips and sucked in my breath. His right hand slid inside my blouse and up under my bra. He griped my breast firmly and I moaned. His left reached down, and hooked the back of the G- string, moving to the side. He slid inside me with exquisite slowness until he was firmly seated. I wiggled my hips and he pinched my nipple. I whimpered and then as he started to make very slow, long, deep thrusts, the vibrator in my G- string came alive and I keened, "Aaaahhhhhhaaaaahhhhhh! Mulderereerrer! Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bbbuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Then he just embedded himself, letting the vibrations wash through me and over his cock. Both hands went to my hips and I felt him flexing his ass and grinding into me over and over in a circular motion, his balls brushing the outside of the vibrator that was buzzing on my clit. I began to tremble from head to toe, my mouth hanging open as odd, high pitched gurgles and keening sounds warbled out of the back of my throat. "OhohohohoaaaawwwwwwahhhhhhgggoooodddddMmmuuulllldd ddeeerrrrr! I whimpered after a deep breath, "Oh fuck, I'm gonna come so hard!" I didn't even realize this thing had speeds or levels of intensity, but apparently it did and he had only been using the lowest setting because all of a sudden, the vibrator leapt in my panties and began to vibrate faster and harder. His hand slid up and squeezed my breast as he began slamming into me, making a wet slapping sound against my soaking crotch. BBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! BBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! BBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! BBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! BBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! BBBBBBBBBUUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! As my body broke apart in one of the most wrenching orgasms of my life, my body shook and my back arched while my ass clenched, my core walls fluttering spastically around his rigid cock. Just then, the folder beneath me seemed to wedge itself under the bottom of my nipple and cut into me as I was wracked with my orgasm. He grunted, "Oh fuck!" The beginning of a screetch erupted from my throat, "EEEEEEEEEE....." Suddenly his hand was in front of my face and his shirt was held against my mouth, balled up in his fist which had abandoned my breast. His removing his hand had made the file slide up and bite into my nipple through the blouse. I bit into the fabric and let the sound come, muffled by the smooth silk of his dress shirt stuffed into my mouth. "UUUUMMMMPPPPHHHMUUUPPPDDRRRR, OHHHHHHAAWWWWWAAAAHHHHH! His body leaned over mine sharply as he stopped thrusting, pressed my hips into the edge of the desk and poured into me, his hips jerking out of his control. The pressure ground my vibrating clit into the table and I shouted another muffled curse, "OOOHHHHFFFFUUCCPPPHHH!" into his shirt as I spasmed again. We both fell limp and the buzzing stopped. I heard the remote fall to the floor and clatter softly on the cement. Mulder panted in ragged breaths over my head as we tried to regain our control. He began to pull back and said, "Don't move yet." I nodded. He pulled out and I heard him hitch up his pants. He strode to his desk and returned with a box of tissues. He cleaned me up as best he could. He took the battery out of my panties when I stood up and helped me pull up my panties after laying a couple tissues in the bottom of them. I smiled, knowing he saw the wetness in the crotch of my cotton panties. I leaned back on the desk after we rearranged our clothes. He put his shirt back one, now sporting a big wet spot on the sleeve where I had used it to muffle my cries. XXXXXXXXXX He stepped into me as I hitched up onto the desk and he sank between my legs as my skirt rode up. His hands went to my waist as he looked down at me. "I'm sorry," he said. I shook my head. "I guess I just didn't think you'd hit me with that when other people were around." "I shouldn't have." "Well, I didn't specify that we had to be alone." "You shouldn't have had to." We looked at each other in silence and he leaned down and kissed me softly. "Am I forgiven?" he whispered into my ear. I shivered. "Of course. And I just ..." He lifted his head when I hesitated. He cupped my face and asked, "What?" "If you want to tell everyone I'm your girlfriend, go ahead. I don't care. Shout it from the fucking roof top if that's what makes you happy. I care about what you think ... not what they think." He smiled softly and then swallowed, licking his lips. He leaned in and kissed me again. "I won't shout it from the rooftops, don't worry ... although that's what I feel like doing sometimes," he teased gently. I smiled. "I mean it, Mulder. I didn't want to hurt you. I just meant that we had agreed to keep it to ourselves amongst our co- workers and I thought you were jeopardizing that. But then I realized, I don't really care. If they were going to split us up, they would have by now." He smiled again. He shrugged. "Besides, no one wants your job," he joked. We both laughed then. I cupped his ass in my hands and pulled him into me. He grunted softly. "They better not," I said, giving him a saucy look. He laughed and I realized what a rare thing that was. I wanted to make Mulder smile more than he frowned. That was going to be my new mission. And I knew just how to get started. "So ... when do I get my revenge?" He grinned. "Tomorrow?" I shook my head. "You know, there's that pesky FBI New Year's Ball coming up," I hinted. His face fell and looked at me warily. He began to shake his head slowly. I just nodded in the affirmative. He blew air out of his lungs and said, "I'm in so much trouble." I grinned. "You don't know the half of it, Mulder. Your ass is mine." He smiled again and leaned into my ear, his lips brushing it as he whispered, "Don't you mean my cock is yours." "Mmm, that too," I replied. I felt him smile against my neck and we just held each other for a while. He finally disengaged and stood back. "How do you feel about taking the rest of the week off, Scully?" I raised my eyebrows, both of them. "We have the time," he said. "It's the holidays." "Christmas is over, Mulder." "Ah, but New Year's is coming up and I need to prepare myself." "And how do you propose to do that?" "By taking the week off and spending it in bed with you. That way, by New Year's Eve, my dick will be so sore and worn out, you won't be able to embarrass me in public." I smirked. "I'll bet I can, regardless." He held my gaze. He sighed. "I'm afraid you're right," he said softly. I smiled. "It's a bet." He tipped his head to the side. Changing the subject again, he said, "How about if I don't outright tell anyone we're together, but I don't go out of my way to hide it either." I smiled. "What are you thinking?" I asked, a warning in my voice. He pursed his lips. "Oh ... I don't know. Maybe we'll get caught holding hands someday, or my hand will decide it's new spot on your back is a little lower than it used to be." I growled, "Don't push your luck, Mulder." He smiled. "I love you, Scully." "I love you too, Mulder." "Let's go home," he replied and took my hand, tugging me toward the door. I was going to have to come up with a good plan to pay him back for all the torture he put me through today. Now that it was over, and my body was sated, I was already having wicked thoughts. This was going to be so much fun. Mulder's erections were hard to hide. It was going to be fun watching him try. 'Oh, the possibilities!' I thought. THE END.